The Goderich Star, 1924-10-16, Page 34
TIIRIMpLY, OCT,. halts. IfMI.
ertisee.--.4 After
AI • • I -elms neelei ed wonder there wait net some leas of
heart fins
sear veto *lam Kranedy-Iiliggart l that is not easily snatched. "!"las 1024 life.
r. rrtragd seam bedew h f�ir eoraparexl very favorably with
It= rt
fI itt► bet. of tiMtss. A quiet wr3(ling wars solemnised at .
sasiR mist t bales is siamgy belt ba+l St, Cs�jsarinus on WodnmsdaY, Oct. pra t recoa'd• ' gHrikUlatA`i%C PEOPLE
1. be Pe•PP' IRO tit bed, a;i 1 w rtl� 1st, when Mess Laura linen. tonne Meet Dioastn til Stents Lit Mase I CAN" NOW Mit) RELIEF
fart as it wars Oa( t44$11614111.0$11614111.0 of Clinton was married to Mr.'. Y
I,yla4 I 11 II II I IYI I Y II 1 11 1 1
ChM aligettal'
II 0.101100110,1100001111000,11101
Picked From Our
o aor+ri». boo ed WPM W remiss,
mane and the light* en again by six
o'clock Meiadaay resale/.
$o years age at severe wine -
storm swept across the cousltry north
esof Clinton, wle.a several barns were
damaged, Ind this was the moot sir-
llees one for satiny years. It is a
11.4611"1/1 Lsart rteeli bmae a" tort Satxteel Kennedy, of Niagara Falls.' The storm of Sunday, Oct, 5th, was Sy Driving the Peleoaawa Acid Frets , sew a.
arra,*Ont. :not at all serious as far as Godexlch> the System.
wwle�rur Me TO Tills Ke1wyCeutaer was censer rued, but Clinton and Sea- --- •
aNaBUIRIPS The marriage was solemnised ort forth papers give extensive mounts" Rheumatistit attacks people when
II I II II II III III IIII II II 11111111111111 11
itt up Mgt
ttalanMMt r
eideitee feel omits.
ars dews efts
f► .1 --... �---4--'- --
MART kW N RAMS V St. Joseph's hhic& at hilif past nine of the dimmer,.vremght in Stanley. the blood is thin and watery, or •
on Wednesday morning of last week Tuckerstnith, Mullett end McKillop.• charged with Impuritiees, thus setting
News• u inflammation of the mueslis and
wield ' goon, res is a rise abort time anRev. Father Gaffaeyy° ictated. 1 It is not,often that Huron County wind may siert the pains, but the
I leis st dicast bMoata talilit swrtwg.r r is visited by a cyclone, but Sunday cause is rooted in the blood and to
slid Meld to air own ilawtatrintk tsiibatgt Ow"emlr-Irisett over lass the like .get relief it must be treated through
last a atorun passed
tint )icer .mid tt f?valliatg. " ea all• An Interesting crest • task place e, of which has seldom been witnessed the blood, As s blood builder and
ways seeeaatnaed tkesa to all"Ms auf• the Methodist parsonage, Salem,Williams'._.
:front isart trotrbt.a. in all this !section. nerve tonic Dr. Willlalms Pink Pills „--r~. t_....,.,..,,1,.I,.rY.1,.,...r., .. este Of mslRy titotreitt'aMda .of
�trs'e N. # N. Pilin ars for soils Oregon, on Tuesday evening, Sept, On Sunday afternoon a thunder are unsurpassed, and for that reason PRESERVE RECQRi �QVi1N
it all and "en; mit up 2nd, when Rev. E. Blaine Kirkpatrick storm came up, from the northwest, do not fail to give relief to rheunuitie
onlr bilis.; Maws, ere, Leaned, united in marriage Emily V. bison: from which quarter most of our sufferers when given a fair trelal,'
I thea► a of Mina reset Connor, o S.aforth, 'The following it The Clinton p
seawoesd tie Michael Kell of Bl th. The Record's story :
joints. Coil, ret weather or sharp
Is it wetly to put twat
and. pleasure et w
flaw mot before inter.-
women and childeon T
lessee es rise. • •. second daughter of Mr. and • Mrs• norma come, coming' :lovely huff fin. Among the rheumatic sufferers who Historical Society in Formation is •
r Henry Ivison, Eippen, to Mr. Ermai ally breaking with some force and. have proved the great value of thte Goderich Secures Room in -Public
i -
t 1'lltli'ATH rig
Owens, of Salem, Oon. '' bringing with It a torrent of rain, medicine is Mrs. Simeon J. Tatters Library for Preservation of His -
ns. A. M. HEIST Osteopathic Pnyitetan. Pelgravo Mfdster Weds ;_ which continued to fall with increas Indian Head, Seek,, who says:-•^ FoN '
i� Graduate lees )tomes Stilt tonere of t torical Recsrds
Osteopathy. Licentiate -M taxa and Modem Y• 1Newley J, Moores . Bel- mg violence for an ileus. over .twa.Yearly. I was An intense auf-
m rhe matiarn and until I
erste Hoards. epeeist attention to diseasesgrave;wwas united in marriage at There was something of a wind blow firer from D Williams' t
or ,women and children. eConsuttation tree Hamilton, Oct, • 2nd, to Dorothy, ing at the time but in so ar as Olin- brogan the use ofi. i lams'PinkIn another couple oi' years Gode•
cense turner Nelson ern St. Andrew lie daughter of ;the late Mr. D. J. Fen- ton was concerned, it was in no way Pills no treatment that I took helped rich will be celebrating its Centgtt-
sQr W lir. Ileilemsna. In se41irertti nial, This is a short period of time,
_ .A ton and Mrs, Fenton. Mrs, Moores alarming. But the rainfall wits tre• and any. The trouble grew so bad
historical) but how man of our
bpg fj , TT was formerly a deaconess in one of mendous, the streets ran like rivers that I could' not move around the citizens can give a Concise lientery of
R F J. R. > ORSTtIt. the Toronto churches, and the sewers couldn't begin to car- house without help, and fleetly I had l our town for that period 1
EYE, EAR, NOS. THROAT, ry off the water. In fees, in certain to give up and go to bed, Words
Died at Wldteohnrch Who fpunded our "den'? Why
p uarters of the town the walks , were cannot tell how much I suffered, and I
este House Surgeon New Volt Ofinthal- Mrs. John Campbell, Whitechurch, still under water id nine o'clock, At 1 could not bear to have anyone come ;was the present site selected .,,a s..,
id and
Eyertosnl eitinQ �Ootdent wares- peened away on Sunday October lSth.i about Rve thirty hydro went f! lid nee A k'lnelly one of my neigh. v'hom T What was the date ': Who
Ttvo t dp e � 1t' °� h �` remained orf for twenty-four hours. bots strongly g Y
Throat noose t.ondaa ear.
sifter suffe n f the past res o a arm . comprised the first town council; etc•"
all waterloo st.• s., Stratford. Tete. months from a stroke. Mrs, ,john ur ed me to tr Dc.
rhos. sa'r. But if Clinton did not suffer from Wiliams Pink Pills, and I decided to Quite a few change.-.. ,,;rave talion
At Bedford Hotel, Goderich, from Walters, of Wingham, is a sister.• e: lace since then, but there must still
Monday, the wind it- was far otherwise with do so. In the course of a few week. ,,e a great deal of historical matter
Oct. 20th, at 7 P. m., to Stanley id feel sere im rovement and I
'Tuesday, Oct. 21st, at 1 p. m•-
NoPAitit It ont.Iz. Etc.
Seaforth Bowlers Take fioynt Trophy the section south of us.
In tan ey I sou ee P
'A rink of Seaforth bowlers lifted and Tuckersmith townships many was able to get up.I kept on taking; in the various homes of our town
the Joynt trollies* from Lueknow re- farmers suffered severe loss to their the pills, until all traces of the trou- which, if gathered together, would
-cently, by defeating the defenders. buildings and orchards. The wind. ble were gone,'and I could-again:dofor»' a -connected record of our pro•
taking a southeasterly course, swept my housework,ss
feeling like a new, gross; Exeter school' Bylaw across the London road for a mile or person • Three years have passed Steps have
t1 t it0TARY PUBLIC :
Aneral eon/eyeliner darted
been taken to preserve
et cam air e. Repreaen Exeterratepayers will 'vote on so in width; apparently' gathering since that and there has never been tion n an Historical Society has been
a o. eye. Oodertcb. Oat. Monday on a bylaw to reise $7000 to force as it went; and leaving havoc the slightest return of the trouble organized.
ids and a srteleton far
1/ rl)NYSYANCINt4 Aro) NOTARY •so that I feel safe in saying that the Go through your attic and see what
b t to'th ' H' h School T th f b qh by th' di
i you have that would be of •public In-
provide • a two -room addition and in its wake.
:semen err ig One .of the worst su, eters on a relic sou t �s me cmc r,. _
*11�ROE 1 tl�11tUN'L•ADE, naynetd, con• west aide of the London rand was Mr• permanent °_..-._- - iteiest: __ ..
:matte= and Notary Public Mergan-Hartis - - �o
- - ` �- II 'Windsors,-whosee orchard was bad- ' You can - get the pills from your
I - A retty autumn irveading tookUntil the organization of the socio • —�
AS: SEAM.• LEAL aR p p ly wrecked, several large apple trees, druggist, or by mail at 50 cents a ty is completed, -leave -a list 43f what -
lace at the Burnside Farm, the all Winter fruit, .bjr . ill luck, were up- box (item The Dr; Williams' Medi -
{home -,of -`Mrs. Chriatrna Gardiner you may have at eitrer the Star he
, .4JR ceruses Solicitor. lfotaey nubile ' rooted and others broken off. His eineCo., Brockville, Out
CHAS. Signal office, with bis.. Black at the
and Conveyancer Thames Road, when her adopted house and barn on the dome farm 'ea- ; g
° One*: courttiRousts. •Oodertch, daughter, Gertrude Daisy Morgan. R AILWAY post office or with Mr. Jas. •Thomsota
ill slat- non, Hamilton These •
became the bride of Mr. J, Leopard caped although it is ai hicult to see CANADIAN PACIFIC A +WA Int hes music store, or John IileKin-
-1I10UDFOOT & KILLORAN how they did so but the barn on an, COMPANY H It St records
i Et . Harris, Rev. G. M. Ch ey otli
Barristers Not es e„ other -farm adjoining was unroofed. ,
'of�Henna% Trees standing .along the fences For many_: years hunters frgm On- loaned by you to the Society
Hunting Moose and Deer .will belongsimply Office on SQUARE GODERICH, pitons 93 ed assisted by Rev Cohn Fletcher 1 to you, but will nim I be
DUDLEY E. HHOLMES .. - • I which happened to be in the line of trio have realized that the very test The collection of pictures and re -
Barrister, Solicitor, Notarw Flax • Crop Was Heavy the - storm were broken off and one hunting- :grounds . are Iodated in the cords on exhibition during "Old
Public Conveyitnder bier,,,. Exeter . Advocate Tho Exeter tree, a few rods south of the house, vicinit of the •Canadian Pacific Rail- Home Week" attracted a. great deal
, HAMILTON STREET+ was broken off, falling toward it. Y
PHONE d, flax mill - completed the seasonsway. Hunting clubs, as well aa small; of • attention and the comment was
R. A. CLUFF, B. A.
Barrister, Solicitor and
Noarsei Public
North • .Street, Goderich
Phone 411.
threshing the middle of last. week; while a huge poplar, at the other cor- parties, appreciate the necessity of frequently heard,: "This should : be
the crop. being a heavy' one and the ner, was uprooted, falling also to- arrangements. -made in--- advance. made a�..permanent collection." This
season a very busy one. "Mr, Jos, wail' the house and, with its tip facing Canadian Pacific agents are qualified is the object of the 1fi torical Socie-
Davis, the foreman, has had as ,many the tip of the other tree, The - house,
to give you accur$tee'-:.tnfarmtltton_ns ty. :-Tura--in your -nam as -a -member
as 66' Indians under .h:s. control �most-by some -strange- freak --of -the stormy g ghelp going so
was left untouched and a basket,.con- to where deer, moose and big ami of this society, get it
of • the• season helping to harvest and • can be . found, They are..plentiful in when ere come ens celebrate our one
thresh the .cro . earning `a few pears; which stood on
p the French River district to Sudbury .hundredth birthday we will have
Johnston -Granby l the top. of h he pumplnearby
rby was still from French River; along the main i some idea what the celebration i;
stnadmg there when e storm wen. _. - -
- lnie� of -the Canadian. Picifie Raiia►aY 'about
DR The home of Mr, and Mrs. John_
mover: - Mr: - Waldron.- Who `has been• from. Sudbury to Chapleau and also
Lire Stock sad General Auctioneer. Granby, second line of .Morris, was through two or three blows in the .GOVERNMENT CONTROL 1:
ttamuton street, the Maritime Provinces, as well as
rises made • 1,,,,� „�•„ nit--110--.!Earl.- the- scene of a pretty wedding on. States, 'says this wasn't much •of an a the district around Sherbet. Lake, . Governntenf,,rtrpl7 ' Oh, no r
made 10 give ey got iIa(*coun'ted. TuetsdaY, Sent. 80th; when their one,•'. but those who have lived all ; Ask any Canadian Palcitic a int for A drrinkard drtvea h'
youngest. daughter, Marjorie - Esther their_ .lives _M _Antario_r o tisidered-4t -g on 'his way
Are yrs is favor e[ the Best•
1 tilaMauaee Of Ontario X
lit Qarrae and tlna sale
ae•sar off beer sad
ander Geverssidettisols Poem ie ssaetat
y'� DRY
• ".For. the Days o€ Real Sport "
• carry titer Faumaua
Shoots— -
Ralafaiits, Crows,
Coyotes, Fox, Etc.
• Special 8 Grooved Barrel
Gives Graat.r Speed
tion and (filling
- Power
IsifillRAl was united to marriage to Clarence quite bad enough. • write W. FULTON, District Passer), He kills a little child at play .
• ILLOP MUTUAL stirs iNstlMitCg-Johnston, of East Wawanosh, Rev. Across the road from the Wald- ger Agent, C. P.. R• Building,•'Toroe- Then what control is in the sale
un° , T _ Mr. Lewin, pastor of St. John's roe's, at Mr.. G. W Lateen's, the barn to.•• Of wine ane) whiskey, beer and ale'
treytM sad .tNiatea Tows Protlerty rasaeek. church, Brussels, offrorattng. . lost some shingles
but it clearly. was - - .-Contributed.
Ymiue\ .propperty Insured up to 741111047._ `not in the worst of the storm, Next A teacher, trying to impress on '
• 6208—Janice Conoliv President •
Cole-lifi1e , Wedding
doderten.; las, Evans: ice-Pr-ident, In the write-up of the marriage of It,—There are
soder oa i T. a• Han, sea•Treas•: Sea" MissSara Milne,daughter of Dr. and barn and 'straw shed were.•almost_ to all animals, took them for a walk many, who. have been afflicted with
t�tp' u8 completely wrecked. The roof of the to bring the lesson hone to them. sores and have driven them away
3311tECTOR - Mc g rwwre ns Mrs. Milne, to Mr. ,A. Murray Cole, shed was blown off and the building Hearing a scream from little John- with Dr. Themes'. Eclectric Oil. All
t• o•Winthrop of Toronto, The Standard last week „
stances Nonni mceartney, Tuckeramitb ; - was blown off its euunl.atioes, crash- ny, she asked: Whales the matter. similarly troubled should lose -no
P Iota retina, Harioet :.John Bennewlss, said: "Miss Milne's life -tong resi- ing.' down on implements, vehicles, Johnny." - time. . in • applying this splendid -rem-
Broadhagan; Murray Gibson, Bruce- dence in the community, her contri-
field. butlers to the musical life of the vel etc.; which were underneath and bury. «I've been sitting ''on' a hornet" edy, as there is, nothing likes it to be
"u t d I i
to him, however, Mr. C. Manning's her pupils the rlghtniess of .kindness Sores Flee ,Before
mock• nNTSS W. vee0, fey $eu d Inge, iter . success, •. as. music .teacher ing a lot of fowl under tons of• straw, was. the tearful response, and Ilii had. tis cheap, . but its power is
site .deader`of 'St lA ldrew's choir, her The Bill • of•sthe-west' etde of .the shed, Afraid' I've hurt the poor thing. no way expressed by its low peke.
i cTJ�}irlyt ieen a Skimp,
their+ assesamenti' settled fairly- on the top of a ince,'
it e. H. Cutt'e store, oedema,A, J. Yor- readiness to assist in any community rubber -tired top:• buggy, crushing it.
stet's evening More, Cannon, or • 1. H• cause and her g personality into the earth. The main barn' was
heeds BlaOM _ combined to makeke the event one of
itt est° , not blown completely over but was
rine iNSURANCLr • popular. , pushed from its foundation and so •
Have it attended to by the The Late Mrs. Robt. Howard , wrecked 'that it will have to be. taken
down and rebuilt. I
'WEST WAWxNOtilt 1bUTUAL'fISE ISOSJINCE 00 " . The late Mrs. Robert Howard, who
Established' 1878 died on Saturday, Oct. 4th, at Blyth, Some horses were. in tne• stable be -
Head Office: Dungannon, Ont. was one of the early residents of the neath tete barn but were unhurt. The
RM: Titter attars Pate MIMEO "SLt41a, community. She was a native of house.was also in the path of the
Jno.. A. McKenzie, Kincardine, Hallstead, Eng„ where she was born storm end suffered somewhat. Doors
Pres.; Harty L. Salkeld,. R. No. L, in 1845: In 1877 she was married, and windows were blown in, the roof
Goderich, vice pies.;direetorts Tim and three years later they sailed for was badly wrecked and pictures and
Griffin, R. R. No, 7, Lucknotve W. P
" -Canada, first settling at Clinton, light articles were blown out into the'
Reed, R. Rd .No. 2, L1cknow; H. L. Four years later they moved onto a surrounding fields. Most; df the
mantels, phone 400 r 11, Goderich; farm on .the East Wawanosh-Hullett members of the. fatuity were absent •
Alex. Nicholson, Luckno Wm: Wit• boundary, and some years later to from home at the time, .one son, who
ton; Jas. Girvin, R. R. No. 6, Godot Bl h. • • ( had gone out: to see how things were
rich; Wut,,.7. Thompson, Auburn . _ Denomine !'apineau at the barn, and finding it hard. to
•THOS. STOTHNRS, T. G. ALLEN,A very pretty 'church wedding took. keep his feet. lay down until the blow
retarY' place at St, Peter's R. C. church,
wasover, • with things crashing
—.. - _ _ dry, Oct.Gth, when around him, but escaped unharmed.
Drysdale, on Mon
Rev. Father J. 8: Gerard, ,united in
Fortunately Mir. Manning was carry•(
the holy bonds' of ' matrimony Me- niggles' was winds dovime1Monday aroi morning
/ ' ort tilde,. youngest , daughter of M.. and
t,- i� �. ��� Mrs, Joseph Papineau, to Mr. Iso- to size things up and put in a claim.
e dere Denomme, all of the Sauble ces cblown rse t over herenere were. , too, but rees and f the
se tATFORD, ONt'.
prepares young men and young
women for Business, which is now
Cenads's greatest profession.
We assist graduates to positions
and they hare a: practical train -
Ing Which •enables them• to meat
with success. Students are - re-
gistered each week. Get our free
catalogue and learn something is -
bout our different departments.
• D, A. McLACfLAN,
coags iCH
This Leading
Norm WOW'S
and E.mbehaers
Orders carefully attended to
at ail hours ---night or day.
J. E. Wheeler
Funeral Director and
Goderich, Ontario
Alt calls 1)ratnpt'y etteudod to
day or night.
Phnom': Stott. 335; Rouse 31Sw
• Srissrlis Fair in Good Condition matters
loomed so • large thdt smaller
matters were overlooked.
While other neighboring societies Not having spent itself the storm
have '• had their ups and downs, says continued across country and On the
The Brussels Post, East Huron has farm of Mr. Walter Layton on the
maintained a steady course and, seeond of Tuekersmith, it made a
amidst all. the Changes, is prosperingi complete wreck of the orchard, not
They own their awn ten -acre fine leaving one single tree standing.
park, with morn buildings, and half Some were uprooted and some brok-
mile track, and are out of .debt for en off, as one might twat the stem of
years and present a list of prizes a weed, but - not a. tree was left in.
tact. The barn • roof was somewhat
damaged and the , doors blown 'open .
• and a fanning mill and set of scales
which stood on the floor were blown I
out into the yard. The top was I
blown off a hay stack and the hay;
t scattered all through the orchard and t about the fences; The windmill
stood the storm, coming through uh-
hartned, probably because the frame-
work was open and allowed the wind
to ,go through. The house escaped,
the only damage • being that a door
was blown from a shed. A tree near
°the house was blown over,° damaging
the top of a car belonging to some
London relatives who were visiting
Mr. and Mrs. Layton, and which was
standing beside the house.
every meal
tt solei aleiteis
appetite !ad
aide dtlgestlteet.
It makes y ser
feed desled OK.
died. 14*4s beer
11 ratevatl Set steely testing
alter barriers► easing.
Whitsee teens,
tbrestk rad
t :i � t�heesY
7t‘% , I `
'11 1"s
Mt'. M. Crich, Mr. Laytoi►'s right
hand neighbor, and Mr. A. Pepper, on;
his left, and others, all suffered more'
or leas, Mr. Pepper's barn being pret-g
ty badly damaged.
Broadfoot's grove, at the turn at .
Broadfoot's bridge, had about half its
trees either broken off or blown up
by the roots. Several barite along,
the Huron (load were more or lelw'
damaged and trees were biown acriesei
the read. About three quarters of a
mike of tens/011e'pekre were - brakert
isaoff between here and Seaforth, which
ar"*. accounted for the break in the Hydro
Read These
,e• mine vtrinnl-'on.4.
Jk.arr.d of N \nc•is:r.-. 1. I
'I d ixhi
a r\^'ta lit V',r ora a • .
daft Y holt I • on lA.I•
prevent.\ a u1,•ntnl • div•
charge, !,a 1 br l+lntr
dos n for. c.l r,u,,I•• ,
: Calibre.
Anoly Alin e1 ynd [orig.
r 1!- •lu •, i ,1,• u,at-
tl. ,,d 2111 sn:a1i
")t , l n")ere
::47,044 i rb.•t. .wd Ionto .
ren lir. Ch1 1r -.•4Y•
I ,t. 1 \.l ., \'L'. •
Th. rrapvtr +t"aearit.
'old by Sporting Goods,
Price Only
• Complete
All charges Pali to slay
Address 111 Curiae•; - •
' oboe Spada* Offer ..*slew►,
Keep your land free of craws, rabbits,
gophers with the Powerful, Quick -Acting
"C 1.NLICK" and get some real sport into
the bargain The "COOLY CANUCK is-
o snappy -looking, smooth -working little
rifle and a great favorite with farmers,
trappers and sportsmen. Made of high
est -grade materials throughout and fully
guaranteed .
• Greatest Value Ener Offered
'1'ht•i is your ohmic,. In got a pipet-4wlity ride at •
veriest.+ mire.Tho, ' t 0()k:ti CANIJCK is built
To ,;land hard knocks and rough %salt.. laud i.
Itways retry for duty.
Order NOW •— ssind hi. Mousy
Writ.. (oder, Narior whether .1:: rnhbre or .15
calitrt rinse dewired, a•ul wo will send you •
"COOKY CANI!(•K". •tame day wrier reserved. Iiy
ptttc„i ,",.( C.O.D., to your addre+a. You pay tanl:-
ma•,•.•r on delivery. Or it you . whh, anntl pont
oil o money order or cheque for ss;rU watt we will
vole rifler all rh■.rts paid. Mow hack if not on-
• 'r.'Ir ;"atiafl\rl. 4 Wrste fur UlwtratW folder.;
W.'codwit elAClIINE do- ARMS CO.
14).1.: I Howland Ata., Taranto . 1ntai. 21 7ser•
Itardwa•r and General ;;Iosco throughout Cssaia 3
oze M!..* Not Come Back :
nit- : By • Voting can Ontario Citizens
Defeat the pesperalteLiquor Interests
THE _E lawless liquor traffic dies hard. ' But good citizenship is a patient executioner in Ontario. •
Again and again Ontario. citizens have registered their determination that the moraland econo-
mic waste caused by booze must cease. ¶ On October 23rd the men and women of this Province
'must tell the self-seeking liquor interests' still tnore'emphtltically that booze shall not come back.
A half -million majority for continuance of The Ontario Temperance Act is language that brewer,.
distiller and bootlegger will 'understand.
Oeti i.As -is Hated for Its
Good Work
Desperate"beeause 'the O.T.A. bas cut down drinking by
90%, the liquor trade seeks the death of the finest temperance
measure Ontario has ever. had. Distiller, brewer and boot
legger are arrayed against the' forces of reform. The issue
itself is sharply drawn, but John Barleycorn is using a new
disguise. Only his desperation can explain his reckless effront•
cry and his astonishingly law estimate of the common sense of
the people. .
No good •citizen, familiar with the miserable condition*
before The Ontario Temperance Act brought sobriety to the
homes and happiness to the women and children, would delib-
erately vote for a rete of the Yet today Ontario
faces, as the only 2ther., hive to the O.T.A., a step that will
lead to conditions itt soma respects even worse than the open
bar produced. -
Rally to' Its Defence!
The sante sordid story cornet, from every province where
so.called government "control" has been blindly adopted.
More drinking, more drunkenness, more crime, more accidents,
more misery, more waste --and, above all, infinitely more of
the curse of bootlegging.. - This prospect should send erFey,_
earnest man and woman in Ontario to the. polls on October'
23rd to vote for the continuance, strengthening and vigorous
eftforcement of The Ontario Temperance Act.
To legalize the sale of boogie for beverage purposes, .
though in staled parkagts, it to • re•eetablish the ,liquor shop
Without the fatiner restrictions of the licensed lyse -room, and
Wet bock the treating system, the hip -pocket flask, and the
drinking clab. To rote for government sale is to bring back
to old Ontario the fs'ee d1'spensing.of that bottled misery which
win bright ind destroy the hopes, the character, the life of
.young a/1441d in every community where liquor sloops are •
permitted to exist.
Your Ballot is . Your
You know that, but you must VOTE,. Your weapon, the
ballot, must be used. Vote yourself, and use your influence to
have every qualified elector within your home and your .,place.
of work do likewi.e. The only votes +cotunted will be those
placed in the ballot box ori• October 23rd, 1924.
Apathy and over -confidence have lost many a pod fight.
The liquor trinity ---bootlegger, brewer and distiller -are at
work, night and day.• Foil their efforts by polling an over-
whelming majority for The Ontario Temperance Ait. Mark
your ballot thus:
Are you in layette of the sea*
tinea lice of Tit. Ontario 'fees.
p.ranc( Act?
Are yes is favour of the sale
4) as a hevsrage el hirer and
IGr aviation* hgwer iR sealer pack. f
allot Mader Gevera*.nt central?
e Ontario iieblsclte Comiulttee
2 Toronto Street) Toronto G. 8. Nicholson, Chairman