The Wingham Advance, 1918-04-04, Page 6to. •
'Ile I'. el. ;eel ;1 be lemee f.r
eon vita igen to be at .en 4fly
t..1,1r2o; f.:ts tcl.toiporl i-
tem ft,tellities permit. The (lite te
draft attitude upoa atoll now
Itt Cone,eeete
On March 1st the total stock of
Money in the tutted States WAS great-
er by *1,205,371.000 than on tlae same
date in 1917, but ineeey In actual cir-
culation had increased only $508,835,-
0)0. The wain exelanation of this
Seeinipg (Ueerepancy was that More
than halt a billion in .gold had been
turned Into the Federal Reserve during
the twelvemonth, in exchange for new.
Feedral Reserve notes.
The acceptance of the German peace
terixis by the Boleheriki congress of
Alhltussia puts an enmire at the die.
Posal of the Kaiser. No wonder this
potentate eeculte over his. good. luck and
promises the Germans a rich and
happy fixture. The reeourees of the
territory he has taken from Russia
are of fabulous value. He gees them
• almost without a struggle. Lenine and
TrOtZlry SeFal tU be r oppets of the
. German Junkers in a Tieney to betray
the Russian people. These great
etretches of country are really to be
left to the euireletermination of the
:',Kaiser himself. In Courlend the Ger-
' intent; are lees than 0 ,pen'cene of the
population. In Livonia they are S per
• Gent. In Eethoiala they are less than
' that. In Lithugnia they are less than
: 2, per cent. But they will be German-
ized, nevertheless.
We are indebted to tile New York
Invening Peet for the following table
,of figures showing how tiers self-deter-
mInation plot is Working out:
New States sq. miles. Population
natant). 126,010 3,300,010
7,600 500,004
Livonia 17.600 1,500,000
UiIand 10,500 300,001
Poland... . 42,800 12,000,000
Kovno 10,100 - 1.000,000
-.Vilna 16,410 2.100,010
Mirsic . ..... ...'30,204 3.000,000
, Grodno 15,000 2,000,000
27,701 4200.000
5.200 1,100,000
Podolia 16,200 4.160,0O)
v - . '1.9 700 4.800,002
• Kheri.on.27,409 MW
Ekaterinoslav- 24.510 3,500,000.
KlutrIcov 3,000,000
Shernieby 20,00)
Mobilev... 18.000
To Boieretnia‘ :
Bessarabia . 1.7,000
ore ,Carkey.
Batunt 2.700
...........10,80). 1,000,000
-. .... 7,2ao detkoe).
look would be in the Intikling tha
atIPPIted a large part of hie loom
That made Nell's task more diff
cult -perhaps searchers Were alread
On the way! As for the eausee of th
trageay, the mystery wee only deep
oiled, No amount of speculation fu
nishad Neil with a plausible hypo
thesis to account for the connectiol
between the hard -fisted, prosperon
peasant and the fine-draern girl i
whose room he had found the man.'
Neil observed with a sIckness of th
heart that the conspicuous diamont
wont to decorate the fat third tinge
was Missing. Hardly any need to loo
if the great roll of Mlle he wits fon
of displaying was gone, too,
I3ut Neil lied work to do atilt, an
was compelled to defer his specula
tions or the time being. Shutting 1101
what waa left of his landlord in hi
closet, he Went back to the girl's room
with scrtibbing-brush and pail. Id
afterwards swept the hall, to remote
daunsytevidences of scraping heels ine. the
No one disturbed the top floor tiur
ing these operations.
As the hours passed without an
sign of the girl, a heavy anxiety at
tacked Neil. Of course she could no
be expected to sleep in that room
What could she do throughout the
night? What afoot he had beet no
to think of that before and to pro
vide for it! He had not even theught
to arrange for another meeting! Sup-
pose she gave him the slip altogether?
His heart sank dismally.
It occurred to him that she Might
still visit her little box below, so he
made haste to put all the money he
had in an envelope, barring enough to
buy bread for a few days; and drop-
Pedelt in her letter box.
In an hour he found 'it back in his
• wive box, with a scrap of a note:
Truly I have enough for my needs.
I have method, a check. Do not troub-
le about me. .
Neil walked up and down his little
room, making and discarding itinum-
erable plans of action. He recalled.
all the muraer mysteries he had
known of, both solved and unsolved,
and criticised the technique ot the
criminals. Fiction dealing with crime
he mostly passed, over; in novels the
long arm of coincidence was gener-
ally invoked, and he couldn't depend
onlitehahta. d a stubborn fact to contend
with-nearly two hundred pounds
stubborn, He told himself with a cer-
tain pride that his problem was
ifficult than any he had over read
of. He had neither a bath, a furnace,
a trunk or a cellar, those time-honored
expedients of persons with a body on
their hands.
It started to ram in earnest, and his
heart lifted. RaM would help him en-
ormously. He did not see the girl
Late, in the afternoon he had a blow
as he was returning from a trip down
• town to buy what he needed for his
plan, ha found a strange man in the
girl's room. It proved to be a dealer
in second-hand furniture, who had
bought her cot, her chest of drawers
and her chair.
She i had gone, and without telling
hint! He sought in his own mind for.
arguments, to explain it, but the very
heavy sense of ingratitude remained.
However, the business had to be
carried through just the same. Night
found hike ready with a coil of light
rope and a bunch of common house -
keys that he had bought for a few
cents from a junk dealer.
His plan, like all well -considered
plans, was exceedingly simple, From
the street he hacl observed by a sign
In the window that the top floor front
of No. 1e, four doors down, was vac-
ant. While the world was asleep he
meant to haul the- body up through
the skylight, drag it with infinite
care across the intervening roofs and
lower it into the vacant room. It
would be necessary for him to enter
the vacant room to open the skylight,
and again to close it and to remove
the rope.
Sueh rooms are generiilly left open
when vacant, but in any ease he had
the keys. 14e trusted to the rain to
keep other tenants from seeking air on
the roof that night, and also to wash
out any marks of his progress.
At eleven o'clock Neil had the sat-
isfaction of seeing the crack of light
disappear from under the Old Codger's
door. Shortly thereafter he heard the
well-known eound of his snore:* This
was Itis cue to put things in motion.
Neil's. only doubt was whether he
would• be able to haul that weight all
the way from the floor to the skylight.
Anetbing in the nature of tackle was
out of the Miestion. Ile determined
.btotioilr,a.ise it as far as he could from
' He therefore split up his trestle into
two parts, superimposed the smaller on
• the larger, ea, put a chair on top ot
all. Little by little, with infinite pains,
he managed to get the body on the
first then to the second, and fin-
ally int the chair: During the•progress
of thee grisly and strenuous labors he
kept up his heart, as men do in des-
jpeesrtaintei.cases, by a species of grim
"Up you go, old man! Our last ride
together! Heave hol Pull yourself to -
together, old top; you're all over the
place! There! I didn't Mean to bash
Mir face! It's all the same to you,
isn't It? You're good-natured now, all
right! Once more, an together -up you
go! I'm helping you to heaven as far
are I ean!"
The rope was alreadit tied under his
arms. • When he got him athwart the
cheer Neil opened the skylight and,
tossing the end of the rope up on the
roof, elimbed after it.
The sky wept softly on the tin roofs.
The tall loft -buildings with their in-
nitmerable shuttered windows rose like
great, pale cliffs, It was not as dark
as the adventurer could have Washed
for the street lights were reflected
kelt from the pinkish, low -hanging
clouds, and the wet tin glimmered
wanly, But it Was as solitary as any
spot in the five boroughs at that mo-
ment Nell had taken a preliminary
aurvey of the vette and knew his
(To he eontinuede
• 1.* •
Spring Fashion Brevities,
Peter Pan Collars On tae new
gni/11110S and bleusee-they're eottth,fill
6n4Ne awt toriaecetvi ve
ss jackets of panne yen
loveliest colors -to weaf over theta
fvreoteice8r. the new Baronet satin in tlie
New frocke hre of old-fashioned look-
ing novelty sillts-cheeked and striped
'eft(telantsehlailtagallihkr a're new this year-
wetty bltie•and-white and pink -Mid -
White silks In gingham patterns. TheY
re used for trimmings, for 4hildren'a
lothos, for blouses and for Women's
Eton jackete are cernIzig In again --
ever so many tome new 'lulls have
,ense plenty little ittekete.
Neil opened the door of her room Volt anything, nor be anything ; o you
filled with a mighty curiosity -and That is final. (live me the key .to'ny
conscious of a little elittnie In being room."
able to gratify it, He bad a feeling of "I will not!" he cried-. "What do
entering upon holy ground, you think I am? Don't you believe a
Ills first look inside was a disa,p- man can OM` do anything except tor
eointatent. She had lived there ecarcee Pay? This thin is out of your
ly long enough to leave her stamp up- hands now, You can't stop me from
on. it-unleee its neatnees and bare. helping you."
nese were symbols. It was like a, con- Sill looked at him as elte had °Ace
vent cell. In size and shape it Matched before, with eyes wistful, searching
his own room, but there WOS no sky- and incredulous. "Yon understand,"
light, The ceiling sloped- dowu in sbe said, "I cannot tell you what la.p.
front to a low ivindow cloae to the, Period. You can't work in the dark."
floor, • "You can tell me when I have earned
He pounced jealously on the photo. your confidence," he said.
graphs, but there was no occasion. for She shook her head, "I can never
elm jealOusy. They represented a tell you. 'You must know that in the
dignified, middle-aged• gentleman and beginning."
a' geptlelady. Oblivously her 'father It was bitter dose for him to
and mother. The cards bore the im- ewallow, but he got it down at last,
print of a photographer In Baltimore. "Oh, well, if you can't, you can't," he
Of course a young man falling in muttered.
love would say it did net Anatter; still "I can only tell you one thing," sho
In his heart he is gratified to find that said, wistfully. "I didn't do it."
the parents of the inamorata are gen- "I don't care if you did or not," he
tlefolk. Neil wondered greatly how said, quickly. "I am not afraid to
the daughter of this charming,
fashioned couple came to be living in
old. face it. Maybe you had good cause,
such a place as himself. - The brute!"
"011, no!" ahe said, quickly. "He
Full of relief and satisfaction,. he was a good man in his way. EIe was
slipped them inside the portfolio with
the drawings, and turned to go. kind to me."
Neil's theory of the affair was al -
.As he laid his hand on the doorknob ready well established, and he looked
a faint, peculiar smell'alarmed an in- at her, taken aback. "Kind to you?"
stinct deep within him. Like an ani- he repeated.
mal he lifted bis head' and sniffed. He "You see, already you are wonder -
could not have told why, but his heart ing," she said, sadly. "And I can ex -
began to beat fast, plain nothing.'
"Oh, well, it doesn't matter," lee in-
sisted doggedly.
"Yes, that matters," she said. "You
can't help me if you think i -did it -or
"If you tell me you didn't, that's
encatgh for me."
"Look at mo and swear it," she
For the first time their eyes met and
"I swear I believe you," he murmur-
ed, with deep earnestness.
A little sigh escaped her. She relax-
ed. "Then -you may do what You
like," she granted. "But it is use-
less. Nevertheless, I am grateful to
"You must not give up,"
he urged, full of a pas-
sionate solicitude. "You- are
young. You have a right"to life and
happiness. Do not put too much store
by man-made laws. You have a right
to seize it if they keep it from you."
"That 'sounds like romance to me,"
she said, wearily. "The sordid realty
remains. How am to live? I've al-
ready faced starvation once. I was
just getting started -with my draw-
ing, I mean. Suppose I succeed in keep-
ing out of the hands -of the police -
it seems I must start. again. I dare not
even collect the money that's owing
to me. How am I going to liver
"We will find a way between us,"
said Neil.
"I couldn't take anything from you,"
she murmured. •
"I did from you," he reminded her,
"and I'm a man into the bargain.
"That was a different thing."
They were silent again while Neil
debated inweitly.
"One question," he ventured diffi-
dently. "Suppese the -it -were not
found. Could they trace that man to
your room? Think hard."
"I don't think so," she murmured.
"No, I am sure."
His face cleared. "That's' all right,
shock her with its grimness. then. You eau go right on living
As he passed along the familiar where you are and doing your work.
Street, ugly and rnatter-of-fact in the I will Undertake to dispose of -it."
sunshine, he looked on his fellow Oh, I couldn't have you!" she pro -
creatures with a new wonder. tested. "It would ruin you!"
"Lord! what animals men. are!" Neil smiled confidently. "A young
be thought. "They fee.1 nothing." man isn't so easily ruined. If I have
the stuff in ine, nothing on earth. can
ruin me. Anyway, if the worst comes
to the worst, accessory after the fact
Isn't a hanging matter. But I shall
never let them get me. It will be fun,"
"Fun!" she meuenured; deeply scan-
"To outwit them,"- said Nell. His
spirits rose rapidly. "I suppose every
fellow imagines himself in such a sit -
He looked about him. Alongside the
door into the hall, just as in his own
room, there was another door giving
on a clothes -closet.
Under that door had crept a thin,
blackish -red trickle, which ended in a
little black pool.
At such moments a man does not
A whole set of ordinary unrecogniz-
ed impulses came into play. With a
gasp he involuntarily threw open the
door. He was already prepared for
what was inside. He did not cry out,
nor even start back; he only looked
with eyes fixed with horror.
A dead man lay on his back on the
floor in a grotesque attitude, like a
wooden doll; his heels elevated among
the girl's dresses hanging there, his
arms oddly twisted, his glistening bald
crown pointing toward Neil. A towel
nad been dropped underneath. It had
ceased to flow. Neil did not care to
lift' the towel.
It was the body of a heavy, middle -
3,200,000 aged man.
Ili our quiet and comfortable lives
aate00o we shudder at the thought of death
by violence. But our under -selves are
less squeamish. We are the heirs of
the savage ages, too. Suddenly faced
by frightful things, we find ourselves
acting quite calmly, after all
Frowning ,slightlY at the dead man,
Nett readily debated what to do.
Knowing nothing of the causes of this
tragedy, he had nevertheless taken
his side. It was enough that this
thing at his feet was the means of
making the girl suffer intolerably, He
already hated it.
First of all he must return to her.
If he did not come quickly she ettould
*surely go mad wftle'rifis suspense of
:waiting. Afterward lee would make a
He closed the closet deer on the
;Trawling manikin, and left the room,
locking the door behind him. On the
way downstairs, he schooled his lips
to whistle, tbat his face might not
Total . . 524,500' • 00,100,000
The area of the former Russ:ee.Emi
plre, exclusive ef Siberia and Tur--
kestah, is 2,180.000 square miles, witte'
a Population of 160;000.000. Thee the
Kaiser seizes about one-fourth of the.
. area ot European ,Russia, and two•, -
fifths of the peaulation, and he deter
tal,nes their future himself. But he
looks beyond this into Asia arid his
ambition nicear leas no- liontta. By hie
sticeeee in the Eaet the German people
are beartened cine011raged. The
ear will bo pro:onge., and thin:cantle
mere wet e lit be claughiered. But
the. elitte tou..; on. Tr, do other -
Wise wollId be to sign ther own death
warren t.
..;:efeevieepeeeee- .
Third daughter of the Duke of Devon-
thire, Who won a ekatitio champion-
ship recently at Ottawa,
(Waehington Star)
"These crowded etreot ,cars Aro
Mg my oratorkal style."
• Mitt ',I.:"
"I';Idq3,' time 1 put my arm into the MT
to snake gestlirt,, paw arouna ae if
were- reachlog Icor a oti
`Veil Von
%tont •,•mrit.“ t oft lo• none., frani
eer stature. Vett moe entetvplovv your
ttt v.orl; voti, iL11•1,. 1,i1 hie f.:e you
ten; I.; Cute eat/teen. roe te -
wotk -hilt, :iota net cr oefue'lle *11;."-- t
She was sitting as he had left her,
Iter white face turned over her shoul-
der watching for him. lit spite of his
whistling -or because cf it -she sus-
pected something, and a wagy look
appeared, more distressing for him to
Bee in those frank oyes than the pre-
vious agony. He avoided her glance.
She moistened her lips. "The pho-
tographe?" she whispered.
"Slipped 'em ineide," he said, with,a uation when he reads newspaper stela
careless air. "Everything was 0. K. ies of crime, It's hard to tell which is
Hope I didn't seem long. Stopped in the more stupid, criminal or sleuth.
my own room a moment -9 "TB show them. You leave it to
Her strange look dried up in his me. I'll take it away, and -remove all
speech. traces. In an hour yeti can go eeek to
"So you know," she murmured. your room as if nothing had happen -
Nell caught his breath. "Yes - I ' ed." -
knov.,7" she said., stricken With horror CHAPTER III.
for hr. By saving him the trouble. Back on the top floor of No. 21, Neil
of breaking the news she had cut all after making sure that the Old Codger
the ground from under his feet. His Was away from home, proceeded to
tongue Clove to the roof of his mouth. ! transfer the gruesolne tenapt of the
There he was struck dumb, when he I;. girl's clothes -closet to his own. The
had sit& a need to reassure her! . weight of the dead flesh instantly sug-
13ut the added blow seemed to steady gested that no woman could have put
her. The (Wetness of despair set- lit 'Where it was, unaided. -Neil won-
tled on her eyes. Watching hitn war- doted jealously what man had been
ily, she slipped her hand inside the concerned in the affair.
portfolio and drawing out the photte With his hands under its stiff, cold
graphs tore them across without look- arms; he Cragged it across the hall,
Mg at them.
• while the big head lolled on the fat
"Oh, why do you do that?" he .said, chest. To have imagined such a
aghast. •
scene would have filled him with
Guarding them against his possible
interference, she tore the cards into shuddering horror, but in enacting it
nig busy mind ran ahead,. and he did
tiny bits, and let them drift away on
the breeze. The act had the etfect of not think of it at all. Indeed, being
• free of any load of blood -guiltiness
scattering the ashes of the beloved, bimself, the excitement filled him
"They mustn't be found on me," she with a kind of exhilaration.
whispered, "It would kill them lf
they ever know!" He got it inside his roont at last
and the door safely closed behind him.'
Ho was huit by her suepicion that
He looked at the empty tenement
he might try to prevent ner teeing as
elm wished . lie forced his benurnbed where it lay revealed under his sky-
light with a sentintent of grim humor,
lips to utter, "You have nothing to
fear from me!" Yeetorday it was the centre of a mil -
"Yoe are kind," she said, indiffer- verse, and to -day an ineonvenient
ently. lump that must be hustled out of the
"I ehouldn't have looked!" he way somehow.
As he looked he realized with a
stammered. "But the -it -something
had run under the door. I•opence It start that he had know' the dead
before I thought." man in life. No mistaking the rug -
(hoe god lines of that face,
"It, doesn't matter," she said,
ly. "You have done all you cm /or too, with the curious gray bank like
fat, Yet hard,
me." a tonsure on the low forehead.
Both were silent for a while, bolt- It was Caspar Tolsen, the landlord
lug straight ahead. The stream et of No. 21! Only two days. before Neil
clorko, stellegnaPhors, shoDworkers out : hei had his Usual seato .with
for the in en hour end the ehangeneei ' (fret feeling was one of regret,
idlers paie•e-I :n both directions before Thouglu Tolson was his natural enc.
them, wit;e.nt any body remarking rriY, kW had a stieaking for
their white faces. aria soMehow ha had felt that
-Whet aro YOU going to do?" 1,0 it was rtearned. Their disputes had
whionered, at last. lieen .carried on ih a spirit of irony on
"Please leave Me," she anawcrel, heth sides. Nett had contrived to livo
It broke the oral or horror that- .'in his Mamie fOr a rednth without pay.
paralyzed him. "I will not leave lug any rent. The game Wal tO See
youl" he said, energetically. "I'm glad how long he could keep it up,.
I found the thing, I'd Wang to take Tedsee did tint ow* the .building,. a
a barn( In this. e'Vou'yd, got to be but merely rented the Upper Doer, , e
eavedefrota yoursele,': a from the piano nvarehouse on the f
bLe sena nee head wearily, "You"' street /ova and in VIM stIblet the
eatanot hole ine. You do not know." Tome.
"I'ii feel a pretested. The dlecovery of his identity gave
"WIA t ,Ata, with eoft let. Neil considerable food for thought.
Onion InerMoIbly eftinful te hear. I Naturally when he was reported mime
PwrItilva'tOld Yon Met ran never give Ing °le ef the iipLplaves they would
.4 • e • .1• • •
lteny tot,man trios to keep hie head
"thrive *Ater droe•ning hie eorrewe,
. REopATH GRANuLATED sooAR. $6150 awl%
1?1Cti wanted, 'the
left gueenurralang7rm. to
rig etnaabtllei:
ISRTTII To. 18 1 18
everAbere, no tnatterrhow large city or boW an !I tl ell
la le *
lagt, to *how samplee for large (emery OerYperation teepltal (51,000.001. An
noods sold at factory priers to the coneumer;
back and work the second of the two
gulls in the rear.
Wed suanr Me eivt„ 7 bare for example, Itedpative, best gran-
. Sunlight, Modena Surprise or (told Seep ate Beet
•Imre kettle rendered! lard, 5 pound pall for $1.00, togethcr with coffee teia, rice
ete. Men utilising MOO daily. A. Profit Of $1.60 to tho agont on every. $3,00 5,10.*
. wosition win ray 00 -weekly, No experience necessairy. Write °Tor
Japanese Novelties.
They aro frogs.
'ter A N T Iii I) - PlIOBATIONERS Ttn
J.. train for nurses. noply, Wellaneri
VO:pitai, ht. Cht.therinele Ont.
to -day
L your terzetoi•e•. SaMplo case free. . ,
i Trig CONstAvik"As ASSOCINTIONI ., . wirstpsoR, OisiT,
But of wood -prettily earVed.
They leok like frogs and ducks, but
are hollow.
• ... _„------
1,04111(lingh And Conlnir department. F,er
uteri's, apMy; Slingoey Mfg. (-me
. ._ _..... e. -
. . A- - - -
a gas 0 loun-
And you may USO theill to 1101d
trinkets, or just as ornaments if you
nttle Brantford, Onti
et edge of JeL
he. towerslsa
toy high
plumbing; eteally jole
Button, Stoutftelle.
• Opti '
. cal Power Of the Bird of Prey
a lYfarvelous. Thing,
recite front which they
swoop4, down on their quarry. It it
were not for the birds' of prey aboa
. latutiteni. Aimee prireonaliy or by
[ It is contended Heat the eye of tbe
these hilly districts the Mare would
soon be overrun with harmful rodents,
iq't . lohlubillidloa (413PanY'
4 .., hlt eilerry Street, Tenant% oat. .
, bIrd Of NW is the most perfect organ
1 of sight that exists. Most marvelous
1 of all is the sight that ouables the owl
to strike the mouse in the darkness
t or to pursue and capture the bat,
1 Which we can scarcely see even in the
early twilight,
The talons of certain of the larger
As a family the owla are araong the
Most beneficial of all birds from the
economic standpoint of the agricultur-
let. With few exceptione the owls
are noctUrnal. Their eyes and ears
aro remarkably developed and are
keenest in the early hours of the night
and morning.
Core. plasters be hanged, they al-
,w4Ys were troublesome and MISSALS-
factory, Try the new mittleted! Shrivel
up the corn first, get its roots owe-
ated from the toe. Thi e you can do
Mighty quick by painting op, wet-
liana's Corn Extractor. It sure does
r WIStrit Tr TVirlsT irArtin IN
..".% 000221'8. Ori)ental Textiles Ooriipany,
4-inliited, °shwa, out, '
---,------ - — - — ---- -
c-1•1;ii?„1/ttpaTClinzTAIT ?HAI ROV5 9;,t,"'
Inuet lie coimr;iiiiiitainliani3F'mgY•taiii Tio."x.--:
fielders, amly to SlIngaby ette., 001)1 -
pany, Ltd., Brantford, Ont, ,
' birds of prey aro extremely strong,
The feet of the osprey make an se-
' cellent fish trap, one from which no
' flail Can escape when
Many harmful rodents are most ate
tive in their search for food during
the night aad the ofvls aro the natural
cheek for this The bawle
;bring relief -take away the stiug,
lifts out the whole corn, in a day or
two. Putnana's will really, surely cure
the toughest of corns. Costs Inif a
1/ Class boreeehoier at Warren Svence'e
Carriage Works, Niagara rails ;south,
Beat city 'wages paid. ,
once caught,
• The great curved talon.; of the eagle
are most effective,
hunts by day and the owl by night,
and the work of one that
quarter in any drug etOre. Get it tow- -
'• work, Davis & Furbe..- & Whitely
and. are c.ertainly
stronger than those of all other birds.
When they once
of the other.' --Los Angeles "Time z
re—,- Mules. (Mod wages. AIMILY to Ming-4:bY
Mfg. Co. Brantford. Ont.
Fur NovelVies.,
close on the object
the clutch is tight
the fur tete
SO that it canA
scarcely be loosened
e . .'
Ask for Minard's and take no other,
Nowadays season is and FOR SALE.
unless the bird's
leg be severed. The strong claws aro
not only used in catching food, but
are used also in carrying.nesting ma-
terial. ...e-
The New SWEs,
We've not been asked to conserve
on silks,
The passing of winter no longer A-4. furniture. Assorted sizes. Never
means the relegation of our furs to the used. Will be sold at a. barffain. Ad.
'moth -proof cnests, dress Canada Ready Print LAO., Ti
Th t b anvil..
ton, Ont,
ore are soft,lovely scarfs o o 1
lt, instead of catching its prey, a
Species of bird is accustomed to feed
on carrion, this change is clearly re-
fleeted in the weaker raulieles ot the
There are plenty of practical wear-
Ing silks, like Shantung and pongee, in
white and the natural coloa
worn over one-piece frocks, or over the •p OR hA.LEI-8-40 ' IITIDSON BOAD-
lightweightspring 5 Ite- A- ster; wire whecIsi new top. newly'
P . Painted; new fires 51,33n• OICP out*.
One charming stole eel of gray . , a ee
Herman Lippert, Nitebener, Ont.
squirrel, with squirrel balls dangling
feet and in the shorter and duller
And any number of handsome back
silks -like the fine Italian satins, cilia
fon taffetas
f liningf ------"' -------
rom the ends and a o gray BUsIVEss cHAN058.
crepe. • • see.
Many persons have thought that
buzzards have an unusual sense of
Smell that. guides them over miles of
and satin charmeuse,
For warmer weather there are pretty
tub silks in many pleasing hues.
And a mole scarf haft a pleated cape p OR Sti.LE, FERIT-C-LAss FORM" -
in the back. A ture and undertaking business. AP -
Some of the new fur capes aro oo PlY to AL 10. Tangney, LindsaY, Ont.
territory in search of food, but many
years ago it was proved that sight is
the principal factor in guiding the
bird o2 prey.
Jersey titlks are most attrac:
And the new printed crepes are
charming -they make up most effec-
smart!0 fl 1 1or
Otto, in c tu s 'ape, was le Ammer le tysi ems.; Fon SAL111-,
squirrel, dyed taupe color, with the " only one in smell town; store and
ends crossing at the waist and tied in dwelling rooms in connection. Walter
the back; scarf fashion. Batem,, Lanark.
Audubon made careful experiments'
with a black vulture. The dry, stuff --4-.....----
an --FARMS
Keep's Minard's Liniment in the House
ed skin of a deer which he placed out
In the field soon attracted a vulture.
Although there was no smell of flesh
and nothing eatable about it, the bird
lit and began tugging at the dry skin.
Later when the same bird circled
over the field it -espied a small snake
not thicker than. a man's finger and
pounced upon it.
Jn another case the decayed carcass
of a hog was covered with brush so
that it was invisible. It remaiued 111/-
S , ,
Spanking I oesn t Cure!The
Don 't think children can be cured 'bt
bed-wetting by spanking them. The'
trouble is constitutional. the child can-
FREE =tilgi) it. -
4 36411442V 111:A3t;
treatment, with full instructions. If your
gilliegtrIte troallas= la, thlzo_laly, sr
treatment Is highly recommended 1.5c;
adults troubled with urine difficulties by
day er night. Addroso.
Mrs. M. Summers,
BOX 8 WINDSOR, Ontario.
Long Lived Farmer. p fABM DA.1111ArNs-yirrtiTio FOR NYIW
' ree eatalogu., of 754 farms ,for sale.
, Willoughby Ager.:y, Department 55,
Mau armed with ahoe protects him- Georgetown or Go.01,h, Ont. .
self from the agencies of death more ' . _ewe . 0 eeee,. . -.
r on. SALE .., A, ;Ft...A ...X, UND.ts,it
completely than man with any other . cultivation; 2 farina eV Sa0 acme. 1
life defense weapon. The United States farm ot 109 acros; good balidings and
Bureau of Statistics has discovered tintlifildOi°niee.slits: 11'2:ter tile? It411 p',.".gui:rnsa,
that important fact by a study of the William Martin & ;,..lon. Sex 8/6, North
records of life instiraure companies. Bay, oni,
Then "the hard life of the farmer" is ----_---... --
longer, not because it simply seems TWO HUNDRED ACRES ADJOINING
Anbstr.n_ oat,: leick.
longer, but because he lives in the itettouls°2 attliC" 11 ;,
k e... 11 n 24; barn No.
discovered by the vultures that Pre -
Utility of the Shark,
mialt of pretective agencies. The sta- e 6.) x 72, on ement wi.:11, („quipool with
tiatios of the entire country show that iron stabling and water fiewls; bullding.s
Minard's Liniment Co., Limited.
Deao Sirs,' --Your 111INARD'S LIN -.
IelENT is our remedy for sore
throat, colds and all ordinary ail-
It never fails to relieve and cure
-Even the shark has useR,
-Arnbian fisheimen tod :loon valttable.
-Sharlc moat is sold in Arabian fieh
markets. '
-The meat is strong In flavor but pal-
ota.ble and eigostible
"Haleh" (or salt-drie(1 shark meat) is
in inferior Afrkat
1116.!1cilIarKtrtiare not dear in. Arabia, a.
fish from three to four feet long bring-
Ina' 20 eeris•
-The flesh, fins, maws, Jaws and °Ince
bolus, livers d are all utilized
by tlie thrifty Aniblans.
farmers live longer than all others, fif- la:etc/1 by i.e....trio:7n barn No, 2, 36 z 66;
ty-eigitt years being it, x 71 • loot lueote,'pig hottac,
their everage c.1.1,111:'11j..;:lf.*:''': 1,11 it. ..i..,,,,. eewient silo
span of life. - -Bookkeepers and office Ii:i'' ea' P." 1 e, •I'e." na, „nee,.
x ,,,, .e.test e. i e e to, ..) acre.
assistants live the shortest lives, thir- eteuvatlete ten is en Ideal dairy 0_1:
tY-six years being their average limit ewe. eree at(,')(form 9,r guilt,;f.toe,11.
• and imotemeots and Prain anti !cod V3-11
of endurance. Ationg the office „.sai •1: j. If ',purchaser desires;
workers tuberculosis is the worst erie- ,sseeoi; fee'eti'e'rytieng, etet)0 emit, balaaco
my of life, 35 per cent. of them hav- arranzed to d u.:t puychaser. Write or
ing died of that disease. Among the 11.),400ojIlralf.ried 2. V, Ilion, AllIston, Box
farmers heart disease causes the most
deaths, --aar
deaths 16 per cent. of the total.- 3nn .A.ct;co....0(,011 er„,ty- io,tm, -
°ester Telegram. uu Iloidimandecology; Cayuga.
Port Mulgrave.
erices aro necure0 for the fins '' -41.-. towns4; .1three. iti;IPs from Canfield;
(exportod to Chinn. tn. twup), Aden's cont. • „wed fraive noose; two large b•tros; two
, iarg., shs,.0•7; drivng ished; weli fenced:
ineree in these beim; considerable. TH
-Tourists on ships ttt Arabian ports aro E ONLY MEDICINE tirlited. we11: win.lealli, running water;
good customers for shark jaws and bones Ra ner,,s bush; good grain. hay, nasture.
ah etados;:an inferior grade of ex‘ FOR LITTLE ONES ADI11;,,,:r1.1,:nuls. 14..avag.:, _Canfield.
011 is
fiacted from sheiks' Jivers; ond a move-
ment is under way (orig;nating in the rt_41 .-21.,.-IlE FRI-IT FA.11 Il -• 25 1N
U.S.A.) to make a greater use of shark tit' bo.t
tearing from varieties; good
skin. loaiing; a bealitiful 1,1,:m, on ear lino
..... Once has Bab 's
quently passed over the place by ac-
cldent, although the 'very
.„ a mother used 5 near Si. Cathavires: cits•se to lake au0
Minard's Liniment used by Physicians Own Tablets far her „little ones she heat; elleen); half ca. -t!-., or might. consides,0
-*-1-4.--- Ittotoe ,..1 N. half bite,-
stench Was
Tee sparrow hawk is perhaps the
01111 4...1!
will use nothing else. Their use 2,11.rr :,11,,y6 rei,011,,,,i: iiii.. ,5 li ,k%ohc.i.r.tol ,
THE GOTHA PLANE. teaches her they are absolutely safe; etisnee fro. a oily 10'111 t 0 (.7. or have.
that they never fail to eiee .1.11iC farm
give relief bolt' Interest lo a profit . ,
best known of our birds of prey, as it
' ranged through the entire country.
Contrary to what the name might gig-
rife'', the bird lived almost exclusive-
ly on insects, except where such food
Is difficult to obtain.
Upon the treeless plains and hills
arroughout the West it is a common
sight to see these little falcons heat -the
ing along over the waste, frequently
swerving upward in flight and roming
to a dead stop, as they hang suspend-
eil in the aer with rapid wing beats,
_ , i
doe't delav. tI rite, Dev eon, St. t at 1 -
and that the little ones do not dread , • - •
Germany's Latest and Best War taking them as they do castor ote -- _ _.._ .. . ...
Flier, . and other harse purgatives. Con- p ..knm Fort SALE IN tlOrNirY OF'
_____ cern Ing the Tablets Mrs. John M. Norfolk; 131 ao7'e.14; 30 Lumber and
paetero, 2 crob a l'il ' ft:dna seven -ram rtEtC1
, Weaver, Illissfield, N. 13., eays: -"I tiouee: fl'altlt, barn, awl:ling for f htxrses
A/UM biplanes, Erie latest fliers used
( bare used Baby's Own Tablets for and 15 head esitle; 2 silos; price only
by the Clernaans aro said bY observere se Goo. Write fer ee.ratealare te ti, (1.
, tito • the past ten years and have found .: t
' ones to include all the best Read & Son, Limitid, 12) Colborne street,
nne) akvar z . them so good I always keep a box in Brantford, tent,
points known to date in the construe -house." The Tablets are sold by -------- ------ - -----------7-- --- -
Hon of airplanes. Many of the im- FEW GOOD ONTARIO V.A.RMS-
roe medicine dealers or by mail at aei A
entente were stolen from the allied also fruit farm -to rent, for sale or
machines ' cents a box from The Dr. Williams' exchange. What have you to offer?'
es which were brought down Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. ern farm la tols preferred. N.
inside the enemy's lines. WestSchafer. /loom No. LI, 183 Huron street,
looking for prey. In localities where
grasshoppers are abundant, these
hawks will congregate and gorge
thenitselves continually.
The red-tailed hawk is often called
the chicken hawk, but it doesniot de-
eery° the name. Many of the hawks
bear undeserved reputations. •
In regions and in seasons when ani-
mal and ins 1
ect food is scarce, t le red-
tailed hawk will catch chickens mut
game birds, but ft lives mostly on
mice and shrews as well as frogs,
snakes, lizards, and insects of vaziove
kinds. In a prairie and hilly country,
ahreost its entire food is squirrels,
gopners, meadow niice and rabbits.
With two engines capable of devel- Toronto, ___.1
opin a total of 4-0 ho '
rse-power the Told by the Windmill.
maCifin ri ut 1 ei I t'about r_00D FAner Ir011 SALE -ON El IWN-
ge s of
20,000 ;es can ' " " '1 ' In certain districts of Holland news na &oil acil.s, Kent County, clay and
et without impairing their lie dra4oe throe lang• barns
of a domestic sort is frequently an- ritri6Y lon-111, 1.-• - , ,-; , , , ,, „1,4 " "ii j
motivo power. This explains why so e, enc a bank barn, t..% ,1 4,%.0 . 1% - ...., . t,
nounced by the windmills. When, f •
- eilitoblo for -.rowing all standare etops.
few have been brought down in their I iel• •• " 1 1 * . - -• - ,I ,• • ts Fine rew
, Instance, a in er gots .fla.xice te tos-, beans, tobae.,o,,at. ,.; to • , .. . ,
nide in England Loaded wita bombs , stops his mill with the arms of the brie.; - house, with ittromee silo: bate,
' - •
on their trips of destruction, they fly wheel in an oblique position and with • reeteettel grounee, eleto town and
ttie , _
st ition. Idtal coue.ry nom.; and roam.
low enough to throw explosives with the salls unfurled. His friends and etie.:0 510,00; 53,500 cash will handle. Itn•
some degree of accuracy, Then they guests do likewise with their mills in mediate possession. Apply, W. 11. West -
nto the air beyond the celebration of the ceremony. To alt Chatham, Ont.
climb awiftly in- m
range of anti-aircraft guns and fly pounce a birth the wheel is stopped --------., -7-..-,-- ---:r 7-11..1,--174
enikl.r.AIIALS IN ()N IA R.. I.,/ . S. , ,
back to their bas I 4 b. the i 1 itiposition, es lit comparat ve w t e arms it a s al ng ouv good buildings; wiii exchanko ft)I
gaiety, but at a more acate angle than for a city property; most will gr•ov ...Wolfe;
Accent sitecessful attaeks on Amer'. marriage and with tbe two uPper sails catalogue free on erne itettitia :a establiechi
can hospitals in France were attri- unfurled. In the event of a miller's •`111014160 1.1c...''!'1:8; neliti•rtili5;')"eatis:..ei;clit'ee. th, "'et;
death his family causes the sails of t
buted to airmen in GOtha, machines. oarline etreet, Lena:ond.
his to be furled, the
A fisheas seen by one looking down
into the water from above, is •very
An American aviation officer now in mill all and mill _________.______.________
England predicts that London inside is turned around until the arms as- FOR SALE OR TO RENT.
an upright cross, in which
deceptive owing to the refracted light.
When the fish seems to be a foot un-
der the surfaee it is often in reality
aume past- e........*.n.e.--...............
-- _ _ 'o STORES LN Q.A.I.TP BI.0014.--ONE
• tion they are left until after the fun- Pi 11. , . , .. .. .
e denier', elle single; ou malpfs,trec:,
eral has taken place. i
XMCVai=?.tgitOMM-4ieCalOiCiign ' onocx,to public library and pos.,e,tice III
three or fou- feet beneath. But the
osprey, hovering
0' A Cure for 0 M I nerd's Liniment Lurneerman' s (WI thriVing village ef Elora. Apply,
Friend, John MeGon an, Elora, Ont, '
over on poised wing,
,, .. --.••••••••••17-,-. r.
drops like a pitmunet, often complete-
ly disappearfug below the
V Bad Breath
sttrinee, and
in spite of the rapidity with which a
fish dam move, this bird in generally
successful in capturing it.
In the mountainous regions one ruay
occasionally see the golden eagle hunt-
ing for its prey. During one eummer
a party made several visits to the
aerie of one of these big birds and
found that a very large proportion of
Corn Beef Loaf Recipe.
REAL:TIM:6 SPACIOCS RftiD 1/111-Cli:
0 "Bad breath is a sign of decayed -S,Jalt. the beef In cold Avatar, a-, residente for $alc-en banks of
teeth, foul stomach or unclean -Put in fresh water after a half-hour. Growl River, olio inito from Preston
11 bowel." If yourleeth are good, -Brew it to boning. eueit on the fire. Springs and eleetric railway: bes.utifol
-Let it simnel. four or five hours, i,cetiely; splendid roads for motoring;
leok to gout. digestive organs at alciromlio, well. Ideal summer Leine or permanent 00,!-
once. Get Seigel s Curative Syrup -Wlanstlene, to two pounds add a guar- eeme; hundred .vat -ds from railwaY MP'
at druggists. 15 to 30 drops tel. -pound pickled pork, don and postoffice; all mi.tiern eonveni-
after meals, clean up your food -Also 5t:0 a Tat:le:moonlit' eh m.po..I 02, 008, includitis electric light; beautiful
ataltw a nttla t,arlignitl onion, salt and verandahs overlooking river; moot bo
passage and ttop the bad breath n sold;
vernier. ample ootage and stabling. Apply,
odor. 50c. and $1.00 Bottles. -Vain lie: meat through the grinder till Box 870, Preston.
Do buy Substitutes.
the eagle's food supply consisted of
ground equirrels. With an occasional
not Get
the genuine. 6
very smooth, several thilf1:.
"-41'033U an 110' ingfedients with a MISCELLANEOUS.
quarter -pound of fat and break in three.
found the bodies of four ground squir-
re1s lying on the rim of the nest.
.t-lloat the mixture till v•••ry light, pres1 E3eatee=sfaMetZtea=sett egg8' y GU CAN MAKE $25 1:0 575 WEIDEL.Y,
home, Eits•
The hille in many places were per-
berated 'with the burrows of the
. lab a, t.:an and bake 40 minutes.
-Servo cold and garnith with $1.1v111
f tmonths
two 'will be attacked by a hard-benea egg.,1 and parsley.
(II eet of 500 Clothes. ----- 111............
, writing show cards at
ily learned by our simple methltl. N)
. • .
1 I.' We sell your
canvagairg or so.ichuto• .
*.veric. Write for particulars, •
. o
The Gotha biplane is about fifty "REGULAR PROFIT DAY. •
feet long and exhibit e a marked re- (Lift)
semblance in some particulars to one Guest On b7riv York r...ta. 1. aid) 1, hat
ely is this-witeatleo.i or a. meatless
of the best known English inachihes 'ea -e
used at the front, The wings span '‘'alter -No, sir: this iti jut an ortlin-
about seventy-seven feet, with project- IIII "r'''
"Oh, I' V" T;111 18 the dor 1711,11
ing ailerons, and are at a slight ditto. yeti 511p( Dm1(0 a regular profit." * ,
dral tingle. The crew is made up of
801 Yonge street, Toronto.
1 „ ,, , ,, „ ., , , ..... .
eiNtoet er0c le -s. At.ob eee ionoe. to,
,,a Limited -Horse Department, lkalter
llatla rid Smith, MT•lalter.; auctont Wed-
Ites•ley; 'whale IcAt!OP doily; lanio steel,:
always; consignments 7olielte.1.
• - ----.. .,
41 ,114'
44aji e
- •
• ..•
men and tlie armament, colleted Destiny shapes our elle% het we ere
of three machine glans, not always stuck on her shape,
The great advantage is the Bee of—....,_
r ALESMAN IN' Ill•1.111: TOWN To
s, sell "Cord•Sav.s" •the o.nly genuine
eater of coal, totieulore 1 ey Nei ee.-
eerie; every coal user will buy. Mantt•
fecturere' Agents Co., ili Rote
I, '
24 ...
fire, tie Indicts cait be rient in any ...- - - -
direction, This makes the new ma.
in an. sit battle involving tleete, of - 0.. . -.
chine a formidable antagonist either ''7 •
Toronto, Ont. _
, .._-___.____ . ... , ...._ . ........ ..
HATonitlei leettee eit tier 4:,'ITKINS.
;tint lo,-ine• ,i* ''"
1 y . , . trains. Barrett rooks.
iAgind Iteds,
Never.Faihog Remedy for
planea or in a duel in the clouds lit
Whieh only two, airplanes take Part.
GlIntlerS are pleeed both front tend
rear. They ore able to fire downward
____ ,
1 ot" - ' rt• . i
ie. . , „
,.‘, - .
111tOde whito LegTiot•ns,
White Wyandottis. 'Hatching egge owe
from 'it' ll
..b...e Doeko Golden Ws-ainlotics,
Non-illared Goldei% I'olisb, wile, fur
peke list. Satisfaction euarantotal. Ta5'
roultry ram, retell, wt.
A d1 1 �el.
ppen is
Indigestion., Stomach Disorders,
And ItidneyStones
are often caused by Gall Stones,
and mislead people until those
bad attacks Of 1 Stone Colic
appear. Not 011a ill ten OAR
Stone Sufferers knows what is
the trouble. Itarlatt's Specific
and upward as well aa 011 their own
level, or right and left, loer a great
portion of its length the bottom of the .
fuedlage, or framework, is open, on
ablitig a gunner to fire at a pursuer
... ,.
either over tee top of the fuselage or
through "tho funnel formed by the
fuselage, 1.Taieloora ill the biplene
allow the gunners to fire downward'
or te drop bombs ettellY.
( 014411,010, '
MO% ,'
.4 * *
eit0 i .4,ik
ee 4,
/04- •,.
; ' ki PUN , vo
Old lewellery, vete. eilver, Ourket
Miniatures, Pletures, Needlework, taeet
Old Mina, Cut Giese, OrriaMents, 'Watch.
es, Blage• Table Ware.
Write Or send by Express to
0. M. & 'T.' JENK INS, "LI all' F.D
26 and 30 Dollece Street Toronto, Ont.
will Cute Without pail Or °per*
Write te Dept. E., fee
Ail particulars aria
An adverraary cannot Wreath the '
aii•plane from ally direction Withont
doming tinder the fire of rata -or tin.
other of its threo glum Mould an
• mroky.
o 4100° .
.;-• 44"41 u`''• '
- - -- AN AL151.
'Minton Trausermo
ha lad no ‘411"t° to
4 0 m e testimonials,
il.W. MARLA:M*645
.. . . „
enemy piano atvadk from the rear 9. . , .
would be met by the concentrated fire
Of teeo tetteltine sung •
In the entre line nf. the met -bine eite lie _ It tou not
beIt701-"reluttle otyeteal,tnegiti.r
Mlirtreteks•Tell her, Noreh, that We ar.,
rertedy borrowing our ooll trOM the
peOPho ell tilt tither tAtl,-. of w.
tr.e...,..itaiii... .41.1 f.akt .4 .1 i it .1.T.,.11... ..,...
ie!trt gn , PilOt
11 the