The Goderich Star, 1927-02-10, Page 1.11110",
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I - - .. - , - - .�;"� t. - I . .1 WALTIR1111 NAMIE. Palilioher.' '
. Sub"00"aa r4s�ftrliit ('*%*A& 3�0�
. SIXTY-RIGHTH, Y"I U. S. Points. . N'
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1� * � . 1'�11 - .."..."I.I. 1� ....... ,�- - - ! lot Ws Wftk ... MacKaj" Hal Opmed
I Town to AppW Againt CountY Equalization --New Coud House Officiah Ta6 Chiarge —.
. . 1.11
I . .__ ; .
– = 11 "�— -- 11 - . � " start and lasted till 3, � a.m. �� Qultie,i will cO ; , %ING Vt. '14
, - --- , � Ing, aw a bietter and hap- , V(WATIONAL XVX is. X4
wpgpq�— --mam I wlwft� , --- mile waV -,
* --":, . TOWN I turniaW by Tho#. Elliltitt pier ii.�.udi0m in th �� ,� .
� TOPICS 1.V at country.
� .1
� I -- �, The olil idea that the native XV14- I III the Autontobile Class" * sitilil.
I` - ------,,---- and Mrs. Dan Martyn. On RltturtlaY, cient enrollment baii Well vastlAt to be.
"I � To Appeal AStilast CQ*%t^A1X%tIeX'= t)* Clw& IwId Owir usuaj:� ions of the country was hoatisou'ro- 1
i. � wootinst and at the clo", ligionit, utterly wrorit, he 44 fayor. � , gin instruction on Wo4blesdily, Foll;.
;. &PURB-Assurange Go. d Canada � S e ^%cirth, Wingham, itayfleld, I 14). at 7.30 in the 141irary balientrent.
%yth, Exeter, Hen"It and Grey **ward Donner *qod I.-cgee, x4ild. � ,t,h,,e,y were parti*1 and iraporbet rt,t
� It The (Itimse 1, ,� There, is not suffi�hmt enrNillinent
.1 '..wichept, eake arni weaIrs. ., AmA.of tb* truth.
. 11 �. . . - I townitkip, as well as tito Town of .0"* W*M%X , . 1 Were R wonderful and vrw Y#t for the class in Roinie .Nl%r.-;"-n.-.
;i, I 1, Goderich are appealing against the could prophesy but tct'In fifty or ! Three dre,ismaking clatise.; a re now
1�� For Safety"s Sake Lved is Life IssamVics McLean Celt%.'
equalixittliln of the aswitat"t of the C Mrs. Win. � hurldrid years they might hold organized, but as man), nwr,� a,g do.
J,- , . alw o it ut 11 to, county as made by the valuators and , br^t*ePdt-t0 wolabit wedding annivor-'domillant position aniong tll,.� nati, I* 14 , sh# to come Will be formeti. intlo now, . I
I.ife Intraraury vls HIM, ill UW Y01111IF nia-l- Yet In" s 1 ' adopted by the c,ounty council, There O" Jan. 17th, 194.7, at *he Detroit' Of the World. � clagsts. . . .
. .. � I . S ;)��. ,It 1�- . y"allcybt CluIx Plases were set for fif-� I ..i I � I : I J. P. ITUSIR, .
- 4 llctlur.�lu -. wrift.wilen. extray499 ....-M . 1. may -be. .other �wunwipalitles whW(t I I .
- - -- -* � ... bint ill lklalllnv� It , %,! i I I
�j, � j, r - S And olwli,.�a I will appeal also but these at least ty. The doeoratfailit were carried, cut, PEOPLE WE KNOW ' � - �, Principal,. �
, - s
, �( Wise itild,- illi,ostill fit, It It. istects the responsilliII1104 have decided on action. In lavon4er and On the bride . . I
- Board of Healtk 1**,,,,,t,d ,r4eeting arld grc Vr. C. H. Humber Is in Townto at. ' A* '01tED C,%R1,,-UR
I Ev I wi Ar III;- futilre. 0 ,;I.%- not retaril. Masi) it tO11aY- I iom"s ta wall placed thtl� I A LONG NO, HO.N I"
. 1-portillilly it . I ay. V r 11
huge wodding, ca the famil.itending the Jewellers' convention, . —
. - , . - The local Boardof Health hold its , I ar i.,4 attending Ittil.., �kager has relinguished his
41"i -o" . . I . I I " �, . " .0 r on e Ilid,there were frionds Miss M. VacVlQt I I An Mr. '. . .
. I .. V ul-al meeting for the. -VD111-1 Aic. from Geneva, Qovelsind, Fort Huron Iluery Openings in Toronto this week. I post ct'Vinulty Crown Attorney this
4-1 . - 0 - LONGli Distriet Agent I&Ialn'llay afternoon. Mr. A I I week to Ills successor, Mr. Dudley
. . . Lean and other places. After the = � Mr. Dan "MaeDonald, of Fort Col. I
. . I I Phone 115 .7 A'#� R I was.ebolien chairinItit of the t1101130 repast the filaII.V, Of , borne. spent a few days with ilia rela. 1, fiffolilles, of Whigbaoi,'a brief refer.
. I . I � I I board again for 1427 and it wits do. . � once to his career is n6t out �f place.
-- . - . I the regular meetings -of there are ten living, pretonted their tives here. '%fr. .
. . , �- 1. aided to hold . father and mother 'With It Purse (.f 1 Mr. Robt. J. Arnistroncr, or the �! I Se ger )III& the distinction of -
. � -- - � I I LE OR TO RENT the board monthly on the first Mon. $1,000 in gold and,they also received . Queen's Hotel, Kineardine, visited in Ing thetoldest member of the We of .
I � . WANTIRD ', -1 - FOR. SN � day of tile morith. The report of the numerous other stifts. Capt. McLean . ,on county and the longest ill prae.
. - ,-.-- -ki --------- � ly 3, S.,assiBtant, sanitary inspector for the town this ir"-k.
,� --- novSt, Ill— SAIX,-App . I is &.brother of the late Mrs. J Bell- tice, nd iWr the Past twenty-three
, AIVANTED,-A plun." lad) as eli-rli -Ili Wdtord.' Cobourg At. month of,January Was ieceived. ford, and An unclo of Mr. J. 8: Ved. fev.188 Aileen McKay left last Week i years it held the positlurt of County
gellorat storf� out (if h1wil. EX. , r Toronto. where she has t-ivken .a. . I Crown I
. . - ----,------ Wits Well Liked ford, of Goderich. ,k�rney. .
sary Apply (in first pmlm oo aev;�,;, ror I
crience not noees, I 'k7oll SAIX.-I Many � friends ' Position With a millinery, firal. �
I -ducation and ,.%kl. X flull particulani vi,ilt THOS, sorrow In the death Returning Rome toovit Chimi, . . ,Mr. Itt)INSirr JOU.-48wx � 'It was In',the Year of CoaftAvration,
. Iii,itance, gt,6,ltl-,* age. ( " of Russell Stodd I Mr. Robert Johnston, the new court " t I Feb.. IseM, tliOdr. Seagor`-,�wi ealled
-avy iexpected, to Box 9. STAR OFFICE. ,,,�clln,FY, Proprietor, Clinton. aft on Tuesday front ' weessor c..,
- They ' - Goderich people will lit, inuch in. clerk and registrar, was In town. for, The.recently appointed sr st the -whola of
. — I I - prieunionia.1 Oung man was on terested in th Mr. 1) MacDonald tw,s local rogi,itrar,: .
I . NTPI1 T'l) RENT.--�Cottag(! or RENT,-�% Ax -roomed house Oil ly to ills, nineteenth year, Ile was 0 folowing from a re. the- court on Tuesday and -will 4� I I �r since ihp'n has been tApprit
- Ill eor(4 �
I . small ijou,.e, by beginning oflT�l xelson strPot, with. .111 vullv'117 'witli the Excelsior team in the town Cent issue Of A W1111110og VIM% 48 back and forth between hert". Ana eiiuntN court clerk, nild. registrar (?f in Goderich, of whicki he has been a ,�
. April: must baNT some vulIN't'llit'"Ces ience% 11. C. 511,NNINGS. . -ey league and last summer play- tbo,ladv refetrod-to hai visited in Lucknow for a time until lit, illove,--, � the Surrogate,04urt.. resident nearly r.7 yeit S'And We UTZ I I .1
— � hoc1% GoderivIl krA her inother ii a sister his family bere. Ile was ace, 1110, n. i inalenting- on ills .111rioilittilent . . 1�
. I'll
and g0dell. 00011, ,of buyini; 13te" r land ed softball with the Square team in -1 Co I pleased to know'that Itiiii retirement
con"Rhired. 0-od tenants. Appl.y Rox FOR SALE.-Farin or IQ,o avres'o � of 'Mrs. James - MeNee and of Mr. J. led by .Air. Jos. Mallough -from Luck- � The loucknowSentinel last wt.%oV8A1d-., front tho, dutl"� jilf Crowil Xttorney
foll, � 5VISTAR, OFFICE, . %�Itft first-class bolldIngs, also all the softball league, and, was.-alwayB ..., Grall"t, 41 GWerich, alivi (if Mr., . .
. ------� - - artj,,�Ijjll W,.Il v,.,ItII witill-mili. Would well liked by Ills companions. OWw 'I," tow.. - . ; Tito appointment will. riv-c�ssit.qtc will not -11;�Illl ills volvioval 'fr., In tho .
. Nelson Grabilmi of,Sheppardton.- I
AN . ( � I t the moving of - - I hl.) long. .
, 1XVION CIPPURTUNITY. ex -11allgi, oil a house In. lo,%vu or for 50 ling tor Ills death the hockey gailles � the Johnst,.n, T--flully, tw-, fit which he has lived .
. . I �. 1. " 'lert. Reasonalilt. terms If sold. Call scheduled for last 'night were not Miss F.. Irene Thompson is on routel IBRI TOPICS front Lucknow to Goderich: but this Fill. �
1. , ." . home fxom. Szebowan, West China EF TOWN will not take place until soniv time wA,; twelve year% 1891 'in too," Itki
Ambltlous, lne% erienceit mon to Ile- have. pomessiton, At once. Appl,.%r * at hold. . The funeral. takes pla till* Sho.,w, ocillt,� magistrate of tile toW,il.
coMp.- Airplane 1A i, Airplane 'Mccill ;;,r.Nft OF1,11CF, . ea. . '4s sent to China lit 1021 fro�; � Past Principals' Night in Huron liext-suminer. it,% a peymair-tit home. rII legal nrac
lots , -- ,Afternoon, � tice he iyas tin Authority
I I aniolans, Air Iftne Salv,�rnvii, etc. ANIA- . I Grace church, Winnipeg and boa been Chapter No. Sori., R. A. M.,,noxt Tues. will li-ive to bt� securM In tiv� llu�-on -,,Ild I ,.
I tion firclouRgellbol. Training .1 ro-ouled Ilouse on St. G. C.:.I. Notes %tationed at -Chang , al of day �eveniug. , sevoral of Ills legal wor!is are In , .
. i")"o"10 To "1"N`1'---' tint, suitable for . I _ Ill as Prinelp . capital. I 0
- .
I . I by inall. Actual Plying and Shop (I p O r 1, e's cxes( The 0. C, 1. Literary So6eiy opon . - the Norinal'sebool at that place, In Arrangements have been made for Needless to say the fointily will be oll4tant lm� aniong tile profemion. . .
I Training at Peterboro'-Ont VPVV My Cimall. fallillv, Sliply IIU1`0.N I N V I -,'ST, .
. � .a i And ni,i Crown Attorney bf- lina liad
� . . . . tuft' - �'W- - Pet(IRIM. NIENTS, 1-1).' . . I I d. the new term by a promenade lost a iocent despatch from Toronto she the use of St. George's Pariah flail greatly inisse(f, Air. Johnston having , tile Pronavilvt (if a mW brip& which
I ,oll. \Vrito Box L Fridi Tt P voluillir .
. � Ontario,. for information, - : - I -1 ----� xy. tenf'were not as many was listed Its One4l for the practices of iho band.. been for* more than it .docadsi, it L'opt I secured dockions . front the Pourt,i, . I I
I I I I "Mo . VrOUSE TO IIFNT.-Retl brielt houses studetits as usual present but'a num- down the Yaustze. Allas, Thoplason. Air. John It, Gralialn, 'Elkin. ave.� of all4ound live uire lit tile village., N%lifell wel , 'I of out0ftilditif: iloportalloiN . .
' -
.. � I � .. 10 MEN IV.IVN . 11 corner of NVOTIngtoll -4t-'ftIId'BI`lF bar Of -ex-students showed their in- is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs.J. A. has jurcha4ed the lee business of He was - born In Huron' County, Ilut j lit that the established new preveti. - .
I qonla 11(nui, niniferu. Itirt vvt - jwat- , lit.
. . .1 er, To. es DAU'ry. ttvi . I terest still ill the Society by attend- Thompson, of Vancouver, formerly of Mr. L. Flick and takes posseeslon inf- since early boyhood has lived in L 4%. I y
I I . Im. , I � I . . . . ! de"fs. �
,.%fen--you,ran o6w, otirn wlul(� tvain- 1119� Apply to J� D- 'KnIO)t, — Ing. Everyone took part heartily in Wilml - . . , . modiately. . . . now. For over 25 years he hali been; I I
. , I t is tint dniv N his j)rilf%,.iqio1n.
. : � Ing for %vorld'-a greatest ipa"yIng trades. — 'ei � - Monday next will be Past Grands' associated With Mr.' J'obn Joynt, e)c*: however. that All;. Seager ha% 111111 -rod
-go Work, lid 1) I "'Al, E -11rich re�ldtknee, on cornor tile gam And proms and enjoyed Go&rleh, Curlers 'Visit Seaforth 1.
. ,r, i , neewical, Battery a - . -04 1 � -way, having, a leading pfirt, y .
- Ga A Fit),, .---�11 ,�-., �vv;it corner (if N - 1W vory.much the delicious lunch served M.P.P. in a business 1.
: AVelding; also Bdoldtlying and Plaster- loti qouth n�-,x�nnable at -tbo, close of the evening.* The of Wednesday of 144 week tu;o rinks night in Huron Lodge, Nil. 61.1, 1. 0. charge of hill extensive offlee work.i . ... tiv, In Imbli In the '80's Ili* wa-4 . .
� . in , Die Barber Trade and Hairdres-A119. St. and Calilbvla� Road. at Goderich eurlers, ,visited Seaforth 0. Z, when the Initiatory degree will a life. and as Ortirman
. . � . . . 'g. - one,�. for Fret, Catalogno, 006-, Particulars Xrom F. 11. DARWIN%% gvening turned out to be one of th9 far a friendly - fiiatchs but came -off, be conferred by Post Grands of the Ile early became -a member of that i (if tile wate't arid light Conlillittpe Of .
. N% rite at ' -1- iterary I useful and active organization, the i
. :,: HFNIPHILL - TRADE SCHOOGS 1.1-,�..-. r -.,LLE.--w �s. q1tuated most successful the Li Society second - beat,' the town Pannell inalliturated. both mm' .
� 163 King street,, West, ToroiliO. DM , _%11.\l pott ,, i acre has ever h6ld. 1 Two thilwwont down Lodge. Refreshments Will be served * Lucknow Ire Company. being 'cer0-, aHr ond electric. lilebt rv4tojr,4 ginil .
I . "iThe annual birthday pa 0 tary tot- many years. He .,;4,r%eiil fur
, at Betimiller, 60 rods front C4111pell . . .from- here, .eflusistlig Of It- Fisher, rty of th, Vt - .
. 1. dies 0oast to,(Wast.. . . . an(i school (fleacheri), U itillo fron, Seed Judge Will Be Here Monday Malcolm McKay, Oit. Ginn And Jos. Hospital will ber held on Friday, Feb. 14 'voava on the village ccuncil, for `Itlrin�%- his torni wt mavor in ISR7 -41 �
I . .. I . .1; ....... . . I . - " � , .)st 1#101. 1jIAe,k1!qn1th ,�*h,op ano Mr. P, At. Overholt, the judge of Brophy (ski'p); quil R, J. Megaw, Jos. ci 5 p. lit. Everyone Is the 'I ; I988, Tie, t,-ok a landbur Iii-krt in tb�k .
I �
� . . I NOTICE TO CREDITORS . . � ' l8th, from 2 t . . ast ten years till reeve, rind dur.
. At 1�11'd abit"It 3"lel"'; 11111�'! th'e standing fiel - Wit And 'C- Invited to come. Gifts Will be Mow -
c 1. --- - - I d' crop and threshed Bowman'.. Rimei Sheardo move for t'he fiurcha-p iif tht� prostiTit .
DITOBS, - i"11 11-1'�` a,, p"; I . n o grif ult urnI. park Anil the - c
� , 1,1r, Q,Aw honsoi gowl bilin4 baell. 91111* Ing thrit uorlod it may -be sai'd that. ,.e�l.tintl .,Nf .
. . �N�Tlo� Tocup . ,,,�, 1.kN 1r. Humber.-KiPY., The former Ank -esideAts of the, Goderk-li lie made the village business Ills own, � Ow buildines. In the worIc of 14,
,-- . , and other buildings. VA. A. \ - gritin'coinpotitio . conducted by the ed by the Pi
. * ST('* -.\F, n.. R. 4, Viotlerich. Goderich Agricultural land Industrial wou'line And lost two Rames ,and the and SaItford auxiliaries. -applyilig h1m4elf with untiritur ell-: .
. '. I 'STAT) . I 'mrjro'n churelt too bit wpq rtcttivt� and I .
.11 . . IN THE NI.87TER " THE L 4', QV- . � '- 7�- Society will be in.Godorich on Mon. latter lost AU three.,' In the evening lownship birthday coke will be oerved G I.
. ,�'. :. ,. ROBRAT .0LEN' LATE bF THE n---- ."' ' ' . 7-� 7 1;4 1-1 -1 " it banquet was held, In fionor ,of Mr. Tel and orgy to the- promotion of alitI64 vv� � luis I 'stinquished ,;lln. to the
. � . . -TOWN 01.1 016DERICH. IN. -1, I I �,, _ - AUCTION SALE$ day. next; Feb. 14th, for a meeting Ili by the ladies..of the Goderich auxil. cry public -interest, in Bruce coinity I Oveni s, d,
. ., �- -Stewart, of.the West, an old Searorth I minhstti�y of, the. AlIwIlean t-horch in.
I --' the town, ball at 2 o'clotic'. He w lary,� Lnqt year the hospital had it colinell he was for A: number of yeari .
. . �. . I. . Q)OUNTY - OF HURON,, U I E . ',"LI0IA-N L&WIN-0 AUCTION A-ALIA.'-. i)Y" ' have -wIth:him samples of boy, Who is a patroo of the game in very succes . a I ful.-party when fruit, a loading .1-netnIfer, And onj,yp(l I Rialvaii Rewrer, formerly Provost of - I
. VIIN the . grafir
� I'll, Ne
� DEOEAS4D, I C AkIlif ILI) r ,�. for . � I I I I
. I . . ; - � I .. I 110171 . of All the competitors and wilf-an� .his old home town to, the ex.tent,of 'vegetables. and many useful --I' Ighe ' :Tiinity, College.
.� I I "' '11,credllbr.-3 find . � . I L v .at�. gifts one Yam 921-6o lit -,Wposition I . Mr, Seagerwas ..
it`AKIiA' NOTICE that a nounce ther prize winners and will putting up'4 Uvophy. Aboutso 1:( were very grateftIly. re -. I .b4n in W,414irti7n.
. � .N111. - FRET) 5, X, - . , I! ceived. MAY 11 v��tho i%ard!�u. I .
. �clAlmii or, �d I . - UKIP, Ill,4pj,sIm -give his reasons for plAoing the var; .qAt down to the,,liarqu4 me nW i the pift of'6at bod . . $br�ipahlye, ,,Eng.,. llia,,fatbor settling,
I �, '. . .. 1. .. . , I tithe entauds;, .at - I I
, � " rs., 'having kl:i J -he FW'd'Rob('A-,,IPnee. 'worner or Britannia road and ious.samples as he has, - It, is expect- Airb hoil. ,. The retui . . ;� - 'Rhip.' -4le WUH I lental in; --fil,
I . against tile ('Aate o Avill �sell'bYvltb]le auction , this birthday pdrty, be�even,better. argely histrult I `iiicth
.t. .
no . , -Dover an tt fo sing ph% '
. . . . � Glen, Nwho 61i'd om ok aliclut,the 1711AII, .,* . ''. ed - i . � , Goderich Asp n I Ef"HURCHEIR having SlIvorwecids Creaniory locilte at. Poi. , ,
. 1- .. . dity -of Juao,%Ik. V, tM6, ar,6 required Oft v1don ;trcer,� 110dertril, all ," that Mr. 'Ptitterson, the county Xamet will be, hold cit Friday. it �,Is AMONG TH here, lie 18 vice-president of do Lurk -i clan. The lAte Judge Toins wak Mso
4--- - - I . -EitAulitay, 48t � I - � - � .
I ,. ". or'beford-tho-otli'day of March, 1927; ti) � It' -also will.: planned, ,at It I . I . i 'h ell ';Feb '13th- � � " it sect , d ,be. and Mr.- Z .
-- - I—- W L i- ,.� ,. FRIDAY F ftvp,� � agrieulturif representative, I . he%Wost,..stri0 rinI4 . . Baptist ,c larg , . I'll 'now 811vorwocidit Collipaidy,wid One of grant tit,, ton au
- .lit, . should be Ron'. Air. J'usitI166', R64e, ITO& Court— Pa at O r." ' 'isilii;c - rktoibs. , -I& �iiia 16k a-sitwiat- � -eii-students,,litAllo oarty . . � I .
- - .- - ` - :.tiell-ver.-taA -undersjgnefl�solieltop-rtllt .e4alucilarix"41 L30 ... 0'ciock��,Jl �,'� be --pres"t, - This meeting, � ,itew.i�'., " the' (]I Foalrer were . �
� . I particulars of their claims. � , one nomer upright -piano awl piano a*.� very likt.erosting. and educational ,, Hon. 31p, .1�stice O$e hold a Bit_ evening, , I lor"in 11 ni- ed Ili the Manatremerit of the'Motlid. 6014t in Simeop. - . . I . I . ,.
: l -A'.X6 TAKE NOTIOE that after suelf,bench. fini-slied Ill 311-401011 oal�. .onii� one. ., I a ... . I I � . .. I � 1�111ussitiillni,. ,wbat Ile. Big , _ .The Tiew Crowit'Attorney, Is. I wf It . I .
. . . . I I � . � - 7 '
. . last ineollow-d date Me lgxeolit�rs, will i u�ed Q' Nlind. tiav% is� a splettait) Intslru.�.. . � . , . I -ilng of tho Supreme Court for Huron fles,"-.'....�.... . 1. . �.- I .- . I dist eliureb, and,la, member of the- of- -know,,# helnO it son of the, Ike count
. I . 1proceed"to.distri,bute the assets of 1116 %mont, 2 Parlor tabilps; A reed qettee ond Marine Social club -, ., * , " �, -' . on y -in - e',�,�Oaur a. -Aefst, -board 4 the Vnited churchi trewarrerf . Dr. Holmes. 'Was' born IVI, . . �
- , , 0, a , , 'th __$ 11941se on Toe' ,,kb#.W.- C. T.' U. wilt r4oat-11% the- .
. . oti enfltw:�-, chai",.,f- tongoll;6f fu�;,�,Ixtt* 004' - 3 sea$ clap vilth, onlyx I r hill A14fidayi, Yeb.-I-Ith, at 3 p.m.- All liking o'hiirnuiti of th6 finance'com- Brw,tsels. practleell in Goderich, litter. , , i
I to !, .- " ' - .In %onle lines of anart lie � I �.
- � . '� lables; roams . oil Feb. 4tX Progressiv a]. Hi B., I I Collection. , � I .
,�! IPd her to. , 'I "%r " VIA'.7 ,=*,,b�uluk4.,Pto."..�2-,41ftf*",trtl.,r*a ,(,N 'n 6 n' rial. that of Phaetzer vq, Itsyniond at th ged to attend. MIt6e 44
7 . . , , ?I. 49 %481b'y' a I lari e Club In their' _ :W� - ,
eald deceased anto ,. Via 1�w 9* I vi�04, fo ,
I ; . 9M V!Will 11 `1 6i'4114eQ. , I e members. .are ur I . In Winfrhatu and now returns to Go. -.
A14 , - I fi-tetyi(ila � Ili% e I tension table; 6 illiflog tbairs I 4013ft, X. c., of -Lutowel; has lilitz been an enthusiast. lie
1?� -noblee, and that the 4541d executors will I mWor't., I syn'rels chair; 9 rocIt, . a I � rich, We understaiid tivit the new .
. . � not be liable for tile said assZ& to AnY clitill's " i 9pecial Anchep m',ater � I and er-chre Was played, Mrs. Norman Mo. WAS Counsel for the plaintiff and It. . 'The regular meeting of the W.M.8 k"'Pe"I to bWld the first bowlinsr Crown Attorney and Mr. HolinciA wilt. 11 �
-1� ,Auloy winning ladies' first prize apd s.' her solicitor. Wvid Rob� of Xnox 'church will be held- it! th' green lit Lucknow and has ever�Aiilce ncl,�upy the late Dr. Holmes resIM(once ' ' . I
I � .pav5on or -persons of whose elaita lie- 1plp0; about 75,quarlsfruit and plokles. � 0
- . -tice shall not the.0 'have been'reei,Ned, 2 streen iloors; 8 btl4heis of flolatooq: - John ,dip� consolation. C In, takeiv a keen interest 'in the game. I
I . . Mis. ' a nald 1;tll C. couniel foi- iefendRilts. lecture room on Tuesday. 'Feb. 15th, Of tile Curlinz Clvbi�be has bee&;,,a ,litter on.,,UrN. Holmes Is at viresent
.. I . l ity their solicitor. ' fruit Jani; dish. ' ps; Idicholl nild, loutititi- Mr. NormllpraDo gentq* first and Nichol .ieffrey, solkitor. The tit 3.30 p.iyl. . . . . I . . oway vigitinw. Tito pco2le of Gode- .
; I .1 � . F. R. JDARRONVI - - . utonsfls: xarden toola and Mpnerono. and Air. "Ganz'� McDonald booby -ease Was over the title of.a. farm, .1 member for 25 vfjr ,is residents .
. ;d) r,, ,a asi. aud was one of ri, h will we,
� . , I . I 000111011. untarlo, other arttele,,,. I . � . - At 10.30 Air. At The plaintiff, Caroline .P),�etzor, is The Presbytery of Hur0n (Unite the "Big. Fou a Wynn. George come thein. . ..
� .,ryCilng Nvill he solit " 4. .%fr. prize... urray a d t . will meet� at Clinton on Thursday of the county town again. :. . �
� Sollcltcij�p for the ',said NxiTutorFr- - I 1,1110, fast, ana furio widow of Mr. L,vwranve 1-11ae zer Smith. the late J. 0..Murdoeh being . - I
r .w .. .. � I boxes, which went ri.t. e , .
. . �T (10derl6b. .1 . ng hisfarin to his Boni Fredet ' next-0eb. 17th), whon it ls pected '
I . . I . The -boxes were all beautifully and Willi . rick ox the other *tbrop) who won the INS- SCHOOL REPORT. 1% S. S. N 0, 17,
. � REAL- jigT)ATE 1F4iF'*4URANCE FIENI.A."Cash. - - . Rev. Dr. Laird will be preseilt to kd- mond Jubiloo .Bousplel at Fergu,4 fit . IV. WAINANOSTI
. � - - --------- -- ------- I . . . ,r. qt%�I)Ijy & �,t).X. .,artistically decorated. At 41.30 dititc. :L. Plaetzer, -and, providing that Ilia dresA the gathering. . I
� . - . I � . . I , . - widow should he taken care of by the � . 1900. He ha,A long been A member - . .
L,-.-kwNi�.f,fl6:�-d-iiii;ii�i,tf�('ef', -dn-I . I , . .. .. Auetjoiteer,;. � . -. - ' - . Itepori for January-, , .
TH INSUIM110E AGENOY. � -. ---- ..1. — , . . . .*,� - : son and -should also receive $150 an- In Knox church the service.4 will be of, Litt -know I.O.O.F. L(Age and Ili(- .
. � � . 7 .I,OST , . ,linister. Subjects nud Mrs, Johnston are . mbers of V.-Grahant, McNee, 67; Elmer
--�-f! e -,i S
. C 1, V,k [A I -S (" A , TI ) 'ALM OF �" -�� --- �,,� - nually from him, or in: ahe did C Sproul, ell. Sr. IV.-Chnrll�- McNeeo
� . . � I I ,% . - onducted by the'li me .1
. - I I I . ,
. . . , Ifovswl I'lly wid w"n Bentollier artil Por. not wish to live with the son'that she Of sermQns�' 11 . I 18;. Bessie Bore.- 60. Jr. IV. -Edith �
I Life, Akeeldent, Sickness. -Loss cifIl 1101bo FUIRNIT . � SIM.; "Falth'ii Char. Jewel Rebekah. Lodge. . .
I � xISHiN(,--% . � . Sab- - I .
mo L(-IS`ll:;'!l111111II "t st or 109-4(1� plip0l' ,Should reC4 Finnigan, 47'
, , -
filirglary, Automobl-le, Grass and ,,I., .11C.11N aive $250 arinutilly.� The ter," 7 p in "Life's 0warter."
� I I +,uranee. � � " I . � I I. - � . . W '911 .9cGiTand Bible Classes at 3 ROYAL 8L,kCW;NI;1 Op IR .. !8proul, .58; -11ilda
; . I Houses and Lots,lif Ociderich and Vic- ANIP have reefftod linstpuctImS,, fl.1,11 1 011fty. "101.4tly ,420 s. Hf -ward for defendants 'are Frederick W. Ray- both � . 7 I � I - . R *Afolbourile Culbert, '45;* `*Gord;�
I nforniation Vft at OVIP101-1. mond, authorized 'trustee for the ere o'clock. * . I . . � . . �
. I Auss Nlininings ,to i4pil by pulor If, a I . .. . . I 'C NTY� . McGratten,
� I � . -
, . * I llortat1ho -h6me tit thi, late Ales. , Nil — -� .4 elpinid, wa%'ift Halt- . , CIIA:pIMR. - - . -oul, 85; Evelyn Gi
inity And farnis ,for sale. , - i I 1,.! - ' LAND OF HURON ,OU. 11. Sr� H.-Alluie,
� , I . t . Nfany.;of tile." are -very -fine Proper. � 1fors ot Frederick 11�.Plaet7er, an 7 . . , Spi - irvin, 811, enore
I . I Owen, Traftilgor St, Goderlelx,. ol;,- - 77 , - NOTICE , . . . 'Edward, Daum. - Papers for the,con- sail On Sunday conducting. allmmunil)n �14
� I . : ties, Very cheap and, 0asy terius foe, I .. .,.---- -- .- .- ... , . - - lW,k--QtrIFlnnig-aor4-9i tan .. ....... ,� ................
L I . .. . . --unil-in ... his--absetica�tlivr-pulpit, � ..... bite.,sBrav-R-i ... "-,At4W ... and.-Alele'.-Ato- .Stothers
1. .. ............ d ............ . --P`ajP.ent-'1f required. - I L .... ...... f� . . ........ 4,4"kr.I.Trili-vy.l�.VFD--�-i'ttit- I.L ..... ,uTit-111--plor-a-worl"'. -cif ... all ... twserlp�.. .veyancoof ... tile ... profe'rty ... were -signed. -services I Clifford Culbert, L
L is C-19, oomme��ci�j tif IM ;tilock .4ha - -NT I h re in Winghain on Friday .ley McGratten, 03,
L Ouse and two lo Be to Sq1tan." I me tinit he plaintiff, as is wits very ably fitted by Mr. David Kevin wc] .
C" , . . . .tll tile, �Ontallta of t1to 11(illse' IT. , - I tions dondpromptly. Phono Ulft- $0 L J r. It E,mily .
. � 'L' ' -, I I i 'now claimed wlihout. knowledge' on Domightle, 131. A., of the i-raduating .,night, Feb. fth,.attending the Annual r1l; Ilarold Olver, 53, �--�-
� . . . 114) . , i,611M-d�� toil 61; Air wrifi, cll,�S..(;O" .". 11orlsf, � . 54: Arnold Olvor. 53; , I
. . ' I . . , I '' 1. meeting of the Huron County,�ROYAJ McGratVn I
. . A small, 0ce, Nvell fluisliod � usip, Ing Ili part of: , . . flox im, Clinton, . her part'of what she was doing, and . class of- Knox College. - - �'g, I Caret Elliott, 492; *Russell McIn-'
. . . I -,," Mao
�, . I I C109C to ' ,3041larc, �1 M "WerM-arr. lwokeasq, sideb(on]. lllrj� , . - is away lit Black Chapter, and. report a . to Sp,
L A good concrete 04;k liousis. lights. . L: without consideration, And the action Rev, & S.' Hardy pres� turnout, an(I a very interestifti� moot. type, 41, "'Willi voill, 21. Sr. Pr.
I . . ,: 'A r, D . Ing tablu.'8 dirling ellairs �majle'to or- � .� . 1. I WARNING . ' L - was to have the conveyance set aside. ent taking his vacittion, and the put- -11arry Girviu. Jr. Pr.-JImmie . 4
EA ige, 11 lots� 151,20 dorl. sifas. .6 l4iolion chairs, 3 'liod. � ------ 11V . Ing. ' There were forty-five delegates I
s, ni'attr"st, 2 UNTERS T.=, NOTIC&�Xci 1110 present, also I
� L - A ffoud house; Rathroorki, oleetrie. stp, -"el.4 of spring, The plailltiff is of German birth and pit of St. George's church fii boiu�y Sir Xt. Todd, of Lou- Lefachman. Harvey Sproul, David
. I adS. 3 " - .
; lights, garligo. 2 lots; I)viLh*, ,41 000- teatlier beds, drissiors, -,vash. f1lan,k. F1 ers or dogt, allowed to trespass Without much education. The ease supplied in bia absence by Rev. 11. H. * have
.. I I . : About 60 i5ther liouses listed ?or sale, china ,"is'. ,nilrrovs. -i 1)13(-1l(, t lialf fir Lot 0. Concession 4. was triod And written argument !a to Tancock. of London. Mr. Tancock. don, representing the County Chap- Soroul. Thoi6 marked with tions. I
. I � e eooli or, vv0s or more examina
, I i;aany full modern, equipped. Amonx , be Put in. ter ill Middlesex, backing up, An Invi- miL%scd one
L sfove ,'an'tyxtra irood .0111%. I bentov. W(st NI'llwallosh, By .Order of GEO. . officiated lost Sunday and will occOPY tation sent out by that County to lit ILL
� I tile, beat ill toWtil. 1. . t truivu-s' lable"t. 411shes, y,aini. �Wzmvalv, -4. WILSON. ouligannoiL.Ont.* .. , I I . L K. M H 1�, Teacher.
, . r . A good properble,t with siTitillill, —. Rev. 11r. Tayl6r nil$ SympAth) With, the pulpit for the remaining Sundays taild the De)rry Day'Celebration to �-*- I � I .
� L : I . Seven - s. -11 fill % - - ----. - of Mr. Hardy's absence. . London L Tile Women's Hospital , Auxiliary L
.. . I el�ocicvr) , oop. I co, . tov". I lat . Chinese in the 111roserit VLarest on ux. I ,
i I . builoings, Pte-witii� few acres -of land Hien irilpboor(l,* kitehen alld laundry DEBENTURES FOR SALE . . . hold 'in the City of ' A " e Hundred wid I
. 0 ape holding a Fly
I ached. Just C I Vevy interesting talks oneonditions Noith utme of I DL . L � I
� U, mtolde 4orporaticiii; otensils, I Irou pump, lawn ineivver, --- ---- I - . at. United church, Sundhy, 12tho 1927. The usual ro ' w Temple oil Fr! .
� . . township to-,. Many. -town PVIvIIfVvS- gartlen lool�i: tabir ,antl ly'a lillen. ()w-�, t)V uwiI?,nI(;Ii DED ICNT L'Ill""' in China were given Sunday,'Jan. ,10, Feb. 13th: 10 �.m., Men's Club, to' business was gone through, thia re- anei) in the Masonle ., 1.
� . L t . About 50 farms 114ted for Kale, iO- 15- I T ' ' I I'' . � . . '' eb. 25th. .% . I
� - I. I . - , ;Bitiltit, blinkeh-4 and nunwroos other - Fill',, , LNLL. by Rev..H. D. Taylor, B. A., in North Pie, "Is the busin�ss of life beeZilng ports of the several committk-s show-iday evening, F � .
�: I . L . . . 314.38. 40, 45, 50, $0, 00 100, 420 and,200 , apliel&,4. . .. k I . . . . . I .. I street United churrh at the morning Allore Christian?" leader of discus -
,R, , . . _ .
aoreq e.,teh: , Sit -4, . .J1bS(.�jPlI()tt.qL f .
; 8 I (it- tilt- purehaii, of . i A V,uebre and.Dance held .
.L � inaily Iii tine, locallon!a.l lip . ash. - , the conditions of the Chapter to'
� Ing
. . * . 1qC � 1 in tile Oddfellowa' It -11
,- .- � ., v,ell - improved. Mw r'n price, l."'wy, . .1 I tervice, at Victoria street church in 8100t Air., W- C- Pfidini'll- Cl"il be cluite firvorable. At 11.30 p.m. I on Tuesday
1. .1 . . 3011 00.00 tit olebindures of the. Town of - .Sir Kilights were. called to -par- �
. . I L 11.1 (WN i aggion .meetings and mis-sion band. 3 p.m., the - evening, Feb. 22nd L
� #�. - .� � 'I" terms tar payme0 It required.. L ,14ityi,- I . I I Auctlolleors. i.otipplell Nv.11l,,b,N rve(.1ved bytllo:Town the, evening and .It the� open. 8 , , under the awipices �
� . prgerblt4 to rent. . I ' - ' of the 'Sunday. school of North street Sunday Scho 1. It a.m. and I pau-o take of a sumptuous lunch proparedt of -the Goderich Rebekah Lodicq No. L..
� . o
I � ,
I .. I rntaliod rooms 16rvat. , -- Q �0 F V.1iftlif -4-(,(- T%'1',','QirS,l,'1m FEBRUARY i0d Itev, L Sir, Public Worship, conducted hy the 9 orraid +
� ;TION SALh y I to church in the afternoon. Lebanon. Proceptory, No. 120, 894 Tickets:- 50 cents. INIeD
? . . . It - I I . . to justice .
.. � Por all partlettlars r"Pe or write. A" � T ,I� THURAI )Ay. I-19"RILARY 111th"'l'i'27 Taylor was the representative �t the pastor. ., b 'haol.L ,
. I 6d IMPLENIENT9. , . . * IV& AXter Ali had done, O�ebestrtl. . .
�. I J. W. ARMSTTIONO * . . I I . .. -o- . . . Tilt, ['1% 1)011111.4 ralighth- frt;to former Goderich district of the Aleth- ., Victoria st; ! and Union United to the Inner mant apil"Clations were. I .
... I I . * re are I , -
� . . .60 . �. will hold it - L
V -1 - . . . Real Est"ite: , : 1111, .�V,VIN, TIIi).NlJRA IN 21Z to 91000.01. duti In fro'll olla to hapter i W10 Wa Institub I
L' I
�t . I .. . . . t0fir vearff. odist church in'Chinti. He gave Ma church; pastor, The -Rev. Selby, Jef- unanimously given.. The C The tile
1. tax OR. Ociderich, fint. NN&I I , �rlil,4 arp riteored I* lilt, Ideat . was th - . . Odclfellowa!i, - ,
. sell bv oublip inetion ut I,sit .20, . to honds., I bearers 4uite an insight into the fers,:%. .Vieto'ria at., 10 a.m.,. Follow. on called to order, and the elec- 1,*ucllre and Dance in the- . I I �
. I . 'L . I IL Huron TWA Tavicir's Corner -11L luilt's subserlbers at .,I priet, to yield .5!i per causes of the present unre3t. in that ship meeting,- Victoria at'. It gin., tljill and instAllation of office Pro, Hall on Tuesday evening, March Ist.
r." .
. . . � 11, 1, . I I , . : rvilt. . I 'country. . . I ceeded ivith, Past County I � I . .
I L fmot roldorielil, oil . y w,,rship, "Thy Kingdom Coluo;" lilie- Master Sir Admission '50 cents, AICIlei'mid Or' - i
. ..- . I
�, , I . -, " " -- — I'(101-Ilky 111:11 1.1111, , 10.1 " , 1114- 118t IS WAV 011*011 to 1110N'11011 at I . The'old Order of thingi; was diang. toria at., - 3 p.m., Sunday' sebool; Vic. Kt. .1. W. Dodd, of Wingliani, beinto, i ellestra. . . 1-1 -- -- - ---
L . I ' . . -
, , . 4194inii',',nRti� at IN p.m.;, . - .,
J. W. MIME '- Ilw*Town Trea,Anreifs 4111lee,'vild aftPl' ine.- The introduction of. the factory toria, st., -s p.m., worship; Union, 2 called to the chair for the purpose,. I I
. . . . 111or,Qw.-I 41raft. borse, it .v-4or.; (pit): tile Vill ,day of.Fel,roary lh(A owinell system and the influence of foreign � p.m., Sunday school; Union, .3 P.m., oonducted the �eremofiie$ of Ole ele'c.' An entertainment will ho given by I
. W W10 � IQL 111SUMe I'drart ware. 0 vears old: I gwiwral %vill 111114 thp hirinds .1 . . . . of Vic- I 1.
. � tj #IL Nationals Among the laborers, the worship, I I - the Young People's, League
� � � . I L . OUPpose, borse, 13 years old, I blil, '.xo suliser.rollons W-reswivilv iveop � . I I tion and installation Ili a very aW i 'S.
. . . . . � . .. I . -1 * Advance .of education,,t -Ing At tho meeting Of the ciMcial. board " v officers I topia at. United church oft, WAAL
. .. lullfre,, I (It ver. 0 years''otd. .1 't ix - -1 . . . he rendet manner. The following At I
I . I I *�l . I.. 1,, K'N ' I 'effiefent governtinefital service by et United church laqt for 1027: P. . At., R. It. At ' G Feb., -23t& '(l,;n4I pro.
. . I . � V 1, ... .L - �— - L A ovi e1AV t6 1`114-01pli ithollt Jo1w T.,wil +'�,;Isl:p,.,. I of of North stre ew, lode-, day eveningo erve tit(, date. I -
I =�,:' isf: 1 vow 411 fteshell allout �kll,r. 11111 #'..)III'Viell, lint' t, the foreigner. and the awakening of a i1londay a resolution of appreelAti rich: (,. At.. Robt. 31cMuriayj Boy.' grant. . Please ITS
. . . . --�----- - - - �l �Ilens.-Iti Itens, incistly WIMIC� beg"- ll� It. 0M. .. I , new national consciousness..on tl,e Olt J, It. Hamilton, W;il- � I ...-.--9- '
I . I I of the-woik of the pastor, Rev. C. F.� ,field: D, V, At-, &.9riticial Pr4rani and 80631 even.
- Tiorns.. , (I'll a I vloa I] lllwlllpl� Glilt.. part of the Chinese, were elements in Clarke, was moved by Dr. Fnuner,;on -ton; C. C110%, C. Pilgrim, Varnat, V. I he annual winiverad . r,f
W INSURANCE i Piffs.-2 101g.4 about 1,'�() Ills.: I IL,'j tillill-riull. 011t. . I the- altdation, *Tile Chinese, who fit and seconded by Mr. J. X Toni, both 111tegistrar, It. At. Hanly, rlintoll: C.; 1119 w'll mark t
At � I I
I . , )out 100 His. -.-.-- - � L � I Arst. invited the Westerner tit take Of whom sPi9ke In Very high tes-nis of TroaS., J. B.L Rathwell, Varna., Ist of Viaoria floilleand 114-hool Club at
. I (11 1lkII)I0IIIP1111N,- I Dil-I'lliT bilAPP, 6 -ft, I i charge of certain departmonts, now the work of the pastor, both Ili the Lect�. N. Miller, Clinton; 2nd Lcet., I Victoria, sebool next Thursday oven, .
it, Ill good efllldfflon� A AblCorliliel, . 11 Illember-4 and
BROKERS I 111ONV41r. 11AV, eut N) ncrq�s. I liew .Nlas- rREE CAtALOC', AND PLAN %Vare jealous of his efficiency and�the, Pulpit onfl in pastoral visitation., J. McLeod, Bayrield' Ist Ccrks,r, j.J.Ing, Feb. Ilith. A
J� I . I L .1 it,; aro urged to be prewilt to '��
I f .,ov- Ito 1 1.14 C141 Iva till-, I FIi,iIri,*,)1ij%%,N v. BOOK . i better salary he obtained,'and Nvith (;uei;t, NVingliam; 2nd Cen4or, '. K. 1) trer . of this live ,Intl
We offer 30 Shares o .21:1 r,,Ij,,. l-2 ft,, In giv#111 Q]hlP; .. �, the new national consdouqnes.4 they North street United chr.rch is tit Ite l7pri,i, Varna; Ist Standard Bearer, .1 ' in the work
. S . I IiNq- . i I- assist
,),..�; .I
,wy-llarris 13-hoti, iltoill, ni'ariv v. One hundred pages of T,,)wer % Were asking why they coulft'not, han- � honored 'with a visit fr.m Dr. .*Gre- . ----d- —,, '. ,
. . Godeltich Elevator and, spt of dianifind harrows; 1 �aoit II.An � gor, president of the Londdn, Confer. 1. R�Psoll, Londesboro; 2nd Stmadqvi i ucwfut organization.
�. , . wagon: 1 new its ft. rack:'I rubber. Prices on Building Atabprial,; ! (Ile their 'Gwili' affairs and do wifliout - tinee on dhitiversary .Sunday, 3%tarKt liefirel, A. McNevin, God,wich." C., CANADIAN ORDER OF
. it Co. Ltd. stock. the foreigner. The foreigrim- had put I Mo. , FoRESTERS
I I L Transit (Ired bligmy: I elliter, in goild 411111m: 1 - and "Comfort'Psted 110111C.,;." , ",tit: when be wilt preach both niorn,? rshal. A. Peeves. Clinton; Ist Purt
. .tleir government services, the cus-1.1. P.- A,tc.Nflelioel. Sonforth: 12nd Ilur, 1,
I set ellhile boll -'i. Ing an4l evening. Tile pa,;tor, Rev. Court Gcderich Nil. 32 will bold
I 11artle"'.q. 1&.-t 'get Of gowl fl(ltlhh� Write HALLIDAY COMPANY, . � departin6ht, postal service, etc., Mr. ( larke, Ili exeliange r Mon. ; committee-4st, F.) their regular meetings on tile first L
I 1. L 'Si't Of plow jlqrnesis�; I %4 P. 0. Box Y198i'llamiltot"I. on 1 L good footing, now tho Chinese i A pulow;
. opt t4higlo ,harness. iiii, Rood shno. 4 11 - I i With Dr. AfeGrw for the d ,vat, 1) ; nd., . Stewart: :11rd. .T. W.
Huron, Invaeostonts I - -7- - -- L , - - - -- - �.,i Wanted to maua�vo their own affairs. egor Y. The )od . 4th. X. Sclloenall,q 5th. T. and third Tuesdays of fact' inontli in
horsp+ollars: i liorsolplankvis. I nveli- visit of the president of the Confer. 11 L , a; oth, lit(, 51acKav Hall. North street, At 8 .
- -- I . The same spirit waa, at work in the )re Hoy: Ith. 1. Wal -I que4ed
-- .- - .
�- t. I Limited, 1 v4p; I set tif doubletrei,s. I r(Aw. i0d L I church ,and Ahe taboVollaries Were ence will be an occasion to leoh for. *' � o'dock. All brethren are TO
� I ,y,i, I � I I ace. a t (� .
� 4' , ft. now ha -,v 1411'k rqrPe, 3 new pull, ivard to. . newly -elected ('oullty � to he present.
very gladly and wiseli filling in with Most r tot, his lace, he was reeNv. RICER.
. B49A 09alers - Stock Brokers lolln-lte- IfIlurn- the movement and were patting. for. A Young People's Society, lies -U�en I.JNO. W. BELL, - A. E. DA R S. .
%Jti� and Groin.--') ton,.�, hav: llill't. ed ith cheem n id o Ftins:ijw of.,,
I I I . &Mal In"raw I I. 2 loa&ln ilbettf, 4 loails-fttosv. AmMulal Sigh Tea word the Chittese leaders theim4elveE; organized in connection with .St. "For Ile's a & it G od Fellowf" tr, (11 it. — "*,,-� * .
* � I i
I ROYAL BANK BUILDINZ I -rhIw--,....-.%II stints fir $10.00 ,itud tin, I as the officora In the 6urch and fo3- George's eburell, with the 'Pillt,wing which Ile mad ,I , 0 ial reply. Af- �� BORN .
. , ovorthit amount 4 niontlis' teriuse the iden of all indiwellm � � .
I . I ller� rat.h. aud Bazaar t� Chin. officera: Ifon. Pres., Rev. S. 4.4. flar ter the install * Q various ofli-I ININI'J.1'. kt litAV4#0111. ion Foli, St".
I ,r I I GODERICH - ONTARIO , ewdlt will ho given on fortilsbinic ,q). . . ese (1irigtian church. The inission. dy; pres., Richikrd Witirtele; vice MIR kave, approtiriate'addre,ises; vx-1 t,"r %I . 1. '11111 Nfr.4: %I"X. L 11"Ill.."' �l "itt
I , -
� � Phones 430445 !1ipov4id.,dh§1ot Ilotpa. 5 per cent. dis- 'en propopled as4utuing ores.. A. Sturdv:'WwL., Miss Laurri oressino their thanks. also thvir d&1 john .Niiivrak .%I,-* it4ler I
I .. " . . . ")an I Ili- given (in Predit Anionlit,4 . 11IN HL ariem had ev %it
Private wire cofflodial" with all It d. I I I only of aa,toclitte ment- ,Sturdy: trea,t., Aliss 'Murphy; <,ounell. t4p,rhiintLtioiitotrvnndninktwtltiq,,�-ear� ,,I -It , ,
Air V'Al, ,�� the positiol -, I wwom - %t .N11,0111 11 IL11119-til
. .1 St" 00090'S Parish &11 J b ... of flip tonferene(is, bvt the Chin. lors511sa Liiwis. Miss Saulf,4, Mis,-4 the, itest vt,t. The 50mi-annual meet '11, 1% , '
I - iss st6clg ti"a Catia Exchoo, IN . . ': i 11,1-1 031. 6.11 Ft . 1. I I Q'i, I., .VIL?,, "tod "'
,At,Vl% TH(PNIPAiN. It. "!- I '. F.-ril Iflitil.
. 'Priellir. * " " 0.14 1 e -4e church, with responAillifity thus 1141pliftoll- NIPts Willitlintfi- MN- Len' Ing, will be, held in Walton slurinw !he !%lit% )). It. 1;eh%%4,r tit'
, . ,.
I � PP4 1111111�1-1`,Plill�' . It# . FilAil J.", '.
'' ----- ---.— .-- I -- J upon thein. maid tboy ws re not ore (4aig. A social evening w:1,4 heltl sulimier. 'The ilext annual lut"A Ilve . Iiii, Uift ior:t dt%0
I . Tuesday, iFle-lb. 115th 11 rosdv vot for that. Mr. Taylor by the wiety on Monday and the will be held in the town of,Goder I MARRIED
I I vad�r the awokes of thiluelit'it a. good move. bi-,w6ver, to regular usectings will be twice a i The Chapter closed abovt 2 11.111. on, � %I vi'i".
," A I �, (11'01101111111 take 49 Month. , .1 I I i�%IvrI,II-Hkl%I%I.4l\. At III—
lit fhe chineiii . ..
0. F. %6.A1f%REY 00C SO'No Limit�d St. G**rgA'4j 4CAUrCh i 6 I �, Saturday morning, and Ra VIA train,, lillisury.1o. -tilt, lle�, A%-- It "', 0411
jmur+ of the leade.11p -its "gible ItL, , � ' I 301. is)a'; D-
, .. % � (till not leave till I $.Ivi. the thille Wa8 Thllrs�&I%. voll. . - -
I . Women's Guild and let. them mitt, - -I few mi%takos ,qerve Thursday, Feb. .114th, for "'fil "Alla NIP -4 Wilt
I I �, oven. initfooild of th - misliloriary a]- I the High Tea to be itiven by the 1,R- 8 in ItoCiRl Chitt, Singl4g, ' StOrY isisl:411. It."htf-11 4 '.%I',. . 11 mit"I
INVESTMENTS and INSURANCE Tkoe will lie titbles of tr11li1ntX lklid gamos. A dciev-w fettin ji It iri-I-11. Coll"'PlIl' l""I'l"�% " * " 1 .
. i � w0svi +.tkinic thl. ".4PAllodhility Find �� tile,%' Aid of Xtwx 1 h-, oh, jrj)in (,Iinti,n exempliftol the, 1111-41 C�trblr, I)f 10,ist %V,lv�,qll I -h �
I . 1 ft stskes that might lia nuftle � USTHR . - 'I, DIED
Fancy Worle, Apro �� th� nil, SALE RXG work ,if 'ibe Royal Arch detw,o by a. �
; I I bel"ir blit. . 11.1lVil .�'11JJtIJJ,%It'r In I;J11I1-VL§'?4 4 it Tit .fly -
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I , � � -aring mock initiation, which wits thoroug . , , , � ,
. I MASONIC TEMPLE BUIDING 84moBakingand Candy I Mr . A,itlO SATURDAY, Feb. 12th,=�:('k . vil * � L
. L Ta0m,"s otymn-tthies nt� ture, enjoyed by all, and on leaving evers',1431. Sill. Itil, nt.1d'Urt. q ,ill, 0�5
I I -1 OAZAAR OPENS AT 3 p.m. , +11L,, t,I*;qe%,I, in thii present'unre,t and" aut-ti4ift "Rie Of household furl"
. I i I
I . 'GODERICH' ONTARIO � � one gave 0vores.4ion of �ftving lim" A. �. �lr, ,� . WAVIn't'! t.4%%111
. alwava i� all(I furnishingA at the home of the,
� 11 . TX& SXRVZD FROM 5.341P.M. 1 I -P feel,i; thirt thav have not , Ile time. There WAS an, 11110�t,L -111 %W,it -
. . I , q 11,111 a Fullinve'llold from the otler li�.�j late Mrs, A. 1% Owen. Trafthov st.. very enjoyal ,� .,%� "; IY,�%
TICKErSFOR TEA 50C I .i,,,,. ,,",I bf� lt;�wm fliat in thil "VII., . at '1111011 , I .,
, PitiONE 230 ' ill I- 1:30 It.m. T. GUNDRY & -SONS.' uall -4 vbtt' ele, 'ihtp. kill 'tlkutl,lU� - 1101� 3M. lil�
, , �, . I Jil 11 _ . k,,,,, of til,,Lj out of thu. In.�:3,,,lit 111t,ti. .Xuaioneerei, .., br,%0oftt0be'heJ(11nT.,�ndi,r%. 46�h',,. tl-'�A Pa. 1
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