The Goderich Star, 1927-01-06, Page 8k 1
'AY� aCt+tCea� yew 7eISM�. Ns _
b�iailast witerw ii[r yes, eldllsi� owe
U. s esysrud foal +,f aoagaa. "!tela IMMMIC0ler. Jrie+lM �� a
+ oe eteaiey towaeklp, was 'a the ; Anderson xasanaaend the Aml saw►
baotiott to�etbr with taro buys. Ardw 1 asywr. The total will be "M M
r ani Murray
Grainger. T'iwy mere in i Irridwy at iwasest at 2 o'elosi.
the art of tolling a tree, whic•k ,,track
� � a arch, tree. ng Mr. + wcnett onar a � s seal 1w► ifrw nava rreit
beaa+ch, str:ki � t �'r� IY••l►•a� syaagNatlyr ix extiied to tke NA' N 0
bead and rraderive hila uncox.r#ow brresred ease. rAN M
$e was taken to Mia pains and tkrs tu, � �a�rt but pretty daedA>e wale se#• etAtosi' �ir'sltell'at �' lalrsgi"r�i'stsdr'
oaaa#sed in Deaton es fust lay, fart.
Clintasaoi laasrpital wiwx~r sit opetatwo.+ '
low 111** �!lwa�Rl�,Ta wait perforwed to remove the clotted . l®tk. 11114 wken Miss 3iaiyr CwwA ��"
CANK 9 matter, but he litter passed ataa} i daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ca � — s. N � l�>Otilfllrods OI tlMm, Linens, Cottons, �'ai o& tB, that must he cleared oat at
�+ i3AiT!lfil ll.�iaCFiaaSDiGE lil.CC1C
Fi ii�A�' vo �t d ty as r. kat hout rogaining consciousness
wit Ht YARtri ternssyap oaf Mr. a r I owe prior to stock -taking.
*ad death wait a to the ran, was united #a the hely boaada a[
� BOOKS cnnrmuaity as Mr. Bruwoatet# writ re- �
„ • wawa a inan of many friends, being al Anderson, of 1F,aaoytal+nwn. Tho bride ? Beach--Psidloekaed _.. - 1 r
ways willing to lend a hand in tine•, wait becomityrly attired in a. gown of Irarno,_Safety t'uriain RTA" N N�"S A R O ^
of need, Although raowhig on r• pale blue crepe and georgette, withi karat -»Money moon t DRESS GOODS SHEETINGMAS �''LANN�i1�
farm a short distance front the vile b hat and hole tit makh. After they C,;reAi-�•arcret PoweTOWELLING a rCOTTON-
loge, he was a prominent and xctiv� marriago the happy eotrpl* drover tit; Conrad—Outcast of thAlslaiw
B worker, and member of the Lnit:d '
the ha,ne of the br' 's aunt, Mn.; l+atrad•—Tutors of Gnt•,•
church. He was .president of th+ k
I&i w04" tier _law+ to Baglield cemetery Ont. for th; apsa+set I! At bxey Higp;ins,•wh+ire adainty wad•' Divert# --Victory Thome are all to b e found &ilAOn$ Otil' ,I�elit�lry Sale O� RtnlnXntsii At. prices that
four years, also a director of the lir,• K din -r dinner writ served, The youtyl uivrr�-- StroingterlodHour ,
o field y DIver-•-Strong Hours
Agricultural -Society seal was ! c';.uple will make tiee,r 1►onse In Ile- $Diver-»Stri►ngo iiaada � �'� p�� �'QUR
w well thought of and respected by all troit, where the gr m holds a lucre~., a
who kn w him. The funeral was tive position, and whither they are The Dungannon public library
ssir' oft hold nn Friday Best frtm the UnitMd followed by the best wt$h#x of a hurt board are indebted to hie. Bruce t#. ` +
is se! 7 iary ew church, service • at 2 O'clock by the of friend$. Gray for the gift of the book, prince REMNANTS OF LINOLEUM REMNANTS OF OILCLOTH
,1Rev. lair. Kennedy, who grew hed u ! Rama and other Indian TaleM," which'
very impressive sermon, taking for ( The annual meeting of the ratepsy was received by the president ons REMNANTS. Of' WALL PAPER
e� his text Matthew tri -23, Well done orK of U. S. $: No, 8, Ashfield, was' Christmas D*1r; The Wok is the pro -
good and faithful servant „ f Min orothy ilpatrirk who
f �, � held an the afternoon of Wednesday duct O ,
%AMS k ore Thou hast been faithful over a few i of last week. Mr. Arthur Culbert oc. labored as a missionary for some ;
Successor to things I will make thee Ruler over. crpied the chair, wl*le Mr. J. R. years in India. "`Acarian Ifsith" has .
many things, enter thou into the joy
Young acted as secretary.. •. Mr,......$. the ..fotiowring fo;ewa�rd.. AOI;.'"I%ey..,tg. r e�LL • AT „SPECIAL... C��.OARING.- RICES FOR OUR J.P,1I'�TUARY REMN-
of 'thy I.t1rc#'' The church fuss p++ek• Young, chairman of the board for the Cauket" as an introduction to the
-;O.•i� T "a 1926, gave it verbal report of the book. ""I think if I had the naming; ANT SALE PRIOR TO STOOK -TAKING.
-- ° . • •. " ." ed to the door$ and several saute not E � s .
work during tiro ear, and read. the s of this charming book I should have
I.. a gain admittance. During the aerviec g Y called it "A casket of 'Indian Gears."
a solo was rendered, ""Jesus Lover of 1 itemised statement neat of the finance;: of k For you cannot really see the jewels Ladie
-: ^�' My .Sou#." by 4 Diss Pearl Taylor ( the rection, ,r,In the absence of the °
The auditors, ;liesaxa. N. F. Why;ird and than shine in this sparkling chain of
pall,,eAVilli titers Il, • Il. Me
Naughton, Wiilistm Rc#d, Re,bt, Heid r". Treleaven, Air. Young also read Ind,an tales unless you have first i
the report of the auditors, w leh read The Romance of Prince Rama.
ter Coats
BAYFIELU William Taylor, Joseph Richardson showed the finances of the Section to
You mutt make your salaams to
i►ir. and Airs. Geo. King spent tlrc� h d Fd. Aiomm. lie was laid to rest gallant Prince Rama and the love# r
i hri . Ali halid;rya with their (to in the family plot in Bayfield come. be in S healthy condition, with a neat y Sales 16 to 42, Only & 31l a l stock left, but they are .Food styles acid flow priced
(te,y. He 1q survived by lour sisters balance in the treasury. The con. ( Princess Sita if you are to appreciate; ;.
to in•T'oronto, tl.rrn livingtrust for supplying 16 cords of wood' Village India._ The Canadian Girl P floc A al RRrgain.
Speeial seri,k ea are be ing held in AticlrI nn. fit hams, the fourth in WAS let to .Air. 'Wm. Cook, while Air. � who wrote the book Said when shot a.. -
the United church each evening tai. %
tvcck iri•,liev. rile.. ii:ennedy. � David Glen ossa .awarded tyro scrub- � placed ."Tho Romance cf prince Ira. .. '
DZrNGANNON bang contract, . bar, Arthur Culbert ma" Orsi, NI wish the girls to see the ,"s
Alf. Knox and Mr. Livingston, of was elected to the board for the next picture that to i+lways in the back of.
Toronto, Spent n few days vishing s Air. Benson Pentland' tett on Mori three years, to ,succeed' tiers, R, pay. India's mind befdre they+ carne to my
at Jag. Sturgeon's in the r iliago,. � day for North Bay, where he Lt a � idaon, whose second term of, atllce ex, � Indian pasple, of ;today.. It #s a w'on. + 1'h�aziC ` Phone
student dent at the Normal School. derful pletnre, this of the great
Mr. and Mrs. Orr asci Air, :end 'Airs. k itis Ila drawn has been en a�rcl i nor jndaie the close 1920, A uttluber `Prince of °Yndia, and its intiuence n
g f s were present, showing
Ili tilen, of Stratford, rvertr g tri the thinking of Village India; semis ` 6 e So A. Gtay o56
tisitors in rice vitt rge an 1lcanday last. ` s teacher at Tarlton and leaves on keen interest bei,sg taken by there, 1>
Fr#day to assume -her duties there. the welfare of the school. almost Aa wonderful. 'Ramie, thri pp
We are glad to report that Mrs, � glorious Prince, tearless and true, l
V imeron, who bid tine misfortune to. ,'Che Misses Jean Stothers ' and Bev. 'Ben$amin L. Hutton, who for
a' fall and fracture her hipi is loin 111th„! Case resumed , their dutic.i as +oars than fort d tit, the axe
th princess, hying find a'
p g as Y years war actively "devoted,, stye .the loiasis of this people
v�rll as ,can be s xpetted In Climon teachers in Toronto thus week, engaged in the ministry of the Meth- and give to. them: sonrethtng'ot thefir "
hospital. Mr. R. J. Wiggins left on Saturday odist church, died at his home in splendid. character. The story 6f Ira, r- n have returned to their home during the Summer• asaretiw re- Bro. Will. McCann, 4th com.; Iho.
l4r. Wm. Elliott and bride arrived for Tcbexmary. after a pleasant hili= London recently, bem,Q in his Siitli Ina itis preserved in .a greitt song 'a, r 'n T'orento after a two weeks" visitt turner} to his horive: Dryden Vrooman, Gth com.
ht -,mc front their hone . toon on 1Iotr•"daY Dont with his parents .at their your, The Kato -Mr., Hatton who -Was In cmtxining: 2`d �tlsowsarrtd.._cali i
Yrr , Iri � r+titli their _ainrle ;end aunt, hie. and ' ,.-•--.-�.,._
day ;Arid have taken up their quarters home here, suporannuated t' •a number of years eta, callkil the "itataloyxm.7 It is to a Airs. Jo. hiulli'n... n NIL19,
in too groom's now eotta2c oat the Alt. and •Atra. Robt, Davidsoir and ago, :served as pastor in ninnyWest.
ancietit'that it was on the i'laiur the tectiou : Nile Loyal Qran .e. ]floe' e Noy.;
t This I* the result. of i; e � Y s k .
W F,7ke4 f,t+nt. Acnater Allan -Reed were New Year's: ern Ontario charges, Including Huts. �f India; one thousand, yeaira `6cfos,e 'bdr, Reeve, Aar, Alexander H:lakett 1062, at their Aecemti,@r m�eetitr� iaSA�+E Q
The box social, progressive ouchre eruests with friends in Ggderieh and the ansfeis sang nn the pla#ns' of Be.
b gannan, and was well'tesx,etinbarad deputy, reeve -s' Mr. John Cameron:' elected the following od'iaess; for .alio•: ar
and social hop held by L, q. L, No, Goder,eh township. the, Ca. ' The other tg1etoari' in
, many in this slialtrict, He was born councillors,' Air. Thomas A,niiersoar coming year., Bra, Ernest ;3cguss a � j
U. on :few Years Fwt was a success. plias Hath Willis returned on Atai� iri the, Cx�ket are All trace tales• of r�ea!I , McKenzie, Air, lhtomas Sul- W. 3i.; Bro. Jahn Foster; D. X.; Wo.
� �i�4�"
Scotland, coming to this country lieoplo living today, the dun Ram, -1 �i� Jefrit li
A fair crowd attended and all enioyed flay to Detroit after a delightful holi. at in earl a ` , Iivvm Rev. L. C. .. White, chaplain;; M
xt pleasant evening« day silent with her grandparent>., Air. Y get Surviving him are as Ind Situs whale heart i hold the i a d t I;abert Wrlaon, R. S.: Bro. hobs rt t tr �1
his widow, Mrs. Mary A. Button; one loft ; ' 14*14 of their - beloved , Prince. Air. and' lairs. George phill p nn , � 1 V EL V FT iilid '
The following speaat the holidays at and tears. B. J. Crawford, r faintly, of near Fordyce; Air. and aXeklin, F. S:; Bro.. James F1liott, ,.
dauit;htef,• Aire,. S. W. McDonald and Princess. 'kou will love them Y, tresis.; Bro. Albert Glenn, Il. C.• Bro: � ry�
tSeir homes in the village: David 'Master Willie Wiggins' .rourned all nd ti will lax a the ll a Mrs; Herman Phillips and family �� l HATS
Elva and Annie' I3rawar, Annie GwYri :last week after sbendin h , (Ada), of 'Detroit, and one aoit, A, C, , Yo v e tnpses.. t ,. .: Mrs. duke • Iiarvcy Sill#b. ist lect.t Bro, it"nr; Mcg
and Iiet i # ` r s . g t e Chi eat i1l:tton, of Brookl 'J Y eh Canadian G,rl, too, as she tilts Courey s Cornexa, hie. and AI ,. Iiwain 2nd le�,y.1. • •,t� y{�� � Frey,
yn, a. The `•t ,- Bl a, �M rl. 1!'d5lter. t ". � �V � L�
Dotty l" Lott, +oi Toronto, Don. ns season in Gaderlch;. the guest of ac on the pages. She, too, Is Veal Hunter and family, of Zion; Air, Will
Aid. Will, Dotiand Ethel Cameron Ins aunt, Mrs. J. Scrimgeour. funeral services were held from hes 'real -Indeed, � ' Il 11 and :Miss is Campbell Mat com:;, Bro.-HoWird• Squire, 2iid' I
ver far she bite lived'Ill Cam},be ft:vv tom.; Br Joseph McCann 3rd c x - Mow w sat Me t fn# to et)a
and Creax2•e Blair, of Detroit, llrtllyt Airs. W. R. Slathers. a+ptertained a.11 late, home, 20 Bruce: st,, :I.andc+n, on since 3014 -and has ad ch r e 12th: con. West • "Wawanosh, wpenti � p . , . , o n,.,- •, . $
Kasai Waodstork', Will. Parker..Sar- the inembe s_of Monday, 'Jan.: 3rd. Rev. J. X. Mill- d h as q New' Year's Da At the home of 'i11r�1Vtttia„eKaat:taafrtatrs�
r .. the faamrl both elril. i:t a halal in. Rutlam and later d1d Y
ora; Gretta Ais,1nor, New Dundee: dren and randCh loran ` yard, of W' slay united uiah, aril,. viltli vrark in the Aiiio district. : John,Canrpbell. l ales Wi�t#ttt
>f i .. at .her home •c ax , „ w1
Ethel Gyn+inhaardt'-Toronto in Dungannon ,; einted, the; irallbearers ben :mtsmbe s Frtle, she "Butttrfl lovin ylna '• 1iVe're t aver •much to, report the a
g non New Years night, r >- are - y r .;- .: "`p►r+ie �d the�st3kestt
_. of #has, mrnreiteriaati ars i _ Orr _ h r :.'an e nth of -tile liitte o> �Crrd a=hilae.' Std# �j j �j
In Iva Iva Karr And mss .• Mirabisth
ac ionLL aha crit l?.;d u ► , d fib -"fat _ i s ifaod
99 00. A"'��,Wltaan
'returned city, Interment was mador in VI► er,:shrninst.. Vatrnga be soon daughter of Mr. and hits: Jacob
r race on Monday to there IN T;IIE ,
respec#lve Schools neat~ Port Dover, .Bind cen+setery. you would have eater"there ware reit tor, Zrana -She task suck Thursdays '•...-..
brighter gums in the Cark i:. Now but' acertreil tit het, better,' until 'Sun- 0dtlllsl14'�ilrsi;'• "All
where they► resume their duties this The following new books have beep fake the KeyY sine Sita what; wealth at dry she becairae nirch worase. She
week placed itt khe ppbtio library of pun• tt� my '
an cpen. a to.:vowt was operated on in. Wrngham hospi-
�+N# 1:Msrwt irli, inial` x aeon "rocently: ' ,.w la M7,11 SM UARt
i tThe aliases Nettie and Clura 'Mar itisre a in ' i tai'xilwut, the middle e -f the night and We i�ac+�a a ill1 . l tl�i `*.r
_ o , wlla were ,visitors far Chxlst- q Th K >t s W sh • ,
.: 1 Otlf. atC; meas -ur the . Meade ---Girls' Bookts died Monday rtiKilt about sire, o•elock
tide h paretttal roof, return ill s« John ttdineze' arid' Mica Thal Tho funeral will be held on 5y'ednes•_ D&6cipyr at 9; q clock'.
ell last week to Gaderl Ii, 4 Scant Family ,;
.... , _.. a teat _.-_ ,.._..,....,. -
Nll ±,• fllttCl. _ t`.. ,. Ibd M day..atternoou._.ta..Greenhili..eetiteie ..v`,., .,.,- •atoozd•Muwai'i: _.. X, .
..w..,«-,.. 141.4-11-1-1 -.1-1-1-1111., a Cudnpm a apemt ;thc...N ....Teeir° ttt►nit .,> �. NCEz
holiday *Ith friends int Chicago;
Matxtera Alan rie,tttand. D'ran'k Sov- Ii allyhoak S�, 'Ft�RR 7 C i0u�e -Exrs'g Wy 25t R
s STMART ago and Everett Bearris resumed their Playmates ;1Ir, sept Ades. Earle Shaw,of Brig` Vi A[..TAl1' X. � � "
Cox Corner.. den, visited at the• )spine of Air„ and Mrs. C. Jones returned to Detroit ��C� I S
AiiertesR Telt a studies this wreck at the G, ac ti sitar Mat�uis--�itrg'� Wish tors, ?rrn+Fst I,ittk, during the Christ tUi week. Chief Se,itetirx�
le en�►ying 'the .: Christmas vacation at ,
Brown—Granny's Wonderful Chair mita vacation.
ma�e�rrrnrrr,ra� .■s �......,,..,, theiar respective homes. mow 'visa Finniean•has resumed her du
Ortoo -Winter at Cloverdale Farm We are gland to lre>tr that l4I#ss din-
-��^.- ,.•=-� �� � ':.. The maxi friends of M*ster.Doti. ties as teacher There.
y p y
Aid AM will be lensed tor,know that p Orton—Bobby Cloverdale Farm
ieo�t iii to � �iieb�� Seriaursl 1 Mies 11” Menary, of Clinton, vas
he is recover direly trans his aper- $av Airs. Colbeck, . ` g home for a few days at New Yeaes. •
��� � ation far :.reel oval of, tansies and oda.. �� Lia>n the Master, bac , i �itiiigrt's„ � spend* 1�
st#vers The HtlisYeat it aro ing,the or months to Ilolnt�esrrlle f littettcae . Bennett lass 'returned
d atual e
It -E -M T
Sales and is onto more able to be oat, Spyri 'rhe New Year Corot with tier taster, 3I#isa; Susan. Arheso». sitars nding.New 'ileac"s with rola• Mffine w-..Mr.--•Ra►bort-,Statliexs--:rnot+trxesi---tar recce--�'ouptltt-�'a>s-itn-A-pplaa- -:_ �'i
_.. ire 1 iM ._Com
London - on Nonday. .00 his return Schr#ner• -.:Stories, DreAnt and fir. an 1�M O+tcirc Teiibirtt, Thiktiiit� �i Aatx�lt. ___. __.. _ _ �M�s carat Met...gettt� #t
he wait accompanied by Mr. and Atrs. Allexorles reCent?y aiwosed of „their! farm stack 'On. X. Armstronit, of Godegrcir `;
It. A. McKenzie. who had rilwnt Herr a,taldnon--�IKoonr of Lntrg Ago anal ia+ Sts, ikave iri+ td' G zY• stkmV tlW week -end with •#ser son, Av. J614T Years Day mod the week -and . with. Ganiield--Bilk Bug tan, mi tryir,enda thored.t+a �;1. illrtatstrms�. , on Hurn+n ito�ti v(i'r+evirtic;3i1 21:gtx their 'datigK e' r, Mrs. McEschern. Ma$y-�-Cuft of the White .To s bid th+�os iareweli �qd' tk+r 4lesi Aid way) at Tayloes Corntr4 A Banda seal bible clay$ >Mrareiateat' r. h`r*uk Vrooman, of Tgronto. miles froile f�ed'rr L t I11 Aar Oprtos : WA'l;timooe$. Jas« MClaarhern ind daaxh. Ilor ieux--Animal i'ersonaliiiea . sport a fear a'iay+h diwits holida weekW01111ow. �0on i CXOOxie thasm �a►. besatifol fernery aax, A Alt Classes of Ileraft fiXraryr analter, Nary►. ra wined to their home #n token of ` their frioadaalt# 4 the home of his areata. % Q dLandon an Wednerday of leaf week, r'atri -»Gi Iwt liiave Yon Got to Give p and r p Light) far ink. 5. , hebeing ii"Ornpan#ed by Wrs. R, A. Me_ � Patri-•-Problems of Childhood. rriishos. , There cgs A large attendance *t One Notched 4ikant of dnrtng l Ptcd tri 4„a
wit � atilt X110421 !'arATorne, who made the trip Hourhty.. The Criminal As ia. Hum*xi DO ''�� awnirip,: ow, 99tit the beef ring meeting at Sheppardtanharsrs.Tyerarrw,rd,a>i,: iiY motor, The lacier returned ort Dei In, a r�ry► h event task lace •os3 li(fedne$da to close u the T.as7` ST, :. cion�ttseitb� voboft +ted alit! p Y p past; Suitable for a dartor. Thursday eveal". Bojer- . Image at the barker af�r. anal Mrs, Jo'rin A,. vilar'n, lbusine s. --�.. ,
Mr. Paul Stdoltxer, who has spent Greene-� Watgatn Cox, os taloa 1Sth coer�sion,, Goderieh
p townshl �vhan their, eldest da' 1,tr, wit L, Bogie, who flits Leets ._:
. �*osiM�M the lanai elven ri1'ianths 3n Gaderirh iteArthutr--•Steven Ls:aeock . v¢ktarr Tr M. �u����
Woodrow-•-Ciiptive Gypsy Vora 'Wait united fit marriage $t` 1 with the Fiteamer Collrngwood
+Citwr tools wit rwrat 0C. with ilii► daughter, Mrs: D. AleYevin, yiss to aMt. a W. H. Itadie; s i of '" •••••,• :•;-�- Tet, a3 r 16
Its alc�
is new a yusst at the home of hie. Gibbs--pialn o of Courage Aar. John Haire,,, . , Nod e, town. k Happy ggssrwioariatttk daughter, Airs, J, Siivxge. Despite` shy i 'A
H hens--Gad1 VVthin firm i�,rao �bewlth�her taii�urith�draw• �+�} +-`••• •••••�•"".••'��•"•" -
itis adrataGittpt yetira, we are ;tlri+sed r41 V
td sea the venerable gentleman iso Hilar -It Happened in Peking , the `
hale astral hearty, ffl *train* rot` Mendasissohn s Wedding 4
Extx--A ernoon r
1 r The 'inaugural mectin of the Chambers—The Allan They Ranged uarch yed by Mist Verna Cox ; THANKS- POR y Gat l
.•. ,� f~ Sinclair•. -The .Far End Cousin the bride, she :tAl& es FRAMING ,�'�fi' T i�A riCih"S �� � g
school board was held at the school Coolidge._Not Afraid charminw picture in bar wedding .
hos on Wednesday of" this week, at gindlosii--Broken 'call own of 41onde silk ere" de china.' B'� in am
The 0 i1 shower bo
r ax chairman of the boa -:i *s, Vorat--G#rl from China tsquet of ,xtapbii, £ i,5cbneii atL T u'S SERVE YOU s OvsrCilit
m , when Aalr. J,. B. "Maung vests
Timm Clt•iteThe dee rend mstidaan hair tern , � `
I Harrrriairt-,1Roflk
t►y Sc]i!nall Ditf{s'1lwsens . " l.iH` i8Z7 ._Q) Dry C+Jiiteed
i 9`Ittirxtanr«-GarasewF'aather Visci �y� ym'Mtio�n�s were bink tate white # rirawil': itt•tsrq,
�,..M the �moft ,'
and llith�ie�fir. xpwasc'awartieal�#or itC�Blark Creek Stoppinguse Y periorma:<l by Rev. >t>ead ��iird
contract for Sweeping anal duasting
I. W. Ifil trick, B. A'., took plaaace be.; wutatt rialto !i"M ftsiitsewl bc- wr�"l� �l Sit WISHES,
Arthur ,.ftrown and Ronald Pentland !'Wells. -••feed haired Girt n�� an h of a rorgroon and car- fare 16r bate o dam.
A bearty roto of thanks wax tendered Carwood--- Naek Bunter die" $. betide was attended by Ijy«` q ag FOR A � L �ll9 W
1� 11► acV1t 1 -*AR to the, retiring tra$teta. The blit- - Ba t --Guerra Dolphin Mister, Miss Dell Cax, drestsed in
ante In the treasury is #1,08L37, Horst -1a[an uln satin. The' groom's tit. s � to 4mose froau �� 1� i �`rlit r Suits aal 0yorew fmk-
y Whidimex -Gal ttt Li►dy, tenslattt' s Ili brother. Mr. Alfred, VVor oto ► Ilii" dwe i4v herr. We re,
;tt;aiRyititta " Stl"aiwert' For the third time within one :Week Melntyre-. Shat Tawara Hodie.
the .cereisroy the ward• wale awe o modtrtstts. � ��r
the angel of death entered the Urcay-•Co li I l City ding dtri was +nerved to the guests, A is #,may ttorie t its i twain fir tt
family of lir. and Mrs. John.A*der• Ferber --Skov &fat br calci grconi wasore the tvci. ftltction 6f the cod of New C�olft.
-- - ran. ler. Anakrson'a' brother, h;r ', Dittdloair Trails pints Twi-A's
bbeat?titul and useful, y
�r+tr<isy' ,lnckraian, ailed last wca,k in Fuer I iffalit to be at Lady Rifts . a aecldir,jt trip ass .Ad Q. .tt�
say? polyol and L"a�iirb the C,•drrich her.>pitar. `filen on Wad•i hath--•_'A:lope if you Must fortappy, covilk will rakslde seats
� o` ��� � ���� E 8 GWai& Fr � � Hili b
He" oor RUJIXE�R.�
McClung—All we like sheep fartii on the 7th can. hast si, 't'kesso Its �` � � � Prompt and Expert Oft4kt
Mrday, Dec.ileo. dith), f only, daughter Swinrsertott - Sumrtaer rJtorm �'nderkh tawnalaaits• ti'lseir many J. H. VJtClaUlilAI i
Ayre p l ia[tiisi iitdwh3Mtle them c"bon voyage.'" alts eller »a>?"AWAY set tl6401ch
�►O$ !`r!2Ct'ell`i! had been Ill in a sanitarium for About _
+ t'lorna I>rY 1Yeat Street
! i lour � eara+,Fdrras suddenly on• who � �on$a---l7aark iaawss; REIaI' �aST
+bA thesol . friends w 'BELFAST'
fi iiontrctnas -�-. Castle Afro. •eir*s. Twamley is spending + . "--,----.
+ rryy.
Zhoy� Tl►asst tow dtyr with 'brei- sister lit iV'in
,�i��, ,�` Cecile IoYgtitlaag � ieaaiu. g• .
I `#ii li Wl .�r � l !Gmhsatarky-that tB�y +„ 1TasKrsa4r` "aeai Airs. Ti►o«r. their son Pent FOR aJ� VALUES , a
U60 tr,* (EAST 1 rt— >� t'taira rice Game arid, m y With their son, iIar. ,
ia#irr--l31w llglai*awr lYCesoats. GEeenm and Tota Henry;
)► load%`AM.-
ti►o► onto itis$ h, r with lir. and Mer. JasV`i+>rt`allt Af CD V4418Slim and 1Cdgar Itatkett,FOOTW"�
o +rh `, � r� t. o r lkair ►listthe kelWaysi whk" Y
:' "� A r i ' ries ry sad ials,ty spent fi +� forta ►�'iTid" i -Sl ppesrs
t'belltr �►W - r" ' I�+t' mod
illi �' i Mr. visci► it
aipeaat ae1lii >�++ li�Is rtvori 1�"trnrirrr*le �a
,,read how We Inv*
rero$e�iteaa►" ata► .��`. ,� +�' �' 's
lffil.�21 AVE 41,
�t6mah 1A 11" soft of W now
+d' tabic• kms $ray► am -elf araMtP
rrs>rtr aoalsi- set ;eiia Tilt.
A� al l t � .� 0~ a" •� 1 ``'
Y, 1 Itit. at a P.M. �. .% ag
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