The Goderich Star, 1926-03-25, Page 2lR
Your Grocer
have *Oil tried it? The tiny rich -
flavored leaves and tips are sealed
air -tight. Fisher than any -japan or
' Gunpowder. Insist upon A.L.ADA.
Aged °Midget Dies
The world's smallest man is dead
at the great age of eighty-eight. He
was a little .Chinaman, the Melt,
who was only. twenty-eight inches
tall. Ile had a queue thirteen
inches Jong and in his career itcquir-
ed considerable wealth in the: fem-
ora P. T. Barnum circuses.
The Touriita' Mecca
One . million 'eight hundred and -
ninety -seven thousand United Staten
, motor cars entered Canada last year.
As. every tourist who came into the
country in this way spent some
money, the total` profit on the tour -
1st trade can be imagined. -Each
car 'carried from two to. six persons
and sonic' of the rartiea were . here
for long visits. Ci nada'a . summer
resort are a strong drawing •earl
to pleasure lovers.
ofeftea f
• Mac-
s Laren Cheere-
Co., Limited, •
Montreal, for
a copy of"Cheese
et Ways to Serve
lt." Recipes
for 29 meat:sub-
stitute dishes, 12
soups and vegetable
dishes, 14 salads and
sandwiches, 14 past
rice and sweets.'
curie laea; ao
Skinny Men Can
Do The: Same
A11 weak men anri women.
. All nervous. sten and women,.
MI skinny men and women.
Can grew stronger, heeithier and
more v lgorous and take on solid need-
ed flesh in 30'days just by taking Me-.
Coy's Cod Liver Extract Tablets four
times a day—sugar :coated' and easy
to take us candy. • •
And what ti hit these fled: p
ing tablets have made. One dr
'tripled his sales in one week.
Everybody knows that -afro
livers of the humble codfish co
first class vitamine that ,is it r
Sul vitalizer, flesh produces
health creator. .
Millions of McCoy's Cod Inv
tract Tablets are sold .:very we
thousands of frail rundown
weight people.. are, being helped.
A box of CO tablets Lor CO ern
if any skinny man -er whna;+ta d
gain, at Ieast •) ,pounds in : O y
rt he
pees et,
vender -
lever Ex-
week and
tele ester gaik
is and
' snoneeebaek. Ask. any druggist ate.
where in America. -
Be sure and get 11Ieeoy's, the crig-
innl end genuine and don't forget
tbere i; nothing on earth so good tc
make bneke trd, listless, upder.'weight
children 'row st • n and ehast, r
C le t
The Enigmatic Cleitenceaa
France seems to be just one poll -
dee! crisis after another and the
temperamental French people vary
the monotony of perpetual contro-
versy by Retic encounters In the leg-
islative halls and fainting spells up-
on the part of hectic orators. There
W45 a real sensation one day last
week when there appeared within
the precincts of parliament the aged
and magnetic figure of "The Tiger,"
Georges Clemeneeau, for more than'
half a century a driving force. in
Frenchy' political - life, Whenever
France is in desperate straits there
goes up a cry for Clemenceau, and
recently there has been a sentiment
for making hint a dictator. How.
ever, CClerenceau, at eighty-five, has
no desire to enter .political harness,
and he assured the potiticians who
surrornded him with demands as to
his . intentions, that he setts merely
about to do some research work in
the. Senate library.
He has determined to live the her-
mit's . life for his few remaining
years, Publicity he is through with.
"You will hear of my death only
after my funeral" was his parting
shot as he left the newer generation
of politicians to •untangle the knots
they have made in the French cone
Germany Wants An Iron.Fist
All the world regrets- the failure
which resulted at the' conference of
nations • at ..Geneva on the subject of
permanent seats for Germany .and
Poland on the Council of the League
of Nations. In Germany Dr. Alfred
Hugenberg, •the •'"German • North-
cliffe," hue taken advantage of, the
situation to launch a fierce press at-
tack upon -the League and upon the
republican government of 'Germany.
He is a supporter, of Fascism • and -
urges the appointment of a strong
dictator, apparently with the object
of Steering Germany away from' the
League and back into the path , of
,monarchical government,
Move- Canadians Staying At Ilorge
Canadian immigration to .'ilia Un-
ited States has fallen off twenty per
cent, over last year, reports front
•the imniigration authorities in Naw
'lrprk show, • arid the increasingly
prosperous canditians, in Canada ere
the reason for this encouraging'con-
ditione Business in '. the United
States is not -as good as -it. has. been
end business men admit that there
is a slight reaction' there'which is
affecting business retentions' along
line, Canada has . not responded
to the tendency to depression across
the border because there is.a.steady
improvement here.
5uperman Again
That matt can ereate supermen is
the ' eontention of `De. Edward E.
Slosso, editor of the Science .1SSer-
vice of the `United 'States govern-
meat. He- says that bees create a
queen bee by feeding into the cells
a �tertain . element gathered . front
flowers which results in the queen
tieing a bee of 'larger proportions
than themselves. He believes that
if' ehentists'-tan find what' the ele-
ment 15 which they extract from
flowers, it can be used in producing
supermen, '•
. '"Murdered" :Mae Reappears
Two - men front ,n. Spanish village
have been imprisoned since 1914: on
life. sentences for the murder of a
Thc coed:nun father of
Sun Weller had a know-
ledge *Motels which, like -
Sam's knowledge df the •
City of London, was "este
tensive and pecullar".
With'ahet a chuckle of smite
faction he would hate landed
his pias en srs at The Westminster i
All the homey comfott and roan -
mond dieted coaching ince.*itheverymod-
am tomgenitiveaided. Ikrethe tired trev-
tier arra indeed " take his este at his inn:"
Fireproof: perftet oquieerient and cuivrte;
unobtruetve service. On a beautiful rt. -
dented street. yet else* to chains and thee.
tris. Siet room Mach bath. SI f0.
rho )Mit Ow.* ie Tors* Ask for m
D. LAW Gal uwi, ey " rwawrarirr"
-�.r... ... r...
1 shepherd boy. A few days ago
however, the shepherd cans gaily
marking sato town aid proclaimed
like Mark Twain, that the report o
his death had been very much exag
iterated. It appears that the youtl
had slipped off over the border int
France because he could earn highe
i wages, and bullying police tad fore
ed the "confession" from the tw
[nen who were arrested in (ounted°
with his death. The prisoners hay
been released.
YORE , ...�..�.
* Sprin'cinie
• Heroes of South African War Were Retarding' Holme
in January a Quarter of a Centar,eAgo 1
o <a
n Pies, Ojeda aur Moo, Trasper Weatheraki a`Mit Capt: Buller
THURSDAY, MARCH !lick, 118$
Mothers Exempt Frons' Voila%
Australia has put into force e. law
which makes it a punishable offence
to neglect to exercise the franchise,
Anyone who failed to vote and had
nota good excuse to offer for the
failure is liable to a fine of ten dol-
lars. A recent ruling has been pas-
sed exempting any woman who had
to stay at 'home -to look after child-
Amateurs as Stage Rivals
There are Your hundred thousand
amateur actors and actresses in the
'Vatted ted Kingdom, say members :of
the stage profession, and a move-
ment has been set on foot to seek
protection for those who make their
living . by the histrionic art. Sir
Johnston Forbes Robertson is to pre-
side over a monster meeting in Lon-
don to consider the subject. Every
big storeor industrial unit has a
dramatic' or operatic club and these
ametears have adopted the habit of
producing their plays and operas in
the theatres of the provincial towns
for a Week at a time, with the result
that the spending money%on this
sort of amusement in the smaller
towns has been exhausted when the
profeesional companies appear.
Book Collector Dies ,
A bachelof who collected,, and pre-
sented to. the University of Western
Ontario, ' a remarkabte 'library " of
40,000 books, has just died in Lon-
don. John Davis Barnett was born
seventy-eight years ago in Befriend,
emigrated to this country,at the age
of eighteen, and entered , upon rail-
way work, at which he was so' sue-
cessful that by 1902 he was able to
retire and devote himself to bis real
hobby, the collecting of books..For
this purpose lie travelled widely.
His dearest books °-were . those time
the subject eof Shakespeare, of which
he had' more than sixteen hrndred.
In, Two Billion Dollar Class
Canada's foreign trade continues
to expand tremendously and it ex-
ceeded two billion • dollars for ' the
eleven :months ending 'February 28.
The products of Canadian fields and
factories now go to the four quart-
ers of the earth:' •
Fish Culture nliismanaged?
Charges of 'incompetence upon the
'part of tholes ' in charge of the Do-
minion fish . hatcheries are tieing
made by. A. '3, McNab, who ' was
'formerly in charge of the hatcheries
tat Port Arthur. Ile has written his
views - to the press, stating ' that
enoriioua sums have been lost by
the erection of buildings by those
who had no knowledge of 'fish cul-
ture. He charges' . that the fry have
been dumped into areas where they
have all been eaten by perch . and
pickerel and , similar wasteful meth-
ods have' gope far to neutralize the
benefits derived by.fieh eullture.
Selling Ships for a Song
Since . 1922 fifteen: Canadian Mer-
chant Marine vessels have been sold
at a fraction of their cost price be-.
cause of the slump in marine values.
-All tolde the vessels which cost eight
and a half millions, sold for less than
seven hundred thousend dollars.
Mussolini Preserves Beauty .
Mussolini has stepped in in his
arrogant way to save for all beauty
lovers 'the ancient charm of Venice.
It way proposed to build a bridge
which 'would allow motor ears and
trolleys to enter the cite. Mrssoline
settled the question by saying, "My
feet will never cross that; bridge and
nobody else's pet will unttil arsine
have." •
Historic Session Ends
The first •Conservative legislative
assembly in the Province Of Nova
Scotia in forty-three years complet-
ed its deliberations last week. The
prorogation ceremonies were delay-
ed and rho., guar d of honor were cite-
led out of the cold 'to await the clos-
ing of the house, which had the un-
usual- speetaele of troops of armed
sten on the. floor of the house, while
last minute differences were being
settled. .
Sea Serpent at Prince Rupert
Prince Rupert is "seeing things"
'aietirditig fir e -recent `report -"concern:
ing the appearance of -a sea serpent
which is. asserted to he no myth but
' a real fact. Its head and neck were
reported to beeseen rising spirally
above the water, until it • appeared
stiff and erect like a telegraph pole,
maintaining this pose 'for more than
half • an hour., The greeeish-gold
head of the monster towered thirty
feet above 'the levet of the water-
No Bye -eked*** for Ministers „
An etont is being made to pass
through the Commons :at Ottawa a
measure Which will make it unne-
cessary fee cabinet°rninisters to seek
ra.eleetion upon their appointment.
The British Government this session
introduced a similar bill. The Can.
adlan Government would like to see
the principle established here.
Care of War Grams.
A little less than a• hundred thou-
sand dollars hes been provided for -
hi the estimates of this; year for the
Canadian war graves in France and
Belgium. The ('median contribut-
iea toward the permanent fund will
be a total of *73.790.
set ls'ti#!ng Qttetaa e
Great Britain hes mads um- of on-
ly one-third of itx imrwigratien -
quota to the United Stator. tits
rear's quota below tMtey,fiour thou-
sand and the number entering the
United States[ is the part year was
lens thaw ten thousand.
"Board*" Banned from Goderich Streets Twenty -Five
Years Aga --Big Mill By.Law Carried—Hodgens
Bros. Came to Goderich.
Mom The Goderich Star of Jan.` which a formal presentation would
110, 1901) be made to Pte. Chisholm on behalf
Cows off the 'Streets nit citizens, Pte. Wilson had al -
By a taajortty of 73 the electors read he
in a reception at
on Monday decided that cows should
Chatham._ where he' bad been work -
not run at` large, and the council.
to his enlistment, and last
141 now have the duty of menhirs a fi et Uoltxesvnle the citizens of .
bylaw in accordance therewith. Teo Goderich .township made a, subatant-
Hamilton Spectator commented as ial acknowledgment• of hiir services.
follows: "Great is the Twentieth (From The Goderich Star of Jan.
Century. On Monday the people of l8th, 1801)
Goderich, Ontario, determined by a' trooper Charles Weatherald, Who
majority vote to keep cows off the Enlisted front the 'N. W. T.,
atreetsl The century has struck a Reached His 014 -Home
fast pace in Huron County." On Monday evening Trooper Char
Big Mill Bylaw Carried les Weatherald of the C.M.R., arriv
On Ifonday the E1g Mill tax ex- ed` home by the 7:30 train. He was
emption bylaw wins voted on by pre. met at the depot b the mayor an
perty owners, and carried =by 110 town council; the senior and junior
votes beyond, the required number, cadets and the marine band, with a
The larg* rote polled and the almost large number' of citizens,' and escort
unanimors endorsement of the Ii,o been nicely decorated,, the Union
nasal must be very gratifying to.Mr. ,Jack being in evidence and Her Maj
McGaw, the promoter, and those este. securely renting in its folds
who aatre to engage with him., t with her generals, Roberts, Buller
(From The Goderich Star of Tan 'Kitchener and • Baden-Powell. On
25th" .1901) Mayor Wilson,Thos. Weatherald
Hodgens Bros, ` Came - to 'Goderich Miss .Weatherald, D, McGillicuddy
Messrs. Hodgens Bros. of Clinton Major Beck, A. M. Todd, Cogncillo
have purchased the. James Robinson Knox,. Naftel, Murney and Martin
dry goads stock on the Square. and and Pte, Austin Chisholm. Mayor
will be open for. business on Sethi- Wlleon ` opened the proceedings by
day, Feb. 2nd, The Hodgens Bros. reading an address. 'trooper Weatla•
are known as careful and shrewd erald thanked all who had joined in
business men. 'They are energetic, giving bit • such a >reRey welc tn*
pushing and courteous. • Mr. H.. I; on Eris; return to his •• old hon ee, but
Hodgens has chtirge here, •being reused to public ,speaking -and
(From The Goderich Star of Feb. suffering from -a cold, he would not
15th, 1901) •attempt a speech: Mr. 'Rhos. Weath-
erald also heartily thanked the peo-
Jonathan Miller was in Detroit A -ple •for the grand turn -out, and then
few days this week. looking over the,' the Marine Band played "The Maple
it -whine that will shortly -be finished' 1 Leaf Forever:" B. D. Grant, Major
and sent to ;the town for the well. BeCk, A. M. Todd and . McGillie
cuddy spice and Pte. Chisholm as
known proprietor of the Bedford. p• )i
All Jenathen's friends are -anxious called •on . and someone suggested
for its appearance, and it, is rumor -``that he give some idea of soldiering.
ed. that hie visit to Detroit was `'to 1 He said, "Roll -yourself in a Blanket,
take lessons . so that be waulcl, be' go out on ,the' Square, lie -down' with
your head on a stone, -and there you
Master of' the‘ sitgatiozr when, the Queen .b
machine comes home. have.. it" God',save the y
(From The Goderich Stet:. of Feb. I the band brought the reception to a
close, except the, cordial handshak
22nd, #901) ing of all who eould'get near the re-
Who Were They is •' ' . turned trooper
is ,Dere
'THERE is >tao " almost " about BLACK'S
Spring Tailoring. Suits and Coats made
here are not almost, but altogether the Jam
word in. Tailoring. To be up-to-the»minute' .
conte to BLACK'S for your Tailoring and
Men`s Furnishings.
cH As , BLCK..
''Tire Men's and Boys' Store Worth While"
d Phone 219 .
n r
- comes accorded the returning• heroes -
, by Canadians generally, and doubt-
, . less believes that the knowledge of
duty well done is ample reward for
,service rendered the Empire,
• ,the dela . were Trooper Weatherald
'There were no better cook% in the
' old days.' Your stomach wasn't: just
, so particular.
North Side Square
.., .,.�..--i`a;.--W a•1474i1,..41flet'
" Tells How To Open Clogged Noe -
tells and End Head«Colds. `-
You'feel fine in afew tnomenta. Your
cold in head pr eatarrh will, be gone.
• Your . clogged nostrils will open, The
'air passages of your Bead will clear an i
you can breathe freely. XO more -dull,'
USN noes, lieadaelie; no hawking„sinning,
i mucous diseharges or dryness; no drug.
. gling for. breath at night.
Tell your druggist you want a email
bottle of •Ely's. Crean) halm..Apply as
little of this fragrant, antiseptic ,cream
in your nostrils..let it penetrate through
every air passage. of the. bead; soothe one
Ileal the swollen. inflamed, mucous mem-
brane, and relief cones instantly.. '
It is just what cvery cold and eatarsb
%sufferer ' needs. Don't stay estelfedeap tuiserable: .
A party of ladies left fee J. J, (i+rdin The Goderich. Star', of =Jan.' GQDERICH 'MARKETS
Weight's the other Y. They,: had .. d 26th, 1901)
fussy t*pacts, but one .was particu� Capt. Baker, Home front South A rico
lady interesting, because it took the
eliaperone • some time to find' her - Capt. Montague Bailers, of 'the
charges, who had pitched'head fore- C M: R., arrived in town last Saturn
effort into the drifts, w.. day, and is at. the Crescent, the resi-
dence of his father-in-law, Horace
Horton.. The ' captain teas accom-
panied bylifrs. Baker, who bad met
him in Montreal, and several cities;
including. Ottawa, were visited be.
fore' reaching' - Goderich. The ga"l
lent captain, it will he. remembered
,, ' SN'uptial'
Colborne.-. '' The wedding bells
rang once more. in this locality on
Wednesday • last, when Miss • Jane
Blake, f`sfth daughter 'of Mr. Win.
Blake, was:runited in the holy bonds
of matrimony to Mr. Samuel Swantz,,
of . the Maitland concession. - Mr.
Shaw, of Beniniller, tied• the- knot.
A very pretty wedding was cele-
brated on • Wednesday . evening, Feb.
13th, at 5 o'clock in Christ church;
'Poet Albert,+ when Miss Mary J.,
daughter of Mr.:' and Mrs. Erwin
Foster, Shepperclton, became the
bride of Mr. Henry 11. Hawkins, of
Port Albert. Rev.- M. M. Goldberg,
of Dungannon, tied the knot. •
(From The'Goiderieh Star 'of • Jan.
4th, 1901)
Ptes. 'Austin Chisholm and Mex.
'Mitten Home from. The War •.
Friday. last was' a great day that
should• be numbered with 'the cele-
brsitions. - of• Ledysmith .and other
South .African victories. The 'pre-
parations made: to greet Pte, Austin
'Chisholm did not anticipate .the early
arrival of the train due at 1:30, and.
thotigh there wad a great crowd ut
the station, the - band and carriages
containing . the council .and. other Citi-
tens were several stint-tes late, but
a Star .representative • was - on hand
and wale the first to greet the young.
' veteran, who was accompanied by.
Pte. Alex. ' Wilson, the ;Goderich
township boy who enlisted, at Loafs a
don. When the welcome at the sta.
tion, was completed, the procession
headed for the Square, accompanied
. by a throng that would have filled
the room many times, reached the
Court House, and the two -• heroes,
with the town officials, Judge Doyle,
Col. Vareoe and Major . Beck, 3. T.
Garrott),, Q.C., and James Mitchell, t,
were at fast able to get on the•judg-
-es' ..dais,- the .h:tnd..heing...stationed - in
front'. thereof, The entrance of the
veterans, accompanied by the mayor.
was the signal for great cheering,
and the welcome was"in every way
a royal one, the large room being
handsomely decorated with )tags,
bunting and pictures of the leading
generals of the South African cam-
paign. Mayor Wilson made an ad-
dress and the two heroes Oracle brief
but grateful replies, expressive, of
their pleasure at such a cordial re
eeption. , Short speeches were then:
made by the gentlemen an the plat-
form, as name above, during which
it was announced that a coneert�
would be held at an ,early date, at]
left Goderich a year since' to join
the •C., M. R.' on formation; having
been specially selected- for an im-
portant position by the Colonel cam.
mending the regiment The return-
ed officer, who was for a long period
an officer in the N. W. M. 1'., passed
'through the campaign uninjured.
Ile did.not attend any of the.wel
for .this week
only,, at
Wheat, per: bush. -4.1.x,5 to a 1.40-+ ' LVI. 1 DINS'
Buckwheat, -tee bush. 65 to'
Rota" ...., 12.50 to
Oats, per bush 40 to
pep..., ; ,,1..15
Barley;as, er per bush'bush.. 65 to to
Cattle, ordinary. per .
cwt. .:. - i1.24' to
Cattle, export 7.00 to
(per cwt.). .
Cattle, choice, cwt0.50 to.
Laambs, per
Dairy Bunter.... 40 to
Eggs, per doz.. . 25 to
Family flour, per cwt 3.00 -to
Patent flour, per cwt. 4.76. to
Bran, per ton - ;2:60 to
Shorts, per ton .. .:.20.00 to
Hay; per ton 10.00 to
Hides..'........ 06 to
Potatoes, per bag .. ,. 2.5(1 to
everywhere. ,.: ►'
12,50 10 dozen
• 40 MBN''S , ALL- WOQL, .
i tt Bros », Grey, •green,
Heather, Murat
and Black
Sizes -I rto
40 Reg. 65c, cleaning out
for this week only at.
45c per pair or'.
3 pairs for 5125----
12..00 •
5.00 .
• 38.00
Pull ' Coca.iwd lubrication, air cleaner, **valine Otero ell
nertfiete ea* Sewiteei joker 4eteheel brakes, fill balloon tires
disc Wheel* iasdttd.d at no extra tort.
In this new model outstanding
Quality is united with outstanding
Performance — at the lowest Price
Nash ever put on a +.Door Ste,
RARER EROS., Nash Dealers
3.s.. 1...