The Goderich Star, 1926-08-19, Page 7TUC QDAY, AUGUST 19th, 1141 kidklad *ad Ihrily. Indio uull ,rrtacese et hesetih la .re et the j tt - $e*u of heart ispIlls, treat prima ,, the heart �busu efleM d the Meme w s ire spaina--H 1 Mit S. MOW wksk s .- w3,es tiro )Fart bolemes weakener Lai the ammo metre* t, gess that the heart is regaists/ cavi stimeatehed tied the server streagtliwmd ash reeled hMs' miss ]Wbans's heart and Norm Hrs. Sarah lineOarti►y, thea 115arber, i5 , writer; a" 1 tww beta troubled, 'for seem mar, with sty hart and Mama mod to get so haat at: timer, I said heathy breathe, aaa, woo so day everything would tern blaek before ray One day ray d:er adileiit ase la r . I.Y..rr ,— 1 Ir MIIIr II Sundayoff' ter�non 55y ISABEL HAMILTON, Garrick, t'risst. istsisaineirfte + oaalavii111111rrtiut011sawtllerr�f�tMst�it�Otun+wl R X.,et earth•-rnd *11 that live therein, longing to others. In all these three, With reverence ftar_the Lord; i we are forbidden to injure ot: r fellow. e Lot all the world's inhabitants i man in act, but the ninth forbids, us Dread hien with one accord. t to injure him in word, and the Tenth That nation blessed ie, whose God r in thought. The coveting aeart is Jehovah is, and those t known only to its owner and to Him w.lesred people etre, whom for 1 to whom all things a^•e r aksd and ali His her•tage he cease. open, but we read in James 1:14, 15 Psalm ,el. that the heart is the root of all sins. PRAYER against our neighbor in word or in fa Lord, our Lord, 'how exceIient is deed. The principle of love between man and man is found in these zone. Thy Name in all the earth. Thos mandments as Jesus taught in his 1 hast ever been mindful of Thy crest. talk with the,lawyh,' who asked'h , ores leading and guiding them into r ""which is the great commandment in Ways of truth and righteousneet.'t� taw?'' Continue to phew, us Thy loving favor 1 Jesus said unto him, 'Thor shalt and grant us pardon for sin and lifer love the Lord thy God with all thy eternal, for Jesus' sake. Amen. heart, and with all thy soul, and with S. S. LESSON FOR AUG. 29th, 1926 all thy mind. This is the first and Lesson Title --Tice Ten Command- great commandment. And the second menta; Duties to Man. is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy Lesson Passage ---Exodus 20:32.21, neighbor las thyself." (Matt. 22:47 - Golden Text --Lev. 19;I8. 39)` Dr. McLare:; :.a. itis exposition ou WORLD MISSIONS this lesson Ways: "The fifth com- George McDougall was Canadian 1 .< #•1 1 • r T • Imo Ira i1 irri 1 .1 1111. 1 • 11 r 1 urn 1 11 111 n Jl.-Lv1.. _1-rr_L1L1.__r --_.r. .1 1 111 1 I ■. ,-.- stree.taee desiped 1w fir ari4eophet VETERANS Of HIM Wren, was soon tweeted sad stood CNJ11TY/ LET'S 60 here until Ilene whirs it had become sink * serious obstacle to tie ' r• To the Editor of the G increasing t�.1ltc of the rt that the Gudericn Stat. it was demolished. The stems were Mr. )F:ditot. yin these days of pt resaoes syr ger Hetur :�1eux. science and invention, how often one wealthy brewer. who bad the areh- wilt hear that. "'There it nothing new ad h So nd • way're-ere'•ted at the entrance to hiR u er the sun:'clever a scion. state at Theobald'r Ps -k, where it title have men become. that we have stili stands. as a tutted,. Wizen, lo and behold. e There is no spot in Landon that i4 the editor of The Signal springs a' more intimately associated with the- new one. ereatert of our literary celebrities than the site of Temple Ilar, and it Mr. Editor. may I base my letter almost every house in the vicinity arc as an appeal to my 'teem:wades in enshrined memories, of the mea` it. arms, veterans of Huron t'ounty, and Inetriovs names in the annals of rap. North Iiuron in particulia,• Mr, V •• fish' literature. elan, will you take rp It copy of last . In U * the firm et rild and Cu week's Signal and see i' you elm see founded its famous honking biotin's* what I N. There you will find an fn• a boomadio'"ing the enema- •erticle, which for sheer. brazen ef- and among its earlier customers were e t'tery has no equal. Behold in MAc• r. such�well-krnwn peesorages As Olive, Kenzie Ring the world's neracle num. _ . r. Cromwell. John Dryden, the Peet To snake my statement plain. All te-e--•^~"•'—t"----""I"I who resided in the ad9aeent Fetter U.S.A. champions, no mater in what Lane. Nell Gwynne, Samuel Peeve degree, adopt a title, world chant. and King. Wm. of Orange. It was the tion. Now during the .wer the U.S.A. original of Teilson's Bank. \which file. their trochlea, just like all other ries so prominently in "A Tale of nations, German, espionage. Work. Two Cities," and no Dickensian can ing men, or so-called tsborers, saw a pads the spot without conjuring up ii chance to grab a slice off the fortune vision of that weird charmer.. Jerry of such firms as the Rockfellee Fon. Crunc:'or, seated on a ricketty stool dation, ete., and in all thy. teeming -.----.. mantireent,,,_whieh . prescribes revere Methodism's greatest missionary to.cutsrde the bank waiters for any odd tone man ence for parents, riialtes'a bir}'d>erbe= -the •native -.serfs, tee, Canada. To the jobs that might come his way. Die. could be: found with the executive iwdrieh T Miff, and after taking eerie' twee the precepts relating to duties Indians of Rama on Lake Couclneh'- kenb tells- us _thet Jerry was "as well• ability to bring these laborers to their bexes 1 felt like x different pe 1 towards God and those enjoining du. ing, •of Garden River near Sault Ste. known in Fleet street and the Temple senses, The U.S.A. is extremely •eanrtot recommend them too highly to tieb to man. The family is the social Marie, Norway House in the .Hud- as the Bar itself', and.w"as almost as- i' 'ky not to have got into another' Wee who are suffering from heart rnit. If that band is slackened, much son's Bay Northland, Victoria on the ill -looking; which latter xe:narlcs war while Mr. Ring was Prince Min- . \ig' teased long ago to regard anything' mug 1114111111 ". 1II., Ii r. 11,1 .1 I,:.SI_Y - n•.O �• • millions ;in the U.S.A. no 1 k d• if t kept ' banks of the Upper Saskatchewan shows that ` the great novelist saw . ister of Canada, though as far tie we nerve • troubles,,, else is wee one ,r t is ep strong P are concerned they could have had and pure, society• is sweetened and and westward and southward 'to the very little beauty in the ancient arena Price hoc. a hoz at all deal°r°' or hallowed. What this eomnrandment Storeys and the Blaekfeet he carried "way, `vhich he knew so well and which h'm at any time. nor will there~ be any maileddirect on 'receipt of Peine by enjoins is not obedience, nor love but the gospel of love. figures in so many of his novels. kick if they want him after this oleo• The T, Milburn Cee, Limited, Terc st°, •honor. -The Romans made much of A vast tenderness for the Indian. the parental al nut opity and the Jew-preyof his own passions and the ish father was to "command his white .man's greed, determined his ,,,,s,.,os„ee-f,s,teeree l household after him."' career. Ile became a brother of the ' To this commend was added tine native sons Believing fully that T. SWARTS" Ale and }horshiverll flank Stables tin; Monoegecs Street lust off the :quare SEVERAL FIRST CLASS AUTOS READY ( FOR SERVICE •.. GET .'you ANYWiHERE: AND WHEN YOU WANT 10 OBI TNEILE anions Meet ail -Thiene ;Ow Pussentrer Boats Passengerscalled ser in any • Pitt ot the town tot all trains el O. le R. or C. P, R Devote. Prorrtpt-evict--and Careful :At'teratiaace. etw Our Livery and heck service waft be torrnd up-to-date. fp avert/ respect. Voter Patrdnagc.Solicited T. SW A 'TS Phor+e .307 areal Street ...... c> .: ..r:.... - t .-- Missatwa's $r Lira Amami of .. *'ll s4sreutnat is troubles. Ruh it in thoroughly and often, • It /oases the pain, suppled the joints, amts mew life ,into the *issues. . Rub it rte• USE HYDRO ELECTRIC C The people's Potter promise of long life, Or, as it is ex- pressed in. Deut, 5:10, "that thy days miry be :n rolonged, and that it may go well with thee,in the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee." A remarkable instance of the truth of this is recorded in Jeremiah, 25th oba'ter. "Jeaemiah• said unto the. house of the tiechabites,' Thus salt% the Le -d of hosts. the Gee of Israel. Because ye have obeyed the comma/el- of .Jon'ideb, yew. father, and kept all his r"ecepts. and done accord- ing tt'ito a7I Viet he hath cnettttanded you: Therefore thug saith the Lord of hosts. the Go'i t•f Jonadab the son of Reaheb shall not want a.man to stand b'4o•'e nu: forever." The sixths sexenth and eighth com. ntarldnients . petit -hit acts at+ttinst life marriaaa and property. Man's re lations'tip w;th man must besitfe- guarded . against everything •• that, would tend- to injure, maim or destroy. 1'sfe, for all such 'is an assault upon the image of God. "Whose sheddeth man's blood, by man shall his blood .he shed; for in; the image of God made he man" (Gen. 916). The sanctity 'of the marriage rola. tionship is safeguarded'in the seventh commandment and along Side is found another dealing with the property be- Cook by Electricity • Wash by Electricity Iron by Electricity . CONVENIENT, CLEAN, QUICK • -Cheaper than coal or wood An Electric Vacuum Cleaner IF removes the dust; a broom just i1m4v4s7;11 diilrSt:r.. �• :. �_ : We, guarantee all Hydro l.a;nps for 1 500 hours. • Walk in and see display at The llydro Store CASTORIA Thr Iafsertt!t a*& cW1di en frit Woe For Om* 30 Ylltarrs Murry* hearer talo 1111w�Mars 01 • IP s• • • • IV' FOR TENDER, SORE TINED PEET :Ahs what reiief. No more :ttireil lett; no more burning feet, swollen, bad smelling, sweaty feet. No more pain in corns,, callouses or bunions. No matter what ails your feet or what under the sun you've tried Without getting relief, just use "Tiz." "Tiz" draws out all the poisonous exudations which ,puff up tete feet; "Tiz" is magical; 'Tit' is grand.; "Tiz" will end year- foot troubles - id you'll never Gimp .or straw .alp your 'Ace in pair. Year Amos \.woetit seem tight and your lent wilt never, never hurt or net meet owrollen or tired. Geta box at nay dreg or ,depatlte intent store; and get rains Lita law sorb. . , FAINTED ALMOST DAILY Mrs.Brant Suffered 'Seven Years Finally Restored to Health by Lydia E. Pinklam's Vegetable Compound Hamilton, Ont. --'"For two years I fainted simost daily and was so weak I could not do my work. • I woald be sick for twelve to fifteen days at a time. This made me so weak and faint that I could not be trusted alone at such times. I was troubled' this way for about sevett years. I found *booklet in my mail- box telling of the Lydia E. Pinkham medieitvla, end _ husband, read it and insisted that 1 take�tie"Ve eta =' ble Compound. 1 have been tasking it for six months and 'intend to take it a year, as sickness such as mine cannot be cured in a day. ' have not fainted since I tack the first box and I have noticed a lengthening of time between each period.This last month I didn't have to go to bed. I do the own work now, tbe wsahrngandthe naiws �gstreet and the ehildrea ssaort bother me Iike it did." --Mrs. Roo K. BRANT, 2B3Jackso"tStreet West, Hamilton, Ontario. Do you know that in your borhood there wee women who feel est like Mrs. Brant does *boat Lydia .. Pi"rkhanr's Vegetable Comppurtdt 'these women have trued out this well known and reliable taedieini and have found it Milted to their neesis. t: None of the numerous famous tato tion. Cf course no one wartx to us. erns which formerly surrounded Tem, sail Mr. Ring for looking after Itis pie Bar are left to us with the excep- family in their illness; credit must be tion of the "Cock," and even ;hie has ;iven•to him .for his love for them and been removed to a modern building he tete our cendolente. Bute Mr. Vet. Christ died for the dark-skinned also: on the opposite side of the street eran, how do you like being, aroused during his twenty -flue years of ser• where it still displays its ancient of deserting your wife and family to vice, he raw many miracles. Garden sign, a g.lded rooster carved by the go overseas. 'Some of you to walk River, on the day of his arrival a inimitable Grinling Gibbons. The .about jn •art officers uniform. But drink•crazed pandemonium, was soon sobered, and many were sanctified. their garments made white. Thomas Woolsey, Cree local preacher, dying of sm'allp forgot h' ff gs and ox suern , spent his last night on earth in ex- hortation, prayd3' and praise. George McDougall's• eareer suffers the sneer as i to wasting men and auoney--on-.thatenferior rates. He is in good company;; Livingstone. Chaff= mers, GeddieandPiton; . P rt n, Damien among the. lepers: Girling, searching out the Ccipper Eskimos; Arinstrona; dedicated to tlxo._liggroes; Grenfell. hocks` Club, most of the members of etre is •and how his war record if t my 'o knew v u ev 5 (who ,.,t,;,,k a h does 7) i whose o d rtes -of .tea-lartcier' f'i,reye.-ire:'-=,,,,G 'tt�.rt_.of noble birth, t h ,) would eniir- Christ, Saviour of thieves and harlots. lawless deeds and . acts: of violence eel !bay -with yaui-z So -r Canada owes to McDougall and his made them the: terror of the town. fete }s his faith in him that he is sort a debt not .paid. Christian mis- The most famous of the .taverns was simply nniazere at the stupidity of .the P sweeties, presenting as they did, the the "Mitre,' whish was so erten frP• men and women who vote Conserve - better side of the white •man;' once" quested by Dr: Samuel Johnson, (rli- rive: Mr: Veteran, .T ask you to ray again, because of the trust reposed in them by the Indians. quieted the war' drums booming in the Indian camps. and saved the occasion. For the com- paratively peaceful - contact between: Indians and whites. to the Canadian 1614,. where he found time to write n. position: for which he had no train- West: large credit must be• given to large number of .poems and also sec- lite.How do you like being platted in the Men of Peace. They aided nation eral biographies, mostly of the fan. the 'category . of wife deserter? Is' building.: Onward. chi the WINDS OF CHANCE contlinie .fJ ttn1 prlg,e IP. "Don't talk.like that!" Roulette ex- claimed. •- "I mean it,' Laure ran on, crazily. "Yes, Joe'd kill anybody that stood in his way' or double-crossed him.. • I i guess I know... Why, he told nye so himself! And Courteau knew it, per- fectly well—the poor fedi—but look at him now. He got his, didn't he?'': Roulette laid a cold hand upon. the shivering', distracted creature before her.. Sternly she said: • : "I believe you know who .eomnit- e '•t a murder., t d that You -act as if yet. . did." "I'm a g -good guesser, but—I can : keep my mouth shut. I know when .I'm well 'off. That's more -than he t Count knew." "And you probably know.something abput this:rob+!tery, too. I mean that gold -sack--•" Laure east off the hand that rested upon her;s ie looked up • quickly. ,"If I did. d'you think I'd tell you? , Well, hardly. But 1 don't. I don't know anything, except that—Pierce is a thief. He stole and .gave. 'rue the money. Be did' that regularly, and that's more • than he'd do for you. You.. may, as well know the 'truth. Cavendish knows it. ''You think he's too good for rue, don't you? Well, he isn't. And you're no better than I am, either,. for that matter. You've got; a nerve to put on airs:.. God! How I . hate you and your. euperior ways." "Never 'mind me. I want to know who killed Count Courteau." ""All right. Wait till Rock conies back and ask him. ' (To be continued) "Cock" still enjoys the patronage of listen', comrades, this !41r, Ring. wile the legal fraternity, as it did In the had sreh superhuman talent during days of the great Lord Mansfield, • the war, that he could overcome ;ill who when practising at the Bar would3tae1ea for Uncle Sam's cart .ithate spend his days drinking in the tavern •seems -to be having trouble with these lel"oodsworth, Heaps, Bourassa, refuse ing to rise to sing the National An. teem in a British Colonial house of Parliament. But he didn't forget to attsek McKegney for delivering a pa-, trioti': Spee h. in 'Clinton, In tn" last election he championed a Progressive in this riding and attacked the . I'ro• eressive when a Lateral was running against hint itt South Huron. I non - der what he would do if the Hon. A. Meighen happened to be a grandson of the num who led the Macleenzice rebellion, bt't not a word ab' ut, hie hero k.: in;; that man. Let the Nay just here that there are two kinds of conquest, one by fort; of urns, tn. other •by sante and Intrigue, and there are a large 'nr'nber of people watching the couesc of overtire bete ways. Veterane o£ :earth Huron think over thea;' things and when election dry comes let's do the same thing that we ci:d on Vimy, go over :•, a bedy,,shoulder to shoulder, and Attu this men who s peters only to know l e sarcasm, what we think of a Prime Minister whose naliti at'ons are r'a:?1 that his eureortnr in this rill n r has only sentimentalism and sarcasm tl Meet him. Let us give the lion. •t, -Meighen a new' supporter from North' with his,' cronies, .white his ehambdrs hard headed Canadians. -It seomrr t,• .., in . the Temple would • be thronged .:be hard to make them see these super. with•,c)ietts eweitine his return. human` capabilities of his. There. In the reign of:l;'lizabeth the "Deve fore ate has men working for him who ' 11" Tavern was the scene of many• imagine they '.have a touch• of this convivial meet'rno' of 4hakespeare,, superhuman talent and who :hope to Huron .and rhos,: that even it v•.• did desert our wives we set least kr w tette; than to su"port a man for whose sake this sarcasm was sent tut-. 'iotes very sincerely, WIFE DESERTER. . ..As a vetneifie a en eifeetive lave•' . paration ds' Mother Graves' Worm I:xt�'t'niinator. and it can he give's t:, the most. delieate child without near of injury to the constitut.on. a 311,'ER'1'1F:'. IN THE STAR • No More Piese I'... 'offerer.' fun Witt • get •P. : -•.I 1 .1! •a rI h f b�' :,t utut'ft Ih1> ran.. Leat tit ,nl circulation in ih» :4AN-t r 11u\\i; t. (aillill' .Intl •elle\Ca /"111't 11,1 tip:+ an I'iLi r11.ti :'t lain,i\' 11nM1 111'. ivied. lir. 1, t•nt'ar4!'>; tl to H.•i.t, a hut 'nil. so, talllrt. pll1'eev.I'1 li,ianti' 11 .41.1,011.11* !'i :,frw'trit' it u4s. IG In !tuff -her, :1 t ''n't, rrnl revere fur 'in '0 >ar1..ini i,e+!itls: 1',4114 .in I' la Mtfil It will till nth' 4.111••' for :..01 ter feet+u } haeli. 11. ft. i l'Nti Iii ufel lu�\�lire mil Iilu Int, V.ilti 11114 Ben Jonson amid Ole Waltth Raleigh: soften Tour hard hearts by appealing er ea and in Stuart times. it became the to you 'along • sentimental lines, then. headquarters of the notorious Mo. telling you what a worker of miracle:e T'S so strong you could stand on i hour in it an hared. b, n. �-it- W t doing �._ The rubbing surface is heavy SMP Pearl Enamel, positively smooth as glass, but unlike glass, • it cannot break! And it won't wear out, like zinc. The back is heavily re-inforced with wood. It's 'a washboard that will last ' .for many years, ;and, remember, it is SN,,,f? made. ver Goldsmith, James Boswell and their illustrious associates. Within -hi few yards of Temple 'Bar stood the:Nouse in. which Izaak Wal. 'ton opened a haberdashery. store in close attention: to the last paragraali in this article, Mr. King During the War (Signal). It tells us Mr, nig might have deserted his . wife and family and'gone overseas to take ti ous men with wham he; was, person: s e compensation our wives get • • The Sheet Metal Modulator Co.aeon.** u11,It•d Mentreat TORONTO Wheal pas Rd earns r Vancouver Calves 1111 for the man" a n r` he had retired•from business that he dread of the sight of the tele,,;raph. ally acquainted; . but it was not until Y Te _ pless nights? 'litre I wrote "Ye :Compleat Angler," the arressenlFer: etcet As tet giiaving no' most celebrated of his works. Wait- training,_ how many bf us had ieery! on'e house escaped destruction in the k owledgeof the bloody teehiriealitic.a; Great .Fire of 1666, as:also did the o .war until we arrived on" the scene.'' neighboring. church of St..Dunstan's As for his capacity, we know he bad' of which• he was `a warden daring the none' klis associates in t: imaill nt t ` . '. time that Dean Donne, the poet, was politics, with their bitter ck nunc ut- ts rector, The chiming dock of. St, tions," show the volume of hi dapae- Dunstan's, the bells of which were icy Now, . comrades. I want to : cake' struck_.by_ hammers ers wielded by two you back to 191"r to That fateful morn. automatic giants; was one of the ins of April the 9th, to the torp hoof great sights of London in the 113th of 6 30 n.m.: Picture •yourselt ;.stitnd- century, and when the church 'ryas re- .nig in nrud� 'fog, raid, etc: Reinert. built in 1A3.3 the Hoek was removed ber. tele ,.thoughts than ran through to Lord Heatford's =residence in. Re. :tour minds, the. dear ones you might. gent Park, where ' it still stands in never. see again: Did it deter yoet'': front of the ho►tse which. was convert.' -1`Io.. Did you have faith in the men ed into, a training sehooI for blinded 10 oflirer's. uniform? Yea. Was et soldiers during the late Great War: misplaced? No. The result show:, Shrines of Britain's Glory 29—Temple Bar At the junetion of Fleet street afire the Strand, two of Old London's most historic streets, stands a memorial, which was erected in 1880 to mark the spot where the roadway was for- merly spanned by the famous ar_eh, known as Temple Bar,' which for many centuries was the main ens .trance to the eity of London on its western side. - Up to the 12th century the city was practically bounded by the walls i erected by the Romans during their occupation c,f Britain, but in Late Norman . days it extended its arca p~croas tee ,.FJeet, river or a lliatanee of about half 'a mile. Chains and bars were placed across the.roadway at the end of Fleet street to mark the new western boundary of the city. and. this barrier became known as Temple Bar, owieg 'to its proximity to the Temple, the •headquarters of. the Knights Templar, the powerful religious and military organization which played such a prominent part in the Crusades to the Holy Land. In a short time the barrier was re. placed by a pair of massive gates sur. mounted by a wooden archway, which stood until 1464, when it fell a victim of the Great Fire which destroyed more than three-fourthe of the eity.1 A new whiny, a hand'ome stone The prime mover in the foundation 1 for itself. But what sacrift; e'• How wives and- families be there now •' Those'.pals with whom we ,shared and shared alike, 6 toe on a loaf of bread for twenty-forr hours' rations, to say nothing- of other diseontforts, vermin etc., and all for what? To overthrow autocracy, to gain • . freedom of of St. Dunstan's Hostel was Sir. Art many,. of our•, pais' who deserted their. t thur Pearson, whose' business life as a newspaper publisher was so intim- ately associated with Fleet Street. . One of the many unique and an- tient privileges enioyed• by the citi- zens of London is their right: to pre - 'vent the reigning!. Vivereign ` from passing through the city withort their permission. In tee old days the gates of Temple Bar were closed on the approach of the sovereign, and were not opened until permission to enter the city had been asked of and granted by' : the Lord Mayor, and al. though the archway bas disappeared the old custom is still preserved, end, whenever the monarch visits the city he has to halt at the Temple Bar Me•. mortal, where he is received by the chief magistrate and other civic dig- nitaries in full state and escorted by them in his progress through; the streets of the city. SUMMER HEAT ' HARD ON BABY No season' of the year is so danger- ous to the life of the little ones as is the : srnimer. The excessive heat thratva..the little etomael...na1t_nt talee so quickly that" unless prompt aid is at hand, the baby may be beyond• all human help before the mother rea- lizes he is ill. Summer is the season when diarrhoea, cholera infantum dysentr-y and colic are most prevalent. Any of these troubles . may prove deadly if not promptly treated. Dur- ing the summer- the mother's best Wend is Baby's Own Tablets. They regulate the trowels, sweeten tine stomach and keep baby' healthy. The Tablets are sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25rents a box from 'The _Dr.._3Stilliantat' M eduitzc ('rte, ,fit nck- yilln Pint, • Consistent • Kaydet: "How old'• re you, Peg. eyed Femme: "Why, I am eighteen, Jack." "Eig':teenl Why you told me that five years ago." e "Well, I'm not one of those peor'o that say one thing one day and an. other the next." ' No one need endure the agony of corns 'with Holloway's Corn itemever at hand to xemove them. .. �.�..• .wry... �....,.• About the only thing the farmer don't raise! enough of now is farm hands. thought, to do away with sunproasiot: and raffle • the. standard of libv't•ty, And under whose direction was that great battle of.Vimy• founht, where• Canadians earned undying; fame,i Lord Byng,, who just walked. about in • an officer's uniform. Comrades, come! : pare- these two riten's records and their %tending:today in Canada. Witter is deserving of the bitching.of C i'rt ' diens? Does Anyone have to. '*site` such twaddle en this article in thea. ' Signal in an .attempt to deceive the publie as to his standing? You ran:i not keep a • good man down, M'• .1 t King's abilities have, got into a bad mess if he has to depend upon pen- ple's sympathies for election. This i4 the man for whom your :tvmpathy is asked. We are sorry for his father's! blindness, but this is the man who cut down the grant, to. the hospital fort blind soldiers in 'Toronto,. while his henchmen are reported to have made' 'thefiieetee:i iabuliiusly"tech stimugg .reg.e 1 You are being asked, comrades, to 3 send this man back again as Prime .1 Minister to enable his friends to .,e smurtlrle into rantela Amer!, an mete on trade goods, loaded with everyl t kind of dieseee terve known. t tr'1• Sanr's bard of Health will not allow, 1! them to be sold in the U.S.A. tut, Mr. King thinks they tiro all tight for these ('anadiane. This would' seen: to make him the champion oft the i'eople all right. And what is tate matter with this • North Huron eha:n• ' .pain' _ etthyeta .he.mastesitenetme...theto - saleicete e, . I' . wonuler ..why he could,. , • n't tell us how far the- mercy stolen, by the smrgglers would go towat•;l paying off the debt on C.N.R. lief made an awful howl last fall about 1 .342 voters losing their franeh!ce But not a murnnar out of him when 240,444 lost thein+, or of a couple of t Ring's ' henchmen disenfrnnehising1 from 2,500 to 4,000 Conservatives un' 1 Vancouver to defeat Ii. Il, Stevens. • who has pledged himself to put them . all out of business. They apparently !think if the Liberals are returned they' will not be interfered with. He " s has quoted Tion. A. Meighen's Hanel. 1 ton speech ern often that we look for 1 it every week. But not s word about SMPfWASHB ARD Above are Handled by A ve Gooda H e : JAS. C. CARRIE GODERICH EXCLUSIVE HARDWARE' The Drib' Ilarcltvare r"t. the %quire, SCHOOL OF COMMERCE CLINTON, ONTARIO • a Reopens TUESDAY, Y, SCEP 7`.zdr,92' 1 G Why not attend the•Schooi that has the Highly f lrft Qualified Staff The: only. School that teaches re .1. 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