The Goderich Star, 1927-02-17, Page 7s
�!• - _ _ - .. --
TRUISDA'Ir, FZ1R. iTtla, libt'f
.sat.M a*tAsaR;tt„ r11Rlii t expo ince
U-4-1-- Ukti$ a"� TCM , ad i ,Port. we, grace ltertnl it ureter-
/'j �+�j ! � % ' ed batt time to good chatnee for 0th.
, f talc' Ifi
H l Ivor, Loan of 6a+tc srra�lee.
Sunda r' % C. mi er, wit want ata Men- A 4,
BaKreer Nli>jkt x cold ;icer 1"a�Pr..C'dnlaierce our Httsi'tese Mews Am,
s you rk0uld brim arcleet it. ,-"'All c{anon and our Council to get Iwsy'-
�y ISABEL HAAULTOiV, Gosfr' CA, Od- * ' j,owihilitr, it you do set trtvt it is Naw is the time to xe *iter what we
" - osk s a »■tittswtPttsttt•mat,atsattstfataretinss�;tgggtfnrwe►ssrtalttRRattllafersaNrN tivie, it will ctett-lop tate brovelcitil" want. It: is possible that the lion.:.
` �` parasto>:ia. or ',owe 0.h.r wr.vur VII. F.11iott ,will, not want to put in a
O come, and dwell in we na longer dwelt in t`ieir hearts by N throat or lung tlrouWf any heavy estisaate this year, but xe r
S lilt of powsr within . faith, pride. anger, ill -gill, and all r 'dirr, .Uartett Cee, RX No. 1, had the promise "of diversion of the',
And bring the gtoric,us liberty unkind and unebaritaMe tempers i Siuteve, [tat., arae;,: -•'"I caul'Itt a river. It iaight he well for us to try,
Mrs. Middletoa f3olllns, Iii. No. �, possession of their souls and serrre rola that Nettled as my )our , and deo{de upon what we want. The
Rpt Perry, flat, writ" "I ata the ern 'o'K, fear, and sin. took
The seed of sin's dis+r„tr, they were: in consequence destroying; and •' urne,l into l,rotiehitis. I tried ,rcatr 1927 will probably not rtes the l
,.,.,, ,.,..ila*4er ef,feur et ildrea, and after try Spirit of health, remove, each other. :wothln is sa dextructiv�e 0XV diffcreat remedir*, but they til!
0 third baby was born I gat rkeurs&0ast g � opening of tho gs, but t,# looks ars'
Spirit of finishald holiness , to the pence of man, and to the !exec yeei;ncJ t, tail. I turn gut a bottle of cif business along the .take would lx-
whiek kit trig heart is x ter weak , .. p ; gin to develop. Are we going to 1*'
eeaditioti. I y h lira that all s asp weak
'►!�irtt of perfect love. of the soul, as religious die utas.
long and r eld get no retie. W Hasten the joyful day, Where they prevail, in gin• '" wliliEe� ill the development plan' Vision if
whleh shall my sins consulue, era) has' little place, Adana Clarke. ° 1L y,.0 can, this port being a rout dis-
ttitstrr•ia bow Tobi tae to give When ttld things shall be passed away r "Yr �icannot ria the thing t that Ile Y
trlbutinY paint. We have the far-
' Avid all things uew bee0me. t would. You are convim-eel of i Pine tortes and the salt works to begin
The original offence i what is right and you with to do it. , with, the have the C' line! right
Out of my sop! erase; ,but having abandoned the gospel, and ` at the harbor which could hsndl3 coal
Enter Thyself, anA drive it thetiee, t thegraceof Christ, the lair and the *ad* ter the Arst f� r do$" I found f1•olu this.;point for other points, in
Anil tape sap *11 the PIS" , oidinalwes which you have ehesen in wonderful relief, • aacl before I had i I Northwestern Ontario. ]•`allowing
. C Wesley. l their place afford you no power to used the whole bottle I was completely these would conic other lines, Gods.
PRAYER conquer Your evil propensities. relieve,! of my trouble." p g • rich harbor is all asset to that town,
I Adam Claike.
iii .raFather, we er- - price"c. rt ,pottle: large fxtnilY ; why not tet us try and o tale this
ring cZ'Wi"en 1 eseeeh Thee to c tt:se 1 "The works �f the flesh.' "rite
'� !size. We. For sale at Mil druggists 1 harbor an asset, not only to rite iavrn
4Pour hearts 1 ''Thy Holy Spirit, and rya s horrid enumeration follows a natural ` and dealers; put pp -.041v by The T. but #o the surrounding cTan�munity.
fill as rtaith y graee that we, being order. The list . begins with sins ! Milburn Cu., limned, foroato, Ont. ,
free from the; bondage of stn, may attains' self) then conte what were, CauRe of 1.sthma.--:�,o one Gait . Ry
. a , so I did, and took two bootee walk in crit and holiness mhre directly sins asrainst God: fin- •. "l c with certainty exactly what causes
c w tri. evermore a k purity j
%d thea' and I am mor► enjoying per ally there are the sins agai>ist so- Eain the whole band from the bur- t the establiF.hing c# asthmat{c condi-
. %d before Thee and by our lives worthily I ., I was interested to I
e fr 1u
1 and t_ street, o
- • o a •ct•t tl st
'pl help k to n c Dust fx , t e
trust a wx a fety: sac . Ito
health. I st th c .tion..
others ahs they have helpea sue." p tnagnifY Thy holy name, through "Tha fruit of the spirit:' "The lis` discover that both the German, whose
On e first s: 0! an weakness, of: Jesr.s !Christ �ovur %word.EAmen. th 1977 � like the former. is threefold, ear- � name proved to be Glock, and theun-flowers, fran�grain•and various other
O the 7 S. S. LF.,�O. FOR ' responding to the sante three creat as::tt; rogue, were both charmed ,-irritants, may set up a trouble im•
the heart or rxer' ee, ),Oil should not creat Lessen Title '4taking the Cam=Pacts of life. but with a sigmii to accept my hospitality, and to possible to eradicate except througl
until your cave becomes desperate be- raunity C!trlstlan,.. • ,hap a of order. Love, joy, peace, drown resentment, wit everything : a luxe preparation such as Dr, J. I)
'tore gen aye{I yautrplf of �relisi by meson Passsge--Gal. 5:13.26. have�ieference to the life of a Chr{s- else, in wine ° Kellogg's Asthma' Ilettiedy. 1<ncet
using Milburn n ldeart and h,erve•Pills Golden Text--Eph.'A:lx' pian in Itis intereout se with God: long It is quite' asy to be at* ibdY has tainty may islet as to cause, Uu
thethey will tune upp and strengthen Paul bad contended vigorously. for, suffering._ kindness. goodness, faith- pitatile with wine at about a penny a there can be no uncertainty rehar}}Iittt
the raextes, build up t'he muscles of the the freedom of the Gentiles from the fulness describe the qualities which pint, � it remedy which has freed a getlera
heart, and enrich the blood. • burdensome ceremonial law of the should eba*noterivp him in his bear- : Fall grew. fast and furious, and I
.wi a leaders of • v 's low -men: then fin soon found that Loss entertaining a upon of asthntttt{c victims front phi
. Price 500. at ,ail druggistsor
Jews. In council.with th d int; toward d lit fel h 1
o the French Q_
dealers, or 'nailed direct on receipt of fire Circlet{an church at Jerusalem all., all, we have the desnriltti»u of the eonAiderable` section f, � ���XNIG+IPA� (�(jj�Nf!�j,,.
price b The T. Milburn Co., Limited, �es of the question• had _been debate i life • in respect c f self. The"rtallyv army, as well as the Legion's reunite.
pr g J ai in ar lewd insist- f •fn h Spirit will culminate I.thoroughly enjoyed the evening, Gaderich Township
Toronto. Ont. e'ff'. The ud z $ p ty . } ree li of the S t 1
-r ' . ... . --.M.- .-�-, +s _ ed that Gentile, converts should keep 1n meekness, by which is meant a, due and was smitten upon. the back, port I The council met on liiw av ro pe
' ww�,w,n,.r-.--,Ir the whole law; deter held related his estimation of the place which self ed fn the ribs, wrung by the hand, l adjourntitent. The bylaw approvin
T experience in the home of Cornelius ought to hold; and temperance (in its embraced about the neck, and alas, i of the new county valuattou by th
�� i 00 when God had bestowed the IIOIY widest meaning of self-control) which kissed upon both cheeks by l ulco, ; County council was. approved of,
T. Sw Spir;t on Cornelius and Itis house- 4 is the vigorous determination to see Zouave, T,railleur, Artilleur, 'Mar- :letter from. the Department of Tiigl
} n p jj hold: then Paul and Barnabas had I to it that self is kept it, nines. Bouin, and Slight, even. before the bat- , ways announcing a confereue. c
. O and, Rome LiV810 told ""what- miracles and 'Wonders God 1 A. W. R',ihin, ." tel{on of battles had been routed by : county and township road superintet
. . had wrought: among the Gentiles. by ""A century ago in the face of far the company Of men- - dents to Toronto, Feb. 21st and 22r
fi} thein." After deliberation the eoun-, worse. -social e.nditions the rarest rein- I„noticed that•Boldini waxed more � and requesting all townships to set'
Rack stabZ089Etc• ell, throu h";fames announced their vera ce'.mn em ht took its rise with foreign, more voluble, and more un- t their superintendents was read. M
- r n @
• i • p more he drank. Sato Emmerson was accordingly del
Mpnttt+aat•8ttr+esttt decision, that we trouble not them •the earnest st� porn of the ekturches, lovable, the n
luetoff--the:Square . which. from among the Gentlle� are It made its ti�ay slowly •at first, then If he could do anything else like a gated: to attend. A letter from tl
turned onto God." asking only than more.:and mora'.1•apidly.' Drinking. gentleman, be Fertainly `could not Ontario Municipal, Association .askii
�4h c nfo m` the la t a f w e - ut iversal, at ca his wine like ane- : I for a membership fee was read b
. S'1 Y.51tAL F19ST-CLASS AUT6” REAf1Y sent al matters.iJ f ll , Paul, on: which had been. n looked dorsa .r carry he hiccupped to rue, with a' no a tion was taken. A contnlunie
FOit,SERYICE--GET YOU ANYWHERE t ay u y, a ' least ganernl. became.„1 k
his next missionary journey, conveyed 'upon. Drunkenness. once a jest, be- strident laugh, "farinerly arlso there tion.: r.9 the Ontario, School, .Tru
AND WHEN YOU WANT TO GEr, TOME this gond news to the gentile, eht+r- i came a scandal. The eouncry nrew were a gross of babtles and few men, k � -„ , ._,..,..
'Bassi:* Meet all Trains rod •I
rhes. ,Scarcely three Years later he every vear more temperate. State and •now arlso there are only gross Ipttsse"Kerlgoats learned that this freedom which he l after Stat fofLt. S. A,1 Outlawed the men and a few balitlest” and 'he smote k ,11 Qassepf<ers Cabled for ipstgy had obtained for them vas gravely a lieunr trafitc: at last public sentitnettt ane un the has k to assist .11te: to under-brtrt of the tarvtf for alt l»ndnneered' through the 'in;iuence of as Rhona; enough to Outlaw' it stand the ]est. "The more he event totrains at a. T. ii. oC C, 1R. R. i Judaizittt teachers: 1'alul then carate thronsrltnut the corntry. The good pieces under the intluence of i{cluor,depots'. ` this letter to the Galatians,, from peoulp who hod wren this victory after the more inclined was I to think, hewhich our' lesson• is tak5tt, 'arging ,, c'2i•}iirV O•f frnttting: car" an^lined to had a• Zara ei• prgpoxtion. 0f C)rientalj I'Pr0,n1pt Smite and ..them to.""Stand fast. tbarefore: in the lay. rtown'the{r a++nS. Tba law tvs1,: strain'than he pretended. k'Careful Attendance, liberty .wherewith .Christ hath made an the statute books• the State would I liked him less as the evenal xvitrrt us free, and be not entangled again enf rPO it. . ' . . on, rind I liked hint• least when he I
�a►as 0 in the -yoke of bondage." ""Brit cl+•;nkinir., fs a mor,vt ttrnblem. climbed on the zinc -revered taunter ,
our Livery and 'tae o eerveice .'"Use not, liberty for an.accasi'M to and law floes P4. by itself, clear veru and •sang an :.lilsnitttely .vile song, �.
. will be found up t tit the flesh. Your. liberty is from %;vices�fuliv •'with moral problems. wholly devoid of. Humor• or of any
. tn. evsrv'ras,pect'.8::.. • • that'.which would ourress •tho spirit;. Tlir er,,,..•,bps• the tem"eranee socia- thing else but offenee. I am Uounit j
•�► a not trona' that wh{eU would tura re- ties. -still have their, .work to it,). That to admit. however, that it was very j
your Pk roiloge Solicited i stratnts on_ the. flesh.,, The gospel i, -ta r•tiange the hearts nf-�tbothe peo- well received by the audience...
i 6roelaims lrbertV •frcam •the'`texemnn; rile who ate+ bprnly flaunting the "What you t'ftik of thatt, sah'l" he 1
. ; TN SWART& . ial laky; but hind, You s0 faster •un- lnxv to ear+vin;ce them of the. v1� nntr enuuired. when he :had finished, .
der the mnral' law."-, .Clarke. �. n t'' # 'Pmselves' their families I replied -that I preferred not to '1. . 1.
pheno 107. : Montreal stt'it'et thev ,d h
. "lr' ve •bite: and Aevouti one anoth a" d socipt.•: to nut a. c+Pater rferroe think. of it, and. proposed' to. address -.
...%�t '` There churches sebi» bo hove.
„�, ,, *, - of »,oral fervor iwhind, the tow. T1t X hint {n fl:f` Cleat a 14las.inta
beeri fn a :state .of great•distraction; religious forces of the cnnIimunitv, ;are (To be eontinuedj .
. there` %were- ,,.;ntinnal altzreations: ahrAvs stronger when they da, thein _ {
. ' smong them. ,They had feflen from FELT VE 1.WEAK i •
the+gree of the aspei`4` Christ weir wtthcaut deuenditt? an the i civil __� ;
g •rovern„,ent to sustain thAru. Wo pia e.
I 1.
ase•! that, r+»tlling could sn ctuickly Had No Ambition 'and'l>k>i�4w- t
m' LAXnkO pt l+shitinn n tt;tmtphttut sur•.'' Frequently k: .
-' epgq {pgtPlld of a hotieful expo, igni-nt '- -ko .
- * '. 1 Mrs; [AVm. J. Griffin, Tehkiinimalt,
:. .
2. FIG"" ns. a +=r"rornus, enTlspr atp"1 tireless Manitoulin 'Island Ont: is one of the E
ff� jrfl' . 1 • i eanmgign for r,•1t crinal sb • inence ,
t _:
�< .tare. Relief far �t.r=�;£ »n bti the rhtirc"h npnnlo q iii many thousands of women who was
a , 't • thn ten+nerat,ce soeiesties thrciii haul run-down a' it tinct• -who liar
..,, ,
%% : 't -- - C - r�+ found new health through -Dr Wil- '.
.1 • C 0 [T S) T IA 1 1 O N the corntry " i •
. The Youth's Coli! -pion, lams' P{nk Pills. She says -For i
. ' __.. -_ .,�...�.��� '"H,tnta+t n,• f-urP iq Too active -arid number of years I felt very weak and.
'Theforetltnn1.erof.okla tion.- Hound it very dtf- r
+ten live t• h- kont rie•ht by nior•c rte- had anlbi
`` nations. You cannot trill any "rare of. fir a r e ork and h d t
. and £rippe. :. t _ if anp-titp.S` b,+ r+terely ctz,- txit . it.' rest -f* -sequently 10As timerpassed illy
..1 an t � Ynu must give st its true fond nod, ,n condition grew decidedly worse, and ' -
Heeii; and: inhale Min .r 111 my feet and .leas were body, swollen,
oniv caw vnn draw +t off a"rotn the
nrti'8 ;Etliti rub it on the 1 ' „ My htrsbarid tall the doctor of mti.. ,
. no{son, that it covets. condition, he gave e inedtetne."'� .'
• Iyhillins Bcoal.ri: con and m
throat and c hest. Then my baby came and the doctor ; .
MTSSIONS attended toe. '°lac sa{d I bac! saarcaly.
`lite great pTevcntive. 'r"d. Mrs. • Short, in the North Africa: any -blood • blood in my body --that it !tad ;
. I 8t ;. Mission, writes: `"L have lived for turned to water I enntinued tuk,ng
i twenty-six years in North Africa,..but' bis medicine- for a, time, but dict not, ' .
a 11 feel that it ~vets doing me any goad. ;
I Ido :not .remember ever inectinit 't
1. .
. .. .
happy' Moslem woman. Some of the Toon T. started. to take Dt. Williams' ; .
, .... I I Younger .ones • may be light-herxtetl MAI, .T'ilN 'I,n i+, short t{mel felt ;
re ,�%,_,.::*'.,
NrFT (lr and merry at times, but Mappine. !-- better, and after taking the pills for l
6F iii
Now p►rcked in Almli»um
Your grocer iays WbCn YOU order
. are a judge of fin* tee►.
rs' gull Ratcpa4;`rs'-"twiatiola vas �',at" reit thou ndj.►uriaed to nue'. o.t
rned river to Cle township RAsucia• �lundar , binl i1 +th, ll 1.10 not
m whi�x met .the salvo ;11t""iltuun R. tI. mll()iLPSCle
Township l let l.. -4
r conol`terati•"n. Bylaw N). ,i. pre, .- -
ling foil•• expenditure on timat'ltipi . «$rife Speed RsJief -
avis for I1W i was read th"PO time • , -x grsdachr
A passed. The Telephclne f"0111111{5 ,, {r", t� AA '
ant regi€aped_ a f $11 nary loan t Stip,,friar ptheuma:tem
out t}1c township of �1t110 to pay
,nstluytion costs cf the Dr.:ltotrtttf•" I . �Q to ' ti'"eec�
id "tlrs:"Stott line. Auditr/rR Jol:t1- ; , $1n1:s•+ii 4r;ir dct•tttet:4.
:on and Sturdy presented their tv- ' ♦ �,,
aS '�
� `. .1
ed. . tt
.was ltd C M!l•4N�
ntt,, which ti♦ p �� w
ic6. rtney was apptointed � pound- � -
ceper in plac;i,, of :lir. Geo ebbutt, ' •
,hodeclined to act. It wns n sa do. , # rIONAI.� I N
ided to pay the sale. wage a 1 a
ear for toa11ls, 50 cents per hour and TRAIN SERVICE to TORONTO ar men 25 cents per hour. The o1- i
mAng accounts were ordered paid. t Dsaily gxoe,ot Ctlr,dsty
;. G. Newton, gravel, $i R0; li. G. ' t,vti, f Ian:lElr,ch 11 00 ,i nR -'0
rhompson, registrations, $9• .,Tames ," e!tiut,Jn tl "?:t .t tat. "�•;/'> ;r.ltl.
ohnston, auditing, $S; Austin Stur- i „
ly, auditing,.ft. postage, 'toe. The Say Jol ill U4 I ' A til. i1: I'3 ;l,lu.
�^"'.. � _T" ':;77_ , •=.�`� ' '" >I lt0io'.1 t 04 it. w. 3.0 I1:11.
\re Stitctfotd 7.30 a in. X4.10 pall.
A { " lZite•lletier' `f.`M a.m. .t.'x)(a 11.111
1,1;,"1111 a: I3 'a, In. ) �1011.w.
lx,ar.lr1' 1 10.11) it,ill. 7 Tl p Ill.
ite,ttiFnint;- l,t tivt1 rovouto 6.dfi,F .
1 •.,:i -i holt. rind 6.05 Jun. .
Pallor Cafe car, tloderich to Tar-
i "oto, on horning train, and Toronto
I s 1 t,oderieh 6.05 p. m. train.
i t'Urough coach Goderich to Toronto', .
I F. 1•', 1.1111t1z� "CF s SONS .
;�itD:rtfg8toires ii cYt+ I'itssentcill,and Wickets Agents
To is indeed a stranger ►n t use a couple of months I felt like a new ;
fk..,•�ee lands. It is the rest privilege of - e
g/V g P g' person. Where my work. used to be ,,
the messengers oE'the Lord Jestls to a drag upon niv strength enjoy cinbu 29`
Movie stars . - be. able to tell them pf :abounding; in it nrw, and I will always, reeom- .r .ei I.r. foan..: rtz
...>y''6t Mir overflowing happiness in. Him,»
'I .
$o say .ali,whe�s work is mCnil Dr, Williams''. Pink' Z'ihs to 0 1 . .
--- �. - hard ait.r tt>h try the deli- MOTHERS PRAISE . weak •people!. .1 ,
' ..
._. If yor. will send ,aur Haute And a'd-
. 4W
.. . - . dons, larigoratins refresh- BABY'S OWN TABLETS
dress to The Dr. Williams Medicine '0
, rr�•n
. U ,s E M..t of Wrisi.e., Dani,ls' 1 Co they will' luail, you tt little book
Mrs. L, M. Brown, Walton, N:. S., Called 'Building Uu the Blood:' which`;
M"�' It sajrs; -"I• cannot recommend Baby.'s contains many health hints. You can., • .
n:,.« t' blvn Tablets too h{ hey. I have ,
�Rp �. �1-' `�1 R � _. :.,? g het the pills through any incdtcirte , jW(u ets the stew feasted wyhalcr�uheat cerci are ndw pre .
W --,e, found them invaluable .for Char ail tr0m The Dr, W,lliams Medicine C.o.;' •
"�` + ,off`` .- ? mentR of little ones':" .blrSw '8rovvn�ss. .13rockvill�'y Ont. pared in Canada at the ne, - of tlpc Muffets Corporation
THE 1*EOhkE'8 PQt #' „.y; ��� •....>.+,.. testimony is- the sante ars that of .. .._,� -..:..
of Canada. Ltd., .at. Cfitha'rines, Ontario. ..
" �^ . I thousands of other mothers Who have. WHAT OTHERS SAY , M
y,,, uses the Tablets. To use them ante -•� The widespread demand and; instant acceptanCC bf lVluifeta. .
_ is a sure guarantee that they will al. iifnCard{tie Huai .Amlrtsons
' cast •s be kept irr the home as long as (Kincardine Review -Reporter) tlaroughout^nada pins xc°attired ii Fiurely Canadian factory,
. . y
there -are �alties ar Young chiidren to The question of harbor improve- devoted entirely "o Canadian lousiness: . l t also •permits
--�- - �; ... be cared for.. The .Tablets are. a tax- merit for this town is one of vital- ..Muffets to hc' s"Id.: t otic new price. of 15 cents a package, or. . .
ativC� tttild but thorough {n actican- portance.. We tnrst be up and doing , .
Mn,�, deldn j xyhith never fail to regulate the aatam- if we avant to make this a. port lvaith 2 packatcs fur c'r .il +.
v . ach and Utitvels; relieve constipat{on call{n at. At present, we bars! it 011
pp and indigestion, break up eoida and good authority. Mr. 'James Playfair, l��luffets bring to t ":>ttr' t:thy,, lhr. full richness iaf C'aiiaalan
By Dnlnkxn
. i simple fevers and make the dreaded Midland, is building a boat for trade . wheat -every notinz;I.ittt; 1;lc awns in )ts,natdral firopor•tion „
4Y�`]" i t tithing period easy. In fart you on the.eastern shore of Lake Huron, r, .
,•---+---^- �- � a b)tnish all the minor ills from which Another thing is that Goderich and . in it , forint appealtn ; t f t l+> tnoSt a 'acting taste.' .
L_ W .l little ones suffer. The Tablets are Southampton will be ports of call. ,
to 1=inapt lCidneyit and i sold' b medscine dealers 0r by'nail at The boat will probably draw eighteen At breakfast with milk, cithCr hot or. cold, Muffcts are delici-
Tatra galls Y c
Help Neutralise .leri- 2f, cents a box from The Dr. Williams feet. of water. As Kincardine harbor , ous, F -followed out and filled with fruit they make luscious
1-1 Itattnp Acids ff Edicin, Gam., Brockville, Ont. stands, this precludes a boat of that; desserts. As patties for fish, meats and vcgctal�lts they ate
:1 -- -"� "-'� draught calling here. We must stir '
. t . I BEAU GN STV to it that someth{ntf is done to give pas ` ,nourishing, healthful, delectable. Delightful at any trieael the
Kidney and lsladder irritation#. oftcn { i (C'oontinned front ;aai:3e f;) this boat service. We can. depend up-: year round. .
result from a6dio., says a toted all on lion. James Malcolm, 11f.P., Minis.;
lt: i kcirlC{t thorit . I'he kidneys help (titer this "I am sorry I cannot spare more ter of Trade and Commerce, giving Mu,,6Pt5'!Yrt distributed 111 Ontario by ttlr' �'Ciftflnal
Cup y Y acid Iroin the blood and pass it lin to just, at present," said I, in unneces- us his support, lint we mush first go F r ,
at, - ,. letup ty Electricity clic bladder, where it may remain to � sary apology for the smallness of tite -to the Government and ask .for what ` (,t•rocers ;Cvm�afty,, Liixrtit!'ed, Toronto. .
Arlin lay f 160tricity' irritate and tr•tlamc, ceasing a bursting. retaining fee; and his reply was it- we want. It is impossible for a,
scalding sensation, or setting lift an irri- j luminating. Minister to place !lis own views lie- -
� ifY i�llI NT, CLEAN, tatiosl at the 1,cct: 0f tett bladder, obltg- 1 ",Ten francs, my dear sir," he sapid. fore his colleagues. If the people of .
. ilia eou. to . Rrk relief two or three,, ""is precisely two hundred day.,' pay this community, and this town espe-
Q01CK tulles alurhig elle 'tight. The sufferer to a legionnaire. Seven months' Bally, do not Bre a future in this ,
Cheaper t1lxtr, tl;exl ai' Wiit�d iii •cmrstant dread: ;cite ,nater passes income. 'Think of it:" 'tort, then they have not been watch -
l' s,oeoctitues "with a t,caldsng sensation and ,And I thought of it. ing the possible growth and expan-
1ts Electric Vacuum Cleaner r is ver, • 1jrofusc ; 0gain, there is ditii- Decidedly I should need eonsidrr- cion in this Dominion. Kincardine is
Cally tit voiding hat able promotion before being in a post. the logical point for a port on the
tetnoves the dust; a ltrooralt madder 1wrouncss, sits,t folies call it tion to marry and live in onifort or, east aide of Lake Huron. With lit-
' just moves thtdust. bt apse tbey' satxt control uriita£imt. T . _ _.a :: .. - _ . _
0ijg andmy pay. .
SIC , o p i ''Rinner", that evening, at. about . I
anat,rantee tx i! N y d r is p
"ate of ripe Hila viii lrf ailmCitotsito pier !'five ' o'clock, conslsted of sinitlar
bouts. " s oupe," good greyish bread, and un -
w Lamps for 1, tonic. Besi1°1• drialkmg lits of soft water, sweetened, milkless coffee. The first
Walk in and sec the display at nl,zoi get about four ounces of ,lad Satte . ,
from p 1 i t utc this for two or l us from n �bssketA; and the coffee was • e
your i-* 91e, t of take a table- llgim le before, c tin a!athr called � � ��� � �� �� � 1� ���
tort' 1're kfat^ in a aline th water before t situ e"s; the errand case thtalwl, t0
1i he �j t,rcakftst. C
' rJ i ihret cfa3s, ahs vril{ 'help neutt"Ilil s ctsnttecl fr0rn a !ells in ten nmg:r. iEY _
. _ ..... ... ._- , ,oi..the•at,ms.iti_the cc:ttftlt.s.R tire, net lo+ttter Thr unities wall a kind of st+"tv, c;u;tC .. .......... ....... .. .
- - -- -11
_ °, are a sottree of irritation to die itTaiidtr it anal nourfi4mi but a l' tEle' diffi< ;P1 LLS ,
C and urinary organs, which then net nor- E c,�to manipulate without "peon or During week of February 17-2,3 Indeptffdent Grocers are 11
fork. I found that my r�duc-at{.,n '
C utlad Salts is inexpensive, and is nude ;'vas. 11v this vospect, inferior to that . fteturittr M'u ets the �,priPfdilift 1l°aYIOiC tt°hint cerra�tl at
8 from the aria of rapes and Union juke, I of my comrades. After this meal- i the above price of 15 chits, 2 for 29 cents.
r: rcttnh{ncd with lnthat, and isi,mtd by 4 during which thr German eyed iiur i • +
a tMus.and, of folks who art 5ubiett to ; party malevelriAv. and 't"chianti, Mile r Buy .'41uffetd where Scar .fie the $001 of the Independent
• t►
INC Tafitato atltrwtl i2y >< ,. ttrirary iliterdcrs caused by acid ird" f gentleman who had objeetd t+t ►iy I Grt�+ctr, '
in U" �'eil'*V*r 30Y�lM fi tat -len. Jac! Setts causes no bad effects crpr<nfntt the wtndow.',Ciluded to mP a« f - ,yr .
whatever aY sacred nicodrnte, whatever that, THE'
Al+r+i]sfriars Herr lots have >x rttassnl,,+tTervcy- r, auav 1W ---*herd wits nathing•.t., d, but
cite ' c•rnt litlii:r-water drink wilkh} itt y to ndrni rt encu mor to t"sit" t:+nt•"rti.
nostoft at , guickty rclicrc your 6Taddcr iret.atit tt.
Het it tcat� my pr vilettc to cn".ry '