The Goderich Star, 1925-10-01, Page 2k PJM T"
7`6 Wme is#dieries any etwtptset with the Liberal i Jwent of, flee}r war c'ebts. France
t S1 party in flee 'eveet I* haft >he p a owes three and a thin]. bila -in dollars
REt� ��' •�'� yf��� statesweat at policy is which the r• WILSOR3
to ills LnJtor3 l;txte's, Qiit, tbi
#y adheres wtritUr to affai{s• concern. ; totFrance tit determined t a set:our, dell :Isnt
'.rix the wetfare of their own con- logo
statisilft6ets. iitruri Bourassa, the is Haat she will not urdeiisike to jlmk# � ..10 T
i l renck atatiolualist leader, is again A greater payw*nty thwi those whkk z f. + ti
ca»ditlattt fwr pariiamentury ho'l,ars e,
she will receive in tura Tress tier far -
i as Liberal notwitws for LAbolle. The over enemiQs, WwhirisAcm ii 1dreA3y •
- Inde :dent Labofr Par• at Wiva* indignant over tii-t dilei- Illi tai be fac-
_. r bor candidates asking nut the s1J1y
e' ed in the nexcitiatieas. Wita�n, in
,g }las drown u a� 31. ' to �• 61ter debt rdrttie-ttten� �- -----
--- --
.sersbs to a domund for capital levy as ' WX)1e 't. to 'p ty
. IM. p owes centro! the R,is with
inti est UP -TO -Date
.,T rO-Date an f� n #
. � x ineantt o! wJ in* out the war debt. � ,� '� � '�� owes the i>nited Std cs with interrat �' f� � ��"`� Styles'
� �i�
it However, the main isauea of use Bloc. * at three ,end ae bait pe- cent, within
The ORANGE PEKOE hi *xtrat 'Try it � � tion soem to be tbose things which �� 10C �� dirty -two years. Thr:;e same ternitl
. .�..�.. ,affect tariff, trade, huntlgration and Washington will dcwwrl of France,
_mom MA___ __ _..._v-- . -.._� transportation, Mr. it 449isisoon told an except that they may allow :t lower �����������+��
Amhurst aitdie»ee that wiNa three w +rate of itnterest to h,^gia with, in.
montba, if he is returrod to: the v&e, ! ereasing as France ro,r::re="•a her?fnan- DURABILITY �,
he would opt up the t11tiOt oJ1 Parma .• - - cial equilibrium. Ilow weer. if Cash- E
Wash -
products as high els that of dual Unit- assures the League of Ntltit;isr that logien insists upotn these terms
oil States. In Citarloitetown, t?rrin- she will accept the deviodons of tll*t Fr*11" may :efugo to +aettltr at all. '' ►
+ ier .Sing hes profnixt i to introduce � body regarding her claia,e to the Mo- Ur. the other hand i3r::+eFn has ofC<red
measures for the refortn of t sen- " sul *roe. So far Turku;* has re a- Y AND SATISFACTION
France terin� which practicuil mt~•ir.
/ ate and distu"sti rodflyocity With tits dieted her former proftilv.x in his ;r « per cent payment on the throe
'United Siatea. >1Cea»!i»;a all alNctio» i'" dollars which i:: t. -
� � respoet and has taker to expellinlC dirt a half bill' • •s
4fllcera are iteitlg appiJlite>3, p i� f 1Qtltle ejll iQC. .l�1lWx►ya the 1iIWe>tt iarll
« C'hristiana of the did ut.d lauds, fir a t rn of dxty trrtt y+•err ,►rl
i tie: wiping out the princ'l•v.'. t t th-
A stood rainy surptilill tel dale have ly a stralflht obe betwceti Lib•, may Use F*resr in ll 00111 lJoyel Geergg6lo New Drive oebG at the end tt *nt este 'l + .� is Men's Smart Wear., at
featured the C•sanadian nominations a mbv (kMwirvativQs, as so far i Britain may have to resort to the l ,i c +ndition*1 upell the f: S. 1,0;n,c
and several candidates are renewing the �"� 'party has not yet t use of leer arta and air farce to eta- Lloyd George la ittax!.Ic a lrome g
their aid Association'With the Ttfttiti- rot Its �l farce into the contest, y back Jit the old land with an amassing rgnsllg generous terms to prance.
curet a. settletstettt o! the Mosul uaa• Otherwise, Britain will expect to ret-4�
cal parties The contest is altparsstt• Robert >Pafik+l, the l�armur leader, tion, unless Turkey ittilntdFatel +a.�pxopasal is db:ittlrttts tl±o uilemploy- ce}ve the equal treatanent with the
insnt probkra by al hack to -the -bind United States. U. S. newspapers
MoveJ»0Jxt. Addt•esaing . $0,000 oriri- "The r s
bare been violently critical of this Mazy sl and BOYS" Stare Worth Whirr" ,
culturiats in Exeter he polniml nutY
• that If. British, people took to farm- Proposal rrhleh offers them the llalce
v ti. int; in the"' sigma of forcing their orlon. CIV, at business., p�� ���
Provo As theand Ns�rlft Sim
Dutch not only would the unempto - like
France, ,bor of Agree hath-
I 'it, yAgreeing to �.
. ? ad be entirely absorbed ill agriculture similar terms to the l;'Janeo-British
-but. there. would be ranne foe, 700,000 i
more in the British Islea. lie is Ad- settlement,. and „be ittcocl with . he
7ECI .. of 'G}ltirei.. LANA r4N •. FAGtFIC
mare! necessity of ' likowi,*e Paring � -
. , vacating a sort of state ownership of down the exacting terms All the Brit- Gloves hiiviia curious auecdotage � SBB", CHANGES
The,� & : ,e + Ii' j�• r �i land and would replace the Vlandlord ate -American debt settliameswt, Uncle � of their own, esneotaily in, regard to f Etitsctive SW. 28th the following
- +i ip 1+ flJi i t system by a seep #erne of Tinct teltttru Sam is keen to .cat►evt every.,cent their use as, XYmbols. Perhaps the changes in train acbcdules will be
In which ^the cultivator would he as- which he leltt to his allies as credits fact that ,gloves were an Important made
• sured security on the laid in return during the world *.kr, war that they itssn lnrthe growth of luxury during � Train formerly leaving Toronto at
for which the .state would demand might be able to. buy their tsar sup- � the age of chivalry had something to C,10 pm. daily except Sutul:ty arrive
adequate° with their prominen aver sl1
!flies from him at exarbltant war. ori-� other articles of wear inkregard to . Jog Gaderich 9,55 0 ul also train
cel, but he is very nnvvtrlrnx to, symbolia use. leaving Goderich 6.Gi1 a,ni; daily ex- ,
Indiawt in Conventida knowledge that in so t}oing lie is play- Gloves adorned with rubles and . rept Sunday arriving Toronto 10. 5
A, convention of Indiana in be}ng'"Ing the role of Shylxlc. There is no aaPPlJlres, and Perfumed gloves from a.m. will be discontinued.
held`in'Brantford ort the Sial Nations repayment for the mihlon;> of demi Spala, were part of the outtite of Train leaving Listowel for T,fnrood .
• reserve, apparently without any sir- which Britain and t: *ande paid oat far wealthy people at an early Period inat 7.40 ani, daily a*cant Sunday will
rs;ngement having been - made with victory. -Gold is the only-Qleme»t our history, and stories of the copvey- [leave at 10,10 a.m., retuvning, train
the Indian . department. Delegates over which- so much boalckeeping was -once' of vol tin throngk, richly orna- t will leave Linwood -1x:40 aan; az at
from the United. ,States as well as the done. . m! tttetd gifts at this sort brought present, -
i Dominion are pmsvnt.' _- wth em the Ill-otnened Phrase of Train leaving Listowel at 2. r'+
poisoned1. nitres." 0 p.m,
Fewer Elovementti Naturally the poets took an ,*arty , daily except' Sunday trrivirg Un-
- Catastrophe Coming :w o woad 3.00 p.m. will remain a; at pre- .
Y ralopemenis. mea . f t!1lrlg r1", �,rr 'l d- Pi?0rtui1itl a making a Plrsttier use
Sir .Arthur Conain Doyle assumes of this article of apparel, and"'o that sent<but returning will leave Linwood
the: Mew role of prophet since he ins" to one keen observer, who be. I were a glove upon that hand, that 3.25 pm. instead of 8.05 p.m. arriv
s has ,published a warning which he 'moans the end of a romatitle tradJ. i I inight touch that cheek!„ was only, Ing Listowel 4.05 p.m. in.,tend of 8,455
claims 'had, come:to him from the tion. As a general •°tule the bridal , one. of 'man . Conceits of & pitnitar p. g
spirit wand, of a catastrapa which ill, couples of, this decade are A little kind,
1 y m,
♦ ,.�,}� about to hui'dt upon the world, .and more mature in age than those of the ]From this it units a short step to
wti ► "' to occupy the noxt. three years, as a last century and the "fact drat, boys the granting of ,% lady's glove to her . Yon flet .car&all
cavalier as . e i symbol of his chem-
chastening for the evils of J7tatnkind: and girls are allowed unresiriated aa- DiondhlP, and the prize of the Queen invited to bear by
l These messages. have. !ren coming to socistion has tended to make,,run of Beauty's glove In taurnaeneQu
! him for some time, ho sayx, and he away marriages ]cad. attractive. The aymbolisln at the - love was '
has also been assured that the Orititrh Clandestine marriages. depend for mea-� used again between men ai variance. A Free Le cturte,on
: tive power upon despotic lathers and
' •�
people will latter loss in ednlpuris�an . A cammatt why of provoking, an en- •
than any of the other nations. ambitious mothers, slid: parenifa today emy to a duel was to Wok •a glove .0 H RS I A N
k Approves Cadet TrdiainR have waived their arbitrari Aghts to across the face. 'A glove, top, was
r7 lX - The Anglican. Synod in G"iiradn: has a big extent. Great Britain, -curious. sometimes, -a markoffealty between S. c A w 14 C E .-
* , refused to condemn military* training ly enough. has Just apgc,lnted an ufii-. friends, Then there ryas the custom Over Station (C.K,C.L.)
in.Canadian schools, and has expred• Bial, Sir Lewis Diiidin, who. it to act of finging down a glove to be taken Wave Length -357 metres.'
s, s led its position following the preaen-
as a benevolent �rbltrator in the ac- tip. In defiance, of which the last reile (Courted of the iRellMble and
In En tend was a challenge of the Max nut* A"ttdrY Co.) .
f , naslanal case .where. parents -unjustly King Ghampldnto al and land Froifa
tat}o}I of an, Appeal by the iVomen s refuse consent . ta, te marriage '.
" r Christian ,Temperance Union. the at coronatlatt,,$
Synod . a reed that tniltkai ism is op- their tons', and daugntsrs. lie ie en- 1►t
` ,Another form of symbolism 11aa `i
r „ lowed with authority posed to he spirit of mh. chprch,, :but Y to a�erride the .p$ssed iota our proverbs with Cow- 'oronta
p t decision' of parent o} , guardian which Per's "As It the world. and th,e - were tseibtY
r i ii kr �r"' lw'nt+ed eta that theta .trc times wfien. ,a 1' 14 ' 4
it is a Christian dutlr to oppose` force proved to be unfas hand +,acid glove," .again, we have at 3.15o'clock
s1 with forft Mllitary drill in the h bout "!rid -glove diplo- nY
`4 � the p Wades - a .
'�'@` schools, said the synod, helps to in- d „kid h ds •,
macy an glove toot o RObt. Stswo�I
k MAKE, CARE OF . which !nay be set against that "tnali
xlrtY+•s. at 1'tettl +at #a vsilfNcit aanr tins 4 nttYaber or olryrafe brgJrtnt r , culcate discipline anci self,:denial' Of, Net*- York C}ty. .
ng twill, et,t, letter or d'alst among Canadian bays. BADI�S. EASIER ell fist" of which we heard too much lltwnbdr of the .Soars of
t take a tsootl look tit the ptttiuit�–�tttcltre atm aM[ b tet A ttOgt* ttt,t t>tsXlt4 trttlr .titer' letter t"1>' :likes in the ijiat years a f Chid century. Ucturahip of the ltothee;
11001t,,tt'ap, lisp, 0inle,. t"tt., and aft the other rib ct# eke ligtraltjr [�IMr,- h[►1I tiriltt] 'tont CA;I 11tt1%. " ^"'* "�";- ____. Chof t
edtttewi0r+ltot a trick .WatrtlR; .tntthitttK to htdtlett dial yott don't bOvO to turn the, 00'tug* opeddo.doant or Election Win ,A,u>stralirt B,by's Own Tableir Are a Great Aelp rhe1%trstClJurchof Chris
'ate ,Centsita 9f 18EIt- .,
ir'10Y.. t`'rr;,ti The communist elerilant.itl the lab tet 141athers of Y011119 Children f'ae}entitlt,
pttat+s vt'ili be RiifeRt, iter the tS0 bt+at liais or word! iitrt►rtriftr! tri anrltivcr to titikd Iatttrlts. � � ...
The Arai censnts takexx 1n Canada In Boston,: Mass
Liar ti with
s e k W fire Iat* ll and txtrreet plat of ♦ieibta oialet to elao Ja tiro Aliet uta brat or party in Australia has baralssed •� seas that, of 1465. It was? not a for. '
tm '
start with file #uteA•r •+T" rriti bet alt Atntts prla+s+A sat ww best. wmykd prize; .ate the government to sqh An extent Stomach dislurbniices rend t ottsti midfsblo undertaking inasmuch as the
*that Premier Bruce
decided to patio» are resgol.nible for much, Of, Population numbered irnl 3,961. The.
dile e'vishneas of bani a 'Tile #riod- ;first census of Prince Edward Island
appeal to the country to discover �
mnmw whether the •Commala+veatth. desired ern mother deter not resart.'i� at•eail. ,wad #hat af: 1798, showing a populTryAmeWin.$1a
to be governed by its elected govern. err soothing rdxtuivs but correct,* the ,lation of 4,972.
g trouble b r The tlrst complete census taken In
neat or by the "red" minority which y swee :,,ittg the little rtonl- SPECIAL
»+ IN nwat'i hrstr cr,� t#twt ru.w ziao.tvt rttnatts, !rev. ,at is working innidious!y the°u h the ac:i and giving st &eatta lsix.tii3t� that Nova Scotia was that of 1817; show-
. «r
IN 1104
�it you It""�tat''fiwtlre "'l"� 7r+w +.titter oteat x«rr wsr g tet. without rl rn .' !Sere r' .r t Ing a population of 81,351. There ---TN• -
1 *t ta*twrt an W. t1Qvw r*sr Warr Yawl >.# tl►ttr Mir. ranks of the Lobar party. The vat , . e C:. g h a a..te,y wore earlier census time for Instance,
ik he"i loads«. let Jt Uyi ilw „
eta. taT.ts r+` tw►vw t .t el. t,arlc t r lartit. J a+Ftl probably. take:place yin Oct. Is found in Baby. s 0W`q Tablet, ea:+a..MEN'S
wad �tM +�asritwd or Jibs ilswd .. ataewii . In 1:770, but all these were more ox
r, es „ate re►e.� tt. „ s,,,, '"t, t,. r 1 th. take and gu a aritetrt''`E0 be d'ree • less Imperfect. ''pe first complete
! ei"+• . from opiates or fmr•:offes, census in Nero. Brunswick was, that of
aattite +.evil t�lttrtustlww wihather yet oft atlrr our ot�r
ti item is . ilaw"i «, ,,t rs r ,res -r •t *:t+tr.«: _ Communist Is, R nned . y Everyr'mothe. wAo'tried's +awn 1824, population, x 1,178.
rlrnwasfs.itt wdetl J.,is w xtwt�'i bilis, _ . _ ... y- Sxiilatrals; the Cclntmuilfat Pardee _Tablets become; eiJkhiJNt,.StiL u'atisit
i" ai ftee ITS
rata r �e>waos; "i +rile." lt!daa'tt Jpwte ►fir : who is •a member. of the British Coilt� them; 141ra: t)sc'tl'"11us;c}r, `Ilolrakt=, F',lt'rt Apples Iii Canada..,
fx'r t'r `Reilnr '.il�y �.� _ .
ttJons for Battersea, hit$ bid a elignee Mess'' sayer --"1' :helve afied Baby's Apple trees were sent to :Quebec
• � . splen- f' m' France by De Monts in 1649,,
� Ej pole: as a mart7i lice+ease t;.. the did ;medicine for eon;sti rP .rtf• J� �iGil S C� oat$
111tIta .J►xlrrca cJ►brx�tffais, lsoJr eJ.aee. +► C!+CI#:fLIST 'decision Oi Secretary Qi Store Kciibl; own Tablets and, th�n$tto l and 4th and they throve, Apgie trees were
We A'►.a ,tlr*vo paid opoomiwdrt :. tWinWas Anew" edam rac+ciV0' the fifty of the United. States ata refuse him or ailments which affect littlo saes. first grown 3n Nora Scotia in 1659. •
Assists in JiirJwa`. la coeds taNsit J>riseii s{roor41101K to the table, 'belaw: admisslen. to.. than :cou�ttry with the i hatre no hesitatt ri. in recbmmelt& , �� clearing at
other members of thG"loves Ing them to either nio;lJeti," Baby's An Oil Thrlt is F'aritaua:--xhau h
tiwrrsw, 1an.JtwatM a�
i rAwa, orale sIst ".a Gw rrlae Jt Xrttte. u rliamft" .(3 [>rC
a+t latero lt'MMeff2tw qws � . flan T'ttbleta sire sold by `medicine Canada was not the birthplace Tie. P 95, $4.9
�• w ' °"�"wths""i st061 JJivaattyt•. 4000" 0 %heart#. ewe. tam' union which -wilt - Meet, in p
f l a t
stave aww tw . wr. 'Wash; upon seaters a by ,mail at 25 cents a box;' 'Thomas Ecleetrie Oil, it is the home
«t t w► Kerr tl.ur...ti�� t+"rrRed 't On• d Wart mnnttt u n tram Teta Dx Williams Medicine iCo., of title famous compound Front Saxes 8$ 39. 40 only
apt Firlso ittt►.ae slua0,ost lFt,000,Ot1 the action of l►Ir, l{ellntr ir, the Unit• Brockville;' Ont. A little bo here ltd good sante was s read`' 'a'
rad 1'rtae xx.ett 604 roo,ow 'ed States,.'Cansada* and Great Britain, ,, llidet, p t
tti. trf. dilrrlsrhwci, tyVsltrrttl, bwA, aftd i'rlpa gli,tNJ tttO.eQ 6 Cara of C
alae ooas. add sere. Am** ttwwrv. 0+0,04 , have varied from calli4tic criticism to „ the Baby in Itoalth ai)d Sick- .Central and South Ameriea,.the West On >s$l4. this Wee
. tt+st gip, 4th Iarl,ra i1o,00 xsa,oai stl0,0o . apElauae l.. front
dislikes the rlesd, will be stnt free to any mothe..r Indies, Australia and New Zealand.
lal.�jr, lYrtlkerrf`Jr. #lth Trite .tS.ptt r00.ati Yiiii.61�
�awd Iltr. esetr,«.s _3» xrrrkk, : yrh l ie tS.00 140.ett tralr in .riJiclt the cattC Sltt{tlan Was an rrc}ueat, That i>: far ttitetd enough to settnaE its
A tine., i'wck waw rtn, .rrhrte ___ dxeellence, for in all Chests E oiirtr es b,�►ty.
s �tfie W. Y". flew thew ttkh, Yinr.,. i Tell i►i IMe a.A(1 50) 00 aC0o.00 made, and ,protests Ilei xelCFurded let
]err t: xaei ihitti, eltratr", t►>•r., 8(k; T d*t 4.00 aa.txt t'f0.tiu the same '"light &S a et►mmolt om}. Children
it is on $aid and in. demand.
f wad It+w rls.rtic 1e.eSNtgd,, fatiaittarido, that twiral wsw « ��t,,
alwLttaww, fare's rout 000*rtriiw:ty. e'"°'- Lith rinse &00 .6.dit it0.00 grant" For all ' hill communism, ! err hi l d r e it O r r
° fAtli T"isl,rts xoo x0.11a 4fa,t�a � �, i� i r �! You don't matriculate in .the school
M rent & Two. Saktatvala saes not giant to ho treat'.
� Li��eiol0tlt l
rt eut, r t!rfrxfr. Irtct, ft,40 to."' tic,0s► ' ed like, the common :peel lo. At a'1 � � of ekper}ence. You just swallow a
/�,» ►.� �+e �r�'`�y* �+r[r ,.mss
V.wAr►. �"w�1e. 4�J J G iJ"a JiC1..t.r.Ga7 meetin p � S -! O R I A -hook and thero you are.
i'r1sE4s.Itri~i. i'Stl 7,11Q 111.00 >x protraling against rWhat It lax,
A. Any vela, vtawran ur rhllrl Wn0 lives tet Csnada end la "' ' •� a ..._.— ha ,
Tet tate o nt of a tle lue.aay prke offered ad - - �-�--
wet rA tedtaawt wf 'rnrwwte wnd whw fs oat fn the eitrp•ay of ^rain a
opened, 3alflatvala said lee. ' h
Jtali sod Iri+isIM tuay Iluptwlt an * Mwtr. tare Rall ammust of Attrlr pti:ee will be ,j Aw written to thio United .States, proms
fw x'r%o-'nwridtr )w twr+wer rkloto r*%ak-* ealidurtrlt br- to elite fleet IttaRtit`ltlattt, laing, it I trent, I 'would -not preach
7ilw ltbrtF wed sarwrllro
a swst wlrwlrtg tareee ws rears wrr »at 01014t« anarehjf,': T1ut would"exntire 'the can.
t All
'kxs lel, flees rt�l ie, ,*piracy of the cApitalist ruling class.,,
.Jk1l awdw'dra rntMt lis thanrd hY L1et11tiNr liti:, 2019, loft
addre4eM1 10 t' A. uift4onitty. ruaale >KwYlnalr. 1taa1 tins
rzrhrtrr. ,,e . Pawer'Seehntr it, Il. C.
i, Ail 110th at hstnea should het *Atte ier nil; s!,lr of theYOU (do'Win , BrAia`h Columbia I'd atio '
t,al,rt 0161Y, and hetobttted voiksrrwtiv"lr I. t s, etc, Wilt* your 100, n to '►'
fete rlwtne and *00000 to the+ Upper rettht stand rotwrr. if YOU n the development tat n hfage hydra. �
`100011`4 to write *4$00111119vela ria. V. set arste rirrtt, 'Whir 'IV Ward >rletut* pulislo earns 1` w cairipati w elextrfc
4. (*Ir ttarh wdrdd Its atpt•ar ell Wobt+ler's. Dictionary Wall - to lnrteeae the pspul•ileg Mt Vitro vital} ant! siwegtrii. project. The Iirit4li Colum. .
lot. rswiittid, 'Uo *Ot ties hyphrwaled, rrtnrpound or iildiototls bid �:leCtrFG Railway Canlpiitly piano 1.
trwtWa. Whets ilea plural is used the a3nx0lar twnnet be totitit" It macs h0thing to take tort Lind you de not hdt'ht to
ed, wed •lea anal, send In a, rinds a`barrlption to w1w w to start work an Brldgo River, 125
itiby i If y.rir yrallea navel! o� Vancart t r. '
S. wsrda of t"[ r.r.lrlh %ftedns ft n l , cJr n i �� „ii. r, a• -n 1 i „«, „�;,, Mortis 1s rewar legit JtYrat llhNsd by five �u#is`M .i'birty .
thauirh wtxi to aaaf9 Alli d uiUk on". or aitai..ra> An Uu° 5a,i 'Nin Win ts1l; but it You would Ilk* to set awors lrlillion dollars wilt The invested and
,fret 4r drtkea r"w be thatt,lttt, vie err! t+,aki .
7, 'R'hta *sawn hwvtwt the iarssttt and ft#areat correet list iris, the fotlowlwtt e't+setal offer eventually 700,00 harae pottier- will
of trsmwt of vtaeble, ubjrr,a in the litrterr that tt an with the whereby You can win blRS00 rash Prison by, *Vkdirs be available. •'r
lett^r • T" well e 3 behriv r vjl deci etre bteatnrtta alyfd or ONX or' 7'Wo Yewrit aubartlitlowa to 'ries Mail %VVA
handwritlns Have wa bear{tt,r rtrow deciding tris tvin leer, L'ntldrd, get:. . ~w_
t, Any nanthdr tit Weevil may en ot+rtwtM 1p wrid>`rr{ntt 11tH +. " CriPh:alA bat aNljr Welt« tiring anile bw Rwartod td any ohs house• ill lE>X'1l tttrpyrst w+law•er iw tug "�' Wlraati , �!! and Cklltelferl.
hold, trot w11t prtaea be wwardtr! to "I'll than she ut any avows 1'"m rwaelr+ win` Jetrst Prize jbi decOsaEiatl tt►rnrll'ea at tel-
whtM'd two dr More ltatys bt,#* WMtatlwa', tt+a'rthrr. Yat'b art the
tt.,ss rdwiss> rwi►«ert�et.w tw �" �w -. b oeingtecy on Unday �tft%ooat. •
wwwyM l' aM Y+r rli +rf M teed hr, d 0Wk lirdrrwt, it,ti frit ;i.M#gl wad wrso.Miitan
oris. drat iw atrwnird i rRd9e Ndat tartrtlrtte,aiit, dwrl. rpo Will rreaatrd rl.ser"`rN'J . +G+rfsi ya AdsntR riai%tid l+str, lister
]! Iwb`rr!>sltawli tlrot.h trrw and trnewail faaarahte to ,iii,, Jrtlsr •set ward srise atlouft., w;"wawrt tiw fyrYli. Eesrt �� [� �?`Ullltar► 1Wtd
��yyi,aMe our {1,44 ;yrYrer y•fir by mail or 1s.0e tMr teat #dltatfatJ by rirlr`i1 traiatMie let lbriww itdr,a `` Wiustll4111 1>� d .
Hurter iwo !w eta will, wile bo ile, VA ett. A"W" w'iMa vitM! li rio, ."a iate u4v* t t nd her ilwfteving' nit of ft +�
At/riJ. An weatrtav will rdrrfva the ssme caval8rr„ltnn rw,rard+ rNaE � I tr�jrsrri0Wa4**oVbt Won "a )Pert• t blJera!tlWtlle
"at to Cr Im w sOmkraWell to flee Jda,l awd,ltwipttw tNew •r rerlswat 1w, `�t
It. 'three f,rdMirewt 'roranEn rltitelt` hAvtwyt ns raMMMtfow1Mj, May, �' 1� `iM '
With Tis t !chit awd stttser+r vial ier flow -tet; to wet as Reefs+' R• "fid fi r � ,�. y,.,��
tleel1: Uta triwrawa, awl t,wrtrrrttwwta, by ssndtes in ettt{r 1'Fle txaur Day Iti+AlwielkW',rtsfhe ?Isibt- � :M
erMwrrr, t.ata+i to wrrdtet laic aetwon of the }wdsrrt aw rival war! rout thirt 'w liberal -0ftrr7 rswt teen! +too +ant " Mit
rMlrielMtK. lttw darn► amewrt *on all aft tw the rw+iandr. � 4%11436y tMh:kll Will lie � t
I f irwd It from Sutura;• islar' ha the twsrrr Pf 'Pitt
'cirri Mg#* tem west ww October !'ith, ata,f rwrbwwtV t Yost at`rWer 1w wnneab�%r TWO Ys.y �
rwrwl of eJra i`rird 'il OA*
wwd correct stat et word`, '111 bd ttdtMf ttlttf ?wUt s t dwrth tNq M/li mal ;yy�is, . , Iii Y lbw
Jwiiiitdlldtt IN 'PIFs KM{t strd 10f, 41re, i,a Wee, a ttidrewfttr as tt, tt wird fir sr ftiww \wd t,tlas tat, ' e 'moi+
Aw"dtMldl Wit wrY vette Cwt Ja;dr setas :hers wddJH,, ]Parr www a+ 4WIttlert will r«wht, or set osristlwarr • r. Arthtlt' Itixh,ttr a,f,e.lts."_irk. 1C. A.
(" it
to aieset at Maati tit* ! data, Jtie writ* tui► \ ordwt y,_. +rtwoar k
,.1'J�?SICRXMN 1''`5,.««,,;"`.�Jiit a`wtdr wfArtwt, flint it wal!"itrwrt iT#a
of the 1?lttrrelt l':r"*bWIr
9rr1>� set
.04*t04*� e0 Tttf';t r►x, ist7ttali lih lead. tlst woiltwisdw 1"t.
Pd �'"'s��%,L�` lJ?�1 � i�1r� towtowt« yeti MOW**"* lrilrRitg fat \+rwt ,test! .
"s ittrilt Not aista+li'w "roll*" to Clawreit W tarwtJ fda~wtfaa it mart Is" 441111 ft rtrtnrtW" ti"Ire 7+1114" ttI► oif inti ftiew,ia Witt W s OT7
som got tt"W. !tette rre4 by rattier been Is llttitw• , "d 1NaM;ttah, Yom I be !tkftftrll irl m Or. barx% &. twat tM9t
eo oe ►� J «our. trona 1111141tm°sw ars ealtltrtttRitss. as, well #ier u*fe W *11110% M's foul
�y�U ��rr UrT ��++ AIMON ss ssraO A ttwss s' xr�
� we s01110 deet +trill weer be sslrattk � r
J+r�AVt� !111"CeriJtrs. _
ES' ' M atiretshitnre• off tine �trfi11i1ifr t;!
tf s. 0ANAaa,r. Its afsssstt
1111*11. AW
fir-�....;.�, .. ,_. � �_ �"",.t_,15: '. '.,_,>_ ^'.{E�'�ir-"S-_.•�e�W� - — _ - --__. -. _ ._ _ .... '- ,N.,_'. .i..�,��.,.e _t Lfl.