The Goderich Star, 1926-03-11, Page 8M
er a^ .t a
Charming Room,!'
:'ave you ever had guests
ea7 this trrSete of :1x:i.IIir,1•
t le jcn r" ' ie:T :in
if you se car y;,',.«'n:alleeincre
';vilely, And this is Cooexey,
t c,'s when nen cheese from
tut complete stocks.
Porter s
13o4 Store
' John Tigert had a successful bee
stn Fridays' afternoon,
.taeadieg Saes time wit!' her taetisr,
Mrs. T. Daugherty, wee ie recover-
= Ing from an attack of btwnrhitie
Xing Winter tL interne supreme,
laid week being the coldest snap we
txperieneed this winter. However,
we expect ;i Change before lour as
the craws are here and other spring
birds are arriving. So Spring must
he just around the corner.
There will be a social evening un-
der the auspices of the W. 4.:l. of
etre Andrew's United Church, at the
home of Mr. and lairs. Cherie* Crew -
ford on the evening of Tuesday, )alar.
16th, A good time is expected.
Thee *ill be as tuner, *leo a rood
program and ,games. A good lunch
is being provided Its the ladies.
The weather has been pretty
rough. for March, hasn`t it?
Mr. Orville' Marlin was to Landon
one day last trek an business.
Mr. Matt. Sheicld$on is under the
weather this past few days with a
bad cold.
_ Are your geese laying yet? Some
people report getting goose egg*
pretty, .early.
Bruce . Shackleton returned home
Sunday from a visit up 'north and he
bad a good time.
There were not very many Vit' the
ihurch heavies on Sunday; as it was
not a very nice days.
311ra. SiltLtt. , Shackleton and Mrs.
J. W. Kilpatrick are boor in very
• poor health this weed,. .
e'errle everbody is getting wood
out for the winter now. There has
• been a lot of waxed drawn post our
way this. past week.
The < MKS. held thew Mara
meeting id the home of Mrs. W. P.
Crozier fast Wednesday -and—there
was a good turn out of all the tnem-
bers,. There will be a trieetiaig in
the Church near ;the last of March to
wind up the business ,for the year.
Evereisody ire invited to attend.
There haw been a lot of *meet elo..
ver hulled and got ready
ler n
this last week
and around Crewe.
Raymond; Finnigan has a big job for
Orville furnin, -whish' he .will be at
this week. About 1300,' *cgs of seed
from the threshing machine. It
ought to clean' out About 500 bush-
Miss Mary* Vint ie visiting with re-
latives at Marnook and 13e1grave.
Mrs, Sohn :Millin is in London this
weekattending the L.O.B,A. ton'
Mr. Gilbert Vint attended the sale
of Mrs. Bone at niernock .a> r Monday.
:Mies Marion Hodgins,, teacher,
spent Sunday evening with Mius Til•
lie Shekvvdod.
Mr. and' Mrs. Will .Baldwin spent
` e-Tueaiday at Marnock with Mr. and'
Airs. Will Love.
Mrs, 'Wan.. Monter, of. Lueknow, is
-visiting with her granddaughter,
Miss Lena Hackett,
Mise Mary' Phillips, of Toronto, is
iDA J , `'. silt's, mmy spending <a feeedays with her sister,
Will Dickson has Spent a couple of
clays around Hemlock City. •
Albert McGee hos been .busy elev-
n% a shed from his other earns. •
George A. Ashton, Jr., •is employ-
- en at ,e1r. 'Warrene. s baai Biel
A aleigb, load went', to Curry's
Corner last week and enjoyed. • a
Pleasant. time.
1Ia' and Mrs. Draper entertained
anumber of their friend) Pride's
•evvedng int their home.
The W. M. S., of St. Audrew's
�centreli met .tat the home of Mrs. Jno.
+.ld on Thursday; afternoon.
Mrs.,. Jsse,, Mckenzie. entertainers
estate or her lady friends ane after-
eoon` teeeiltlee .' They Oleo . quilted u
e leaad1•es' Guild of Christ Murch.
'et at the'home ,of Mras..Jas. slay -
Oka last week on ilrednesday uftex„
tii[eu.: John McKenzie 'has been
A.*.showing-of ..
,Seri. I l lxaet`
Mrs, T1aos. Fe um .'
mar'. 12th end 13th.
'Miss Elsie Vint spent a few days
You are invite C. last week' in. Wingham with her un-
invited to call. acts; Mr. 'Robert :V,nt.
Mrs.` Geo. lane attended se U. F.
0. committee meeting in Wing -
ham Friday Fridays afternoon. '
Mrs, Joseph Smith, of St. Helens,
spent a few days. with her niece,
Mrs, Prank Yrwin, last week.
r. A. ficICINt4ON
liaini'tton St.
at . Attention !
,; Gsdeirteh Steam Laundry
• and -Ore, Gleettere '
Hamilton 'St reet •
°.open -
11iON'Dit%, SMMARCB 15th
Gesicrral Family Wasking
'Try our dry rough finish sat.8
cents per pound
Flat -work ftn4sh at CUA per dot.
Fancily Washing no i^s3 than
Wsashing called for end de
Phone 2.18 J Dry Cleaners 330
St.: Patrick's Day
a uerock or Groom r*atisa,s -
010. STEWAR r`
Phoebe 10 . , 1 chs Ooh
lags, seeder weer net ems* Mt al
are apparently ua a fair wee to see
Mita Delay McAlli.ter, of St. WASP
Augustine, was a sailer on relatives a.stttirsrs wanted t joist the
in the village lase week.
The Rev. Mr. Grac.y, of the 'Pres- Ooderidt Wenst a's Rxehang!e.
Owe Dollar entities yen :A 'sea-
smos*'s Peso Wel&
1. le C.
ea* of the
wee gins unear
7.11Mle psople of
TVVUD.T, $A L1, 1l*• le*
.w.1,0.11.M...1U'• u-wMMA..
byterian Aura here, is speeding rr1e,�y Wed' or kb*"
mewl with kis family in onto, articles, which we sell ea eons-
deMrw"tn. visit to h at parentsWinor, mesion. For particulsre apply
made a short visit to his area :
other relatives in the Willie, retarnta ISS -
Ing homes times latter part of the week.` *LE
The Woatea's Misilonary Society
of the 'United clue:* held their lllurlslt I~XHANyE BLOCKBLOCKCK
monthly mottle( in the ',hunk last - - -.........
Thursday afternoon. I, '"
During the letter part of lest week March 8, 1028, to Mr. and Mrs. Mark
young and old enjoyed eheseeeivts L. Jones. formerly of Dungannon, a
skating on the river. The ice was' la eon (Aero* Alfred), Tfawir many
exeelleat shape. s amends here extend heartiest con -
The Presbyterian lc M. S. held gretulatlocss. '
their monthly meeting in the Baptist. The echos friend* of let:. Jarvis
church on Wednesday afternoon of Anderson acs 'leased to *elk hin.
this week. . horse, and also to know theft be is
much inaprovsed in health, the rtsuit
Mrs. Halstead, who has been of esteem treatment at. ;he hospitsl.
housekeeping for Mr. George Dew- in London.
son, left last week and has recused Miss Celli Pentland. 'returnee , en
a titua#ion at 1olanesville. Thursday from Toronto, where *he
.set week the Ku flux Elan heli
a meeting in theForerter8' 11s11 in bed been far•the lsast two weeks sae -
the village.. Where was s fair at, wrung supilre* of new ••spring mil-
tendanee. An organizer from Tor-. finery for her shop, which will be
onto .was "'present. As none but open for businrsa on Monday, with a
those who desired to join were invit- .Complete stock of 'lovely up-to-date
eel to remain, the • organization is hate«
wrapped in mystery. The following laadieNeof,Dungennon,
The Women's Institutosowill.' have ,contributed jars 04 fruit to Alexandra
their next meeting sat the home of Marinas tend:. General 11°8144b on • the
Mrs. C. A. Hown pn 'Tuesday,. Mar. first anniversary of: its birthday two
16th, at 2.15 p.m. The topic, "S'P weeks ago r ' Mrs. J. Crawford,.
tam in House Cle�aining," u'il. be tak Mrs. T. tom.; Allan, Mrs. D. Roach, Mrs,
en by Mrs. Mogridge. The ,roil call. This. tephen liters. G, lv.. 5. Peiie,
will be answered by suggestions for Mrs ,.Stephan ;t3fotherc►, Mrs• 8• Pent"'
next year's program. Mrs. Cruiek- land; Mrs. R. A. McKenzie and Mrs.
shank, .of Wingham, district repre- •Kebt, Davidsen,
Please. remember the ides entitled,
Hostesses, ° Mrs:. will Geo. ian
nor-ta ldMrs� "Daddy," tae bb given in.she parlslh
(Rev.) Banes -and Missy Edna xtaYth- hall on Waidc+esrlay evening,•, March
b . 17th, 'by the Nile draritatic club, in•.
Y the' interests of the. Women's.' anti,
(Fromanother eorreapendent). tute of Dun ennon. Readings will
The eommunity' welcomes . ` Rev. be given between trete by `Mater E. F
Lawrence ,Gross,: who has. bought Htgegin;e, and innate furnished' by the
Mr. '117. J. Andrew's • term. orchestra. ' • Admission Bir and 25 .cts.
Last ,rt'ednesday, though east: ormy For cast .of characters see bt11s. '
day, Mr. Andrew's sale was a sue- Mr. Paule'Sreieltze.. who has enjoy-
cess both in ' ettrndanee .and pro. _ ed a couple of 'months with members•
seeds• of hie famine 'in Detroit and Godes
Mr. and Mrs. W. a. Andrew left rich, is now the guest of his.daugh-
on Monday for Goderieh,.where they: ter, Mrs, 'John Savage, Mr. Sinelte
will reside on Brock st. Their many net, despite=hi•'s advanced ails, is still
friend's wish thew succeti a'. and hap..quite whale :and hearty, end is wee-
,piness in their new home. e eomed to Dungannon, ,were he is
The Wesley elheei.a,. met. at to well ind favotably known by many
home of 'Mrs. 0 E. Frratt last .of our Athens. We ti'uat t:at the
Thursday.: There was a.: geed at- future: may have for him at' , many*
tendance and the Meeting was .inter- .years of emitentment and trap pinees.
eating.. Mrs: P. S. Banes,,,. the presi evident, a ele`;Neiva.—.The social
dent, was in the . chairs `Mr$. Wm. -evening of set Friday. night setas. a
Plunkett read the allele, sreadipg,'vent success. The . ehereh was
'Mrs. J. J. Washington, the, treasur- crowded. y, Ali ' enjoyed the =dealera gay thie report •of, the' moues),: in num toes, eels, well as the ; debate ' en:
mite hoxos,.e- and Easter offering the' : soblccs eliesolved ' that the:.
which. amounted to over $63, which' church'i" estitel in attracting
Wines the fetich to over the amount young people , 'through' entertain..
.given, last year. -Mrd. 0.. E. Erratt.' meenne which •waas' ref `suppo ted by,
;atrangera secretary', read' a fits, re-' both aide . I -The-' affirmative aide
Port of making 282. calls. : Afterthe having' the honor of winning the de -
meeting Mete. Erratt: served a very baste. Junto teague will meet., on,
dainty lunch and a pleasantsocial weenesdayeanee'neen ee 4,ir. nouns
hoar watt' spent. • People's' meeniter,W111 be held. on Fri.
(From 'another correspondent)' day itikht •n " r, out' and enjoy 'the
titsitar .mss tar Ow
11114 Ur Se
Of u Malars where
the aaarpioe* of the . J�
Dungannon United j4
A number attended the sale of
Kra. Bone of the Oth con. of East
Wawenoeh, yesterday.
Mr. Norman McDowell spent a
few days lest week vielting his un.
de, Mr. Wes. Stackhouse, of Bruise.
Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Snell, of
Morris, ' *re spending a few days
with the latter'. mother, Mrs. Chas.
Mt', John sa;arnick, of the West, is 4
renewing old acqueinteecrr, in thesepat+.
xlei'tA. afters im Mr. an atbseneeer` of oa
over 35
years. '
Mr. Wm. rate, of the 7th concis -
skin - of least WawanoebR held • a sues
cersful ` sale on essay. lair, Rath
has solei his farm to his son, Clar-
ence, and has boughtthe property of
Mr, F. Carr, of Blyth, and intense to
move there shortly.
Fr1ty and :tarday Speciale
Egyptian Cotton, special per yard... 20c
Heavy weight, Fancy Terry Towel:,
49c each
Brassieres, sizes 42 to 38 special
2$c each
i Silk and Wool and ,All Wool Base* reg.
Born,—At Toronto to Mr. and Mee..
Lennie E. Oke, on ;Saturday, Feb.
27th, 1920, a daughter (Flora May). •
Last Saturday morning •e 'chimney
at the residence of Mr. A*nbrose
'ironstone cough lire and had to• be
fought for the greater part of the• .
morning before it. was brought und.. ` Raying Con> e.Ans•with thus Beer. Dry • 6.:;# d* itorss.
a resulted.' ed, ..
beyond that oceesaaned - „ ...
'1 a
$1.S0 for $1.29
,heavy Cotton Vests, 4.2c each
Special heavy Terry' Bath Towels, reg.
,A OS, fir 6Sc eacle
Special Timet ±of . Cha io settit Gloves, reg,
• $1,25, for 9Sc pair
.2 Inch 1> eavy Kimono Velour reduced
to $2:.10 per yard
Striped Gspecialarms, wi•
dth , i,2 .inches,
special 29e peer„ yatr4 .
,Pare Linen..Dish Towels; ,2Dc each
er egntral. However, no .great darn 1 odertcait, lefogeforet Wee,L
Wad ,atoafvalr1. • ':"
by smoke and wafter. • - • •
Alatmeek °hiapter, 1':6.D.E.,':' wilt it
hold its regular monthly meeting on
letondmy..• M'*rch .16th,.' at 4 pais. in
the, public • library,,
The meinl*era of the God:erieh
Trotting and Pacing Aseeciation will Fral
meet on Thursdayi r
eve n ni of '#hes i
Marriage Is'successful only when
trensfoians the 'I't into "vie." ••
Your Fondly and
Caen s tapa►rtt q l'
week at 8 o'clock'•in the town hail.
The. board of directors.. of ' the'
Goderich Industrial . Fair will hold
their first mooting for revision of the
prize list on Saturday evening at 8
o'clock in . the town haIle
The public meeting 'announced for
Friday evening 'of this. week to take
pp: the matter or Goderich's eentan..
Make the appointment T$>tfay
.41 1►0..0n
nial celebration has been. postponed
;to .the following Friday, hf arch lirtia;
new nt 8
o'clock. :,
The monthly. retin . of the' 1 H�t�'*r yt# ix cat psitlt'td'
'sand Scheel' Club of Victors 'Bonin w
school With trlc•ne'Ira�gtler•i�itl
will Mie. held ' on ' Thursday evening,
'March.l8th, at;$ o'claek« tiiis.�. :;All eolors.
the 3rd birthday 'anniversary of the.
club,' a special program tf.,musieet .F • . rd X•
'and ether ';numbers will; ,pe ;given. •
•Refreshments 'v ill'• be, served. Mem,- _ .. o `, , re 'e -f . is
'Tiers, : tit n - ATS #tlrgit 11 t #t1#:{
. � a a � d• frleiirl.y :Ira invited ,
to be present.• t•
`"•, s'oise •is.•ttaata' qualit that erablea
a womate to seem serene when she
f ear eso
mgthing it'.
The death . of Eliza • Weeds re- avenin*`wif'li� be.< Ware . welconi , T YIng te look pleasant haws spoil:
moves ' front our ''midst 'tn precious 'rhe::niceis'fdr _ and'\Caalelen 7ita1¢many'photograpbs.
life. She was a,- daughter of James' S. S.« classes'' 41i• entertlaih the Tuxia.
end Martha Woods, She was born Ware ort '4Tuesday .night, March
in Carleton County SO .years ago last . IOth. at 8,.f' t'clock: bleat, :lSunday'a •
December, and came, et the"age of services will :he held els ustlni, - Sstn.
seven years, to Huron County, lot w7 day sschool'at' lO a,tu. and eheeeh ger
eon. 4, West "'Wawaiiosh.. She ,avast 'vices it 11'a m init. 47 p.m.
good hearted, always cheerful •'end. The 'meetiaigof; the trustees and
willing to help any one who needed retepeyers edit• tete township 'of . Ash,; .
belp, as many did throughout her -field, which was held id the council,
lifetime, as 'she 'cants through the . room on Tuesday .'afternoon, Mauch
Iiia, and lairs: Jas. Hackett ere pioneer life. Eliza Wooda lived with 8th,, was watt, atter d, :representa.
speeding a a few days in Hackt, viare 'ev nee hiew, John. G: Ferguson, over 'fives "being.eeprpsein , ,fr'one every
eve years. The: funeral took. place _ school sootiest in thele township,;: with
Ing with the ferrates brokherrs. to Dungannon cemetery. ;Sevices the '.exceptheir 4 '.'two. Mr.': John,
Mr. and Mrs, Jack Emmersteneof_ were conducted by nevi, J.'it. 'Peters. Peevish, •reev4 of the township, Wes
near Einlough, spent Saturday night B,A., 'of Dungannon, and Rev. Guns« appointed aslia rnBan,, while Mrs. E.
with the, letter's, parents, air. ar.d ming, United church, St. Helens, A. Davidson acted: as secr:tary. 'Aad'
Mrs, 'Ralph,Nixon. ' • beatutiful wreath .f Bowers decoret- association cit ''trl._4.. s and ratepnye
Mrs, Samuel Sherood is. spend- ed the'casket.and showed the estehin err of the. to !iahlp of Ashfield. wan
bur a -few weeks with'her daughter, ,in which the deceased was held. , The organited• With `the following eine
Mrs, Les. Itttehte, of Zion, who, we pallbearers were her four nephews, cera President, Mr. Wm. Rather -
ere very pleased to soy, arrived Robert Ferguson, John C.. William ford, Belfattt`vice president, Mr. J.
home . from London last' Saturday, + A, ss e , and ase. M. Reed, "`'letngannon;• sec. -trees„
where the underwent a very succors- Gone is the face we loyed se dear,' Mese R elatvtdson,' Dungannon.
fol operation. Silent 1s the voice we loved to hear,
Too far away for sight • er speech,
But not too far thought to reach.
Miss. Attie Ferguson wishe to
Ali Edgar Limon she ed r
•« n�N a ear
of lonelier least week r thank their many friends anis neigh -
bora for their kindness shown them
Last Monday the 'Farmers' 'Clubin their tad bereavement.
shipped a carload of hogs to Toren. _
Last week Mrs. Eagle's mother, of Mr. Ed. Anderson has. ;seer, sotne-
.ItipleY, Was visitingher daughter. shat indisposed of late
Miss Anna Dobie,' of bhe Goderieh made
' and Mrs. k ow M. Tueseale
Collegiate, spent the weekend with t rade a trip to luekn on csd y+
her parents. her. James Crawford, of fort alt -
Calmer Dawson, 'of God hart, visited friends in Dungannon
Collegiate, spent the' week -end under Dr, truce, of Stratford, *pent the
the paternal roof. • weekend as a guest with Mr, and
The Au has been busy in our midst, Mrs. T. G. Atlee.
during the past week. Even our Vit.
erteh recently.
Congratulations are-'xtended to
' Mr. and Mrs. Wm. J. Petrie onthe of the resent .school :management
Much inteiestifng discussion `took'
Place on the jn?opased hill to estab-
lieh township boards' of trustees, the
hill being taken, ftp cladse by •clause.
Reports of dile delegates 'so the con
vention of thae0. E. L. of 1:x20 sat
Toronto were given by . Mr. 3. M.
Reed, and the aeeretery, the latter
reading the address given of the con-
vention by the lion. 11. G. Ferguson,
Minister of Eduention. The psyopos
ea Act, not' meeting with the approve
al of the.'Aseoclation, 'the "following.
resolution wet drafted. to be sent to
Mr. J. J. Joynt, 1M1: P. • l; . for North
Huron: "Iteeoleed that :this Asso.
elation of tiustees•end ratepayers of
the Towns -hip of Aehlteld places it-
self on record« as baling opposed to
the proposal to' eetatblis'h township
hoard* of trnstets to take the place
-advent of a son (William Allan) on, by ea lewd of three trustees for each;
Sunday,-- February 28th.... w_ --, sehoal-•seettoo,`land beg of.. sou to aecr
Springd Revs, E. Hayes Peters., your vote and 4nfluenc,i to -preyed
C%Ili ' ' and lair. Harold, Tigand J. iters, are thio Week the bill from becoming law. As a
attending the Grand: Lodge of the ronstruetie-e epinetetion, may we
on Thursday, Friday and Saturday
ARCH 18th, 19th and 20th
WE will display our Exquisite
Patterns, Pert Tailleurs and
Charming Original Creations
of our own
You are cordiagy limited to Inspect
ores stock
-- LOX., which meets in tendert. urge that, in ,case of its .becoming
Master Alan Pentland. of the law, each township be allowed the.
Goderich Collegiate Institute, spent option of accepting or rejecting it,
,the week -end at the home of his par- • sceording to the needs of said town.
lents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Pentland. ship." Three delegate* were ep-
i Another progressive euchre will be Pointed to 'attend the Convention of
held in the parish halt as Friday the Ontario Educational Association
evening, March leth, the proceeds of to be held in Toronto, April 0, 7, and
which will be devoted to the parish S, these being: Me. It. Grant snit"
ernade, Mr. M. Matheson), Mr. J.
I ]Miss Olive Alton, of Lncknow,•waa cmilter M ' hbiott. The
a ,guest at the home of her brother,
lir. Charles Alton, and litre. AltonNILE
1 it+t•1a.-. Ad
for a dew days last week, returning' We are lorry that Miss Louise
to her ho
At CCh baw'.Toohey. Traylor is not tar very !meal health at
ptoma+kehie. ret Monday,nL
- " Inas Minnie `Carrie is at present
taking as holid*y at her old home
$sae or the lheug*naoa rmaskiens
were down t. the Nil. for practice
Tastier .einem. A
Mrs. 1S. Pec alnd and Mr.. C. Dee -
taw are heaa�t after spineling
owe time in t.
Mr. Reward Squire, of Alberts.
lase &stied t. >aawtd 'his summer is
Ontario *04 is wade' for Mr. Beg.
The 'wotnwa'r ea,*sinnary Seelety.-
met its the calash lust Wednesday
hall fund.
Yt.I B hoot friends
en buy aaaythiagg
you rats giro them
&swot new Dhow*
No (Maar ratnetnbrtanoe
will giro snob happiest*
eta J. T. FELL
'Htainilton Street
Shoe Stare
onsfile i. one of lad'ies'. gentle.
e a8 anal•children's
Coien- n and eomppare our 'Prices.
Good Mounts ase he hi et the
S011 8 S1:, COMES
"At the' Sal.. rd. Buchsnge
we h
Zvi trytonere,' o r
u 'mute
all classes of Ilirss Boggles an
Good Storage far Cars.Day week,
or month. 7tatee : dey, 50e, week.
*1.50. tuontb,13.00.
Per - Sale ---One Magnet 'Cream
Separator, used very little, In
first.class shape, good skinrirter,
at $35,00.
Auto acrd Horse Livery
• Feed Sale' end Exchange Barn
Kentucky 1
eshe. COaI
An exceptionally high grade
bituminous coat of extremely
tease strttcturis And possessing "l"
characteristics which makes
it particularly suitable for
domestic use.
1101111111111.1.1114011000111.11.11. 1 Col Na Soot
No Clinkers
Will hold lire nearly as
long as :anthracite or coke,,
- with but little more attention.
Ignites quickly, after which
it burns with a light brown
smoke. - •
Suitable for flange;, Que. -
- bec Stoves or Small Finn- _-
aces. .
- Egg Sin .102.08 pew' bola _
Fred Seabrook ,
Kir gstea �.
Car Lamp.
Pocahontas; Coal
00' ' Tar
S. �lr, 1h►'
Wei eci onMarfet calaµa,
Phone 178
Like Being H
i eating your'clothes cleaned•. andMoney:
I.i,il„, a � .'r✓l�.i - \, .vQrQi1L,41 .'-. .. y..
pressed, a at Vroornan's—you t'so
much satisfaction out of thefts.>' d
They look just lice new.
' Itetntprnbsr '.
St Patrick's Day,
$•y ee'nditg au r, to:dainty
S. Patrick booklet,'posV Gerd, or
Everything for Si. PLtriek's Say.
decorations and favors, •
All'staet:n tette and ebtton: tiitgs:
a aur seludoW displsy..
= Smiths '• ift Store
toed at:• 'run* to
New and Used
• •-Stoves,, etc,
in facteverything for the
e positively Soot
Yocf Money.
This yottr store. "se it.
Ora Itreadaa"aYat
goderichheath .
Piompt. and Ezpert'-8`artjcto
r�x fir. ar*N 1..
Phone 122'i Wecht Strom
,are characteristic of our furniture •
Whether for the library, living room,
- dining room, bedroom, or any other
room of the house. Otis furniture is:
made to last, to give comfort, and to.
harmonize well, .' •
Pendia** • Punsral Direct+
Hansilte* Street
Everything to keep your feet waren and dr.:, Boling the
ieveree winter wenrtker.
A complete stock of T'remks, ClwI4pags, Sok Coes, owl
l�loelw�,twrew, .
A call solicited.
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