The Goderich Star, 1927-11-03, Page 50
I *
0" be PdLW On is � two 0( &C-
MINSIAV's Pets NOW '...t low moold r
Cod Liver Oil
is tile Best PMveistives from taking. Cold#.
It Supplies the Vitafnin that Atilds UP
the Resistame Necessary.
We have Squibbs Ayerest Vitamin tooste
Cod Liver Oil
Moikra Pharmist ' - pheft "
At the supreate court SeNilous'la,
Godorith Title Weeki
-Hou. Mr. Justlic Raney, thv foral.
,tr Attol
w*X the
tst was
I 4�"" 9W lixliw_�AA. I t�_tbv I
Is Vkek VAw In Akip"Alk �tbuft
I.X8,01lows in t bellows in tlw
nftk.-= in ch"t- *4
ere tvaA mod *or* refor"d 14o7
r Mak tnt wc
t man,
40A ke a i1W
Th# =hcxwt."�
McVoy's C44 Livtr Extract TAPV.vA,, 4, *but 11W boilers sye ift *X11w,
t puts on *eight where weight it "r1ditk-In " at the PrOviOaa A�
jfrd�--not only that but they build ul) %ion sod ac4t# that th* 4eomiuZM0'%*
yijur general health and you grcw witi planning for a pew installation.)
roa%*I�Ata from T. G. 4 O"h4ualu
0ronter, racr4t energetie awl gie"
141vity of ambition, J. W. ralgiii,of tlWrVW for
)ne woman gained 15 nouiAJ4 in lisht tsw tottaw" we",
BN weeks. laid over for 'further tonsiderall4w.
MeVoy taken all the risk- �Rj�kIl A letter front the town tourwil wftkl
this irozx�lad guarat%Uw. If. after rtfertne# to this 46101106611 Ot $$W-47�
Takine 4 sixty tent boxes of N,py,# from refund of street IW%ting sur -I
LA Mus, wa.4 -ad and laid oa�tho tAMe !
AIR 11V" Ver Mtracl. am WI.&OV Z 01w,
"Pop"WWWWWWW dollar boxes *It%. thin, u"&rWeIght A ountlicr of a"ouats.
wan or woman doesn't gain at least - Chairman Murney *ad the Mayor 1�
gloves!, 5 pounds and feel tompletely satir- were Present -
U4 fol� fled with the marked imPrOvenl9t I
tn'Ranor replied, in liar , . J41CIK MCDER111wa
in healtill'your druggist is autrikorm. APPOISTSUNT
thank you, Mr. SheAff, for your cd to re.4urn the purchase. prlec-.
q of greeting and for the gloves, Ask Campbell's Dqw Woro, 11 . el. Tek" Charre OT New *115.64'orjtaft�
�,�ajjtic, I suppoise, of thp pq1tv Dunlop, or any good 4ruggist.
at Now at. J&000�z
County of Huron from zerious. starfiNg Next ounday
costs. L. X. Dancey for plain -
am reminded on this. nAy first. tjff. j. F,. Malkins for 4066ut� Mr. Jack.*Dertaid was Ju',G4We-'
Ll visit to Godp4ch, that I am in �Kelly vs Iferron Qt *I. Was liett'.t1l rich for the week -end. Ire lis% been
LOM of - Of 6110 Of the great 1114, betwien the pardes, 71Ae PlAin-11M organist of New St. JamW
bars� of the Province of Ontario-"Iswrgs F.1Ien,KelIA%, of Morris. and the %Pe:tnvttZav' thurebb rAondon,., _4nd.]
was made today by
Eiceptional Linen %Values
for & e Thanksgivmg Festivities
f�� - -
During This Week and Next we are having an at.
tractive. Display of Linens. at Special Priiw.
Damask Cloths'at Special Price
Fancy rOW01i in pretty patterns
AllZineftLgacheon Sots, 36 hi, 4 in.�m($4in-
Fancy, bordered Lunch Clothos $4 in.. 'and 4S ih..
66 -Inch Table Damask at Reduced Prices
HentstitAched Lunch and Dinner Sets
&I. T Vievat %will fghtA (Inv Prsospa av^ R1*616,t
in ex CA 0 you on 1 atterwarox oecame Aur. ounice mar- fiendant. Kie Ior plant- Ittv. J*Tnes -Mseggy, H.M. pastor of WMA 'WoNa lFwail,
your" rat a carg ce Is court. towt and it api*ats to be a tl�adition �iff. - It. Venstone "i"Ir"Idefendaut. Nov., SkI. James, Prerl)vfevian (lairob.
I am also lease t tell I I of the.4111110 tin
Oil th In Huron that the distinction Wse$ Ross et, al, vs, Irood.-An flovon eat 6f Jack X:Der-
ere is no cilme to e ealt IV from the father to the son, because in iv Waiiam, w4froa, and Walter mid, ton of Rev. a. 0. XODPradd if
this court the case of those three notable la'WY`- Ross, farmers of Stanley, against Rfi6x sb erian Phurch. GAA401401.
presenting you it 0. 1 iona ors. the mantle descended to the son, Toqi Hood. asaessor,for Stanlev, for as organist end chAilirmaster of Now THE
in the, Urst case tor the late 'Judge Alaina
Ves. for alleged slander. Set- St. -TsimeO chutph.,the #prolutinent. PH CASH
Cameroi, in the second ca.' 0 to thO tled bi*twoon the pirties. R. S. Tlays to +4ke effect next Sunday. o,,NE Fo A E"m 4 HIBB z. im T sT
late Senator Pibud&ot and in, the tor.plaintiffli Gladiman and Stanbary Tho New Sf. James' church. iihair ORE
other case to -Mr. Charles G4rrow, for, defendant. I*g lsolur further strongthoned. Mr.
Whom I tied -the pilyileg4 of appolitt- Ellis vs. Arnold auAl Sdn.-An no- MavKay intinAvated. by, so.-uritio .Oq,
ing-to the high office Of Master in John R Ellis. a former of soloists. Mrs. RiVywavd, unt-11 reeont.
For :_ * .
Chatribers at Tokonto when I Was the Wowailooll, against J. R, Arnold ;LAid Iv -soloist pt �Centonmal , 1141ited
Attorney Genersl� Vt. G%rrow is Son, of Quebee. breeders and pur- eburcli, and Leon AdAms� un+111 rpa rich, Iniving been with 'her neice, Mrs.
Ition with gre 'Unite
filling the posi at dignity eilmserig of horses, front whom - the centl-v soloist, at Wesley Oliver Cook, who has. beeft iu poor.
SER. VILoA4 7 d 4tisfAction to the pr6fes4lon. plabitiff purchEwed a Percheron for -church. health for someAlme. 0
I think I ought to meatioa one or Ineedilig Purposes which he'6141med
Mr. MoDermid, wbo, came to Ton- . Mr. And Mrs. Elmer Bennett of De- cino
two,other 14anies-Ur. Seagml, who was unsuitable. The aetion, wa,. for don just a sho-t time acro as all o- trolt, spent the week -end with Mr. and tXnnoun
-was until recently 'your veforan, lanVa Adjourned to nex.1 court,. t;str m6il of �(Iharjp,; Whoolov. P. 'R Mrs T. Hunter, Mrs. A. Bennet re- f
n4 I Crown Attorney, *hq had, I think, R. get R. AV. C. 0.- St. AiAdrowlk Unt.-ed 41ireb turx'i*ing wit) them on Monday.
an tone for plaintiff, . tht "Ing 0 our how,
�praotleed at the bar in Goderleb for Lawlor, for defendants. . orgaIiipt. Pft-r, linvine suimlierl its;
about sixty'veav-9 Until his retiremiont Rendman vs.- 1(arneY.-AT, netion n1Qf of his fatticir's , vliuro'h- 0
a few months ago." Theii again, tlw bv, Emina Reaidman,' - of Sealovth, , Ooderifb. for l.;awwPI irkint!iq will SHEPPAIMON
!trks'10 11AW 5 (In PRODUCE VLANT'
pf father. and, son held goad igaiiist Mr. and Mrs. Karney, ex0cu- 1�nve gbarxe -of t*,e 0 ,qt. .0 Miss 31no Metuy returned
RIVIVAeUActlY in the'old line, 4 -or and executrix -of tho will of the �,in 1"at-llpa i" Ny,,Nx, pf front Clinton on Sunday
-TRY- bi c, whfle� the father wa* % lawy� late . Walter Miller,- f9f- Service. T-�Ipqll, ^-+r'
ocaus l",§* hviow"q As usual the 31st of Oct.` ag
t min. n1lip e
3 0"A'A' , ORDj
ter, the son soecialized bi the Divine Judgment in terms of consien aNt, Or"Initt possess ii I pl,�as� celebrated " around this corner.
!1aw. Then there was the fdroler utes. the defendants agrking -to 1) Y Miss uurrows�and 'Xtss 0. Finnigan
SPA' ireizistrak. Mr, MacDon0d, who seii,- lir� plaintiff $1050 in addition to the V STRATF ONTARIO
falted in Clinton during the.weeLm-m4.1
ca here, in nfr
I think, for.fifty years. It b000fits conferred on her by the will 4 -Ts'""zo X116. A. Foster is. s end! thel Tuesday, November Sth, 1927..
is fittInir thot these rain�s should bo of the plaintiff's, sister Kin,
rocery "Ine."tioned, tbgii-we-60uld otice in 0 to receive all tbq benefits conferred ;,jn It, fol. +lws'nq,,:t folir %t= woelt-end with her sister? Mrs, Ron!
who ni On and after that, date,.-W�_,Willbt in
1while, tocall'the names of those on her by the will, each'party te
written their names large in the vis or bpr own (losts. U. S. 1137r, POPPIES OF, FLANDERS, Mr. and idrs. J. IL Johnstoil %nterl the market for your.
The Store vf Satisfacrion 'Mstoiry of 'their country., I, slo, not for ulaintiff. R. Vaus.tofie for defen. tained a few.4riends at their homol
hp names of -those n ' con -1 JAIntq.: R ditor,'Goderich Star. one evening this week., -C EAM POULTRY EGGS
I mention. t. OW R
rocted with. thd adminiE n of Jus- / DeCourcey vs. Mclver,-The plain. Denr Sir,-Ozice Again W6,411A At), Mrs. Balrd, who, has. been on an ex-
i1ton St.. todefich.. IRY is Isabella DeCourcey *and 00� piooching , the annivep -4--the��UWO(t-vt6t QOr We pay:tashAW and return contain�.
;tratio 3
a grqa
motdvillo.: b At 'Of T)A]Abi to a close the
.-t, -d 'vlornp , tbit-biought
Rain itice in. the-. county. �iarV,"
41W- b-- nlv 4gnirtrr -of, thetrmistle6 doii, hii5 fettithed" to' 10-r-, bffilk
� P onr PA,fi
one 146 'hf lack of resueef for .:azid iel;t- !If B- lit ow Great. War. Nov. llth.� Bi4cefield, era ally,
ry !I of IR18. lit the years. that have thipk�- Tbo stork-w4s out Itallowg'�n -Ind
Free Delive in Tow le.%snon a-oAiiig all people, of depar- Tb6 ferdaut Is the Toster fathex Cream prices good until November 12.
ture from tbe,,old standards, but it tho� thp, plaintih! and bought,& house in bid since -that time, inany attempts -W
nize an .1,
stem of- administrition of joatige-1 Ewmondeille omd the: deed was, InAde have -been madeto orgai sko, Pit a little; son at the home'
.6,L - Special 42c
men 1�, And Afro. Peicy GrMialdt
not -irrounded on, the, eonsmelice and nut in, the, talfie of -the' plaintiff wrAd ciation incorporating all
No. I 41c
6barp efor - of the . people. , it 11 -.1 s n o �hp defendant. or the survivor. The were fortunate enough to, sarvivo
son fourdAt1oAi..Tl laws are just, an tIlhintiff. and the 4efondarit lived io that g�reatest df All, Uuinan sirugeles
exrr�ssion of the win of Aie, +a hAugo.'tbe I plaintiff rendering'the Into.*ne body throughout the British OUR NEIV SERIAL �SroRy 380
Moil AT eafir'l
and- it is arried Empire. At ta wL in a fair
i0st asthe ueonle in the vil. d(_f,.nd4rt seivieds. She has rn. tit 0 are Co.b, your station. We' pay express charges.
11ages a7id tAiwns -and c-ities, show due ard had the house fixed up. aild the way, to see our ambitions realized. Ttiq week The Star Coin-
WEET( Or, NOV. 7 to'12
'Psvept for the lawl that'the law will- 4ofe-dont npP4rentiv felt dr- wao The Legioa, now has a mences publitation'of a new rhipm
, i I 'nff 4dAmA Out n! e r, - 1. . .. . . . Make your next. entlo
; -ilf 'erlai st;ry , entitled "Tfie io' #1 1 .
ibe, orced. bpi t his vr4pevty and branch in,Goderich, and -,%v appeal,to VQ . .
RIONDAY AND 111F$DAY -sciviee man In Goderieb aml The author Is Nor-
"It- is, 4 gr�at thing. for the county left ponilass. 'The action .4 for 4-r" 0-X less file", SWIFT CANADIAN CO. Limited.
of Huron to be able to have -.I record 400ie uromissory notes given bv Abe vieinity- to join with its 4a making it, min Ponley, un.English writerp
ROX�LD COLMAN, and: of this leind. -and'if' in some other, defPnOaTit and. for servi&4. and wis At ' treat success, Wheto the Zvar and publication rights have just �fTRATVORD ONTAJU0
V-11,10, BANKY eourtri�s fbey� have. tot the sarfic re" ��offli�d'bv corlient. the aWoo,ta b- brbk� out we loved-oul-'JOwitry, -well becit Issued for this 61taritling
AtIect for law we have in Ontario it is 4is"qqed on tbe defendant conveyling enough to offer our �ervlces to pro- -tale'L The I-oveless Isle 'is an
in an ebio Of ihe primitive, West.. the L Oh ter of the, ' and those wq. '�Uuglish story based an a sciert- .......
'Ir, -Rgmondville vropeity -or his, in- �eet both.our country
The achievement, of lwgged Mon- lbreA�:Ase eople
of these of it lower stand- A-eiest. in it to the i)laIntifr. J. 3. love. To - come out victoridqs, , does tific; discovery 4y it d6etor %ho
atiff. 'R. Vaiistrinn not. mean that our duties-endod there; claims to hive reduced human
M ty* A -Jrawa as tTuo -&,for
stran�e to luxu. ord '"al pla!
've- . . 111t, &ivps. me.-pleasurp to expross my for defendwit. -ach of us knows- -that many of our fatigue in IaduOrr In an amaz.
V w; taillorroW. o" friends and comrades paid the snpL I - ite - it! out, his
poiti-Itind words Ing way, and, C14
"THE, -theories- in an Industry on an"
( mv erofi�eptivm a+ the rp.cord A,)epress� relue iacrifice, the"r OVed
ed bv- the,whifie qlo�es," ones to our care. Many of 4jur IslaudIn :the St. Lawtence IRIV-
by IIAROLI) I�ELL WRIGHT There wero $;Ix eases e0emd for BLYTq CLAIRVOYANT. friends, even though with - ua today, er. The story has Its at -ft -149
op sre unnble to taUe thoir places In the in - England and shifts td, Can#
MERMAID, CIOXEDY fr"I " tb" eivil �1"t- thr � ill" t"ases gn,v vars. . iA . Wo . crown nflicerq ron- strifiggle for a livelih
Veg. OVT" iiid threp foi trial without a iury. ood and need ada.'and there Is a very later -
"D d1jefr!" o'M a�fjraj arnins., Miss Pallovk belp to, sugtafivtheir claim for coin-, �estlng love element :rtniaing
MoLood vs, Stewart�Atz ,Aeti�)n of ii-ar 81,,�th for claiming to possess
T1iUjR,5DAy r damalres to ear brought bst WAA eusurate tioatment, through* 'it. With . so many
4,-#-,Lllt powpi., Now, �ve have, erowo Mr. Editor.,we are 6fytn1! upon storleg of -the U. -S. Vile Atli-
WEDNFSDAY Nitta J. �,VcLpod, of gayfield, owner of a officoi-a of Middlesex eongulthit: her.
TTY BRONSON 'ch wps drivon'by,bis 4err"dirig to a news item Al your 'usual generosity to givp space perloditalso We
Ford 4dan, whi pearing in Our
son.1ohn, �ar the night of -$Ptn. 17,�h B11,q. as follows'., ated frol" for, ibis anocal to the citizeiv A& IhInk it story with a British sot�
Ili, an Elinor Glyn tory 6f the, Inodern 1pst, petiraing fiolyi Cl1.qtOyI to Ing
Gode'rich. We have secured fropf it should, be a welcome
illyth. Nov. 1. TI an Pffo rt th ]a-
sophisticated'inigs, Head in the 'air- 13ayfield ':ohaut midniai lillat iiiielit. tbe' two iuls�inw - dt-spertidoes,' H. Q., 1,000 poppies �vbjch we are ar. change and- prove po�ular. afid
feet on the groun the On John c64e uy)60 4 number of Edward Harltol ank. Martion Taking to offAir to the -POople of we art sure our readeto will
s:hcow. bplonving to the -defendnn 0 _roIn 00 Middle,.4ex jail Goderich, fooling assured, at thev enjoy "TIAe Loveless - Isle."
t TI who ospaped f 'will show then, usual generosity bN, The opening installinint. will be
d4fint, s the road, and, strikitur some a' i and Yr, 18'11-,�1927
vaki upset, and wrecked. ThO offie-en of the . crown from Lo-Ador
'COME i.tbo ear v I thiP"', wxnonth ago and left iia. trail. tbvep.
fouild on page 6 of this is
EDUCATIONAL WY. Durelissing them from store,. an
"AlANITY OF TUE'MOUNTED" dofondant's; 'Pheev rot out on the road this. morolnit cousitited Miss Afar- from canvassers. These poopleg, are 1,
made by disabled ex -service men,
without'hig knowledge and in snite of ql,.t pollovk of thi.% villp fi� fatted
which enables them to make life on. -Asthtna' Doesn't— Wear 'Off Alone.
FRIDAY AND SXM*DAy1.,. his; having as �he thought iiiade the ,ario or, At, c aievoyant.
fetep. sheer4lght. The Jor.v had a 1-h-,ouirlinut Oni . Y;r diniablp. With the proAt derived Do not make the mistake of waiting4
Tbo Ificers were Crown Attorney
from the
X19N MAYNAP.0 Inumber 4tf "1105tions silbillitted to Iudd.olfieh 'Constable Wharton and , sale of them, we purpose to for asthma. to we4i away bv Itself. E Bank I f Monireal, on
I them bv tlio iudovo and ivi angworine P1.4viloolal Constable Menniq. Mhkq build a fund to enable us to take care While you are waiting the dLease. fi;
takes- you' Overland,. tw adventuro 6j,.Our. more U"
ith Uot iod the resnonsibilitYIql! thO PollocIr. after fortunate conarades- surely gathering a stronger foothold
Over the plains wl ounce riding, therA plot At seance. was ablej. it is
4�6� The heart of the WONt Is I%., occidort lninft on the niaintiff's. soo uadekAtopd, to g!Ve the officers sev- in our own district, wbo ate. in. 4is. and rou live In'donger of stronvir N.ovounbe-1- 3,rd, co.mvieted the
for f-ot Ovivinw, ond oil the gleleodn, t -rat ta� , 0ble truths as to the) where- tress as a result of their -war ser. and yet stronger st4kc'ks. Dr. J "D.
"Top, OYMAND ST vice.. We sive once, move appr6ach. Kellogg's Asthma Aemedy t4en year ofits eXisteticc.'
"ATTA DA19V for his sheop1white: on the road� Abdute of the missing men, -,bat she inor Cbristmgs. and wo,feel, that early will prevent incipient condition 110th
lu- Own found I
bP VAlne of the "A" 4-oftisps to make -these public for fear eencrous IVaT
a0rdill tilat the men would beat of them and wn�e of our people will from becoming chronic and saves
MtRMA'ID COMEDY,# Mrift. Vita, Judge therofore Ile,
greatly, ploaso. and holn 'as 14 our hours Of awful saffering.-
Matinee ftt. -at 3 PM. n, vordlet for the pliiintiff for $17r) 4ad air -tin thke to flight.
t)lan,4 for the,futare. These p0ppie'c
In speakinir to The Advertiser cor- If ridicule 111114 then fashio?'16, ope�n,uq,-Its fitst office� in. Montreal
7 roAtioudent, Miss Pollack clalmll that will be offered, at from 100 Paoli U" would have been dead l(Anir
the men are moving about with great mennino that nov porson who *oil; avid fords
ago, 50 YeAts Prior to tilt Confederation
that be should help the calwo can
rapidity, and forthat reason it is dif.
Acult to make ap acieurAto statement paX op much ig they plcasw,ov.�r l0e, ADVEPTISE IN TIIR STAII of Canada the Diatnond jubAce
"q to their txnei wheroaboufv. She y itturned men in tho 4iotript
who wish information concernino
CA 4aims.' howevor. that she was able Cavadinix L�olop cm semiris, name of. which w." celtbrated by the
to divulge to the -officers many of t1io
Doltninion this, year, it h" steadily.
movenientR of the men after they fro"i Mr. W. Peachy. So:.-Treas.
1 IN 0. -,de their break from tho Middlegex Goderleb. Tborkinir van. INSURANC
WARVINGTA wall. and that with t ltj CANADIA14 IX-01,TOV., ndea inio every part lof British
SE Raul
U RSOF tbov should bp aDtp�Vtr lt`�_�,=-_, North.,Awerica.
*n Sets men". much -estler.
Atl Radio Raceivi a, 'Xism, Pollock hog Q great reputation WESTPIELD The
musr be Monsed, oround this part of the provine-i as a qfrp. James Wood entertaine,t the
Nnwty of 8111nival-Y conviction is it fine no I t eldiryovent. she displays an unean- -01-Alhora of tbj�v, mi,981on Circle 6" Mitual Life
nv foretell events and re- Tuipsilay, V Today it has ovtr 600 firanches
exceeding $50.00 I-onfit past ox-berimees.- and it )q for . Mrs, Aforrish. of.Tolanto. 11; villit,
ASSUrance' CoMpany I d throughout Canada
her alater, Mrs. Itobt. Henry, and
this rpmoni that thA5 London offleas lwt 0eate
Licoxis,� Fee $1.Wper antwum, o6noultvil lier. On many oeeaqiona otlier Tricinds.' dhd Newfoundland, with hs
hor "roobocies hqvo collie trur, to the of Canada
Mr. and M'
I m.-. Wat. ' Waldtm and
Lieenses, valid to ftst'Marell,1928i wly bo- obtained most nAlnute detail ind 16cat pPoole Notwish" a"
lhaliovp that Aho will be it orew, Md to , family visit offices in. Great BritAin,
# A at the home of Mrs. owlt
froM. Staff Post Offiees, Radio Deti,144- Radio hi- the poticA in thooterii"t jnan�' �Jt. Waldeas orator, Afro. Kenny Canter- UVAD OPWO ;, W&TERLOO, O.NT., 4
OU, Of Lw4mow, on Sanday. Fratict, the 'United States wJ
AWL, 4, 'or front Midio 'Branch, Departinent of
and WATSP. ANID IAGHTCOWNTISSIOZ; Mr. a Mor Aud kiiai. 0-AMUNNEY Merko, and off'ots
Mherie' Ottawa, AV and M`r, kT. N. Calapbell Violte
St A, A
At the regular meeting OZ the wa- Mrs. T Tamblyn, of Ton&.4boro 01 PON11, IN10
ter and light commission of tho town .43und4r. MrN.J. X. Campbell, " h
A. JOUSSTOK NPittY Xhkistsr�d Notrise I I
en Thursday evening, Oet..27tli, the had 1,V vAl VAST ST. C I 113001M%elra OUT*
twon aboudifig. a tow days a all depatunents
it follo.tving applications fat, elpetric her shiter. Mrs, J."Tamblyn, ratupae,
rango -servft,,were �pavlld, PrOl", home with them. kif &nwtic $Ind for.
Philip Ciftrl.-Y, 1.esidOnCO On Chat&
st.; from Dr. It. 11. Hall. veaidetftA6 an cittit hanking.
3gin AV nue; 1 V. Thwmas. rmi.
Tulford, of'CoWerk!
it. W.
residente on West st.; Ja�,. V. Them- a tow days in Leeburn To Tyro hoar, the" -Stoies
lerfedlred n. remi&1120 on Toronte AVN,� 5
SO A Xoa Grace 11000". of , (;,"wy W
luiullwf I)f cliplicationq for clec-tric 1108pital,
Wrapped a spent a tow days. At I
r Unwrapped light;u neivice$ were paised anil, an home here. New Quebec Coolks
I qvpliedllfon front M. J. Aimlie for
31r. &y. 11itkel, of Detroit, , mt the
that, nkt, flutty.. brown t4ot water Service to dwellinq ml Welling-
wevk-t%nd at the bome of Mr. ind Nfrr. and Heaters
appeals to both eye and palaic, ton street wag 0 4red. An applica. G0, Talford.
tion frout W. T.%Ifurnep for Wntev
Ba I Y'q L00 of Perf#ct ar#4d rtniep to fflio, istai adfainins, tile Afro. A. Bennet has'nold lin? faral and the Prices are,
town limit.-, oil, the naviieM road wbis to Mr. Wmben I)ogle and has Zdne to 0
'gind Two* the difforomil. the svetem ff) t1:3 esticndf-1. to Ntfoftto live with her fauttly... Right..
the pmpolly at tho tou'a limite, the Mre.'Rmtoa and her fstther, '4�jip.
rry Oar Whole Whoof ftind nervi.,C. to pay all Inna-11 nyvenap of 1()Iln Linldatg. spent a day th,.n,wcvk see. M,.First.
and Prsit Broad. at lVar-1 11) ppr fva 1. of th�l colt of r�,offk air. and. Min. Urt-111 11rinter,
Inst.,slIaEon for a To. �`nft of 14v The many frientk
frow date of by th, VA -M, Qtow,11-t ar6 011ad to
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P110NE 1,14 WESI ISTREEF I tv r, q
E* U. CLEVELAND, Baker to,4' -, _ vfqoT�rrd it, HANCE
rv, '37060 aft(v FURNITURE EXG
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