The Goderich Star, 1925-10-15, Page 6When
to Air
d �or.
•i Ur 3111 04116 MN
for that reason is never sold in
bulk. Tour grocer sells this
delicious blend. Try SALADA.
. •
In, jarnets Oliver Curw' ood
Copyrieht. 1917. by DoteldedaY, Page & Co.
44133 rte. ti')n or fikuii," a Vitgreph Picture. With Wolf, the Vier Dog,
is an Motet!** ef Tide Story
feet of the bullet that had stunned
him, bat his onsets were undergoing
another change nove as strange and
[unreal as their struggle againat that
darkness of near -death in the cabin.
In a apace that hod not covered more
than an hour the world had twisted
itself grotesquely for tierce, That
long ago the 'Willow was sitting be-
fore her little mirror in the cabin,
talking to, hint and laughing in her
happiness, while he lay in vast con -
On the trail, heading for Lae Salo,
jolt ilieTaggart heard the cry and
I was the smell of smoke, thicken -
in the air until it stung his not.
xis, that drew Baree at last awey
from the chasm and beck to the mith.
ie. There was not much left when
Its tame to the clearing, Where the
.*bin had been was a red -bot, *Mould -
ming mass. For a long time he sat
emitching it, still witting and still
listening. Ile no longer felt the of-
Pierrot. Quietly he straggled to With his ears flatetiewel agaliset the
ceraprehend. It was some time be- side of hie hoot his tali dreopeng
.,foie he moved from under the thick until the tip of it *ranee the snow
legume, for already a deep *ad grow. and his hack Reggio is the earioeS#
ng esuleksiost began to gelds his evolve telt of the wolf, he scarcely
tinorments. He did not go nearer to made himself distinguishable from
'the smouldering masa of the cabin. the shadows of the spruce and bel -
but slinking low, made his way about saws.
the circle of the open to the dor•Cer- On the afternoon of this dA -Y the
rel. This took him under the tall second big wow*. auto to him. jt,
spruce. For a full mirage he oared was not rows, and neither was it
here, 'Milling at the fro* we& mcteet .iTttatnt1,
mood oder its white male of .3r. 134.1,00,4 ,tortit bents mend
snow. Who he went on, he mirk doting st its brit the loyeters
still lower, itnel his ors were fiat of an intent age thing--lotnethlug
againstMs bead.
The date.iorrai wee open elmi sr4p. hthaeirdt coub31,40,pnotehaer,seeeNelpsomtby thewLeenoort
ty. MeTaggert had so* to tluit.
heAltithel:amiand scitertt.det fertheb"thelc "dear- ingleeld*tilkeellandbiwn:Eelinettutsraelesttheofs: howater;""1: °tit°
howl. This time it. was for Pierrot. thasm. fnurwaa not with, ?terra un,
In it there was a different note from tha edar big Pm**
that of the howl be had sea forth
tain. IA the chore ery had been n
Therefore. unreasoning but sure, he
from the chum! It waswaspositive,'-
tempered with doubt—a queetionlng began to follow the old trap -line into
hope, something that was No 0111.404 °VI igth andClAWNPTERt* XXIlt
human that IfeTaggseet bad eltivered No roan has sear keeed dearly in,
on the trail. Ba Bail* knew whist
grave. A scant three feet of eartivill Linapddos7Int rorothdlaree bent*f; settetelitilea., e
There wee death—definite sold etteelid- with the wind; most fronently it a 1414 stmsclestinusly state ea they
eess a wonderful remedy,
could not hide its secret from hi
vocal But for Nom** he Was atilt must e6M0 with t,his wind, end yet
lay in that freshly dug ee,ew.eevered to the mystery of death as it la im,
, TiffilltithilY, OCT. ia, ,.
/81W313 POI NAPA
3fre. John Censors, 44 Upper Water
et., Halifax, N$., writes:—"Tor
rem .1 have been a great sufferer
treat heart trouble sad nervoseaese.
it theta I was se'leed I would
;Mak Oa I was going to die; my
flee would swell up, said I would here
to have morphineinj..ted into nay
loin to siva me relief front the pain*
that I suffered. It always meant a
few dos is bed, sad I dreaded those
attacks of the Oat.
* doctor did ell he axle fcuing
Heart and Nerve
ad moors T. new feel much better; my nerves
'Until nape he did not go far from . thee. dogs have given waning of
there are tan thous*
heart not'so bad.
hoping and seeking, mere istesely, and the attacks of the
the cabin, but only come did he extualor the northland who will swear that
Xri time 1 hope to be cured of sny
death hours before it actually clone;trouble by using your medicine."
ly approach and sniff about the black and there ars may of thee. thou*. meherato Home sea xerve pine
pile of steaming timbers. Airithi and who1.-
again he circled the edge of pie clear- ands , from experiente 'diet have been OA the market far the past
their - teal= Will stop a gorier. or 32 years and are recognized as tke
keening fust within the hti$11 and half a mile front strog•er cabingin " best reraedy for all heart and nerve
bile there is unburied dead.
Late in the afternoon there came to Yeeterday Beret bad mine es #
him a sudden impulse that carried and ke knew 144°14 Prne."'s mas" Limited, Toronto, Ont.
him swiftly through the forest. He oning that the dead was Pierrot.
timber, sniffling the seer and listening 'troubles.
Twice he went back to the chore. Putup only by The T. Milburn Coe
did not run openly now; loor. And now ..
caution, sue. How he knew this, and -why he ac., poison-haitz. Both the lynx and the
picion and fear had roused in him ceeted the fact ass inevitable, is one fisher -cat were alive, and the steel
tentment on the
there was 1M Cabin, no Nepeese, afresh the inetineta of the wolf. of the mysteries which -at ti411105 seems chaine of their traps clanked eharelY
f •
to give the direct challenge to those es they prepared to give Baree battle:
•••••••••••,,,,,,. .•••••••••
: •• i •
Finest quality, bitter and
juicy-- Largest plugs, and
you always get it fresh,
because it's packed in tins.
who concede nothing more than in- But Baree was uninterested, He hur-
.stinet to the brute .mind He knew tied on, his uneasiness growine as
• that Pierrot was dead without exact -
the day darkened and he, found no
ly knowing what death was, But a sIgn of the Willow,
one thing he was sure: he would It was a wonderful clear eight af-
never see Pierrot even; he would ter the storm—cold and brilliant, with
never hear his voice again; he would , the shadows standing out as clearly t•
never beer again the swish -swish- as living things. The th d Mee came
swish • of his snowshoes in the trail to' Bane now. • He was,. like ell ani -
ahead, and so on the trap -line he did malt, largely of one idea at a thne—•
not look for Pierrot. Pierrot was a creature with whom all lesser im-
gone forever. But Baree had not yet pulses were governed by a singlalead-
associated ^ death with Nepeese. He big impulse, And this impulse, in oeee Dt' uneaelness; t, t"
odd's An ▪ Healing Ointment
is *safe, g treatment for all skin
abrasions, infections and irritations. Its
powerful, antiseptic action prevents infec-
tion of at wounds and enables the
eseephimid healing qualities of this famous
ointment to qu'W- y relieve pain and inks -
tic@ and bring about a speedyrecovery.
antiseptic -ii
for cuts, burns, scalds, bites, sore feet,
abscesses, okl sores, boils: eczema, pile.,
ulcers hives and all' diseases of the skin.
Absolutely pine and non -irritating. An .
• excellent afterabaving treatment for tender
skies. Hods small cuts or ,chaftng and
leaves the skin smooth and soft.
Kest a tin on hand for
regular and emergency use
50c At Ail Druggist,
• .40,0
was tilled with a greathe glow of the starlieight, was ona. 100
„Ate 1:100 tuxtitt
- et
tes1"" eestttSocs-t'ere,
sorgo -
Co. /0064-9
what came to him front out of the reach as quickly as possiblethe first ..„........m...a.......44...411.4.w,.,•...............
chasm had made_ him tremble with of Pierret's two cabins on the trap- der of the night in uneasy slumherleierrotes traps and deadialls cant -
elven the death -howl in the chasm, cess of reasoning; Inetinct or reason- disconsolate droop to his tail which
first light of day Baree iously, and twiee he showed his fangs.
There was the him from under a root where it had
dragged the trap in which it was
• fear and suspense; he sensed the thrill line. There he would find Nepeese I With the
of something strange, of something We won't call the processeby which -resumed the trail. He eves not so —once at a marten that Snapped at
impending, and yet even as he had Baree came to this conclusion a pro- alert tide .rarning. •
1 it must have been for Pierrot. For ing, whatever it was; a fixed and posi- the Indians call the Akoosewin—the caught, and the second tune at a big
he believed that Nepeese was alive, tive faith came to Baree just the sigma the sick dog. And Baree was snowy owl that had come to steal bait ,
and he was now just as sure that he same. He began to miss the traps in sick—not of body hist of soul. The (Continued ,on page 1)
would overtake her on the trapline as hia, haste to cover distance—to reach' keenness of his hope had died, and he •e—e;°"•—ee''"'e--"'"..
he was . positive yesterday that he the cabin. It was twenty five miles no longer expected Or find the Willow,
would find her at the birelthatit tepee. from Perot's burned hometo the The second cabin at the far end of
Since yesterday morning's break -
first trap -cabin, and Baree had made the trap -dine drew him on, but it in -
fast with the Willow, Baree had gone
without eating; to appease his hunger ten; of these by nightfall. The re- spired in him none of the enthusiasm
raining fifteen were the, most diffi- _with which he had bullied 4. the
cult. In the open spaces the snow first. He travelled slowly and spas -
filled with his quest of Nepeeso for ... was belly -deep and soft; frequently he medically, his suspicions of the for-
tbatRe would have gone hungry ell that day. but in the third anile plunged through drifts in ekich for a este again replacing the excitement
se came to a trap In few moments he was buried. Three of his quest. He approached each of
from the esibihe
which there was a big enowshoe nab- times clueing the early part of the •
night Baree heard the savage dirge of,
bit., The rebbit was still alive, and he the wolves. Once it was a wild paean.
away less tha
he did not miss a trap. rn one of otheir kill n' half a mile
killed it and ate his fill, Until dark
them there was a lynx; in another in the deep foreet. But the voice no
a fisher -cat; out on the white Bur- longer called to him. It was rePel-
face of a lake he snuffed at a snowy lent -:-•a voice.of hatred and of trench-.
mound under which lay the body of a ery. Each time that he heard it he
red .fox hilted by one of Pierrot" stopped in hie tracks and snarled, •
inter Coat Fa
and Our NEWEST ARRIVALS Embrace all that are
shions Are Many
The supremacy of our pre
Coats fo
and more formal
sentation of moderately 'greed' Coats is evident to
who have shopped around. •
Business Travels
are here in abundant variety, at prices that -represent
true value.
nsidering the selection of a New Coat, or if you are interested in the
modes of the hour, do not fail to visit our store.
EW FALL DRESSES are of the newest shades, favorite styles, and
above all, moderately priced.
FALL MIWtiERY for Matron and Miss in Velvet and Felts.
Royal Ladies' Ready4o-Wear Co.
East Side of Square
while his spine stiffened.
M midnight Berea came to the tiny
amphitheatre in the forest where
Perrot had cut the logs -for the first
of his trap -line cabins'. For at least
a minute Bane stood at the edge of
the clearing, his ears very alert, his
eyes bright with hope and expecte.
tion, while he sniffed the air. There
was no smoke, no sound, no light in
the one window of the log shack.
! The snow was drifted at the door-
way, and here Dame sat down and
whined. It; was no • longer the anx-
ious, attesting whine of a few hours
ago, Now it voiced hopelessness and
a deep desnair. For half an hour he
sat shivering- with his back to the
door and his face to the starlit wild-
erness, as if there still remained the
fleeting hope that Nepeese might fol-
low after lent over the thin. Then
, he borrowed himself a Fele deep in
. the snowdrift and passed the remain -
Why People are Low Spirited and
. Depressed
Nearly all women and most men
suffer at times from fits of depression
and low spirits. Everything seems a
burden; then come periods of nervous
irritability, headachel and weariness.
i `People who suffer this way lack vital.
: ity because their blood is poor and
„ nerves are starved In consequence. I
1 The only- way the. nerves can be
'reached is through the blood. By en-
riching the blood with Dr. Williams'
Pink Pills the starved nerves are sup-,
plied with just the elements they need.
This is proved by the experience of
Nine Z. V. badmen, leth Ave., emit,
Veicouver, B.C., who says:—"About
three years ago I became very weak
and nervous. I had amine in they side
and back, and also suffered from Ire -
fluent pains in the back of my head
and neck. I wee hardly able to do
anything aibout the house. 1 would
WA* With a start in the tight and
my heed would flutter so that it el- ;
. meet choked me. 1 tried much doe-
tor's medicine but it did me no per.
=anent good. Chle day I read about
i». Williams' Intik Pills and decided
to ti..o them a trial, fflusee pills pro-
doced *nth & beneficial change in *
short time that X, kept -taking them
until 1 had used a iheien btieet. BY
this time there NW such an improve-
ment in my rendition that friends
"radii ask me what I was takitig, and
of coarse I was only ton pleased to
tell them it wet Dr. Williame Pink
Ms. / am now feeling like a new
pereoet and am tkdng my awn house-
work. We weeld not now be Without
I*. wilttaute Pink Ma in the hoses."
To* eita get Wee pill* from yew
drink* or br mail et 114) tots a box
feels The Dr. Williams' kledichie Coe
"rocket/le, that.
11, '
4 !
11 1
1 •
• •
, •
• !!,
rof Infant's and Children
hi Use For OVOr30 WEI'S
always imam
Signature of
CifOc. LEE'S
When it comes, to de-
. livening a high quality Ot
eohl on time, folks say
that we are a success'
Well, as a natter Of fact
• alwitys do our earnest
beat to please the folks
who ask us to serve theta.
Ask us to eerve you. •
L,SE Peacoal
Your heater isJlt require less care and less coal, with re-
sultent saving" of 15% or more, if the simple directions given
below :ire carefully followed. ,
When Stove or Egg Coal are "burned alone, spacee between
the large pieces of coal allow ta too free easeage of air, and too
rapid sue hot ecetieurtion, Thia is all right when kindling or •
eptialeee the fire, but wasteful tinder average cometheiti.
Use of Small Goal Mixture In Domestic Furnace
Many nee Buekwheat and others'find Pea coal better ;euited
to t' needs(Upending upon the heating plant. In 4ny care
the small size should be kept separate from yourIgg coal so
that eon may govern the mixture according to the temperature.
Use Egg coal in building your fire to prevent swill i.12e
from falling through the grate. Keep fire thin and bright at
the front to consume gases and as high as possible at the back
to aid proper cm-allege:0n. Leave funnel drett slightly epee.
Excepting in very void wesither tio net shake your fire clear.
A few Ashes on the grate bars and a CLeelee ASH PIT are
easentiaL .
01:Wearily a 20% to SO% mixture of the email cal will give
good results, In severe 'weather it may be necesory to lessen
the quantity and in mild days or in the sprilig and fall, When
only a low fire as lies.ded 40 keep out the chill 112111 dampness, no
- increased amount of the Pea or, Buckwheat sizes May be used,
• eatisfattorily.
A little. ex: etimenting will Sian accustom you to the zee.
teasful tufa of this lower cost fuel with as geed, results as you
have ever obtained .•:,vith the more expensive size*.
Do You Require a FupnaceFurnace
This Fall P
• We handle the MAGIC, the one piece and pipeless
furnace, this is absolutely dust proof; burns soft coal
equally as well as hard. It is so constructed that it burns
all the gases. Sold and installed on the following easy
terms ;One quarter cash down, and the balance in equed
monthly instalments not to exceed one year. CaU and
"see sample furnace at warehouse.
Never hesitate to aik eur help on your fuel prchlents. You an.
return the favor by suggesting ways to improve our service-.
we intend it :Iwo, to be the best.
A Full Line of Shelf and Heavy 118 are
W. hay. siOttest galegaribed te:Ougiss, tars:44;0d
water travois* and owe** storft• tanks that we are
offarierg at cost .
Hasid sold Bituminous Coal
At the Whew? 'Plume **
1 ,
1 I '
, •
• 1