The Goderich Star, 1927-02-10, Page 2THE
Tlti. RSDAY, i' ER- ltfth, 'My � z
Ash Your GrOCO ]Inv itknew that a the .<lelualition at ' "'P-'
stuin by the+ spiral sprint}. TIT
�'srwbltY etruetures, 'the Canadian Had �►wf Paine► inhouse bzrkrt leas ytsv,rd snoreonDTPariliow, owl of tyre most imposing, tan r r:= atectr"yad IIi all rf wNG WHIMSlfrriidira>Rw.looks as tharrgh it has been, :�aoetconr3 vkaxa. itis
y barrrbarde+f. Ther tbow;h i in s been in tib'" + ► 34. rhe blerawing of the 2044ltxip, R py�p
Of der"litiott Proceedings status that o>e the Barber ars "car-
d t sll� OurRCOATINS
�i G �e etire+ ('anadia l ButWime eantaiixd `1600 - 3tF.rn ti,r i.i,3r.,rs '0rt mit ",f order In fernier times barbers Ileo car- !l 1i4i
tons of timber Atul gQQ tons Of ate¢]. fir l,acl< :4 r>:rr to become aftrcted T"ted Ott'° as surgeatiR rand Delia n
The Austrrtlian Building is also dis. AV.', dull Laine, Aurp pains, quick the operation of bleedin , then :t"C"m-
Iravllion of 2Qew !via •,: µ *!l lx,"art ts, the: tart that the mon remedy for most it s, T It' Spir-
integratintr. The t. Lovely Fabrics in the Latest Shades
ZeatarA still stands but its fattr has ciduv s 2'evd attention. aI red stripes symbAixe the practice 3'
' been decided; it will be a dances hall ;ir.., .Mian 13atting. T.aterprirr, Can.,, of winding a ribbon around tb arm NOW
somewhero in London. ftyiou is a write,•:•• -"After nn wcond babe was prior to letting the blood. Th- tzar= BCAVE YOURORDERcoarlibuilding issetory its Lon3on; Pal- ;,ora ked tlwtali tssinK in mr ,rack, bar surgeons wereincorporated ,tn
estine a laundry in Glssg•zw; part of !an.t .•t.ulst sot sleep tit night. England in 1461: went unites, with
is a factory At Letchworth; I court ltardir oto Inv hauaetrork, the surxeons in the reign of henry
the West Indies a factory at :veva PF wriall.v u:w ♦wasliiln><l:+n I bad, to VIII, This connection was dissolved BLACK'
! g 'n in rt: The CHAS41i, .
TEA Malden: ~,arra Dane has bee,, grana tend owir tits+ cut,. trade an set reading 1'a di Tailoring and men,$ Sana r
GREEN '.r7tl •feared to Tramore, to County Water- . trade* rf a barber is foreign vi and in- 1'�'
I hail read so much shout nose a n. ere Ti14t Leading n
ford, where it Is an Irish restsurant, Ai,"nett pills., is your ^loanse, I tkp�sntknt of the procure of a. K
while one of the most popular cafes tkou j I wuw.1 fisp these a trial. Until recent times the Burrowi`+rf Wear
superior t o *Ur Otho " groo tit RsiM sold. has barn tratatferr+sd to Harlesekrr, A* I of tkree boxes and rrlie* I bar} the Swedish navy acted as ('barbers
and is doing duty as a wagon -works. c ly for the crew.. 'Phone 219 Ne�rth Side Square.
tiaisked eke tkii,i ,years I was completely -^ 9
.�. MuWliai Back$. Brito"s railtwed of TAY seeable-" 31. _ of _What `lots tke Finger WAX •
At the be inning of the t"ttizrerre oasis a Syrntlt►t from
« crisis Great ] i^itain Gent a inenzoraa- «'rice roc. a box at Tunes`: -00
; dun, to variove powers explaining the *ll dealers, or .spoiled ° From the remotest time the finger it's Etre to know big wards and nit
IN 1 19VIXW policy she intended to follow, and ask- direct on rreelpi of ring (usuallyconnected with a s=ealk
he should, be very careful,, for if he to use them,.
. GA�M+si�e inti; for their views. This was a pal- ice by Tki T. IiFil- t was an embem of authority, which should ctfer money that is not legal i
icy of conciliation with proper' pro- g p tender and the other party should re-
s rr t'onnectian� With' i be {'tiled by Australian citixcnsr 1 Lection of the liven and property of bora Co., I, i in t t a rt' seas o deliveri�it x � an agent. pThe Iuse it and afterwards ds sue, the court l H M A
Britain May. Se shot. d e 90v mature
z foreigners in China. Mussolini, after Toronto, .Oat. would be compelled to hoed �haade no i A"S�
Russia nominated by the ,stat It cases a# I'haxoah and Ahasiuus are tender of payment has been iii
The strained relations between �. "`>;'tu" Taker Tall ;mature study Of the situation and instances of this. They bave long CHRONIC eswoNCHr7is READ AND
,assess• i frequent ,exchanges of views with ;sir _:_- ' " 55. A Few Simpler Rules Concerning
Great Britain. and Russia havr� been I "flu!' ^ .� been in almost universal use as a stRgNCHtALco4as, FiAY F�Vlttt
dart the last three heaths from the flu _axe Austen K'hamberlain, British Scare-' ereIl ilea completed the filming of token of betrothal and marriare. Chinese Geographical. Names? tlwMttaawRAZ*-U Hc.y.,stc.-6=dScfcralst,
most apparent n6' , tart' for Foreign Affair's, replied with
and n cantpsign writ be its, ing rapidly o the wee a ndd g Jan. n main Robinson Crusoe's sojourn on his: de ., ti iv meaning when grouped with t
months, meets ihr� retort far the week ending r a note m whack he •accented t! . byte sailed for 1 :. When can one r the
fi)r'), ou Each, Chinese
tying syllable has a d!s- �rsk�+.�� � t .e rwru aruasns.
full owing ,- when Patrliament , #oth there was 725 deaths in London lines of th British policy. cert Island ,and - the [,eft Side of the Itg.rd . other syllables: "KING" as in Pek- �,A Z
it's I isef atm tieing to persuade lire tail other large cities, comtiared with.' They Swimming Craze land. Tobago hes been the, to Vehicles when passing should turn
overnment to sever conneetiom be es revsaui+ Week;' g the island on which Defoe faced is Ing and'�anking, means capital, I'ek- —,--- --
App #70 deaths during t p 'Afro. Myrtle' Huddleston, ag.�d 30 to the right, each an his sld3 of the ing being the, capital of the north and
tween the two nations. Approxi- n n vv ''anking of the south. "Pe," as in
mately 250 Conservative memberri are of this number 492 were in Greater I years, of Long Beach. Cal., who hQ1o, and lite, Wetherell dei saes that Center of the highway, o the traveled
m y + a are ,undon, r fox lihotographia ;!ureases its scenery art of the road. it does not follow
• Pekin and Hupeh; means north: a
backing .Iiia movement, tvh,i I __ .._-_._-took-tip:::swimming Fess than a year and climate are_itn#ttrPfli;°leit, play- p Clearing of
to raise a; debate to the i Comm OnS` at 1VOrlc ' a o as a means of rear cin , on Sun- , that because -a- !s an the right 'ran, as • in- Naitkinir and ,tenser; $peers 4 g
pledged ! lr B ing the part of f"ri sae, Mr. Wether- hand side of the road he can dis. e- me ans south; "Ito,.'" as in Hwang-Hq. , R"
King's Speech, and' if necessary vote The douse of Commons resumed, day succeeded, after almost super- ell was able to secure the: whole .ofHonah,
'fist the Government unless tt bard the: rights ec others cthe in and angtsei- means river; ngai, fi as . x
agar its work on Tuesday, taking, u1) the' hutitan eft.rt, its her thirst oto 8 nto the comm y required Yoe these the opposite direction. If foie road At i�'°angtse-Kia " and n Fucl,,,leans Mei
promises to break off relations, work commenced at the brief pre-, swim San Pedro Channel #o tan fa scenes from local natives and white is covered with.drifted Fnoty, or a part ,atreaut,• "Chan,,, as in Fuchan and .
ueenSlsttd Accepts °Britain's Christmas session, Those ~will be an Catalina Island. When'Mra. Hudhor residents. of the highway fiaoded. traveler Sr^han, means place #section. of
A lntmeitt attempt to. clear up the Supplen'011, $toll touched land she collapsed, Emigrant 'Increases must turn to tho right of the traveled land); "gu,,, as in Sian -Fu and'Yon-
`� vr> tary. Fstin. a, for, the fiscal year. left side was paralyzed, and she was QT
R There wit's much surprise in British Y av list .af unable to ,nave. Her time ryas 20 Qtlicisl statistics show the in- pnrt of the vilud as it txien rs. I£ an nail fu, niean:i west; ^'Han,„ as in
k Thcrc• i$ an unusually he y creasing popularity of Canada: obstruction on the xiglit-hand aide iI T�ingtnn. means Island: �c HaIA� as in
political circles when the Government ; p r amen emigrants from British and the highway, a washout, or a hole
Of Queensland cabled it's Approval e,f divorce applications wi s evert indiclat on h urs Ione rr than was requiredbyg Shanghais means sea, Shan, as in
Lieut, General s II°Asa this yea ,with Y other countries. For the teal, months a. bridge rr culvert, one can drito on "Tung," the appointment of % that ail records will be broken by oa Geaxga Young. She was mriged along tliexe was ati inirease oI? 63 er cent.the left Aide until.the oh.-.1uitian is Shantung, means anountains; Tung,Thomas H. Goodwin to -the odtce °f i total of nearly 200 before the tune byher 11 -year old son. as• in 'ixuantung, -means east; and Fine Shirts
Lieutenant -Governor of Queensland, ; : in the number of emigrants over the passed, if he uses proper eRre • when x.Htt ' as in Hupelz, ineans lake.
limit expires. Iron. Vincent Nasser, I ease Among the Young$ some period In 1o2f.. In Addition, - oing see• "Shantung, for instance, is eciuiva- ,
inasmuch as last year the British nbe is in Ottawa this ween; leaves The squabble of. the management 42,026 Canadians returned from the .: eh' Silver and Copper is lent to "East Mountain"" in English.
Secretary of Farcies Affairs received > 33. How inn i
shortly for Washington to pt:esent his ` of George Young, Toronto, whit Avon United States, %ftet having entered
a letter from the Prowlers of Queens-. re ,dent Coolidge• ',Santa Catalina. swim legal Tender for a. Debi`; (Weekly Press Service). 1 5 `�7ozen:Meri7a Flannel Work
credentials to $'• s the Sat that with the intention of re
'land, New South Wales, South Pavilion last month, has been. settled,- Dors, Silver Dollars and Treasury Note$ Theve isn't inuah to encourage th.�
V"est t. "Austxalici and The Canadian I' l malaise there pertrtanenfly:. ' are legal Under•to any amount, un- .+nntxniok r i ss except canned Shirts in dar7: grey and,
Australia,j art r b s ne
Tasma ias stir that i future Thol�sanda of Cal»adiaine vvlir> visit-, Jane 'Xoung, 'his mother, announcrntg Britain's P'lnarc4eial Year SatisEactary 'c sti rated "in the con- .
n , ,age rx n it ' be interested' to .there would be no change in the pies less P ' blaCkiaexr%a._., "' khaki. Fteg, values
tall yacanetes in state goveruorsltips ed %mibley will -- ant :liandiin of her son's atialrs. Despite the disastrous effects of tract.. One need not take, against - - -
.,„...R.�-_.,....,.�......T.�--..; — ..:.««:.,««...,. �.-. up to $2.00: Clear '
i the industrial . stoppages " his Will, mere Chian X10 in halves, "`
----^- --- ^ -^-... ^-". i Aiznouncement of the agreement be- ppages in . Grea. __
tween mother and son came after A Britain during 3112�r she has been able quarters and dimes; liar wore. than
ust.`4c -ing out at
`tnidnight meeting between the pair at .to meet all her obligations in a Satis- 25c in nickels And pennies l US4 . SULPHUR TO
u which Alle son 'apparently convinced factory mariner out of taxation, and 34, Are -.National Bank Note., Lasa. . �*
o Itis mother thAt he was, ander the at the end of the financial year willRFi4' L YOUR SKIS ���
Tender.: „ a
lzroper management, Young's meet- again be able to make a substantial Yes to the • Governmebt and be- s all 'sizes
g a ing with his mother was -the first . contribution towards the reduction of tween..banks, but not to an individual
in is youth swam his way to fi,ute the tiationai debt. M ; Winston . in
(ordinarily it' would be root bust ons u-. ,., out ;kin Ind itchint#
Of Warn �' across the Catalina Channel• Churchill Chancellor of the Efate- to.refuse them). If the amount a :� , ;
• .- A Great Funeral poor; speaking. at. Manchester, stated 1Vjen s Carey Flannelette ,
that Great Britain had a gold reserve
owes is in dispute, however, and he
.. t, .... toed Qver Night .: .
one million. Japanese gathered on of five -millions more`• than a year Ago, wishes to pay what hie thinks is duo, t Sl:ictQ, clearing out at
g • ., along the four ,stile route � ,For ntisightsy s.,: *4. rash• or i
Cott Ove titl7r ,pills , hukrltG desire atilt demand Monday >; g _ and securities, arstead of'.`
traversed by :rho remains . of Yoshi. .. l�tatcbaa ori lace, u, r i,oriy, 95,
for .Radio . w1thbitt Batteries,'cottple ,vial the'! dimznishxng had actually. increased. ,xtttre Makes
,; , bite. late Emperor of Japan.. The -nm
outstanding SucLt. t s1 sir t i Britain. he further said, had been $itiinpie. you do not hate to tea...
d a � success. of he, It gars. Bat, yless;t dpad potentate: was' canted to compelled to make ' any' use of the torture or cznb wrassnent, "s:.
noted skin -specialist. Apply i
-10dio, has inspired 41tany defilers to advertise i tomb amid° funeral .honors greater .trans-Atlantre cradits for: which Fe+�l Flnle : P �i :., a h xt� cie3srmg
large ►QlllaiCh
sea -called
"Light -Socks t" a i rttt oto for norl E than that extended to any of his :pre- 4firangements were. wade,, when the, .` �Iwwsnex ted r. and impres i Mens Fine S ,,
x' * P r.,cleccssars There were 105 sacred •. sicca Haat,. t .
u.YcrM titilt r niake..tlf ralito. * gold- tanda>d. was resumed, and. eke Because of its germ dcstcoyiitg prop- out at
pxllrbearete.. svauld>rtot'need to use diem. He also. Sirnple buel.thorn boats; glycerine,
"Light -Socket" mii;ed in Adlo'rika, often hely«ti ernes, Nothing has ever been found to 7
Thinoperation clatlned by Stated that: BAtaixi had maintained. clay, as s : • c of this so bier . repara- 1. 5' nd' i rl
:.. y ., 95c, $
• _ 'r foe n trade which making alp 'stomach trouble -in. TEN Minutels by tats the pia o p x
n r i tt slit, he r Iia , ,.. ,� sus. tial,, The tiiontciit oil -opal rt'heal- `
M for r, Cdl S tither th�1)1_ R. _ c. S 5... 51i ei. _ _. its _ __ rr s>. _out - a - _ 5. } _.. _.
_ o cal_ removing 845. 73 n,,. - -
lawatnce Toi stopping f a ...wxria
.. r � t i •: t'' i S' ^:- : . � ,� •»•<,.. >" ,- � .old waste matter ing begstix C3n7y tlinse: trho hate lra�; +•'�.•w .... _•_, ..
'tion of batteries, rlr'S, hUt d C[ ntltpttttt)t1 Ul` batt r e cram aped very, favorabl whir. the ,seine am out, of
z .. p . y ht was in Your sys- iuisightly. sl:uz .iroaLlas can 1 now. the
r� ..__ r Otil.._ ...:.. 'l- .. u.,never _thou ._ _ _ , • w
_.soil ,� r lt;ir„r.r, wlticlt Ck3nrt r opt3 art s • r trade zsf the ear before, and now at yo
# y
i there tem. Stops• that full, eased fcel,ng. ilQhglit t.s sltutl,»-siltibui- brings:
yotir h,,ilt socket: the beginning •af size near year:' a and ehacrxut l.tcii fiery., itch,nw ecar:na is dried right
UP. -
was a widespread spirit of confidence • . and ,makes you happy
"e:" far chronic' �constzp :tion, .up; F
.. fid eitterprfae; ': Excellent t,et:a ",1a,1 lar of ltntwtas ?4f+'itAio-
'You Still hat�r+e (�adterces � � - , ist and
`_...._ Adlerika Yvarks QIiiCK and citilsrl.t-
•*"'t't"�"t""" , u1 httr fruni °.te,v good drug *s
t. .�' ?. fttily easS. C i1I�33SI.I: S . I?Irt G•` lit, like told erP:un -
..�,..'X`OU still have rhenitc4l-s � r....�:
- _ -
`. STORE.`..... --^^•—•---•--
'i •^•^•you still newt ivir'e s a '< ,. ; ti g rile, �$ ve -
36:: The. Frtstesti Thin e
37. The Fastest Dlr:chan dil Lan y
• ance7 ,
° 1
It is ant) ucti_t iittlo hitt ilia charger that operates ; ' 38., The strongest Dlan of Modern
jtc?ttl the ll Alt socket. , he current operates•. Times,
C ar e'F •atItiClt:Char es �:Ot►r batteries. --•Tits` "` ' Sk ;rice Tallest Siructure Ener Built
rite h k T. aril milt
= orhi
OUP ... `71
• Izatfc'ric3 t7 r2itc' slit radlta;, s;'. Ittsttaaci' 'ref by 1 •. o t t• ""' .., ..-.- --
. 'iv itittxT' tUtr have adde�t otic tnUre'= t 40. When. was The Year Without t A $�,riTAn statty'Ic>;�tsixto�atict+. 1 i►.
r ltltltiltla. dl _ t �, _ S`Ulnlitkr l l T#nspoeea�oaBlds„ Det
• part' and,�k iCn3i . 11.`: It, Goilsl You Tell the iiir- Pt,oneMirtoeier4
I .; ...... - _ _ _ ... _ ... ,. .4T.
_ . ' Your
� . ,,.. * • . is tt"CaltfptpbtH9tCltiata'r
,: iolons, in Daytime by Yo CaGforhiaPieturg800 .
t liqse chyle es' certai111� have 11u t lt- and atL .t i . tt*itch. At -Night ht hy: the Stars? E
g , t CIcC��ndd GGana Ggyon Folder.
real tat#vl}1116 a t0those who have radios anti
i X2.'" Some Rules,:,Concerntng ,Chillese ' C
canwit afford tU' icrlticc*. #ll�(t> for a E slgerS," Personal° IVainee`'. a
t: ; o Fran1 Gallica) Name
ilii b.>i .. i...f�.. ,...... .... .........
, . � _.... 'rad . rc. ;;, a. .:. :.!G'u ,' .:.................................... ,......
. ..• t iib
�iht n tit . nr� C tt�tn. a nc tv.t;tcilo..�l..._...3.... ... ...... ; ..:........
3.1i.................._..3................................._.._ ... M_
,s. y ,,. sn A New,
�_ tel i t s ars ti ;. 1
. .,, ,t o -rails.
led to [tt�Iitxve tt' 1i, i. 1 ,.` WHILE T.lIIN
ON 1� . t� OR'T1� Vit _
tLi ght-SoCkek operatioli � just. ask otic.. gut stttits , , � n. H:' A.. ,'ones : EAtali.lxAY
v $ 1 alai. (xe
ucecetl 11iaJor-Gelieral, A .set' seven. questions twits ori- !
a' svi it of betteria:s or, chemicals or •a . Who AIRY ;. and? 'lar herein each week; pertaining' to: �.+etttr••ast�t,----�
B ; DiacBrien as chief Of Military .. p
��* Q a strai ht ,a►iXt3Vvt:T , e nE.
har.QCr Ypa.tst Ulp k1 Naval Branches of Department of tGommon 'hinlds--How They York.:.
Nat Defence, Ottawa, iVhose re What They Are Dead ,
theninsist atx R cry.:iwith- ,the .A 4.. '
a gitation was A sui prlsc to -the Gov ' Story of The .Stars. 'Tho .l arth, Life.
Electricity, Radio, History,,
Tubi � , • ernnient. � ogrophy. Eeonomias, lase, .
ti.. ... �,�. a .,,.-.....
t The I'rin�e as * Fortner eaith, Marine". Gastonia;
V * . ' 12 A Ir; if T Lr 'Alain. Anittisis. llirds, Plant:
t The Prince of �A'ales, who owns a, Fife; 241iscellaneous
'PiiIVE 317
farm; In Alberta, bus purchased `
Grove Farm* situated on _ the. Trent CORRECT A�iS FItS GIi/H\ ;
lEi"= STMT ta(�I'aERIC1Ei t River; in the parish of Lenton. an NEIC'y WEEK
szuttying.portioA of Nottingham, find See haw ,many you can -answer by
1it is is
transfer to It that time:
vviBae1, of his Unde< of cattle frons Corn- THU WILL R.v BRAC.E'•TRR F'UN•'
wall. The farm; which tomri p seeU10 i) A M UNTALS-.. OF A. LIBERAL .
! a acres, - is one °•of"khe 'richest dairy RDtE.f' CATION—• -diet a scrap book and
THE jRAD1 1UNCH : firms in the Midlan&,, It belong$ to keen for future reference.
i Mr. J. P. Woolley, who, clank with
trbV't3wFRs 4. 0 LAST WSRK':S
.% eetzdsr the above names art MESDAYP K hia. late father, has •shad it for 24 . gUSSTIOItTs `
Wet will opep. r years. Lincoln iced Cattle of:a very
FEBRUARY 150 bigh standard are,bred on the farm x 23; How Do. Train Brtiltm t`lork� t
'l"tie engine has an sir compressor,
• ` E LS SER A r ALL LCC? URS and have won valuable prize." not 'on- tan a e on of valve,each car
p la Carte ly in ,shows •but in connection ldr. ;� smalter tank, attripe vves, ana
many clears -milk •cam�pzeetiti°nr. hQrisofital brake cylinder. 'Thr cyl-:
�le:CotnntGa%tEiofe iltedr 5il at Tables and Lrtn�Ct r 'ranter• i'boolley is also a well•known breeder indrx',has two pistons, connected by e'
..dar Grocery Dopartm4frIt Will be carried ort � of hackneys tend an intensive ixrmer .spiral spring, The train hose can#
of corn his land. having a remarkable a neat. the +attune tank with the, tank
pal astxecl. i yield of cereals. Agriculturtats from T
_ t under each ct►t,. A pressure of ,0 to . .
* �+► / y �stttt fid* all parts of the world visit the farm, 80 lbs. is mains ed in the train P 1. ipe
l r,,7 4+f' i•7 h' h in to arded as et ,nodal.
may at 17 In im ims traret .I w ie � and each tar # nk. the ra a cy
„ 1)"truction to Teeth der empty and tke brakes off.
ill - Dr.. Wallace Seccombe, Dean of ' .. To apply the brakesi,the engineer .
, ---•-
Dentistry *,it Torontoilntversity, rd- opens the control valva, which- redo- .
dressing, the Calgf►ry, A.;ard of ccs the presieuxe lir the labia pipe.
HEAVY MINERALIZATION " Trade, stated that over -indulgence *re destroying
in calls ear brake than works anl: 'Thi ,
s sweets and soft foods are destroyirig Cally and Independently,, thus: The
the teeth of Canadians. Ile PAYS pressure in the ear tank, now bellit,
milk, an excellent food, should not be greater than in the train ;like, it '
and F"arrara�rk CMetl used for ,soaking other artielex of moves the triplb valve, and opens n
�e pit q diet. passage by which the air in the car Is
Enri/tratisit Dlstrw'ed k tank rut"hes into the brake eslindor,
Mr. Alkens Pugh, a former Chair• forces the pistons of the tylinder
man of the Trades Union Copgrress 1, apart and applies the brakes,
Lake Maron •if !Great Britain. in 'an address ssysl T° ukase. the brakes, the. enteineer
' r that while no emigratlort On x Totally � admits :air from the engine tank into
comprehensive, scale , seemrt posrrible i the train pipe. This forces the triple
`' at ,present, "The" I)ominion,s ottrrr vaivr back into place,. Clears the open -
Limited than Indiei and South Africa do dwaitra � Ing between ear 'tank and brake acyl•
to increase their white paprrlatlon, trader and "tills the car tants' at the
and would prefer that that iasis`= reams• tit"e elaens an ew*P "for the . "A �t � YOU wr y
should ' be mark from 'BritiKh atoek.1 air in t'he brake cylinder and the
Lairor pRrlicv turn lis to expkw% orrery i pistons are drawls bwck to their "erigi•
ttiotag 'i -lbws 'il'rtitr w4t t)rrslMlld it�t tt Citi avenue by which st +lr, evalgrati•m nedway gro" **son bwts* dam'rmt i Y'di!' M•
»....,W..,.W..... rrislld+hr asti�isted siert gakkentd:'
We* "IN at iismliit+I 110thrl st*4*- st'aetarrlet"ss Statwr frr[irriweteel M ��M«
Prenmkr 1rlackehtrie King, follawJfW i ! ily"Oftft � �e
�ii0eltrestewl *lit 0*v* ea i oiket 1lite m n tht. at t A Terserovii bast thousand
10 CA1111111111,0111111 SUO&W. No owka"I►. liberals from all warts of c_ldtarl,a � 1-0 Ivey ame ls a low 8
.,, ,%tstod in tlw court* of hi,e sp,rrrh that t
Ow Iarptrial Vortfrrence leas net. �= � slow�
rha"Km one iota the rtatwr of Can- � ft" �" ow
J. IL � Twat Stir ada within the► Whish F.mpiri'. no. y�,.,� �� :"�! �"� �'�"'
' ,s � . • . 1�ltmbilf pieta to th+ contrary toed prOmblar ; � jftwh "m
LNwire11rtets i�akw;o. ' otretiwateA from the problems we so r
Mheswai ,,Neral AIiMi illmetiw6rlrel toed lieitenrt b ' opted by the rer'atvr DoiAlelows.
' ilei liiiiibit. prnkkma which Cana" ha settled ;� � �� in the �
l it dw ,Biwa% yipar i acre. Thr t•awadtan ttPirswt-
tati"W had teark no treat'-tsi of t%V ! "
J't NAME. , ...... .. ° ..... ... ..... .. t'r+wferrnrr. i sit Ii>itlil� � 11� ih i � .e
+' A itltrh" F" �, r
A des"tek rre t t.rrrdon sags that idw� et' a
ADLAFM............... ... weeite in teles'*.
' FMeleh Wim; ndWit. Mr. M. A. ;,S w