The Goderich Star, 1926-03-25, Page 71,111...,. "l9'1t7R1l.DZY, MARCH Skit, 1!!a I 11 1 11 1111 11 1 1 11 11 • 1 1111 11 . Holel Taller DETROIT Sao Room -- SOO Baths $2.550 per Dai 3001 pp Arabian Restaurant Gothic Grill Cafeteria Tea Room C., C'. SCH 41TZ General h!Aatsgoe Or Indipstiall Oassik Yet Surto My Ewsry ilii in The sufferer from tifapemen or in- digestion who has to luck sued •cheeee hitt food is the most taitseraWba of an mankind. Bleu the little ie does eat muses sates torture, and is digested so imperfectly that it does kis little What the dyspeptic needs is mot artificial digeet*nte, but aosaething that will put the etonseb. right se that it will mattufacturc it* twit digestive ferments. a Will De/This For Meta li !Sunday Afternoon( 'By ISABEL HAMILTON, Gsicketcif; Oat. La mama opoommoomsomsmatiossemsussomeasuswia moss ustousi In We did not see Thee lifted high each upon his pierced body or heard his Amid that Wild and savage crew, voice or seen signs of his resurrect - Nor heerd Thy meek, imploring ere, ion. "Blessed arta they that have Pereira+, the ]snow not what they not seen. and yet have believed." doe Jesus in his last discourse to hia die - Yet 'we believe the deed was done tiptoe said that after he was risen Which ,shook the earth, and veiled he would go before them into Galilee the syn. (Mark 14:28). We stood not by. the empty tomb In the latter part of• today's lesson Winne late Thy sacred body lay, we find that the disciples had left Nor sat within that upper room, Jerusalem and were in ti3eir, native Nor met Thee in the open weay : country. Galilee, and engaged in But we believe that angels said, their fernier oeculv►tion of fishing. 'Why meek the living with the dead?' The very prat night they caught • t1t�i11�►tbi:I'i WAR i'arriaghsisr and Itagiteeer Pa sea -••-aa metier se 7[4Warner W er and Wet. Waisur of West W a noak. The roes of West Wx presented kis kill elf work done the lwuriary-anointing .tu 9313. A'ri sulitiva was passed, on riot of Councillors Goldthorpe and You declaring the Colborne council posed to the Township Trustee 13 as it now steads. The clerk was structed to send the same to Minister of Education. Moved F. Wilson, seconded by H. Hill, t if the meeting called together to eelve the report of last year's de gates to the O. E. A. appoints (or more) to represent the towns at Toronto this year, that expen be laid by council.••• -Carried. A solution to be presented to the eon ty council at next sitting was pa nothing.' Zile miracle, then. which sed, on motion of Nr. Wm. You PRAYER.;and Mr. H. Hill. in favor of lower' Oar Heavenly Father,. we thank followed, would appear all the more by at least 30 per eent. the lice y remarkable. As they drew near 'the on cars and radii Thee that we know that thoi gh shore, a stranger, for such in the to not leas than cents ttax on g Thou villa art all unseen yet Thou art grey of the dawn he seemed to be, The ,glory ,was , itts(txuctnd to staztding by strengthening our faith called te. them to cast .their net on we the :proper ant n needs. Amen. srace sufficient for the right side of the ship and they payment of authorities dor a t would find fish. A writer supposes ent patient -4M a result of report S. S. LESSON FOR APRIL 4th, 1926 the right side MI5 that nearest the ,committee of investigation Orde tter- ciatitan wee Own read. Moved by alt- Cameron and Hackett both be played we- on elle. earned. mow hp Market: waawsh and Black that council give a grant on of 81( to the Children's Shelter. $5. Carried. On motion of Anderson ion and Hackett the renting w.t.. left to ttg the Star Company. The auditor* op- , gave their- report, and on motion of Black and Anderson, was duly re- in- eefred. The following aceaunts were ., the ordered paid, on motion of Hackett! W by; and Cameron: Local Board of hat Health, first meeting, 913; registrtt re tion of births, deaths and marriugee," le- 916.50; M. Hogan, breaking road, 24; one Jno. A. Johnston, paying teen for hip work on reed. 92.50; fleta'ry Gurd- ses ner, snow roads, #4,25; Ronald lie- J re -Lean, salary as auditor 914. rupplies s n- 50 cents, 914.55; Win. McCarthy. f ' s- salary as auditor, 914: W. P. Reed, • ng balance salary 910, exise :''tamps i,, ' ng 218.83,'`postage 92.31, supplies 24.25. Beet 1 Patin ty?fes T DO YOU ISML - A�ILre? 40 a „41111 satrilPi 'i1•sn wh is sale ss b LongIds• tants may save It! �1,tel on't wait," says Henry ,,IA)•-', "use Me telephone:" preparing report 97, 942.34; R. Bis - as sett, snow road. 92: Jno. Courtney,: - __. _ ._. _ e Its snow road, 9G; Perry McCarthy.` SCHOOL REPORTS 1 Ilulkawai"s i',rtt F'nover takes ite snow road, 92; Jno. Jamieson, super- the earn out by the "o•1ts. Try11 lie of 1i. No. 7, rep r t : and prate ft he shiers, 924.50: Wm. Clare, paying The following w the report of 8.8.i t ntlis- men and beetling ditch. $4; C. E. M. No. : Colborne! for January and I of Donagh. expenses with law suit, I b' e b ruary: V . -� *Csrman Stevens, .-� rs #8.e5,,•t°J'no. H. Webster, hauling titee':62. Jr. IV. -Verna Lee, 70. Sr. III. CANADIAN NATIONAL, RY! It- culvert, ¢5. Bylaw No, 2. appoint -I -,:.Beta Fisher. ,3• Milford laurel Lesson Title -Toots Appears to shore where there was the least pro- on the treasurer were drawn for e 'Biseiples. oability of taking fish. Their great •• ly two accounts, viz: Brown Br Lesson Passsgt obn 20:24.29 ; haul and their recd ninon of Jesus; ors,, cash book for treasurer, #18 ..- .15-17 with his invitation to them to dine, 'Jn°Fowler, for gravel and .work followed and th 3 entered - e oth- tng John Kilpatrick road superin-t f,2. Jr, III. --Norman Dvrst, 69; {p n +�'O :I#0, tendent; bylaw No. 3 providing for Elmer Lee. 52. Cr. II. *Thelma Al- TRAIN SERVICE o ��RAf�B! expenditure were duly. passed. ('oun-111th, 80. Jr. II.- 1h'311a Bolton, 84; Delbr itsvaapt RsutWwr Golden Text•-4ohm 20:29. , osis one in (F b. account), 915.50. Meeting to conversation ith Stenon Peter, t journal to April 13th at 2 p.m. Jesus made his first appearance to Three times when Jesus was in . G. J. IHETHERIINGTON, his' disciples on the evening of the the hands of his enemies Peter h ltd rel adjourned, on motion of Black I A.mmerson Durst, 68, Sr. I.-- •lined Liao, Goderieh G (lel it in. 9.20 pact. and Cameron, to meet March 92nd Fisher, Jr. I, ---Dorothy Fisher. Pr. ., at 1 p.m.Clintonti t3$ min. '?.:ad p.sR. I -Harold Stevens,SRuby Young, ,. Clint n ti •I t n uta. J.l2 in. C. E, .leDONAGal, Clerk. t Norma Lee. Number on roll 14. „ . ' P ' Average attendance 11. Perfect at- itilitrhutl i01 st in. :1.4 pan. Beeiet from cAomplete relief r can uf-1 tendance for Januar D. Tisher. :1rt_. +ilaa(fortl 7.. X311 ti. in. 4,',1,0, p.ur, scribe the complete relief' -from sur perfect attendance for I�'eb:tun s, l i�ilehpnttr ai "?0 man. iritic. feting which follows the use of •y? Flmrr T.ee, Ruby Young" ' missed nitelah tt t.i sa set.' .S.a0 m. ,T. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy ? p• examinations. 1 " Taront.n 10.111 n,, 7.30 tem. that can express the softling of joy Gemini) JEFFERSON, Teacher. Ratti ning•---I,eatsa Toronto 6.4:, a.nt,, that comes when its and gentle e r sd I. first day of the week. His second denied any knowledge of 'TeemTownship ('lerk.. appearance to them was one week. Now he gives him three chances to . Ashite ld later, when they were again aisem- declare his love. Once he had pro -1 .,..; bled together. Since that time the tested that "though all men shall be Council met Feb. •18th, allme:t- first day of the week has been,ob- offended because of thee, yet will I bets present. Minutes et former served in the church as the Cris. never beoffended," thus claiming meeting read and approved, on mot- tian Sabbath, commemorative of the love superior to bis fellow disciples. ion of Cameron and Anderson. resurrection of Christ. At his 'first Now when. Jesus enquired if ,oto loved i Walker Murray waited on council appearance in the' room where the him mere than these, Peter mads' regarding the assessment on three disciples were, Thomas was not pres- no pretensions to superior' love.- acres belonging to leis mother and ent. On Iris, return the .others said Humbly, yet confidently, oto said, now assessed for 9500. This was to him, "We have seen the. Lord.. ;'9rea, Lard; thou knowest that I love left until next meeting. Wm. Quite. Thomas replied that he must dot Thee." From the time of lads first ley put in a; claim for broken cutter more' than see 'before he would be. protestation until the morning, by and .harhess. Left over until next lieve. He must 'examine the hands the Sea of Tiberias Peter had had; meeting. Notice of the ' Municipal to. see if they were the very ones 1. time for, bitter accusation against Association and Good -Roads Asses that had been nailed to the cross, himself and a sight of the risen ' and, more than that, he would have Lord breathing. peace upon thpom on ' to be permitted. to •thrust his hand . two previous occasions, had wrought into the pierced' side. Ocular proof 1 a change' in the one-time impulsive was what he. demanded, not- testi- Peter. "Henceforth be was one of mony of who even ten others -'had the mostharm and . unwavering of - all seen, would be Sufficient. By his: de-' the apostles, and thus fully justified the appellation of .a rock, which the Saviour by anticipation had given him." Jesus took thisoccasion to give Peter a special charge and to secure his future. 'obedience. Fre' gave into .his hands the care, guidance and protection. of • . his • church, snaking - special reference to those young. in years and Christian experience. It is in obedience to ,this"- com- mand, "Feed my lambs," that Sun- day schools have - been ' established and are proving an' effectual ,means of extending the knowledge of the Mlnard'a is the enemy off"' j an rhet,ntatic troubles. # Rech it 1n,,thoroughly.,and -often► ''• It eases :the pain, supple* • . - the joints, puts :tow life ...int9.the-Sissies. ,• Btu(' it in pg - - claration of unbelief he , gave the Saviour' an opportunity of eonvinc- nffg all of the, disciples of.the truth of. his resurrection. 1 e proved, too; that he was ' henceforth omnipresent. Thomas had spoken his - unbelief and what he would insist upon before he wouldbe convinced, untothe: dears oqf, the: disciples bot he was heard by • ; the. unseen, . Savloyrt On his second appearance they were all present and after saluting them as a whole he turned his attention. to; Thomas. The words Thomas had used the pre- vidus week fell now upon his own ears:: He hoard himself personally Saviour ate home and of spreading rivited to -put to the ,proof -of the The gospel abroad.:: reeurrereiaon, of Jesus:' ,instead, he • . WORLD MISSIONS knew it was the Lord jest as the. ten Christians in` Tibet bade. nntl Ile at 'once acknowledged'"` .prom the Indian as :well as from the sovereignty ' and divinity of Mitt; " "My LOW ' sial"-' my " God." the •Chinese ,border, attempts to :en= This decIaratign Jesus too ter Tibet are being made, and the ' 'I • 'k as an ' expression of '.his belief and cam- National Missionary Society of In- 9 mended him for it but commended:dia-has recently been giving the, sub- mended highly .the faith of, those who : jeer special consideration. 'Td its shouldbelieve, without having look- .organ, The National Missionary In- telligencer, T. Nasib Ali Writes t•.: - .- "The best. -method ofopening the . T. SWARTS' ffuto and lions Liver }facts :Stales, ElC. 1ti ontrea! Strosjt Just off the Square SEVERAL FIRSTCLASS AUTOS READY +ifOR SF,RViCE GET- YOU ANYWHERE AND WHEN YOU .WANT TO GET THERE 'Busies Meet all Trains and 'Passenger Boats ' Passengers called tor in any part of the town for all trafns•at H. T. R. or C. P. R Depots Prompt Service and Careful Attendance. 10.4 lir Our Livery and Hack Service will be found up•toodate in every respect. is Your Patronage Solicited T. S1NARTS phone 167 Moetreel Street HWANTED The Water and Light Com- mission wish to purchase some good, straight, sound. ' CEDAR POLES thirty (3o)fretloth; with at least ' seven 1,`7)-,111t.:•ih• , top. Pales to be deliver- ed in yards at Gorierich Quotations received on any quantity.fro:n five to fifty. t'or any further partied- l'ats apply to 1. B. KELLY, Sftpt., Goliericb- or . L. L. KNOX, Secy, G+rd�lleh �* - tray to. Tibet is : to send a ,a,ian . who Inas our Husband is fi- ent •in -the Tibetan language and one who -world start work as u trad- ? er, because for' nothing else does the Got hndlgest. a. Government give permission to en- • ter Tibet" He continues: "Tbcugh Tibet is in a way" closed -to us, there ng creates • domestic discord aro Christians there, and the "coun- oickecker r than an attack of indigest- try is not • without Christian wit- hin, and nothing gets,rici of }ndigeste 'nesses, the Lord is working'there -Ion-quicker nthat' Bisurated ted r;d, Magnesia. ,u marvelous way. ' I ani aeye-wit- • No ananecan be sweetlempered, good natur•cd or even -fair minded when his stanuteli: is constantly sick, sour, gassy. and upset, with • after -eating distress. 1! your ht:sband has stom- ach trouble neither scold nor pity him,. but help hint by seeing that he has sj supply of • Bisurated Magnesia (eitlice ptO,vder•or tablets) constant- ly at Iinnd. ; A teaspoonful o€ powd- er or two tablets taken. i» a little water --after meals - will 'instantly neutralize the acids in his stomach that. are causing his trouble and he can enjoy his .meals with no more fear of indigestion. .Bisurated Mag- nesia is the special forn, of. Magnesia used by thousands to neutralize stome tela acidity and quickly avei:comu lits #}igesstien eelb .not confuse with'Milk, Carbonate. Block or Citrate of Mag- nesia. Resist' an Bisurated. Its .act'. ion is safes, prompt and sure,, and it. can be obtained at small grist from any, reliable drug . store. -• ness-: to it, have visited Lhasa, and every year tour in that country in Connection with my business. I will never forget.how -once in the streets of, Lhasa I carne across a shop of a Buddhist merchant wh6se' wife sang Christian hymns to ane ,to 'my great joy and wonder (she had learned them in Kaliriapong. near Darjeel- ing)• Again once I lied an, inter- , r1'ew with the Prime Mi m;stet, .of Tibet, who said to "What beau- tiful love -is to be found. tri 'yorr Christian .religion.' Also once in the city of Shig'iacha where dwells the: Tashi Larna, in a chop I saw hug on - the walls.. several pictures of Christ" . - _.- Old Mr.: Carter' !Jellied by Simple Mixture p lei xture "After taking Adlerika I feel better than for years. At my age. (fill) it is ideal -so ditie!rent front :AVOIDED other Medicines," (signed) W. . W. Carter, Adlerika is a simpl- AN OPERATION neft of buckthorn hark, glycei- nae, etc., • which removes GAS in ten ntinutes, and often brip,s surprising relief to the stomach. Stops that full bloated feeling. Brings out old waste -matter yod Never thought was in your �ys- Compound the Credit tem. 'Excellent for chronic con- stipation. CAMPBELL'S 1)PUG STPRE. Mrs. Dayniaan Gives Lydia E. Pinkbaalla's Vegetable Colborne, silntario.-"When I was first .married I was very thin and weak. The doctor said' I was weak and would never be able to have a child,but I did, and rom the time My baby canto. I suffered all the time and doctored d took medi- efite:'csi ifir beton* ,.burden, and doe.• said an oper. ation could hells me, , t nnf hu • • wase posed to that. I had /teen Lydia E. Pinkham's medieine advertised. so I told' my bus - hand that I thought I world try it, that I might get some, relief, if not a cure. I had not taken one bottle when I could feel it ht(plsg tie. I took five bottles and hMbetter health, Now I have three Kirks and a boy and have dont my work no to confine- ment. I am now at the (Ilene of Lift+ and ewe my good itrala to Lydia E. I'inkhym's Vegetable Compound. I take *bottle whets I think. I need it." ,Mos. Susa' DAYMAR, R. R. No. 5. " Collx'n4►, Ontario. tia:d by druggidtt everywhere. o • MUNICIPAL COUNCILS Colborne Council niet in the tortnship hall at 1 p, in. March 9th, all anefnbers present, the reeve. presiding. The minutes of February meeting were read and adopted on motion of Mes- ars. Wilson and Goldthorpe. The engimren`n action to • the „ preoporcd, ,, u Sharpe's creek drain was read by the clerk. After it was thoroughly dos- - eussed by several interested from W. Wawanosh and Colborne, the whole matter was left,in the hands of 'a committee composed of the councils of Colborne and West Wawanosh, CASTOMA Por blasts iniad CbIldren. ht 0*. FOP (hoer 3OYrlrs Always bears the Signature of atyflnenct relieves the. tightened', . t t,tI d t),'r lr ru 7101:,i11:1::::*:Er:61,1Q,IT.ielthmtotar, Gar'.rieh to Tor - Good druggists everywhere have 0 �� 1 - I.inenmir hen, and Torentto past for thousands. It never fails, Keeps EYES oeti p. nutrain.sold it for years. choking air trbes. It has made 1asthmatic affliction a thing of the deist, Bright and Beautiful ouh t:odt•ruhtoToronto.• f(41)th,r wOFgs . • 'WdtaMettntCo,.ChicaawforEyeCareDoo(: , Mon 1'.M7+reri,t. r rr,rl '1',ekettt, A!<ltttK ADVERTIS:: IN THE STAR: sk Your Wi{e to pass on this Studebaker Big Six. Sedan One -Profit prices and Unit -Built construction have made Studebaker Big Six the fastest -selling high- powered car in the world today VOI3 will appreciate the I i tiix Feilan. 1 because it hnssalf the lienser, :spired, startling and long life that' a feint could desire in -a motor car.. • •Your mfr and her friet3,rls will be de- lighted .with the individuality of the' ,Ili;; ,. Six -the sheer ricltnit -. of genuine mohair: -the refinemetitsof finish that exacting womeet hive., f/i fosrleea months the price of the Ill Six Sedan has been redsced $765. One -Profit savings have been passed en to purchasers is three price redactions. As a result the Pig Six is out -selling, every ether car is the world of equal or greater rated hersebower. Studebaker'sunique facilities Few motor ear "manufacturers" have foundries, forges, etc., to niake their own engines.. -yet one- fifth of the cost of an automobile is in the. engine. Even fewer build their own bodies- ' yet one-third the cost of a car is in the body. Not only does Studebaker make all bodies and on engines used in Studebaker cars, but also all clutches, gear sets, 'springs, differentials, steer- ing gears, brakes, axles, gray -iron •castings and drop forgings. Only Lord in the low-priee field and Studebaker .in the fine -ear field enjoy the benefits of such complete manufacturing facilities. Otte-P?oftt value • '. These facilities enable Studebaker to manufae *0 '.tare qa .,li:y cars chi a ,t):sc-i'rnfit •1sa'is. They tissue tudcbal er to dii''uuate the. pry.';t: trf ••- .•nt� dt parts 'tiu.l 1s ply . ts, ker'. - 3faajor s•triug+ are anis effected and pa�sny major on to the ultimate liner- Of c.tutlebaker rar.1,. tither- in :. P The f4arsn ••t higher t`,t•:lity, loner q•rkt....or both., • Unity,tilt -const •ruction sit:4ibal:er �fatilitie'�'.. t't anal . 't ri.` In.,L'tnit-Tittilt copttrnctiOtt-••i11 tare di'ignt41. (i,intircd :ut4 l,u:it sib untie, Tlie huteirt - ei parts up -'.d. in a StudchaLcr car funetit.tt togethe r a'. a emit, resulting in longer life, (.treat -.r riding comfort •unci 'bight r re alt• value. Sr ,reg ..f the,:rs.:nd-. 'miles of c70.1.4.:•4 (r,;n4(uaitatintt tin,', • are /milt into Studcbal.er, Can ' Always kept up-to-date 1 Betau-e all pliavc r±f ivaiiutacturc aredirectty" tinder Studebaker control, Studebaker cars arc con'•tantty kept up-to-date, We add improve- ments regardless of the calendar ----we do not save thein up for ,spectacular annual announce- - mentt which make cars artificially obsolete. . Resale values are thus stabilized. ' Rock bottom tithe payment rates , We welcome the purchaser who prefers to buy out of current income instead of capital, Any Studebaker can be purchased for a small down payment and the remainder in convenient monthly installments. It it possible that your present'car is acceptable as the initial payment on a new Studebaker. Studebaker Big Six 5 -Passenger Sedan Under Studebaker's fair and liked Bridget Payment Pian, this Ulan may he purchased oat of monthly i Watt for a tuna iisitisl payrent and at very low ttoso'paytteantt raps. F. H. STUDEBAKER ' Big Six 5 -Passenger. Sedan To surpass kip rated horse power costs -two. to four 'times as much • ills a -I'; •'.ei;gi r 1• -i:. Sobers it . ,o .. n 1 . wtretl with rise Went hail thstt rarrie'. bnnilred s ; of Sts:delzalscr • iattsse.s itt ti;gh spi•cd' over eoote of eke inset tnuutttaittau'-t anti dirti,:ult-teetra%(1 triode itt Antes•iva-]serve we urge yen tit romp:art its thrilling perfnrtnarre yvittt that of any- eigfit.t ,l'nder. car. It sv luatu i., s• Iv consfortallle, beautifully find boil, .t-i.ili'tstcfy retitipped. ,• •.ev t f n.t 1 on the retire:to t t f It . C h7atiowil Automobile Chamber, of. Commerce aid tlie' :Socicty'srf . itinifi.met=e--I;tiginceit„ only seven .American tare equal this Big Six Sedan in power. But they MMA for two to fuur, tunes its. price. . It ie richly- upholstered in genuine mohair, which is indicative .of the fine quality body conetrnctiott you cannot see. Body pillars attic of northern white ash--'•cross•ntembeee of hard t tapl& It Ilan an autonnatie ,spark control, safety lighting switch on the steeriett wheel, gasoline 'gauge on the dash. There's also an 8•day clock, automatist ,. windshield eleaaerrr---rrar-view mirror, cowl ventilator, step light, air cleaner., gasoline and oiteflters, inspection iht on 10 -foot cord. 12ide is it, feet the surge of power from the smooths -sliest esodic, compare its terformas.'t with any eight-etlisder sorb owl cots :still know srhy the Pig Sir r out- sella all other tart of equal or greater rated hor.retotter. WOOD, Goderich, Phone 403 ...W..,.....1111. G • f n J