The Goderich Star, 1925-10-08, Page 5PAGle PIVI
Thsir mods are wail looked after at our store.
:lasley Foods, Bottles, Niplen, Rubber Panties,
Rnlebor Sheeting, "this kind that wears," Talcums
Cream* for chsfing, Bath Thermometers.
Campbell's Drug Store
Mons 0
Tie* &Pare Godariell, Oat.
. _
sSpecifications for New Town Hall to Be Prepared and
Bylaw to Go to Vote of Electors
Recommend Introduction of More System In
Fax Collector's Department and Monthly Audit
'1 The <reaOlar reacting , of the town bilities nothing was *Hewed for dee
teaourteileeve* held on Friday evening precistion in value of the fixed aseete.
It• estes with all trie, members present, We would recommend that a new Tad-
• with. thvexception of Councillor Lee, nation ofthese pro' pertiett be mode,
• who was Absent on a trip up the lakes. as this has not been done for some
The treasurer's statement for the ' years,
month of September was presented We have examined the inituranee
rahwatt-referred to the finance com- policies held by the town on the
amittee. schoola, factoriem, town buildings, *tee
The tee collector reported the fol. 'and consider the same satisfactory ex
lowing taxes collected from Sept. 3rd cept in one or •two cases, where the
to Oct. 2nd: e 1928 taxes, $10; 1924 •insurance, while probobly sufficient,
teems, $10; 1925 taxer 4475.09; dog -is nlit in accordance witteagreements.
$6; making a total of $501.99. The bonds re the Sinking Fund haVe
This communication was referred to been examined and are considered
the fincmceeeoramittee. , eatisfactory.
son, the town auditors, made their re- Light Commission it etvilt be ' noted
Wiesen. ff. R. Long and C„ jack.: In the statement of the Water and
-Port on the 1924 accounts:. After re- that the water department was oper.-
porting on the various departments eteel at a lossAn increase In the
of the town's finance, the ,books .0f water rates, irwever, has been made'
- which were found _in order and eat- and we trust that this will put tiee;
rect., the auditors meele tee following department on "Ee proper basbe
comments i • In 1908 the townof Goderich guar -
An improvement is noted in the col anteed bonds of the Ontario West
lection of tax arrears during the Shore Electric Railway to the extent
of $1.50,000„ issued for thirty Years
' veer, there being .peaetically /10,000
and bearing half yearly interest con-
' less taxes eutetanding at the end ef
pone at 6 per tent. per annum,
the year, coinpared with one year ago.
The interest due on bonda guaran-
"There is still, however, too large an
arrearage of taxee. and an eff,..,.4. — teed by the Teem of Godeeich of re -
500 semi-annitally ' has been paid by
Should be made to clear this up as the town out of current yw's taxes
speedily as 'possible.
We 'would recommend that a mine since 9telecLe'iderame litigation the es -
up -to -date memo be intstalled in the sets of the fie Wlwe
',tax collector's department. 'This P1 ac ed . in the thehitilat'ofresold
_Lerilektor:ipaiieililleriwreeoarsici lei, aArirnothly_ mortgagenin
General.'cipalTraitieset that graustirigtefel The
bond ofe the abovee.ettii-
• weeld simplify. matters greatly and
would be of much - assistance to the
• •
ment,-watild-then be in order. depart- pang. They are now holding S135.-
1,00 in Dominion of Canada Victory
In 'the statement of assets and lia- 'Bands ,due .1934, and the pro rata
— - — share of the Tovm of Goderich Is
, s• i 15I42nds of these bonds, amounting .to
e ', $48.214.30:
, r
0 e . , from the Trust Company interest on
8 re The Town of Goderich •has received
e. !their proportioe tie theite bonds from
k of October 12tli to 17th 25 Nev. rat, 1924. The accrued interest
July, 1920, the last payment being .on
froni Nov, let, 1924, to .Dec. 31st,
1924, amounts to $435.91. The 'Town
has reinvested amount received, and
on Dec. 31st, 1924, and 'now; have on
• . .
IMen V and Tuesdai
• CONWAY TEARLE hand cash in bank, $21.03; and $14,500
flaw *tilling and glamorous drama • of in Dominion of Canada 524, par cent.
.liftientthel$kdoera bonds. These two assets, together
with equity in bonds held by the Trust
Company of 448,214.30; give a total as
bn Dec; 31st, 1924, of $63,735.33. This
amount, invested at only 4 per cent..
for 14 yeare, or till the bonds of the
0. W. 5, B. mature, would amount to
more than $110,000. '
We -would recommend that the town
continue, to pay out of current taxes
the yeterly intereit of../7,54/0 due on.
their share of the guaranteed bonds.
On rawest the town solicitor gave
his opinion hi writing on the early
dosing bylaw. Ile wrote: "My opin-
ion is that. provided the petition :tub-
mitted under sec. 84 (4) of the Fac-
tory, Shop and Office Building .Ace is
in accordance with the requirements
of the town's bylavr and the require..
menta of sec. 84. the council is forced,
within one month after the preifenta-
tion of such application. to pass a by-
law in accordance with it.
A report, of the Tourists' Associa-
titre, •ef•Ontario gave a resume of the
eiterk done by the association since its
fneeption a few months ago, and re -
"The Heart. of a Shen"
.11ello Goodbye"
iqueifiay ....111$14 i Is- Amateur night.
See tthe 'lectil ttitlent perform. Sit
oda- 'Your •seeldituse Aecides the win
Inert. 'Replier "rites; one vshow only,
..,, Wednesday anti Thursday
f** s'ep in a speedy racing picture
obindk Still (of •nctiori
"The. Lucky 'Devil"
Friday and Saturday
5n* story as fast as its name. You
will like
"'The 'Miatiliht Sorti°
EOM COMEDY " • z**'•
Matinee Saturday at :$ i *t.; quested that photographs of the Cod-
Ceirlsg—Miloessmgker freleeParle" erich tourist camp be sent in ferIntb-
e-ee• •
• :To the Canadian Motorist
No GA$1111Q141
will take Carbon Knocks out of your Engine
Has been Thoroughly Tested by Ontario Motor League, Whose
nehenaical Analysis finds it to be non-iniutious to Metals used
/ in Motor Vehicle Engines.
1111141110=1:1=011120 01=0 01210
Our Ladies' Fall and ter Coats
These Coats come to us on approval from one of the largest Ready -to Wear Manufacturers in Toronto, and we believe
that by getting them in this way, we would be in a pcpition to offer you your Winter Coat at a much lower price than you
would be compelled to pay, to pvrchaae it in the usual manner.
You are invited to come and Compare Styles, Materials and Prices
. This weekea wiIoffer,MinyMoney*Saving Valois far Thrifty Buyers
Ladies' Chamo.Suede Gloves, in beaver
shade only. Per ...... ..49c.
Ladies' Cape Gloves, Reg. $5.00 pe. pair.
Clearing at, per pair $2.95
Ladies' House Dresses, each. ..... 95c.,
37 Inch Striped Flannelette, per yd
Pure Linen Towels, 20x36 in with hem-
stitched ends. Special, each .55c,
Plain and Corded Velvets, in several shades.
Yd. , . ....... 1.... . . .49c.
Navy Blue and Black Serges. Reg.4$3.50
per yd. Friday and Saturday, Yd. ,$.95
Several pattetits -Of Curtain Net Clearing .,
af, per yd ... . , ... . .. .39e.
*,X06e, CtirtaiirtiVilMilisPtte,"$.t Ina es,
only. Pe d 15c.
34-tV brap4y. :dhintz. Several new pat-.
terns to choose from. Friday and Sat-
Ordal, ,...... „
Extra !ate ".2::4 Flannelette Blankets, pr $2.69
200 pairs Silk and Wool Ladies' Hose. in the
following shades: Raddle and white,
Desert and white, coating and white.
Bobolink and white. Exceptionarva.
lue at, per pr • 691C11
35 in. Strip, Flannelette, in fawn, bitn,..; pink
• and dark stripes. Friday. anti Satur-
day only, per yd... , 24c.
36 -inch Unbleached Cotton, tine, close
• weave. Friday and -Saturday, yd... .16e.
NoVinore than 10 yards to each customer.'
Children's Silk and Wool Hose in white and
bright shades, at special pric-s.
Inch Pongee Silk, per.yd ...... .59e.
Ladies'. Brushed Wool Sweaters, each —.54,95
66 Inch Pure Linen Damask in sevt.ral pat-
terns. Friday and Saturday, per yd
Silk Broadcloth in the popular shades yd. 9$c.
SeVeral shades in t -ounce balls of Fancy
Yarns. Clearing at, ball , .15e.
Dark Prints in small neat pattern. ClearinT
at, per yd: ..... ... 24c.
32 in. Plain and Checked Gingham. Only
a few patterns left. Yd.... .....26«..
Children's Vests ad Drawers, in sever 11
sizes. Reg. pricc-25c. and S5c.
Clearing at, 45e
Wehave several new Dress Length.; of
checked silk and wool crepes plaid
and striped flannels, and tanq silks,
also dress trimmings in the new mat-
erials. •
'PHONE 86 1
F. E
I . •
Reath:in in their literature. Tide reel mill, to raise present ' dwelling on building, another payment of $200, i new town hall.
oie-eco,,IlPhi-eliiitiffred ire- r - - Itroek- etreet and build foundation.; making $700 in all, shall bepaYinent I The Placing of fire insurance on the
Reference was made by the Mayor from the Horton Estate (through E. in full for all services readered by the new fire truck and engine was refer
the Reeve .to the death of the H. Rill) to re -roof building on west architect, the plane and ,speeitieetions .redcotountheofirHays broughtnaneecommittecup
Dnduty'Reeve's father and their words side of North' 'street, occupied as of- to be the property of the town. Ithe
of sympathy were suitably acknov0- fleet with asbestos slate roofing, J We recommend that no actiein
on be ' matter of levelling up and sowing to
weed by the Deputy Wave. ' ' The Goderieh Uttting,CO. Made ap- taken on the preposition to advertiee 'grass the plot around the soldiers'
The old temple -int of building Jgoing plication for refundof eight months' if. the Automobile Green Book. , I, cniuerrMoritaltht theialstumpsalltheandof h
Mayor troreeoens
P• -
Were permits are obtained' get an 'buifineas tak en' 'mute which they 'In the mm
atter of the comitment
' again, the particular ce ' instan• were no lenger • lilting for business of Robert Carrick to Victoria Indies—near by Which had been cut out should.
je, this coserbeing the Craigia garage PerPesete. TN reeneet was referred trial *School, we recommend that the be removed in any event. The matter
st- 'Patrick street Councillor to the 'finance committee., town refuse to assume any realm—was referred to committee.
on introduced the matter by enquire. . Aerequest. from.Messrs. Cheer and sibility or pay maintenance, especially Reeve Munnings i ;minted oet that
ing if a perniit" had been given -to :Mumby for refund of business tax, as for any indeterminate tern'. ,holes in !Candi:de /road Mould be
and ouggested that some
was done. in 1925, by the A writ has been issued sigainst the patched
resaPir he:b,Yosat *; '44ev?ptiortliant"er13,' was also referred to the town by the Muskoka Hospital for ;work could with advantage be done on
wmligich Councillor Cgoliee
* that Mr. Oral
. Ifmanee committee. • maintenance ef Wilfred Etise and we arty Britannia road and
permcoultn. eliansotrfTtdiu.rner said 14,r:emit In
oral& , . A moot; .fer.The cutting down of beg to report that the town solicitor streets. He' believed if they were
a basswood tree in front of Mr. John has been instructed to defend the scarified and some work done on them
had an application for, a pNewgate street, was town.i they would be working up into good
last fall and while he had built, pos. 1 tranteSnazell 'on :'N
eibly without a permit being granted; thenmatter of the petition frora streets similar to Cambria road, and
id A request from the Belt-Telephorie the dry goodi merchants, gents' far- he believed the only way to get our
he did not 'blame him one patt ed
Other irareges had been built in the ;:eree
,,,geselte<14tthe pleasure of the nishing Merehatcte, • we recommend
fire limits which were not strictly in ' eetola .e. , . • ''' • , that the petition be received and
and at the pleasure of the council. I early closing bylaws be prepared and
atticebrdvaansecawifitrhott.hcieursegbuulentdiniell: air.
A claim for $10 damage through passed.
crtirie had put up . , sheep being ;tilled by a dog, was re- , • The public works comrnittee report -
Councillor Hays gm, °Medea that , Xerred to ihelinance committee. , ed that the petition for a sewer on
even if .11r, . crahrlefelt that he had I. The Rog -pita Board'asked the town Picton street from Waterloo to Wel-
been prof:wrier treated by to
provide storage • accommodation lington street wits, not sufficiently
year's council in the holdina uo if his for the ,tonbulance, in view of the ex- signed and recommended that the
nermit, he had no right fo pssurae that tra tome' 'which "the council -has re- petitioners be so notified; reported
year's council miebt not have, oently acquired- for storage of town that the town engineer, Mr. S. M.
been more lenient. and he ehould, in machinery,. etc. This request was Janson, had been working on the
anv case, have. got the rem • it heforo granted. • road oil assessments and the commit-
building- The council bacl objected The general plant superintendent tee expected to have them completed
to various buildingS and if it was not of the Canadian National Telegraphs at an early date. The Committee re-
wrote_ agreeing to remoethe tele- commended that bylaws be passed
going to enforce its bylaw Tegniring
b 1 w graph poles from the square, if the providing for road oil assessments on
a permit, it shoe bury
in' town would undertake to become a
• Reeve Munnings said the garage
party to an agreement which would
question was a right good garage and
he was satisfied. He thought last give the Telegraph Company perpe-
tuai rights on the electric light poles
year's' council was hewing a little too
close. at the rear of buildings from Ring-
• An inquiry being made, the clerk ston treet to their office,
gave the information. that there was Thiwas referred to the special
a penalty provided for infraction of committee.
The finance committee finding that
thr. bylaw, and the special tommittee
was instructed to look into the bylaw.
The matter came up again when a
bunch of applications for permits were
presented. In some cases the work
was already under way before the
permit had been granted by the coun-
cil. The following vias`the list of ap-
plications which were referred to, the
fire committee, with power to act in
urgenb cases, and to report back to
the council the disposal of each care:
Prom W. I. Weekes, to rebuild shed
en the east side of dwelling on Huron
road; from Maurice Weber, to raise
present dwelling on Park street, and
make 12x24 addition; from josh.
Moore, to erect kitchen "I0x22 with
basement full size, at dwelling on St.
David street; from Dr. A. C. Ilunter,
to erect garage on Nelson street;
from George Laithwaite, to re -roof
part of present building on St. Pat-
rick street; from W. C. Patton to re -
roof building on East street; iron). Ting room of dwelling on Bayfield rd.;
from Miss Polley, to re -roof residence
oft North etretit; from Calvirt-Cutt;
some thirty sections of streets (the
streets petitioned for and treated this
The fire committee reported reeom-
mendifIg that the request of the fire
brigade for rubber gond' Iso ••vt4-11
the hairman with pewerr to sett re-
ported having passed all apnli,•eitiors
for building permits referred to it at
the balance due The Collegiate heti- the previous meeting,
tute on their 1925 levy was e9.04," Avid reported that the ne* fire
recommended that this amount be paid truck had arrived, been tested and BC*
over to the board; reported that the cepted and was now ,readrfor use and
45,100 bonds to be issued to pay 'for Wine, Proctor had been placed in
the fire truck were advertised for sale elated 'until further arrangements
and had *11 been subscribed for, and were made, and that the fire warden
recommended that the bends be eXe- be so notified; and recommended that
euted and handed to the subscribers the truck be insured againatfire for
on payment of the amounts; reported the full insurable value, and that
that it would be necessary to make bylaw providing for right of way for
arrangements for a further credit for fire equipment be prepared and pas -
current expenditures and recommend-, sed at once.
ed that a bylaw be passed authoriz-I The repnrts were all adopted, not,
ing tee borrowing of $10,000 until the however, *pout Deputy Reeve Mos-
er and Councillor Turner voicing their
opposition to the proposal to have
specifications drawn up for the long
talked of new town hall, and voting
.against this clause in the apeeial com-
taxes are collected; recommended that
the collector be instructed to proceed
now to collect all arrears of taxes;
recommended the payment of a num-
ber of accounts and the filing .of the
treasurer's and tax eollector's •reports. mittee's report The Deputy Reeve
The special committee reported as claimed that if the town would spend
follows,: We recommend that Mes- , the interest for one year on the $80,-
ars. S. B. Coon and Son, of Toronto, 000 or $100,000 a new town hall coat it
be engaged se architects on the new would put the present building into
0Havrkins, to re -roof kitchen and din-
1:20% town hall proposition and be, asked to good shape mo that it would do very
proceed with the preparation' of plans nicely for another ten rears. Coon -
end spetifications, on the following cillor Turner *Imo urged that the pre -
Where VIM You Be? What Will You Be Doing ,,? terms- : 5- per cent. ef the total cost emit building would be used yet If elle
' to re.roof shop on Ringetort street; of the tompleted building (exclueive: 000 to sio,00g was spent on it, A.t
The answer depends very largely upon your ction NOW. , o front Mrs. W. It. Tremblay to p ta a the cost of the land), $500 Of the , the present tinie, when factories were
You cannot hopeoJfor the greatest success uni you fully foundation under dwelling o'n Reayus I commission to be peid on the comple- I closed and when there was unemploy-
prepare yourself for it. 4"
Write today for full itformation regarding ot ,t6urses.
The completion of one of these may meart the difference be.
tween success And failure for you. New clikes fomted every
st.F. LUM11010,6 Si A., Prinolpid.
9.1910=19110111111124/1110011==20=0 <010001:00:=1:10/218
street, with cellar under kitchen; from
It. O. Poetlethwaite, to re -roof pre-
sent dwelling on Rayfield road; from
Richard 'Brennan, to tear down pree-
efrbebern on Nelson street and build
garage; from James Lavery, to raise
preeent dwelling on Eldon street and
pot cement foundation under it with
email kitchen 14xI4; from Oscar
Win -
tion of the plans and speeitications., ment, he thought the project; should
and the balance of 50 per ent. of the not be gone on with.
commission when the contracts are Reeve Munnings pointed out that
let, after the vote by the elettore is .at last municipal elections a plebiscite
taken, 25 per tnt. of the commission had showed a majority in favor of a
when the roof is on and the balance new town hall, and with that In view
upon the completion of alt work: , wax in favor of giving the peopk.
provided, if, after tenders are railed, the oepoitunity of deciding on a con -
it is decided not to proceed with the erete proposition for the building of a
streets in good shape was to conceit-
trate on a. few streets each year till
they were -got into good shape and.
then keep them up;e. Chairman Moser.
of the public works committee paint-
ed out how much work*there was to,,
do which had prevented the depart
merit undertaking more work,
Bylaws making assessments for
road oil en the various streets ore
will& it was applied this year - were
passed and the council the adjourned.
A Remedy for Earache,—To. have,
the earache is to endure torture. Tho
ear is a delicate organ and few care to
deal with it, considering it worlc for
a doctor. Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil
offers a simple remedy. A few drope
upon a piece a lint or medicated* cot-
ton and placed in the ear will do nub
in relieving pain.
In business -to do all kinds of plumbing, heating and
tirtsmithing to your entire satisfaction.
What Fool Tre9Me is Yours?
• You ctr Lcuick Lasting Relief
Consult be regarding, your FOOT PROBLEMS
either for Arch Troubles,. Corns, Bunions, Sore
Heels, etc., ...or ill fitting Shoes, you can get
relief at
HERN, Post Graduate Practipedist •
Phone 43 W. The Square
Students may enter at any time.
Another opportunity of starting on the road to COMMERCIAL
Seize this OPPORTITSITY and register NOW at the SCHOOL.,
Our PItA.CTICAL Ilt18INES8 TRAINING will fib you for the
HIGHEST veld positione in the BerSINES8 WORD, whom wort
always REWAIIIJED In proportion to the SERVICE rendered,
COVESEEI : Comtnereisd, Secretarial, Teachers, Civil Service and
Special Courses,
• ......
Special Masses for Goderich Students
Poor weeks additional time given to students on an right months'
Por inforinntion apply to
Coin, Specialist, Vice Principal
l'hoott 198.
F. WAUD, 'D. A.
rrinei Eat.