The Goderich Star, 1926-03-11, Page 7intVlvDAYZ MAIM lith, ills
Hyl. Taller
8001tehas - soo Ms
$2.50 per Day hi
Arabian Restaurant
Gothic Grill
Tea Rooni
' cessrat' lilirosser. •
Tis Bad Cold sof Te -day
MayRe$irlousT . vow
The eau may start with a little ref..
*jag of tale nom, the heed basalts
gra up, bet little attention its pajt
Iia it, Waking perhesps It will pasts
sway ie it +day or two. You raeglset it,
Rad thea it gets down into the throat •
.ilesd frost there to the lungs, sad hi
wares a ease of eonghing morning,
mina and Tright
However sliOt'si sold you hove yea
abeald never neglect' it, for if you de
ft is jam poeerilee 'haat it will develop
auto brenelutie, pneumonia or some
ether merlon throat or lung trouble..
1. under Aftern�oni
y ISABEL LSJamz os, irowwscr Oa.
0 perfect life of love: of the garden and the eros are end -
.All, all is 'imaged now;- ed, and man is redeemed. What a
11 that He left His throne shave w o n d erful declaration! How it
To do for us below. should reach every heart and affect
Ne work is left undone, every soul !
Of all the Father Vika:• (Barnes)
His toil. His sorrows, one by one, The Rising frewt the Dead.
The Scripture haus fulfilled. The disciple' whom Mary had
H. w. Bekaa. summoned to the sepulchre had gone
PRAYER away again unto their own home,
leaving her standing without the
Relp us our Father to •give all sepulohri, weeping. atosgias *dawn
honor and praise to the Sevin; evil, she again peered eau flee toed) and
gave His life a remora for shears. this *me she saw mere than the mot -
May the' peaty which he iretd:hed pty paee wheal the body of Jesus
upon 111* dlseitrles carne tato on had lain. Two angels were there
hearts as we study about his death and to them he said the cams
and resurrection. Amen. words she had used when telling the
S. S. LESSON FOR MAR. 21ist, Alf$ disciples what she had found. She
L el a o n Tle-Jesus Dies and thought the friends who had prow,
Rises trine the it oe& , ed . anus 'for b -had come • before
she had arrived and had removed the
Lassen itasage--sats 181
26.23, body to some other place for bur.
ial.On turning to go out again
Golden Text --John 16:12. she saw a. stranger standing, but he
- In the lath and part of the 19th was a stranger only until he spoke
chapters, ere found the arrest and when recognition came to her with
trial of Jesus. From the: 23r4 -30th the tone of the voice and in joy she
verses we have the death on the 'was about to cast herself at his feet
cross described. In the Seth chap- in adoration. Jesus hxd other, work
ter from the - lith.22nd verses we for her to do so he forbade her to
have two appearances of -Jesus, worship him then, Ile sent her on
showing himself -first to Mary Mag. an errand, directing her to go . at
deices and then to the disciples once and tell his disciples that ,he
a1 for all 'toss
' v e I r
ani res
is an y
who.suirerfrom Ivey form of bro*ahial
.trouble, as it stiatulates,the weakened
prgans, soothes anti heals the irritated
pacts, loosens the phlegm and mama
sad aids ns,ture to ' deer • away alta
Morbid secumnIeti,ryn.
itluarsi?a+tlte, ever -rte-.
.able tretnedy.Itdraws out the
Inflammation, 'eases• 1p a i n,
e ;bbrxags speedy recovery, re
' e
goo and Morse vixen
}lack Stables, Etc. -, Street
just oft tbe Square
'Manses Meet all Trains ens
Passenger Boats
Passengers called for In any
part of the tosyl tor all
trains at 0. T.*. or C. P. R
prompt Service and
Careful Attendance.
ONr •Livery and Nick service
vii be found up-te-date
In every respsct.i '
voar Patronage Solicited
Phone 107 Montreal Street
Goderich Minstrels Put Oa Splendid Show
Twenty Years Agro
January Thaw and Rain Caused River Brealtk•up and Raft
of Logs in Harbor Broke Loose
(Front Tho ed rick Star of Jan.
A Sly Dance
Tlae dinging class that has been -
held at Oddfellows' Halt clotted the
term on Wednesday evening with
what was called a spirit dance, the
gentler sex being draped In white
and masked. It was amiens affair,
and the maacullee Pallet" of the as-
sembly was kept busy all evening
guessing the dancers' names, and
there were qutlte a few, surprises
when the dancers unmasked.
Thos. Tilt Was 19fected Mayor
Something like an undercurrent of
feeling regarding muntc#pai affairs
must haw 'prIrailed in Goderich
ressulted ino
othe election othe vte On f 1Mr.
Thomas 'rift, by _ a_ mafority of 41
over Mayor Murney. who naturally
looked for a second term,;and by the
The Death on the Cross. hadrisen. defeat of three of the carinciilorer of
Jesus, aeeitag'his mother near the All that day Jesus was absent but 1905 and the election of three entire-
crwe, said, to her that his beloved at evening when the disciples were ly new mien. 1
disciple would be to her a son, pro. met together in secret for fear of Death of Mr.'William Green
vide for her and discharge towards the Jews he appeared in their midst. Sherd after 6 a.m. on Wednesday
her all the duties he had performed. No doubt they were agitateu over 1'
Jesus in his dying moments left the news that had been brought to Ma Wm. Green. Trafalgar street,
them and were anxious to a all
an example of filiel dutye
lie r' s
foiled with .tendet.regerd tor. hie aNif�
'fering< motheir. Jugs accepted the
trust, and tradition tells us she con-
tinued to live with Inin until her
death some fifteen. years later.
Jesus having seen that his mother
was provided for, said, "1 thirst.''
This was in order thatthe
as recorded. in Paean: 69:21, might be
fulfilled: "In my thirst they, gave
me vinegar to drink." }laving ro-
ved the • vinegar' he said, "It is fin-
iphe ," and he bowed his heed, and
gave up the ghost. The. sufferings
and atgonies in redeeming man are
ovet. The work, long. contemplated,
long promised, long -expected by
prophets and saints, is done. The
toils in the ministry,, the persecu-
tions and mockeries, and the pangs
The Water AM* Ca*
wish to purchase some
good, straight, sound
thirty t3o) feet longs with
at least sdven (7) inch
top. Poles to be deliver-
ed in yards at Goderich
Quotations received on
any quantity from
five to fifty.
Fat any further partici:-
Isis apply to
1. 1. KEILY, Swat., Wald
L t. *ley,
After Eve
It doesn't take much
to keep you in -trim.
Nature-' only asks a
little help. '
Wrigley's, after every -
meal, benefits teeth,
breath, appetite and
digestion. -
& Flavor -for Every Taste
t lk
*hoe -eyed** mei^ stir secret:. °S'i:!site
quietly entered and uttered words
intended to - quiet all agitations -
"Peace be unto you."' Then ..he. gave
f that he was the some
them pro::
died full of years . st�d� �npnurs. He
;tittdIbe�en' failing -foi"tro'7dci i ntht'i, tri
fact from the day of the celebration
of -his diamond wedding last April
he had been growing weaker, and it
was known that he was nearing' that
d 1 t *death."bourne whence no traveller re -
whom they had seen. put. a ,
Thus he established the truth of the turns;, The deceased gentleman
a loveable man
t ,from tit!'
of he god tr
grave.resurrectionthem ' he went made hosts of friends. He
He spoke' to then ' At _ .
their' work.. As he had sent Mary _ was • born .in Perthshire,=otlnnd, A4
to them as - a messenger of his re- yours since, and same as
as bob*' to
surrection so. he sent them as his Canada in 1888, the family settling
Father had sent him to preach, to be In. Colborne township, where, as be
persecuted and to suffer. He sept grew .to manhood, he did his part in
them to proclaim the gospel of petted hewing out clearings for pasture and
on earth, good will to men as ow seeding. In 1885 he married, and in
tained for them by.'1876 Mr. and Mrs. Green left Cult -
the Lamb -of God
who taketh away the sin of the ada . for Castleton, Dakota„: where
world. He breathed upon then and they ]iced.. for nearly 24 years:
said, ""Regorve ye the Holy
mote. Some five years ago the, returned
them a pledge that they. Huron; settling in .Goderich.
endowed with - the power where the deceased calmly waited
Spirit' and thus be fitted for ,the last call.
t his great commission. (From The Goderich' Star of Jan.
e1tLD MISSIONSI' - - . 12th, 1906)
Gosp•.Story \Welcome . Death of Mr. Alex, Colborne
'From Mukti Mission, which was Qn Friday evening •last our vener-
founded by Pandits ltamabai, this able citizen and almost centenarian,
report comes: "Evangelical bands :Mr. Alex. Colborne, quietly. passed
have been hard at work in all the to his rest, being only two months
surrounding villages,often..,starting short .of the •century mark: Deceas-
of[ at four in the 'morning; -many ed Was a well known figure on :our
.hamlets ) . and . villages . have been .streets and • •at • ehuecho trod other
reacbed - with the gospel message. meetings, Tor he retained'hfs mental
thus 'give'
should be
, of the Ilol:
to: carry of
joined in, and it may he .,Gated with-
out fear of contradiction that never
had a Minstrel Show in Goderich su
good and so sweet t chorus. The
jokes of the end men weee meetly
about local celebrities, and the ori-
ginal ones, of which there were
many, were decidedly worth hearing.
The conjuring scene by Monsieur
Atlexis ,Loraine (Harry L. Grass)
was well set out, cleverly -conceived
and as cleverly acted, the sleight of
hand work being up to the mark,
and his nnderstudY (Fred Brophee)
was well up in his part. The spec
laity, "The Alderman and the Hod
Carrier," G. L. Parsons and II. 0.
Sturdy, was a cleverly oven drama-
tic sketch. The costumes of the end
men and Mr. Pate were very attract-
Ive, and the boote of Parsons and
Sturdy contained more than a foot.
The cornet solo. by leader Clarence
Pennington was charmingly played,
and the orchestra, which was com-
posed of Fred W. Doty, Frank Doty,
Reg. Blackstone, Harold Blackstone,
Charles Blackstone, Harry Martin
and - Roy Adams, played nearly a
dozen as sweet melodies as one could
wish to hear. The entertainments
•were gotten up ;• the hcnefitof the
83rd Regimental Band, which insti-
tution will no doubt receive a nice
sum, as the gross proceeds of the
two performances was over '240,
Then, too, bands ,have gdne out for faculties ix to the last and took -a-
two or three weeks camping, thus keen -interest in public `affairs. His
reaching distant places that we do eemains were taken to Paisley far"
'tot often get •to. The doors have intermentbeside thepurtner who
been wide open in most places, and had gone before him.
people have listened eagerly. In
one house a very old man Wanted to Kelly -Wilson
know what was being said, but he On Tuesday at' high neon a large
was too deaf .to hear, so his son, who 'congregation was . • present in I Brox
sheeted to be the only one who'couid chug f
get him. to hear anything, -°repeated
what was . said very slowly, and he
said, 'What u.. sweet story !' Why
don't you come and tell us again and
'a sin?' i•#oty ladl aro would
ch - to. witness the' marriugc o
Miss Belle Wilson,- niece of Mrs.
Peter Adamson, ',aures at., to Mr.
Walter 5. Kelly, jeweller, of Gode-
rich; -- e -
(From The Goderich Star Of Jan.
-• 26th, 1906) •
g.. g y go
oftener if •a could, but we 'rejoice
that these souls do hear of Jesus
Review: ,of Misarons.
OPENS UP NOSTRV Baby's - Own. Tablets Are Effective
Telis How To Get Quick Relief
from Head -Colds. It's Splendid!
In one minute your clogged nostrils
will open, the air passages of your head
will gear- and you can breathe freely:
No more hawking,' snuffling, blowing,
-Ireadnshe, dryness. No struggling for
breath at night; your cold or catarrh
will he gone.
(let ai, small bottle of Ely's Cream
Reins from your druggist now. Apply
a Iittle of Me fragrant, antiseptic, beat,fig cream in your nostrils. It, peersr
trates through every air passage
of the
head, poodles the lnflimed
or swollen
murnuss mcntbrano Arid rclief comes in-
It's- just fine. Don't stay stufred•up
,with a cold or nasty catarrh• -heifer
apnea so: quickly.
and Easy to Gire
• You do not have to coax and
threaten to get the little moo _ to
take Baby's -Own. Tablets, The ease
with which they - are ,riven, -as come
pared with liquid medicines will ap-
peal to every mother. None is spil-
led or wasted; yotz know just how
big a dose has reached the little
stomach. As a remedy for the - ills
- of childhood arising. from derangc-
mLlnts of the stomach red bowels
they are most satisfactory.
Mrs. Rose • Voyer, 14'illiinantie,
Conn., says: ' "I,"used . Baby's Own
Tablets in the Canadian Northwest
•and found them h wonderful • nedi-
eine for children's- troubles, Especial-
ly indigestion and constipation. I
have also given them to my children
for simple fever and• the restlessness
accompanying. teething and, they al-
ways gave relief. I recommend
EIGHT MONTHS . $abab Own T'able's to all mothers: *
' Baby's Own Tablets a,`e sold by
AfterTattksg Lyialiaai L Pi ld u''s
Vegetable Cotrpo ad Colt D.
AY 041 Work nail Weed
til Wei*
a Melfert 'Saskatchewan. -"I bad
inward':cu � hesandseverei
, tains in -�my back
f ; and tidos. I wiles
se sick general*
Dist L•-ce uid not
bed seri tot the
' time for sight
months. An *'rant
came to visit and
ltb)r tostteml
air bob, and
id not de ray
work. She told
Iss tp try fi' Mukha m's Vege.
table Cons/potted, and after takkag two
battles I could got up and draw my-
self. I also m Lydia E. Prnkhas
Blood Moditine. When tarot took the
medicine I only welgiekd seventy.
Bleat pourads. Now I �h twice as
mach. If I get tart of or weary
d 't of a edit soother
bottio de the V
I Hod itMAO tbies,ie Mrd bilin MOW i
asiiedmy taeigkk rs. I will
be esti lee glint no aaasw'rr coir letter*
I roads* added ad abeat
WIUJAft prows, ilex ilei, Iitlfe s't,
medicine dealers or by mail at 25
}cents -s.. -box .fromolhe_.Dr. Williams'
Medicine Co., Brockville, Chit,
There is a story that a p.:rty of
motorists drew up beside a country
orchard, alighted, picked 'z bagful of
fine apples, of course wasting many
' and throwing away those the didn't
like, got back into the ear, and its
they passed the farmer's house cal-
led, "We took a bag of apples " Just
thought we would let you know." 0
that's all right," replied the ' farmer'
"when you were in the oreleard. T
took all the tools out of your can"
Mtn Sleeps Like Log,
9 .Eats Anything
"After taking Adlerika 1 can
6 at anything and step like a log,
'had gas on. my stomach and
uuicht't keep fold down • nor
!cep." (signed) R. C. Miller.
ONE spoonful Adlerika removes
`}AS and often bangs surprising
elicf to the stomach. Stop;
;tat lull M rata'"] fcclIt..': Of
r en 'brings out waste•matt ..,,OU
Aever thought vas ill vou. '.� s -
h eni. Exceiient for chronic, con.
jOption. Campbell's lira; Store
A Real January Thn.w •
do ' Saturday night and Sunday
-morning the rain and' thaw raised
the river enough to cause the slush'
ice to tweak away and move on the
roaring flood for . the-. lake. 'On its
ways, however, it jammed against the -
trestle, bridges, arid, the water ris-
ing, inereasing the pressure, that
strreture .gave way, only the •en&
being left to show where it once
stood. The loss is bad . financially
for the contractor, who has had
many previous disasters, and bad for
the town. for it not only stops work-
ing on .the track at this end of ` the
line, but gives the line a set back
Rt'8811A'!l IDEA OF fIROa11<IBiTION
Wines and Beers Were Never UJnder
the li1'au.•I
The Bolsheviks are extremists tit
most things, writes Louis )Ascher
from Moscow, but their prohibition
law is mild.
Wines and beers were never under
the ban and recently, whtektes con-
taining as high as 30'per cent. alcohol
•were sanctioned by the authorities.
To be sure, the peasants still clamor
for thes-rodka of czarist days, the
firewater which ometally rose to 4$
and unoflletally to 90 per cent. spirit.
And since the Government +still re-'
mains deaf to this demand they make
it themselves.. They 'manufacture a
crude, kerosene -like beverage called'
"samogon," whi cl'n translated Into
•;taglish ,means nothing more and
nothing less than "home, brew."
• Approximately 25 per cent. of alt
the'per:sous summoned to' the couits
'of Soviet Russia- are charged either
'witlri•oduCln 'telling or drink'
p g, at 6 n
"namogon." Hatt of these -are women.
ft is a ,widespread evil and -tae. state
, seed nigh powerless to eradicate
youiI 7 ee - ti
Try it hot or cold served
with Pancakes or Waffler.
It's not only delicious, but i t
one of the most wholesome
and digestible of sweets.
own. r.r our par r1 mot asp. MMA
CANADA aranCit G.U., G11d1T1*D - MOr t*EAi.
A man i., suing a shoe 'merchant
because his shoes pinch. -Shoe deal-
ers please. make et footnote of this.
Wheat, per bush.....$ 1,35
Backwheat, per bush, 65
Ilogs • 12.75
Oats, per bushx0
Peas, per bush 1.45
Barley, per butch65
Cattle, ordinary. per•
ewt. 6.25
Cattle, export.b..... , 7.50
(per cwt.) -
Cattle,'ehoice per rut 7.50
Lambs, per cwt 8.00
Dairy Butter •drl
Eggs, perdaz....:_:
Family it flour, r cwt 3.90
Patent Sour, per "cwt. 4.75
Bran, per ton '12.00
Shorts, per ton... .. 23.00
Ilay, per ton 10.00
Potatoes, jrehag.. • 2.50
When a man leaves his wife she
hasn't lost nearly as much as he may
The Terror of Asthma comes like
a thief in the night with ;ts dreadful
to d 1.40 throttling, robbing its victim of
to 70 breath. It seems beyond the power
to Imo of Montan ald to relieve; until one
to 40 trial is made of that remarkable
to 1.50 preparation, Dr. J. 1), Ktllogg'i Age
to i0 thins: Remedy. Then relief comes.
to 7.00
with a rush. Late becomes ` worth
to axeliving, and, if the remedy - be used
persistently, the• disease ie put per-
manently to rout. 'Take no :easiest'-
to : 7.50 tute.: •
to 11.00 '
to 45
to all►
to 0 4.0
to 5.00
to 3;1,00
to 35.00
to 12.00
to 08
to x,50
' Ouch! • lumbago Pain!
Rub Backache Away
Instant Relief .with. a' small,
. trial bottle of Old
"St. Jacobs 011."
Kidney, cause Backache? No t
They have no nerves, therefore can
not cause pain. 1isteii Your b
• ache is caused by lumbago, sciatica
or a strain, and the quickest relief is
soothing,. penetrating 'St Jacobs Oil.:'
• month thousands of per Rub it right, on your .paurful backs
art"-glad far breaking then i Y
�:• •and tun d
dr s are in-
' •for periods raogine•from
ti to a few weeks, but the
s marching on, espectally in
h vtl'�t n.
in flat cities "samogon" is leafs -
enmmon. Town dwellers can afford -
the move expensive wines and. beers.
Beer is ..the popular drink ot, the
workingmen. and. the number of beer
salpons, or ""pivayas, ' from the
word "pilo," meadtng beer, In Mos-
cow. is quite considerable. '
Th.e first Impression one receival'
on petering a loral best, place. Is that
of a meeting house;: The long room
nn"a• level with the street -pavement
has 'neither Mirrors' nor eounter. ' Its
walls are revered with brightly erilor-
od "posters, '11ere 'hangs a. placard
which ilaslier. the slogan "Don't
Swear." IP shows a worker comma
home Intoxicated and showering his
wife; whp huddles in a cornea' to' pro- -
trot the children. with the many un-
r•opeatable purses of winelt thy+ .Rus-
sians are particularly • fond..
the. opposite:wall is an nett-
bootlegging-broadsledt beeiing. loud
letters to the nffr„" that "samogonka
hi a poison uhirb i r,,lerinines tie
N1rcngth.of tee were:,u. mars." Fin-
ally, there - Is a nntic'e on the • wait
which lnforme the public, that eus-
that will take some time to reco'ty 'inners in. hn Inebriated eeedltfon
wilt not by served.
fionr. There are four of us vielting this
Around the Harbor Panetum...Vfe •pit at a little table civ- -
• • A part of the vaft pf ions that ''red with 'e mid marble slab. -The
were boomed off the ht#r)rnr beach waiter.. whore the cuatgtnt n r rpt, -
got away on Saturday, but were
nearly all saved by: putting a boom
across _ the harbor entrance halfway
down the south pier•. On Sunday ;al-
most all the shore stash ice had die:
'appeared and the harp wa, pretty
bare, without a • block ietueen the
piers. The, past week considerable
work was done on the elevntcr j b,
the cement work for the p%ewrr hplu•c
e t• co ui
and the scaffolding far •tit, , c r
_story being nicely advan.erlee
The Goderich Minrtfrels
The company . deNi'gnated The
' Goderich Minstrels: ••that caused ,•.o
much talk the past six weeks reach-
ed its 'tali growth on 'Thursday last
and appeared' before its friends in
Victoria Hall. It Is doubtful if an
_amateur minstrel show ever gave a
'bettor. ''entertainment. The stage
warn, well arranged, there being three
'tiers, df seats, the two upper being
for members of the chotels, and the
lower the soloists and the •end num.
The upper rows looked like darkies
pinned to the scenery, as they rips
peered immovable, and the lower,
with the interlocutor in the eeetre,
-soloists in evening dre.a i on each
Ade, with four end men completing
the half eirele, the seems could not
have been improved upon. The sole
ebb were Jas. Thomson,- 11. •('arson,
C. S. Tote, Sydney Weller, . Bert
Harland, John Hutton, (icortee liel.
cher, Maleolnt McDonald, bred Fen'
or and. Cockburn Bays, and the end
men were 11. 0. Sturdy, G. 1.. Pare
evens, Dr. W. Turnbull, .foe Piggott,
'harry Irwin, Hawley a,mith, Fred
13rophey and Harry L. Gta.,^, the in-
terlex•utor bring lir. '.Salt. 'Ph' eol-
eints did well and the end sten tupt a fiend and soft corns both ,.feta to
the ...n..ce in ,the be.t of Ix trio ,
"comrade," conies to. psrae us. Hr.
hrlttfsr' n quart. bottle of Murnehener.
And he free lunrlr. Free
Neck eonstets of lie:lf-loch wide (-rose.-
ser'tionn of a retitle flab; a dozen or
lens Atone -taro cubes 'of rte, farad.
and a plate of large cooked pep.
Neither knife nor fork nor spoon. Th".
company sate With Its One:ero, •
At the table to our left sits a Buie _
Man workingman. He seems to take
e �
t 1t to the iv � � y
a a very seri uc
0 1
elft face is set, tris leg's crossed
wears leathet...beett---up to -his knaps
Into • witch his trousers arc* foreed.
A blaek blouse and a leather -visored
cap . eamplete the charaeterlaticailyr
proletarian entente. Without 'making
a single unnecessary movement his
hand keeps dtaeribtng an are from
his mouth to the little glans saueer
and• back, He is eating the peas as
Arabs eat north dates. - lee seizes the
globular vegetable with lis middle
'finger and thumb and pushes against
the rear section of tbe pea •so that
It shoots swiftly down the gullett.
leaving, in his Angers the spherical
translucent skint:, which when ,piled
better shelter oft the plate look like
so many pearly soap bubbles. After
Gip; peas he will attack the. Ash and
araaw at the bread, and keep the beer
tor last, so that lie eau gealtome with
fts tette in his mouth.
Most of the patron are workers
Blest of them are alone. There are
few couples and no parties. decaslon-
ally there is a band of music or come
'tinging by a fiypsy chorus, but to-
n'ght only the faint bents of muffled -
, cents -elation disturbs the grave=like
stillness of fhb: beer saloon. 1"eople
Mt here Inc hours over a single stein
just as the Germane sit ,Wile sly over
their toffees and chocolates in the
oaf*, of Berlin and Viet,na.
by their quaint coon soma, two mel•' jiotloway s Morn Removes', hn h is
metes. In the coon )sengs the theins cntitely safe to use, and eertaite and
astistscttry in its action.
and instant! the . soreness, stiffness
and lameness disappears.Don't stay
crippled! Get a' small trialbottle of
"St. Jacobs Oil" from your druggist
and limber up. A moment after it is
applied you'll wonder what became of
the backache or lumbago pain.
Rub old, honest "St. Jacobs Oil"
whenever you have sciatica, neuralgia;
rheumatism . or sprains, as it is abso-
lutely harmless and doesn't burn the
Ache .
to !WM nor c usH*, C91:011 ANN NNW.
covets woes ?SEATED Wont vow+
wowsim,triw • u ,eeWatraWA
Dally Exempt Sunday
Lye. Goderich 0.00 a ►nr 2.20 p.n .
Clinton li 25 a:m 2.52 pari.
Seatorth (, •lel tem. .3.12
A if hel 7.04
.n. 312 pto
Ari. Stratford 7..00 ti,.in, 4.10 p.m. -
Kitchener 8.40 lean. .,.20 p.m.
'" Guelph :.45 am. 5.50 p.m.
" Toronto -..10.10 em:" 7.30km. .
Roth: ni -Lotv ,Torinto :45 a.m,
•42.5; p.m. arid 6.05 p.m
Parlor Cafe car, Godarich to Tor-
onto, on morning. 'fain, end Terence
to. Goderich 6.05 p. rn. train.
Through coach Goderich to Toronto.
Town Pannier and Tickets Agents
*Phone ft
Wash with Zan-Buk Medicinal Soap.
Mance them - strong, sturdy, productive, )s(;(s'•LAli INC;
Pull( ts,with Pratts Baby Chir Mosel, ft cease trifle more . .
but is CHEAPEST in the end, judged by results. The
• extra chicks you save aUd raise, more than pay for all the
llahy ('hickhoodyouum. Mk' 'emir dealer; -there's one near you:
Writ, 1., Pratt. Poultry seek --hat
PRAT FOOD'CO., OF CANADA, LTD. - 32$ Carlow Ave.,. Toronto
anking by Mail
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naw over $2i,000,(100. •
All 'deposits are guaranteed by the government .of the
Province of Ontario.
Remittances should be made by lost Ofiike motley order,
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your nearest branch, where they will receive prrrntpt attention.
Province of Ontario Savings Office
Head Nice s 15 Owen's Park, "Toronto
Toronto Branch Mikes :
Car. titin and Adelaide Ste. Cor, Cnhersity and Dundas, Sts
310 Danforth Avenue
' Other Branches at
iiaailten, St. Catharines., St. Marys ' Pembroke.
Brantford, Weeinfi ek Owen Selrnd, 'Ottawa
aSetst.tth, Walkerton - Newmarket and Allow.