The Goderich Star, 1927-02-17, Page 5shialr'" Trait:WAY, FEL nth. ' Uri+IL- 4. .15Mirir For Ran.down Vitality Use One of These Builders-. WaMpole's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Vino, Creomulsion Kepler's Malt and Cod Liver Oil Fortify your system against Iraflusnza attack CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 'PHONE 90 AG',IV' term* of office expired were all re. ettcnd at It Itrty Snails : un the roll. Mr. ".. McCown% norl. stiewsel $12,4 to baloney 1, apples Mrs. Archer Leebuter , nu I 4, td, Meier.. Thos. Gendry, W. U. Welonies -Alice McGraw. K *le president, and Mt (*. i'. Hunter sec. on hand. • . ' - i )1 chesterfield table fur mime sitting . MarEwan, mos. Mitchell and Wiii, "lik'ititer. lienriets Curwen. Gladys retary. ExPreseionn of Appreciation t.f the; room. Mr. and Mrs. .1, R. Wiweler, I , , 'Wallace. Hinge% 'resale Condos. Keith Cutts; Ti* Missionery. Association fort. good work of the Nutritive oritinigg.' miner vier, mu. G. mii; ice view, t . NI Chan; K Sainiders was. in the Kenneth Cum Donald* MeMinius.' ed an inerease., in eontributi•me of eitios in fie tionziegatitin wet, i Need Bisset ,trod.; J. bos. Lira. Mrt, raw. 1 • ,. .• • • A" ' hi 1 rotord in the loon tit ree.lutiopte'' rie,' en; apple* MINI eake, Sim Y. 1...- - eater and Il r." Field eye cendy. Dr. Martin; auditor:. " , frui . Mr. Itietvellr. $10 for nurses - library. Iv. Enintereon; nuneweines. MK HOSPITAL fur limes. "(.1lood HoueekeePing," lir '• .. HMENT and Mrs, Tayl -r; "'Women's Boise • :, nageownt aeleineei• evrinetnion," M. and Mn. E. V. Lee•. . ho f,^1,14*- ”( am- be. During the Nvintee the, hospil.st %Ilan t'''. 'xilresq auxiliaries of Saltford tool (1oiler,, Et '' f rne ge ; win iif tewnehip have ghen much help , lei vont, 'A nett t i making of Furgical *unpile% arei vs. the Auxibery a allovation nits met Pit'fieure Christ- monia iitekrts and eewing and mot t thaw fur the simnel heating and dein; Mo itan. Frain** Thanteineeleash A_ *r r . , • . ..hire was the usual good'ettndan..e. Hadley. teraldine &insider*, Id* Mee- WOOil.115 remited to the gencl Mr;• J. W. F it was not *lone in firianceit that ran, Wilfred Gretnwood, Ora Me- ,; treasufer. Mr. H. 10. Klerk, pron. were eseuppeintr, w Creath. Kh Saunders, 1.1i4s Th- 7 dent: 14r. Geo. W. Schaefer. see.. and the congregation made * good show,. 0 I Mr. w. Frank Saunders, treasurer. THANKS FK ing. The statistical report of the. thewey. --- MA 'A session showed an increase in mem- I Semind Year Seals -Graham Mt...! The Women's Missionary Society f 11 • reported a year showing steady The hospital hership during the year. Members . reported in 1925 were 725: added,. by Thini 'Veer Seals -Alex. Mt:Vie:us *teeth numbee* and en mertsastel profession 32, by certificate 24, total Robert Stoddart, Dozudd Wiggins. !interest and progrega in the work, th y nr stetde-Winnifred A censignment of one hundred book* Wag sent to a needy Sunday sehool, 57; removed, by death /4„ vend.- ate 10, total 29; on the Dee. 31st, Murray,31Redditt, Elvin MeLeod, 11120. 7,53; number of househelds, 338; Robert Mwr, Mona Metead, Jeail Ab baptisms adults 4, infants 15t mai- . ledge with thank% tions. and the et their aperedatiiin the many friends their comfort and and in August a bale of elolting tnhalei'llvi.mlei. AT.1701rAihsertnivellegllhi, titaigirAul\bitut.11;,slielariltyli tsteWoninuentiaaliriirt. served tn the staff and thz0 friends keeping up supplies id kiti hen utea. on Christnies Eve: Chriet t ; trso sue, beetle, mut towels, mid stelacing donated bv Mt J. Ilorton. Le.lairriz woin Ow window blinds. ete. t submitted, JENNIE K. •MeARTlit'll. Superlitiedgi;nNdelit°, ie. The .eoueregatles now Sixth Tea Seals -Billie ued $77.80 was peeked and fte. iji .cemprises seventeen elders' 411 it-. Joe Tiylor. S anlee 'Taylor. • e warded and also n miseellaneets pile t Mr. Archie Horton having been eleet- eThese worthy of mentlea-Edne valued at $147.75. itted meat and 4 jar A.M. Mrs. led a. year ago and inducted 101.4.1. 21st Knight, Jed: Cut; -end Wrati. Ed- Mc. Arthur Circle has a umniber• last to repreeent the Lreburn ills- wards enrolled in April and gave ' ship of 115 and sent to the Presbyter. la Adam Foster; tree fns nurs7s' sittine trice.. Gratitude to Almight-Y cu1' regular attendance from that tine dal Treasurer $008.06. " a year of peace and• good win, in • . Mt C. K. Saunders is :he efficient. .,The MneGillivray Miesion Band re-' *1* Mr"'• B• J. Saul!s: 3ZO• ril•itatt I 111, thehteld of endeavor now be= superintendent of the &inlay tiehopl ported a o e se e urch has been almost cm- and Mr. Wm. Webster th'e secretary. mid 8 boys) and 5160 sent zo the Galt: membership of tie 07 gir1.4 11,11tS Arad fOr MrS. 1.11'04 -1. Fel:;•r: I •AN•c•-', f • (" 1-- -1 1 Chrietmas cake, Mt F. G. Presbyterial treasurer, also parcels 51. T .41 , CONGREGATIONAL the year and that balances on hand the P , Toe cr session s le , e .1) eta itt adle roll department 'showed tto ,..Kores, Cliire,,and to the 1& ("h\ turko, fur N„w year's. Dr. J. iAs. otn . irimaveton; 1 • total $1,211.05, more than sufficient work or various oi game:items Nt.e. • • twenin new names enrolled in 1926 ei ian Home, oi onto. d d Crtt is Session KNOX CHURCH ANNUAL. church property was paid off during rletelY defined, was expressed in treasurer, • ' • 't and th 1 11 A • to pay eff the only other liability ef Financial Report Shows *it Except. on the manse, which la not due yet). The Sunday school report showed the congregation (a $1,000 mortgege clerk and 'Mr. Wm. Waite treasurer. Tonally Satisfactory Condition And the Ladies' Aid have a balance an increased attendance over that of Affairs . of $473.24 on hand. Is. new Feating the preceding year, the average bei • system for the church is to•be instal- 195,, wiTh a higb-water Mark of 204. of Managers of Knox church, pre. led the coming summer and no doubi; St. Andrew's Club was ee•orglinized The financial report° of the, Bourd sented At the annual congregational •Ilite Board of Managers will take this during the year under the supervision Matter up at their first meeting, To. of Mr. Schaefer. girls on the roll, and an avenge at. meeting on Wednesday evening of tal receipts for congregational put.- The. following P4411le receive seals tendance of 24. Mrs. G. Maim -laid 'last week, is an exeeptionally matis. poses reported by the financial secre- and diplomas for their faithful at- is the teacher and IViiss Mary McKay factory one, showing as ittdoes, that Lary were $7,755.79. The members tendance at Sunday•school. In order secretary. • a .mortgage of A$15°° against the of the Board of Managers 'whoseto obtain these rewards the scholare . •St Andrew's Club has 31 members i Whitelv; i packages table raisiae, and eighteen promoted to. the pi;m. ' Vie Unites' -Aid Roca* reported a eirs...m. tliree,. out,. Mrs. se,speara. ary, leaving the present membe:Ship very successfel year. $300 Aviv; eon- $t. Petersburg, Fla.: basket tient, . oaf:t5s5... The -department is under the •tributed to the managers and $200 to charge of Miss Fraser, 'With Miss Me - Grose and Miss 'Waite as her assist- is left in the bank. the budget. anti The Westminster Guild reported tireugee, spa,,r's gkoctry:. -I bottle doesn't (1 A it. a bal1Mee• of $473•24 , and Mrs. lienter; letsket fruit, AlisA ' 1 A. McDonald; 1 birs4 tautly and 'IN"' 'in '15 st'`'unds• l'ut 1" wilY '449' ' Teste - prove that a kirl MIA noW .....................-......................, . MI'S. W. L. Horton: basket fruit lir. The Young Ladies' Bible Class i.e.. an average Attendance of 25. Oa ellies 4 A.10. Sturdy; -candy for eurses, .. -• . e• ported a prosperous year, with ta w•is Sot. aside for • •Zhe Pnrchase Of Nurscs' A lunwti; grapes for nurAes. Moth, r %,rave.1 N't orm Rxtermiea. new ,frantains for the lecture . room, mei. (". W. Ellie: eamly Cr uarsee, tor will drive worms from the eys. refurnish the vestry and .$40 was' Set. 0111;111)ga(1.4s(,1- i‘xliar.plfiktiv,•::ifsotw•lleiPtriblfttly(l'i;rt:;21%tialoiksris: iteisiei:%•0.11.tt,.salia"ArttitiAnr,!-INtriiiitti? otuhl°Iy''elid'Ie'tit;°;, - . .. $100 was given•to the manager.; to Mr. ries Merlermott: nsirdrIelef'6eirio-tihrenieithe rtenplotlist foufhtdh.e yettes unpins. Mrs. J. W. Saikeld; '1 letelfet .„,.... _ ..,._ _.........-• - 'Ihe Centennial Comonits.ee met on Monday elaning and completed Chp. organization of various t ommittees ant!. will meet eN.Ary Nionday .1,,Vell- ing from now (01. These Cash Prices enable you to buy for less t 4 it2 I OUR SEC°N nnual February Sale SALE - OPENS SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 9th LINENS 64 -INCH SEMI -BLEACHED ALL -LINEN TABLE DAMASK, Dot and Grape stripe patterns Rego price $1.25 per yd. Our Sale Price • .1. 8 20 ONLY, SATIN DAMASK TABLE CLOTHS, two, two and half, and three yards long. Reg. $5.00 . to $14.00 each. . 1-3 'OFF DURING OUR SALE 16 -INCH PURt. LINEN TOWELLING. Close even 4 es weave Red and blue -borders Our Sale Price, yd. ja RED BORDERED ALL LINEN 'GLASS TOWELS, Sale ° • .25 Price, each . . . . 18x35 INCH ALL LINEN BEDROOM TOWELS, with' red and blue border. Ow Sale Pnce, each 54 -INCH AND"45-INCH EMBROIDERY LINEN. Our price, per yd. . • ,....... 51.35 and $1..75 17x32 -INCH UNION BEDROOM 'TOWELS, pu..-e. witite. off, Ow Sale Price, each, . - „ . ka. 6441'1CH BLEACHED TABLE DAMASK. Reg. $1.75. 014 41 Sale Price, per yd. - ... , 16 -INCH ALL LINEN TOWELLING, red mei:slue border. 4 lteg, 20 and 250 per Nd. Ow Sale Price, i pee yd. •10 NCY BATH TOWELS, lar ga size and heavy quality. Sale Price, each . ... . . . .44 • 100 PR. LADIES' SILK AND WOOL HOSE, plain and mil fancy. Reg. up to $1.25 Pr. Our Sale F'rice, pr. • 90 PR LADIES' CHECKED AND FANCY RIBBED SILK AND WOOL HOSE. Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 per pair. Clearing at, per pair. ... - . .... • • • .. 5 DOZ. LADIES' AND MISSES' WHITE LISLE AND COTTON HOSE. Regprice up to 85c per pai.. ,a Our Sale Price, per pair 8 DOZ. LADIES' SILK HOSE, ALL. SHADES. Reg. 95c livid% per pair. Our Sale Price, per pair...............-. ODD LOT OF LADIES' SILK HOSE. These are the-bal- ante d aur old stock and formerly sold as high as n" $2.50 per pair. We are clearing these., at, ner pair eaV .98 ODD LINES AND SIZES IN- CORSETS. Clearing, at, ---------------- WINDSOR TIES, PLAIN AND FANCY, each.... .49 20 PIECES OF EMBROIDERY INSERTIONS. Clear - ng at, per yd. .... , . . • • • • 011A/2 FANCY COLLAR TABS. Sale Price, 6 for, ..... .25 500 YDS. FINE VAL. LACE. Clearing at 2 yds for.... .05 During the seven days of this sale we will offer a 20% discount off all lines a Ladies' and Children's Winter Underwear. • ODD LOT OF BROADCLOTH BLOOMERS, SLIPS AND SILK BLOOMERS. Reg. up to $2.25 each. 'Clear- ing at, each 4 • • • LADlES' SILK 'KNIT VESTS. Reg. $1.50. Clearing at each...... DURING OUR FEBRUARY SALE WE WILL SELL "LAVENDER LINE" SILK KNIT LINGERIE, AT THE FOLLOWING PRICES: VESTS, re. $1.95. Sale Price, each,. s BLOOMERS, reg. $2.95. Sale Price, per pair $2.69 .98 .98 SLIPS, reg. $4.50. Sale Price, each.. COMBINATIONS, reg. $2.95. Side Price, per pr.32•69 $4.19. We cannot guarantee that all the lines will last the seven days, SHOP EARLY 1. and avoid disappoint- ment. 7 Days of. Exceptional Values WHILE taking inventory we have put aside many lines of yv Merchandise for this Sale. The odd and broken lines of stock will be cleared at sacrifice prices while seasonable chandise and new spring goods will be offered at reduced prices. We have rearranged our stock and displayed our merchandise in a way 'that make sliopping Comparatively easy for. you READ THE BILL CAREFULLY Every article will interest you at the prices quoted. EXtPa, Specials! Extra! FOR ONE DAY ONLY Special Values for.Saturday, Feb. 19th 4 ONLY MISSES' PULLOVER SWEATERS, Blue and FROM shades. Clearing Saturday at, each. ....... 200 YDS. PLAIN WHITE AND STRIPED FLANNEL- ETTE, 28 inches wide. Saturday Only, per yd.. . .15 200 YDS. UNBLEACHED COTTON, extra heavy qua- lity. Reg. 25c per yd. Saturday Only, per yd.. .19 Special Values for Monday, Feb. 21st 2 PIECES ONLY OP 42 -INCH SERVICE WEIGHT „, CIRCULAR PILLOW corroN. Monday Only, -d .4U 17x32 INCH PURE LINEN TOWELS, hemstitched and fully bleached. Three patterns to choose from. Reg price 49c each. 10 doz. to be sold Monday, Feb. 21, at each. - .. . . ... . . ......... • ..... Special Values for Tuesday, Feb. 22nd 100 YDS. BLACK DUCHESS SILK, 36 inches wide. heavy quality. Reg. price $1A9. 'Tnesday ()nly, yd. $1.19 100 YDS. EXTRA HEAVY GUARANTEED BLACK DUCHESS. This is our best quality and sells at $2.95 per yd. On Tuesday Only, per yd.... . - $1.98 Special Values for Wednesday, Feb. 23rd 200 YDS. SILK BROADCLOTH; in all shades.......... Wednesday Only, per 150 YDS. HEAVY CANTON CREPE, almost all shades and selling regularly up to $2a5 per yd. .Wednesday . Only, per $1 98 yd . Please do not ask for credit at 1 The- Cash Store 1 NAPLES - 42 -INCH CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON. WT. 45c. 9 Sale Price, per yd... . . .. • . . „ ..... .. ....... s e, ,, 44 -INCH CIRCULAR PILLOW COTTON. Rog. 60c. Sale Price, per yd.r- . . :... .... .. . _ .. • ... .3U 40 INCH UNBLEACHED COTTON. Very close, clew -, ph it and even weave. Reg, 30c yd,- -- Sale Price, ner yd. •G't 411116, 36 -INCH HEAVY ENGLISH STRIPED FLANNELETTE. oak Reg. 35c net vd. Our Sale Price, per yd. .. . . . .. . «AV " 28 -INCH PLAIN COLOR LINGERIE CREPE. Reg 29c per yd. Our Sale Price, per yd. • , , ': .. - .... .. • .. BO -INCH PLAIN BLACK SATEEN. Reg 39c per yd.' Our Sale Price, per yd..... . . ... ..... - • .... . • 28LINCH PLAIN COLOR Sb...TEENS, ALL SHADES. Our Sale Price, per yd. 32 -INCH CANADIAN PRINT, several ditnrcnt tiatterns. Clearing at, per yd . . . . . - , . . . . „ . . . . . . . . . . . it A al .24 .30 .24 95 72 -NCH HEAVY (Th OM CLOTH, 8 yd. enlY. aw.f Clea7ing at, per yd, , ........ , . ............ 40.g.. .011.F 20 ONLY LADIES' SILK SCARFS, plain a. -al farm?. Reg up to $4.00. Clearitilat, each ....... • • $2 2r 24 PAIR MISSES' WOOLLEN GAUNTLETS' . Clearing pqn • at, per. pair ... . . . . • . • . • • a V. 50 PR. LADIES' WHITE AND BLACK SILK GWVES. Size 6 .and 61; only. Clearing at, per 15 ONLY BOYS' HEAVY AND MEDIUM-WEI(zHT PULLOVER SWEATERS. in fawn and brown tolors.j • Reg. $1.25 and $1.50 each. Clearing at, each. 39 79 Thursday will be Remnant Day DON'T MISS THIS DAY. WE ARE PLANNING TO MAKE IT ONE OF THE BEST. . Special Values for Friday and Saturday, Feb. 25th and 26th, the Two Closing Days of Our Sate 39 -INCH HEAVY CREPE DE CHINE, in all shades. We carry one quality only which sells reg. at $L75. per yd. On Friday and Saturday we offer it at, per $1.29 yd.. • . YtIt 250 YDS. 36 -INCH WHITE COTTON. This is a pod quality cambric and sells at 17c per yd. 5 ydi. only to a customer. On Saturday at, per yd .13 WITH EVERY PAIR OF SUPERSILK HOSE PURCHASED ON FRIDAY AND SATURDAY WE WILL GIVE THE PURCHASER ONE 35c FANCY CREPE HANDKER- CHIEF. YOU GET A PAIR OF $1.50 GUARANTEED • SILK HOSE AND A 35c FANCY HANDKERCHIEF FOR . II E. The Cash Store 36 -INCH CRETONNE, mostly dark' colors, suitable .for ' window drapes or coverings. Our Sale Prie:., pc•.• 90 -INCH WINDOW PANELLING, three different pat- terns. Cleating at. pa panel . . „ ... • .. 36 PAIRS OF RUFFLE CURTAINS WITH TIE BACKS, 28 in. by 2'; yds. Reg. 95c, Our Sale Price, pr. 32 -INCH WHITE CHECKED RUFFLED CURTAINING, Our Sale Price, per yard • 1 DOZ. PR. WHITE MARQUISETTE LACE TRIMMED CURTAINS, L cg. $1 .25 and $1.50 per pair, while they din last, per pair. , • .... . . . . . • ' eVCI WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FEW NEW PIECES OF SILK NET ANT) IIK OVERDRAPES. • . 20 PER CENT. DISCOUNT OFF AIL SILK WINDOW PANELS CONGOLEUM RUGS AND A FEW LINOLEUM RUGS AT GRE ':(117- Pr - • • 1.,1„.• '4P 39 .75 .25 • . , • 18x36 INCH Oh C1,01...• MATS.' each. . , . .15 • . Di*L3S GOODS. 40 -INCH SANTOY, about twelve shades to choose from.$1 a, Our Sale Price, per yd., 54.INCH BLACK, FAWN AND BROWN SERGE. Reg. up to $2.50 per yd. Sale Price, per yd • Ute 32 -INCH PLAIN CHAMBRAY AND CHECKED GING- HAMS. Reg. 32c. Sale Price, per yd ,27 FANCY DRESS FLANNELS - SELLING 1.i.T DURING OUR SALE ALL FANCY DRESS FLANNELS, SILK AND WOOL, BALBRIGGAN AND ALL WOOL TWISTF.X WILL BE CLEARED OUT AT 25% OFF THE REGULAR PRICE NSW SHIPMENTS OF SPRING DRESS MATERIALS ARE ARRIVING ALMOST DAILY AND WE IN- VITE YOU TO DROP IN AND HAVE US SHOW YOU THESE NEW GOODS. ' 25'1 DISCOUNT HIBBERT STORE WILL OPEN AT 9 ANI. NMENINEMIOEICIEMNSENEMKNOKNOWEIM NOME *MEN MIN PEIMIENINEMISI NEWNAN Phone 86 Cur Motto Reliable Merchandise Reaslnable Prices plus ruarts..,-.), and Service te4101-24415"P A* VI #1"4 ,11*:41- WC, ***