The Goderich Star, 1925-10-15, Page 4I
FARM 110011
Now that the Cold Weather has set in
You will want
Heavier Weight Underwear
Our stocks in Ladies' Men's and Children's Underwear are
your requirements here and save n'iioney.
Remember Our Ac which is now on. While our
ra io Sale store is being remodeled we
are off.•.riug all tne goti lit our store Sit reduced prices. Take advantage of this
sale and come in an 1 see t,1tr good.,
omplete. Get
For the Men aad Young Men
We ii ave a hill range of Overcoats
in the season's latest shades and styles.
You will find the very latest here in
Fall fiats and Caps.
Watch this Paper next week
YOR•� ' dimly ,at her home in Detroit the pre- part of the body, and in addition a ton
vious Monday. Mrs. Millar had bean visual, or fluroacopic, *xa1ubnatlosa eon • During the war, Mr. Cerrie concert at Union next Friday evening,
troubled with a slight cold the prey- be made, Local phyla ions express served with the .Canadians with the October 16th. lJnion
iqus week but was about the house as themselves as highly Pleased at being a ink icfhei `tto the king at New Years, attbeing mentioned in endeiss d theGteahexa f anvention # ,
mod UP to within a few hours of Icer able to obtain lila service right atExeter Inst Thursday f and Friday,
death. She was the daughter of Mir. roma instead of having to sono Pat- 18The congregation of St. Mark's and";
h i Moss Ella Sowerby spent the week -
Scotland,, and lived o in the Scottish tions. s wood terrace as a rectory into whit to Westfield after ;attending the cons
until coming out to Goderlch in tendent of the hospltlsl, hiss been train' he Mole rector will' move next weak. ention at Exeter.
Oi, rrUA tY Archibald Campbell: They »termed
cLUYT.--Thi towai of (Werke lost T'a"d"y
ons of its respected residents in the Kr. *ad lits, W. I�. Mad* wen
saddle death of Sa*sawl Glaff, wake called to Artksr haat week owlet to
occurred at h1e hose on cemeeree the Amite of hits. Pladeu's itrotberr
street en Saturday, October loth. Mr. Archie Grahams Mrs. Pinder' ro-
ller* at $eotarth seventy year* ago, maimed for a time, roturiiing house
Mr. Clair fanned in M�clCiltop and Saturday, 10th last.
Teekersinitb township 'until about
eleven years age,. when he retired
from farms life and moved to Sea -
fortis. Six years ago Mr. Chaff move e
.d to �. where b* reeldeal esatil Continued from nage 1
his death, Mr. ClulE was highly re- ugh investigatiwa' of X -Ray labors-
sgeeted es an booed and upright roan tortes in other modern hoopltals had
by all who know hiaa. He was a Me- been made, ee that the best equipment
thodlet by religion and ss Conservativs 'could. be obtained. The use of X -Ray
in polities. Mr. ChM wax ptvdecsas- in plreeant-day mealiest and suttee'
led nineteen *ears ago by his wife, p� has increased marveUoasly in
who was formerly Miss Jennie May time put few years, and today no well -
Whiteside. Those left to mourn his equipped hospital is lacking in this
death are his sons, William and John, essential. The equipment installed et
of Toronto, and daughters, Miss Vie- the hospital is conplate, consisting of ,
let, Mrs. C. R. Moore, of Toronto, and a powerful X-ray generatex, and al - - ---a--- '-
Iaat Thursday from the C. N. R. sta. work. A well equipped t is sufficient -
dark rooms is ` o f Toronto, he continued his theoloti• . Mr. Huh v�
Mon rs.tDavid Miller, who died sudA in ly powerfulnto take pit * of anyeal studies at contin d his
th nude; Hamilton on Monday.
B. $ Streeter, the noted fico- DQii't miss the Fowl Supper sand
TgUUD LY, OCT. 15th. 19I.
Just the Pen for Everyone,.,.
H�rcules Se1#Fi11igFountaio leo
14 K Solid Gold Nib
The Rexaall Drug Store
Bedford Block - - Goderiich.
Mrs. R. C. .ThRobinson, of Carlyle, Sask. every fa designeditfo X -Ray tabic rate ° church CAst sedral, Hamtilton, Canada.1 GODERICH TOWNSHIP
MILLAR.--The tumoral took plate every facility for quick and soeurate • An honor graduate of cmc University Davidson returned to
Special Announcement
and Mrs. dames Law, of Glasgow, bents out of town for such examine. St. Jehn'�s has purchased 278 Hamel- 'end at her home here befere returning
Miss MacArthur, the'snperbn» h nd'
1.806, wizen Mr. Millan engaged in ed in the operation of the equipment, St, Mark's and it =eve church is v #owl supper
'business here. She leaves four sons: and all work in the new laboratory will be served at
ng, located ins fine residential part of the ' Code
Frank, of Wyoming, Ont.; Alfred, of wilt be under her direct supervision. city � is looking forward to Contin- �0n church, Taylors-C,Grnars, :
California; James, of Toledo, and The equipment was manufacttirocl 1 •^ rich township, on Friday, Oct. 30th.
Wyville, of Toronto, and three dough« the Acme -International 7C -Ray, Cora ued service to the community Watch for further particulars.
1111111Uu I , tars• Mrs Lae of Edmonton' Al- pony of Chicago, and was installed by ID ' The golden jubilee of Union Church,
IUIUIIUIIIiIIIIlUlU111U1 d th M >� Evans X -Ray Company of
I .5
Phone 418 Ladies anti Comt* Furnishings The Square, Godericb
;e eie
berta, and the Misses Edith an Louie, e
Children's Aid Sciciety was held on 18th, with special sere.
Maurice Sellars, of Toronto, bn
A meeting of the Huron County will be observed next Sunday, Oct.
ices CondnCted
at home; also a number of grand Detrol
GOT THEIR EYES OPEN ' HUGE CROWD AT ! in the walking pl class, won ehndr to ,and great-grandchild.A Magniflceat Sight to Behold Tue day, Oc be 6th This theMmormny at 11 o'clock and he
ow c s were o c an one o 'ruesclay,
r is was , t
PLOWING MATCH by S Mcturchie E Rollin and J. S. Mrs Bamber, of Gltsagow, and the visited theorchard first meeting since the holidays an
Uweters.' Messrs. Alex. and William Law, of The 'Star man evening at 7 p. m.
West 11 a there were many problems to discuss,
PLOW" J.N.Ok Ily won the ,prize offered
Buffalo, d Robert, of Vanepu °f Mr, Kenneth Cameron, p
in a recent atldress : A Liberal open t atk It but the attendance was_ small little Born. --At Alexander Marine and
Thoma- -oenty Conten.
meeting in Peel ryas attended by a Witnessed by 6,000 •
email boy who had four young puppies
Hon. Arthur Meighen told this one
- Walton by E. R. \Wigle, MLA A... of Goderlch, ver, are the surviving 'ter an br wanosh, near Lucknow, last wee ° a General Hospital, on Sunday, October
1 for the best crown in the boys' class tiers. Members of the family impossible to describe the beauty of w do th 1925 to Mr. and Mrs Robe.
old at to od
sus a o- as done.
ly accom- the orchard at this•pasticular time of Accounts amounting to $78.09 were 11 , , •
crier and a anted and aced. Sowerby, a son. Congratulations,
which had not yet begun to see,and The county plowing match, h (boys under 16), panted the remains G saible to presented pa
Walton last Thursday afternoon, was W. Dennis captured the prize given the year. It would be impo
which he offered for :sale. Fit1a11y. the funeral took place to Maitland describe an orchard ouch as this in There are trine children in the Shel-Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McAllister and
on of the crowd approaching the s huge success in ever:/..way, except by Georgy Spotton, of Wbngham, for ,cemetery, where Rev. It. C. ;API ter, one had been returned duringthe ‘children returned Tuesday from a
e that the weather was cI and damn. blossom time, but the resultant fruit
ley, asked; "Are these Liberal pups, P the best plow team on the field, mid, of Knox church, conducted thed rt reemonth; and one boy was cgmmitted to short visit at Detroit. They loft by
" airy "Well, then" In spite of that, however, there was a . A. Lamont won the prize donated services, 'file pallbearers were Dr. that has matures magnificent ent sight to the Industrial School. motor Saturday.
my son? Yon ' crowd estimated at about 5 000, The
said he, "I'll take these two," About, by Andrew Lamont, of Grey township, L. M. Mabee, Messrs, dames Buchan- present time is gThe next meeting will be held Tues- I
a week vet
afterward the Conservatives county association had mads good ar- yfor the best outfit driven by a boy, • an, ,Geo. MacVicar and W. H. Robert- .behold., No picture could . adequately _ day, November 10th . in the Baptist An. Oil Thai is Prized Everywhere.
a meeting in the sumo comity, rangementa for feeding the phple, as Twelve -year-old J• Sanders, of Eth- son. Many warm Goderich friends portray e The fruit isof hpr practie cally church. This will be the annual meat- —Dr; Thomas Electric Oil was Rut
held g y laden trees. y u on the market without any flourish
and among the crowd was to be seen there were over 1,000 autos around el, captured the prize presented by syanpatliize sincerely. with the family exfect throughout the entire orchard ••ung when `election of officers will take over fifty yearis ago. It vitas put up
the same.boy with his two remaining the field. Those taking part in the Lyle Gordon, of Cranbrools, for the in their bereavement. p lace.
u He tried for hours to obtain a contest came from all parts of the youngest boy plowing. I DUR5 .--Pesti removed from our and comprises Ontaries. McIntosh .1i ., to meet the wants of a small section,
p ps Reda Kings, Ren Davis, Spies, Bald- Shape isn't essential fora but as soon as its merits became
purchaser, and. finally was approached section: On account of the resent In the evening there was a large at- midst on October 6th a highly esteem- Y '
who els "Myrabns,'the groin was In good shape tendance at a play given 1n the church :dad almost life. -lou resident of wins, etc., .and a large number o£ oth- one -mete bathing .suit. There's brass known it had a whole continent for a
by a Conservative h asked: e n g er late fall and winter varieties. We Women are braver You never see field, and it is now known and prized'
little lad, what kind of pups are therm for plowing anti those competing did sheds by the Fe ycl. • young people, Colborne toenail - in the person of Th
have ?" "They're Conservative some splendid 'work. entitled "Finnegan's Fortune." p' will mention one tree, and this year it
you ha Y W C Durst
pope, air. e a in the orch
Ha was born in Pus -
is but an example of most of the trees .
a man slipping" off his shoes in a •re-, throughout the continent. ere iS-
lunch township, . Wellington .County, taurant ortheatre.
aro. It •bs a magnificent
nothing equal to it..-
- • " - Th - Liberal :Who had The success o! this, the. second -- - —
purchased the first two happened to plowing match of Huron County, be- WHO CAN HELP THE CADETS' near Guelph, bn x852, and came to tree of the Northern Spy variety; for g
be in hearing, and broke out a' the longs .to the following officers Pre- Colborne with his parents at the rare
boy: "See here, you young rascal, eider*, R. L. McDonald; vice-president, To the Editor or The Star. of eleven. In 1877: he was .united in seven consecutive years it has borne
didn't you tell me that _these:,,pups I •Wr, Speirs; honorary president,, A,, Dear Sir Iwish to make a request - a total of ninety-six barrels of No.• 1
bought of yot leaf week ,were Liberal Adams: ; xecretar .treasuxex, L. F. ' q marriage, with Anna Mary Moser, of . fruit, and thin year it is estimated
Y through the columna of The Star. A Sebringville, Ont. For over fifty conservatively to have twenty-four•
pups 1" "Y -e -s, sir,"' said the young,,t Cardiff' team of cadets has been training fors years he was a loyal member, and sup- barrels of the choicest apples account-
dog merchant; "but these aim t—•• 'The winners of the. ;850 in prizes competition in rifle shooting to, be porter o£ the Evangelical chinch, and ed re its credit. Mr. Cameron has
they've got their eyes• open: x : , (offered were : held at London on Friday, Oct. 2i3rd. 'was engaged in different departments .
* 1 Clara 1, with high -cut plows, in There will be eight or ten boys to go, of religious Activit Ile also .tgok fully fifteen hundred tees t theed un-
sod, free -foe -e11-1, Sandy McKercb-g yu der the limbs' of his trees at pre~
A �'SYCHpLOGICAI.. CoN'EST , , provided cars can be obtained to.take :live part in the interests of the coin•. sent time: Some of the higher limbs
• _• , er; 2, Watson McDonald, 8, R. Doig, them to. London. We can go early on munity and school. Although liaviiig that could not: well be propped are so
• American visitors to Canada this Clan •2, general purpose, . wooden- Friday morning if we can arrive by 9 more ti,an reached the allotted span ,heavily laden that they are' broken
autumn have noted a '.singular psych i►aindled plows, in sod --1, It. liasmere*' ` a. ' m., or if the team go down on of life lie always nsalxitabned- a youth- and will requite extra prnniner to rem-
*logical contrast between the present 2,. John Laidlaas, 3,.,G._ C. McDonald. Thursday afternoon, they will be pro; ltd spirit, a• fact which makes his de-
the defect caused ,thereby.. We
election caalpatgn and the average i Claus° 3, men from 19 to 2b .years, ..atded with supper, bed and breakfast • partite alb the more keenly' felt by have in one of the Star windows at
presidential year in the United States. with general purpose. plows, In rod, at Wolsley Barracks. We .have no the' family, to whom he had always the present tome. some excellent sam-
Proverbially a Presidenliai ebnipaign with skimmer -1, B. Hemnungway; funds to pay fbr cars except the prize been a loving father. His ;Christian pies of Ids Wolfe River variety of fall
means a temporary slump in business, 2, F. Hadden; 3, C, Rentont; 4, W. money that the boys may win. .If any faith sustained him during months of
, In Canada • trangely enough condte , Mitehelt of our citizens will volunter to help severe stain ng, which. he bore with
. tions have rightened for ,business Class 4,. boys 16 and under 19 years, in getting the cadets to . London for .great patience. Surviving him are a
men since the latter part of August in sod, skimmers allowed -1, W. Dou- this. meet,- their assistance will be sorrowing widow, six sons and four
when it became a .certainty that the mil- , highly appreciated; daughters and 24 grandchildren. The
Hiner Government would seek odes- The association s prize of $5 for the A. M. ROBERTSON. family are Fred, of Tribune, Sask.;.
solution• of parliament and appeal to oldest man plowing was won by San 1 Albert, of Brantford; Ezra, of De-
' the country. dy McCurchie, Howick, 73 years old
MUNICIPAL f t1UNCIL$ trobt• Rose, of Ayton Will, .o£ Nailer-
y Class 5,boys under 16, in stubble, • etch '
Visitors, and perhaps same Censer God i Tp, Naper-
ville, Illinois: Mrs., Gross, of Blyth;
(Bans"'also, have become curious as to
skimmers allowed -1, J• N. Ckeliy; 2, The council met on Monday, Oct Mrs. John Flick, of Colborne; John,
this contrast in conditions: but anq 'dek• Woods; 3, J• A. Locking. 4, J A. 6th, all the members present. .A let- on the old' homestead, and Frank and:
business ratan is ready with an answer'. Carlh°imes, 6, S. Srnith. ter from the Soldiers' Settlement Edith, at home. _ The funeral: services
The very prospect of a general elec- ! Class 6, single -running plows, in Board, asked a refund of first year at the house were conducted by Rev.
tion, with the ot�portunity it affords • sod, free-for-all, skimmers—•1, G. G. taxes on property purchased . by im- M. L. Wing,. a former friend and ac.
of getting rid of the King Govern- Speirs, migrants. No action was taken, Mr. euaintance, Rev. S. It. Knecbtel, of
ment, inspires a hope of better times.' Clava 7, tractors, open to men owns ,S..B Stothers wrote asking a grant Hamburg, a cousin of the deceased,
The atmosphere at Ottawa for nearly iiig tractors in the county ---1, G. Mc- rto the prize list of Huron County and Rev; Pointer, of BenmiUer, assist -
four years pest has been antagonistic " Gavin; 2, E, Rollin; 3, W. Suwelers. fruit show' to be held in Clinton. To ed in the services.
toward business, and this intangible The special prize' donated by ,`1 F• this a grant of $10 was given: The And still his silent ministry
but obvious -condition has contributed Daley, of Seaforth, for. the. beet crown following accounts were ordered' paid: Within our hearts hath place,
much to the prevalent depression. in the tractor class, the .tractor to be
The ve t of a chtngesland of driven by a #armor oY farmers' ran of Wilfred Elliott, sheep claim, ;8s. Aa when on earth he walked with ua, winter tourists will be guests.
ry ptpoegec .... _ _ . _ 'Phos. Hawkins, boltsand nails, $1,;80; .And met: us -face td face . _ ._
apples. All of Mr. Cameron's fruit
will grade sound, the only difference
between his No. 1 and No. 2•varieties
being in size, and those taken from
the upper branches will perhaps be a
little better color on account of the
increased sunlight they get..
Canadians Called to
Pasadena Rally
Riverside (Cal.) Daily•Press :
first' of the provincial. doings for `the
people who - have formerly lived in
Canada is sponsored by the Canadian;
Tourists Society, and will consist of a
rally and get-together of all who: have
ever lived, in the Province of Ontario,e
Canada.. This is to be held at Brook-
side Park, Pasadena. Sunday, tOctober
18th, from 11 a. m. to 5 p. nt., free to
all. First arrivals of ,the Canadian
electing a new Government which will the distrlet• •wan won by G- Gavin, H. L. Salkeld; expenses to Ontario His Life is forever Dore, 1 .As the .original pioneers of River-
h E Rollin _ d valley d 1 i
make the prosperity of the whole' coin- with E. secon . I Educational Convention, $20; Y. R. What he to us has been, side ey an this section were
munity its ideal, is having a salutary The $5 prises given by 3. W. King Middleton, expenses to O. E. A., $20; Hath left henceforth its seal and sign largely from the Province of Ontario,
effect on public psychology. M. P., of Biusvale, for the beat ilnish o., M. Kidd, gravel, $3.60; Sam Em- Engravers deep within, ' Canada, and as a central point close
'merlon, Supt• salary,. $63; Harvey` to Pombena, Ontario, and Upland, was
Alexander► cement culvert, 3.56.50; W. PEOPLE WE KNOW desirable, Pasadena wap selected as'
Elliott, on Deeves: bridge *ccount, Mret.` James ttilimon was upfrom the first rallying point. The whole
e100. The council then adjourned to affair bs . preliminary to the Twelfth
meet on Monday, Nov. 2nd, at 120 Toronto last week,
sr: sine- a:�,.
Mr. and Mrs. Hall Rutledge left for Annual Canadian Picnic and Re -union,
which will be. held as usual in Feb -
R, G. THOMPSON', Clerk. London on Tuesday for a visit... teary next.
Li�T REpoRTS Mrs. X. Buehler has returned home Many former residents of Canada
after a pleasant visit with friends in and their descendants, who originany
S• S. Na 7, Colborne Sarnia. came from the old Province of On -
The following is the report of S. S. Miss 'Grace Strang ants Home from i*rio, after which Ontario, in Califon
No. 7, Colborne, for September V.— Guelph for the weekend. uta, was pained, are expected to at-
Carman Stevens, 65. Jr,.IV; "Perna Brief tend and meet old-time schoolmates
Lee, 66. Sr. ' .III.••—iteta Fisher, 66; Mr. Harold Leebeg, of Detroit, was of a quarter of a. century ago.
Milford Durst, 68. Jr. IIL--Norman the guest of Mies Isabell Browglee `fie chairman will tie John Hooper,
Durst, 72; Elmer Lee, 56. Jr. It.— over the week- d. former publiidhesr of tor°nto, Ontario,
Willa Bolton, 64; Emmerson Durst, and noa+'the president of the Canadian
Miss Lillian McDonald has returned Tourists' Society. Other epeakersc
lS7. Sr. I. -Elmer .Fisher. Sr« Pr.- - home after a two weeks' vacation with will beII, T, Hackett, formerly of
Dorothy' , Fisher. Jr: Pr. --Harold friends in Detroit. London, Ontario,. Canada, and Arthur
Stevens, Norma Lire, Roby Yining. ThMusa Blanche Knox, of Toronto, Leadley, of Hamilton, Ontario, Can -
Geo senioraSpells were examined spent last week with her mother, Mrs. ad*. The Press has been requested
Gene, Com Spelling, Writing, Arith-(V)Jno. Knox, Waterloo St. by the Canadian Tourists Society to
m*tit, Composition and higher; fair, invite all who have ever lived in On-
Satisfactory, 65% and' higher; Miss Matheagii has returned to town
60% to 65rf; poor, below 60t,. Per- after a visit of several months with On-
tario, Canada, their relatives, deacen-
fect attendance,. Emmerson thirst, relatives in the West. dents and friends, to come and enjoy
M. I. JEFFERSON, Teacher. i Esther Mason, of New York' -City, 'i great day.
Beautifier visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rev. C. R. Carrie Appointed
Wesley Fisher, over the week•end.. to Rochester Parish
Mrs. Gren. Clark received the sad Friends of Rev. C. R. Carrie will he
news on Wifedneaday evening of the math interested in the announcement
sudden 'death of her mother, Mrs. of his appointment to the rectorship
Geo. Sawyer, Mitchell. of St. Matk's end St. John's •Episco-,
Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Forsyth, of pal Church in that city, and it is in -
St. Mary's, were visitors at the home Wresting to note that Rev. M4. Carrie
of Mr. and Mrs. David Meftwain, has the distinction of being the young-
eft rector in the City of Rocbester.
Mrs. Walter Mattel and Mica Etta The following reference is from The
Rochester Times
Sault* were delegateo frets► the Gede- The R*v. C. R. CarriM• A , tiaewiy
rich Ladies' hospital Auxiliary to the appointed rector of Set:. Mark's and
Provincial meeting its Gott last week. St. John's Episcopal church, Parkside
Mrs. Gouge Garrick and little son *nd Denver streets, will enter upon
have ratarnsd hear, free" at two Ids ditties there tomorrow, preaching
weeks' vacation with the former's six- at the le o'clock Harvie*. Mr. Gattis
ter, Mrs• Titoree* X0eak, of Detroit, came from Avon, where he has been
Mich. fee the past three rears. Under his
Mrs., Dwell M,efwelit has rsti� reto rshlp the church in Avon showed
Borne frons Ds a*aau. wb*rn abs witol ,inso pregame. Not only was*
was with her slater, the lliisst. Mrs. fIn! Tsetse's purchased, but s modern
Cheri* lsiliat#.. daring tis. last two pariah hall folly' supplied with kiteli-
weeks of bar ilbaee.. en, std modern eeralpreent was bent,
Mr. and Mrs. +hasaes Ounplaeal and meth* mors then $10,000. This saint
family were *t the forager% parental was aabeeribed and paid in a little
Pfritaaaer, )tkhard Mewhferey. hours at Weemeefesrd, Mar Haasihbm, tear* thea a year.
10. 0. X. DOLAN, Principal. 1 the past we*k, athesil*g the Meth Prier to timing to Avon, liar. Carrie
E. L. CAMPERLL Assistant. wedding *nnivea*ry .f Kr. sad Mrs. was aselst*at fee three pare in Christ
Report forth* month of September;
names itt order of merit : Jr. V.—
Willie Hoy, George .Poulter, Sr. 1V.
--Evelyn Long, Minnie Good, Shirley
Vanatone, Marguerite Hoy Jr. IV.---
'USW Pfrhnrer, Gertrude Houghton.
Isobel McWhinney. Sr. III:—Era
Pettraan, Myrtle Good (equal), Char-
lie Houghton. Jr. III.—Ben Straugh-
an, Frank Walters (equal), Myrtle
Pfrisata*r, Marie Maedel, Helen
Strai*htn, Edna. MCC.o� ol, Leslie Hoy.
Sr. I11 Evelyn Hill, Thelma All:,
Carson Hoy, Albert Vanstone, Bert
Menthe, Eramersoti Edwards. Jr. 11.
—Gordon La Roo**, " Ethel Mill,
Edythe McCiabe, Gordon McCool, Ade-
laide Houghton, Leona Miser, Mel-
trots Good, Gordon Fisher. Sr. I.
Dent llrehriag. Annie EdVards, Mark
La Reams. Ethel Fisher. Jr. f.—El-
wye ?Rimmer, leucon Walters, Har-
vey Pittman, Loretta Kerr, *calla
Hoy. Sr. Pr.—•Grant Fisher. Pt. A.
—Reginald McCool', Omuta La lot«
Pr. B.-1C*ut+eth Flatter, Grate
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They Keep Tae& Good Looks
Crown Tailored Overcoats at
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They're right in shade and ,shape.
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