The Goderich Star, 1927-11-24, Page 68TA11 ")THUSWAY. NOV. 2"111. 1"?
me SIX
childrenft health a*A*n had th4tre be" no Voatp~6w~"w-
mout of tho appointownt,
4 J Vath*r Longtrey. limping slightly,
W. row". YOU KN0%VP
fu4st4 shout OWA awk-
ing a Irriest bus"W" lgtalat-
ing Vverairk and Itshon r outh Unit Me& oar -kom Ill" westom Wheats, I rum b
walling how, yoarA ago, he h14 t*k- ril - lutm — the mW bWpr --- �� food.
en Naito to the annual 'dinkior off, (Copyrisht, lot?, Frank colw,r) 4, PU , '$= is best '7y'xur"Wkins foad vnll vxpply ex
FilM SICCOU04M.11' Ot9*044tiOrk 'When nty - . sm
Rusiwil, was, a young Vkrk r"ently 197 now bom- S" 1,1104faillic ftw A sot of seven queAtiona will ap- wxWihment to the chiddrgll, iM 01�kM pim b4m IM blved.
pearhortin oach week. "haining to: ANEINIUMb Am ANN&
lbertft ot his father whe had twen. a
huAiness of Langirey. Get'lis 1.,ight ? Coomm TWuri—Xiiow They W44,
-Nair". Idesi-pitt his no* i"f6equent Jill 198. Now Loor W Dilro-reot AM- star What 7Uy Are Mok Of;
visit& to the La"Ctroys, w" groting y ad The Otors, 1U X4rt1h, Life, PUR17Y
rathry Airsd of that Walfi Live "I
Xlectritity, Radio. History,
1but he diiielplin" himself t1k toler-fl"� Where 00 We Clot Our lee -v G"Xra sc000silks. Law.
ance, for he knew Owt more li�e It X"Ith!"Walasom Ca"Ools;
were to come during the. nual, 2". How Is Aftillcial fire We ? Max. Asiouds, Wrib, Plant
And, bit proventimebtaryta tor Life; .46"lls"01M
roct. Mrs. Langtrev preseittly she heard her fathe,.a!for that beautiful music."
Parns'lls 201- 04t# FAWStift yiefil 4 Fi"411- CORRECT ANSWERS GIV'EN V*
4 orovided, whonever they got 14 ffeet� W, and she ceased, "Good night, Ru4iiell."
TM -S tj Ing opportutitV,'briebtand diverting "Pamela, I expect Lucy's gono �o lie waited for a moment #4 if he
10r frostv worni NEXT WEEK
Ponversation, but Mr. Langtrey an4 202, How !"M I See how Many you isril answer by W. Do run 1nto tile, diulvgro�im wis
bed to. say something more, but
ch )�# a carlosil Iind bring the whiskey. YOU'll. Aad bor AdOed %QW119, and turning, he
ftotoas agai Usit stoirmy weatex his Odor daughter. Froila. manufae. that time. it all ready r
tured: dull, conventional talk -about 3#3, .�Nv at IUY Will with the glasi��a on a moved briikly and with %ng strWei,
,_h e the eu�
, 1�
the City and aboutL * noto tray."' out intp the darkness. Whel
le stomachs rl�U.j but- t4la of a 14WrA1,FAw*09"et x In an instant she wa*,gon,�. (In- gino of his car was throbbinirs and,
Kind to fin stels case of fraud on the part ar's s�rap book ar4 kgep'for future raer. ti ed back again, Famela did
co"many promoter, *oce. I rilie, was�almost outside tk� door It he look
Z I= OAr* YOUL going to rl*V not r lip the'
. to It,; af- ahe dau-4 Aise her eye -i. but nQt seehim. She W started i
tor 41"wer. Pamela,?"' adod Nairn. A New Way to 14arn Out Worth Whik Thing ]Kajh ]Djy airon as she 44" Nairv'$, 94?e,wa;; air E�tabvase Abwords her roAt.
tired of Trpdals vocksureneso and hit, hei.,and in one swift glqnc��, �ehe had -AR Nairn's ear trossed Westinin-
renewed the me$ which had W01 5ter Bridge, nearing- the ind -of its
Ushed, unspoken, ten minutea earl. journey, hi� opened the w1rA** and
i ne Loveless Isle' "I'mn't you think vcUld ratbor talk &N.SWUS TO JAST "'S QUBSTION
to rothor, Ahout COV thiruts?" I to. How Chloe" in 4ke lu's. entire horizon. This efiablej the let. flung Out Iiis eigar, on Ng Son chim.
As ithoz!eutt�red the ban, Freda, ed eleven.
Pamela. your athor wouldn't. fleeing -W -xtv- once--sw where iiitn; -only -of -tbe,fact'-
By NORMAN PENZEY M Chinese ernigrortz altrivt4 in it 1* 901111 ve been out
When . First r, while keeping. #a pur. Ing- the etair& and iowq thero wore that the cigar must bw
-he condescends 4-1114:14- honio. Im suro he's thir. $xn Francifico, in , 1848. sy, 190 they 1$uer In vW0. In the best riiiiners, Ave, people in the di.Awiniproom, for a -.good- quarter of *A hoiIr.
%ur, I*VXLAM ISIX IWhericiver to visit asith1v tirod of.evorything in7the "Um red 101,00, singis the t b-5. the two 4114, be conftoed)
34,W14 Nairn, a tall, Sgod.looking, their suburban home. The younger Q16? be A. here, the, rVil forms a -horizontal ellipse, talking , gmyontionalit
%*,.wwwb*t austere batbelor, )%as 14119trOY g1r), Pamela. a vivilojoug "Yeg" said Mr. LnxtraY, 41011VAno bas,,boen a gradual demittie, the cen. Whic asslats III, broadening tt4o, Aeld, men sipping whiloky and sods.
18u,9 of 19W showing -0,00. Th* of vision, Poor runners, however, Carns dipappear when trest�41 with
'-sol�WreA tonsiderable success as a atodeit of Inuxle, I$,. out of the fgwl4iftly I"nriair the fact that "bot hod which Pamela stood in the bockgrollmd, as Holloway'$, Corn Uemover witl1out
of +110 people who are not ovistowed by **n t"Imapp "shop" for tho;' %tter number Of stu4cutsm howeyert has depend M*X* Upon QrAft than Nairn was leaving, iitondli6l. Where
am shownl a tonatikit,increa-ge, from 0 in speed, for their asf4fy, ha -m round. thelhall lig OLIXot tViSt Ito
, pay Anonclor, in Spite I -- briglit, leavirg asexr.
Am* 04 he is Uit thirty-siv. Ilia Nairn. CAllins: at. bi& office, mhe 0"tt Of half An U013% urve, 0,1WAY0 ht di
Ail o I devotion to his business has gives him a XoW;natured "whiggIng" sold. Rugooll, that x man should shod t1W90Qf1 to MW in 19M More than VuPilx*
thlr& IIV^ in'ti)WAS 004 titles, nw Nom� P# rays, For Heavy sleeptra
for his negled Of his frionds. He his binin"S. on 'YOU May say, when W of Big, Galme lix He shcok hands 'with Ow others,
J A. M. At ", $x mo,41Y on this Pacific Qwst, but there VA* 4 1 "A, . V.+16..r V&4rov Ovum. Sele"Ust has iuvolted An eoth�
I T is
n �STO Flul
no-wff am MO ES
a U49W with
010 it At the
them, lie is
by whf' %
e to roduce
-ilw .. L r#— I
Sure YoUlft Tit
I slall not �ave, t6 leave withoiAt
-hearing POW* play—on4, perhaps,
sip .*I
'04*811't it make vou flibilil About
�tho"wqr anit othcr,borrld
am Chinese tolonfes in neorl L ry
-Y evo
largat city. The proportion of in ea to
WOMOU is about oven to one. Many
young Chinesii, bqnt on ailventore and.
911ces, move from city,46 city,
I and. PAY their way 'by engaging as
$0 Xatlopal lorestsi tontall, ah6ut
$0,000 -deer., National forefita and
NationxI parka &PPIrOXImStely 72,002
o1k; thtre"Ore. All -told about 28A0
Antelope. J10AW, 2'.100 Q4.Uja; in bla
tlo;41, fort An 10 states; 13,000
td� Ow door, Nairn stopped :wards quako announcer that goes off lik
belt. Au 4tatm clbok. There is mudh moro
"0404-'byOX Pamela. Tfisnlk $to# es OR like an t4rth4u*ke.
ptain .
tatigft I
h ary, incteas,
Ing output prodigiously, and assuin-
vatil Pamela.,
Xuppr4e, you play the
waitegsi, 14 the' numeroul Vbhnwea:�,
�t I I 1.5vt
moun aill, a Vop in 11,>4tatez"', 4nd
A0,00 mountain goats 4 sitatesi
the oraw hw* of tho lomps1hadt.
lnggrP*t o4tJonffl, ptQ15Verltyj
thines you U��ed to pbi�t %A r.qjinie,
14,". Ila �'%Vjk iii _.%Je T)fty- '-pil' nil �S*
JQOSe -'arb
ArA Psimels. Aiwroll"OV Oblivious Of
Nalm's pre"Vii. l"ked 6v*r to-
Sir Fredertek once, a f&sI4qp#W _0
surgeon, has A� wife, 6ugiderably
on, aii0ow., y6u, risly so
ftt it dotZli't
r;n**g04 ,* .
$h the "Western 'tbore. are,
- L
Xlnn�sota"� and, Xalno, And fAlrW
Went) anii
wards the bowwiftdowowith ItA 10"9-
junlor�', who, b&Ving.104 1nt0re$tln
her husband, -is much attractod h.v
seom- like the,
Pamela blushed, a little, and Malrol
1 4"
many Chinthe, tailors, Urmor oar
oner.q; A"feW 40meStle SeTvsots onct
Nov* Scotia the m0000, and etiribou
(Aine. lesin Tpixidvir) the oblef
Oscar Bregg, it young 7121cr, do well
111—kill to' feel tbAt was liaviwo a
been e 1 0
minors. Many have, 1 1( yad
"me Mat "producol'a Valia"'
Nairn TOVM music, jot how mueh
who "dances divinely." '
little success in his effort to pruthimm
tit 112
in the canneries. of Ala
-re PrA00ted
Fur-bming animals, Whe
%i, IIIVer knew 01101 that monitnt.
now "sXni&*1%tJy xlie� waik rla)t.
VQ;W,"I'A Al" -:�h
self s ht with +he wirl
J, ^- is
. %.---
inif� Crory tit" *06ko'. it had tino-
f"liog: 0"A #TM had
tojlj Uregoll. AIM, "Walixornia. In T, S IMOV1119 311 111CIVAge; %;A$vvv
vs is renewed after P4- "Vory We Are engag st. h0vo been almost Oxterm N�
34towism lunilbapo neuritis, ba* the I.alligtre. 141� said Pamela, Pw$ll larger titles the grarol Alo itinted.
ii;Ksore musclesi itraiiis., mehi, has told 'him, In her eliareeter- $00.' ly in boelness, there, belpf, about 101r, How. -bliny A 1, �.Ps 9ss"Mgdr
49 -*0-4 Ing --I*.
-Aoor-4iniier.- to, -rhe
*b* Joints. Wilenyoo, a 1re' hitic 14imeri.vhat $he ifilaks of Inu mq are
C so you can 1.1
hardly ggtarouod, OUPUR V. ctscused. 'She baied ther4hought. she, laundryale'VIL but the "ChOp 'Suey"
Sw oy Ited Pepper Rub. plonfor res� Tbo , U., S. Mo* Aies 6iore IPM9
said, of leaving such a distifig rJutgrowth. of VkL
xsod-w has Such Conotfitt4ted" Vene; NAM visitor, but. her hockey club was hold- taurAntl is their" ptincipal activit2r� than 411 European colintries Ugodwr
*aft W,%t US ri;d peppef#,r and w it mola wove, the 0ock. And, 4i ing A eOncer�- and us $110' W&$ Olt the 4`01IOP $Uoy" Tooling !Iswall Pieces,' --conilaoelal. illying,averuges 22,00
i ft -0 Wulrates ri*ht down- Into pain course,, she worg -AArr0dA W$k$ 91011did M) and in phins dtsignstes tile po miles ddily, -Tolie I the, licensed air -
It for tho firat COMIllitt0e, or
I rollot 'comes at once, *After tho disappointment,,, w1doll vonuVdttoe�) -sbe"Was obliged to pn� Iniin's; a) of left-ovors. . In worthy.planes oumbere& lwllolc with, . . ......
4 8h Amieri� ......... . .
As $00111 as A QU apply Red rt a. N41ro bad inflieted byAlgallint off" if $Ili Appearance.- thOU91A shs-*w4tild- ca� they 'servo a large mool at, STA411 b-11 aualfronal notlicensVil; till told.
ra - , planes in privote,
t tingling heat fl, more thilit 3,wo
the original dinner ppgagenitnti -Pa. n'4 -,')O AWAY fOV IOU94 cost by making A. mixture mositly"Of
the � sore spot is Warmt!- mela'(vuld rot regard the frock witl) Thus, in the dr4w,1ng-7roorA.-,, Pamr bulky Iliands.. Daily possexiger service, be-
throgil an4 tile tortury o, th saine fine outhumasm he bad owi� 4uaienoe tonsilated-of Nairn and tween Detroit and Gtafld,. Rapids;
cab -
nut, her parents..
199,� Wliat KiA4, of ft,;
!Pper Rub, made from Isbowft, -when she pureh*$ed it.
jwwles Red F4 ined-sbips),, betviten Log A -holes
rk ISMS litt.10- at. -any drug, - -""ith- the renewal a 'the 011vagoilient, At Orst�: slia pla�od fragnizilia And Salt
Ar. a
t a Jor-at once. Ile sure to 4-4, 111,44,10 Of posspgsion "roturned: III whlcli,i�ht t1rought, the viaitor Nv
ould, placed in 100t, 0 00
t deeply sunk Wes and 'goattle; between 1�ost6i)
990 e, wifh tht. Awe �Rowies all Its fullness,, -and tonight sho' viora, likt�Iiti:14 oto
des 4y Choplu. ex* and close, to 4libri arl
(using larg0i U�mot
I the ffock withi probtlbLy. even great- 1racts. front otol.or- tiad of: 130etho. in th,&rsctketp' And 1artbOr- Irm"t-
or$ I rilliges And. by woo' &*4 6red olanes-:6f -the' Fokker typo)
e iv, � and �V i
ry (chowilig) pluscle
R 0
the head. , Wtus the Ingtoi% Some 4f � these lihq8 also
t os 61 caiiy' Inall 414&. llkft fmight.,
(t o -e 4) -vision, U, Urge,
inoc lar u field is; VOOP 111".
Iiku - IQ 11,961 What 18 Ifor uowweiki F9111n.,
untots .*blch lie in wait dation, T
The world's bik�osr philanthropy.,
for therr ptoy"Ltbe pupil of the 0yo
is' a vertical ellips6o white in, t`1100'' in
*hivh glutire their pvev jt, is 'round, Its � influence' has
is bab, -hunter tin som.0 WAX 40 Almost ovett
roz, which
aying, a - e&r, g.
hunted, U4 rtoritallv P1 ecuntry 13�pl Ahil rid
aced oyes like 7., 1 -
'the, buuters� Wt they proiviide atid
havo crosawra"'011intiloal Pupil$, -is I
An A
the ease of'other hunted gnimils,
I I'm for�
warding medical sclisnee and tile
is&, What 1004, of VYes Ildve great *ork of
MOO I* War **t **K*
ag . --C. r. *1
DOMINION 0' F 'CANADA Axinials.1 ell part Ili the worlit" W6, '410st thoppr photifiraphe4 Lai
tuberoulogiar nialai*. 'tYpfi*6001.1 rel- Tfeta"41yo 1*011-cootakin H. ffilAmto VNJR,
Are 014co(f Ott tile side of the head
V1101C.."I"TURY LOAN UVINLDN�, shall
UhTU Ist or o
IT ra lack,
a prepared-- the
THE SANK OF MONUEA1, at all of its'Braaches.*� Canad "is
foacapt the�above bonds for redmptionat maturity. vewo
'ds, the B=.k of Montreal vnill a�cept the orlto
For etoaimnkmeofaw softhebon
bm& at azy fte prio�_ toL DecAmber Ist, and will m4e payment �ih, each cast
an Deombor Ist, either by issuing a, dieque or by placing the an-mmtto #ie
wide sport, while the orhit'.3 aro. low � fever., hookwornt ari$ other
aw, and' not .0rOtqQte4 by viaggs soourgesi,�Imtit i1i'vlany ifti.rt�r -of the -A 8190141,16110i has b00 conferred �6 A.M.1t,
heyring, imiscrelt. The biooeular ulorld they bayo been goder of , tthii Canjillian Pt(cifie 'Wnt"j-4k Tiy 'the' inerabeft
practleaftV. ora- X. comin -strougon bis;,�*p Irom'EaklIand
`01 1 , 9 In
itety dicftW� FtOTO the tiii* o"fT C"#Or- of the Americare Legion who Wled 900
of VIA a is small, or 'eUt,
ng while oile -p4noronue field,.ou ter in 1918 'has disbursed. atior,
It tember.
almost theittid or pledged close tor 990,000 '0. 00 their voyAgeatroas the, A040tio to quOec, X A Avers"Oput
the American Legion, department Of Miehikan, de�ot�tod JCaptain Sib -
bons' with the Arfierlexii, Logion, official m odal QF t4* Secofid AXX�
Her, oyes met his, and soiftotlaits
svotelonlis, Altil 4 great fav- 0, thm, something my.4 L torions apm- Many of the Legiomirjjrcsi� who journeyed b6t)h wAvs. on this 41mont*
orbis, V*derewskVit "Minuet." 0 toyal"' to attend the convention, were,'cartiod b5t this ship to-Ptance
, a f "llil,001 as "werbil'as tte. will ortho� -Great War and with the �-liopuliiir
att,1king, ew chordRshe be- I Qw during the reti�wed tBeirfrierid4hip
4-0 siiir, lt' was 4 Toorsel of Inan: himself, ieemed' 'to hold' he , Commander.- The majority of, the togionnaires. oir, thei peacetime jckur-w'
nd 'he wss drawn to.
Olt Ikofiehallance—, fxeiolnated� A, ney to Fvgnee wer e n ed
o from, tho-, middle west anfl�. ivo -of th U it
ivards her as surely as steel is qfrswn
vie ent vailleg tq'tbe inagnot. In tionoring Captain
Lk State
'Utt, peu tramoisr, .2
owntra cmd in tw books lor t= Bank, as d Unly a vice sephr'-MU 1.110111 1&0
owner maly 00511 n pou. he hainew tioddly, he moved just a little no.UM Ayers said. iifb�06., 'an historic pilgrinitte, Ims 6eeo � success
Et pulo�bonjour� I "Captain 1. fully
U vie est brevet 1141d, Xmi'tbousands of the best, Otizon! o� Americs, proven to bei -
sippiry., At that',womeut, the liand%orr,tbo much in action, and pioven again in their smea-ro de -sire ta, c6intinaor
- - — - - - - - - Un pou We do4r %VAS Moved noisely. thott good citizenship by promoting warlW, peace tl*ough this pilgrlwag(r,
Un Pon de reve. t � 11.
After Novethber 30th-.
*11 - -,,. to get a
you wiu not be able
After Xowmba 30th eyffy SpOk-slat, foir A10tor VOVIdt
Xktow,will bt roqWrt4 to pw* an examinaltiork of fitntft SUft.
Will t*U Wme thft 6" WM Ott A fft Of $1.00.
It voill be oww"d OhW 04 Am dittt tUt *V" 06-10' AM
t"W ddvw will, hm:bm*4 tin JAW *M wured #I lik"ftaft-
It you have bon tarolfts in not AWAft tot Ymr 110tot V*14k* INW*
we* Maw, ym will savit YoUlUlf IncMV00i0ft V6 time aM mmyk by
waWft applicotim siow, AA appUfttioi� SKM M be "mro4, *t *W
1&"Oft *To ftw islo*d *WVut exon%gion to tbmt vM Uve 4olveft
4 tot at U"t six t"Aft am fbt *t 1"*t so lmfle% om Aluo hs" w
phy"I or awatal. di"bfty v" **Y intedem With tbt OPMOM Oft
motot car. Tbo fee foe a Ikenn k $1.100 041kinm- now iftutd VM t*
S"d until Docembilir 31*, 102&
Ikeinim mat be canied by doivers sit all dwow. In OW of actid4ht cc
kftftti= Of The H*hWay'Troft ". ddv*n Vdthout motot Vt"
opemtoes Liamm amiot be cww"wW so expwiioneed **d c6w4wtW&-.
VAd" Aer Vo%kk 00millk's Lkvww Yft,b^'* 00 "" Y ft
adwWoewlisoatwio. , P"4110tim of
the bff".ea uxw*t "Or be *W0*A *t say 600 by my V016cowwot or
ttssc *1111frot.
tryou %ove mot yet wwtd youe lk"** Im of* "b*t to &P 0 *W
"Mo. "64 V Vft waft tin *her "On"U" 3ft to owy Y" *W M" to
Ober t1w I*W. Save, yoursw tinit'. Iftenvieninc* and expe-MW 16Y
*wing your motor Vehick opmwra Vict"Op without "x.
Ontifio Depaitment Of rqghways
W.W.W" V -1hespe, w a Airti cu. ilbw have tbeir face�s turnisci, homewardb. They are. conquorots, con-
Nalm sat listening; reflective. in Jairn reached a pieco of InuAc querors of frieii&hip. You, abri liel�ofr st
tl* firr+t AMY. throuth
a,- $turdy tub chair, bV the 'fiveside. Olt "I ontho piano. danger -infested seai. You, air, have ,in hN 04 guide safely' tha
AM, - turning geeond A.K.F. to a j6yotw conclusion, It rAtively few
Ye4 life'was like thii. A -little of I 11straus." he reins U11u; X.,
& 'onsi,��Oro, vknitv, hate, tho first pake!.' ruen, of your calibre, mcit who have- s,#ei%t at l,f#tme on. the great
Various emotl 44ye..
fi, littIc. dreaMiOX. and, hd supPfted, 10 But tb*t. -of course,,. is Atlantic;, who made possible tb3t first klorlwts, victory of otir Allied'
love,. One doveloW mighty, lhter- violin concerto," Tamela reoli4d'.as countries. *You# air, are cartying dtp iv, '1*acqtim*, itiq *,5 we 'Arer
tho: carrying ou"Ahe,00ldlem sallors And' marives Mrain vait have %a
mugh, tbov had been discusslur,,,,
s, but c safely varried across and aek—fabst ta waran
'#XtA slad Absormast enthusiasm, lot the, last five mlmit08�" !b il,then to* i-,00ce. VO4,
,It all eame down t6 tT* asme forl"01A whieb.,of rours e. they hadi so far as, are one of us;, ote of our truxted* Icaders; Otte on - wholu We depended,
'ho nevL
�ift the, end, and those w -r womt fhoro hod I*ei% Stir cohversatlon.�, Und who tool, cart of us. *Sir, t pin. th*'Americas, Legion Off 10,91111
veliturpig. who never knew ambit- I . 11 M 4., 1. %&# t # t, V� AS A
, I r0l Aixt&O'y O.A � A'" � a 0 Z C coll mericam Expeditionsty. Porce ark your btea$4
ont$ prqqjpt-Jng$, seemed, in spite of tered, full �qf aiplotios for tlitilr alb- Only men of'proveo worth Are permitted to 11;kvo it, )-I due time,
fheiv mestrLs Vewaras, 1apimer than �e whith Nairn assureft View when we aboll have completed our journoy
a Aid worried a%4'ompA0y111g
605%8 who enterprise truthfully had stomed no, oftore 'that, oltation will be forwarded to you. This is the, aerv!ce- modal.
and donstr*ttd. a "irute. worn with to be
your uniform. on, Arop
ot oeqagulis�*
Presently Mrs. t"StIty 0 ftif X Pamela improvi"A' soft musizo as
that they
eb4ttered, her he*4 bent low
had twioltA -his suklt at ovoi the, key"pt oMvious *15ke of
golf last *pek. It was almost well What the, WAII lilayihe aft(T wbat WAS
but, it still TfqWt0d dressing, Q Ing tial in t room. Slie, was brAt
d s'"I"eq ebang-
if they left Vjkmols; to tat*rtalft hi
for JIlst 'A little VAile so, that t d
,51* Wondered ilt R""11 "A" mind lotx 11 "f6i, saying, not dot- Have YOR Prepare
,night 111ftss the *Ail- heto" look U rest 'Vok *V*1 should
maid vboie AVINtanica- Alit I"Wt 0 Irs, s aft not It0ow, but
went to btd. Volk THE
Thus it woo that Mr. avid Mrs.
lAnstrty"I.eft tM 1!00M, STA sA the ;L
door ci,�std, ramals ttrutk the open cold. wo
Ing notes 'of that palonahw by chap -
tin, which, Naim had tolil her, all an
Mod mb W,11T.
tarlier &esodon, lit li
1b looked Across At -%er` &I , -bt "Urimsill h1hi", W416, Cho hA41+ IT&Ii-A
playtO� The Only light In th,� r6ovil
ca"ie from sk tall standard liesiop tlost,
boside the grand pisp$ whw beau-
0 Ir
and Soft Coal and Coke that can W bought.
All our mat is weighed on your own scale (the
1410 ly, polishod surface xav,4L back
a t! ulkwordly *Uamx� tinted vith
market avik)
the oraw hw* of tho lomps1hadt.
2nd, Have you had your beating plant looked over,
ArA Psimels. Aiwroll"OV Oblivious Of
Nalm's pre"Vii. l"ked 6v*r to-
if not we havecompetent men for that pur;
wards the bowwiftdowowith ItA 10"9-
rmeehil curtains. and Its black boid
�!t*wdtd with c4aft daffodibl.
Src� It you requh* any Lumber, Lath,�Doome and
Nairn TOVM music, jot how mueh
ii;;; ot taboue"
D06r Vrsme�, Window Sash with Glass and
%i, IIIVer knew 01101 that monitnt.
now "sXni&*1%tJy xlie� waik rla)t.
wwo INM
4160am—ior 404~1ft-4t tr-
Window�Vranvw Hardwood Flooring, Radia-
inif� Crory tit" *06ko'. it had tino-
f"liog: 0"A #TM had
iumi, Th4w Vrors "Oft *Nhwo 0
W , "A *"wood 0"6 4UM
tors, Ete-, we still have some left whicheame
tion. phm-"
a th011 wuli*tl!� Its own,
Ishry—a tot. a %wo, & Ill.
out of thi Ocean House,
rr.�"Vltly Ow stoptiod� it
thwdot 1W "flow ftwAak� ftr ow*
4th, We carry a heavy stock of both $hfe f and
*h# had lwtn teyow**fAy 0,60w.
tot bviiltsop"t. bot Wes
216"iVowftlag 604 �nft�jwd
Heavy liardw*re, Plumbing and Ste
4 *Ai
kho JoCkO4 towAr4s.N r" And Arniw�
Pani. that 'NIA be&m-
A % ot
Wbou you or '60. lboarm ow
taw a" "ry. *=we I*-
ting and Electric Wiring Material.. t us
figure on your Plumbing, Heating, and Elee.
**i0yoA, �
oowlv� Pottiv. for OW
bolio ""b" Ilbo bwed.
tfie Wining. Sati faction guaranteed.
0-st Ow "Oak- %till hou"tod Ow "Oy"
""M soerilf. to
"114 a" by fA III
4v#r""� th** whVi 00"rlv�
�A� 1ho ol%*o, ho iromio. ii"d view"
�vory foloardo tuo liold-
" than Ue" 1* �04 &on woft W
06"aft aw a"$V" voo Su*ftk.
-%WN, VA"6,
*&r 906 bbl
$4 %fit o 'Imit a 0 god 1410101,
"W Hard%-ikr* Store at Ow IftrImw
WIWI* it *Iowl�d to Ow
N# h*4 irallpa hw 'PAM.7
liko4l h. Sho %ad alway'. bom
SHIP 0064011111OLS1011 PLUM010114 ond ""T11100
"PaNn" tek 'him 4� ilbe ow 44ar" %*two
Swo"Phow SL
sw ftcl^�ooa tho -rr"t man- mas ev,
Pw. lowArool up. the %oft light hmwl
Ow %of featil"It.