The Goderich Star, 1926-10-21, Page 9TEUVIDAY. OCTOIRB tl. i.
- - -
Sloan* of Witt
WM: Om heart beauties afbeetei.
there summit a f..Ita of a eked:Jet
aenteatlee, a Aortae/a of breath. paipi-
tutees, Unable -4g, irregular beefing,
wesetberiag ameatioa, dizziness, you
malt sleep, sad have a weak, staking,
alladkie feeling of mopeds:eon sad
Oa the first eagn of the result be-
tiewarig weitheited or the servos no-
streutet, yes* will lied at
wlU ressnlate and *amulet, the heart
sad strengthen and restore the whole
nervous system.
Mime Berth" A. Baker, West Jeddorc,
N.S. writee:-“Three years ago I wits
troubled with emothering spefls, short -
DIMS of breath end eleepleseness.
A frieud of mine who had used
Milburn's Bert and Nerve Pala ad-
vised me to try them, which I did
and after using the first box I felt
better. and since then I have taken
three boxee.
can highly reeommend them to an
who suffer as I 41id.,$
Price .50c. a box at all druggiato and
dealers, or mailed direct on receipt of
prim, by The T. Milburn Co., Limited,
- seensisaniescrrilk '"'"
10111 wail* 11
Sunday (Afternoon
pima immearipameammons
14 Pas
I gerniias
• .... 4*. 14411 lainalinente
wee et UM
and avas
Our Weekly
pest shook! Imes
I11 bias * aisawr roam tate 'this extrace-
gy ISABEL kusaros. G.i.tch, od. sentry story.*
. .. . ... ... wily aunt patient ekt
1114011010440001%410400,111411111111111001,WWW10111041411041044041400004000414 &vit. Jolly,' said ton augestatied Law.
My soil. be on thy guard. seryeaste awl Wawa like ing *Moe. 1116CV . ".1 wheel yee. Sir. A Sega&
Ten thee:mad foss a.rise, leer* eyes aeon behold sose. tail eVas, toe! limey keeling that
And hosts of sin. ars pressing hard women, and thine heart shall mew task and, dew. sad tat* tko. ram
To draw thee from the skies. le • • r• it trtmirs. yea, seas seeoeseee meetly. iruaroper siquenee amid dee
Oh, watch and fight and Dray; tee ma. or as he that beth aspen the islet/x:1m remdald. sad tlese • • •
Renew it boldly every day, me sash thou say, and I was isot Gy'rlfal" chockl'st 14.04/lie•
g And help divine 'raptors. sick : they have beaten me, mad I felt aWonderfa/ hew the ve and int.
Ne'er think .0* victory won, it re t ; w'en shall I *slake s' I will /*Mate Frenchman co do it, was -
Nor lay thine armour down; reek it yet *vain. tat it? And there is something else
Thine arduous work will not be tame settoneve in the *negating, pictures to '" -es my friend. Alt hi 'logical
Till thou obtain thy crown. the results of the ain of drunkenness
-George Heath. " and cautions people to keepeout et the (1),Uidnei.Ptsl*s4'ritugtuthenet.r lit•Itire deisesu." selliertiea: the"
PRAYER ....IV of temptation to This inn, geeing, "Then, for God's sake, get on with
"Look net upon it." to at the very it, old chap! . . . Kers about Lady
To Thee, 0 God, do we look for
guidanee in all our efforts to combat threehold holt coming under the open Branden, is it?" repl Lawrence,
_, of its beautiful Polar the eye prove a Mew *II animation and I rest.
the evil tA strong drink In our lana. dno.-itful treidee 'Indirectly, mo cher Ms& For
Give wisdom to our rulers that they la•e writes. thar mints nut the con- that paper was sigaid-by whom?"
may legislate aright and so help on , sequel -lees of indulging. There is bite asked, the Frenchman, leaning for
ads Ise that Beth downs in the midst of *ad"; the right Paint at !ika
The battle neer give g er ; t. p it mast. They have striae* " Oa' Phlegm 11141411VIIMPaS' sho
the coming of Thy Kingdom. Amen. teres at the end of all sin but espe- ward., tapping his friemrs knee, 1v..
8. FL LESSON FOR OCT, 31st ' OP 11v so at the end of this. one. It
int Impressively with narrowed eyee
I •
makes men ouarrelsome. "When the !oto those of the bewildered gentle -
Leeson Title --The Evils of Strong!
Drink.. , .,,,i,.., Iv e1. the vele ie ort," awl then juin)*
1 e4eion is un and there are wounds And /nth the ensutlfg silence he
Lesson Passageo-Proverhs 2329.; P . •- - slowly and deliberately dropped the
wirhout emote.
35. 1 It makes to impurity of speech and w°rd°, "By lYlielmel Geste!"
Golder Text -e -Proverbs 23:32. I vise men utter noneensical thinge Lawrence raised himself on his el -
Who hath woe ? Who bath so- : that they would despise themselvee bow and stared at Ida friend limed-
row1 Who hath contentions? Who! 4'sr ellen eober. It also causes them PIOUS.
Michael Geste: Her nephew!
bath babbling ? Who bath wounds +e tete aP sense nf direction, their
without raise ? Wb e hath redness
of eyes ? They that tarry long at
the wine, they that go to seek mixed
wine. Look not thou upon the wine
when it red, when it giveth his col-
or in the'cun, when it moveth itself
aright. At the last it biteth like a
to it again, exclaiming, "I will seek
her n pets befotrged and they have no
• eeeneee^e :safety than if
they were asleep 'upon the top of' a
mast. Worst of all it grows 80 that
the heart become:4 hardentkl and the
finer senses dulled so that when
avowed °et of their ettipor they turn
Toronto, tat. 400,4
illlto and Ouse Liverg
flack Stables, Etc,
Montreal iltneest
Not oft the aquare
nur•es Meet all Trains and
Passenger Beate '
Passiri gees called for in nay
pert at the town for all
'rein* at 0, T. R. or C. P. R.,
" Prompt bervice and
. Ca relit, A tterldallee.
our Liver) 6310 In.116. service
wilt he found up-to-date
• •in• every tespect.d
your Patronage Solicited ,
ph.... to vier treat Street
"Pt in&
The fotirunnerof colds
"d OPPe••
Heat and inhale
era's and rub it on the
threat swat elitist.
. The great preientive.
..The Pidgin Power
Cook by Electricity
Wash by Electricity
trot* by Electricity
ClolitaPet", &ON coal of wood
An Electric Vacuum Cleaner
removes the dust; a broom just
moves the dust.
We guararstee all Hydro Lamps
for 1500 hours.
Walk in and see display at
The IIydr. Store
• Pet ad* mei
She Pkiroveri*Yeare
it vet again."
There is onl one bl t
y power a a o
I break the chain that binds the drun-
kard to his drink and that is the
osees ea....nem, .1.01. lt le the power of
too unto saivatain to every one
1 , tees oaeevetes. lam water 4 lite
. 'alone can quench the drunkard's aw-
ful thirst,
Just the moment you apply Mendip -
Sulphur to an itching, burning or
broken out skin, the itching stops and
healing begins, says a noted skin sae.
cialist This sulphur preparation, made
into a pleasant cold cream, gives such
a quick relief, even to fiery eczenia,
that nothing has over' been found to
take itssplace.
Because of its germ -destroying props
trees, it quickly' subdues the Itching,
cools the irritation and heels the eczema
right UN leaving a clear, smooth skin
in place of ugly eruptions, rash, pime
pies or roughness.
You do not have so wait for improve+
tuent. quickly shows. You can get
a little tar of Rowies )1(enfire•Sutpitur
at any dry. store. •
In the early days of 'missionary
work, and for a long time afterwards,
otesemimrieb. min the 1,Vest were
tee teauers. More arid more, how-
e'ver, endian Christians are con-
ducting their own churches. The
missionaries are eager to have them
develop in this way, and so far ewe
possmie train them tor Christian
work. In one city, where a mismone
:my eollege located, groups of
school boys set* out every ounday
morning from the mission on tours
You don't mean to tell .me that Mi-
chael Geste stole her sapphire and
slunk off to the Legion? 'Beau'
noste! Get out: . . .he 3 aid, and
fell back.
"I don't mean to tell you anything,
my friend, except that the paper was
signed 'Michael Geste.'"
° ,Avas the bareheaded man lie ?
Look here, are you polling my leg'?"
"I do not know who the man was
Lessons ist English
By %V L. Cordon
Den,' say "kis maitaeracarmy e aggravate
QFEN /413PM)UNCED: sacs
reiterat. Pre:mute* the first a u in
"at." not as in "ate."
avant. No . 'after g.
SYNONYMS; actomplisli: acquire,
achieve, attain, obtain, procure. Mil*
ter, secure, sant.
WORD STUDY: "Use a word three
times and it is yours." Let us in.
crease our vocabulary by mastering
One word each day. Tool's word
ECCLESLASTICAL,• pertaining to
the church. "The long robe marked
Inc ecelesisistleal dignity."
say "I expect to have * pleasant
trip." Say "anticipate" when im-
ploing pleasure.
guist. Pronornce lin-gwist, both i's
as in "in," accent on first iyllable.
date, Two e's, two m's,
SYNONYMS: group, bevy, flock,
covey, brood, pack, lot, litter, herd.
WORD STUDY: "Use a word
three time and it is yours." Let us
increase our vocabulary by mastering
one word each (ley, Today's word ;
MAJESTIC; having dignity of per.
son or •en . "Noth-
ing could be more gracefully majestic
than his manner."
say "I anticipate goingtomorrow"
merely to express belief, Say "ex.
George. And I am not pulling your -- - • • .1.•
leg. I saw two or three boys and
two so beautiful girls, once, at Bran. -
don Abbas, years ago. This man
might have been one of them The
age would be eboot. right. And then.
ngain, this marirmay have had noth-
ing on earth/to do with the ?wiper.
Nor any other man on that roof, e»
cept the sous -Older -and be 'meat
certainly was net Michael Geste. He
was a man of forty or forty-five
years. and as I have said, no Engligh-
"Michael would he, about twenty or
so," said • Lawrence. "He was the
eldest of the nephews. . ; t ut, my
am? Jolly. the Gestes don't steel 1'
They are her nephew:4. I am
going to put some ice on my head,
"I' have ,wanted a lot of ice to the
through the . native sections of the
town. With each group of oos is e head, the last few weeks, George.
What, too. of the murdered eoue-ollis
Christian college student or profes- cies and the utterly vanithect trump -
so:, 'They carry their hyannsbooks der 9"
and a Jarge Bible picture roll which "Oh, damn „your trumpeter and
was first used in some Beginners'
' school class in America and, ply;
sous-offi 'er," was; • the explosive re-
.Sundaythen sent to I ai When h 'chael Geste! , . Lady
n a. t ey zome Bea 0.e„ . Forgive me, old chap,
to the chosen street, the boys sing a
an finish the story. . ." and George
few Christian hynnis and hang up L wrence lay back on his .couch and
the picture roll noon • the trunk. of . tired at the roof of the carriage.
some tree or against a wall. Soon LI Lady Brandon! The P only woman
lino* crowd ca Hindu boys and . girls
gather around,.and the older student. the7"(i' continued) •
'talks to them a little while•about the ' - - -
ofrq-ure, on. the .roll. telling them the BABY'S OWN TABLETS ....
Bible storY. Then the' boys distribute .
rolored . Bible, picture . cards -also- EXCELLENT REMEDY •
" I .made' • first
myfrom America -and after a closing - •
hymn or two, return. to. the mission. For Any of the Many Minor Ailments
. .. , . '. Out of the 'classes of Christian ' of Infants and Young Children
ApplIv4t7411110 is Nostril, To
Up APas
le sages.
Ali! What relief! Y our clogged nose
tells open right up, the air pongee of
your head are clear and. you can breathe
freely. No more betaking, muffling,
raucous discharge, headache, dryness -no
struggling for breath at might, your cold
or catarrh is gone.
Don't stay stuffed upl Get e small
bottle of tie* cream Balm from your
druggist now, Apply a little of this
feagrant, antiseptic cream in your nos.
let It penetrate through every air
pelisse. of the head; soothe and heal
the swollen, inflamed mucous membrane,
giving you instant relief. Ely's Creara
Balm is just what every cold and ca'
Writ 'letterer bus beat seeking. It's
splendid. -
• --
gem imtvilNwrir We
-(12418PRONOUNel.:ft; vas.,
eline. Pronounce viteseain, the i as
in "in," or as in "police," accent en!
One I.
SYNONYMS: reward, tribute, aid,
allowance, gift, grant, beanie, pen-
sion, premium. indemnity.
WORD a STUDY, "lite n word
three times and it is yours," Let us
increase our voeabulary by mastering
one word eaeh day. Today's wort:
PREDOMINANT; superior in power.
"His manner was marked by n pre-
dominant air of haughtiness,"
POW •-*••••••wi ••••••••••••••••••••..
As a vernticide an excellent pre -
partition is Mother Graves' Worm
Exterminator. It has saved the lives
nI eltuntlese chi/siren.
No boy is poor whohas a dog; ne
woman is rich who has only a dog
ana a husband.
pally Itaeopt Ilueseaar
tilederieh 6.00 m. $.2*
" tlinton 6 25 a.m. 2.44 tzar.
" Settfoi th 641 s. in. 3.12 p.m.
" Mitebell 7,64 nem. 3.4* p.ra..
Arr. 8traLtod 7.l0 ani. tie p.m,
" Iiiteherete 8.20 ani. 5.20 pAe.
" Guelph 8.45 a in.
" Toronto 10.10 amt. 710 pm.
lIetm ning- I.eave Toronto 6.45 Lsae
12.55 pans and 6.04 p.m, •
Parlor Cafe car, Goderich to Toe -
Ate, on morning tritin, and T0404140
to tioderich 6.05 p. m.
Through coach Goderieh to Tetwata
Town Passenger and Ticketa Agitate
ttse Brantford Arro-Lock Slates. Neither falai reap
mow nor frost can budge them end they last for years.
The low price and small laying ooat make them the meat
economical roof of exceptionel value. You can lay them 0Yer that
old shingles.
to -day
hews who Make these Sunday morn -
ing trips will come 1aersh�vi1t No mother can expect tharher child
pp know bow ' to tell the good neve ea,..,will escape all the ills to which baby -
Christ to their own people, hood and childhood- are subject, .but
. ' (The Wonderland of India). ehe can do much to lessen their sev-
:a Two salesmen met in a small
1 hotel. Said one: "Do you
eritv. and to make baby s battles for
1 know' Jim, although. I have
• been on the road over four
• years, I never thought of tele-
.: phoning boine 'til today -was
alwaye content to 'drop a line'
every couple of 'days. From
tow on it's goinet be differ -
ea! My 0Whves ad to
hear my voice -sal: ii,et :would
brig her whol
"Ill telephone erysecond
night -around nine o , or if
I happen to be on thi train,
V11 al1 around breakfast time;
she's sure to be at borne then."
Every day many travelling
sialesmeit are using Long Dis- •
Unice to keep in .touch with the
folks at home. At slight ex-
pense they enjoy a few min-
utes intimate talk that means
so much. .
TheieTivo Found Relief by
l'aldng Lydia E Pinkharn's
Vegetable Compound
Ayer's di; Quebec. - "1 haste
been teaching for three years, 'Wed
sitthe end of the
year falways feel
tired and have no
appetite, I was
' awf ulesick each
pains in my back
dntil sometimes I
ivaerobiged to stop
t working. A friend
Lydie E. Pink -
a Vegetable
Ossepound to ine
0/01140t1 Whig howl'
it woaki help
take six
sad aveasetntotil It
BEAU GESTE bealth.eaeily won.
(Ctiontinuee :row stage 6) • Nme-tenths• of the minor ailments*
- whichafflict babyhoOd and childhood
*<-onfession, important.. Urgent, soet eausediby some deraagement.:of
te a se publish. the "stomach and bowels. Regulate
hi stomach and bowels and these
.1 or :war that any innocent person
may be suspected, 1 hereoy owe, and • troubles will .disappear. To do this
freely confess that it wag i, and e nothing can equal Baby's Own Tab-
lets, They are a mild but thorough
alone,. who stole tee great sapphixe
laxative which. through their ' action
an,,Wn as "Blue Water," '". •.
W net!" hou ted tie orge Lavirence,
on the stomach and bowels never fail
djurnping up: "What? .What are to banish constipation and indiges-
you ayine de Beaujolais
tion"; colds. and Simple fevers; expel
• "Aha! my little George," smiled ,•worrns and make the -dreaded teething
the arenchman gloating,. -And arrie eas'Y. •
where is the Phlegm earitannique Concerning Babes Own Tablets
now, may I ask? Thatigiaide you sit Mr. ' •Aa Xoehan, „Hamilton, Orit.e
up, quite literally, didn't it?
writes: -"Kindly send me your'book-
We It.. "Care of Baby in Health and
do not, my. little George,
do we?" Sickness." .1 have two little children
four and a half and three years old
George Lawrence Biked at his and have LAW nothing else for them
friend, incredulous, open-mouthed.
• "But that Is Lad B a d n' it hut Baby's Own Tablets. I think the
I . . . What on earth . . . 'goril-
y elle s ewe
mered Lawrence, sitting down hetiv-
dy. Are you remancipg, de Beau-
jolais? Being funny?"
"I am telling -you what was`written
on this popof-which I will thew you
when I caif get my dispatelocase, my
friend," was the reply..
"Good God, man! Lady Brandon!
. . . Do you mean ttieny that the
'Blue Water' has been pinehed-and
that the thief took refuge in the For-
eign Legion, or drifted there tome -
how?" tusked Lawrence, lying back
on his roll of bedding.
"I don't mean to say anything -ex.
cept to tellemy tlittle tale, the dull
t owe tale that has bored you so, my
Georea " replied de Beaujolais, with
a liei us grin.
to groundt upagain.
e :14lA4'elitIZ .eft5vcjitoudig his
Never had his friend seen this re.,
I served, taciturn, and unemotional
num so affected.
i "I don't get you. 'I don't take it
in," he said. e "Lady Branden'e stone!
Our Lady Brandon? The 'Blue Wa•
ter' that we used to be allowed to
look at sometimes? Stolen!, , . .
Stolen!. . . And you have found
jt?"'I II' sivel found nothing, my friend,
but,' crumpled and bloodstained Piece
of paper in a dead man's hand," was
the reply.
"With Lady Brandoe's name on it!
It's absurd, man.sin the. middle
of the Sahara! And you found it.
.'. With her name on it!. • • • •
Well, I'm absolutely damned!" ejacu-
lated Lawrence.
"Yes, my friend. And perhaps you
begin to realise how 'absolutely dm -
ns -d' I was, when I read that pante-
eticky with blood. But probably I
was not as surprised as you are now.
Even that could not have surprised
bre very much then. / think," dials) de
Lawrence sat down.
"Go on, old chap,- he begged. "I
sincerely agSfogI.. for my aecert
manner,. Pleas. tell me everything,
and then Jet us thrash it nut. . . .
Leder Brandon; . . . The 'Blue
Water' stolen!'' ..
"No need forevelogies. ray dear
P.O. Sex Ctia Sinsikon, Ont.
geed kits, se I
we. mot It did,
Wester spent
to .ti
• *MAI& ire Works
0 -Ng. X.,a SW/411.--"I had tr.
order pale& oat spat setterleg
pies soating
!was trash.
ause boors
1 h to my
aviesollsepiessit ist
=Imo Iwo soreot bees! to aratioinotme.
laTifamOmealegi, Ores
Canty. Arra
Tablet h are a wonderful medicine for
little ones!'
BahY's Own Tablets are sold by all
medicine dealer e or will be sent by
mai) at 2a cents a box from The Dr.
Aledicine Co., Brockville,
Animal instinct isn't worth much.
Look at what some dogs Jove.
Experienced mothers
say Zam-Suk is best for ,
children's injuri e s and
skin troubles, because:
it is herbul-nca poison-
ous mineral coloring.
It is untiscptic.-pre-
vents cuts and burns taking
the wrong way. ,e
It is soothing-eseinispain
ukkiy. •
It heals every time...
dust as good for ge-own-
• Sold at all stores aod
wain mil NEE Wilk
Just a Little Girl
Who Loved to Sing
If you have a young daughter, this story
is for you:
Itsa1.s sooty 01 1* Ontario gel os little gid who sang pet
she WM happy. Without knowing the (1144 11.4 any
ale*, the pinnat, bougin * piano *Ind engird •
. Tiw s1 w is her woe and Ind slatiebol the
fundamentals playing with renstdersble heron
she resliaall diet piano study An her owe war to be stepping
ttont to vocal iudy Sitelluale voice -a voice so nutlet othets
hike/ as well he herself, It WU I &Wart 4* Rim& thee lat
her gong the path so 11460:016. Tocky-and she ie peiN yaws
gal -she is actkimat as one of Cunde'li grit drenwaic
Mak 'redder
Usti is** as "est iteigitliselieei wits
trilt Wit impos Pro 64011
yorit !MUGU reR
may have latent
talent -to play the
piano ouperbly, to sing,
to be a great rioliniat.
Whatever her nsutieal
ability it can boat be
diseorerod th r bash
piano eted'-.-.4he boil*
of all *nine. Give her
Me adtantege of inning
her oar to the pure
tones- of s Mateo &
Risrle - "The Piano
with a Soul."
97 Oxtail Street, Stratford, On:ark)
' I
13raidfbrd1200fillifidaholifti Srantford, Ontario
Stock Carried, Infer:nation Furnished and Service
. on Brantford Rsipfing reridered, by
W. M. McLean, Goderich
Tho Goderich Star's
The Star and 'London Free Press
The Stat and London Advertiser
-The Star and The Toronto Globe6.5
'o Sta;' and The Mai; and Empire .75
The Starand The Torontp Star 675
The Star and The Farmers' Sun 3 40
1 he Star and The l'ainlly Herald and Nakla Silty.
The Star and Saturday Night ., 5.50,
ree Star and The, Catholic Record 3.75
The Ster and McLean's Magazine... . .:. ... 83.75
I'he .Star and Rod a»d Gun - 3.90
rile Star ;old Montreal kVitness.
l'Ne Star and World
, SO.75
renewal 3,85
new... 330
renewal 4.25
new... 3.85
Special clubting Rates with -other Periodicals ,
truly Le had on application
1`, :it the :41, (1•1';', 'Phone 7 1 for any inforitiel;co.
110••••• • • ••••••••,•••
•••••••••••••mou .••••••••••••
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All deposits are guaranteed by the government of the
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Remittances should be made by Post Office money otjer,
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SIS Danforth Men*. • 1
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Braatferd, Aroodetock. Owen Strand, •Ottawa
fteaforth. 11/alkerteet Newmarket and Aylmer.
1 1 11 11 1
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• ..... •