The Goderich Star, 1926-01-14, Page 2i —._ . 1►&M 'il.it RID IN REVIEW tri `.�.'rNoc'Satr+ A Bride for the Prince? Leaden is all a -Rutter •.Pith avec. elation as to whether a poaalblo bride has been found for the Print of Wakes, following an announcement that Princess Astrid, niece of the Xing of Sweden is to be a guest of Zing George and Qaeen Mary at Buck,nghant Palace as anon us the period of yourt mourning for Queen Alexandra is ended. Print so A trid iM credited. with bring the moot beautiful of the roya: pri'leesscs of Europe. She is 20 years old, fond of outdoor sports but well versed in domootie science. and a inarticular favorite of both the Thong and Quern. She is a daughter or ''rape! Charles and Vrineess Ingeborg, and is a srrandniere on ber mother'sside of the late"Queen Alexandra. ° While visiting England incognito 'last November Princess Astrid was a dinner guest of Their dfajeetiea, the Prince of Wales and Prinee Henry also being present. In the interim atorfes have been circulated that it was Prince henry alio was interested in the pretty Swedish princess, which makes the subject equally as interesting tor Canadi.nt in view of the feet that; Prince Henry, the third son of the Xing and Queen, has more than once been mentioned as a future Governor -Genera- of --Canada.- at is nuitP un- likely, however. that eve would ever be installed at Rideau Ball as a bash. dor. Floods in Eurppe ,An unprecedented warn open fol- lowing a period of snow and frost at laChrlstmas has caused floods in many parts of the British Isles and vast 'tractsof land are submerged along the Clyde,. Dee, Severn and Wye riv era. In Central Europe hundreds of persons are raid to haee :leen drown- ed by floods, Traneylvaniu, !Western Rumania and Easton, Hungary suf- fering most. severely. The French rivers also. are rising and in Belgium the train service is paralyzed, At Liege ten thousand houses are com- pletely ,;.related 'and thotuAnds of !COW she has supported .gal Prom. 'ler. pears that he Pl.na a cone to oust Isle father, King EeMIissari. from the throne aro not seriously entertained, a glare reason for his renunciation moms. given as his desire to return to his .r,,rgun:ttic wife, from whom he v aeparted in _-order to marry Poinceaa Helen of (Treece. Prince Michael, four -veer -014 a„n of Carol and Princess Helton, has been proelaifrted heir to the throne. Prince Cerol'sslast pu?rde appear. ante was at the funeral of Queen Alexandra, after whicit Ise failed to return to Bucharest. Dowager Queen of Italy Dead Dowager Queen Margherita of Italy, mother of Itirg Vidor Em- manuel, died January 4th in her 74th year. She was the widow of King Huritbert, 'who was assassinated at Monies, July 29, 1900, Greet** I'rooder Beconlee..Dietater Greece's stotzny history of Mite past few years has entered upon a new phase with the announcement by Premier Pantalos of what amounts to a military dictatorship. Both army and navy are said to be ready to support the Premier. World -Wide Wheat Pool February 16th has been set as the date -for a conference atrv'St. Paul, Minn., of co-operative marketing as. :iodations, at which will be . repro. sented Canada, Australia, __ Great Britain, United States and Argen- tina. Canadian reheat pools aro said to have been making a study, of the marketing situation in various coun- tries, and the results of their in v ati an1on,, will be placed before the conference. It has "been lntpnated that at the conference I move will -•-be -made. _ osoorgimize a world-wide wheat marketing asssociatlon. Celestial Fireworks ror Ottawa A particularly brilliant meteor, observed in various parts of Eastern Ontario, Western Quebec and North- ern New York State, is believed • to North - ,. have fallen in .the. Ottawa. vlistrict. The sky was ;brilliantly lighted for !five minutes after'.the flaming wan-• !adorer itself had disappeared from view. a ' Railways, to Eliminate Waste Sir Henry ,,Thornton and Mr. E. W. Beatty • have ,taken nn .f uportant step toward -the elimination of !need - leas and costly' duplication of train service on the two huge Canadian railroad systema. The traffic and companytng it really Jana race in view, then there is every reason to believe that 'Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Arica von view it with enthusiasm.* Referring to the tea •, expl'cseed that Britain's action in entering into commitments And incurring obliga- tions without the previous assent of the arlf governing Dor mous might be the thin edge of the wedge lead- ing some da;; to the separation of the component parts' of the Empire, Ms. Steed says: "I 40 not believe it," and adds: "Our is,and security no longer -exists; it 3,4 bound up with that of Europe. It is eat fair that we should ask the :lnminions, thous- ands of miles away, to ntnge them- selves In advance to share with us ail the dangers we may incur or to defend alt the interests that may'be affected by our relationship to Eur- ope. , Should we ever be en. gaged in an unjust war in Europe, it is .to be hoped that the Dominions would help us spontaneously and suita apart from the ceriou* obliga- tions which they undertook in Eur - opt when each of them signed the peace treaties and the Covenant of the Lesgue of Nations.' GODZR1H STAtt am. Mlru Inctesswat tae t'rt rostrum at tae p, tw star.,, to Y*11 'the party repo Parl'tthtrnt tw hni tern vf: toe Crown, Munster, wore is, sum have now ns : sent*: i:i the hist May/so •, °pposl- +. . • , •. • .. I$lr ine a..., a:et, sup. 1,.,.,, .- popular vote, :.nd have uo tts :out:,;v the largest roll:bers of Lny Nay ni the )res int t'ar#lament; "Inst those who now assume to 1* his Excellency s advisers have among them no Prirae Minister with • seat in tither House, end under such circumstances are not &elope• tent to act as, or become, a com- mittee, of Parliament, commonly known as the Government, or to out - dress Parliament through his Excel - honey, and their continuance in once is a ritailtion of Bsitials constitution. al government," There was no delay on the part of the two major parties at Ottawa in coming to grips to decide which shall assuhne the government of the coun- try. But the manner in which the clash canto about was totally unex- pected, and is generally conceded »to be an astute piece of political gener- None of Ambrose alship on the part of Hon. Ernest La. • Two colored men were standing ors pointe, Minister of Justice.and leaderthe corner discweing family treed. of the Liberal party ie the House.r "Yes, soh;' 'said Ambrose. "l In the first minute of .Parliament's can trace my relatio.:s back to a business session Hon. Mr. Lapointe family tree." aprsng.°his surprise in the form of s "Chase 'em back to a family tree," motion of confidence in the Govern- said Mose. ment. Ho did not waft for the intro- "Naw, man, ,trace 'em, trace 'cm duction bf the usual "bill" respecting —get me?" "oaths of office," aihieh-is the formal 'Well, they ain't but two kinds of and traditional method of mooning .things dot live •in trees, birds and t pen he House and 3 h Y ► OF L NO Calif* #R.f�iC,t illar's Own Tablets Are the Ideal Rewedr f awl Yensg Chaim 10, Canadian tlsothers are noted for the care they give their litftiotores---- the health of the baby is most jeal- ously guarded and the mother i>t al- ways on the lookout for a remedy which is dent and at the same time absolutely safe. Thousands of Mothers haw found such a remedy in Baby's Own Tablets and many of them use nothing else for the nil- ments of their little ones. Among them is Mfrs. Howard King, of Truro, N. who says: -.-"I can atrongly re- commend Baby's Own Tablets to mothers of young children as I know of nothit,�g to equal them Zrolittle ones." Warm Own Tablets ars sold by medicine dealers or by mail at 25 cents s ' box from The Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ho rode dente of t monks •s, and you s o' ain't rot no II • its right to Pr9eeed with the business feathers on you." of the people bolero that of the Iain " 1, A The Liberal leader's action took' You never realize how inany queer Hon. Mr. Meighen by surprise, and things there are in the world until btonght a protest from him that it you see what a balloon tire has rnckwas out of order, no notice having ed up. teen given the -House- _Mr._Meighen described • the procedure ass a° dim- ' esy to Parliament and a ton - tempt of Parliament. Mr. Lapointe, skilful in controversy anti Well verned to parliementory procedure, maintained that tile Gov- ernment by its action Mid demon- • etrated its desire to have the repre- sentatives of the people decide ot the earliest possible moineot who :should govern. 'He held that it was - •y...,.-.,.5 •«.y..yv.•r,..,. a ..v of the fact that Parliament had just assem- bled, for notice of . motion to be given and that Parliament • had a right to deal with any public question of im- portance art . ., .. encs bef re -taking s people are bank fed by ,,eve nnment •p c Ing ,re conn the eratfng officials of the two roads ation of the address in reply to .the rations, SIR GILBERT PARKER s speech from the throne. Mount IcKinicy Fractured are :constituted a joint permanent' Canadian novelist, who accompanied to deal in a felt and broad, Mr. Robert • Forte, 1'rogressivo' A report from Anehorage, Alaska, .Sir Montagu Norman, Governor of committeetall questions of competitive leader, pleaded for time, asking that says that: a severe earthquake In the the 'Bank of England, : on a visit to way service, to : effect•eeor,o uv and pre. the resolution and the question of its t vicinity of :Mount ; McKinley, ,,the New York, where it is believed they serve at the same tune efficiency. legality be laid over• for the In highest peak on the North American will negotiate a loan under the Dawes consideration. of the House. In this I continent, has fractured the moon.. Plan for the German railway system.' Lwends, Sprang Surprise --Aske$ he was joined by -Mr, Henri Bourns -1 tafp.and smoke and steam•id iddtifng. Vete of Confidence ......,,... �, sa, who rose to address the House from the flasnres:: - Prince Renounces Throne �. The Liberal motion of' confidence, after an abeence of nineteen years. Peace and PrilapeY,ty ' • moved by^ Hon. Ernest Lapointe:-- Mr, Bourassa said he sympathized Crown Prince Carol of Rumania "That in the opinion i At the beginning' of the new year D n of this House, with both ,,ideal that it was a mom - At . 'Wickham :steed, editor• of 'the Re- has renounced all rights •tot' rseceatrion in view of the recent general elect- 'entous question and deserved much view of IRevieed, seed a far brighter to the throne and relingutshed"`MI ion, the Government was justified in consideration; that he personalty,' as outlook' for this old world than could prerogatives which Were his as retaining., office and summoning Par- ars independent, was "head, heart be forecast a year ago, and .much of Crown Prince, even to the extent of liament, and the Government is en- and tail. of hilt ton party,". and that the credit he giver to .the I.ocarnf g'ving up his membership in the roy- titled to retain office unless defeated the' country wits to. be 'consider'ed' Treaties as, tending ,al fam5ly.. los action rias caused by a vote of this House, equivalent ahead of anyparty; '& d• ft' slug to stabilize the p Y, n was the considerable speculation :t ' penes treaties stud 'bring about a bet. n the caps- to a vote of want of conflderce,�, country that desi'ted to know by ter understanding between the nor- lata of Europe, where some !topic- The Conserritive motion of lack ° which party it should be. ttdverned; tions of .Europe..Ion to entertained that his motives . of confidence submitted by Hon. Ar- Mr, Meighen referred to • support are political.' . He is known to be bit- thur Meighen:-- the Government expected to receive "Suspicion has Stow telt 111 the terly hostile to Premier Bratiano, `'In the late general election can- from the 'Pro a iv ' •° do Dominions, Mt. Steer writes, lest whose polieles, the Prinee believes'Majesty's ' f Buc c fi e I to show the' Treatyof I.ocarm� should be a , dilates of his then advis- ental, and produced figures' to show eventually will . bring ruin to Rum.- ers, at whose instance the appeal to' that 17 members had defeated Lib treaty leading not to peace but to a an;' new war. When it ;s Troved that against its another, Queen Marie, to a Ono majority of the 'c n t to were tonowbe 'counted Liberal a, and lie is Bald to bearnanimosity the country was made, were defeated eral .candidates; yet ;these seventeen the treat and the agreements eq. "the," o s i - un as t era $ V mother -14144w law 95 taurope, „cies : supporters. "Not mentioned for the • moment," said Mr. Meig'lien, "those ADAM %. our. tf'ci Set do � cx s �t = � is part of Myl+oft . •a Do you ever' thin what a 'task it •must be for int to ple"se- etrerybody ? With flour it is a different matter. . Bveryona is pleased with Purity Flour. Always•unifcirrn in duality, ' this flour makes delicious opies, cakes and broad. Icon handle any brand of flour .on the market. choose •Purity for you .be- . cause it never disappoints. ' Your satisfaction is part of my profit. r jc rlit7 - . 11 tiiU 4y, UN. Y1ki, nut resat Hat/ sats Staratest by a smell torn Xiat—last V -0 CANNOT SEAT BLACK', HAND-TAILORE� CLOTHING r Made to your ardor by Expert ;Verboten in Oar O.iss Shop AND OUR MARGIN IS A$ CLOSE AS THE VOTE ON THE BY-LAW CHAS. BLACK "The Men's and Boys' tStore Worth While' Phona 219 North Sid. IN DAYS OF. YORE Government Advertisement in Goderich Star of July 20th, 1883, ;Shows Railway Siding on River Breakwater, WAs for ."Common' Use ; COUNCILLOR. LEE'S CONTENTION CORROBORATED Same Issue cf .the Star Contains a Thrilling Story of Acci- dent totapty McGregor',, Boat. TENDERS, struck on the rocks of Cariboo Island.. This island is four miles long by two wide, and is surrounded by shoal water, or large atones that conte up nearly to the surface. Great alarm was caused on board as we could nota tell our position till • day broke. As TENDERS will be received by this it seemed impoosible'•to got' the boat •Department, at Ottawa, until the off; the mate and five others started 25th July next, for a Iease for a term in the- life boat for Fish Point for of three and one-half years from the helps. 66 miles distant, To my mind 15th September• next of Lots' A, Bop it seemed a dreadful undertaking, for - and D of the Government Wharf . or the waves . Were rolling mountains Breakwater., at Goderich Harbor, as high and, while we could see the,lita shown in the plan onexhibition in the tie boat one minute as it moven off Custom. House. at Goderich; save and from --us, the next it seemed to be except the necessary space for a rail- swallowed up by the sea, but a pray-, way track, which is to be kept clear er went -up, from : every heart for for -comrnon• use, their. preservation,. However, as j, The tender to state theamount to could do nothing but wait, ewe sett be,,paid: yearly ,In. kdvanlee. No .lump watching the timbers of the ivessel, ber to be piled cm •the�tsouth`'aide'of aa they would creak and grog the wharf to the.depth of eighteen! entarily expecting it to. go feet -arid ' lumber or other- 'artieles `As there seemed po relief ro__ landed there, fo be removed from this, perilous position, Captaitl' McGe apece° within eight days tater land- . of Goderich,'prdered that the bo_. Into under the penalty of forfeiture of the; boat be allowed to fill on of the lease.water . to give her ballast. Du. .Tenders to be addressed ta•the un-' the excitement the purser went down dersigned, marked on outside, "Ten• into the hold fora barrel, and, falling into the water, narrowly escaped der for Goderich Wharf." W. •SMITH, being drowned. Ire, managed to catch Write for Thr 14o ppair, Deputy of,the Minister of hold of something which prevents tri Flbrrr c 13aok. s, a the boat, ALPINE CLUB OF CANADA ENJOYS RECORD MFET ° Bio , th defranntggf t Townie , 0 • 1 `9oc or Sfas;pt, podtf',trd. t rl Auriga XIII 1kaa.aa% Chet,. Nag 4ta*asl e lt. ,,irks. sosseassi asst cast. tlaseaesam. *he Must svr'�''M sanap tide year was one of the hest dlatielteg earlrpe we ever haat," Bali T. S. Moffatt„ maxi. Mg the eating et the Alpine Clair of Canada, at Lake ora, this stsralaer. Tine weather was Ideal , awls wail work ter all c4*esaa to de. kikitgx to Labia saki New. rad to the n Pass. 'lost entails were available for tilt grneontrts,�► art trot The mere seaseued dl aeets ltwl iilfsieir Cruses aad liunabems :� Soyilthe k t r � were been rbettorbet this way km !rem M to et ssewiete wow ent every tem *Lys' clip ever the pewees every the 'earwig of nis osawlik* 1� at stirs diapswi ofther - he �te . ._.. at the � greedy faeilitsted. M*SIatlg to at "11 held ester flac leader wMpliss mai Barr els. Ueslse wells **Id at die Ma5M1 *pita#. ttr_ttrtl eel. tpvla *atm Wash st iAr party, were present. Th. besides, of the Club was transacted in the morning at ten o'elovk, ender the large gly on the shores of Lake O'Hara. No setting for the eaeselon--that of welcoming ('apt. Mao•O arthy and his prrty--aeuld have beim more late than annkl the stsperb perks that surround arsr Flags et various nations were strung he. twos* ahatrees of this primeval forest in which th' camp .ldtrilisd, this being the rib's own property, which . Wheeler, its directtlr, aeent'sd as far han,is Who mese was a feetire ewe, the whole despies ties serenity of sloes aaajtetic wawa sire of jorialtty and every one Itasca was elected a beraorary grimy. apiritt. <:1ria, feet 'wholly es arrnueat et els lliew. het en ether grnw,ds air soon. for hr hang bi4iw tido as an amass*. * el Awake were etteaded to M•• andSW retrieve as 1107. IstateopPukka i Was in Ca ler of Logan was asaM trtCAstadiaa Pig& , dates, but taking the 17 and the 116 t.'irST$ApN CANADA , poof ri MILLS CO:. Conservative `.candidates elected, we LIMIT$D. 'find Of ce -TORONTO i find sitting in this Parliament now,-•• _ rraveltstramcowttoco,.t. s.. 133 members elected by the people f •is of the country against candidates of the Government." The Colfservativo � 1M leader . also claimed that by . popular , vote the Government was in a • min- I oritY of 201,000. ' Fro uR I Mr. Speaker reserved his decision , t on the pof t of order till'Monday and e the Flouse/adjourned, r, all urbakdng Feat Rei oicing byr 8h umat .Grip es" CASTO R IA �If So Crippled You Can't Use Arms ' FG Rita ' ids Chi dren~.-------- or Legs, Rheurrta, Will Help You' in US. r01' 30Years Ij or Nething to Pavt..._. Always bears the. �,,,�•.,��� Get a bottle of Rheutna today and Signature et � %trC 4' wear a satisfied smile on your fate tomorrow. s A It's a remedy that is Astonishing r'--"" i Men's Fur -Lined the whole country, and it's just as good for gout, 'sciatica and lumbago' as for rheumatism. It drives the poisonous waste front the joints and muscles -•that's the! secret of l;heuma's success. 13ut we don't ask you to take our word for it; go to II. C. Dunlop or !any druggist and get a bottle of Rhi?unla today; if it doesn't do as we t i promise get your money back. It , will be three waiting for you. I , No, dear reader,. Panatella is not an unmentionable part of a girl's - rvardrebe, Ouch! Lumbago Pain! Rub : ; : the Awad 1 _ Instant Reil with a ,wash 1 trim' • wet ell Marin Ther have no not cause pal iC ache is tamed ►, oe a strain, • 1 soothing, 1 Rub it nght r and 1 stantiy em J ou " Backache? it s ieve Your beck. hmeheero, samba IkesJ .,a a* painful back Mid is memos. Mews Dasa et( Wall 7 wiuleea�rs�sass d kb �, l aps Made from Heavy All Wool Coatings clearing out at 95c and $L25 1 W�rk Shoes in Black or Brown .i. sizes 6 to ' 11, $2cIeairii nt Men's Cotton Tweed Puts troy n awl Grey stripes, clearing pert et ;1.85 M. ROBINS Marine. and Fisherie• , his beingdrawn underh e Departments of Marina and'Fisheries, large hole being stove in hit, bottom. IOttawa, 7th July, 1882: We had struck' the rock at 2.30 on The above advertisement appeared Tuesday morning, and at 3 o'clock in lin, an issue of.The Goderich Star of the afternoon of the same slay our July 20, 1883.. A reader of The Star position was becoming exceedingly, • saw the dissuasion that. was taking alarming, as the water was Tougher place at the 'council regarding the than ever. Many wanted us"'to ' tiY track on. the north breakwater, re- and reach land. but the captain told membered this ad. and kindly hunted its it would only be Funning a ase - same up and gave it to me. You wilt tela risk, and with heavy hearts we note that it says."Save and except the had to content ourselves where, we necessary space for a railway track were. We had one woman ante`nig i which is to be kept clear for common the crew, who 'deserves at least 4, t use." This advertisement, which was leather medal for her vealm'ttess 'dor- printed 43 years ago under the'De- iqg the trying time of danger, partment'.of Marine and Fisheries, pf About 12 o'clock Wednesday night it Ottawa, verifies - what I -have been calmed down and .during' the morning fighting for through, council, that wee were relieved bly the steamer • this track is a track, for common usie Acsrdfa, Capt. A.. Maleornaon, brotllet . (a cont octal track). Hew many of of the lawyer of Goderich, who with•' tha.roadere of The-Goderich Star re- our own captain . did ,all they could , member when he"5rand-Trunir eleva-_dor our comfort. After wafting sot- tor rete for was burned 'tame thirty years. ago, eral hours more we got back to Port and how many of you ever thought, Arthur (Prince `Arthur's Landing), that night that there would now be where we again waited 28 hours be - such ,a magnificent elevator on the fore we again started for home'. Wo same site?. Also who; 30 years,,, ago, had just loot a vveek anti were ,ora, thought that the mill would have its nearer home; still we were all thank - magnificent elevator that now graces f ut that we had fared no worse, Af- the harbor front ?:. Can you - see ter �h days' pleasant sailing we just five years ahead what we ,may reached Owen Sound, and then roan have at • the harbor? Then why got home. For the- present 1 ars should we let a railway company try done sailing, as I got more boat rid-- to take away our rights to serve our lour for•the money than I wanted. harbor front ? The Government Still the trip was a pleasant one in saw this stinger 43 years ago acid many respects,, and I hope this brief guarded against it by 'putting into account of it may repay you residers their advertisement that this. track for its perusal, 'Yours, A. C," is to be kept clear for common use.' The article goes ort to say, "The Thankitig you, Mr. Editor, for the vessel has since been released Mud above apace, I am, taken to Defaroit, where examination "Yours truly, showed that the damages reeeirccl CHAS. C, T,Efi. while ashore on Lake Superior proved From this same issue of the Star%to be much more serious than at first July 20th, 1883, we reproduce: a letter supposed. When her wooden sheath with reference to an accident to the ing had been removed it was fou ,steamer Spartan, 'Capt. A. M. Me- that her •bottom was almost entire] Gregor, of Goderich, written by one destroyed and her keel broken in fo who was in the boat at the time and places. The work of repairing as it will be •.of much interest we. will occupy about rix weeks and publish the letter in full : Coat will• Ile in .,the neighborhood "On Monday morning we took pas- "420,000. This, together with the sage on the steamer Spartan, bound will make her mishap assume a very, for Owen Sound, arid' after sailing in wrecking ,expenses and loss of coif Lake Superior for sixteen hours we serious aapeet." t, 1 , Its business to do all kinds of plumbing, heating and tinhmitbiug to your entire satisfaction. • •