The Goderich Star, 1926-06-17, Page 41
Special in Ladies' Tweed Coats
We are offering the balance of our stock of Ladies' Tweed
Coats at a remarkable reduction in price. Regular prices $16.00
• and $17.00, clearing at $10.95.
is Sunday, June 20th .
The way to make Dad happy is to
remember hint with a tie. We have
a wonderful array of Men's Ties.
We're ready for you with a great
selection of Straw Rats. The quality
is high, the price low.. You can save
money by getting your )sat from us.
Ladies' and Misses' Silk and
C epe Sp .rt Messes in the newest
shades and styles.
We have ;lust received a new ship.
silent of I.adie .' and lilisse:+' Pugs
Silk Dres,es; The styles are differ.
ent and they come in a wide assort*
inent of colors.
BAKER AND BELL GO FREE found not guilty by the jury on-
n-.- -..... Thursday morning after . nearly an
-Bateter ManAcquitted-of Charge of hour's deliberation. Re was charged
�. Subornation and Chas. Bell, of with- subornation of perjury -in eon.
Goderich, of. Theft of Giain from vection with an O.T.A. case last Dec.
Goderich Elevator.. ember. The Crown Attorney prose••
cuted the me and Mr. L. E. Dancey
• The Aloe sessions of the peace and acted for the defendant, Baker sold.
the county court were held last week some liquor to some young then, who
at the court hoitse, presided. over by at the trial told a Story that shielded
His honor ,fudge Lewis. On the civil Baker. Subsequent confessions and
list there were three casae entered ats charges of perjury followed and the
'fellows;' last chapter was the charge against
Bradaeek : vs. Jenkins—An action .Baker . of inducing these young men:
for trel gpags 3n removing gravel .and to. give false evidence. The evidence
rather material from a fault in the was inconclusive in the view of the
»,township cf Wawanosh. The plaintiff, jury apparently and Dakar was freed,'
as. Bradnock, and the defendant; In the charge against Charles Bell,
Jenkins; arefarn)ers residing in the Crown Attorney was assisted by
Qswnship of East Wawanosh; and R. C. Hays; jr., and D. E. Holmen
acted for the defence. The charge
019. eoifl' is the owner of E. half sof . was laid by ConataOZle.,Whitesides as
19, con. 1, upon which there is a'tiu result' of finding• a quantity of`
mete_el pit. For several years prior . to ,M
7s a 10th, 1924, the plaintiff and. de- rain at' Hell -able-
plc. Belt, how-
bsait ever, ,was able to explain how ha
,lhclant wore partners a the business came into possession of quite a quan-
rt►ennfneturing cement tile, and. tity of grain, from spills or from
,,Tied cn their business on the lot; sweeping out .of .boats some of which
ptu.nedi above, where they obtained pan '
their rand :and ravel. On June he cleaned on windy days, and some'
g he sold simplyfor: eed 'without; clean-
tkf), lf324, the partnership was dls< ing. • Th xlanation he offered of
'solved, the defendant continuing the p
how he' name into possession of the
-,,.• 'Mime, and to have all the gravel grain `being a plausible one, and the
be .required for the manufacture• of prosecution not being able to prove
d tile at 25 vents per square yard. The; their case to the • satisfaction of the
Plaintiff claims. that the defendant, out jury, Mr. Bell was given the benefit
or about June 25, 1925, commenced to i
,..^ of the doubt and freed of the charge .
,draw and and gravel : without au- The grand jury which was sum-
thirity, and when the plaintiff order. monsed for this court madethe fol.
ed him t till his farm•that the defendant lowing presentment; •
•{: assaulted him with a shovel, and went To Your Honor Judge T.ewis.
on with his team and men and con- ' We, your grand jurors, beg leave
tinned to draw gravel. The plaintiff to report. We wish_ to thank you for.
then obtainedan injunction restrain- i
nstrurtm us as toaur duties,
'olg the drfcndant from going on the we appreciate. .
find and removing sand and gravel. In the jail we found all the depart.
The plaintiff asked thatthe injunction stents clean. Ten prisoners are con-
✓ be made 'perpetual, and ,asked $1001 fined at present. Two are insane and
damages for assault, Judgment re- t should be removed to suitable insti..
served, L. E. Ducey for plaintif, 3,1
tutione as soon as pospible.
M. Best for defendant. We were pleased to visit the Chil-
Two other cases, O'Connor .vs. Wald dren's - Shelter and found seven chit-
lace and Young vs. Coultis. were ad- i dren. • These look clean, neat and
, journed by consent; the ;former to al cheerful. The building appears very
r •.day to be fixed by the court and the; suitable.
latter to the next sittings of the; We visitedethe House of Refuge in
' . oilrt, in December. Clinton. Ninety-two innihtea are
•The ease of O'Connor vs. Wallace Is being eared for. It seemed to us,
, n action by Thos. O'Connor. of Ash- these inmates require great care,
std. against the executors of the late In our opinion the Goderich Hospi-:
'atria Wallace, against whom the tal is a very well equipped institu.
•:•tlaintiff.: batten unsatisfied_ judgment tion. The matron demonstrated to
f r 4186.75, and the action is for this us -the .rayic, ; shawhir thdi gnat -id.
amount and costs. • vantage it is in dt hospital.. We
Young va. corms is an action, tar think the county should surport it
eramages, by Wm. Ii. Young and Thos. liberally.
Sturdy against John Coultis. In 1924 We wish to thank heads of these.
the plaintiff Sturdy sell the growing apind *existenceblic untions for
r thineir courtesy
hey off lot 40, con. 5, East \tawanosh, Signed on bin our
lf of your grand
to the defendant, who stored the
hay in the barn on the premises, in jcryr,
1825 Mr. Sturdy agreed to sell the n Fattman.
lands to Mr. Young upon the agree, Datecl June loth, 192°.Ment that the latter was to have im-
mediate passe:micn. The defendant
it Is .claimed, held possession of the SOFTBALL
tarn until after haying in 1925, to the
clan+age•-of•-the - �plaintifl'ee•who were The Trainaten Finely.
unable to use the barn to store the Cellar • --•
1925 eropr, hence the action.
There Here two charges on thehe two beat games of the season
criminal lint and the trial of both i so far found the Transportation team
cues took up a good deal of time, taking the wrong rod of the" score on
the court net concluding rntil Satur- 9 bothto e*sien*. ae Thursday y in de* efterno.n at 3 o'clock,the
Thornton Baker, of Exeter, . was ing, scoring four of the twelve runs
_Banking and Profit
WHEREVER goods are bought and
red Benkieg has a service to render
-«a service which simpiiiiee trans-
aetlon* and render* then 'rare pro-
fitable. During • more than Fifty
Year* of constructive banking Prat'.
ties the Standard Bank of Caned*
hu built rp throughout the Do-
minion a loyal elientek who have
teemed to rely on thin flank's *er-
. kir.
ani his cheeses* lilt bsieppy style. • the season one of interest and profit. e
The result of this game tightens Lion Wm. Lane, who, by the way, is
t r the race tato some knot and at standing the expense of framing the
present nobody can claim * mortgage beautiful "moral codes" which the;
K. ,
on the pennant, as all teams still have Club is placing in the schools, made! •
1 a ehsaee to grab it. A few more some happy remarks. Mr. L. C. 1
i•}ares will tell the tale. Langdon was introduced by Lion Lee
THURSDAY, JUNE lith, 1928
tallied and then on Friday even.
though they fielded their strongest
lirie-up,' having Jimmy Wiggins and,
Jack Stewart, sr„ on hand, they failed
to hold the Paddler$ wbo came out on
top 8-1. '
The Thursday night fracas was a.
daddy and the fans were all pleased,
with it, for neither team bunched its
hits nor its errors and the Hon. Mr.
Score did not attain unto great
heights as is his wont., Both twirl-
ers, .McManus' and Turner, turned in
clever efforts and -were well support.
ed by their mates, the fielding at all
and gave the gathering . some inter -
continued on their testing information about the new
aesrry way towards the toll when boats which are to can at Goderich FILM
they banded McManus A Co. another starting next season, sad Mr. Leon -
detest to add to their list, 11-8 being and Downey, another. visitor, was in-
the final reckoning. troduced by Mr. Macdonald Gibbs and
The third inning of this tilt worked expressed his pleasure at being pres-1
like magic wonders for the Canoers, ent. After quitting the dining table)
as it was in this frame, that they ' many of the gathering enjoyed a
garnered in six of their tellies. The short dance, with Mr. Jack RlcDeermid
Square took this lead to heart and at the piano:
never came back with enough fight =
to even up the count. This Is one PEOPLE WE KNOW
quality which apparently the Square
do not carry in their bag and so Miss Emily Buchanan is away on
far it has cost them a least two a visit to Toronto.
games. If they would only buckle Mrs. Del. Worthy and little daugh-
down to business and play the game ter, Elva, spent Sunday in London.
in the manner which they are able Miss Rita Weis* has returned home
to, no team in the league could beat after spending her vacation in De -
them. They have 'the natural ability trait.
—a11 they need new is the "desire to r Miss Jessie Swafiieid returned
win" .spirit. Then watch them go, borne this week after visiting in Lon-
don and Cleveland.
'NOTES Misses Fannie Mew and Stella
Harry Sanderson's migration from Clark, of Detroit, visited at their re.
second base to left~ field on the Trans- apective homes here recently.
portation tenni has been.for the good :Mfrs. Ernest Young and small
and any long flies in his direction are
sarin "napooed:' The move from sec. daughter, Ardis, of Detroit, are visit.
and to centre field for Bill Weir ended ing 14rs. Wm, Young, Park St.-
up the other way, as Bill had a bad Mr. 3. H.•Sinipson, leaves tomorrow
session in the tilt with the C.R.A. morning for Olean, N.Y., on a month's
The scores are .becoming more res- visit to his sister, Mrs. J. M. Chap-
sonable now, the improvement in both man.
the pitching and"fielding likely being . Mrs. Cayley •and . daughter, Helen,
the cause. of Stratford, are guests of the lady's
In all probability Bill Barlow will
be on the mound for the Transporta.
tion team in their next game. Then
look out for this team 1
Program for Sixth Session, to' Be
Held in Goderich, July 19th to
The sixth 'session •of the' Goderich
Summer School will be held Mcir70y,
July 19th, to Monday, July 26th, and
the program -le a very fine one, The
sessions of the school will be held ip
Victoria street church this year, and
meals will be the 'basement
of North street church,
After breakfast the period devoted
to worship and song will open at
times being sensationally air-tlght.lMillson45, o DeofeLondon.Thisted by 'Bev. �will
Ath b
B mem e o e t r n a
fth tribe xns
:'� ., ae
. . I : o ow d �� t ,0; . .
union, Mathieson and 'Jacle 'Stewart, t d 11 a it ill a.m. , . Lon
Jr., decided it was. thein night to cop Study" Rev. B. H. Robinson, 01 Low
the fielding honors and they mom. • don, conducting; a series of studies in
iilished thefeat in great style, !loth- the book of'Genes]s. Starting at 10.
ing slipping through their territory. a.m. ,a 20 -minute period will ,be de-
voted, to recreation,. in &barge of Rev.
Hitting was light, nobody connect-
ing for the foo E. JHovlston,•of Arkona. 'At 10,20 circuit, but Ed. Sparc each day a series of studies in Home
did his best to have his name enrol-
led among the followers of Ruth. Missions will be conducted by. Rev, M.
M. Bennett, of . Wingham; and from
His mammoth clout had 1M eManun bs 11 to 12:30 will be devoted. -to study
Ca. unsettled for a few moments and classes as follows-': • Foreign iMisezons,
things looked bright for Barlow's. Rev,. E. C: .Welford, M.D., China
Pets but the next two hitters failed (Ctttna and Mod rn Medicine b Har,
to come through. old•B.alme); The First Hundred Years
The game certainly was interest: of !Canadian: Missions, Rev- L. C.
ing at all times and WaS a good sem kite, Nile; young People's• Leaders.
pie of what aoftbeli can really be. Mrs. Elsie R, .Smith, Toronto; C. S.
Any repetitions will be cordially wet- E. T., Mr. Benson Pentland, member
toured. of Provincial Boys' Parliament;
• Two men out in the ninth and no- Teacher. Training (The' Teacher) Miss
M;" Robertson, Goderich: The after -
body on --Bert Sanderson was never neonis devoted to rebreation, in
closer to a shut -out in his life and
likely will have ,trouble getting. as charge of Rev. Mr. veapon, er;;Ai`
well acquainted again—but 'Jimmy k°r'a After supper,.vesper services
st ,tin at '7:15 wtl1 be conducted
byWiggi s► veteran of $odeas lenowg
RSV. ' C. -Tait, of ' 1 'n
how many" hard -ball battles,stepped Re ' M. , G ancon, and at 8
up; and with a long line -dive into. o'clock there+will be the usual public;
deep left changed the nothing into a meetings, Monday- evening will be
one. It was a tough break for Bert, devoted to a camp fire on the beach,
For Tuesday, evening the speaker will
for he surely deserved a shut -out but be Rev. D. C. McGregor, D.D,, of
such is baseball and such ft Wigging. London; Wednesday evening, Rev 'E.
C. Wilford,. M.De, of China, will
speak;" and Thersday evening,. M.
Elsie R. Smith, of Toronto. The pro-
gram for Friday is yet to be arrang-
ed. '
On Sunday, the . 25th of July, the
usual morning services will be held
at 11 a.m. At 3 o'clock. in the after-
noon the consecration service will
take place in Victoria street church
and at '7 p.m. the grand rally and
closing service 'wilt be in charge of
Rev. W. E. Millson. D.D.
It looked like a win for the C.P.R.
•C.N.R. combine on Friday night all
right, for with the Stewart "father
and son" battery, backed with an in.
ver and outer defence such as they
had, the trainmen have a,likely look.
ing' outfit. Failureto hit when the
'lacks were occupied ;;:spelled defeat
for the railroaders, as they had little
difficulty& in getting on but when it
looked as if runs might mnterialiae
Sanderson and his cohorts tightened
up and retired the side.
.-The- Paddlers'-: infield.. looked... Clete
Al again and other teams are begin -
they know that soon they have to
meet the M.C.C. on the battle field.
The race is certainly developing into
x lively one and nobody)* venturing
opinions as t'o sure things for win.
nen :nf the Goderich Soft.Ball League
P ' L T
G. C. I.
;M. C. C 4 3 1 0
1i. R.A 4 3 1 0
Purity Flour 3 1 1 1
Square.... 4 1 3 0
Transportation . 0. ,4 0
The Millers Leer Their First; The
Square Fall to the Paddlers
What promised to be two lively
aryn p enj,s last Friday developed into
rather Hitless efTairs, bath losers fal-
ling down badly in fielding.
The Purity Floor who pact counted
on drawing • even with the school 'l»
winning from the C.R.A. were badly
beaten, having the score doubled on
them. In the early stanzas they
. turned out acme nice work and the
eptetatiirrie yetttten ddowrt• to wuted *let. the new &hie 3te...J. A..: Crnhrtn, .;
tight battle, but before the half way! was held on Friddty evening last at
,nark bad been reached the millersieHotel Sunset, when a geed number
took a bad spell and away went the of the members and ladies sat down
ball game. Weir. who should hue- to the goad 'Wage provided by the
been at home ht his old position, the= capable staff of the hotel. Chief
centre garden, had an awful night, Grahatn trade s very Utterable Wi-
no less than three error* being his pression by the way he eondreeted the
lot, cne of there giving Hadden the +proceedings and Lion 'Fred $tardy
only homer of the game. The infield had charge of the eommenity singing
also had a shaky session and for a between courses, whkh he earrkd oR
time the boys from *trees the river in Rood *tyle. Airs. A. J. MacKay,
ran rid. fahiit on the "hot torner" gave' a choice solo d firing the pro.
played hie usual r5ectivt gime and gtram after the banquet with Mr..
!along with the battery and i'arrieh Macdonald Gibbs playing her aecnm _
in right tried to stens the tide, but it paniment, and very graciously re- -
Iwas a hopekes task. - epondkd ewiee to the very hearty eat
On the r.ther hand Saltfard played Saw*. 1 r.t'hkt Dr. (show gime *
lir eteellent form, and looked every short address on-Idowisai. in width
bit as gond as they did last year. he pointed est several thugs whkh
'Their changed line -rep worts mutt,- LMaism did net iii and "Olt*
and the ampere they .1,4 is ieb doted the Am =It
service for
iibaet is sap great. Dag. Naira's which it sued. Most Orabase er-
. '& every over 31NMoi isdeat ta ae+se sg the
The School of Commerce, Clinton,''
Ont.,has the pleasure during the past
week of presenting to their students',
the following awards; given by the',
Underwood. Typewriting Co., for work
written on the Underwood Typewrit.'
ing tests for the month of May. Cell=
tilfcates to; Mary Collyer,,'Clinton,
33 words per minute; PearlTaylor,'
Auburn. Ont., 34 words per minete;
Lorette Kinahan, Auburn, Ont., 30
wroe per minute; oAnnie Simmons,
Exeter, 31 words per minute; Marie
Gravelle, Goderich, Ont., 33 words
per minute. Bron*& medals: Won
by Kenneth Hunt, Clinton, Ont., 40
words per minute; woe; by Mabel
Wright, Lnndeaboro, Ont., 41 words
per minute. Silver Medal, won by
Evelyn Reed, of Goderich, for writing
at 52 words per minute. Gold Medal,
won by Ernest Barker, of Godkich,
for writing 61 words per minute.
Chief Grahaat Presides at Lieu'
Club's Ladies' Night at. Hotel, Samt
The opening gathering of the God.
'rich Lions' Club under the direction
Developing, Printing
and Enlarging"
The Rexall Drug Store
Bedford Block - - Goderich
Montreal, wide a party for a summer
abroad. On his return he will join
his mother, Urs. J. F. Button, et
Denver, who is en route .for Loa An-
geles, Cal., their future home.
Blyth;. an instrumental by IKintail
branch. Miss Chapman, assistant
superintendent of Women's Institutes,
gave a very .interesting address on
institute work, and what it has done
for the individual woman. Clinton
DISTRICT WOMEN'S INSTITUTE • gave the invitation for the next dia-
The district annual meeting of the 1 trict annual to be held there next
West Huron Wornen'.s Institute was year.
held in the council . chambers, Wing -
ham, on Wednesday, June 2nd, at..10 SCHOOL REPORTS
mother and sister, Mrs. McNally' and a.m. The meeting opened. by sing- S. S. -No. 17, Ashfield
The following is the report of the -
Mrs. Cele, ing the Instituto Ode and repeating pupils ef S. S. No. 17, Ashfield, for
Mrs. Clarence fatter and „Mists_ the Lords 'Prayer in unison. Tho the month of May: Jr. V..—Hugh
Wipnie Gliddon, of Detroit, are visit- minutes of last meeting were read McWhinney, 61. Jr. IV,-wMarion
ing at the home of their parents;. Air: and approved. Reports of the dif.Johnatan, 68; :.Clayton Dennis, . 63;
Mfent branches were then read, each Jack Johnston, 58; Elmer Black, 44.•
lair. Ogle Needham; of., Pinkerton named doing some special work. The Jr. III. --Billy Brown, 69; Jean Johtu.
' f 11 owing ocers were eiectel!
spent a day last week with his grand. presidet, 1Mirs. Geo. Cruikshank; let Ston, G5; Margaret Johnston, 60; Nel-
parents; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Russell, son Pearson, 44. Jr. `.IT. -•,••Benson '
Wells St., Goderich.. •• vice pres., Mrs. Robs. McKenzie; 2qd grown, Russel Dennis. Jr. Pr. --
vice pres., Mrs. H. Little; sec.-treas., i Goldora Dennis, . Ruby Dennis. P - •
Mr. and. Mrs. 1'enwarden and son; Mrs. J. J. Elliott. The, a#ternoon feet attendance—.lean Johnston, Mar
Don and Miss Ruby fatovell, of session opened at 1.30 with commune- gates Johnston, Clayton Dennis.
Mount Forest, were Sunday guests of ity singing, foliotved by president's M. T, FOSS, Teacher.
Lt.-Col.•and Mrs. Dunlop. address, music by St. Helen's branch, I:
Mr. and Mrs. R. T. Phillips and Mr. a reading .by Mrs. R. J. Phillips, of Dignified, silence is often the re.
and )4rs. Wm. Rivere motored over Goderich; a recitation by. Mrs. Mc- sun of not knowing what tosay--
to .visit Rev and Mrs. R. F. Irwin, of Kenzie; a solo by Mrs. Fingland, of i. e.. ignorance. . •
Seaforth,.one day -last week.
Mr. Thos. Ramsey,. and daughter, '
Mrs. R. J..Cantelon, of Detroit, spent
the week with Mr, and Mrs.. Robert
Russell, Welts St., Goderich.
Mr. and Mrs. Ogle Russell and son,
Eldon, of King'arf, spent Monday
with- her: parents, Mr, and Mrs. • Rob.
ert Ru*welt, Wells St., Goderich.
Mrs. Al McQuarrie and son, Don -
aid, of Toronto ,;are' in town visiting
a Mrs. IteCluartle'e old home, the re-
sidence o: Mr. and Mrd. C. A. Nairn.
' The engagement is announced of -
Margaret 'Taylor Wilson, of Goderich,
Ontario, to Mr. George McDonald, of
Bluevale, Ont. the marriage . will
take place quietly on June 17th.. i
Mr. and Mrs. Fletcher Gliders an
nounce ' the engagement of their
daughter;: `Grace, to Mr. Carl Irani
son, of Detroit.. The .marriage will
take place the latter part of June.
Mr. Cheer,. of the Goderich•Canning
and Evaporating Co., has returned.
from Niagara Falls, where he was
learning theoperation of • some ape-
tial machinery which will be required
at the plant here,
Misses Cowan, Powell and Bur -
wash, of the G.C.I staff, leave for
their respective homes theend of the
week for the summer vacation. Miss
Cowan has resigned her position on
the staff here.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tewsley and
son, of Long Beach, Cal., are visiting
Mrs. Fletcher Gilderswho is a sister"
of Mrs. `Tewsley.. The Tewster& are
motoringand are going, back by way.
of Winnipeg and Moose Jeer.
Mr. and Mrs. James Hume and chil-
dren, of ' New York; Mr. Donald
Hume, of . Toronto, and Mr. Alex.
Hume, of London, will be week -end
guests with their relatives'. in town.
Mrs. Hume and children will be re-
maining for some time.
Mrs, Ed, Johnston, sr., and Mr. and
Philips, East.s$
Vantage of, the-'t:rokhountl exentiiion'
to visit the Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Hed.
ley at Essex and while there motored
over to visited the widely renowned
bird faun of .tack Miner at Kingsville.
Miss Mary Pinder, of Cleveland,
Ohio, visited the past week at the
home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W,
R. Pinder. On her return to the city
on Wednesday she was accompanied
by her mother, who will attend her
daughter's. graduation as nurse at the
Cleveland hospital,
John Medford Button; formerly of
Goderich, was among those receiving
diplomas at the University of Michi-
gan commencement , exercises June
14th. He will sail' the 25th, from
v •S
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hot co Foam i: ibeerxes
Everything new and fresh: Give us a triol order
e Drop in and have a
A full line of Choice Confectionery, on Saturday.
may_ i
It's safe to buy your
tires wherever you..
see this sign, for the
efficient Dunlop 'Of-
ficial Dealer stakes
his reputation on and
invests his money in
DainMrg► Ogkisl *srviee Devote
1P1.. 3. laenaii+a. Goderich
Urea illeier Balsa► Gedorirh
laise>ra►aar & 'Matt. Dederick.
)Ill) Hjtretware+ Ca. Asiana
W. la tiwdehiai�i,