The Goderich Star, 1928-01-05, Page 6ood tea
1M:unify. at the bowie of a metes
friend. end she toot. the opitortusit)
•ur isitigg Mrs. We:10o if she Mum
thi e Mr. Bode.
Mu, Wen1lei'. ever anetous to ex
inkit her linewledge of eociety , aai
parcicuhlrly of any scandalplunge
et ewe into goaeip shoot Osea
Bragg affd 1,*ely Fiske, with the re
eult that Mrs, Laneirey'e disquie
changed to eerious apprehension,
Enewing Pamela, At reelized the
lie :nest unwise thiug she could 4
would he to attempt, either by prehi
bitten er entreaty, to prevent are
further meeting -4 with Bregg. Sir
knew Goo sueh 4 come would onl.
make Pamela the rnorek determined te
wee hint, 'Yet, by Some wane, tine
friendohip ,niust he ended. There
might be nothing serious in it, Me
this fellow stho darizeit divinely, per
allied his letters and openly carried
on a liahon With another luau's wife
M* lrot the tYlm of person she deeir.
her daughter even to be eeen with
$e that night, When they were al.
One, And the heuse wail :Met Mrs
Lanstrey Old her huebend somethine
of what Wee in her ultra. Father
tnuffettsy-blierifinhing•Tprantieirt to
"Wet. Ilea Mattered something
about not being rash in these matter*
end what a pity it waft alarilt Russell
Wieitte.e0Niee cheP, Russell."
R Ro
Pekoe is
tho hat tea you c
In clean, briihi Aluminum
e oveless Isk
N01,0611V PENLRY Tj4
- LANGTREY PERTURBED few methere understsant theit datigh.
' Mrs. Isnaltrei neulerstoofl Pamala
illreaktatt-st the laingtreyog-Noft tersee-Theugh-thergIrl-fitni
'Wan 1111 unceremonioUS ,nffnir. Petit-
'• er Lanigtrey and Panieta's eldeet sI.
ter, Freda, made a hurried meal and
left for the city by the some train.
Famela was usually downstaire in
te guY 40044Ye to her fatbee,
; 414 sifter reolving porentol Peek
on the forehop, - went to join her
'mother In the dining.retinn where the
two brealefseted in leisurely fah. ton. .
eeerets with lier mother, Mrs. Zang.
trey had never mked her for It eon.
*lake. MI suet* intimeeles were of.
feted quite volunterily.
Consequently, when Mrs. LanglreY ems e001040,4d specimen, and dsom,iyou ran estumite it—unless you must ettleAtimie are riat arbitrary, but emit and elongated torso should put it
familiar emiseullne handwriting, lye
naked a letter Addremed an un. awl lightly on lila dealt, with * palm 'cut exPensee and are willing to make household meountant Amy determinelhigh. nearer to the arin pits; while
vtilailesw die offer.
41 would- hove ghost," explained
but tiesis—or-- somewhat in (
:baste personal matieri are len tel.)
• illeatee on the 'plume."
meg what's your ciec;;"on,"
asked Neirn, though be knew that
regg would *wept the *Ser.
*In the first place, the remuntra,
ion inn% diode what 1 had m mind,"
Thnre wilt an awkward pillow,
ritint cfferul po comment,. but Iesn.
eter hie chair, picked up a *trey The jA. Ilii-,11EswahUrblatTas * ready. ywoulirtnetabn adindvidleighttucling.iniftoou
awaGattelit.'ne:ea;:lizelfirtid 4 made budget. You have te Si, to meats and milk. Household equip-
11,1111Vtine:/;:raisanNagnIsrnirearttIVirt,t:toel ;11. tem;lies spcnd the same proponionn towels, pane, dielea slid ether thing*
, your own family needs, and no two trient coven/7A new furniture, bedding,
_2 for the same things. A budget for needed to ecltliP home,
new yeax should he based en * re .1 Operating refer* to soap. tell:
rankly, Udon't understand you' . cord of expensea for the past year, nrermetions, water rent, end ot.
plus a took ahead at extra expenses thing,' used in houitekeening
tave med. you an offer, you've eon. ,,Iftelcinhei),,,!anteeeamcnithhes'enetzoktyorerir'eastilusst: I:tunes:11Q! "tilierviPmeeeantiplibile: nhnoluneethaolvii
tem to say yea or no. 'V$e Owens.
videred it, end ell that -remains is for "-4 d help end would cover the plumber if
. • e'sSene or .,r,ei or a new ear. toe
led deteibat same itairth when, vou znerghinushh,oualnarl lieemleefrt eincniesuel4h. item* he goings to thew nut a 14e or reindr
were here 1)efore, and it's not ,bnai, AA ea - g settee a faucet. Donation* include church,
taicest:Is.liri.kye *tot ivbeijimelaybetre annedie, and par. thoje are alwa3rs .nacerta, tiLtwit. Chineitiutmilarateimiehielrneltr odpeueroletieot
,enest The iculer tantavyaarthibunkdclettiincxsputicskisiblens to
and dactari
to reopen a question which, r st, *Ise enterte:inment and
whatever of reopening.*
e,eii you_ gsmany,, / have no intenaltioarv:_iteafrierd., eesolirlons,_hin tiothinotkintry, _sliksiresotfebsse; eeko. galtdvangitureinsheinwt_ekin.magean_
Ito cm 3,ourae On paper, ri g • Wb
It wee esether rause 'you can live on Um then you eemlite°t you seve and put in the hank,
fumbled with his tie. -Nairn' foork-ed ,Aitallow,,OL ***IMO*, 4experise, or shout ;tit debts you pay, Ind might inalwr'3
et him luau misht tok at cur, t Y" ' aa
t wetly ea -coma or music leseonx. Those clee.
"%Night* I at up in a elate. 1 had
3 stemma gii‘r. took Adievika
nothing eat hurts ine flow. 1
sleep fine,"--Mre, Glenn Butier.
Even tha FIRST spoenful of Ad.
Intim relieves gee on the stoznaA and
renieveil mooniahing 311107.044 of old
WaAte matter from the system,
Makes you enjoy your meals an.1
akelP better. No mottcr what you
have tried for :four stomach and
bowels. Adleriks. will surprise yen.
lesa liable to colds.
Feshion, which (Whites `eve
we wear, at last is allowing us a St.
tie freedom where we shall park that ,
elasive thing known as the "weist-
line," if any, The latest decree, se
to this much discussed locetlen, ie to
tit in the piece which best snits
in ariffli/ore.
A person with Icing legs and abort
trunk should put it low, neerer the
hips; One 'With Short under -pinning --
011APPER X111. ,
StUSG opr
soma xsttn woo dote:tea with
the reports, that were coming from
risliet Meer on hi* lonely island in
the St. Lawrenee. They showed an -
mistakeably thet the **reit el:Woo:et
secret *peak for the ;reduction of
human fetigue was not merely
theorY. 'plausible oniy pamer.
ready the dotes ,of produetiori show-
ed that the output per man at
Ana- knyott.rit II tate .,it, but I r gaaevdiees to, a. it. , ithent for herself. elm average -sized Person maY bete
;lig by Pantelii's plate sd breekbut t l' One of the Arid things to do, in f
tem morning, She Mated no question*
tenoning it, thought tutthrafiy, she is not to be taken as A precedent in every eneal-timste.k*:d ble°114cLit?Ig:i4:41ei
ineiet list One figioy yo:trer:tiirdatrattea'vellirftnlilytQantitsigtar :141.turzarbtA:uti i
,,ust ... word of catition, do not .it either WO or lova or inerf,heee .
* g eY Inni Melt More of seltt It*
Was a Attie etirious to know *he had 'Ariz menett attapperaitifoi eat rat *nay in. are to it. ltie unfair if...the con. 'ttiFs'iiiel7iilieesuatilis Intficsr t°1411111 trini
Brote wisowsed that m had
i tract ia not unaniinomi. for nobody each penny. Of eourse, YOU Millet Bat if YOU are to Inive a Waisteline
loin seei like being. economical. keep sneounte miles* you knew what At all, he sure It enhenees your been.
beeemee of •the money, but -put it * sitid does not make you look like
tioetiest-tho. existed -between mother to breakfast, and read her letter with rather than lieve * fiuuily foe shout orset
*as &tighter, PameTa vas IS girl nbilon's iniereei. 1117i:Itl 4647Z, fb: 14nrzzeizvti:Zet4! itj7f!" 11!i°13:tr;:gdit:Piexo7esb°°, hii;14;ohootir, turnout*, to- 100,11.04.,A4V°.,i'llvt:o7irxilterltiffticitttilleloiiii.
,all'tlie her mother's own heart, „Net es ' 134 -Yau an dart" e*.aease 14aaiat tf,..„1° au* remembering that ,"Oluirity. cover:Alit*" S. series 'of experiment
had her fatheees qualitfea, folded the. letter and returnea :it to than t. other livitio sbAtts ment hasn't arisen,' and may never 'w)ali 51244 *beat" Panel% i'IP sack
3fra• 411°1'0 nnti664 ".....kinneln mon* leak thirtY per cent higher "The question 01 another appoint- PaYsit `°"- Year I lined r" a MUltitUlle of sine" and, it vim be /YOUtdeffe•ueing. g 4°41. 6" bib, ta
lueser and nom ktu4 to indulge lieteentilie' the eiract'*uP*1.1, You .ef
neesi,, said M. Langtrey eaeuany years experience. hreanthne, thirty in
What la strange Vont. that fat' Ventiklej 4" even ein.141r atter a W morrow X 'Will eend YOU A leiter gle°:Ittr4 dearP•aad t/ed a "Tell Y4th a Is4Pli t Trot is to 0.1141tro' filgerth:fr mete::iettc;oe.;0111,;ndareevirknitlr't
g the necessary instructions. near at hand. Ms was
IThat's 4 rows letter, tho4u votea ing to Flakes report, the orgawaS* 6, ne i b "Ls .41 Intl, In ; the `e.doktne„, / had a sheet Tor each 811941 be eondOcted ba a roa,..w.,_ ,eneete, 4.4 tt„*. .aatao ebaraeterlai,:so 0,
gone, Nairn's took out of his private d i•ed let egneneet as elicitor. fuel ,food
. ' '
toitlian, then of Predit'is. the onstonntrer tdtuel of
Art that fact Alone wits not respon. "Peed** off"' father and Freda bad
Aide for the very sttong bond of ae. been one through, Pamela mune In interrat, * reply that "':"P"' •
been Able to put together, during that `,1°,24,,t11. win bare alik(t til6 "itlatewn In a Imp any, if in dotabt. A burlesque of yourself. Study the
r " e3rietuinVe401,71704t,liliantdtlelcone acerliaatnevrYnn"gitaert iatieesd7.4sereitplisnT:erogeenlinfils.inite. thEed Yerhi altitirtk41,117a..g004°,„Isr!ilettieftlt taart,:dwaerin: nn4 T T Inerme t ar4ontri led ernes) ltsd. 711 811:0o it:411:1142r it tt a 1 ni:tl• ini! toe tet) tai tin 1:t it a thlr, e'tvaettritSeernitythiT 'vark'us' 1°tt'fallti6E811.1. of
tion win 'ma nuenos -ta,IreS 110. W
Pamela laughed. . view of the fact that the plant ha _ ihful. could, lab down -expenditures. . * et ennetness 14;bn it of che^ iT is slovenly, theories* and
owe net from a soli litother. lain derelict, for So Tongs and, stecc!rd-.
et s a. h accounts i ev t - 'arlor partake
' 'betV,reen times. while X was.watchnur swe a- aa8 b Peon e 6 **41 a
Agnoileatieft Make
Ale -from
, other tOntiring,
Matilde_ you may quickly be rid in"
t using Mentho.hulellne: declares noted
• Akin specialist.
This sulphur preparatiert, because of
•itt iota destroying proPertie‘ seldom
- Adis to tnikkle s_undue itching, even Of
ecannt, ',the first Applicetion
akes the skin cool and eomfortthle,
Rash sod blotchet are healed right tatt.
Routes Mentho•Sulphur is eptilied like
010iimit cold cream end le perfect.
foorokiess, You con 044 I lama
:jar foot soy good **Ott
Maiuii Life
ranee 'Compel'
of Cam&
Wanatoo, . T.
Piton *so
000solon. Nrs
As she Poured out,oire% eent vf" ree<1. "rt"latlY. *mild like you to take next weeleaintn5t oanvenietlt arrangement everbetter.1#:tooter by guarding the Shekels. adopt standards Set by the bit.
hardly believe that a man would use ti" bad 1444 Yflt "ached A "'alai would:ccew °s1* 712•Tolg's 'uotrtiee- mantli' with a erese-wiee line l'°r fret 1:00Pit:t4 sure wm run
safe the tile cm:tinning 'Flake's. te" ait;+ C Family of, c;lothing, household equipment. oper-
iSe"(:)SeSt? NithOsif Osear?" Agkeil o doubt.
the part of the man of the house; and
tr,. days. That le, it Ton tleow out
to •
seent On his ,notePaper, Sal-1;0300es atantinrd 'et eilleiencY* tidn-n atl" :Itlati -at ':4:4111-xilliffiV-*IlillOttifeo:r2ne°Anothh'.Altilaonntlio°I; cae,Et. yMoMr"ye !4,111.4.U4po:r:t4lipeS. haelt :a/ elteadel`,1. rt'tiatItteo.,e'artielinPrter PlearkilAnnlAgen
41(fereat„ gets $0 A .0433 toy hint, One evening, when the staff had down
OulhillO, so ho shook his head with an .
stems 'and n,tvtli.returt: tote you of-
Pamela's tnOthee.
°Obi X tiOn'it think Pve mentioned ;I little leveetnieet a money wig
:vaar eruntbs 46' -the bfrit--6 tuld .ict4P- transform- a desolate kitchen into *
them alive- through the. dread %Inter
him to you before. X met him at that
party at the Albanian ligation, to
which tile '-virentiev took me, and
rye daneed with hhn once or twice
since. lie "Wants Me to go to a Inet..
ince Una the dansant Friday.
think I'll go if *there is to Spegial 100 -
tore, mnit look up ni.v syllebus,
and see." '
Pamela did not Aelt tier teothees
niirmission aettnit the invitation,
nett*, end reed thent again, for the .1114 . service, -donations. Ireoth, ad -
fifth or sixth time. There was „ no fairs, ,a,n4" that 8(n't (4 thing 'La" voncement, At the end ,of the month
dont:Moir the 'tenth of them, for not "% till, .said Naito Itroorsdassiit, inyed the separate columns and
only did he know the surgeon ,to be,14 othere, e*te seven „la k' knew how much we hod eeent filet
strictly truthful MAN- bit 'n had the y teve
report* a hic accountants in lion.
Flake's eneertions. In tide moial XeeV1vmend "ict 14a #bd of the °month tutu! 'vitt it eara4
_ 1,tere off each months sh4et -at the, riVes. and thus nay you hack. Be- 5
sides this they wilt wakeat son- hecom)tg a betto companion to the
when the Itroand voverqd wmkPir* Atb8"6 nnq 46"006414
r to the' month for each item. At 'the end of t%nemewsee'rvdestbtbe' ebyi: *.fi'vrel/elepnreektt±h4er-agivaertme: Ptile,1,4-10:t4lhoVIUSaleife4 ohn41d15Pwleirli.14tlIne •'.
,. ,d,,,Brireg.,-t"eesrale,,,getweestretartrit-11„,11)14 4ur,„th,the 've* ' I added eeirli month's' itens. oft- your di'"*.i.v,' irp'01., and riu, iii,,e,pi and , energy; spent in houselmeninte
treat, with page after-Pico;er certk. ---- --- -0-- ---- -.4'-4-'4' ----944 d ' r-th cost',..of'esas ch. frit "veer. - ' '. ------5. 7L.T.- ......''.. -"..--'---'..- the time. ee saved „eon be snent„hr -
imagination to rim a little. Re' VI'. 1)reParulit taV" a I
lied „figures, , and twos tont:Irmo the whole tweaty.our boos, y tan and , • _A... e , !, when the -steam on4, summer time or- reading 'nod ,devehinine ..onecit. and
ic'ntne3.'` abroad e 0' 0 -net des the up- i Ise 114 1 g • . , CANDY OM •
ualised the day When these figure'. . - - * i heap of the house, if ;son own it. trak-li. •
Tett ten dear to all the thines volt • Under shelter. n - n e ... us.
And others yet', mach ' hotter* afaa gpee(1.7, • • % . 'good tattoo:mu& nee they ge. if, 0 not start heating It nfltd it gets
have to do with . most ,reamrkeigeaniline., _ aintina. and 1.0., illyda know who vnit make ',Vithe makin Aida', or fondant -
eontemplation, Nairn netinitted his 'Per'eneo- an ' a "Ade -1'14 *AY Af I fully ewseein an envelope. •
1 t' 'th their glorious spring mot- "tArAirl't '1 '
Nttrells confidence In ...p4eleuk be putlefore the Public in * 01'081100 -4.14uree: it -we erit,hed censt-to„ no'ir. FUel . includes electricity, gino, ch*Ibit. of lovitig rent! `yard., they are 0001 after cooking. 'This will Mahe
was' eomplete, anti unless t" 'annattnbi* tqlnatian- fit tions like four`e; 'tWellt4rOue 164. and wood for • •cooltieg. and ilikeli tO take lip onarterathere year- the miedv more •wrixY.. If beaten as "
tion entedled tt very late'houteCoatingv-nnewo 617.tthoetamknet,:evivehrictithewaislatat
no emisultetion upon it. WAS tinneeted. • ilaY Might he *pular. hut you might' 1"---'"*.-1"*-1"-"4.-""1""*"---"--"*. ilaften. Year,. they. and their tribe, yen sdoxi,,401 it is removed from the die
COnsequelitly, Longtruy offered. Mad entirelY *Wen aft his 11840 88 . opeg30141...vephed who.was gentle- pressed' the 'reeeieer'heole,:eX"'fbalten..• ' , • • .' monthly.. If will keer Fustt and fresh I
- have More eompetitimt" *Vito hack on Ms went to Nein; lei:tan make :your place; 4 lovely bird it will 'become more sugary and
no. 'observation on the but• • delotl would enoseeue. Ire now more .annised than annoyed by elairOing with teigtod. "flon't1 If yoa want ta be •real hosnitehle, toot ff left .tc.. cool before beteg
remarked:. • ,, would- be 4 vial. melt • and thea %rages vanceit. Bat, what oataptti, out'. me off, ,,Exchange. 30.0mila a- hint shelf outside the kitchen 110aten. koell. the 10.0n the
haven't told . me his meanie."
oiten *i$eef; my% pionela. you Setesi of the titled TelleWe whose tion. .11 . speaking" '' But hardly had he dn-eiwindow, with a southern eXPegilret When 'Ow -candy' is cOohill" Fe Will heti)
nantea Were uttered: lit Leonhard et.ern .)f. ""xe*. inc xeagoratNY pari
140theri4..retng 14, ,tonea jor ...reverent* ,soarl,-eieut tum, won •oonr, aro ..:. am feeling . - • .
A u . 18 e , seri , nee w 8 or set a x ou . on e snow.
d hen h d rberati t th beat. '
tii, it, ,6417,1,11,h?u receive Shocks. ' ;Some cif them who ..• - . - .. -- ......e.
• teadvIer dlettPavsoll,1 hid Yon ood e3' "
- "Pm sure 1 don't know. Mother. bed entibbed him ,in those Years justk "eve21Hugv*,„14,,Pernal's we seed Ineet
,X just met hive at. the Legation. The efter the War, when he was grog.' next re;" ' ''' maY-Prte to see sse /tali
'Ininister'e wife introduced hire, rind glint( to find his feet. might have itilirtilt Tr lu" '' uitv •tii.
he turned out to be the meet wonder. eetise to regret their hiele of man. , .. 0P,Ilg. , L'ellarl 'Muir
44 4/sueer / have over met. In feet, Sono ' ' wave, aura aid not :wettest that
$ don't think there can be a better the 'ight walk 4 to. the street
A little meditation of thin kind, 4_Ltrie„ it. had .1,67,11.,.. ,,,,A, t I.
denting, man ' the world"' : and he esrefullY replaced the files. ' ''''' """ '" -"" "'""" e as
JO .
°woo, rm relieved to known that telling Inniselfehin he lawn not count' fautts:
n‘ulleinr.intiandi.wiaetle zu:needffolthtete.4i.64oisr.,
he hes at least 040 /OW peint tO hill. hie chicken* Until. At least, be had 4f a t 5 st no 'arwith h
heen nad te the an reag outsi a e "r"
*nee his curious taste in pertuntee" ° * ai al 1410 82I fat 0$0 lone+
htts. Languor replied with lime)), ant, arid had gained the opinion of
dtz don't think / towd like tnaa who hie_ai experts upon it. ethei thianeler listened by the door
uses perfume of any. bled. But Der. lit had the eeteit *au wax so teem he. )13 and
until the leleitnely footballs of htr,
hapslen getting oht.eashioned,ii rokehing for hie and *tick, when . ge
"But, Mother, you would forgive °he door opened and in walked °Mar a PI 1W.;,,tonoprt t
Osese *Intest Anything it you had along, imannouneed, swinging An -v‘*. An brooms of the
Owed with. him, and motel:41y gold -topped time in a nonchalent was Inform at the door. As he placed Inc pane in a corner
down the staves:ie. to his ter* 'fallen
ybu knew how rare goed denting men uunuter. • pre „. car L6 by the &oleo. he noticed upon the
• '"Don't think I've tome to burgle ft-, had1." a— • te ntle 'ece letter in a kouldwritin- g
ramUs they chattered until the thee the Platen. g New*. ,and the, 3 hie wino ed no knew to he mete e.
0 Breve he a ui kaa itiot left. HO SMinised thst it was t a In 1„,*
. .. -. , en ter food over the top:of the box and 110%1 -sicari _.onfinerl' by, the lid will
keen it from- roYmmy err:stare, as
.:breheRfelt *het -the brie, ,nati been.. on the inside and you will have. the I dissolve the lystals as fast as they
disconnected, he removed the receiver feathered et:eats emning to pay you fmee around he edge of -the boiling
*gam, And placed it on the shelf near a visit eandY. • '
hirlzafrAat, shotdd the cell. be renew.' . Suet, cracked ;Ads, seeds, orine. . ,por aorN
ed; the belt would not ring,. and Lady and erUrabts, make it nice bird ban.
Fiske wotild be told by the operator (met. 'Warm water is ids* a treat to , - ,L,,,, , ,, , , . ,
corn Amore you begin popping n,
Shake onethe choif from the pop.
that something had gene wrong With them when the *round is frozen and eise , the nonefiete mey• tate seereiti:
the 4i:sty:anent .. no water to. b* found,
' Moat men would have regarded
and: a enbtetruee as cowardlY* and _
- , CA'reitING COLD nthootatkuhrit' toot ,Put
tterie rooseivp.siir Jon
mean. but Oncar Brogg had. in him , "if colds were not infectious. di's., enough kernel* to cover the &Attire.
time. it will not he fialcv and trill.
just that yellow streak which enabled "804 just ag diOtheria,' ttPliCkid, start heating
orn. slowly so „at
him ti) feel preud ef.10, method:: of fever and Many Other If you try,te pan too 'much at tme
wore so that he would have to stay, „,,,, • they are (dower than
at home iklui in bed. he would -a5,1 gal IMilt Yon have tno low a fire; the tern
shout scattering the. oteroa of mails rad good or Way hc, drafts In
disease*, they
He went to hie room with a light ken legs." son a &MIS PhYdielall.
egret:her from difficult .1diturotions. Woukt he tie more ellnilluM than bro-
step, -humming one of his. favorite Or, if they made the sufferer suffer shouhl bin pooping in a InirMte
the' kernels' will not &torch. They
dance tunes. d
disease, • , rile remit which cool the pop -tern.
- To avoid -colds, keep out cf errwrcled l'Wheri the eorn is panned. pour ?nett -
0, tor pormem to begin her daily late to Make business cell. Meyer b. th. She had written *wining hia invi.
practice, for, deepite her skill as a reldir tliOUght Mitt should eetch *isnot' tor * *bleu 1%1 u s .11114; tatian'
its intrieaey than its tunefulness. Ana X thought you. might be mining theirs with hi rat wit t nt at e
niusielan, fee mother to maintain it, Yon. hut 1 remembered that f Prom. o id have geht „Red l'ihe o ,t dine with When 'Bre• gg enierict trout the
As *Peet hours every day playing illed,. tO glee you My- decision today' 1,4" ° At, .% 0,..,.t
m, hereli$ re•onl to descend to beef and, stewed
emote that Wes more reInerkable for 0100nt that /Aiello* Mee& hneineneo ", *L'er ri/V 4°43°44°' i i -th prnnett in the *none dining4nom. her
Iat the legation, bee parte hag. oho about it ort my diary thie Warning. Intanleat* 1111.,)dalate,_"„_leftfalti1,11/414n1 it, be ebeent from remelt. Viet
velente0Q a weed shoat tile. Mud bet I linvinit given. * thOught Ow 'it Irf.`*" ue n°Peu fllic L" nnanCter
wAs net oneistent with Pitmees ens. shim Moho% ait down, And lett* noneht suggest that they shetaa dins
1Peefle, An Watt illal PartieUllgif the As he bent to resume' hit choir," was to do in IlUene4 Aitel$0 Ant With
As Mrs. letnerey „went about her for It." door, and he doesn't even offer me „ .
W88 still humming' Ida little tune. He
dutiea the had sk trovthlt halt tot 44NOt hit nt it." reelgulded j• itift too the neatest Underground Sta.. in4e4urksbir wall fur km, but bu losheu
tacit eve* . .
thnsir was goner re*
or two o&asiona other than the dente italtertentee. 'tertailllY OW nete that "81.111'4 111detdi' *111,Pre Were long. Three nfoUths 'was ft long tin*
disgutit about Notes. Apparently, a *ked hy the Mies **pity in ee• „
she had met this matt /freer ott one italkettitle that he 'Wea Of en mueh that the Buenos Aires Joh WOUR not
Ikea cad Ito dining engisgetnent keep away Iota home for so
tom. she irotitrlably tionitiotted the hear *boot it." , together and diecuts the work he
AMA% IN% artaght her cortipaity. Nein nedieed thet hie visitor teas the :snare of thie hoPei and in tie*
WO** POO* 44:athar tlanthillt a ta 4rifige")* fit" entirely imaginary, Ana Mr referelleri
Chltritetere trt OHS litory
That attettfoOn, at tea*Mtn -
melt **bantered her neighboi. /rya.
l'15‘.4a as /Saab *5 1.165"44' nitiV:illiltIts.tii"l'i Ovveerr .'litt,"firtnliiteftirtaAeit
of the person with the "dm°
bandit before eating •,sind do net ion et* and silt aPain* Servo hot
the COMMA toWei. *inking' tun or IIAPItY TilOVGIIT
other -Weds Itindlesli by *there. Smoke house tali o' baeon,
1)(;./Ttgolett: trel'eaberdllt,itepiniiiteet"urottheaere; Tatars in de tellsh, -
Brown, as, sweet OW good;
hlt covering your fate when you - p
awe sr cavil. Do not go to thee- leivettl' f3essum s thit:bayfr°shhinteililelne;p1w:*
i.rey,tsod*iriyintycear6eilteasine'se„. exertise, elini- Whavt*ries, dsve intis,e460"tikeeorri,
woe the fly in the amber for 'Ikea*, Atilt *in lawy aike fie tod mace, him 1
and the more he thought of %I the ._,.._.t.' Weletei, 'stet and proper
--Paul Laurence Bun ,
Ismer it heeeme.
. (T0 be continued) • '
shoes WOW Ittre. 'tossed Noir* to felikh he wilit "ffelinm, ti"" "" to any nowt woos it fittsoessy..
4.....,...„.......4.... ...0.ile nothing for it hot to endure the mat
earefee nee4wde la modern
Alb immallserld by
Elm 1. P et
k set far the
tresamnialigsm Of the odo
kuimme. Whoa tie bet
.41=0111ae sae emaplatof
eset fdentreal. Kim
-.Fer ••• 4
141111pe th� ttperatee who 'Wet -
eV' Um roll. romp thao OP*
fOti y years elm kaa toga at the isevies
et the telephoto to iota at the ow
Caph al, sod it owe the ilty.
grew teem Nee Om NO
le the protott UAW
a telephoto .aelag
saw matted from two bemoans au-
Assat Meeldi•ip;, Mb. at Om bow
leg ,aataarimie
"while the kindly.
gribieli it hi* .kamas
Ulm ?hake to provide, Sim wee
meretly the roily/mil of a Sondra
lkohlow hem iter marten? *yellol.
iSlie hue long *Ad etemplery welt,
b**1-1004- *wood Pelogo-of-hie'llitide- 4--Detaill 'of AltillkirMaket
Vale bearding home, after which he thousand* teleet0fle. Night after
wasid Alton and leillat Certain taX0r* 'eight tba, *tutu eotern and "yes
sd hotels en the chaste of meeting :when brief rteopfte is given the vela
some et hre Peen** Weeds tehe is stain torment from continual an.
Wight take hiat to a Right dub, itielpation. 04 Z. fl reneges As.
Xatietnit the -hearditle, heel** he re- Vint* Remedy ehaegeo ati this. Its.
elated the °Mom,, a iglyr days elirt`liet toms, and at owe. while future
ler. Istese he had leaked tem Mlles- atteeks are warded or, harlot the
Street after ,the ratr tiresome in. ;aatieteg one in state of pence and
.teretete *kit teldt_Irtalve, and __ten*, * happiness he Once believed he touid
of the comae reeminued hitt* *ever moo. zactpitailye aaa aal
Suit he had, itet-telimiteced 'tei ^With almost everywhere.
Fiske *a the had asked is her mem. tweeieeeoee..--"oeieee
Somewhat ribletantly. /kw 04
Wed the tekolwne ea/duetand in a
few *IOW wa eindeavering, erftlt
$mell surcoo4 to UM his own in a
eery 411111enit venverastiaa with Lefty
lite petals*, she had diapintyed at
their kat mouths had bee. She
waa now *askew
• eltat. Omott, iker. mem not going.
Dela say Yell Willkkalsre Slee."
"Tata. 1 fang amat., fa theei times
400 1* forted kale et estoli
aed,thie la a Ohara mat afford ilk
%Wag tiosi osl with Jude* Fiske
when eke was aims. hag bo whet be
roiled her wheeditver aseeds. ider pre.
emelt the iwohkut of feeeiniee mart,
Ofel/lelli ill it. Mao Mink forte,
Thai, while ehe was mower en,
Ohjytre* Orr'
rw mum
Ouch! filyBadd Rub
Lumbago Palo Away
-gob ilaeltaelta away With amall
tem beet* elf el*
Ameba OW"
Vilma Alt bade int neepailleave
or Itembego, Walks Or tbseiti
bas you milheed up. dealt WWI Gst
a small trial bottle of kik boost 'It.
irestatAryZitled"Z 1:11".irrariVil;
'die batik, sad by the ewe
OW Met Ilftr, the estioset sad Immo
owe k gest
thiset wet eekahdl toil
ell meads to be mad
owe, It kw gala right set
mak the
111011011011, maghaltherta
nod doemet
the deo.
_Mak_u alha_sbaps lasallagstr=
bead* ere eftennweligi an
le WNW
1st, By filling yopr coal bins with the best Hard
and Soft Coal and Ooke that can be bought.
All our coal is weighed on your own scale (the
market scale) •
2nd, Have you had your heating plant fooked over,
if not we have competent men for that pur-
Srd,Zo.0 require any Lumber, Lath, Doors and
Door Frames, Window Sash with Glass and
Window Frames, Hardwood Mooring, Radia -
ton, Etc, we still have sOltle left which came
out of the Ocean House.
4th, We carry a heavy stock of both Shelf arld
Rein. Hardware, Plumbing and Steam Fit-
ting and Electric Wiring Material.. Let $18
figure on your Plumbing, Heating, and Mee,
tic Wiring. Satisfaction guaranteed.
_ eet