The Goderich Star, 1927-02-10, Page 5-Tfir - Tilt SWAY, FEB. 10th, 198? For Iur-down Vitality Use One of These uilders-r., Wampale's Tasteless Cod Liver Oil Vino', Creomulsioa Kepler's Malt and Cod Liver Oil Fortify your system against Influenza attack CAMPBELL'S DRUG STORE 'PHONE 90 kb Appeal L.Against CValuation 4oderich Town Council So Decides .at. Last Friday's Meeting -Finance Committee to Make Arrangements Formally Acknowledges Mr. MacKay's Fine Gift !to this and k was carried. it seen from C,uariilur Huattber. "Why iie ors, dear hat the only nurse rbuttld the clerk's Ace be dulled bi- 1 rtstre was Clause 2; the root Pseud tenon el turd 2 De:1o4r' Couticillor noddle said there were without volumene t'ouaeillor Humber. tasked why tate very few Balls at the entries oak* at and the work land to be don.', and the' 1 special eomasittee had been caned to- these hovers." The cogilt. d tkktoe had giark's hours were not ewer till the ther ht ' hole and corner, when en the matter wrest tottaiimad d work was done end from the Area satsof aaeetings was a all part of the work. lib* work to be done by alit rink was laid out by law, a regular program from January to De: ember, o members embers of the countilnot on this was their unanlawaa citation. October to decent of February he r the committee. were not precept. In exp enation it -might 1* said that for years a custom of tirecouncil has( been to have the regular committee meetings en Thursday evenings pre- ceding the council meetings and in this way the whole council aro usual- ly present and hear what is going on in all the committees whether they are members of a particular commit. tee or not. (uneillor Bailie said, a# chairman of the' special committee, he claimed the right to call his committee to- gether at any time and in tow .place and asked for the ruling of the chair. The Mayor ruled that a committee could properly be called together at any time by the chairman and thought no one would object to that. "J do," said Councillor Member. who went on to say something; about "pretty small potatoes," though it did not appear that he was giving a. lecture on horticulture. Councillor Cutt claimed that Coun- cillor Humber was art of order, the Mayor having 'made a ruling. "I'm nGt out of order," retorted Councillor Humber. The Mayor said he had made his ruling and Councillor Humber should not call in question forneillor Ballie's honesty of intention. • Councillor Bailie claimed he had a Councillor Humber Ramses a Breeze Over Special Corn right to.aala^Councillor Humber for a mittee's Recommendation as to Clerk's Office Hours, But Report Passes retraction of his statement (presum- ably in connection with his clissertn- tion on 'entail potatoes."). Efforts cf the Mayor to quiet the. troubled waters, brought the .query '• At the regular meeting g; •s 1 t' of the town " followintatement ' of expenditures -. ---- eorneil' last Friday night it wits de-, of the public works committee for .— Bided tq sgppeal against the valuation January: -n of the 'town as fixed by t:te county 1 Snow. plowing ci5..40 Valuators and as adopted by the court- , Making and flooding three Zhnk'3,, ty council bye bylaw as the basin of 1• Victoria St„ Huron ed. and the county rate, notice of the value -r - Kenya street , 3i.65 tion and of the bylaw having iron to. a Sanding sidewalk% 27.05 ceived from the county clerk. ' •Repairing Eldon st. sewer: Deputy Reeve Turner said he was 4 20-ineh tile $ 0.50 ,. • in favor of the motion- but wanted to freight on same '4.15 know how the cost was to be borne; • 4 bags cetnent:....: ', GU pro rats.• by the various munietpall. 56.hts. 3 mon..:.: 58.80' • " y ties) appealing, or how? ` s 12 tars:, •3 men cutting 'ti...5 Councillor Humber said it Would be Titne, down .- a good idea to call a meeting of re - trees • andcutting ,' presentatives of the other municipals- same into wood... .....• 12,60. ties to discuss the matter. • Councillor Bailie -thought if the motion • introduced in the, county council for an advisorycommittee to get in touch with the valuators had passed that a satisfactory adjustment could have been made, without an ap- peal: No doubt an appeal would east a good deal. - Reeve Lee said 'thee county value - tors had 'said they would have notto ing to do with readiustment. • The. whole thing he claimed was illegal and on that ground' could be. upset. . Deprty Reeve Turner quoted what Reeve Sanders of Exeter had .stated at thecouncil meeting that no mat- ter what happened the valuators. Charity -4 hast team delivering r wood .......... ... . s ... 2.40 Tine, scraping snow on Square and other streets, shovelling snow off steps and walk to harbor .:and .opening up• catch -basins . 03.75 Geii :al acct, 1. pr. rubber booty 5.00 : f=oal ' for offices and council 1 chamber ' 33.00 Oleaining offices.. . • ... 4.001 $320.00 1 The Mayor commented on the sat- i%factory way of keeping track ea' the , business and expressed the hope that! the public works chairman would keep this up . and Chairman Lee said t would stand by their 'report. he intended to do so. • • l The Mayor corroborated what the This report: was Presented in can . Deputy Reeve bed said and :added• nectioe with the report of the •come': that at the December session the nttttee, .'tthieh was as follows, and.: valuators had, stated . they haul cl •rte 'tthxh tires adopted: '• thin* best in making the valuation We •reconnuend that the matter of.1 -.end felt they conic!, go no further." engaging a caretaker ' of cls.: town •- ':le believed there teas nnthiiigr lite dump rig g ounds be leftwith tire' . the town to do but epee's' tlm. case cear'man of ,ins-conmmittee. ' We re.:.1 and ` if . the county council livid ' any- Comp., tore.: - {i tedB 11 Telephoneneene to thing to offer in the n•ay of •a corn- erect th:,r tt a and thee:: poles one k promise lltr Bailiellie then be Aisle. the eo-t side rot 11. ;loosed stce.t south Cor'neallc:•tltounhiwthat same I. other- course should., be taken erg. from lla.••,talnie road. the work to be i and thought the county, council d :'n'wade. the 'direction and super..;, would be willing t" Meet the towns ye. on re tees committee. and the pri- s on common ground but Reeve Sanders " take •, tin he at the ;pleasure df the had rniFed n barrier by his unwise munetl. The matterof providing a • action.. ''• would have been ,a nice• centrally located public lavatory, as way to try to make an adjustmelit suggested by the Women's Institute,!. by the app. intment of 'a committee le beim, cnnaidered by your eoinntit- and a settlement could have been tee. . Your public- works pay roll for ; made that • wenld be sati§factory • to th:' mout.. of January 'eniounted toe all. •$200.45. - C'ouncillor Cott 'said it was no • use The finance committee reported ase discussing what might. have been 'follows: We, have examined the 1 • treasrrer's statement • of receipts anti expenditures from Dec. 15th to Dec.?. 31st, 1926, ns audited and found coo- •rest, and we .reco'ntmend that It be. fit- , ed. We have examined the tree a c,l- lector's statement of Jan. 21st. 1927, ' showing- amount of taxes collected -, during the month of December, end '' we recommend 'that it be filed. •We ' recommend that a grant of $15 he made to the :Hospital far Sick Chil- dren and thot an order be issued ae-'' cordingi' . We recommend ' that a grant cf'i 50 be made to the Children's :' Aid and Humane Society and that an• order be issued accordingly. We are s ,-•ranging to have bonds issued un-", der authority . of Bylaw No. 69 of 1 Moved by.Reeve Lee, seconded by 1.926 in aid of alit' hospital.�Lnda we town a p - eal . nlnmeUd that the bonds dated d ' ,� ` Councillor Cutt that the t pp. .'lade for against .the assessmentn county rurposes as per Bylaw No. 3, 1927, of ,the: County' of .Huron Coen- .. cil, and also if deemed advisable to take steps to have the ..egos'-ization bylaw greened. , The matter of dealing • with the ap- peal and of making all arrangements with other 'municipalities was left to the finance committee with power to act. Chaizntan Lee has' set up a new system in connection with the pnblic works department and presented the ,. donee The valuation , adopted would add about, $5,000 to our county rates,. and-he••evas• quite•• prepaied•-•fo•-euppokt. the motion. 'Councillor Hrmber• reminded the council that the town only had so many days to make, an appearand the question was not what might'. have been done but what was done; If the toren did not get justice in an •appeal it could null out from the county and be separate, but we should get in -touch with .the other maniei- palities. The Mayor :.onsidored an 'appeal would make the town's case stronger. .And the following motion was finally. Adopted unanimously. ' i'model Theatre- WREK OF FEB. 14 TO 19 . MONDAY and TUESDAY ' "THE SILENT PAI." - • *tarring htg.Th "Thunder," the screen's marvel dog, supported by an all star east. Those who have sem, this' pic- ture rate it as the most miirvelous dog picture yet made. ' PATHS. COMEDY IRK WIPE TAMERS" 4410 WEDNESDAY tad 'THURSDAY 0 Pebrrary 25th, also that the bonds e be gold at oar through the tronsuree, and that all ether details beleft with the chairman of this eottimit ee and the mayor, We have received prices on dog tags and recommend -that the year's supply be purchased feint Thomas R. `'Voir, Stratford, at per sample submitted. at a price of 54.f0 per hundred. -- •We have examined the order of the Railway and Monter pal Board, dated Dee. 29th, 1924, ap•. - proving of local improvement sewer bylaw Ne. 71 of 1926, and we recent.,' ment that it be filed and that the matter of preparing bylaws for the v s issue of debentures to co er cost t of• sewers be proceeded with at once. We have ordered an assessment roll from R. J. Lovell Company at at - price of $14.25, and a two -installment collector's -roll from the municipal roll. That the 1926 county rates. amatntn n 8820.12, plugrinterest, St , mt ti t34.f30, h^ye been paid. The commit- tee t to t- tee reemnmended payment of a nuns- ber of ac counts. This report was adopted. . The special comhtittee reported as follows: We have had a meeting ' with representatives from the ebur -1 chess and organizations of the town and have arranged for the organize - tion of a General Town Relief Coin. 1 mittee to act in conjunction with the FLORENCE VIDOR • eommittee in relief natterte We in a melodramatic story of footlights find that the hours of the tomo hall and hack stage Cafe. Thin is a t'eallyY . canaxterably or convenience different times enterteiniree picture, in spite of its f the year, but for oref the public we recommend that the veruat title. town- clerk's and treasurer's offices "•l?01<f lV>pl'VER KNOW WOMEN" be open to the publie from.10 a.m. to CHRI.STII•' COMEDY 12 noon and from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m., "DA>FIa`1t1;llLl.s" when collecting taxes, and when FRIDAY sod SATURDAY "HOOT" G BSON ' are being repaired by the hydro line- the western star, who holds the melt world's champion nickname. "hoot's" (latest 2 of this report, ware hrevo- pictures are. always crmmed with cative of 'considerable commotion. action and thrills, an don't mi:+s The chairman, Councillor Bailie. had "THE MAN IN TI3111 SADDLE." no sooner moved, *trended by Coon - CENTURY COMEDY tiller Cutt, that the report be adopt - '1118 IINIKItga" ed than ('Guncillor Humber moved in e nendrnent, treeonded by Councillor Matinee fiat. at 2 p.m. McLean. that the renort he taken up Keep Fsb. 23 end 24 ie mini 11f (laude by clatter. Nobo=dy s- Jru'., d assessing at least one hour a day front 11.30 a.m. to 12;30; and that /done be placed on the doors accord- • ingiy, That the police clock wires • Councillor Humber had a perfect was on the !ark many^ nights up tot tight t.. discuss the report nfethe come 10, IL-12 er 1. One could not con- nittee on the floor of the home if he centrate on work when the publie 1, did so in a fair manner. were around and he Geoid not see any �('orncillor t'utt said the ottdee of season r(he the office should be open,' the•clerk oras not primarily a public to the public all day,If,eberqg wase olke but mainly executive. He had anytititite whops win, his *melt he l would like to know about it and would be only too pleased to meet the wis=hes of the commit. Councillor Cutt said he thnr(;ht the clerk had given a very good explana- tion of his work c,at proved that." Clause 2 of the report be udoptecl. • Reeve Lee seconded and the motion +parried,, Councillors Humber and Me. Lean and the Deputy Reeve voting PANE YtVE not a great deal to do with the gen• eral public; it was different with the assessor. "The moat utterly absurd thing I ever heard c f." NUS Couneilln v Rum - beret comment on the idea of the eterk's office b;:ng open to the public only four horra of the day. By these hours the laboring num and the mechanic would be deprived of access to the clerk's office. The mention of the "laboring than" brought Duty Reeve Turner to Lis feet, and. speaking for the laboring man he said. "I don't think the office should be closed'between 12 and 2. These hours would be shorter than bank hours. • The Mayor pointed ot�t that four h;.urs a clay did not represent the clerk's day by -any means. For in- stance he was there that night at the council meeting, and the night be- fore. • a ' Councillor McLean said the office should be open when there were two servants there, at the noon houe,espe. malty. The Mayor suggested theft tide , tine and Pacing A l o. atiott, trete clerk night be heard in the matter, ,reesent and asked for the use of the and Councillors Cutt and Sproul ntty- agricultural • grounds for the race ed that he be heard.—Carried. I',,net on Aug. est. Thee wanted to Tito clerk said he had little to sal*, know as • soon as passible so that n - nay. the deputy reeve Saving his on-- lv objection was to the closiiv of the otliee between 12 and 2. , Under �tt. e- [ n(1 t Ilnflnishesl bu. t +< A nutv Reeve Turner brought un the matter of a petition for street Beets in 'he west end of the t' wn chiefly end asked what, had boon don This,' it wan stated in answer. had been re-' ferred to the water. light and'her• her committee of, the town . reopen and by them was taken rn with the water and light commission. It was found too late to do:anyttento that tenson. The. matter .-vas therefore - refeored 1- the writer, light and hare. bolt eommitten -of Allis year's contteil. 1)r, Whitelt ene leent of the Trot- brt pointed out that the attending of ac 11 c't t 44 c n let( a) . On Saturday, February the 19th, We Commence Our Second annual Feb Sale For 7 d ► e we will offer exceptional values n ll lines of Merchandise. Owing to the drop in,- the cost of a il cotton goods we will offer SHEETING - PILLOW COTTONS BLEACHED COTTON UNBLEACHED COTTON and FLANNELETTES at prices that will mean a saving to our customers. • . - Hibbert PHONE 86 - TFIE CASH' STORE SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA . 4 TOWER „Cy 19'26 ASSURANCES IN FORCE (net) $1 An Increase of $235,393,000 New Assurances Paid For An Increase of -$72,412,000 Total Income An Increase of $9,825,000, Payments to Policyholders and Beneficiaries Total Payments Since Organiza- tion Reserve for- Unforeseen Con - tingen fes - Surplus over t Liabilitiez and Contingency Reserve An -Increase of .$5,371,000 ASSETSat•Deeerber...3..1.,:1.:9.2 6.:. An Increase of $42,195,000' ,25.6,490,000 - 265.,889,000 i6,972,000 38,576,000 257,816,000 11,000,000 34,011 ,000 3.45,25":1.:.,000 Dividends to ;Policyholders increased for seventh .successive year EXTRACTS FKCm -DIRECTORS' REPORT The (t erations (loon the past year have re- sulted in substantial advance •s in all depart. meats..... - . • The ncw•policies paid for. , almost double . the fig=ures of two years ago. The assurances in force, after deduction (+f' . reassurances, . - . show an increase of... . over twenty-three .per cent. Policies and group certificates now outstand- ing aggreg=ate well in excess of half a'million. The figures relating to resources and earning power are equally satisfactory, 'l'ite high quality and profitable character of our investments l s again been demon4ra te . " notion in prevailing red As a resu l t of continued1 h rates of interest, and of satisfactory industrial conditions, there has been a further rine in the market values of our long -terns bonds and of (Air preferred and other stocks. The appraisal (,f our securities made by the Covernntent Incur - I) a the excess of Department she>wshowst that art r epee e p market values over coat hasitcrea-rd during the year by $6,894,266.26. -in addition, the sutra of $1,729,364.52. has been realized as net profit from the redemption or sale of municipal dcbett- tures and other securities which bad •risen to high premiums. The rate of interer.t earned an the mean invested assets has also risen to the remarkable figure of 6.69 per cent, as the result of substantial dividend increases, bonuses.: and stook 'gait ileees rccciv sl is • cennectio:g with ni=nny of our 1:o:da:gs. • 'Ilse quality of the investments listed in the assets may :bd lucked front the fact that on 99:55 i er cent of tl•e 1 (CCs' and en 99.71 per cent of t::e preferred stoc,. , not OW? dollar of t,t- ' terertor dividend is in arrear for even oned.:v. On our const( n s'orl• S theidivi-'ends neteeli rte. regriY(4 'are grr:itic•in race.-, of 11.e dct•ideie piayal :e on ager rein a etc kit i ' 1bite of 1,.:relc.t: e. The total FLrl,lt;S (:i acrd 'during the tee"'r amounted - in $20.457,677.23. From this thee following al 1•rrl'riation.'las+ebeen made: - The suis of $2,000,000 has lickn . de- ducted front t,:e official valggatcot of .ourie - curties to provide for possible J sal uation i.1 market values, This raises the amount to t:.. aside for thus purpose e t(i *c5,000,000. . In other north., the value itt which our securities are carried in the balance sheet is • 0,000,000 less than the appraisal 1 made. • lsy theGovernment authorities. ta lus. The account to pro% We for unforeseen con- tingencies Las hien inrteatiecl by Si,000,00(1 bringing 11.e toed under tlti•: _beading to- t.11,0hl00)0. 'fire book t slue (if our !lead Office building 1 as roan written down 1 y a further suns of .:23(1.000 though it .certainly could not 1.ee replateed at even its original cg); L An additional aietnint of $40.i3O($) bas. been set :ride's to pre vide for greater -of annuitants, The held under ilies bend- - ing in excess -of-Government requirements, 1� pow $1s90 000. • -t• it:!.t;Yp,n the newly iicejui:cel i:uti- nese (.f'it:e Clete land Life, 4ne1 on oal,er re- t4s,11, )licic: , have 1x ori r.riM dtothe aspire i . se; .Leet t►•eyl for il,e.t•alu.ctir►u p, c•r our o to ce,ntrects. -' ••to. .g,t., profits -haves leen 1•aicloridiot teddurin„'iheyeartothealiment. (: b 3[,5e0.80. - After lnaking these deductions aucl alk-wa- i. 5 5 been ' ; � 1 564.. 6 has 1,n t uu';analdt ;); , made to the undivided profits. The surplus over all liabilities, contingency accounts and capital stock, now etaffeeot $34,(111,565.25., For silt -years in succession weI nt%e Increasld -the parlits to participating policyholders. ) ur u in thisperiod our profit 1 Ias been thudded.. While the assurances in forte, have multiplied two and a, half times since 1920, the anlonn't Paid or allotted as profits to polieyhnlde ft; has multiplied five and a half bines. Weare gratified to announce, for the seventh consecutive time, a further increa:.e in the scale of prnf is to be distributed to our policyholders- in the ensuing year. SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY OF CANADA