The Goderich Star, 1928-01-05, Page 2almi0100001.0.010=Pwrommuloommlisumm&
Ise metal Is the need.
71. to SAS per lb. 10m0k tea, "Mk
iss, la a rolls of the old doyar—ssaw
Ift*Itteo Waterwita,a Propeas1 e'ewoultleequalethe eeeifelen.'ent---Of
;The Gnat' ,latkeseeSt. LaWiente .'waterway."
Titkwater sociation hint _keyed its Duck iu 101S there %vao startee Ifeense. 'The "standstill" area cevers
pregraninte o the follanieg inspir. 'the MidAirestern Stat;e1 art "unit -akin practicolly the whole of the Midlands
Icecap or 444p:tenni borehole wu. thei four emmaries. Britain. Cumin. Unit.
neeonit leravot oa 'reeord and tho led Sews sad Irrasee, have been tom
yiolds of oats, barley, ow, flax and „ et mi. Two dirigible* liars WA.
other crops wereproportionettelyrafr croettingo, ono, the Britioh B.*4,
ebundantent t, remita the orellards making a round trip. Another
in the previwhere tainniereial igiblo rani./ to grid sod its t rtvir wss
fruit growing iie en important imlutelmeetwei at ma. To the British fliers,
try, hive been encoursiring. In the , $ir John . Meek and Sir Arthur
production of foreet prodane, such Brown, fell the honor of being the
as lumber, pulp and Paper, the out.' fleet to make a norestep crossing of
pine have reached new bigh matte, the Atbintic, oehisving the feat i
The same is true in lenient procluie Dein, when they hopped off front
timi. in the sea and Sulam' flatteries, Newfoundlend for Ireland. The Arn.
in quieting and' inmanufacturing. ericen plane, NC -4, bad previously
1Bank s and financial corporatiens re- eroased by way of ttie Azores.
port bueineee good throughout the.
4 Hilmar* a Double .Murderer
:Dominion with the outlook for the
It is difficult to believe that Wit-
Wentng* liam Edward Rickman, selfeenfeatied
Animed DINeeree, in Britain abductov awl murderer of title Mar-
Twntysix outbreak5 of feet awl imp Parker at Los Angel'es, could home
mouth diseliae eix widely diettin erowded into his ehort of 19 Yeere
buted centres of irtfection tn the Brie the number of erimee to which be has
tish hles necessiteted declaration confessed. Few hardened vele:deals
de 91, °I0tandstill" ateft by the 4 -Ministry hi tbe (ours° of a low lifetime have
, The effeet of the agcleration, is to
a, ohibit _movement of eottle, sheep,
of Agricultu.r_e. equalled his record; and to the as-
tonialunent of ttle authorities he cli-
maxed tile recital of °ten. a score of
mite and goats Jo the area without heideyea and renter -lea VITTD: titqasing
to 0 previous murder. This killing
occurred . on Christmas eve, 102e,
wlien Ivy ThoMs, a druggist, wits kit.
led during a gun fight wben Blelanan rulo na zen discovered and tWelve
arid ii ;Clinivi attarnpt,C4 to rob Thome af the leader. =Toted, although tbo
etore.'eBieleateres eompanion In thio afficiol Chief of the party—Doctor
hohhen, he -aid,, was 1Venter Bunt, a loose, a. terrine Captant in the Prue -
boy only 15 years oln at that time sian Army—manfiged. to nralre Ms ese
and employed in the same bank as cape. Most of the dozen pastels un -
Perry Parker, father of tho child der arrest are nateralleed rrellell
butchered by Hiekniam . eubjects andilermans and are not of
Stint, when taken into custody, At Alsatian origin.
lirit denied all knowledge of Hick-
man, but finally admitted that ite Reel Winter in England
had -.figured iri the Thome, cue and
bed' been slightly Wounded In. the
shoulder. The astonishing torture
of the whole affair is that the police
had not the elightest inkling that
eitber or tho two youths wire connect«
ed with the rims'. murder, or witb
any one of the long list, of armed rob-
beries to which Ilicitman confeesed.
Now the police are trying to -connect
the pair With the myeterioue death
of Itunt's grandfather, who suppose-
lykommitten suicide by jumping from
it high bridge after witndte.wIng a
coneiderebte gum of money from a
be.nk. No niennr 'WAS' found in the
deed mann; Pockets,
Poison Been Rills Eleven
ing tune: •• ' 'for hette'r grain ehipping facilities to ,sitid parts •of Yorkshire and Tema.
A treaty *awe. in 1928 - .th•Mi Eastern and European .inarkets shire, •I
Digging eo feigns in 1149 WIden boo now grown to the preeent.
Open for ecompetre in '1915. Antsraationilt dimensions, Out of'
From the very. ..'beginning set.the ibis 'Agitation gra* _the Great Lakes •
tenet year the St. Lawrence deep we. loarrenee Tidewater Aesoeifee
tontine seliente will have * prominent time About: Novem'bet, 1919, •nrere
in the public:eye. A tueetnig eanie into being tlie Canadian Deep
of the. Nationel Advisory Council IMOWaterways and Power Aseociation,
been celled for Thersday, jatillarY 0, and these two organizations worked
at Ottawa and this meeting. will be together with a view to providing
.eirelinduary AO eouferepee With a deen waterwatre to the-Atlautle,
tommittee of. the Federal Cabinet to As a result of their labors, In Feu.
diocese in ell its espeets the huge. ruary,1920, Canada end the United
• IfrePositio.ri of a 25./Opt $104* eliantiel States rotated the Whole question to
Which would permit oceaneteamehips fetenetional joint Commissien
`trod inland- for 2,000 miles, In of three Catuldiane end three . Amer.
the Procese.ef demoting the St. Law- ions -en permanent orgenleation—
renee to provide the necessary clepth with instructions to mane re. complete,
Oilleweter in the upper stteteltes of survey from eit ennomie standpoint,
etlet titer, it is estimated, that hydeo.
elitetrie power to the extent of 0.090,-
000 horsepower tOuld• he, developed.
orlbe 'estimated cost is- $123,500;000,
but enentone a this eum is, the St.
Tanfrelet ,Commissloo of thejlnited
States enporte that 4‘the, video in ./1
Sing* at 0 the Univers teem
es The Trouble
Itre. W04. 11. NVoilstotk
004 X Item been outfitter..
be Jens from tomeipttfisto.
.‘1 entritleing mold ROA
ot bit notkiog etifiettil to do me much
oieftet Olaf bolo wee boxii my
,uftJ got tat et viol of
At. the tame time the question wee
referred to Canadian and American
engineering 4i4o4iee, nese latter
two neflies 'pooled their efforts and
in March, 1922, after heating evi-
dence all over' the country, reported
favorably -upon, the selteme. Then
tire United States Goveemnent Invite
ed Ottawa to unite in n pine for put-
ting the recommentlatIons into 'effete.
Some time later, on the reeteinitettr .
(lathe of Premier Xing, the two gov. ate of Canada. Ile is a member of Poleon liquor took a 'toll of eleven
eennients eppointed Advieory Coma the Legislative Council of Quebee. Ines in Wunimeg. over the holitinee
ells to. go Molt enhattetirelY into, the ""' . . 'One party staged An the Coronation
Proieet and Make a blether report, NO Dope for Greyson Platte ' ,Block in the, Chnitee Malan ef the
and at the same time it Was raceme! 'All hope bee been anandoned that!tft 4kne°11nttd t°t. °iltilt 114 the
Mended Mitt the engineerimg. board etra. Rraneene. Wilson Grayson end deaths, 'fiVO'nign 1)-444' fain°, dead by
ettlatged fttia tbiA WAS done. ' ' her three -male eompanione who atletrePPlie° in the apartment Enid *
, The Aniericee Advisory C47411 WOW * trans-Atlantic flight "Ler' of. Uteleile Nat had emiteined
1%45 reported feroritblY to the United *hoard the airplane "Dawn" are weed *kernel end "cannel heat," and
States Coebrinnent and Waehingten alive, despite the feet Ott for sev, bota's4Sing later` in the hosnie .
*poets to* ready to g0 alett4 with era diiyo it *ail believe4 they had tel. it it not krniwn that the other named in the notice filed, b
11 -
b4.= asuriber of on rob. h
have afronicairomeismeleited
sae al 'The fitarlt for
IOU os mambos their *oh-
seriptioas la abase* Itr next ;
poor., We 'layout eatePtkoutt-
ly large torioty ealtraders
this anima aid theme alto re-
new *arks Wore any note is
eeleavoton hate the hest donee
a t Lay eideetriber
ming to 'Waste for Inte will
receive oat of these caleatfors
arid 1111114mq fag for eour Geode- 5
rick Star leave eaue ubsrrIp-
lions for en other autgaziaea
or papers yea whit litit The
Star amt we OM leave you
movey In almort every came int
nett as witty -ets the boater
and expense of remitting direct
lo th e publishers. For In-
stance on the price of aey of
the Toronto or London .ditillea
taken in conlunetion with The
Goderich Stew. we save you 50e.
Regular oubecription of The
Star end wee of the dailies $7;
vet elubbiageoffer
Ilen. Philippe Paratlis, Quebec,
who bas been appointed to the Sen.
The Leading Men's
Phone Zig
Reunion of Twenty Years Ago .
When Ex -Pupils of the Late Dr. Strang Gathered From,
Par and Near to Do Him Honor.
The lienquet C Ittlbertson, Itle A.. Toronto. •
rit the evening -there was eti at.
tendane of 180 at the banquet in the
Bedford Itotel, the gentle eon pre-
dominating, and whet all were eeated,
Duncan, Toronto,
Mrs, nt. Sharpe lee Behnuant,
Miss Men Been:num. A., xoreek•
the seem was axone attraetne ou t
the ladies` pretty gone• and the ele- Mrs, Rebsort (nee Iderris),
caroled dining'nell waking the'enew lia," •
front the ladlee° gallery ' eharming. We R. Merntosh, A„ tiora,
The ehoice menu prepared fot Abe W. 1,Vorden, T.aronto,
evening field the 'attention of the Ro,,ehert,eaTeelt.,neevrisetgle'aem
hatomettere far one nour anti thirtn •
' Mefe 'Mee Oleo Miss Dere May
The Christmas season saw. Bug,- , t
lend in the grip of the .toost wintry
weather within money. Snowdrifts
in places piled up, to • a theight of
twelve to sixteeu feet end traffie of
all kinde was eintipletele et a amid -
still. Fen hail to be tarried by
plane to several isolated villages and
armored tanks were open tlie
roade in the ,e sem* of anything in
tne ef snow plows. Livestock
suffered severely, in many distrreta
'ty Clerk Wm, Lane, and reeponded
havhie to be dug out of the ellen, he R. D. 'Cowen, of leielmove
Femmes Mansion Burned oThe ole School."' 'Introdueed by
Fire destroyed one of Englamne Ur. S. E. Hick, and responded to by
historie mansions last- Week. Stan- Messrs...Marine, 'Regent and Pole:
non Ball: in Bertfordsbire, where the er. The .first named wee an assist -
Duke ofeWellington lived after -the ant at the old Grammer Rh001, and
S. F.:Washington, ,,, Iramilton, 1Cingsrvilie* '
oonectuoptieledotritoentoelrairt7i1,tivitell, 4.711, dAtt, riMaelL tith%. ..Theor.sii:paritroany: cPrornestworaiii.
town 'clock had ,Strtre,k, • 2; the '.old J.n4" E1114t, 11$°NvIllittnville'
laltbOnSil our country and the $.1, S44114°44
%ewe. gee the %aster was et, Allan 'Bowie, Ashfield.
old town were not Jfegoteen. Uro Stewart. Detroit,
The program of toasts was eatried Ge°' '11°'"rd' °like* '
auft40043rfeetratilYi"`litro; °aid' by Conn: 'VInne(l' Allitel:e*nS'alfulet"AStnte*P11°""s•ite:
Miss Newton, Toronto-.
Misa Ivy Newton, Toronto.
Ms M. A. Harriet, Toronto,
R. N. Merritt, Peterbore. s
Emma C. Craig Finlay, Moielange
M. Wright. Sarnia. •
Miss E. Beneerson, Dung:union, ,
E. G. Otairtieei Clinton.
S„ IYIetware St, George.
Vietelend. Anburn.
Miss L. Clark, St. Belem.
• I% Clark. St, Roles.
Misr; M. R. Fingland, Auburn.
Miss A. S. Yount.. Carlow'.
Rod, iVie”Young, Carlon'.
Miss M. G. Clark, St,
• Cana:ten, 1,,uelittow; • •
Battle of Vinderloo, yes tompletelar elided.' his two Y.4nra Berrien at ,the
butnen with ell ite cornet*. tt Wen iriew higlt seboo1, end .tettrbt in •O11. -
'built tlie;ditye of '0:41ecti. Eliettbetne 'tote. for 9 ,10ng Period,
lt After et,' Lawrence Rights though 'n long one, was attentiveln
Ottawa. fee legisletive Whority , to atell'4 the °Ta Seb°4 tile
A privato eompanY is #pplying to listened to, as was britrif4 ef nnee-
build a, thirty-foot neete tween tor and the old !Meter's' partner*
old /nag-
0Otntinit' and -Montreal,. xploit Iltr.t,Itiegartit took:well versed hi
the power - incidental. there ' the course of the old sclemi, of *hi&
_ ,
riven behind the 5ohotne.:' 'hi$ gave it borts- elirretne,' and • Xt.
. Parkers epeech was one of edmiro-
ie eon ,for 'The old seinen; ' and the old
ineipal. . " ,
`The Old Mester" was in the betide
it an Elliott, of sovrinamine, nina
thereeeould 'have been to mere snot-
patnetine,preposerene the exastudentte'
Verietiatitin for his tad „teat:tier shone
forth in etery ieut,enee. of his teal -
MeV -to the -ability and. worth of 1.1.
.the liropositIon. 'The report of the
Canadian Advise*, ,Connell , has been
inadn to the 1.I 4,4 Sat bia not'
been made palate. It is erpeetNI,
hoverer, thskthis will he, done Intme.
dlatelso 'after the Otte** tonfetencee
. at. hetet before revilement mete
toward the letter end et January. ,
tliree men toek part in this partieuler t'beir,solleiter, nein) is •-1'1,
an pfalontrot.
teethed an cute:if-The-VW RIO orgy. All were teglieleepettlung
xeloottudiand. Vague wireless no- atia itg suoit Surely Must hare' Walhe
Sage$ Which were (believed to Ilave a the ,dangers attendant upon such
°°iii° WM' the "Dawn" asking debauch, but leek of funds to
"'Where are Wel" end ''Can you lee thole Hate" teem the Ooverrintent
Sad thee did me I took lot* unto Aroused hope for the time theught to nave been re.
iiirtar *Ore, eted y krb that the fliers might be afloat in their ivn4inr is
plow on the 'stormy Atlantie, but 89onsible for their folly. Three,14:004
net *104 ma they 4 Mak thoy ato erte- felled of remult. Oskar Ornstein 1,1111tetaarbrtiaaraohrtent,tolYliVitnittO write,
,segrot ey a/rasa eta U. S. destroy. the were plainly labelled poison, and
olleve meomemenied tlient to dirtier Coreedient Well Fitted Stocking
The year 1'927 nes been a gam, one out of the Donn attained PrOnlin- mous "bootleg" Tiquot; 'giAnlie` ---, si.,
490 taster Wet ba-nitiann them le for Canada. In agrieature, the bre • enee -when he, oda, the dirigible
nee lioneeit y sic Industrie Of the country, the pri1. gorge oyer the North Pok in 1920. ful stuff eauffed blindness, elreeeldesse
it at 11411'14"Wititt. 1001 44*14104 or fnilr and returned a total value ot tempts to span ethe Atiantiee have char•detere .
IiillnestreLenteLient rills nre 20e. e riled field erops have ridden bounti. To date ewe feat of gitteen at. nese and death of a most agonizing
°al" iliteet " 11"Itt 4 V" br i $14141,361,000, an ineresiee Of SKr,- ee eee f e n' a 1 a Abertive Viesing In Alsime
Tee T. Milburn Cep Limited oroxito, • .- - en 0 0" 11 Pur rP alt68 an •
t. „ t fie. „emu° over e920. The 1027 wheat glee erews, earreleg tne`..eolors of A plot to free Alsace from, Prerteh
• -
IT. S.
Zee folTowing resolution was pas-
sant the 'Deceenner meeting of the
Gotten& Womates Christian, Temper-
-.ATtio..Billtiorr IsTarditBrIlsBais-els,1
V, I* Hyslop, %Maio; N.../.
. R. H. smilley, sebnont.
lais$ A. C. Johnston; Buffalo,
Wm. Mafioso, Loalialsh.
E. et-Leitannetsore AubUrn,
Mise It. O'Reille, Cobalt
W. J. Smyth. it. Helene,
Isabella tenLonen, Chicago.
ate_ ee Velour .. • .' . I. Strang, n‘e. '• . • • ' 3n15-iiss" v.a. 8etlIerelituagth' . IMNellivreirltrIc.
tho' mugglitIC of liquor into the tree atreng aPPreeintie:a:'f 4telieel, tregtAteitt-e-e ,IM.I8B8.)31Yo4turilWg,afltDe7ig'a'njri°10"nirti°-
. Whereas we lalieve, the l'etierstt The old Masten -
Gave -emelt to be aiding and *betting ful for. the kindly words and., ten° A. P. Shopped, Nile.
ited. States', which is a prohibition large audience, tartorig„Whom be could -.,
'minter and into whieh. ikin°t' for recall recall uo ninny fates. e He 'aid the
beverage Imposes, may not be legal., , . W. A. Cowan, Terento.
W; J. M. Armstrong, Mitotic% -
And whereas he vee e.e' are, tan- 0- 40 ibtet °4f• Slin"•°1884/13v:".13°:(..77:,.,'.Margaret —43rn. ' 6t1 Beck, —° -1
4111"17'i ' i t . f)r" Pmna it d tv 4 he".traced 1116 f n. 1°1 -1. "11.
eigeed to Phees• thee.- do. not touch o, . , . , C. , B. „ Nile.
gerttro• are Oplalvolverett.U. ,.turn without iinetarepeereelohnle41; eini0;inerdenolkrealturiinnrIr0t
Mina na an educations -a. etore e j 0 Reid le A
stillinricevAtture derived from t1i.,0 .illegal golodwoie,eretoicetboof irthinsnyaesswistandalyta. letters A1
Ilt.5:11fili Sas: C.
CA:..i. . EnA1;110;riteAtrk:)YPI n:aaiS°:h 0,11:::e ti1:;:gAti ao' rtiti:1,: .
Whereas we belgve this is done for period. }le bore tesennony to be miss F. 8. ,neey. Nils).
the women a tale coderieu Womaele ft°°1 ih4T Untt,1° to a.tra tiielew.ineg.' 'Sank. . .
Therefore be it reaelVed that we;
tndon, nnxi *eoneiinied wit 1,. a g Grace s. mason, Stratford.
tches-4 boxes for, ,
P .0 Soap -4 bars for.
- 10 bars
Metsien's Own Soitp—S Ultra
for . 0,*****441*********1:41$11100
.20e Fresh Mixed Cakes, to clear
Jain, 34b.
Raspberry or Strawberry
• at, per II)..... ........ .42
O'Cedar Oil, large 50r AM
°No alum°, 1 lb. tins.
ry's Itaker's or COMM'S (104
COO, lora tin, each........25c
Corn Flakes—Sugair. crisp, 3
Seedless Riiisins--Dest .qua*
„Sty, 2 Ito for.; ; ......25c
Flash Shelled Walnuts, not
broken, per ...Sec
CatiliblA Corn, good. quality,
2 WWI for ........
Calwril, quarts, reg. 25c,
ter ........ .840.820c
Catsup, pints, reg. 164 2
pines for.; 488888
IN" Our Rot, reg.121.44c lb.
fer• • ..... • . P * • 4 •
Arbor Sops. can.. „,
Tomato Seeps, 2
4. •
OICedar Oil, 25c Bottles, for
0 0* A/ • • * • • 71 • • 4 •
Dinner Seto, reg. $25.00, for
**** *4.08I44$22450
Dinner Sets, reg. $35.00, for
rimy Pieces of China, 10%
off reg. prices.
Chinstiari Temperance pled°
on record our dieapproval osueli
methods, _
Furthermore ler it eesolved that
we nsk our Government to, deemed
the same eeeletation regardme liquor
Nimes., aloe niece of shipment. dwell toasts to dollie MinistrY,
$ would lie necesearv in the ease of or
Depots on liquor cargo Pronerin d 068ent and
any oilier taro, and that clearawe 4;0";;;r7c<numePic-e—IV .npairtis -3„:„
les an
signed Ink custome °Moen.
Signed fin behalf of the Godetiele though the hour was late when 4$Anid
Woman's Christian Temperance Un- Lang Syne" was sung, the gathering
tribute to nis life rattler, -whose *11 -
nes; the loving kindness of bis ex
pupils and en-teaeliere Woula help to
The remainder of tbo program in -
rtiZASZTIt G 11UNTER, Seery.
Black Tea, Bulk, reg. 70c,
tor.... 65c
Black Toa, Bulk, our, 60c
Special, for.... .. At • • • • !AC
Al -
• Tobacco
eDauald's Briar2 pews,
ter Zk
MeDanalsrs (lowing, 2 plugs
....... 25e
MeDassalirs, *tar. rag. 20c,
2 Phis for 25t
MeDenalirs C.w1s%, riga
Met I pimp far
Oilier Brands. reg. 154 2
for.... .... .
Dry Goods Dept.
Menti Heavy Wool Under.
wear, reg. $1.50,
Men's Meet Lined Under.
wear, reg. OA, fer 85c
Pure Wool Factory Yarn,
per lb,
Mekett 01*1111114 reg. OM,
for...... ..... ..
Bath Towels, ,reg. 5110, for
• $ 4* ...... 4•••••••••••••310e
Linen Towelling, reg.
sod 254 per yarll, for...415e
Flamosistle, reg. 25e and $e
per yard, far.... ..
Pers 'Wed Bbiikets, reg. SI
soul $110.4111. $11.410
1sre amertavent of Gloves
aed Mitts. at Spatial Pries'
lett • Ski
We carry a tood *lock of
lectricat Appilanco
Fixture*, etc.
'We Special's* in
Wiring et Alt Kinds
Estimates given 011
Alt Work Coorontiod
Frank McAithur
12 West Strad
orsmimo." gm Merits
'Weise tif Sari Tot
�*ti Ilotyletre
t utleseoverwrite !wows 4111e Sage
peemilette brims heck iht aistoni osier
add take to the heir whit WA
etteettett et ray. Years es* the esdi
W$$ to edit& misters was to mho
*it which it shifty apt woolk-
some. gala* * !Ay
Ilitrit Uses for " yelW* nee ess$
Coalionati." ywa * Wes
11.100 40 this hivormia inielyr,
ittorett tiy itst iiilditteo of tow ise
• * smelt at.
1 Devet oki, roll Try lit attiliz
am sensibly toil Oat yoo
row hale. et it eon it so seaseally
rossig. YON Er oft
Womb trisii It sae
,y tisk whets eon
lbw mortioi the gm.
MitEwEN Goderich, Ontario .
Miss. Nay. S ratted. . .
' Miss., WinnieShaw'IStratford
Miss 'Minnie joilinston, ntefeking:.
1.4,Mtiiassa .lie•A04,D01OITeek,soNnv,Seesataefrtia4.11.
4.1D:1.174.8:11.1.frialtTaiilliasfste;tsF000nntd,tototniuleoeus., Ont.,
Miss Grace jobriaton, Stratford.
II. IL Lone. Dungannon. '
thristeta M. blips" Carlow.
lcinaestit°tnet°thae Icr:tP. bltere4 -and 7k3°Y* Miss Nina Xiipatriek, Crowe. .
:::fruthAt:t17rdgea,, rit:ni:n4noe14:1 '
Those Wise Were Present' Henry Tisdale, North liakette .
anirdite6ni-rileVnintge ntlabtehc'reigisinttdelleafrtlerial A. Sheldete. Crewe. .
Mrs. Van Rosser!, (nee Senhio Wil* atm. Elliott, Bovnriatwille.
thong), California. W. ff. Johnston, Rippen.
Mho. Skelton, Areelss Man. ' Mist Sarah M. Solinston, leiptien.
Mrs. Clearihne (nee F. E. Beall J. A. geVaren. Toronto: ,
Frank, Albetta. Gett, Rebuilt, Eginondville.
Thos. C. Wright, ItIontreal, Quo,
. Rev. W. W. Stoddart, and Mrs.
Storldert, Fulton. Miss. .
Dr. hieldruer, D. 11.. and Mrs. Mel -
drone of Cleveland, .Ohio,
Rev. Jennes Wilson, B. A., Toronto.
Wm. McBride, Winnipeg. •
Mrs. Woodifeter e(treite -Meenni
G"Chnta);. cw"*tnsionngt.°14n.ew York City. .
Miss Maud Watson. Toronto.
Mr. *rid Mrs. Geo. R. Gordon, Van-
eouveleAt. C.
John Leonetti, N-. D. '
Mies Mary Sbairinint, Prinee Al-
bert. Seek. a s . ss. .
Miss Aliee Shatiliell, Regina, Mialc.
Vise Chia .Shermeet, Yorkton,
Mies McLellan, Toronto Junetion.
protIlIrson. . D. Johnston (nee Curran),
7ittati Isobel Bissett, Cornwall.
lnifiet Mend Dimwit, lemoldys, N.Y.
H. E. Pariallis. Montreal,
Mrs. Wilson tnte Porter), Mimi".
"tinge'"? *node, Thesealoa.
ter. A. Stager, W. A,. Toreitto.
Percy Ifateoloson, letaintow,
Mee Ileleemoott frwe Butson),
imilekler."rA,' IL Ifteleartson. Wallscelvarg.
De, Ofitnen, Woottotock.
Who Outten', Itobertaoft, Warw.-
11r, T. Vatp.. Torooto•
.1. A. Taylor, Whighem,
at •
Jelin Parker, Owen Sound.
Mime• T. E. Crooks, Itolmowille:
Miss M. Trotter,-
(. A. Atoulth, Admit.
Dr. J. Duncan. Toronto,
(Coutinued on page tl)
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