The Goderich Star, 1925-09-24, Page 4TSUNMAy, ZCPT. 24th, IW.
PAral P�M
-- -- ---- W J. J. howim -vkm of hot smwhw +tfhirtt "a
IM Cjj0KX wraising wore won suesdoc Itow. C.
I F. Cla* of NorQ somet. as*Wilak Just the Pen for Everyone—
Is Chasm fit tails Awm #A 004111t I' Uft onow#" sornam ?W
I 31olstwo eb* nti&**# Us
mom, Vow
*wmm A gaoil *%a* o9orl"t a oules Self Filling FountainPuy
$11T Was PUW ft the plateal. Hsiu
toridi n Sale .1 T150 t"M Z""Co"d
ON 1ORMW 0 a ftwubftc 1?rt3,1' NME 14 K Solid Fold M6
4a�=------ 010� lost foo au" . Is A "Whist fmat the x1le,
vq*Uon#for South Xqno md!"rT att4m&d
few son bolve tbo"ok4o at 6o swit• tbs ilow4d= sw%ico I* Call�ww $1.00'
tax, which was atw 4 O'clock., X* asu*4117 last avasy aursoon.
ft, paWW sqhgVisioir was won red. Miss Ula TIwn"n, fornmorly of GUARANTEED SATISFACT16N.,
During this week and nod while our store front is being alter44, waseaw MR& t%w Were jjj8 Xila, hut now of Detroild"Is renewing
stud the inside of out I store rwoodelled, we are raucing the prices on 1115 Red dohj&*", jisclu4wx qWto a uasadd, wisaintances Ilk this nowbu6rbood.
b" at I"Hos. i DO V* forget tbo Rally Day service Ho 0. DUNLOP
Xr. Jonathan, J. Morner, of Nos- that Is to be observed In tbo Sunday
all our goods. forth. a fw*w vombot of the House oelml next SurA,,tr. We ho" to have The Rexall Drug Store
for South Norm again rftWvod the a large aoApainy and a liberal offer-
nominsUm Twelve Vero Proposed iw. The pwoodis are, listorAod to Block Goderi ch.
Take advantage of this " and come in and see our goods. s^4 three usaw want to a vote, but organise now schoalw, and assist weak
Mr. X0r1W %W A `Wa*!tY OA the Ones. A good p:ogram is ppravl4wid
first ballet. The Whole tON0 Of 0A 1!e sure to toma,
Out new fall stock of LADIES' mind MEN'S WEAR is Here. moodor was one of Optimism and Gormley,. Orysler; Dr. ,Brown, Aults- opposite end of the route At 7:30 tb*
teaifntyr of %ictoriv wore LOYAL following morning.
t'm1"!beth Frith villa; Dr. Fender, Dickinson's Land -
respect, to Sontb Detroit, spent Ing; Dr. a. G. McLeo4, and Messrs.
Mr. Lyman Potter, of Home, to a woman, is a place where
ow tree Doluinion, last week at the ho" of Mrs. S. Pot, D. A. MeNsuchtoy, J. J. McLeod, H. there is a shoul4er she can cry on,
William IL Mott, Of Contrails, ox- ter. ?f IL XeLopu and J. S. Stork, Finely;
Warden, and W. IL Toobl;. orrow" of It 01ii1d'r6A
GO&W" township, smow*i 'their xutw aftr4 ;)avis, of Toronto, Mr. X H. Elvidge. Varikleek Ill
Am" to 04a with that or xr, x6r. in virion at the home of Mr. Nock- HERI an
This Store wits be closed all day nor, but oft*r the result of the vote old s. 4, AUTUMN SERVICE ON LAKE COR FLETC
Ur. and Mrs. MacGlItIvray, of. Tor- _._rth&t the ERIE' 0, A _S_: T 0 R I A
won biodo, known. - ww"
eboice be made unaulmorm Those "t*' visited at the home of Mrs. Jas, 0. IL Una Passenger =eamerx
wW iRwo propooc* xn4 withdrew Olen this week. will operate doily between Cleveland
MONDAY. September .28th their not*" were; Clixeles G. Xid- Xwsm Frank and WjUd, Young, *a4 Buffato until November 15th. Your Portrait
An*tm of Chutor. projildert of the Bert Vireos &M youl" Green, were These comfortable' steamers are. I
London a gift that money cant buy
riding association; Hoary Horton, of xroong those who attended heated by stearit throqXhout, and the but for you to give tho very
on account of the HebreW: Holiday Waoromm; juvid a cantew, of Exhibition. t4veI*r;viM And this a most conven- thing'.
ollit6ji., Alex. Nenh. roto,of Steph,
Oi ient and enjoyable mode of travel.- R. SALLOWS
I on; Harry L. Salkeld, ox -reeve of ITUARY OWS
Leaving Clevolau4 or -Buffalo any R
AND WILL RF OPEN ON Godoriell township. W� IIII*m H. Cond, ljkWlT0N,_Wa, regret to note. in evening at 9;00 _(Ristern-Standard
Att. of HxY,, ox -President Of the as- The Cornwall st,�wlard,thv news of Time), they passenger arrives at the
*miatica; John, of Goderich the deit)). of Dr. Maurice Hamilton,
tovmsbIp; 'Frank McQuaid, reeve of gest son 4 or. C.4. Hamilton,
Tuesday, Saaember -29thol McKillop, and George O. Patty, of YOWI
ifera4l, for"r se cis tnrY of the aj� Cornwall. and a VtPllew of Mrs, 0. V. Tli& SECOND ANNUAL.
Caraycftowri, The article irmThe
StAnd -as
X, W,!VrowarttA,U. L. X. South We arnotince wj.h ver� oeep regret
Huron, resided on bobalf of Mr. Md• the death of Dr. Alaurice, Hamilton, Plow i n.g Ma
dleton while the noMl eon wOry mAk-. Youngest; son 'of 01r. C. J. Hamilton,.
Ing known their sta=id, and all the which occurred on Friday morning,
NFIELD nominees made goo;j addrea"s. Sept, 11th, after a long MUM. 'Of. HU COUNTY PLOWMANS'ASSOCIAT19N
COR There in cortainl,� a fine of Spoide- Maurice Ca V voun�ixla Hamilton,
A0 y1e. -vat 32 FA OF
brig the, LibcMfll"Colaser/atives was born* in Cornwall and WILL BE HELD ON THE RM
It*X INVITED To SHOP 'of" 92 Huron, -and, after this one, years of age, hivInS passed his fhIr"
SHOP WIRWOR"Ov. that one, 4144 the other oi* had been ty.oacond birthday on AnsMst '28th. ADAM SHOLDICE, ONE MILE WEST, OF WALTON
Introduced as reeve or est -reeve of his lie was educated at theCA)rnwall High
LadW "d CAOU Fum"Inp The Sqiairao Go&rich itownshlP. one of the visiting NPOAk"'SC11001 A 4 McGill University' grit Thursday, Oct. 8th, 1925
P�Orle 418 era said It must bo that all the reeves dusting frorn the latter tristitutioift
ittia ex reeves wart Tories,.- It would with the degreet; of. N.D., C.M. Af- Competition Open to residents of Huron . County
almost seem so, ter big, graduation o"Vinip to failing
III II ISD DI hIIiIIIIpII11111111111111111111111tIIiIIIIIIIiINIIIII IIIINlh1lIiIII INMr. prapk,Grsy, of London. ropredd, health be went to the Adirondack
$350-00 IN PRIZES
P=0,11:11140 I I Odii senting then Western, Out,%KO Conger' Mountains, � *he"-d,,,be OPOnt Oves
Anstralla, was now 441139 OIL the cr04 vative ekecut1*e* 9VO it short, but a- V
earn., Having recovered his health Progrsm *111 be as follows f
I)ECORATIONDAY IN lwbob&4 p&%oodlon, which We TQuIeW ralon, and. Mr. �e returned and won Associated with plows, in sod, Free-for-all.
otlitas eternal of a phenomenal wave of pmsparity�jjap
tjve talk an opsraulvi
COLBORNE CEMETERY ba"41 there Wall SOW and the wheels of ladustrY WOM spin- I P. V., Lesueur, Yoomber for Wast his father In the practice of his pro.. GITASS 1 --With high cut I
about goodness, ping as never bat6re, *0 much ao that CLASS Z—Genoral Put pose, wooden handled pl,)ws, 1;j �sod, Frio for-
bli first AN106112- t� principal fossion until Mor
the people of Australia were fast being. Lgiiihtori, who wits tht .0h last, when his
tigg, Ravisitinit His Old Dr. YOUAR 2414 day was Many beg L .. all, Skimmers b led o�ars, With I general purpose pli�ws, in
Rev. Dr. J. Y0 tanoo Vita a dewrotton speaUr of the afteTappn, *gde a _ypry health all to ji 11 and be was
Ceradd years W When he first, Went South mud relieved, Of the heavy bUtdOut Of t*x- LASS 3—Men from 39 to *ieq Y
Home Recalls Laying Out Of address. his practice. Ile , C
of Ira- iWas a ak at such an atI004 PtOtebtlOA 14� been the 006 offeetve compelled to give up aod, With Ekimmers.'
tury and Preaches LeIAOK filled on W fip* then UO cause of Aubtrallalit wonderful 4490006 d" bore up. bravely iuri4r his illness, but -nmers ullowed.
CLASS 4—Soys, 16 iaiid -under 19,years, fit sod. Ski
morfal,ty from Flews ocon3lon ja pittaburgh. Since d In the interchange of trade with other AUBURX, 0 -
- I I . ...gradually sank izntil he PAsse(I Away ICLAsp 5—Boye, u*Pdci 1C yesm, in stubble, skimmers allewed.'
had docoratloamervIdO87 Ufa CLASS e—Single Ri4ing Plows in sod. Free -for -1011. %jnimerE al-,
Minisforx Take POO. Peferving to the flowers which 1110 O&W Countries. very. peacefully On Friday lask.
6cl&r64 that during the Several of citizens took advent- t',on, he poise#-
iuW&uy,h%u4* andim-imiaY graves he - Bit James 4 age of the half h0day' last week and. kenial'dilposl lowed.
how of the future past thrj�e years A%titr men owning, tae County.
Thejp6 van a hkrge gathering at cot- draw IL164son from, I all& had reduced sed fine, traits of ZAracter, which CLASS 7—Traetor% con to.
ago these floWC113. ber War debt by over 4110,000,000# attended tba $'he* it. London-
boraj& &tnetery on SuA&Y'st"MOO12 life, A, few= W th greatly endeared him to bin intimate
in budobnt now bad 'While the aggregate 104orAt de , Neta Sabbath %njjlvorj;arV 'Oe was the voungeA living MCIAL PRIZES'
joitin of annual decor- were concealed Ve"je6S gr L
iintoa,ehar�jj, friends, ljoun
last. the Oec Fo."It- blonscaied out flowep-of beauty. been doore&W to the eXW11% Of $200p- �wjlj be, held in the brick J. F. Daley, SeLforth, offers a special prize, a ljolt :do valued at
at$pa servican., 00 V y its 000,000. Australia. had ad% only X0- There Will be' 'both in this member of the distinguished Tractor driv-
ton care, saran a$411 11011S of Faglimd 130 We human ectil, b&Wpered'b -but the gqVoru,, I .tarn family of Q.4be6- and iL grandspri. •1P10.00 for thebest erten in the Tractor Class.,
but the decotatio surrouadingey blossomed out duood be* public dabs, -forenoon and jLt x1ght. late Dr. J. X Dickinson, In his en by farmer L or farmer's son in his district.
attenelad labo4l"' Ot "axtollflyi bemutV in the future life, for mimt was aal"d of the Importance Of of,the 'M.P., Bluevale, offeri'$5.00 for best, finish in the walk-
6no confined to gromes J,- W. Xing,
was by 00 " 'T, I _bsi an auction an, and
thoes Orders for the Ake Peet 4VAtIon Velievrit'ji 'the of' heavy IQO0Wo tId4;If pkvsicl
lifatimv the leading
brethrop of friend" which we'should 611 W people ingolaes. Mr. Kin galeqmakes a,donation of $W'to the Apsoci
I : t4aituon "d toot reductions had been next his. f meni-
W* sale P, the W00011 0
.,of departed, toss msde'tbe Axy an no ber ,surgeon Church of F Wigle, M.P.P,, Godericb, offers $10.00 divided :in $E #S3 and
Waniborlail ral4tivOM gone Baa.,; Mr. poulters of Bejimillpr, red made sluce 1914* 00 INOSOUlk f^* b,019 household tfift-tt. Ile gives u L III- E. Rd
00001= for re on,ot the word on the basis Of prewar days, plus 20 par, lot *2 iii'*.& boy'.3 class Under 10 years, for the bes
tbaL Whole Oetuetery We$ farriq
to the 46dvatl a first, of next Month. of r�ectorla Warden of
on before. and " kothing 1,m and cent 044 further reductions wire's0re Cha _ - ; led the ofilee I I rxeorge Fpoticn, Wingharn, offers 45.00 for= plow touni.on
beatittfUl WItUL bouquets P14004 On - the "decoration" 44 "On d. 1 ..Miss. Zells Dyer, of Toronto, dura, Trinity church, Corrivrill, for several'
Cy fittlng that we contemplated In the very near future the field, also maket, a donation of $5.00 to the Annociation.
col The Oer' Proper," O—W 16 Wait vil, I the C
W ho*oro4 i I former pari of bis week years, lie .'wAS 4' member Of torn t*j,&bot, 1,5.alt lo4k, •abould thus rolsomber the departed and e -Andrew lanitntp-Grey Township, offers $5.00. divided, $3 ana $2
0. Whitc '"id that even more Emal old. associates In tbef. village, red, Lodge, A. V. & A. X. J'
1,0 BOOST FOR GOD Ita wall L j for -the-bost outflt driven ly any L boy under. 21 years
His death
-r Lyle, Gordon. Ciddribrook, offers pair of 'valued at $4,25 to
pjLf4t(,r Of Nile honer :litany, and hould'speak the meut in the fam
Be L'I is was that we a turning home the lAttet Part Of t a js ibe second berdave
rttariteKl rlinteb, prosliled. The lossoullittlul and do, the kindly � act now his brother, the youngest boy plowir.g.
A,11), past . Do the, merchants of, Godorich readd� We
or at kind word eta with us. And *. I . V in the last six. Yemrs* Association offers the best crown
was read by Tti,vi W lize how much C.' . Il. 1%, 0. Dd Hamilton, M,D., CX, The Assod irs an outer casing SQx82h, for
Sailth,s. llillUnited rblArch, Who also while loved ones w Lee boosti; Lust, -,Week Mr. mind � N�Irx. Jose cAptai
edn ptayert and &adt*s4efi*uer6 91 vou there waostill wtotber, the crown of
Goderich and bringa bwlneas to them Scott, of Toronto, visited, the father alj�j a graduate. o! McGill, having died in sod, in the walking plows,
by Itev,, Dr. joliti Young, who, was glory Which. the r4rd the righteous I,) L the cc overseas in The Association offers ;$.00 for .the oldest man plowing,
to those that 16VCd of the former village. While, while on active s;atvt
lbotuis, Judge would At"O' during thi summer Months ?
k is !scale rt re)%tive* ig col )t Ijen. 11% appearing In the future lite. To in the 4,100 booklets that he gets, he"'Mri, seatt samisted in siding his 1918. Both young men gave promise
and by 11ev. S. poaltor, pithtor, ho worthy to ractivo this Oto"A Of -life out each Yeir there is very little said father's
of distinguished
tum,Wunitoa church. x hooed, careers In their Pro- RULES AND REGULATIONS
The nor*100 was
" oobehia6a L. by fession and their passing away Just
restore of tbe 0*10%11co wag the read - IWO should all sari"' the about Hotel Surset,� it Is nearly, all large aumber'ldicm the ifflage Amount of land to plow, left for CoWmWke to decide..
Jng otth000na 'mombare of . on to the wrlted,tV -of Goderichi Its attended the Colborne school- fair Imtt on the threshold. of. success has been Town to be on grounds at 9 a.m. to start plowing at 9.30.. Fin -
of the nu jNlbgtbg Of thooldL 7AYWa, "In the $Woet given the'family. The
each 104904 pretty drive#, the ftsire,- and the week, There is r(Ae attraction in a distressing blow to Ish tabe, made at div.m.
by and by" and the b014041010 eurpaxses whole eciamupity join In the most Average depth of furrow 6 inches. No shaping of f#rq:w after,
recallod the I*YiOg harbor, etc these' fairs, WU,.-h even Bay, 'firi4' JA air I prot000d sympathy" Previous to the 9 rounds on cidown.
call of the C4boraa o0knet9tV, WhILIA' , S TRAM SEE3 REAL We king �anqtiiry from horseracing. Judge's decision to be final.
aveutba fAldbe radiAlubtr0i In f*ct AU [ 'which took place or%. Sunday
Mr: Lee thet, besides the above men- Monday mornbilk the ovapora- funexal , eat nUM)ier of eItj;enS
OnMON Last go %bifting of stakes after siert is made.
be domed to .bo able to go back BENEFM OF i* tioned booklets, be has used the. fOl' runnirg, with four P01- Aftetn�oa. a gr only.
*event$' years in t000llootion "4 witay for started and patients of ',the young physician Each Plowman allowed one helper
41 those wub whom had 0000104A In Prosperity Is C4atrosteit—With lowing 'Papers$ etc. erg They Intend "ding to the numvir a tribute of tstecul Plowman to Gee 6 r6unds. 61 crown.
Dow Au "oobtle Road buide, .1 25-00 be;, They are not going: to, dry the' 00110d,
-his-youvorilAys w4r6,A444p,-h6a4kM.j to P&3 synipmth,4. with the her- be paid owthe ground before leaving.
%sku 4a Canada has espress �their Naojaroace feej outside of the -25'60t Mo�nbor�hjp TI&o
tho "d now. PO*AbIY 601aa Who as This book not only its 0 wants thit,Ysird'' eaved family. Among the latter were L
young people :were attending the nor. Sunset ad. but, a Who4o Ur Robot Soo# had an accident many children with whom his kind- 'Directors to be on grounds at 9 a.m., wearing official badges.
fifty YeAti, That prot6(�Jqa 166 A "rift policy to
Vice that day, 'Wight return ) Australia. *40 page unto -up of Goderieh. Mosla.will be provided for Plownieu.
ag prosperity 4A *Itlt W:
scall •� the Wu lie", and gentli uian!lev in has prof".
from now and be able to r "oodbylSir arises EW4, trade Detroit Free broke, gto it necessitated kdo him a &7est favor- PRIZES --.There Will be 4 prizes In each class. viz.,—$15.00,
"out of today and wqW4 no the A. On ompt, . .600(l inder shaft br4 slonal work nit
0 missionw for AmatmIls. In tho Road Map ............ x bef"re he. got it in Ito. Severalofthem brought small $12.0% $10.00 and $8.0 --either cash or its value. Tractor Class
they know 60 00111 W.70 a trip to Seaforl Prise'!; $20.00, $�8.00, $1S.00, and $10.00L
01 Uslied BW44. during"xis Visit 60 Hamilton - Herald., �
40:6*611st the 0motery, It Za gild. .04 am go.00, w6rki,* order again' bouquets of fiewOr", gathered in theIrL
i Tm"W. Unlike- q"�, motor League Book - - - - .'. - - -, M
c&Uth&tjjwaa%hs&ooddwds*t oto The"Rev. _r, younger, of Owen den and there given -4
Toronto Saturday Night..;, preached In the Daptist floial 11OW1111111 1 11
Detroit News ............... 1 T Sound, place of prominene6AMOT11; the _4.kdd--.
64.1 n. There was a good .attend- Autifuld,
24.50 churc* tribirtan'L which w" very be
Border cjtlas Sf 115.50 once. Glebe
There were three additI0115 to 00 va"MVus WVM' th" that low GUO
.r..... tb* Ahutch metabo"bt* taro autos wvt- forAo"'10 W.S FOR TONE"
ts...... cp6ioter besides the
Foot Troubld Ya��ats? Ce"W&W GO)fW ........... 45.00 mat vd* I
D*trqh Saturday Nltht....,- 7040 Mr- GOOM0 S"ll, in Re- tb*w'
school - rilf.� family tributes, which Were taken to Pre anted by-Pordwich Young People in
*W%t_"W WO by An auto and the church and Covtfta the casket.
wharo to lie was knocked Jovm, ME CHUR01 SHED, WALTON
You can getilwalcko Lattka Relief Go", bookI wheal ran over his leg. no Will The exceptionally ld',%* attendance At llaslW Selection L between Atte
at) ........... ".00 *no up for a few days. , was it remarkable tribute 9
:` 25.00 be laid the funeral
Rod A Oun.-..j� ....... 0 .
Consult US regarding your FOOT MOB ' LEMS London Advertistv.-*-........ 4140 A, part of Inst week won spent by to the YoungpliY514411 1111(l a prolbuoil Admission 26c and 25c.
the I -omd1datos, lo )I s.�,mpixtby for the bei, PrO&AW a4vto at 8.15
eithe Corrisp Bunions, Sore WrjIrjj7 (Hotel Red ttool').. 8.00, two of n I '; ADAM
for' South exp am 'Despite E. CARD]
r forArch Trouble*, osv�66d!a steady [FF, W. SPEIRS, R. L. MeDOXALD, A DAMS
Kitchener Rocord ......... AS.75 Huron. Xr. Robert McMillan, XTY-0-, *AS M*..Ttass. Vice-Proddent Preoldent Hon. -President
ill fitting Shoes, you 4*0 get 99.00. *ud Mr. Th6mas McMillaa', the Rt- downpour of rain the Strect '"s
Heels. etc., or London Free crowded when the cortege left the
relief at Blue Water Highwty AW%'A $0.00 forrh C04114144, in Our vicinity. nir house for Trin!ti church. The Tuner I -
While going to the 16 -Wan
Total...... il.08-60 .1"t week, Mr. J. J. Itobertson had al there was under, Masonic: ausplett
ST00X=_ n turning and there. was a very large.atttnd�
%J,4 The abovi, added to prk% of the Quite an. it"At- W$10' members of the craft.' The,
HERN' SHOE. booklets, tm pwap In tUw book- the road near Contralls, be upod his, aftoe of
lots and U6447 two OW"" lettp", var and part of the glass In the side. Public School 1000do of which the fad,
te Pra, ctipedist ads,, saaaft that he Of th4'car w#A broker., that was *11 thor of the deceased is a nwitiber, At.
W. HERN, Post, GraaPa in rlwpw*6 to, his only this thou doned tended In a body* 4so tho,,,Ynemurs Of
rw $qua" has spent nearly $47A net ( "the cornwmll'c�jab, 'Of which the do- ade fo YOU"
Pho*6 43 W. year, but for the Peart 6041ral- years, Last fttidAY was harvest 110,016 $er- ged was a member. The service at
in tilv"sing God4lIck &TA HOt&1 vices in the Zngli#h clkwmh in tbo vildd t" ronsluctea by the Rew.
the church was
'1vana+, from, W" the mWnumts all Iago. The thrash wets decorated With Trinity
and yet when a flowiwo and fruits. k large tongredd W. X*tton. rector ,f
derive a big bmiofit� I ch=b, assisted �,y the Rev. G. G. Think what it means --Made to your measure,
request Is ntsda -.'rom the Plat Water &*tloti vu prosent. The Rev. Lell., Writht rector of the pArj8h Of W*I" 44 "1
Highway Assodelatlaft for the l*ItrY and, of BrON0111, WuPled the PUTOM SrA Xonilt*ttc, and the Rev. A. D. and not made to nearly fit anyone. -
surd of *W from the nwftl*1Ats of i The collection smouut*d to ter $106. noyd, rector iii thO "Churck Of the
• Cmte an Account this tovm they demur at givb* front (From another correxpondent) Go" Shepherd, Eatt Cornwall- The
$6 to $10 "ch. N theY )maw that sorAllitr Wt IWI teitr.- played tho" Tkillax wag draped in mourn- Get your next Suit or Overcoat xnaiie-todorder.
all the other teswitA 04 the twat ha" Atbora last Friday 6y"Itit- i flit. The, large edifice was crowded
yor Aewott* ago ? I The u1sm '91411t and Mix-, Pierce to the doors and a jfrW, many were Dan Dobbs and Sackville Hate offered with
(Iuy know th* valus of the advertiodd been vulting Go4trith fritr,6 eompelled to remain onside to Join
Int). D�o y" Ituaw what thin money have the Cortege to the cometery.
w"k. I The confidence that they represent the utmost in
POVA is MW fort it to lased to (Cot Oute,dranttl* Past I yascnk %ervks was eon4od6d 'by, the
Irldory LOU coo tsAr tu Nut Witter 111th- , Slurry to bear Vr. Georgo Snell, Sr.,
Nhith GoderI6 to tit. :had the XVWI %Olftt in bloo ankle Uvok- I W. X. Of 0ornwall 14dto. W. IBM J.
ICTORY toitt Coupons will vray In I eir. on by a vor at the CAtIOW O'CIMA f*.. C. xWorunt, assistod hy Vow. Dro.
asod, 11A Old k
tonal"17 tmm AmNin at- Regis MUTOO,
V niature wi tht lirst day of cul atbil h the stabs xyA It - Wte a atimbw oft"tAm
chapWit d toes XAdV,
of kineaw bWd! of twAod to "&*A, fair at CAA 140 and WW. We- 40�111 R00- btyle, Wy and P=
um next month; 0. ip your coud, TW* V4 -ba" wet
ft ad, an*, *V--Wwq�- - 1.1, 1 -
S and Ilk, thoth to open a Sav- &4� Am� bw kie-r0i*41
Pon joer vownthe and makes busift" for fair.
RM Bm. W. It'106"C'
ings Aecount 0h us. Then the W*ft%R*b (when otkwwk* It TM offikv"My ot W"ttou *&*'h nkin a j Dr. x A. imniva.
or, munt an
mane our Bonds earned will 14 we4d be V"). NOW* 39rd Xwtk- will Iis Wd Ost. 4* work *M 1jawway pag�oaMx, Dr. IL XtO.. Us* Ow RoUWam RowmWiax aW Rop*k Swv".
j ant. arA d*0,W%1 lihmww "Am" Dwadly. It ft*vwd, twWAM61W. Nkw,, 114"ry 1WqjL-M*, Harom A.'
tirn k qtninp *W"" WA Vvery W" w1w Aerl%va ._M - WE 1141 farni" IT 60 DoW T. V. D*nkia. W. Ld 0. gntt-
liogwil from this Wmet U -Aft &*a = euNd. it. a W. Posta, ft. AUX.
'7 the" a Y" Who 1havo *K al""r a X04% um they ur"a bw Vtor nod W. 11lawkis. KWM the F -R -A -NK. H. N
T Ir do" so, who Wish to W (W'&Wkk 0* UA $WAW 0,4WMAC'. 'OM r VM' fewwAx MW radhVa prespeii WIN Tailor and Hattor
the VApi send yaw Awek ovvr to La" of so a I"" 31r.
lh nnsfl6oa. of Tiorvoito, We.
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STANDARDLynn 'Xsex, tlk# twom derkd Do wet floe woom to offivow" The *W at the Mrs. J. Y. M N"."M
Cr Waft to be soloed 1%-#t7 PIK 1004 SAVA* VM ft fto my* wooL Ottawa; Yr. C. D. FUM014 hIoLux's DIX= 010 XAST SW8 or OQUAIS, *am&=
WA the W" Is U,404 vis as auwl,
00mic" x*AXC"_4—* L .1041106114 MOW -0 1 . *Wt. xM law same a ver 7 prosoft-, Dr. T. A. XCIAT014 10F.
&WA#N" 6106 as, A06WI4 WAOW ftd &WASOMM T%wdo are Jima two MaArow, awe Xrs. J. U. TAMW, TA*-
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