The Goderich Star, 1928-01-12, Page 3VM•I••••••••., Ammo, • THURSDAY. JAN. tette tei 1Neighborhood News Nuggets BROINNIAL COUP IllY, MCKIM $0110 lira Joha itereatie atratrorti, out , entee• "I are pleased to take tete pportmety of eating you yr tee ex. Uz retoted to Dr. Waists Norway Syrup " tePIarly test winter I mitered from * lawn broaeldal oold that left we wifitu.provokiag, dry, hackles cough,. AtAfter Wog bothered, both eight and dey, whit it, for Nate time, I . ha4 a profeatioual *urn rtssautatald Out above ough syrsp whitk r tried witk wonderful result*, lord now it 'Ire the only remedy I ever use for 'Wawa' "Dr. Wo'*" Ramey Pine 13;rup Ia aate, a bottle, large hail/Loin 60e. Put up only by The T. Milburn Coe ablated, Tomato, Ont. ••••••••••,.•••••••• MIMIC LALltA JACKSON, A. T. C. mi. Instruction givert n Plano. Residence southeast corner of Baytteld and IWO tannia need. LEGAL CARD 11. U iWflflW. Barrister, Solicitor, Watery Publie, Etc., Succeasor 10 .1. L. Killoran •Pitotte 97 001ce, The Stelare, teelerieh ERNEeT M. LEE. Barrister end Solicitor 10 Ring. Street-I:est; Toronto, 2 velePilones Elgin 8116-8417 afaVOLEY E. HOLMES. *ea liarfaster, Solloitote' Notary PHONE 27 311113/4A.U411.471h1014 a •••••.- SPECIALIST - ` J. 11. ateliSTER. . EYE, EA11.,NOSE, THROAT, . Late 'tootle Serowe. New York ()pb- lhalmie and Aura' Hospital, assistant at 'Moorefield's. Eye llospitd and Golden 'Square Throat Ileseital, London, P..ng. 53. Waterloo St. S. Stratfora. Vele. phone St67. At Hotei.Bedford, Goderlek, on • the evening of third 'Mendel et each nienth OH the following day. Tuesday, .at 1 Tem. Picked From Our Exchanges " 'Engagement . - Wen ich, acted es vatneeses. The Mrs. Arthur Smith, teceea aloe:, haPPY Young eJuP10 wilt reside in Vie Brueeele. Strnqunces the engagement, cite' ef London. of her younger daughter. ftie 'Ley- R. T. Reneges Twelfth Term i Reeve her, tGordon Knight, second son of J. P. and Mrs. Knight, of they tewed ear. T. Reyeraft, reeve of Bidduiph, o ship, the marriage to take piece in and Mts. Reyeraft, were pleasantly January. surprised at a gethering of the town- Airth-Webber ship's couneillore and officials at the A very quiet wedding was Boone 'home of Tent Hodgine, Clerk of Bid - nixed in St. Jobn's church, Moose delPla when theY were Prettented . .."br4- .••••4 CHIROPRACTeCs taRlIGLESS Pttate:TITIONER. N. leTRINSON. • Jaw: SaSkt 021 December 25t1, by WI h go Areleactecon jWells Janson, parie la. Ur. Re 'aft has been reeve of when Phylis Mar Webber, •datrgh- the telanahia for eleven years, end ter a ¥r a&d Mva. Henry Weber of again leeen elected foe another Moose jaw, was united. in' marriege Itite tem' to James Leslie Myth, son of Mr. toe Finglatel-Brown Wm lame Airtb, Exeter, Out. I The marrioge o blisa Elizabeth, Late George Bladewell • deugliter of Mrs. at A. Brown, 116 One ee the, most Iug1d eesaeeted Edgewood avenue, Toronto,. to Mr. xeeitients a the township of Hay, MittaraYrt " at Ur' and passed awa3r 7on„sdurday,,..evening,,Yre. John Vineland, of Londesitoro. December 81st, in the peon ot Geo. teak .014-4 n1Dhl-St''-AlidtreW115 . e Blackwell. who livea with his broth- tellareh, Toronto, on JanardMiss exe poem, en the font edauleing his talrown gratluated from Clinton Col - own, on the Parr Line. Deceased legiate and has had an interesting was a son of the late Mr. and Mrs. eaPerience on the teacbing staff of shirepraeter and Drueleee Theraelse Godericit•. rhronle. Ormude one Nervotte Diseases 'equipped . with Diathermy, Electra- magnetle Baths, Eleterottie Eieetric Treatments and tatiroptoctic. Glace ittoure-2 to 3 and 7 to 9 pan. andehy ttppolnitotent, exzeotine etondaw and Thuraday afternoens etui eveninee: office hours --2 to .3 and 7 to 9 p. a Lady In Attendence, Residenee and Oftice-Corner of South St. and larlionnts Road. AUCTIONEBRING teraottiAS NDRY, Live Stock and General Auctioneer, Benetton Street, Cetierieh Sales made everywhere'and all efforts made to give yon satisraettort. Farraers' sale notes discounted. ratilaltatT fteint8ra0N. Auctioneer. leidon 51.. Goderich • will conduct and arrange any Sale OTI the ottest methods to get beet resting. See him. or drop a card and he win give Iternmedide attention. Pram Sales a vipeelaltes • * NOTARY ETC. 1.trd. DA1Lla. we . NOT4ellY PUBLIC Geneve! Conveyancing done Good aompaniee Reeresente.1 Phone No. 298. Goderiele Ont. INSURANC itfeeKILLOP MUTT/Ai, LIRE INSUit- eaa ANCla COMPANY. Thos. Bieehevela of the parr, Line Toronto. One year she spent en ex - Ray township, and was in his 59th ahangeitt London, 'England, anti while there travelled extenstvely• in Italy, Switzerland •and France. Mrs. King Dies Steddenle • Citizens of Clinton were shocked laeae. of Eseetee. had 'Wren its flight, ThursdaY, JO. 5th, by the lime that he ;having pessea away quite sudden. Mrs. Walter King had died very sul- ly at his home on William eteeete doily at her. home Wednesday even. ear. Keys had been around as usual, ing ebout nine o'clode the Moe on Saturday, having been an town 121 being a stroke. Mrs. Xing had at. the aetenueen, In the,. evenina eleatended the meeting of the W. A. at was taken Bi and early Sunday morn e the Preitaaterian thumb, in the aftep- fag InteSed aW0t. The,, deemed was noon and had taken part in the :work 76 years .of age. taf the organization, being alMarentla atillerexehatein ln her usual health and spirits. She year and unnuoglea. The Late John Keea The New Year haa seareely been ushered in ere the spirit of Mr. 4. -walked home and -eltortly after A happy. alattinnakiel event "5 reaching her own home was strickea elebrated at St. 'Peter's Cathedral,. London, on Tuestitte, December 27,114414 'thed immediatelY' when Miss Velma Kelstein, of Lon- WIlrougltbeoWells - • don, was united, in holy anatrattiony le quiet but pretty wedding -tool to Mr. 'Daniel Miller, else of that lance on Saturday. December 31st; at eity. and son of Mr. William Miller, the Wingham Crated time& pavson- of.Zurich. 1rs. Yarabei Weisteen, of age, when Miss Madera?, Wells, Loader) and Mr. Gordon Millet:, of Youngest daughter Mi. and. Mrs. - Josiah Wells, isecame the bride of Mr. 11MOS Irwin Willoughby, only son of Mr. and Mrs, D. Willoughby, of Arthur. They were attended by the bride's sister and brother-in-law, Me. ape Mrs. /. alontgonieres The Latee-Androw-Baciney Mr. Andrew Hackney, who passed lawasr at -his home in Exeter on Mon- - day. Decerniber 26th, woe bean in :Hibbert township. being a sen of the late John and Margaret Hackney: Wage vete 65 years and -6 months. Ifeekney farmed with his broth- ers in Hibbert on the tad holm until the was married to Susan Remick. of Wawanosh. The funeral was held on Wednesday afternoon, Dec. ailth, elue remains being .1aid to rest in Stelae cemetery. I Overholt-liedley ?ARM AND ISOLATED TOWN PROP, EitTir INSURED. Value ot property Insured ti to 3.1 nary. Otte r3ki8,073.00. er*.t. OFFICERS -James _Connolly, Peed-- dent, Godetich; 33s, wane, Vice -West- . tient, lieeehwood; T. E. liar% Seco' Free's.; Seeforth. DIRECTORS -Iv F. McGregor. Sea - forth; J. G. Grieve,. Winthrop; Wm. Wan, Constance:, eatorge eteCartneY. Toekersnilth; , John' Terris, llarlock; John Bennewera. Ttrotellragen; alerral Gibson, Brueeaeld. AGENTS -J. W. Teo, Gederlohl Sarlda Leitch, Mahon Win. Cheney, Sea* emelt; ft. Ifinehley. Seaforth. •er---------Peoecy. Bottlers ran PaY their aseese- treads at it it. "cows iterrevereiterithe A. J. Maritifett Cloaaing Store, Clinton; .or II. Bold's. Baylleld, eses slat 1,43VMANC1C Have it attended to ny the eVEtiT VIAWAIMIN MOM. elet 01111111alitt 40 Established 1878 • ;k1 •Po Head Olike Dunganstee, (hit. 'Wm. J. Thompson, Auburn, Pres.; Wm. Watson, Vice Pres.; James Gir. yin, Hon. Director; Directors -Wm, McQuillan, St. Helots; W. P. Reed, R. Ti. NO. 2. Larkaow; Harty L. Sal. /cold, Goderielt; Alex. Nicholson, Luelc.. Now; Tim Griffin. R. R. No. 7, rata. now; them Hewitt, Khwardine; Rat. Davidson, Dungannon. Rate -00.00 per thousand. THOR. women, T. G. AMEN, Treas. Setubal. ave Tou Skin fro DAY heed_ to early symptoms . of skin disease 1 At the first sign of any ,,unpleattant iamb, irrit4iOn or eruption, anoint it withaZarioatelt. This quickly soothes and beads. off .disease,. • Where skin is already aflame with *come or ia.polsoeed. sore 'or ulese- rated, Ettin.eitte is, the one gentle heal. ingbaim that gets right at the root of the trouble. Zana-Bult espels dinesse, ni and grows new clear skin. ; Zuatatik*ts evemtadycharatter sar. eeeePtional healing, soothing *rid anti. septic value have won ic.r it * perm,. tient place in over * million hornet. Get * bo* of this great hereel balm to -day, and keep it rawaye bandy • Mrs. W. Campton, of Barmy River Station. N.B., says:-" Watery erup- tions, on niy,dauettera taco an4 ones tree woes turned to open Sorett WO tried almoni e g we new ore o vaunt anms Anal*. This halm Gloated and heated in, stril skink& surprising war," Oat o ;too of Xatipilath ,o, deals. buggy I: ens silo only. *Li s for 411.23 Xion-Jesk gratigkai Sbotb, 2#0; tithe 1 The 'following is taken front The aprantfordEl.-1)0810w: A very pvetty wedding was -solemnized at the home la Mr. and Mrs, J. E. Overholt. whet Celia Eurhemiit, daughter of Mrs, A. 1 /realm', Lueknow, was united in the aholy bonds of matrimony to Albert fEdward. son of Mr, and Mrs,. J. Z ICtveritolt, of Brantford. Ont: The eereraony -was pertorned by the Rev. 4 C. II. Scoffield, of Immanuel Baotist 'n' f I di ithurch in the prase ee o nune ate relatives of the bride tuirgroora. 1 Former Brosselite Dies Suddenly The death nieblrs. Chris. Seel, for- merly of Clinton. occurred suddenly eat her home in Chatham On etrednes. ,daar. December 28th. Late Tuesday Might demised was attacked with ;want was thought to be acute indi. ostion and 4 playsieiart was ealleed who gave tenmorary relief, but only ,for a few hours, when he lapsed in- to unconsciouaness mid passed away. Wednesday evenito. Um. Seel was born near Parkhill. Ont.. 47 years ego, and was the eadest daughter of THE LITTLE atteeeOW TIC 'in.6.1101114-1‘4141 &ON- .ftii,' Akki' 11114k ii tileill none at- ,. "1 bave a little saittlow wile glee *rile:was m and out with me" writee u busy . D.etttlarte, peyehologiste, neureleg- motber who is lometieues irked by latat 4!,1 all" that fala daas Inare the tonstant eare of a smell yotenge Rooelt„ aa more readaY digeeted aad stew in the stage when he is "untlar aaanaalataalt if eaten in Plauant "Ira foot all the time." He is clinging aelanhaaat M 4 Pkaaant inaada alal if to her laretre when she woula rim It ie appealtng to the eye as well as deem Maks. Ile elimbe on the back to the extlate. The garnish, in other of her chair when she writes eu, let e warda' al Inueb 44 11444ttc °t g°4 �n 'taste," when she Is cooking dinner, Igen aaa vette", garnsiseth ssitiotid be edible CZ WiletteArer possible, tee. Ire vranteeetee and to 41.,rhat' and be la over and on her whceeee she sits down tp read ea to sew. and most gianishee, with the exeep. tion of the frilled paper tips placed Sometimes he. "AV think hirn a en chops and erown roasts, are edie nuistance, end'ahe sighs a bit envious- eie. ly when she sees Iter neighbor simply Pareley and lemon are the home - wife's etand.bys for gamllehes, be- e -Jets easy as thatl But, olt, bow aauee they are Always obtainable, tenement° that mother is if _sometme, avid" aeentha eat of the twelaa, btirroars thelialiy for a latilf dear It eehe heasewite Who Oats net neee-so VI nmy seem a tritle hard, At thine, to I let so closely tied down, but ItQW gall° umekets eart grow Iter OW11 , parsley in a pot on the, kitchen, win - quickly the years pass and carry tne ,dow. sue 01 course,. lemons are ale "little shadow" away out into to world! itt the after years of loon- ea kitchen, and there ie gcsreely a :woe to 1* found in every well.steek- nese whielt follow, that mother will ear when meths not needed tor soave - Bromou BITS. 000IER CH Orders e▪ sistalty attentlei to at all bours-isiged or ditto W. aro tiss laspretors of attaterey in aid for rho 011141160 of friaron, Moss: Mons 111.; assidesece 211. Children Cry ,)PSS 1111.1111 4 I turnbagoPaini Rub Backache Away Instant Had with a swh is trial bottle of -old "tit. Jacobs OM" ;•-•": Kidney's e*USe .Backsche2 Not They 'have ne nerves, therefore cafl not ratter pain. Listent Your back' ache is caused by !MAW. SeiatiCA or a strain, and the quichost relief it soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil." Rub it right on your painful back, and instantly the sorenesestiffness and latnetiess disappears. Don't stay trippledt Get a amalt tritd bottle of put on her hot and walk down town look tack yearnmgly at those melt days, viten someone who loved her and eouilded in her and needed her was Itheays at her elbow. THE IMPORTANT GARNISH 'It was little New York City school. leirl Who raised her hand in the width* dos When the texteher asked, 'What is a garnish?" and all thm rest of the Arms looked dumb. founded. • know, Teacher'," piped Yetta. etas: 'parsley." There are a $•ood meoy oznenlike Zetta, who think that parsley is all there is to the entire subject of gar - loo !thing. Fide whether *meta or 'petetor of -the llohnesville eircuit of the Methodist denote at the home of Oa tete Christopher Nesbitt And Mrs. Nesbitt of the sixteenth, the farm. IWW• owned and occupied by Mr. Bert Lobe. On their marriege Mr. and Mrs. Telkeitt settled on the farm on the Maitland, where they stifl veeide. The bride of ,fifty years ago was born in County Kilkenny, Ireland, aed came to Canada when a girl of about seventeen; accompanied. by a brothee, David, who now reside at Oxbow, Sask. Miss Sheppard re- enained with Mr. and Mrs. Nesbitt until her marriage about three year* later. The bridegkoOnt was born on a farm on the Maitlaed, where he lute' always continued to eeside. Re was a son *tithe late Mr. and Mrs. Wei-, gate Tebbett. Mr, 4nd Mrs, Tehbutt have a family of three daughters and - two . sons, Mrs. W. E. Sheppard, of Wasbineton; Pars. P. _C. Pickard and Mrs..- Wo je Cox, of Goderieh town- ship; Will Tetfautt, of OOderieh, and Oscar, of Clinton. Thete are 'fifteen grandebildretO Bernier AShfied Man Murdered iti Flint, Mich. On Vaechtesday; 'Dec. 14th, John Brown, aged -26, on of Mr. and Mra. Mesa Brown, of Flint, Mich., and former residents of the 12th conces- sion Ashfield, near Amberley, was done to.his death in some yet' ne. known manner. Mr. Brown was a valuidoniployee in the experimental department of the Buick motor com- pany at faint, and in Utiles of rosh would work overtime and not come home for his supper. Ile hied not 'come 'home thate evening and at 11 o'clock the phone „rang. His mother answered and o race asked Mrs. Brawn if "Jack" had arrived home Yet. She replied in the negative but the person at the other end of the wire irisisted that he had as he saw his ear out "in front of the Imuse. Mra. Brown went to the door and on opening it found the body of her son lying face downward on the step. She` at once soured hap, but the doctor stated that the young man liad 'the late Prvderiek Hunsickcr. who been dead at least two hours. A Jitter moved to the 9111 concession' of gaping wound wee' found in the neck ,teresteetenveship. On November and, which alsoshowed signs of otrangu- 1887, she wasi married to her now lotion, and on each temple was the Death "eceurred suddehly at his telephone call was traced and the mark of it blow. Without a doubt the young man was murdered. The movements of the murdered man bereft, partner., I learriter Drone Deed 'While Doing . Chores . bonto •irt Brussels Vaednesday, Jan. were traced up to the time be "went for his oupper at a place he often 4th, or John Lake, 73. years old. a pioneer resident of the distrtet. air. frequenteel. Two melt have been Like •had •beet doing eltores in „„ placed under arrest, but the restate iliain and when ilia wife eaetan;e"da .ofmta..emheienquaetviist and inaestigation are from town she found him dead in the - a- *a-- stablet Death was due to heart fail. - oirorelle-hadeheeneetesekease heneeue. 2aleettea...tartalageedeteastasearom.etite fore he was found. Before moving aarithings and fretting a a chill that ttlt Brussels about three years ago, "Int5 ate troubling it, she aan pro- eure a tellable remedy' in Millerae Mr. take had resided on eonceseion ea Grey teeveshiea Resides his wids Worm Powders Which ivill expel all ow, he is survived ev .three. sons, worms from the stesteen. They may Chador, Huntsville; Milton, Fergus, cause vomiting., but this need cause anti Bort, Ethel: Also two dauehters, no enalataa heeanae it is 614 a Mara' WI Attinir Heitryoalabele and ears. Mention of their thorough work. No.. Hopper of Morris township. ' ' WOrtOS can long exit where Dim Powders are used. OM and Esteented Resident of Goer!. ' r dek Tp. Goes to Her Long Home fresh, ie Orte meat *Wade attar* to demand a few drops of lemon Siert ter bring taut ft and tor such le garnishes the mon should be eut in seetions lengthevitte, six sectione from one lenion. These long seetaons are much etutier to use than slices are, though slices are decorative-. Cole meats look very tempting when carefulIT arranged on a large platter garnished not only with. pars. ley, but -with °thee decorative foe& as well, such as silos ef firm red to.. mato, each with a dice of olive hi itc center, disks of carrot or cucumber, or zings of sweet green popper ev onkel, or tiny dilate ot sliced sweet eherkins. Tiny red rtulishes, either plain. or cut • into buds, and wade olives are alwoye good looking, either on it platter -of cold. meats or decorating .sa , In. garnishing oatiads and• desserts, "St. Jacobs 011" from your druggist ittid linititt ttp. A moment after it is Applied you'll wonder what treatise of the bacluithe or lumbago in. Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs, Ott" whenever yea have Atiittialp neuralgia, rheumatism or sprains as it is abed. lately harmless and d4ratt bunt the For Children's ,scought.*itw...opintmescesuilaseet 01'. R. Wheeler unere Difiactor an Embalmer floderieh, Ontario I I cos rromptiv attlaidoli 10 day or night, rboopec mote ark Rowels WSW Them passed away et the hone of her son, Mr. Bettjamin Itethwell, lot aa, Hayfield Line, Goderieh township, on laiday, Dee. 30th, after an illness of only tvro days, an esteemed reel, tient of the, community in the perten of net alum Chambers, widow of the late Samuel ellethwell. • We, Itsthwell was born in tureen, (aun- iv Ireland. in 1841tectel wits loft an orphsn at the see, of two. She came to eglittillt• with leer brethe er and tarter at the age of seven, tomiter to the home of an *mete, the late William Well!, whe lived on tate firm now oviroel by Mr. Jtentre Reid on the Pront /NO. Stanley -Tewn. saite, where sae /elide her borne until sae was married to the late Samuel Tt*thwd bs 1861, She tstue Ss a beide to her home at let 2h, ishert4 she rontittned to live until leer fiesta, eiety live vette Were 1 eflelwate• Their traddels Wtelding Analsersery 10I�y yettre are on New year's thly (assy* le. Tathatt and raroline Aching. Swollen. Feet Soothing and.healing in its ac- tion, ANGIER'S EMULSION is an effective remedy for children's ail in e n t s ----par- ticularly colds, coughs, bron.- chitis and whooping cough. It is also a safeguard against the chestcomplicationsassociated Avi.th measles, scarlet fever and mope. Aggier's loosens the phlegm, relieves the soreness of throat and chest, And its Fleansingaction removes body Irneadrttles,,thtle hastening the patient's recovery. . ANGIER'S is an emulsion ot fled petroleum oil Oath hypophos- phites (lime and soda). It is please ant to take, builds up strength and vitality, and Can be giveneto tae • children with absolute confidence. For over thlity.five years ANGIER'S EMULSION has been 'endorsed and prescribed by the Medical Profession of Gt. Britain and Canada and used itt Children's Hospitals. A IONA nod°, Writont"1 coroader your preparation sups -riot to any other eat W., ifott or preparelion haritni Moto same or eimilar ^ EMULSION 45c. $1.20. -at all draggia's 3 Its superior strath mkt* Purity to farther thank ordinary Sours. it ts perfect for all your baking cakes, pics„ bona *ad breed - so the one Soar sack only, is necessary. Try Purity Ficur 10.4.1ey- it is certain to please yaw PURITY FLOUR Sod 30r ia Atop fir me Mx* Pork Mar GA B94. sse Wows Cook Meer Mak Ce. Lined. Tema% Iderioid, nut meats and candied or maraseltino eherxies are it pretty garnisle Stiff jelly may be cut into tiny cubes with a letup k-nife, or scooped into belle with e, vegetable scoop. This little tool is very useful, in making belle of -ante, baiihTeit. .watermden, beet, eta., to trim up ottrious dishes. Ca. pera sand tiny piakled onions are ;Ise piquaut as well as attractive garn. It -costs thought rather than Very muell money to send foods to the table with elle attractive garnishes Thatainaka hetet mielsesiadeliglitfal for the average "home folks." There is really no good reason Why even a fairly busy housewife should not treat her "home folks" to prettily garnished dishes. CLOTHES AND AGE Away back in the olden times, the little girl was the pattern of heel - .7- --- - motheta-the same tight bodice and Shit CWIned 11111111ht flariUg akirt and little old-freehioned " lady -ways. Titen fashions for young - stem broke away and the little lady adopted straigatt lino, no distinct waist, freedom and short skirts. In our ege, woman's 'dress has eome Along in the same direction, all tend. You remmulter of eourse..-not so ing to greater ease of movement, 'tette long ago slue was it regular scarecrow tsex distinction, with teaser fitting -skinny 3'231 N. mild word for the way gorments which less plainly reveal she looked. the formia Ono advantage of the modern stylewoman•ll"tutlk athetapevfeetni)11‘gv-uriet sehThans . tis that it does not betray the age of iteeshe fa the envy of half the gide the wearer. The mode i$ much the in tow*1. same for sixteen and sixty. If nii-i Itee teething to get excitedabout lady's 'back is turned and one cannot •-eall she did was to take on weight eta her law, one has A° idea wt *fad out the hollows in tree, neck age will peep at her from around ma cheek -any slannee wale •erra that theatjailuoutyrsuhiatof tbehiamp.pinLeisfsbae,lisfa aertI deem WOUo laU n do the %one and a len to, the It of aniddle age with the coming' of the motion otyle of timea. Muddle age, or age, leo, no longer marked by its own peculiar uniform.,thaing 4 sixty eent boxes of MeCey s .1 librium of the intuEes. It exudes an influence which is clegradiug and makes one dissatisfied and neevows. Orderliness is ehe firat eesentild hi - attaining that "home, sweet berme" atmosphexe whiels Is conelueive to aelf respeee, poiee and character dee ve omen . The easiest Way tO Waive at owler• linos and to keep orderly 19 to!QM the habit et putting away everything you bandit) as soon *3 you are through with it Orderliness is not the result of intermittent spasms; but ofeeWeede, 011411nti-1uibitual put that things 'wherethaw belong. 1 ARETTSMOKING It is generally conceded that the CIGE use of tobacco in any form Is very boaauful to young. persons. Omer- . (C u ont page 6) With McCoy's Cod Lim Extent Tablas galn clean, dear complexton at the same lime. McCoy taken all the viskeeltead tlth ironelad guarantee. If after Coe Liver Extract Tablets- or a eine {Oared"' ealUedwilirilr':71.;114d811:1)11803weevIner 'Nv'ai)lel' tirlinoauttlaiid)::aliaintienedYt°4t$IninliltilkfilyndelatVtielatillabadtt 010$ttid and. artistic yourfurxdslxings. with the moked -. liapievement; in it will lack *beauty unless it is kept health -your drugglat . is authortzed 1 inorder. "The bealtYlth°tleit.°retant1*rehaPri,... isoDdei.,nodisdely at e1ut. Askn..e,,pegrOPCA.i1P-' tered-up voom is unsightly and dis.' BELL'S turbs thn. mental and spiritual etlale dtEuLT4gg11.1;111G .7,°" or any "41 4 ... ODERIC 11 cktAt. Mut: SPRING IS ON Mit -6'irrtil-PTIENATtigi7) 110T AT Ats... A LOAD OF Kw MISS OAL 15 ON riS WAY 10 SOME LUCKY FA -111Ar • • 4 . el 11 , p •--- Money Back if Moone's Emerald 011 Doesn't Do Away With 'All Sore. • nes, Swelling and Distress in 24 flours. Two. or three applicationa of Moone'o Emereld Oil and itri ,fiftehit n tltuites the pain and setentem pears. A few more applications At regular intervals ard tte sevellieg re. dotes. And hest ef all nity offelleiee OtIM' is gone for getele-las it woutlegful feromiao thie combination of melt. ted oils with cemplior and. other an- tisepties so marvelous that thoueattde of bottles are eeld Aranuelly for ree during varif20.1E,' swellen vein 11, C. Dunlop, E, atel eve try geed &Jaggiest CilstatttP":1 the very 101110 ef aleenea Emerald T.. Mower& wore unibmii in metriege Hit to to *; troubtes or by *a kov. Joseph Philp, the retottey heels, We haven't heard a robin, Nor seen at spritir flower. But spring weather is surely on its way to sornehodY's house Whoever **twill**. a WWI of Heat Polka Cool boa warm weather his horn*, rge matter bow siosert.frearted the thertnoneeter CALL, THE QAT mutt For (nod (Aran Coal 3. B. MUSTARD Catlin Mos OS Gederich • Mtn., ***6,-0*••••••••••••1100,••• • ••••••••••••••••. ••••••••••..."4, -..•••••mu soN'AL 'w -fp t 14 DOM I N StiiRES 4414'esnote " Valifer ". awdt 4 o; You'Obtain Real Value at a Dominion Store eeeaeea '• Special Introductory Offer on -BUTTER ilraislide Stud , . Atelalrog4 &gimlet histIvr be Ilioghtaioted. Ttste Os ot ereasitiorop of tf.tiolaatkry 111)ornirsoi Ot.kak thrOrtno Inmost 0.11.. 146110.1 COATSAV Dal.abdik , mom too* Wiot. Grafi? Cooking . ., 111416. OS. 21. 2 Wit 250 2 tbs. 21c www".. Cliggilit Rice pigs 2 us.194 ar .... Co 35o 1srdr. . or Nary.. iritTs tin iSiC Ivo FigBars 2114, ram with 4'41i-this:Mt Am Finest Granulated or Yellow 101bs.b�c dta.14 Sag TEA iumbiwiskoi SigIlI .69c 5 Jo einem .�l Ib TINNY aseW. • . ,S0g1 eseicoi SPaga0t1 17c • si. out rauscass Sooty *reissue "TASTY" Stead 90 3e.1.11-45st agO it 0014*** tesi 1119 btObi frat Jelly Rolls 15c.,, Mos • Little Chip °remitter Leman Marasslade 12-0. ')i 21, 400‘. N' 04 -it° 4104.4114,000•46*imem.....1..em AYItieer iattd MOS tat a ami Pito . . Bacon )401114114 Smolt Mathieu *A &4D Stesildist Shirtier* Niro Stittint Orbit* Marmalade 49c hsursZ44 der JuusieHyPowjeu3uZSc White Satin Pastry Flour ThoPineet nor* for Goad Paritry 241-1h. aver retie WWI gp.111•11111,3 Meets% D Mostar t...•••••••••1?•••••••••0•••••• Mil r Mars Commis% ifloriala Graistelsnelle Very leeisevaiest Itesity moiety') • 4. • • • 1,03,911-4:617,166r • • • •• 4 4• i;