The Goderich Star, 1924-08-07, Page 8.l-
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"poi rr..r��i r.rI e
ll'.a 411 laSOB
Crepe Paper
will save world fit r-
irlg the bot -weather,
suitable for teas,
luncheons or picnics.
fix per dotes
Sc, 10caidlSc
r•1 •
,>R=fine.• 4t __ __
1 1 i,iM■II III AV.IrV, .rr rlrndurr.
t .�. s'�'• 1 "f�
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Au t s:,abARY NILE ( DiJN Ki .
Bay M rvest is seem .voe sad Orr ittraattea', of Deno Web: } 'v tee
b�ore are eettiag their tall whom see we. - mum A. $ pGeGrd leans f meow
le' j
The garde* party bedsit the bane ee ii�� , y�oal sad children of grow% le helida7iai 'ern •
r. Herb Cox last Yr day rwwiarrf Wass gii; �,g Mies
xeashntt are viwnataf
s great success. il�
Mr. and line Pixley Lail Bale use.
bow Toronto, wore ►asitia$ lire. Plc••
ley's. parents, lir. and lire. Edema
aria. -
Mow Zeila Dyer, of Minitoe, is vt acting
bleeds iu the valise.
'Mr. L*wrence Graeae occeipsed the
Presbyterian pulpit last Sabbath.
Mr. and line Ray Duncan. of Paris,
were in the viUage last week.
Last week Mrs.' Mc('ormic, of Galt,
visited her uncle, liar. Wm. Patera*,
of the village. '
Miss Govier, of Paris, was" the game
of her emit, Mrs. Paterson. pf ale
village, last week. •
Mrs. Sims, of Toronto, rs the goose
of her uncle, Mr. John Arthur, of the
village, it present.
Last Sunday the Sediment of the
Lord's .Supper , was observed in tits
Methodist church,.
Duling the storm:t*st'Tueedsy the
ho•md of air. Joseph Btonehonsa Wes
struck . by lightning. .
lire. Maitland Allen bar lett tar Fuse
Mich.. Chkagoland I3anaitrstll, Illesees,
torn two week's vacation. •
Mr. and Mrs, David Mole and fame►
sly, of Rochester, were renewing old'
acquaintances in the village hist week.
• Several from this locslity went to
Seiaforth thus week to view the lads
holiday celebration in_ that tows.
On Friday evening a lawn sooie*
will be held at Mr. George Sturdy'si
under the auspices of the,Women's
The farmers in this log sty ere
busy with fall wheat . harvest.They
REO. STEWART is every appearance of a 'good yield
Pawns gas Ooilierloh this year,
lir. sad Mrs. Brown and Mr. end Mrs.
'Ford, of Comber, are visiting se •the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Oite nblal!
BELFAST' tor a•few days: •
m of ler. Wes. Plashes. • ifs a. sett aro 1. 2. "WNW et
ley (formerly Mies With• Ltadct ewv, visited teeth le Dente*.
e ')1uo visitor 104 Suetsy. am on Sailfish.
Stair ae stream about' eraa1ellsile The Misses Jitekaort and Titottrpiaee,
meg Mists* was here about tarty:0id SP1•!', yaw mania maw sew
Tete members of the Girls Guild of p%asarit visit with relatives here.
]tete made s picnic 1ta1 Gfl1say, a1 tee' sirs. Vers CenniaagMaat and baba
Ageen of their fret presideet spent it few days Use pas'! we visit -
Carney who ie lett alt or we »g r not r, re. . . Brown.
deaconess in Tomato. She i sir and Mrs. 1,. Brailey sem* Sen -
see , itaaaie to attend the a sheet day at Be rave, where they visited at
e a short Bel
Sterialtios is Waddittg8aaebes
sit! Floral Desists'
,Mt.' Robert Vint, of Wlneham: a event , Mrs. Banca and Mrs. Mallard, of Rtes•
s ela►y reeIe►tiy wttb rgletivee here. -ter. are halidesing with Be,,vsad Mrs.
A tewrof tbe "ports took in the dowse P. S. B*nee.,st»r$stowel, le'outteForest,
bald at St. Helon'e acbool last Friday and Grand Bend.
Welt. Bev, Cl L.Groah will have chases et
Mrs. George Dottie, from Fleming the eerrsoe st Weetfeld aaexs $ondsf at
fiM*., is visiting with her brother, Mr. 9.50 sad lir. A. M. Robertson, M. A.. of
John Campbell. Goodericb, on 17th Inst.
The Mimeo. Melds encs Winnie Lane Mr,_ Stanley Mutch, of Sasketolte-
are e presitet,•.vl ting with their aunt wan, who lois been home on a visit
neer Aur•Ilinr. • to hie parents, returned to itis home
Mr. Arseld Vint teem •iVinehatn, is the latter part of this yr ik.
seeedieg a few weeks •-with. hie. Mutt, Mrs Williams, of C.oaerick, tak-
Mem Will. OsIdwin. can charge of the Steriing Balk .here.
Mr. .aid Mrai, Charlie McDonagh, of The late • manner. Mr.. way, eft last
Dion meat Sunday evening -with-Mr. -Saturdaiy for Ottawa, where. he has
venire. JauAses-Wok. secured a genii meat sitvat�iou
The /fuses jean tied Zeolite Topp,
and Mise. Lillian TaPPenui of Toronto, The Rev. `W. ,R. Alp ie Apautg back
Mem returned home this ween. ithio week from his. holidays.. Ise will
lir. and Mrs. Achim J'ohaston sad preach in the Methodist ehtercb'next
family, of Coerces oereers. stunt gate . Sunday evening. This Rev. Mr.
clay evesiegwith #sir, and Mrs. Vint. Banes, Of that church, hi- off on his
Mr. anal lIri. Arleta Johnston end tam• holidays.
ilv. or Carry's Comers, spent an even. Union serNoes will be heli, in the
lag encs. y with Mr. and, Mrs. John Methodist oharoh next 8a*Aaay .ed 7.30
Muslin, and the following Sunday st 10.80
Mims Meda Campbell has returned to a. m. Res►. Mr. Alp. f Ian church,
bar Bowie la Algotne..otter apendirg o will orladeot both iaertiere.. ole al•
few" Week* with her ,,ant, Mrs, Ira so > M Dounybreok roh next
Campbell. timidity tnortting.
7,t eslericb and to Isar
at all prices frau. Soe
up. The plainest
to the best.
The Empire Life Insures Co.
''43 Co D. BELANGER - ,r
West Strout. Gam, oat.
To tell you the small annual deposit required
trisrcU at Nile. c the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wee. Mow-bprLloyd Gantoa a ;steward Cerrmrn COLBORNE
mem social bele on the school
esu Wedeeed*y of last week I Miss Ethel Washington. of Auburn,
itacided sums.. The mavens was the guest of bei 4rie,ed, Miss
fellows. Short add._ by lice,,. Margaret Pentla W tvTi'Ferm,
IIolmes, of North. Se' "erah, titii-...°eed
for a few days skim tre►eic
The party arrir tan noon twain
(t`. N. L•) and met by Messrs.
Gray, Grogan (who bad come earlier
by motor), Rasa and Davidson and
Mesdames Davidson end Rats awl
basses at an enjmyakde *nee Iseid set TEAC$$ERIfe-ALL ABOARD FOR
Harbor Park. After being teener* I TEE PACIFIC COAST
some of the pieturesque scea:ery of
xeadia6 by lir. T. Cass '
MO b the sweetness of 1 Mr. Thos. Woods: was eo °unfortnn-. lWs Gexirgla ABori. who were h
Church Goderioh mid oorato soap ate as to have a leg of one of his Bows
Kr. IL fioGee of Auburn. The broken vacantly - (when struck by a
Made a heelnlral ororisiatt for cart while he was 1lteciing her *long
the seeds of the :mania' yi1aa were the reset.
stat o ar
heel art ane had eaaonitb :Qr.
etr all a➢o Mt1
aril ammelett_ta still lige 1 seam of , Mn T: G. All iltias Wroth
14 * was reunaed. y Allen spent the creek it Stratford, she;
!guest* of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Marcie.
DERXCH TOWNSHi ' i � ae coinpsnied by Miss ger*
Wu Ruth Bell fa v:siting in COin- • Me, and Mrs. John Reid, Mr. Jamen-
Mr.' and Mrs. Richard Oke rriotored ,ItonBeid fund Mrs. R.iehaxd Park, tetotor d
to I3ruesela Sunday: t peekeend as is if�lw Mrs
Messrs. M. and V. Falconer motor.'- Mabee Reid.
ed td Seeforth Sunday: 1 Mr, end Mrs. John. Smeltdoer,' of
Mrs M. Falconer in taking m the Detroit, and Mr. and lire, Paul Sande.$tst'orth Old Boys' Reunion. see, of-iucknaw, were transient
A number from the township- at- guests of the former's sinter, Mee.
lauded the,races at Seaearth Monday. John Savage,, one day last week.
Mrs. Ina. Sowerby spent the week- Mr, and ' Mrs. Thos. McKenzie and
end with her mother, Mrs. Snowden, sons, Edwin and Wilfred, of Termite,
Stanley tp.
were guests at the hemea of Mr and
Mrs. G. M. McKenzie cad Mr. and
Mrs. John Savage on Tuesday.-
aw n. undsy tiesoolz picnic of
the three Dungannon senates and two
from Port. Albert, was held on Wed-
nesday at• Port Albert, &statist of
which will given in next •west's ie.
The Zion and Carlow congregast3oaa
will holo union servlaea ::,W. lOth
and Aug. 17th in Zion dairies. mes-
In.ncing it 3 p. te. Icev. W. R. Alp,
of Auburn, will have e;tsage
Huron's "Golden Gate,," the .Party The Dominion Educational Asan.•
then peocw:d.d to 'the monse,'"-Dun.•'.elation Convention for -1824 Wali be
gannet; where they were. welcomed held ,at 'Victoria,, B. C., on August
by Mrs. Gray and several members of lzih to 16th.
the Ladies' Aid, who served tea. In; ' To facilitate travel for those in
the evening, assisted by Messrs Tom the east desire to attend, st, ape
Cott and Jack McDermid, of Goderich, tial tour hiss been planned by the
they rendered a splendid concor rn Ontario Public School Federations
the parisb.beU, which was thorough- (Men's and Women's •Sectional vin
ly enjoyed by an audience of one bun- Canadian National II/always.
dyed and fifty people, after which The route presents the finest pee -
they proceeded to their eiltete in the aible opportunity for meinbere of the
homes of the minister and several teaebing fraternity to "Sege Canada"
members of the congregation, whore from Toronto tbe Pacific Coast un -
they were entertained during'the root der most favorable conditions. - The
of their stay. On Sunday they as- • special train on the westbound trip
slated in the three services morning will leave Toronto at 1.00 p. m. stan-
and evening at Dungannon and after- deed time, Saturday, JuIy 28th. and
noon at Port Albert, where they were numerous optional routes' arc present.
entertained at the tea hour in the ed for the return journey.
Most of the farmers' siround here,homes. of several of ,the kind friends a . Fell information in eonn.ction
hare their fall wheat cut and are now of Port Albert congrega :on. At the with• the trip, silica rail and steeping
trying to finish haying. A S afternoon service, et Port Albert• and car tickets may be obtained' on appli-
alae 'kr the. evening at Dungannon, cation to any. of the followitia; odteerp
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Orr' and son,
Gerald, spent the week -end with Mr: John Grogan, B: A. who is prod. ° of the Ontario Public Scheel Tom:
friends at Sarnia and Comma.
dent of the Young People's Society of tined:. ee
h' h 11 be High Park Presbyterian church, de- Mr. A. E. Bryson, President; (Jar
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bell, Mee. W. Ifvered •a thoughtful and earnest ad. tario .Public School Men Toile -heti
Bell and Mise Grace and Mr- 'Ernest dress on the subject, "Relsstion of Federation, 44. Silverthorn Ave„ Tor-
Bell.are visiting relatives n'& Acton. . whe s and Young People ,to•Christ:anttv," welsh onto; Mr, L, J. Coiling,. President,
Mr. Geo. ,5owerby. accompanied Mr, r A asp was well 'received. ' At each of the Ontario Public School Men Teachers'
Dick Reid, of Goderie'r, on a motor services Mr.: Howard Geneyr, so)ais Federation, 98 Barnsdale,Ave., Dam
trip to Toronto` the beginning of the' le high Pack °burgh, rendered. soles. ilton, ant.; , Miss Hazel G. Roberta,
week• in his splendid baritone voice. which President, Federation of Women
Mr. and Mrs. A. Trick, of London, were heartily enjoyed by all, his syr- Teachers' Association of Ontario, 107
made a nice visit last week with their y, Pp , - ening number, "There Were Ninety Sanford Ave:, South, Hatnitton, Ont
old friend, Mrs. R. R. Elliott, Gode-. and Nino," being. aiaertica;arlr effect•,. prirnar iy the ' animal is just a
Dungannon, St. Andrews hatch, re. Mites Mary'Crain �acaed as his'
atom h with 1 eta bed th
Dangattnon was worths at s ecisil
Mr. and Mrs, Ellis *tethers
son, ,Tack of Tor nto motored
and spent .several days et the home
of Mr. and T. Stother , return.
ing home on Wednesday.
Best prices on twine at Smniley's.
Rev; Mr. Lund of Kipper', will oe-
cupy the pulpits of Erekinewchurch,
and, c
Miss Eva Cox, Toronto; and Kra. Port Albert, for the next two Sub- accompanist. The evening servlee at. ac wi cgs a e ate -
(Dr,) Stevenson, London, have been' • (
baths; Mrr.Rruce G. Gray taking the , p able him to get shoat,.
visiting their parents, •1►Ir. and Mrs. work at Klippen, mentian� it being; a unwan' service. the . t
Methodist ,church having i:ifadiy with= i l GuDERFCH MARKETS
Thos. Cox, • Mr. aftd Mrs. Hoffasisn aro ;spend- .drawn theirs) when the church` gratis Wheat, ,per bush ` 5 1.05 to ; 1.10
A. severe electrical storm visited sbme time their :arm (forts= filled to capacity. it bane neapscary Oats per buaki•,.,,... 46 to GO :.
this district Tuesday night. We have .wped'by the' •late Robert Bow to haw'ei chairs in the aisles. At the )•"eau, Per -bosh ' 1:30 to 1.50'
not heard of any serious, damage ars) in Wawanoah, `,`hey ire mak= -eIoae of this service the Ladies' Aid Barley", per bush...,: • 85. to, 70
being done. ins extensive late vementa to it, . - met and tendered their guests a hear- Family flour, per cwt.. •1.00 tai 4.00'
The services at union ehurch on they contemplate making 1t their ty 'vote of thankrs wind appreciation. Patent Ilene, per cwt 4.16. to 4.35
atfter the coming rvinter.
Sunday next will he held in tbe after. which was replied to, en iiia genial, Bran, per ton. .. 25.00to 26.00
noon at 3 .o'clock.. Mr. Whitfield will The Messrs• Albert and Wilbur, and manner, by Mr. Gregor', The coni.. Shorts, per ton,.. 27.00 to . "28.00
preach, Sunday. School ae L„go,p 'm, the Misses Ile -and Mabel Brownmot-'pany then.. spent a quiet hour in eo-• Harr, ler ton.....-10.00 to 12;00
Mr. and Mrs. Elwyn Anderson and ored to Stratford on Monday to at- • end intercourise at . the home of. Mr.; 'dogs, percwt ,•...: 0.2$ to " :1,25
two children, -Evelyn rind Jean of tend the "Old Boys" Reunion being end Mrs. „Davidson. , On Mor;dayttle, ordinary,:per '
Waterloo, motored up and are visiting held there. They returned an Tues morning, the 'Party' were pros anted• ': cwt •,.....5.00 to. 5.50
at the home of the lady's parents, Mr. days being •seconspsnied by.Master with the kers and freedom of "Pow Cattle, . le, export, 6000 to 7.00
and Mei. Robt. Davidson. • Arthur Brown,' who had been 1,1o1iday- Drop. Inn," the; summer home of Mr. Cattle, choice, per cwt, , 6.50 to 0.00
The ilii my friends of Mr. Richard and with friends there. and Mre. B. J. Crawford.. Where thcv Lambs, Per ,ewt.... ; , .• -.u.00 to 12.00
Romp are very starry to h he hue ' .Miss Beeste Reed, of Detroit- re- enjoyed to the full the bathing beach Midas, per lb..:..., , 04 to 04.
Mr. 'sad Mrs. Freak Irwin, Mr, and _ Mr. Ivey, formerly nutesiitsar of the been orderod back to' the hospital for turned . to 'thpt city' after • .;pending a and the ocher eacilities. --After .diener at Dairy butter, per !b.. S30 to
lftrn.Wf.'Baldwtn, Der, and Mrs, was, Storing Bank here, lett crass fkiturday another two weeks, after riming been few weeks ►leasantly oft rolativep ttag , 'the party proceeded to gd , .per 4•7:•-•••
oz.26 to
Miry sen! aisle, epees o day teeeatly ae af5ar.twei ler Ottawa, be iiaa es- there ,.rice before this summer 1t tloderich, Port Albers ungitnnon Goderich, where they boarded the af- Potatoes. , :...',....• 60 to
gitentrdine, . cured *,position is the t)lHl ruses Da • and Lueknow. $hfs ass �accr nip.anied ternoon C. N. R. train for Toronto: New potatoes, per bash 1.,25 to
The garden party held kJit Fr:de►y . Bruch' pleased' with their detiahtful I
sad um. win Loses, ler atm. aativois, Hie wow
repoils la this , on her retnrri by► her frienna Mian •
Pinny, from Marneck sand Miss penny, elehtiiy wish. itlaa rcaaasse and happiness en Mr.Herbert Cox a lawns was a rle- Pearl Robinson and. kr. E. F'airbairie, week -end casing. Mrs. Wasllaca
from Toronto, • *Pent riunday with Dllr: in itis rifer► p�n._ cided sucress. The► iatdieeit "de serve aha hqd motored up from Detroit farounar acted as chapernne The
sed aro. Gilbert Vint. credit Yor the salwyttuupat au r' rid `' w k d i t, young People wish to e:Crone their MIMEOS
PoRT pee >t g ee .en to siO �
The 1`iadles Basehell team heti T each item of the program Was thole '
Skala on :the school graneds.lest Fri Jack Green.lout' a wralaable horse oughly appreeisted. There were Depredations have this week been their hostesses. -Mesdames • Gray,
heartiest thanks and appreciation to
Jet�;Pon swine more gardens,' by g,
day aatioraoon. .They limited their girl last week. . _ three addresses he pastors, Rev. J. J. ma ,hers. Elliott, Ross and Davidson,
$.lends Bons the 9t� sari -?4th oonaes• Misr Lizzie. Foster its visiting' -in Johnathan, of $ayiielei Bev. W. r the bovine herd''ehich.roams at large especially to ltfr, and lees. .13.--J; Craw -
salmi All enjoyed thQmbolrce very Goderich- fora few • day& Hilts, of . Londoaa, and 1Rtev. Mr Wall. upon the vtllaige streets. 'The value to ford for the use of their cottage also
eataMr. end film jtobt. Mullin from Rita her boildeye with tier sister, May, la Orchestra did great credit to ( P Y Rt cad eason), R. Davidson end R, McGee for tete use
Y >wlTr. andB7a[t7e, Bob. A[allia, Mr. and at %stltui, , theneshres end were •ieaucb appreciat- cannot be estimated,.and e�+en though of their carer, and to Mr. and Mit R •
Irfr.. shad Mrs. Elliott. tzomkNeaww.
Winnie Cturnizorkess' it spending - win, of Holmeasrille. The Holmes- the housewife of a well :sept garden to Mesare• G. M. McKenzie; F. Rosa, Sem' a very attractive prices. .
vii es schen this advan ss•
Mrs. Edwfts 4livrt is 'hiking a sale Jamil Doherty. ,gave several remuneration, be: made, it does net. re- McWhinney. Mr. and mea. Jae, me. �as �p ��**
Unread Mrs. Jellison from Toronto, of Essen stock' Sind implements this remit images to the •del tit., of the place the mach -treasured fresh pro- Kenzie; 'and•1Vlr.and-Mrs. John Quaid, l►AAGY8i$ON
d a ducts from ;writ d•
comic entertainer is a cower- Mlee. Mr. John Ryan is ;ow occupying at -tea on Sunday.. •- 230
ting, Wheat is the ender at present.
��� It is a ,Coad crop, arta also a good
mites s few assort calls on the loth can. Th• ursday afternoon:
crowd. Tom Cutt, of eridi, as a one ra o gar en, of.Part Albert, who enterthined thein
- Ramis Timet Nei=.
Sonday'. , The fa
sinners are Imam usual, cut- Ella Sowerby rioted aploaideily. .An- his new blacksmith mho the , roof
Children other feature which deserros special, having been completed last week. ' BENMiLLER
FOR FI.ETCSER'lt *amigo, w, r
Don the newshop and its tones is vitiating with Miss .Gladys: ,Vans
rmidentien is ,* li h Suter
The village bell hes abut been replete- hiisu Gladys Hrorvr;�eey, of GodErich
�;'rie A 8 "�' Q R I' Mrs. Schaefer and daughter, An- and Perdue, of Clinton The total re ed.
dnce more peal t to k h
nae„ o. Kitchener, visite g 'the cei ts amounted to Seg o e on. mar a pas- stone.
formes rents, P $ asee of time, after a respite of seter-
pa Sir. *nd hiss, Jamas• Council met in Rolniesville on Mon- al weeks. This :modern fire -proof Mr. and Mrs. Bracewell, of Toren -
dal last. Capt R. Sloan wai5eK1. on building Jidda very materiaity to -.,. . visitors with:Mr.
Quite a ntantbor from here went to the council asking for :a grant to value of Mr. Reines PtpPer`y and sand Mrs. M. Ohler•
enjoyed the beaaaatit5sl+lerr e..a in Lrl•_in_..Clinton-.on Nev. tr. This matter well. Stella Morrish (spent a few days last
Said1e Horses
---• -slot" sr,,•c010130cft -
°Good sellable drivitsg horses for
rile at all three - •
Also Fer 8a1.=-1. heavy Clydesdale
.cost, i ysmrs old, weighing 1400 lbs.
or taco Good
ao r*e ter oars by day, week
Auto and Horse Livery
.14.413•10. awl Recluses* Sara
Dnngttnnoit etl thmday evening and Huron. Count, Fruit SAow to be held will doubtless add to his business as Misses Elsa Oke, Willa Nivena and -
tell ie' church. ' was left over until mixt tweeting. At a. c tizexa' ntaeetirig held at the week at "Cherry. Inn, the home of -
John Teturt is busy taking down Bylaw No. 7, striking tax rate for 1 home of Mr. and Mrs. R..A; McEenaie Mrs. Wm. Oke. - - .
the :hotel. He seaside using the ma- Present year, was pawed. The rate.on Monday evening, it was decided to Mrs. (Rev.) A. -W. Brown endthreenaiad for .his new hose which he in- will be wane ss hart yese, vitt., d millshold a baseball tournament in eon- children, of Newcastle. New Bruns -
,tends bundles thio fall. for contest,; 2 210 for tows ehIP• nection with the annual Held day and wick, are .spendieg a• few days with
A few young . yioople of 7'oronko School rates 4 mils for general. civic holiday, the date se be decided friends -in •this nei>thborrinod
who wire visiting the pastor, Mr. The folbwing meconate were °W. by a joint coetreittee of the Women'as • ''•'Fhe Maple Leaf (boys')' class of
Grey', assisted iritis the services in 8t. erid paid: . McKenate, cumber, Destitute rind citizens appointed at Bethel entertained the ];..7mllier
Andrews' thumb on Sunday after -
Grey, Harry Powell, 'Pelts/ ;1; It`s said melting. Watch for further an- •Isoys' cines last Friday 'evening, when
noon. Glazier. pests, 1 ; Pedlar Pm*. cue" a noat►cement in local papers and by a good' social time was heli by the
• vert, ;84; J. W. Whitely, prorrrlincla! ;
Thor. are malty complicated, inteli- ,read reports, 56; same. lemmerson,
posters. Following sea game raf ;baseball, John di'here
genes bats, bet SW are more efficient stilt. aaaettay, 181.501 ficin, Emmerson, , ' The many •friends- of Mr. George
than a casae* lumbrr and sails, *4.5*. ,;len welcome hie return to
Dungan- I
was a camp -tire with songs, stunts
Con'ortt tom' adjourned t,, meet first .non after the serious operation of and gimes.
Il h bF
clearance Sale
of all � Trimmed Summer
e...,. • w.,.......r. .
'E offer" you in this sale praeti.
ca:lir every new style popular'
this spnisg and stuntman Chic
summer models incigilhs the fay
ored small hat, large models of
picturesque line, j pokes and _�,
off the face ideas.'s hats,
sailor hats and ha * with sport
lines for half pries.
raw) mists >tr >hwie«t
V scar
Dungaeaoa Shoe Store
• Caik Salk .,.
T have decided to . sell • my
entire stock of Boots' and
Shoos within the next twenty
one dogs at • Cost Pricers to
make room for•>sf different line
of business.
Buy ardor Shoes now•and
r SaveejD�olllars
l' . ,.iAR .o /1'
>; -Dws,*et bion.._
Monday 1* Septendser• at 1.31! p. rn. having his kwfee atraigh'teined, which urrng t e two weeks' a enee o! set
R. G. THOMPSON, Clerk. was performed in a Buffalo:hospital.
Rev W M Moss, 1Se Il
Toronto-Ang. 23 to Sept. i.
Ooderkh--Sept. 8 to 5. •
Landon --•Sept. 6 to 1S, jt
• Exeter -Sept. 18 and 17.
Kincardine---$ept. 18 and 19..
List w S pt, 18 and 19. - •
Sent pt. 18 and 19.
klikken-Sept. 2812and
ffilyth-- 25 and 28.
Lacknow 8. t. fit anal ala.
$arlelt--Sept. !6 and 2i.
Wingbafa-Sept. $$ and 30-
, Re seas -»-Oct. ! and &
Dungannon -Get. 2 and 2. -
I Dat', whino ghost year ups and
deems. T tisk e3 what the peer waist
lbto lees be sneer,
Ger Itwlaflaitts aasal Mast* 1s
4i do Imam nod
tams 11Siss MWsts%end �B
hal toss! of
.lt iE ertitiwg some ..
the nmi er and
Although at prevent he uses a walk -1 Bethel congregations a -•n uniting, the N
ins stick, this is 'only a temporary atefwicra being as follows: Aug !0, ,
aid, owing to 'the fact os his meeting Benmiller, at 7.30 p, m.; Ault. 1 7
with a slight' accident :n coming in thel at 7.30 p. m. The preacher oil!
contact with a rained step to the side.
Rev.. Whitefield.
walk which wee un -noticed by him. • • .ADVItler1,9et IN 1112 STAIR
The postponed bimetal! game will
be played on the Dungannon diamond
on Friday at &SO p. m.. On this game
hangs the fate of the Dungannon'
Leant for the chance to win the chem.
pignehip. Prodded Dungannon wine
from Brume's, then Blyth ani Duan -
Bannon will be tied for first piste in
the League. It would then be neces-
sa,' for Blytls and Dungannon . to
play -off the championship. B, es
this will be oats of the w+lsat' exalting
tames *8 the reason, it is expected
that everybody will tarn out to *et
the game. C'.*e, ons, reels all, as
Om fate of D.ngatuon teats hangs
in tate balalle..
A unique rant of asnasusi intermit
took place, when rilgkt young
Moore and leaders is yraieng
work Iii High Park I'r4.Wt )rtr
eheteh, 'Tore sigh . jsi.caaod to >JOstrssst-
ee* sad pout the week -mid biros,
being guests et the UAW A,a1 earl
alae of sahietier. kr. Wars ate..
wise has a ieveiaatad w t* arm its
their .aetalt"a askols* or
eew eat
=T. 1197 Vaselle
BRIGHTEN the home
Thetis Suromor days
melee you want fresh
and eolorfal things in the
rooms of your home.
A new picture on your
walls has the mme theory
spent as 'a bright, fresh
banquet of flowers.
Come ala and make s
seloctiou frees our cherm-
last rs.
(Lae, d GOA)
Annoui,oas . that he hue opened
up an
Up -To -Det. 'Repave Shop
tut ralionte Street - •
at the rear of the Rank' of
Commerce and. is prepared . to
do all lines of , -
Shoe-Makiag.anl Repairing'
netesseensekeenesetsit ;•
en Buying
few of 'lased rcmetnber
het `fie e tlee loess e
wsiy of Gadeitiieh is the plats
o go,' ,
If it ie, as Stow -you wont wt
haAre tt..
likiSiSY Store --Use It
, On the Broadway of Gvderich
You Will Laugh
if you get your Slots
Cleaned and Pressed
es eri+ch Frock Dry Clataitglifirlit
Mot 122. wast Brit
111 -011111410X1141
ality - Style -Variety
THESE good features are ail embodied in our'
' imn'ense stock of FOOTWEAR FOR MEl1,
WOMEN Ind CHIDREN, and these features,
combined with the policy of one price and fair
dealing to all has made our store a popular institu-
tion as the, "family shoe -store."
Our new stock of TRUNKS and TRAVELLING
GOODS of *1 kinds, at loll` pries*, is worthy of
your consideration and inspection. We invite you
to come in and look around at any time.
W. Ra. 9Y.rna
PHEW 111111
R r.