The Goderich Star, 1928-01-05, Page 8f't.g...fe. 11....i.mmomb EYES! 11.0111111111111111111M111111111111111111 Pool pirc, Ekre, dun • tyr, lotiger„ 44 !..u.; ..• ,-- otkftcrloe k., ..kor ck,t, fk”1 iid kokit4 . eett rankle if you nced • -tee ea reel rine our prieet reeeee. ahle. f•leeees from' Met up. A. L. COLE., • Optoaettist BELEAS'll Mi ss Wirege Conningliunt, of Toi. nt�, spent a couple of daye with hor re, Mrs. Soy Alton aed :We. 'George Lam ,Mr. and Mrs. Georgeellgillips end frel11Y, et near Fogelyete Mr. mid re. Sam Ournin end family-, of tow, sPent Mondey At the -home of . and Mrs. John Cempbell, '' Monday wee election day. The and weather were not very fa- r:able, but a gemd vote stete pelled. r. Alex. iliteltett Vete re•eleeted AS t!t. Mr. fitonthe Anderson, as dee y reeve Mr. McKenzie :oat Mr. yr, Sherwood tont Mr. Thos. Sulli- van ex eouneillore, ' I Irt.e Christmas and New Temes sitors are "as followse Mr. and Its. Will 1.$1eLean and sop, Herold, lei Saltfortl, at. Mr. ROY 041111'S; Miail 'Oka. moron. of Toronto, at 'Mr, Wm. /Twainley's; Miss Mare Phillips, of 'Iron:into, at Mr. Thos. Ferguson's ; &h 4 11•:in:t.• h,,,:hlayit with !t:rj st!.. it M. !q,t tk k.- t I , 1.4 1 : a ,i 4 irit LI r 1-, i,f kg, teeeee..iee i e'e ‘k4tierysmowbo Lact,) W;A:1tvrelatio.i!”., etre :1,1 eelve. k,e'aveeeee, eeve ecel e.erecel. to lbeeeto. Now is the, tittle tet have y4Jar Sewing Machine OVERHAULED Pate*, We. KIN; Netellee etre MISS NOBLE Ute;sh Feelleoge Bieck ..„ 1Mr. and Mo. Horton. The • ItI7BURN 11Yelleg colt* were Attended b.,5,- 311133 .. 31e. Fi»lc Reiteby wee fleeted Tiede leortoge sister ex tee bride, end ,teetee ef' our eillege, school, Mr. Eldon 1WeItiteney, of London, coue Mr, J•e•eidi Curter hes prerated sin of the groom. Mr: and Mrs. Mes• lInk in the viltege for the elteeere. ;ter will xeside at OS Ceenbrooke ave., her, t„eorge Dawson eae seeeeed Toronto, end will to attlenne to their „the sereieee toe, ten to atter./ Lo-,frientle after Jan. letio The Imidere flila household Affaire. parents ViVrel former wfl ifeceen re* taet Tifesday quite 14 few of the "Ida of D,"14°11" ' 5raeone, fraternity attended the in. M 11' T etallation of officers at Carlow. Rev; R. R. 'Gracie, of Toronto, ie expected to take theme of the see. viees In the Raptist :church next Sun. der. • -Liget Friday Mr. and '1VIrs, Lawlor were at Dungennon the guest* of thehe daughters Mrs. 3feTntyre, the lett* part of the Week. ' Meeigre. Janice Johneton, lereixon UIH and W. T, Riddell Were elected to rule the &litigate of 41* pollee vil- lage for the ensuing -year. " Last Wednesday 31r. George Fee. gen was elected truettee for S, S. No. 3, Colborne, fills the place of hfr. Gotdon Young. whose term had eXPIred, • jar. Ilogie is havine trouble with Mil mill at present The recent thavr broke up the .iee, The Ace And- slush lodged et the head of the race and atoppea the Row of' the water. The municipal contexts ere paet for anether year. The •veators and 110. CUL Aar e M. Too front ,Sask. at vanquished have come to the con Jeteett Agarete Mar. .ihn and Sion that the public will deeide ti fleagarlie lihsewood, at Mr. Sang Sher.; fate, forget the past Ala work h wood's; Master florlion Morrieort, at amnion* together. r., D. X. Altores; Mr. end Mee. Al- Last' Friday evening quite a le Mime arid Isabel, JIM and Mare number asseeiblea the Forest* Ion, at Mr. John Mullin's. Hall and sment the evenin y (lanai 4. The Winghant Oreheetra furnish CARLOW the mueie. It. is the intention otteeisu Gond enent hziere yearek, have t eye dances inonthly. Arhh hie brother, Wile Good.' The village witrieseed A sight owillir to the severe 'Storm there often seen at this time of the 3re no service, of Stikille$ Dill dumb The river W,Etti frozen over and ouniar. , fleen wigs quite solid ice4 bro kr. sad lirs. Ern. xi,t4.,hoi 4).61,1t and. there NOS (Mite an .OVelloW the Walks Stich ie not often. exee fioderieh. ' Topes with Mrs. Alitelleirs par:. eti in sieting.' • I* *re Father Young, of Strath. •(trent another correspondent) *est the ieeideye, with his O. E. Errattunloaded seer oe Ilo T. iNI% W. young, .of Livia, and feed the first a the week. diom* Isobel and Jolla Young Mre, Geo" Hernilton returned fro TrT"TAT"'"NVbit Br4e0f101d 1aSt W nesday. Miss Irene .Carter is visiting h sister. Mrs. Neleon Patterson, presenL, Mr., .1. *hest Robertson, of To onto, eelled oft reltdiees in the will* lima, Cough, Tironelatis„ Catarrle teedese , Tomtit leieename. ateenits goed, aseasy back. Serticeajll-lbe Siptiat church w en' by 31r. It: RePtIegeeitekee To titre on Singday next. .• • ' Mr. O. E. Ereett went to Lend at Wedneeday. itfrs. ;Mutt ohm ed 'with him from Clinton.. - Mr. and Mrx. S. Cox, of Coderk' are the guests of Mr,. and Mrs. 1 **ridge for li few days this week. Auburn . school re -opened on Tue art Jan 3rd. though most of ti town ffelgoola did not open until We • Mrs. Cool; and Miss Belle CO crate guests at the home of tile fo •"nter'e daughter, Mrs. Reg. Carte over the week•end. Munieipel electione are over fo Anothee year. Mt. IL Zilogridge wi again represent the northweet eorne id Mullett in ilea eounell, " Mr. Chweitee eltalden limn ,again after speeding Christine* wit his taster in London. Ilia eine tdaa, returned to London with bible . Mr. and Mr*. Joe Scent, of Torort to, arta Mee. 31, Jewel, with Phylll end Robbie, of Colborne. *pot the New Year with their father, Mr Robt. Stott. 'The *gild weather of last week took the See OS OW river on Sat arday forenoon. The shalt iee block ed the raw and gaye Mr. Bogie an enforced holiday. Word ersga reteletel in the village leat week of the emblem death of Mrs. John Nolleme: et Stratfest Ont. Mrs. Neli0011 *ill ituritentbikrait by many her*. as el. *pent several pans is our 'Mao with her brother the late Dr. Frank Tarivbeet, A nutequeratle ?tarty WOO Mg at Ike home of Mr. and Mee. Frank Itelthby by the Whitton* Oloait of tka Baptist Sunday megeol. Pelves were glees theft hio4 reertakenting tat& Or olOrilpati011. After anagasking, coated* sad games werellifleci, fa" lowed by a dainty butelt. so eofl. ceasion of West Wavranosh, whose mother poised away recently :teak Belgrave, is in reteipt oe the follow. ing Jetter eondolenett from broth. ren of the Mange lexhie .,tbere;" • Belgravia, oft-. le, 1237. To Brother, It. II. Leisluten, • • deungaiinon. Teem' Sir and Brother;- ..We, the undersigned,- hereby wish to convey to you the eympigthy of the members of L. O. It. 402, fielgreve, in the loee of your *other, whose deoth oceur- red recently at * Tie*. old age, there- by depriviv her child,ren of their dearest earthly friend. • Cameiending you to our 110:OtertlY Father in your sorra*, we remain, , renre fraternally, on liehalf'of L. 442, ALLAN' PARTIS(0, TETER W. SCOTT The following *04414 announce. moot will ofeinterest „to Dungan - THE GOPM NA. vairdsmoilegyymo•OMMINIMISMININIE THURSDAY, JAN, 1..428, 'wee mcampaided by Mr. H. maws -1,41k4e, woo also monk at their home during the hol Y..6:‘, ;NI& It ..1 • IOW hiitt ti;CS.i 1.1•;, 42, 3Yert7, twal iZ, A.1,Wfivn: Ikvook D7v. eleIeemece ,NC:17 1"Cvu ace Tier eutee Iere 'oi4741.I. . with eefe. Terty, Teel eeloyed tee CL with re- letiees_en Gale vette-nee eo Deegan. non eta Seturday, left on d' tor for lenelon where, be eoined Mre. rir -en a visit with eelatives ,of the lat.er• Winie in 'Leedom Mr. Perre will writt.offsenee extents at the Western 1.lniVersity. • The Donganrien branch. of tho eiromensa Inetitute held its, monthly meeting en Therstetot o 14Fit week at the home ef ,Itlre. T.' G.Allen. The Presidene, Mi C. Po nroW14 »resid,. F4 ; bliste,Flora Dentin, who r eently .eeloPleted „A:,twoeyeireae, course et McDonald College,Guelph, gave a very iidereetting talk upon -the College. A 'eel° ).by M. litnei etc. leApherne of London, wee heatti with Much *Otto. t anesOoh Arsiker. condueted by 04 it; A. MeReflide, bronatitt Piet 'some interesting ideas-. The Mimes Georgie Allen and Flom Durnin were appointed ae A commit. tee to sIeit members for e" wooke --course in '44,Vood Values and • 'Home Cooking:" to be held in con. neetion vatlethe Institute if suint •Membere "can- 1* .oetttineel. The 'hs. tees were Meti, Roes, 3fre, Allen and•Sree Campbell._ The neet meet - •hag beteebs. held .at. the. home of Mr. and iiiree.teJ ,Ityane •, 131ies Celia 'Pentland tied Mie. Done old Fireler.lefe on Satetrday, for Lom dem•Where the latter went* to 'tette* * apecieliet „with eegerd .to her hentle ' She mitt:teed on Wecirtmelay eon reedeve, ae the porente of the to 0°4°444 where elle will remain 1 bride were formerly resideuts of in, the 11°0441 f4Ir••tilatinent 'f°4 a Dungannon "11 °"• tve.11 k",?*" In return -to here Juane. Her nutUr fortnight. after which she expeete to ar. e*t* this distriet: • gelenee will be pleaeed to know, that King-Stotherit.--The home of ' Mr. she edit net end it neeeeenty to un. .. end Mrs. Joseph Stothere, Blyth er*,,, e dergo an operation tig Waa expected.. "I'' thO Seen°, of a quiet but attreegive met rebutted vim visit her brother, re weeding, when their youngest dough- Rev s n v; pentland, of. Bryan,- tefte_jarelen EMadeliate,,beeame the -bride re....,,,.... ,..e.„,4,' "et; she will eemele lend ; "Per tlt"t King, C* 8°A of going -to Toronto for the inillinery ev. end Mrs. Xing, Jaiikeonville, epeni ite " • • Florida. The ceremony was- per. e,, -! ... — • ' . • formed by Roe lee, Boaz, of mirth, ear. are etre. dennes, Edward. two in the drawing verge., an illuminated of 1)""°P°°'8 r°5°L"ted l'e"ni. Christanot tree eereing es a i... .p. on New 1.-eae$ Day celebrated their not the ice sygraosundeiv.6:011:-7 wiarrniszteiltirei .11110fteethaetey.Tottee. abrinlit,i70,07,0i-vottotottlt,eoirt: looked' elterming in a brutal omen 'of .lifier ,yokr* egoi"' are 'hOthe. evell,`PFt white- geofrgette, embroidered -j- served, and are in th.0 ''60i°,1110.t•°X; Ver. The bridel renew** 040104 !good,bride, °tenet style-- while. saver shees, tont.' "8'011'111'110 W•a-4- asAncl"t'-'4"111' 1.5 tdeted. her cogbinite' Ifer, ,bettutitul of a: tkOPV,.,70f *hie: .seven broth - bouquet. wite .of. • Olagelige eetee and et4' and ,tito aiiteere;-„Viliane. of tiorr ifeeef.the-lialleee Mitorelingte Stetile idlite-Oe°riket th****,)(.4t tr,. %sitter fef the ,bridie-A,ttiidea,•ali, '°1''(441661 ri esnittid and 1040, vetit, Attrieeto Th°24"" ‘;',1•*441.6Vt`• Harnilton. of vo in et "town of turmedise blue gone Teeeane":"'Llyeree.0, netoP„ aif ,Q40; tette with sneer AM.. She earned 'Rece "44 Pita' ‘s' a largo bouquet armee. , Little see ereeident of She wa eline IdettNeillp of 'Sarnia, nieto 'eV rt*rieC605 1°111(1' the the bride, Acted as fleiver• seriesene fern* .enefelg4e MreeTienuas Henrr was deintibe deeseed!iin„.„itteett geet, now vendee,. en 4tnuarv -1st, 1814k 14. ,g4o.ldtbbgthtf•dpurntir thebeeigeiegivof th4e tired tr.e7net,:telifs...reht. enendetevP. register, Miss Mildred Breve of.Ttftw4. "e/711 "r 4 31Y. X e* .*:`*** * " *it ete'ortAble *Pogo" m gotta veer. Pink, ,anal "Learned steeet artiV.welfitte•;.ratiee taittindeeeros* tite- r peat and Sunset roses.; The groom .1`04....- 00 Tlare0„eacFe.44•br"*Iie* atesupp,oeted-by Ibex, Foxe Of ktoeefIlt ote4Piruiitil - Valkerville. Mee; Stother'4eitteethere(4°"""" '39f00..."*Pev'then'tlieY,"' e children, ntei divvied ht.moeielitiit. sv delight. thregetlauttli a and ii,v4 Mra., td solo, "Love's. Coronation," she. derdate-ifff leilleetilleelittese'Senlor, es aecompanied.by Mete lee/en ewe. Toronto. and Miss Minnie F4Ivettrde ect. of ed. at r. er d go , • e • 4.1. 1 on 11, 0 f s. eaten, of Clinton. who -wore peaelg of Xoreiebt ;141,1bi''rt of Nlifortkia* FOUND THIS $ We. elybilis Seabee Tonne noRri.V 90'1 alleeCSS treetiug Throaty., Head Colde. Rroggehita Clain Cot flowers, Vitals* lipeachet, Final Wok, etc 4011 4h41111 010114*, CIO. STEWART, Florist psolito. 105 ante. &root 11431 Bats, representing ,the best valise of the met% In style, Winnt. lag and Materials. Yen 'All surely first bud the Raty. went in this • collection, at Arch Gip forWomell Mesa are treader. kr Piot me. Wepr. We in Meek D width. • DUNGANNON ' lir. Detudd Malmo and Mr. Jahn Wilma, auditors far tbe Welt Wawa. nosh Mutual Fire Ineartukce Ca., are is Ditagainseit 'Welt aiidithyr the beaks of the company. The *Watery ~iv ite the pub - He wheel beard of & & Ns. 5. Astsflold and West Wawasseli, wee • bead at the wheel ea Wedimeday. Jaw, Oh. at 4 p.m. all the asentiers toeing present. Mr. D. ft. thrringtoot wee elected chairman of the booked and Km Robert Doylies was re - *hated oorrOtOryktrooinirer. *afters fienald Poolend and Arthur Drawn were appointed to light the *les and act as *Aar. Mr. Jolla Ma'am the sentykelected trustee, met rolth the hoard far *be *rod time. homer• fterten—A waist weddlint took piece at the Mali greet Oohed Pareimage, Itamor. en Setomolley. Doe. 31m, at * 'dun Dew. 1. IMorikheise, lofted In marriage JOON filoosor, both et Sr. mad Urn ilimper. thIgrare. sad Al - Frances 1114,611eft, olaughter ef eorgette end- taffette end who elito and W'lliam lat°11t°' "While 'all 14).4 the vetkiinie match. The lune the member* if the fatuity were not been was served in the dining regne eireseet for 'go eetelmatione num,y liVekeeware nem:kr:dad with Ineesageg of CoOrtautatiorla' were ea. The happy •toutee /eft tot reeelieed tient 'Ic,theire Won the hippy OW Yoek and lerantingtore onetheige ace:felon. Wei Join with ''relatives in way to Atlanta, Georgie, wile* they extetiding heartiest :congratulations, 111 reside, the. bride 'Wearing an .en. and 'wing the veuerable couple ttlanY emble suit of Idaek satin and em. :veers a tontinnea wedded bliss etnd reidered blue, georgette,. with 'see' hanniaess, uirml -coat and hat to metal. The M. ntel J. Wiggins leave Ut •t011711 gneate were: lefr, ad int Fridar for Toberougry, , after re. L. H. MeNeill, and daughter, spendieg the.;,Chriseints and IgeW sideline,- Bernie; Mr. and Mrs. 1. Year's 80180iti;Ntet1 pleasentlx with rows and Miss Mildred. Toronto; relatives here And at Myth'. test mBei8soitasie aeltranalloiterogglist. Taneer iaiteeierne leevernel ekeetitegid lettnitWO. ox, day for .Detre t where te resume his duties after a pleeetatt holiday lloberteon. Clinton; and Mr,. E. W. kilpatriek•alobinsorte-The home Of-'swten„t, :eteOtmhenaZimin111)1bYll°mUer•il'ettle:nst Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Robinsong 'corleee- 110ntikad,, .nt,- Mink 1,40, As'llgs .14 it - 11614 1), Ela5t Wa"arllat* "Is the joeing three months' 14c -talon front scene «7 rTrtteVii;schoo 41A, "„e3-:.;16, tbe 11.rtberli eoun dmanter. Angle. wee married to • John itthistriek. of tile late Miss Alai t Pentland left ft Mr. and Mr*. Joseph Xlipettiek• of 1414:41411r fol‘ (Mon where At wat Aphasia, Tha jorkk. itho wo even rteutitelter tht t as towhee. In 'reertiogge hy loac taller, looked Mist Ileatt ittitherte returned to ear" wiasereta fa beautiful geiwn,.of..._TOrObto.After tank satire aed minted ehower Parental • roof daring, the Yoletitie hoommit'ot rams ant illy.tof411&:val. 1004loon* itiev. W. it. Alp, of Doanyhtook Mr. Sekbeet Stoehers *07 United elterek, performed the rem. two Lenore end 11440% mintr- Thota war. iitteiniallte. Wert Mous Tb* astek was played by MN. Xairent With IY11141 Glioe /AO* IRAitieen, sister of the .the igisold election* were hien- 1**44fe, • nurint..„ .thok 67 the ly eemteitted I die edloiebeg town" Vetere lir. wanes sopOsIONOV$ ships of A id and WaWatieek, ther of the beide, enht °Seeauee." wits the f Th* hftiKlairaeleall'ashil"tereet4it ase."011$ tedwiiitikt". ree—itieve."*ThA malts: Andield Tfigriett; deputy Aadersen (*eel.): A. *element, Sam. Thome* Rattres Albert E. Rom Freak G. Todd. James b. Forster., The meta werie immediete velatimm eeeneineete„ of the bride sad greens. Mr. Aolut tilk 00 see /*trine Miaa $aran Illiipattiak. ;west wilt Ashikid; Miss Violist Ittipetricki johrisionl Walkerrille; Mks &eV Xiiilatrick• Wm. J. et am,* aruip. wid Dr. Thiroid Iteb" Wm. IL Cart. arisen. Walkertes: The groom** Sift 4. 4*. loride wee * 'repo of pewee. iimmistee After the wedding olloknor. Tony* mole left on Dm afternoon C. N. R. sot st. Arita 40 * trip to Kletheiver. Goat and jimiloorw ether *etc the beide wsoksint a treiliwir, pretty costume of Moe with hat to twohro 'moth. On their retarn thei rek thie side oa thr arrecones ham. wrieritio sed- tho, mmeminoo Astifield. Old will he arr bees, to their *tends after Jetioarr only. epeehee. the fifteentb. Mr awash P. 1,ALL_Alt". /4' te A' Saa- Me ka, A Utak*. waameartiorwan, returned het 04„, 'rook to his home after a plowearkt ioboo," visit whit relothus frleadit souvereesi Ws district. been baking day te Ihreute orgasm she will cesuess the her *Was as teacher, iittr 4tst. elfeeslay frogbae mai* fat' after holidaying far Moe rept a - time he hAs felt the Call to this Work Outoriegis is remaining et•week'lfertg-* in the city and in Silditien to the farm • _ - work in: whl!,,h he-ItteIteeen, ,eegee;eeleeelaiotesfe elm elord 11-4fif llte,"revegee he Ito been Milking gin* Ps, of. hi 5 ofeiternis by using lefother 'Craves!' spare in -Mutes and ha a placed himself •ettotrit Extetminator. i$ 4 stall. in:4-position Where he eon., make good. • oxitremed3r,and "years - 'of use have We • Wieh:'hini every Suc_eesa .4; enhanced its reputation,- * new venture. ; • • • • SHEPPARDTON Miss Blues Janes, of Goderiele Is spending it few day at her haute here. Mr. John Brindiey spent a iew.- 410,,Ys last week with vilatives atft. forth. Mr. W. 'Foster, of Abernethee Sane, arrived on Saturday to spend a few weeks- in the vicinity. .1for•Coueinse-At' Nile parsonage • Tinirstilyt bee. 29; Victor Hoy end Agnes Camps were united 1n the holy bonds of matrimony. Miss Ethel Glaihn, et Kitchener, is visiting her sister, Mrs. 1lAwkins. Mr. Harry Hayden, of London, is '• visitor at the homes of his bridle. ere, james and Frank. • Mr. and Mrs. D. Cummings And famine', of Detroit, epee* Chrietraae at the home of the Wes parents, Mr. and Mrs., C. Jones. Mr. Cum- mings returned 4lueeday, but Mrs. WALLS NEED picrulas appropriately framed: Briar; in lhase Anke Pinitea end Olen. dars you received at Oast. nik* a07 hart them framed before they become damaged. -Alto your -baYs' *nd, .girls' ediPleatas. It is the aiii0 way to keep them, and they will then' be relay to adorn your We bore been in the Picture Funning Sasineas woe 40 years, WI we will do them right, at reasonable price& • Smith's Art awl Gift Store. Zast St. 'thaw Ilia ° Store open every night. Saddle Horses -The Geniue: •'tele leo long Pei that state' • , JOB PRINTINGeAT THE STAR - te wen Centres From 25c to $1 • orith ArtsyI Rope to work 3 shims for 104 gin. E. Evans • Corti Mout" too I* IRMA at SUNNYSIDE PARIW est Ifaiwg, Read (Previrocial Ka* WO la letrietea Como% 44 • maw floss (loilerieb. Oseti mkt; CiWis for Sigke Aifee boom gootilktmol Ho** T. M. DURNIN r 1$ rot .Viseraires ° Coadontero alwaive well dressed ' 'Wei& prima Sri Clostithrito haw• awl &Pad J. 111. ttlItOOMAN Moe Ull Wad *Mt• mhos" *sly sea of 07 AstolkoW. left tor Mimeo. the «norm la . which lke hot all a eorrespon. the dimming' ef "thud et Disetriefty. el his' two Abe** he will at. Ommosai to use ut pest was at a. boas, of her par. the height hataliot tb• distit‘et Irtfaul ants. Mr. and Mew Jean fIsragr. She we am sorry Mile, hat fee omit 411 Mies Moot Case ?atoned on Tome. dime „ere We have on hand a nice awoortrnent of Chesterfield, and odd Chairs, ate, Come in and Inspect our Goods and see our values. J. R. 1!/Wil rtwinvps - FEET CPLD? Not If They are hope* Clothed! See US for WARM wane FOOTWEAR sea as: FELT BOOTS and SLIPPERS OVERSHOES and GOLOSHES, LUABERKE'S RUBBERS and SOX, MOCCASIN Etc. A fall line of SKATING BOOTS lior MEN WOMEN and CRILDREN