The Goderich Star, 1901-07-12, Page 3Ott ee"'vetwleelf anfier. 7 right kkild t idedwItigif bore 'eh know ot to beta womotet tot rust .11 oa smecoutt 0 oat* tor. Nonstouroi A uquiriso shout perworving wogs • /)." ty of , Into tly c, rut use= rdi "Soondsro, ' he jookrot °Roo -moo ou come book witet ote ot. onto? A moo vase Of tartar -A -tiring I've re- relief:4 a coal thousroul lor twioe-- boo been brokon, on4 l'ra otoclout ktiow how It come obout." "Vcrtetoly, /Air Domini," I replisd offobly. "I will ha at your oervios Itea thou firs intooteo": Auld alter Olatittiog a couplo of letters to my clerk I onnounood retail:mos to depart. The boronot, who liar! boon flogeting inutoolly wit,h IMA gloves. stove coochmon a ourt "Itomttl" ond wit woo sotto bowling Moog quicicly •iit tho dirootioo ot Pork' Lane. "X. moot tell you, Sooffidots,). ho said, "that I ara not proatnoiug ticeupy youtovoluoblotirae with thin matter out 'of idle ourioolty. Bettor- tunatelo. no. I have good comet to behove that -the loss which hove 0x/stained, is due to wIlful 4amego on the part of tuY llePhow. Roderick Ilawbroyi and this lottem point X. Wish to oloor up. And by Jupite.r, oirolf it la ime ril take Ptlieteua good care bo novor lees a ponny or my money or raorries my •ditughter either 1” And. Pulling Mit hi* bond - kerchief, Sir Donalci blew tio noso ovith -vigorous( emphasis., ' "Do I Understood,. thOne that ho Is AM:tattoo/tor* your Ontotbter 7" I Asked.: "Ile wants too -there's the rtift, Briefly it anicoutto to. this. Tie oome to me yestorday telling me he loved er, couldn't live without her, and thiep that. owl tile other.-- rye 40 patience' with such ridiculout none oteleie-until X out him pretty sbort osithig bint how mucli lie had loSt at oords the oight beforei And If be expected to keep o wife in thot way. Matt& Roderick loot lito temper tat tbot, aad 1-weit, perhapo I eid4 -Moroi-hoot Liiitended. •411.10407-2111)_ ottiolc Itimself off few ininutea An a, _rare passion, voodttir neVer to tet foot the• houso umilit-tot threat otitich 1, ot 40uree, estitualed tit at propet valuetettod I've riot aeon him since. Thitt looming, however, op. ',going into the drooving-room, X louna -ray Sovrea ottae lolog complete wrotk on the shelf of tte cabloot; Aad an CO learn lir toc- plauation, is thot one of soy inatda soot 'too nepitqw strotrily Into that roOm ter a Moment before leav-, frig Yesterdo.Y-" " Aud the Wort:nee IS that in a r opirtt of revenge he deliberatoly I -smashed the vase 1'' . • en_ • au 'YIN I . ottoot ; me, 1st it and tho !Otto ktezd ly oa mitts troko reticotoso. "Well, klinelolr," I tatia, " X .buti aotiood that vitittothreal my - *elf. ond wondored whot it nottint. .1.thInk I May v81111;14'0 to nay bow tett we ere on the Ivey to succolb:." Then I wondered whether lotd rotted hor boost unhuititlably; otter loll, the duo Wes Vory Meador. The next tbite I did woo to Wirt etre.ight to Metiers. Meredith ik Muir's. tit* woitelolown tot mot trio- Atebrac Morlero. Thi wading -up of zoy cord, with a briof bbat Ato Oa imturo of tho bust:loos entity procum ed 1112 taterview with tho Moot of tho 11 -no. ontl :Ina words gove me o %Mock. ottorly tut argot os If a, borab- obeli from Um bad *trooped ot my feet. 'My Mar str. Miall let you into a little oecrot ?" Tito old gontletuan, peered at Me through hilt glaosiote al - moot As critically aa lotti dams a Moment beforo the fragomoto • 'Of chtno. on his sloalt. "'Pilot mtge. woo not Swore: at All -only Imitation. t” "Whotti" It wao ali that I oould say. '" Right, I oasure you," he said With 4 peculiar smile. "Ws rather a. curious, story. When thef pair were put up for sole about obc ofontho ago telt:Petition. ran high, and It woo only oftor some imirited bidatng that Sir Itooald secure4 theta. Shortly afterwards, liO Wee asked by the trustees Of tbe, AnglotSoottish Mu - gem* who had htott very anxioototri itOccone the owttete titemseltnot-It would allow omit, to be toodtt for exhiltittoo In their voltottiotuo tto.- tber fluttered, ot tite -re- quest, be' conSented, god tbe matter %vas mit luta Any bar:Moto =range:, Now ooMOIA tlao queer part of the businols. When tim coplea were ready, by same stupid burtgling, Sir Donald, Instettd gettiug book hi$ oyoepropetty.' recetvod one origintil and, orio lentitatregio-Oliirtionicma-and one genuine "MSG IXI:owise going to tIte museum. 'Strongest of all. net- theldeltie arseavinott-thoeiolittcloo this Very Week. Oa Tuesdoy, I think it *cm, I receivcd au urgent wire froin the ellrator of the moseuno ehonce bollad spotted what had hap. Ptned, and slim 'enough, when I got Dor . equot sol" Sir Donald settled to MO comer and, milled Ido g moucitaOhe IndigowittY. • "You ara satiolleol that It Was all' right whet/ be went into the room, I 55•P'ff5:470,t tout o'clocla my dough - ter, who wos playing the photo, Is oure of it." .. • , "And no one hao entered the room Onto ?" "So far as I can oseertain," was' 'the reply, "ho waa the Mat person there. X hove. given directious• thot zothing is to be distuitod, durino my absence, so ths.t2I believo you will nod Gringo Mot thep Were yeSter- daY.'' "Thank you; thot will undoubted- ' .3y inake tay took easier," X said. "Now, Will you tell me ot what time tir. Mowbroy left you?" "Abolthbolf-Past itvo, as nearly as of By thit time wet had "reached air -Done,I(Pfi town bottom and 1. asked to be shown into the drawing-rooM Straight away. 'Ihrobandsome black cobinet which• stdod st the far enn wits ct tonspieu,ous object; toachTetvaa 000n redutins of this ill. :rated piec.e of ehino. Its vordpanion stood nt tbe otheO end of the oiled ; and ono did not 'need to be a con.- noltteur to see that it was a gem, of ceramic ort. • As it chinteed, hail some stiall nequaintatice with RodOte Mo trbray, and although Well eudowed 'With the headstrongness of youth and Perhalto toraething of the spendthrift In addi- tion, X knew that these Were. Ifin wont qualities. Orhot he would- be capable, of toking such 0. mean and paltry revenge for a few. tomtits) • spokeu words as Sir Donald attrib- uted to hint I did not for A moment believe; nor did X thirtic that the Iato ter himself verimully ormaidered it •to be true. Rather. X suspetted, did he ' winit to establish t•bo fact ot impbewt/ inner.ellre In spite, 'or' thti eircurnotantlal ovidente te. °hence hia call on raft , • Prom tho Mart, in Wow :strongly preplilicottin Iliowbra,ytt liabl •It, thin which c.aused trog to look for something ex- ceptional itt the case; at any rate, after making cA preliminary •InSPoo- tion of' the details, I found raycelf conteinplating sometvhat fantaatio theoro which had come Otto my head no a potsible solution of Vie tery. M Mist Sluclalr wag the only Perbon whootould „ help too forward on OM point I went he toareh of here Five minotee eonveroatioii ofid' tho deepened cOlor in her chcoUsoach time she mentioned het catiein'll ,,. naive) bhottred plainly lion( the latitoo offtetiOns stood, and I mentally con. gratulatetl the young gentlenion 011 toste and good fottune " NSW, Miss Sittelair," I naid. ate tor 'then diaposed 'of the prolhate orleo, "X should bo lead to know, in tbe first place, if you aro oatistlect that your tontants are above ouspie don ta di matter." 13411 to: " sloorepljed "None of thein allowed in here to, duttt- X Mato Abet persoaai tack -- and tholt- Outleo bring, them into t1d4 roont very soldornt • "Then we Will oervanta, 'from Ott quottion 0000. 'tete in hero yourself, bOlievo, Yes' lterday pfternoun?" "VOA "And Mt unfortunatt Ofteo rho that alt right 1" "Alfalfa Om nodded in tte odirratt- • tive. "You are matte sure of It 7" ' - NORM I noticod portieniariyor "Whert Wag this--omon affor vott etale into, --tho room, or bad Yoll been in some tittle?" • , "Portieres I hail been here half art hour." "You were playing tim piano, I think.' Will you tell mo what yOu; woo plavino-ro ' "Prinel 11 rhopito I cora thking thero, X had tO atknottiodgo that' he was right." "Bid Are you mire of 411 thlo?" aoked,trt gotonishmeht. lIere was, a nolo t. %tura, with a vengeculce "SO ito 1 Here are -the pair from' the musouni. Look at them-- niari, geellously alike, are theY oot ?" "And feir Donald's Molten vaso is Wog of.inerely nomitiol value 7" " Pro-cisely X boycott dared 1040' Woo- Yott he'tt too Rapti- a customer to want to.loolze. and I'm afraid It's a- cage thie' time 1" Air. Ateredlth's face bespoke the coMern fett at the prospeot. "rotothittic so?" X oald dryly. 11 trieity 'o4 tint pait of the ow:lel:twill pointing • d 'It lay toortroa "But how-wbot hi all 'Ulla, 184101"' darn 7" ho aakad, oltor tt. oilocoe. "Wtot door it oil motto It X tion`t :uttdrratind," .lt norms, -Sir Il000ld." X reptiod. "that yoo boot here rut itiustrotiou of Nary pretty riCientille trath. namely, that Agnuol retuswi vibrattons which aro capoblotetf being trans- raittod from ono VoclY to snothOr, In the preitent case, that van* reit- paaded to the D vibrotion. Mios filucloir, oot you oluteryteleoltiot o itote with conotderable faro*, on vibratiott ww• outficlent to roost/ delltoto mut froglio on Ito ticio Una could with. imagine- to brook. Ilio photo/motion, 10, of ootirte. rore. bot quit* reosonable." Whether he oltogethor undtrettold X don't knOtw • An how to was bou to *mot tbe• ovideitco of his <AO '0Yett. "Your noPhent Sir Donald. to quite innocent in the motter. 1110 horded look into Um ;drgtvitagortoun yettertitto lo, I boileve, Otte eaoy ot explanotiOn. Con you toll me whot 011a ?" I 11111d SIP 11 PhotOt groolofrould- ettipty-for to/poetic/AL oWhy. that, lead nor photo. in IV'S" exclainaed Stnclair. "Thank you ; I rothor guomod e.s Minch .ivhen X SAW it !AAR nPllide tictiVa oft the montoisholf thio Imo"- roPlied. "Now . P(1111900 I corne to the cream of tho informao Mon I havit giVe. X remarked that the varat with -width Wo balm been expetinlenting Waft ooly, an lode tattoo. So was! the othor 1' . I thought Sir" I/ooald would :Matte MY hand off When I fetcted.th artiole Out of mytbeg mid told him the troth. might justoimiiticiff that I nettod, tbe•latgost fee tt hale over Neu mg plooMiro-atict Otoilt to recolVe attl X Wale grathiod tO Bee front the "Zone" advertisemelit columns that -Roadie Mowloray hie bride, to' the Altar 'shortly' alter- wordo.-Omodon A. 7 ;VOW POO*. ordbo ot Onto, . Ater twos, oyivor thitity Ea/141. WQrk 1Wr11611. WOUld co- oporitte in k owl prootisoo ettionew*tha"*Aythatptoto would out bu am boot Of courts:. now couotrito. Woo bread in strait*: porticulorty mushy buolo, they caunot bo motto -awl oo rosonlY. Tbo coveting of work mile MAI* is At cougidorable ativontego, but tido tioto not help much whoa tbAA Oleo aro vory nuoterouo. With doiry vottlo :trot stock not at work. powilbly ono of tho bqot inothotio .pplraewvenntino lotto to k Lib t itork ottibleo during the heat of Um dsy. Vital uot go into dm* In Order to note the effect of OM* on ranch reerre, Frei: W. L. Collide ttividad tourtton Corr* into two loto about ototol in every respect. Dur. Ing tho doyttmo ono lot 'woe kept- Su a small paddock, boxing an ohne"' Clane, of *diode. The Otlitt lot, wets placed Aitt o coMtortotto stable pro- oltied -with *emu. flooree mill win. 410Ws. Tbe lot in Um pod:look were ou Vat loove coostatitio lIghting di**, while the otliers 111 t119 atab10 were auffering oo annoyance. Comparing the reault trent the AtalidlIOInt. Of arid buttor, it team ohowo tbat the come pooteeted from Oleo pro- duced 90 -Per Oat. motto hutter than thoso in the opeo lot. In seterol ttsto mule on :to To, dot* form it was found prat:Meal/1e to Iteop tho tows. in• a dark statdo and discard screeos. Tho cow0 thus staled -were pre.ctIcally Ave" from flies and gun :more ndlit than Some left out of doots. Tho cows were al- loweti to tun in ette manure, Ouriog the rtight nod ettrly Morainic And rO- gitiro4 tot iittplitelnentary kod. It it is improOtIcoOlo to Atte ecreena or to darken ii etitbk,•tho opot bett, thing to do is to allPlY oolum rePelt ;Out to the tkin. A nutabor of these ore oft tho Market Ana many Ot thebt will last two or three daya Otter apt 'plying. A.sr a ride two applicatiOn$ • week are eottetont. The conMeand. whateVor it may be, should be ruO- bed 01: tho flanics, lege, necks 'And. Along th0 baso of the borne Or etlY spots-where-Oyaettioomost ,Ponttlellitto ThiO should not be neglected. OK course. with large berds fatteolug Applicotion of a Conine/Mad of Ude cheraeter rittber ditlicutto but racist of Omni can be put on W1th latra"14drilwlensPz.e411037WP1Y11131thrP.ouigrb. to.henate4rtotitte Peetinge, the entire berd. can be sprayed in a. Very oltort time; Dairy cowe. Work horech 'and any etOck tkreepattecti.11-"-the. ,,,et.0.131.0 can .be coolly CIISSSZ MAitING ON TH SO -{}ABN MANY-- , te-ron PX•ACES ittlitY SzE). . Garden of a Hoo.d,rett POrfuroes--- OollOe for t‘'Wilti-Goideniug" .--Withitot Planta. • ' , There -is. thto West -0 Vilhhuld soden divided into threo ports,. e Itch Cd` Whiell is a "olee-cOlared gArden," ouo of these Oltvttiono red 110were 010 .nee groom, in the ftecond yel- low, and io the thitd blue. 'NO -var. tegateclecolorect flowers of ony sort are allOiVed; Anti' It in. tound that, . taking all the year round, tho yet-. low *garden loops UP the heekeYerege • display, as the yelloot Amowdrops and dalloclito give it such •a -good stoxt in eerly , spring: Thero ore one or two other instances -•la which eceen- fancy Crat, *matt troth the blow to Permit flowers of only one .color to his aplomb to be told that he's lout be grotto; but this is, ott far as can e. 'fake' iti hie-houso three months, be* aecertained. the olklY case in lieli be rather .01.4 to learn of the which three rotors are . cultivated, mistake. took - her:Alt-I had Veen. _bitt kept, aport. /- rapidly revolving a scheme in mgr. A garden of ajitindred perfuraeglo• ' nand -oilcan you frost me with -probably One' of the most' chooMing those? You'll oblige me eternally, schooles it is possible. to caroyobut in and X think X can promiso Gat you horticulture I th eci '- won't be a loOor by thotransafition." growit one hundred klodne of scented • "Certubely, certainly ; r ohan be flowers. and plants, ao4- the air of ouly too pleased, tfr, $ainttiers„ tuch - a place, of:pool/111Y niter. it 'Ailything., that I tail do to assiat thottor of rain on ti summer evenillf, you . . . hte. Meredith rubbed his in indescribably° beautiful. T o hoothotogether touch more chOerfully, Ittsition for plantino .thOso perfuroe.. than, one woad have believed mystic.' gardOno, Vzhich are to be tottial at I bio a moment agto and oven began aOveral conOtry aoatot arose in rather to wax enthueiaatic °leer ilia- theory a eurlooti manner. An ansateur; gore -which he was pleated, to call high. denerobf soma eminence suddenly' be- ly ingenious - WiOch X suggested. rax Make billtd,. but in order. tbot he _an..explanation of tho shattexed vaseitaight still onjoy in a way his floral - As far nie I Wad ieier eieoil off baek favoritee, he caused Ids garden to tie to Park Ohne In a botiaome with Anti planted With ° ' ' "° -- - - ' - prociouo burden by my aide. 'not leso SOENToOTYING VAIMETISS ONX,Y gratified .0mi astonisheol at the ree• , The artideo, needed lot • ry 04$0 We from $ o t 0 COM and tub ot vot that will. hold too/ milkiogs. If of wood the oight'a milit Would be warmed in the) morning to tho propOr, temperatiro ot BO deoreea, Or one may have a. locloted or double tin tub. Theo ail of tho intik can be warmed by Poutittgettot water On the packot and draw,ing it off. wbon the milk ,is ouf- ileiefttly warm. 4%. whey -tub and ft ;tar chcene tongs to lay across the tub aro also /wetted. Next comes the, chtosti knife (which may be 4 :voodoo Doe) to cut tho curd at- the proper tboil 4A0 an to start the wIleY, then tho cheese, basket, Which ally tinioan can make and cut Melt holes ad -over the bottora and sideo of the baultet, thin strainer cloth must, be mated. Inside the baoket to re- ceive tho ourd, which lo Carefully dipped into it, at intervals atter standiug praper time for the whey to begin to floparato from. the curd. 'Par o dipper a Plecb of tin like a milk ellimmer is used. It must bo there oo aa not to break the curd. A cheese hoop, Oorae.eiteese boards and a theme prens complete this priori.- tivetequipment: Tho Wog of dotty ellee.S0 that, sell, best ore those that - weigh from 15 to 25 lbs. each. If tuarkoble way in which ofn b ao that he Might idontity them in there are 110 hoopo moss at hand eettipg ,oUt to ask Old Meredith al The owner of a place on the Itente could boudoir thillia. doubtleso any cittiry. oupply house veered round: I • MO° droamed out that WaY' few questions an uorOitopettles of lab hills has btan at .grent paino to Only bait tbo battle is won when, fragile china, that Z should learn Do construct what ha calla a "lost gar-. the . doom is Made and out of tho Muth. ' • 'den." At ilrat tight there does not press. The ctudng is a most impor- • .,"Notth Sir I:Weald," X began, uteri olerear to be tulY karden at oto toeftt tuatter, and but. few farm- gentlenute and bla daughter in the ted about at int.ervalo right up to° pail/coo where a low. dry tempera- aueee ,have oultablo rooms for this drawing:2.00m owieli . your potato, the door of the haute. 'Mose clump tilt* cave bo kept in not weather. If Mori Z am about to try a. man co. -51'0,. however, cunningly devited•to anyooe intendo to make a business pertinent. Ferhapser x caw that ha hide the entrant." to gladeo and dello .of nuilibig tlairy cheese a small room waa hubblito over with notea of in... in which flotionO of all descriptIoun ohould be ilttod Aqi with, an lee ruck terrogation, "you will kindly' dew are to Igo found. The tilehen-gar- in the centre and water drainage any queationo for 'the moment o (len ID .11iddea from the houtd by on frora the game. In inaltiug dalrY Tluink you I Woo Sinclair Will toot istervelliag otoPe. ,citeeso from it large number of coWs. be Db i Wed Ile to Plow tilio'fW nearly The recent .crazo for "rid -garden- a cheese room or cheesc house wouid as yott coo in tho position occupied Mg" tot nom° wont°, to work. Mang be fitted -top -with factory apparatus by tho onto width so unfortunately Ykry curiouo thingo tide way. and run aa a factory -only on A carno to grief 7,:' " One prOttite tit w d -gardeners lo mailer, coat- And the cheeee made , Senor:Mon liuMbor ono 1 There ome to tow bulbs in gral ; instead of.fore by any factory process would be 0. duet al surprieed (Melee/totem:to ao timely ohaped bedst-40. vory attraetive much lite the factory make. but I took the coverings Oa ill luck schemo if tarried ut properly withia 'with the advantage of only 011e herd 'of gotta hirilishing the milk end that of uniform quality. o woo orieo,on0oe tooted with too. olumpo of flute and treeo being doto certain limitoo Tito (Avner of a. "'find." . " Oh !” Thio from Olio youog plate oh the yordero of Surroy. had lady, in an :intending treble. • a method onnowing theco bulba that Weli; t in to sir boaaidto Wog pectillatly ida own, Anointed by basa said it at the namo ifistant, one or etreo of iiia gardenera, ho "Iffy vote I" ' , . would imply throve bulbs of all • "No, Sir Donald. 010 Z V6V7 fair hinds Out in hat:Multi ail ovor Ma , imitation of it." , grog slopet. without any atterapt "But how the dickeno? Where---" at p outing them, leavilig then) to try gionee. and a /Orono pdroonal "ULU? their chance with Ndture." effoit-there Wat ne miotaking that Ile coneequenct/ Wan that, the kw 'R. wag an eVort -, managed to ro- that ourvived the winter und lived otrain hio impationce; and vite pro.. to liotter gave the baulta a moot ex- ceeded. ,e traordinary appearance. '"rhank you, 'Mite Sinclair. ilSort A 'garden in a dratylug-room, with onuesoo be ro good as to ploy 0 Ian treefo ctreamo, walloi, and beds, has tfie Chopin A PolonalcO, if ypu have boon auccetoftilly laid out. Tho treos etnployed are the wouderful dwarfed no objettion r r I opened the ingtrdirtenttOn. Brae& flidneoe and Japanete maplea and wood graftd-oinvitingly, teed sank Ai:- Yews) the tifilett, of Alpine. flower(' to a eomfortable chafe.; sir vonaid bong need- in tho flower bedo, Wh1011 hesitating- Whether t /1) aro only Tito lady Woolf, could coo. beoan 0111Y lute:4100d. fin yr did likowise.1 A PIM iNCIIOS UT DiAMST/elt. "Spelling" fruit-gardena are more to reolloo that there too method ift eon:mole 11: e'reinte than in England, • . HOW TALK. One roaeon why Nc70 hallo so many poor hbrata in the market is that too Mato) farmers practice the tough- OnIng plan. They pint the colts a bare, dry panture with no tiled° er comfort., codl when they too pothoMod and poor they're boing properly iterdencd. Hugh colte are btunted In groWth and every bit of style and apirit to atoOved.out of thorn. , Igo -amount of Care and feed in ate ter 11te ton ever fully retrievo :1101 wrought by the Mot, tear or ; two of ouch negleCt. Tbe colt must bo login growing thriftily from the start if you want a floe lioroo. for ter cootatiotwo mom to we wo agoin: Wor Wally oar dip ' froth *ism in sa olcorkello toe lu n of talicylla mold and pock them in tattoo, litoro boxio or bar- riolo 10. dry plaza Auld *a coot us - can ttil found la ionnalor. itolet loft ougry Om broody bmt, oh* is ouly folloortuft uature. Tim OM, time the Is 'Co -light IS the dtt mum* Iter• gently ircutt tho Host to 41 tool), Olotted *Moo and covert:4 on top. Hove thit coop In tho pool, try tuna and totem it often. 1,4,4 - bar won. The /muter YOn it.'ow her to sit tho rauro "sot in hor loom* 'rho will bottom, wbo own cows aud. hitvo ourplos bavo n. decitiod ott- vuntago over those who do met. Milk ia both *owl ehd drink. Atild Ot thia r,eason•lo eimeelolly beftellelol tt) tho growitit birde. A Imre Way ttl i ' 10 and when it hos cooled let atm 'drink au muolt os they- wout within -an hotIr tho morning. It. Omuta then be 41sposed JO and SA vOsoe141 cleaned. Rotten rollittO,Uttle Dater thou poison. • -NATION8 IN VII SULK8 -CASZS was= THEY HAVE :"ItOT AP,OltEN", VOTt ?ZA1•14) • Atifitrio, arid Mer.icOhi 9-Tiftd Ztiott . od Thitty-fOur roars-oAnte *riga find Britain. Tucked cotoo) to Ant (Amore torpor ot the daily Pitlier$ couN4 Or so of weeks* ago ; tinto Po:twilit* • which !mid that diplomotic tetatioos hod been oesuraed betWeen AuOtritt and tiocicci for tho -first oioce 1807. ' • TO.the rolAd tbq AvOtoge news. Darter reador WoUld OunvoY verl litt.le, for It. is a. fixed ideo. with moat people that thtt withdrawal of an• ombossador--tho "breoeelng Mt of -diplomatic relottOns”otitl ertetvedent to it declarotton Of War. Thlo le onytiting but othe corre0t, %len% Great, Britain, (luring the last yelp, -bOolorlafrollploituttic casion with such important. Powors atl Franco, Spain, and tho Baited _Stittenotoul yot oca, o shot wAo -fired os a contoolionce. A Outtur of ex, Cite/IMO, and Ammo rather wild. gambling. Mt the stock eitha.ngeo of World-ewhere pricos toom o. *tas- ty hobit of iltictuathio over 4 little tiling Me the withdraw:1 Qf curie bassador-Were tho only outcome of tho inoicients ,Auttriti, has had no rePresentotive in litexi0o siuco the muoder-or, 48 'the'Atexicana choose to coil it, tile "oxecutiono---of the Emperor Wad- • „. Mixt rt. Tema/ glielowto efkrz rub Artiat'a X.400. Coot Mint ell,,O10, Le- o o It is six, ytraru *Moo Itt, oholoar - WWI %Meg* of the /14%O.triklfit lieCtiott Xl4Mattiten Paitstni, kiti IfteW light, Dom ed tip,* tod tiottotioa Ilialea'all Ifial• tthreo toltfrihtivottrinu.*Ilemottlitvniudttn4WdOsrha.tailittil 1.1"4:4:444"irtikinitt tfAttit"41olit, b:41.117s tit)* why. Or hoW. thaw rayit tett as Vitt' Prolottmor Itiley, tho tattoo artist, do. eu tleopair, annul ocientisto MIL Ito mat Oat, tai a volunteer, mitt wbieb, woo thot, 1). realient *Mimi /KO Able:sit tp4eartetthirkigitietvett, ,tteti?“ 4tthirettlro vivo oft light RV 4 llovior Mom toad. 'fbog et:googol :its. • • ityinls,ullesitameof aclogatitgolitautirpm. 10, titan worootuwolueitioulleo tvganwtotuuntittett6littoqty til ,i,xin '-'•% 'XIat Am Otto Oleo lo totolly explotlett, Mr, Itiley'of filontitY na a tattee the MYtOgre ie tail* Arsi greot us ovur, ortist Waa, fio n t'etWillithed at, Ow And noWer tliseovo,rlett tato atithot to ;root. and both toncera tug zoom Xeraere, By their old, tbeir diottev- the, tiold, jut for the novelty ot tbe erer. Alox. Orloff, hos tittered torpe- -thing, ,, dote at a tilateileo Ot tWo mill it leaf "I Welit Mit to do mune fighting," said. lot "but X thinit 1 Wounded co; maw or my oWn sitla att I impo X forWurti or bock, ari it, ourotoor odnitlit'reWeittliAletbtrratts80.oing33ttittleetdttlitr.' WAS. otrolght limo And sink or /too eXt "Qua Ot tho first of the WoillIdeft Octet) itsi ite destrLed. At tWo InilOs' ogleero I saw varrle4 off -the, field disttuito the Yetay:0 beam is tWO was a dim/toot mine ou whoSe back innulrett yards, avrttsit and the toritet X hod Some tivo years before tattoto itluo telanos b4Oret4ontrolted onywhere With- ed a, gem, ht the ottoloopewo plotoro lee mule tho venue limn tirtin w"litett ht2olutevrtre 0outt tobtOuir 4t,:spOitrmoysh,t: Moro tlio Pollan otiefititt Cairo, :1108 hooted Itto OP and X then clealgned on invented tho BqequOrel raPs. •witit tile shoulder, Whero lio hall Igen that* whielt he tau obtained rosultur which 0, boar. apporontly holtlitir in hitt Illitole flObody ulOre time. lihnoolt. A. mouth tho liPaled bullot wound. oubstanco mdled radlOra, Whioll ho "T WO$ at, the XdatilelY dlsaater. lk IMS discovered, In* igOen littile to tiket lielitkittirtit WhO Wail Severely Wounded all a. sort ofillillteral gloyfrwOrni. It and etterwards nconunended for the Will Store up to/01191A, andoeven it Viouttle, (toga etIMO tO MO Uttar lel itept, to pitch tlaticucea kr live Years* had left tho hospitot an4 milted Mo booectfortlangaucteo ,galetantthottitobtathoetetahriatet wtoottmixatdtio aernownftittiOroveoro 401:wo botopeito tinte.• ittettuerol royo plerte not °WY otWeenntna Illatal'ter°944stilltett°°•OP14111°! 3.113/eglel 4'11°14 hitt :b0OS* `003Y e4er a Aim WoMael otands Out betWten thO tWO ttst for distinguishing -between true donee% over uootoer mood o orow "IlicttOlyga,lsoG boditomloteenly4qu'sebtlitfo5r4oruQc141°11.4 Ix °Is)Arieg ee°1. eerr*eg the Weentl' purpose, oe indiuM toettote°° ' $25.000; AN OHNOhl TO PREPAIM, bock upon tho old theor,y of 11 ht. oad that withottt wires or uny Onneoting medium but the air nod wAter. motto t110 torpedoeo go os Weret , INCLOSED TN A. WRIOATIX. "Other °filters, note routie thick olid Ono moot royetero of light. BY fast. Aectrtitin oat/lemon ot the IL timply optnting 0.1110p 01 loaf -114w S. Doris naval brtgo.de, was ouo, on a latho, Mid tappluo It rapidlY ao4 upon hire orllt Woriced a 4.7 gun with a Mon h.nlinael', cOnaante± and ono er Iwo Ann], designo. ploy of light. ran be produced ond "Boum fatty Or Ant' °Mors who here, again, is •ttiv•offect Without et had beefs tehot, in various -plow; on Onowa cause. Iord some years ago, Ito horritiod Mt Woo, recetved, tattoO0d,over or uottor anoemblage oottotiets by tratuoolt- the woundo, - the body IntiPted on booth the O to Wilts At- West- o'eer to. Eng" - oftd.ttie Plate ,WhOto tho bullet woUnd pgarretlartrigt__olti a_nhdunizbotdeya ..tue"nAts.rawailottir wofhootanevoef wthelevillyniongrefolr- times greater thug is gotottrally ueed _same weeks, got eltot, ot lieldelborg, to hilt a oriminal. otood -there --on the wrioto The ettitutitt-woet-OA.Pttet perfectly unliarnimi, Mille ruariog, ;potty rowed one. so I designed Y. critekliog Moto at. the mul of tho suake colliug round wriot And coodottor which he bold stoWod lioldIttetthe wound in his Mouth nice OPurulerly.°rAtslikeegif°Wrceb; )*A comet, sot hOrse wan hit on the was not tnetautomeously burnt to o back of. the hanct at Delmont. Tho crisp, he replied". that it was perfect- wounti beluo in clono cool:motion to 1y safe to itatalle it torrent if it Wan the wriet, lie Stiggereted baying a- tteitertiettng electricity. Ito even of- Notelet done with tem vootilid nhoWt rs. to 'tronfluilt through his own ing cm it atone. tiltitsa.tthole ItWourPoleeepeolregrYob°1atinhoed fiaireVot 6106gtVaattteorn°1r. ale(' clairLeShitettenora'ac -the Valls of Niagora, 'rho curronts Post, Cattle to me With a photograph. he has Actually „Itantilml hese been -of Ids deceaeed frtend and ached mo outlIclent to znelt thick trona „like to tattoo it on the lottor .part, of the Wax- Ills experiment is about lia right wort: but a commit/ in my °wit much a iniroclo !AS onything 01,0/' rCg1111011.t waa even molt romantic omit. than title, By mtans or On inatrOmont mode "Ito wan the songat a toWn cleric of glato prIston, told tolled Oho °Pee- well-knoWn in Yorkshire. The, youth whoowae an Ailotrion arch,. duke beforo ploced him on the throno of Mexico. The breoldng oft of diplotuatio relations Austriats way of alutv;ing hor feeling' obout that biood,stained dawrt at Muirtitaxo, when Maximil-- lan died litto .soLDIkal AND A. GPANTLEMAN. g tor Mot rdeceived Et 1911:104t War dd the - that tli Ond moon and. thc er, raid wan e roe o e gn o forgiving in. tho matter, althougo mode •up 'Of 'shorn& materials to emblem (tomer as a brolcotiebeart. • wicatitly enough. Prone° was more the revolution Mierthrew one of the I Evtars we' Cate nee in tho skies are -heart rounri it; to as' to make the . thood of which. Vmporor's eheriohed schomes, for rt Was in .1.1e80' that...Fiance held •,--out _. PLUS p: Art - ' "It was the old, old otory. He the • olive branch. -Auotriata retento 'XIX IS COATiCSLID. had proposed to -tiOgirl In Leedg and Xton, ai7of4.-each different °lob:tenter, Stout. . been rejected: so he went out to the mentst-has thuo lasted twenty.- , r y our n tx • .• '. tLte rainbow-liko play of colors into wounded,' and on the young lady see - ode 'produee different tlaric lines acmes -in other people's concerns, England Wo know by experiment where the -no • vnts returned as 'severely; With her fanciness for interfeting, which tho pristit divides white light. has from Onus to time got heroeit 'Met 'of each different mibstoOte will ing hie 11=10 in tho lint, courageous- ly wroto out to tim and heartily disliked, and at no time woe thia the eabe more than during Lord . T TIP WITH HIM. be Sound .in tho Opectrum, and wo ' MADE 1 o know that these lines are producod PalmetOton'a regime. for ' P .- aes" by interfetenea of rays. But wby the 13, ut the young fellow lia.d been tat - Was tteSeeSeed W01) the idea- that it Was lotitain's destiny ta set tho suchrays b another mystery. As 1 11 ”In those parte/ of .the courltry various /substances ahould produce (mod by that thud. so wbero the 'world right. So, the affairs of Spoilt being in rather 4 cllsorderod , cond - so many other matter°, a reault hate' where we were opora.tieg, tattooing t rola% hoart comes in la bard to" toll. Roue the British Premier thought flt been reached without the Cause tieing „moue •to• inntroet Sir Henry I:minor-Lot, the troopit becarne quite a understood. ton, Great 13ritain's ambassador at tie t craze, anti I know this much, that Ittildrid, that.ito tvas to impress up- on Christina and her Aliniaterathe necessity for a propor legal and con- s ti Mu ,onal form of governnient in the penlmotla. Unfortunately, Sir Henry rather exceeded hia instructions. He not onlY committed the blunder of show- ing the Spanish Queen and Prender Lord Palmerston's original despatch, but .alno publiohed articleil fotinded on it in the Opposition pm- pers. The haughty Dons were up in arnasedireetly. "The Cablnet cannot roe without the moot extreme surprIsp thq extrao ordinary protenolons Of Lord Pale ineraton to inthrfere in the internal alIaira of Spain'," they wrote. More thatt that, they returned Slr Henry Dultverleytton'a ,despatehes to him. Further, they ' requeeted him to leatee Spain Rough usago an4 negiect win no- , ver maim a -hardy horse* MY oPParent 2natlnes3, and coated but opechnerof aro to Ix found there. Solite stty that " !pod i g abovo hereell oulto 011tbely at the iletoOlhe French aro adepia ot trcilaing without wrote:emotion. of tile two. , breed," but we nay, thO game in loaf. hoard, 'Pant, a woman'o head, AS the Oteeig WA braucheg Of varleua put tereena lo the windowe and r,eu f,0 .)Wr hear . When lier lover'o kinds of fruit, tretO, ouch oa Apricot, ,dooro . to neep ther Mee out of the , ,concerneile ',apple and pear, into tho shaper of I ant not exaggerating when I say i different letter& of the aphabet4 and .'It'''aubele°°1-detiritglvOlfil pPlaollert •(ledurtioltutindflechl% titat Chopin'a brilliant compotition it la quite postibits to Ourchate "God so recoito4 a ,brilliant readering; Elise !sato tho Khoo') in fruit, toeo, oith. on/ottnoiaeo; to aboorb the odors and ant - Sinclair had go:duo at her fingtoler for growing against o wall. or in •A•t o tii). Tho briglit &lineal*, the tiell. the 'ordinary woy. toot 'Wheat bran In' ronnectifil) eate ereteendo broadening. out. into at Ilatil recently -with tba• ration to both the wet* friatalvo fottiotinta, uhd general gardens at largo eotUI:trr'gy Wsealanitv6itillil el:Orin:coo of tte fltot few bar roliotvee out any plante in titan. -What handl rind haloes. It is cohnug and tho real artiot; the ponderoug, eraelle ohould have bteu flower Latta were woDitt tootrawlet etrhiaerecti oonfatlaieryrctaatitirinftar rovealed a Strength which one tvould with little chlpo of ,difierent, colortd tveuather. Avow hoof lo- ing diecoreig which eallie aficewardo laid nut in geometrical pattelego tot ore, "loony Live gueteeo elle dello:leo stoco, anti tho. attention ot the 1,,,,are gotinsa.turlVia.ter. is best and nafeet aud haltdo and olightoblueeveiued writto donor .wao toe/goal t0 the oltoten , Itat. it. vial oat rtothetle. cootidere "South Milton" oar/lens were very u"r* igarden. Iexamino the teeth of alr horceo youtg (Ind old. If tho teetlt to post:egg. atiOel trhich bad brought ine there: iatieh in trolderiet leist Lithifilet Ill hig 'cnunedi;"itlielfIcePithrelitohldefinfortic:tetweadd oiff ‘'lia."YtI oil toy faCultito of obtervation were plow:, but bad to bo made under in too Lido of mo mooto have boo toncentrattot in another direction. Igloo:. at; they contittol only of teoio attoodoo to ni, once It: I, 0, i woo playing for st btg otako; anti planto ond flowera thot 'fiouriolt In. •iinn,o oi a that ti 0 ore sharp a Might terVonotieso wag enelleawl cape cotoar. Natal, oud other ,,- under tl,e eircuolotanee0. AO flearlY ceenea of receat hottilitieot eurioua NoVoo avo ix home all the ilay ho till eat. That alone WM liceP 4 ' aS polo-SI/10 T bad reproduced certain a/W.:totem:Otto c011eetIOno teere thtto horto out of coollitlon. ' ! voiolifienri. in tile htpe that what t brought togother„ Ult. al it taiia oil.- The horao ban a mall otomach In bellototi to hove taken placo under iy the farditonahie fod ot 0. reee:oro ,prolgortiort to hin Met and When dot thoto Vontlitiong woutd bo repeated 0,no attempts ato toting motto to tarry ono bard wove to thoedd be -fed goo it it wat not, I eiilald look, to or out similar plah$ this: Vear, i tritIoU$ fOorlg oral teil regillailR• • the Moot of it. fecitth. • , If yotr are driving a Miot Pittrnoy , Notbkg hod holePenod when die Reel, hoe on an atorage 4 tior cent ; told you boomate bumpy you mae, be , range to the se1ond ecetiou of the, ot aleohol, older S por cont., olareteotieo. your bone foeto it more trion liii,110. Ilil, IS oatirtly difieront loon' 114 per cont. Port boa Oa parts in you do; • ', tho ill'ot. cOn'%3ntinf( of a Inelodt• the 100, :lad whiO/iy Da to DA. Give Wan Ma dinner I/ You eon IA' lencilY Preelainlect bY the rIght tler4 T1t1 full Moto:neat Of BOOM!: /to' seitie tor Yourrolg for ho tectis lt with otaceato accompaniment in tko rant"r9 tvetilii com. oe eteissit letrt, mac, left. in tl:e key of Ilt She tinSluA oil ,./. re.,,.....11 „e2 re. c.r.,..„.„,11,... ,1„._,,, fir .. P ..0"- " " "' at it with a yigotre thatoottairdy re- ° . rv7 leolie ileLtIe.",/.1 u VII4Vri . rfitnurwii lunp. . alined the energieo 'allotted by ttze varliCq "Ill ” • ° ” compoteo. Mid luffoit have made trio Tlio lowcit tido In any forgo oat •ioe A pottud of powdered attlthattn . tremblin tbr the piano hnd it. not in' the lliedittrieonents. At Tottion! Crysitolt Itt rt. gallon ot Icorotscio3., been that inteardRe I rojoleed at thot Chao fo about 41n., tohielt Is thee Makes_ gotd 'Ito leditrt a totttit '• foraetul dettehte Which her tiOht ateraoto for tire Whole Mediterrallettio! detdtla netiete itt. fhto.ocootoo. ' , . courso of him jiftt novo." , I tbiotO alio wondored What I trao drivirg at, "Ilo vett reosomber whist 'teas thco last thing you `• pleofie !" Await oho- looked her ourprito, but otter a mos:mitt% conAideration. told nut lt woo Chopin't Polowilso in A maim). , 'When tom had finished. did yotr • get up front tho viola and eem.6 otrelott ot tho roof:to-without notleing tho lose portfeutorly a tet.-', ond tin*, Quit hi?" "t to-void/0o OttOoot. notice it tome" Melly ems* e.e-ee "Thook pot ,,Jost. teen Other /Mee- tton. Itaestra.sMospardont terttrigot, hnt ir111 IITIM net what rtleiltet yeti eamititei It Wag 'Onbrokon, on VA, rod merasiou I *telt to.do Even so seemingly simple COW. 331any un (Aker arid many a man magnetised strip wits ultimately Mortified titrough onfraele, ham dincovored thot a the tattoo -maxim _who other evl- dteel swung Om deur had been hot noun.% adding grimly "there would be much to regret if this tools plate too late." Lord Palinereton had to put oft With the entitle, and handed hie pateeporto to Senor eaturitz, the then Spanith Ambaesador in London. ()Wing to the mediation of the King Of the Belgiann. diplomatic relatIona wero l'entInted on August 404'1E150. Amerlea had a fit of the notice with Great Iiritain during the Crimean tear. Air. es.ampton wag recalled front Washibgton at. the peremptory, requent of the United Stolen Clov. ernment because that Britiett agent had been enlietinn American eitizenn to fight the Itneatann. Attorney - General Cuelting tvive very (Too): he called thin oction a "flagrant viola- tion of onr,pational righter." And VO, ,for ettvotal yeara. the Ilona-At- lantio et/1.0w "didn't speak." People livIng fon remember the panie which !hoot the bourten When, on 1day 15th. Iii50. Id. do Toltuya. the Preach Ambaanador. detild !Oft:Imo:Won. France antrhing- land wero *ono too well Mewled with oath other hiet, about that time, and everyofto mourned that the nword wco ribtott to be •drown The French Chambot received the recto with ohouto of joy; the loud° fell from tidt to 05. Hourever. r*othing ever came of It. AN AIVITIIL SPORTSMAN. 4 eporting ootolenmo. who had the preenure of fifteen to n t reputation of being a yeeY bad shot. 'Were stycet arid froth a . th invitod name of ido friend° to dine fortnight. Horo la (entitle „with to be //004.7 tei 11 liefoOe diluter he ohowvd them o pro:tore can loop a tutotan fOrget Painted cm a barn door, Witt fermentilio 19 not cagily Wale o bullet Hoist in the bull's Mot Tian ho claimed to have thot at e. - - yard& dlottoro• An noboOy pelleved hint ho offered PUTITTIVII INPORMATION w oll it and on on of hio uroto • - a pivot will point in a certain di- rection ; but why it doen in not known for certain, mut peritapo nov- br will be. We are ware that the magnetic pole not always in the couno ploce, but slowly and constant- ly shifts. We know ohm that tlfere are porta of tho world- whero the compaso will not act at all. - At a place coiled Motebetowico, Itutisia., Professoe Leyet, of Moscow, found that tbe dipping needle pointed downwards. just QS it doet at the magnetic poleo. And yet there le no iron. within 000 feet of 1130 curiae° Of the earth, 'The whole subject. of magnetlem and electricity is full of miraclen and rayeterien. Man can make young plante groW at uearly double their natural rate by pealing a mild cur - tent thrtMgh the coil they aro plant- ed M. Ire can, in a. nimilar fashion, -double the nizo of cucumbers and eabbagee ; but he cannot tell wily ouch (vaults are obtainable. Even more Woutierfot and myoteri- ouo are,tho results attained by doc- tor() with electric light. Ily using rayn of a certain kind, the moat hor- rible eases of inpue, or racer of the face, aro being cured 1.11 London, awl other bits eitien Tim W00111114 are healed, fresh, clean akin grovel over the thoelting noren, and after ell Months' treattneut the. patient in cured. Ilut no doctor. nor anyone imq the faintest idea tow theoe oplendiatteurea 21V8 effected. Neither can the man Of medicine gay wily it ie that keeping a. patient suffering from attutilpox or Ineunlen 1 21 room hung with red ban ouch a wonderful effect in allaying tho emit - Non, told 111 preventing the former dIneogo from leaving Ito mark ilfaltt THE t'ACE ole 'PUN 1-1UPPIOltleft The main reanon why froth milk Is no oxpettaive as it to, la that it 801IV/4 to extremely rapidly ao to maize Oa oarriello to any dintance very trots- blenoute. Quite recently it been diceonered that by putting the milk into itoifow (dee! cylinders, alai op - phatit 101O0fXt. A, goutlouttut who recontly returoed to re -:gland uttor Goo/ itiontho' tut - omit on the eNthite COO, It, sir '41:noted tbat throe filth tht oouglit !Miring that tinio coot Mut jutt over d100 opicce. Iffs towelling expousto ' tre 41.M. tackle, Ol5tAoldre ot boat mid oVido SOO, *tale hotel bilis foie - minor expenoes connected with hit = holiday were covercd by the rettlalm julgittt 0(t tlte Colifornia coadat is all eVell ittor0 espensive iir.Albencleut, foe fares too higher: tilt. diatom beirott moator. hotel exptois- es aro nitro than in 'Pexue,, mut it to sitelg:1100e:I.blo to biro o boat atut boat* Men undep 4T.Gif doy in tho Jima Whore ha, hottever, Ito mod' to leove Groot" BUMP tA diVeYee hew eXpenniVe lishlog ton bit 04 Loch Tay u Mem tO coOtO *Op day, itporto froth • hotel elOariselt, boitto nien'a feel, feud tho cost of -tackle. A EtalMou rOd is, cheap ot 120, mut MOO sportsmen. Posgeset OtotO Van One. single oahnOn tty oftelt cooto sixty cento. Heel% liniot ofta overy othor itecessory ate proportlenatoly eXpensitng It a, ilthorMArt thinko of • , routing, ariver itO Wili find $2.00 yard for tho seasOn 0, Out, WicomMtaa prite, find Will 'Igo lucky If Itio OW • oxo landool ot 404 Of 10Ent than 020 tQT1t180504pPOrilltg:Mt an Who olvuo"Vogliati etiVerts And goe$ in for fAipasainta luta ta reckoit on of:ending O$ oploca. ilt !Oath keeperie WatfeO, eggo. Ontt ttoll-broken poilltertt Wider flatly a good .ntaltor; and otio connOt buy tizjoiovvoagEte:01,soni,ottoyoegoriusulysn,parbaloge:000.Kt,Thtrrliviiie,"e' torque): )00011; tiensOn Will -cott Ite (Miler 414/400Q tho fifty other incideatai. Mtptatt04. pato of hootinterltosi eitOttlra hy a Witith Yields Otte' itheitainito bt the to:ibee0004mral*hrteto:immteiltytmtbat€1;;;s1:44.:exIxAlapeotnott jag:: 14101 /night be ouPPOsOd to be a tirOt pia *125 ganni littlitat has _,octentnsb4b°0e teolairtitoxi°r Afbetglejfit...etrso3Qh"ttiela,:otAirtt:t • bliKtato04 Will the bo,rggin, Oho lolltalo, and $25 a rhin000lt011 exactoti, Thon ft impooSible .to • troop inland %Otto/tit CetunidOr nun:ter_ of natives to MI cm mar tend Berviiitii7lefitgel-treO otooks- ti. lirearins mot ammletiltio Medi. clno fOotillantot no ed. °Without golug into detaile, it oY - bo mentioued that o Voll-kno younif tOnglitilltocut Who Imo an otitatol _knOwa ad a htinter ot gartle. 14,buutluttilneollal,lopauttodlitt coat Mut ot,o00 and eacb, mord:Ant jt'eoPrhac'Onttle4rengYtAliMarry"ien.IIIIVentifIltdia. °Vert "with 'Ono of the leoa-known poclot tor lea than $1,500 tot $2,* 000 a year. Eveo nuppoae he ridei chetp horeea "crocko,” as thot) are _ItenerallYcallod-eat $200 Otero, yet ho tatiot have two, ,Ile moat feed .and atable them azte keen a man. %Ilene are vot.'a Ond shOeing bills into 00 baxgain, hunt Itubstriptiono, anti, troop/IMO ond boxing •exponsca. To hunt with a fashionable peek liko the quern Otte nearer $10.0130 than 81,500. The Mot balanee-sheet oi the latter hunt gtvea soma Woo of the Amount of money hunting coots ito followers; $7t150 woo paid ae commutation for pouttry killet dur- ing 1000, $3,870 for Mingages to, and $1,070 for root of covers. Tto total expenseo fOr tho yoar stem efen2sce,soz,5t.alsing down ,tviro and so °to nut oven hunting la not so oxpent ago cut araucortiont as la the gang, of- polo.. At. retent °oleo of polft Atnri4eg:::rup'Lllayterill; Gallicraaoo5 "kiose°p; three, more piton Ave or idle. Tb apiece wan realitied for emort ank aware. knoolca them about so that they •cannot. piny for iztoro than or season or two. Akio, a polo play. er's trays/111m oxpenteo ' aro too heavy. " A well-known baxonet, whooe hornet have won more tton one Derby. usod to nay that oath rata he socured coat him $250,000. The cunount is probably well Within the lunit of what the averago Derby orinner cipende on the covoted Blue Ribbon of the Ttirt, Big en racing prim axe, they amepant to but a very small part of Una expent- co of a large training citable, and the owner who can show that hie bet- ting account covert; any largo por- tlon of tho deficit in rare Iztdood. Indeed, the only tport which can hold a candle to racing In the Way of money vent upon it la yachting. A great yacht-rleeigner once °aid that the ideal racing mtrichine would he hunt of phogphor bnonzo, with a keel Or gout -gold is, of course, hea- vier than lead. and therefore would give greater ntability. fehararock II. would probably' not have coat very much more than she is costing 141r Thome /Aptent haAl aro coraplied with theoe conditiono. THE CoMAIRUCIAL SCORED. Invagretablo Passenger (to com- mercial traveller sitting by open tvitidowl-Excuno me, nir, but that °pia window le very annoying: be'lar.. Tit Pm afraid you'll havo to grin and (pleauantly)--I'm notry, but D P -- I V71.911 you would dose it. air 0. Ot -Would like to aeconunodato you. but I can't. P.-• Do you reeuce to cloce that window, Mr? e T -2 certainly do. It P If you don't elem. it Wile e 1' 1'11 bet you won't. D P I go over thore T I'll give you whir) you won't. P ash you once more. air. will :tiou vlono that window') ("1. No. fete will not. DP (grating on ltio feet) -Then I will. eh '1' 1 would Illto to s00 you do (placing hie hands on the ide- xecifonablO window). ehow you r ("0 tee dinenrceablit pace:roger tuge at window) Why dint% yoo elute ite. D P (TM rig reil in tito facet-It.- appeorn to be comet T of eouree tt 1,1 1 tried to 0051, ft -lief pro ;von came in Aron then the dinagroeable monta- ges! frit Implode anti tho ember pae. MilLoq:1 thudded (audibly. "One morning an inepection of our kit wan ordered, and the gentral. Lord Methuen, lantlelt came round. He looked ot, me and then at my machine. tviiMil at the best of times looks stomiclotaa. "Whot havo you got:here?" I told bim. Ho laughed. and then picked up the machine. 'So you aro the man? Your position to unique, for you are the only man who boa do- - coratod so many of our officera. It - Do Wet felt some of them needles at his back you cotod ehane lom round the world. Try It on bhp, Riley.' "We had a Boer prinoner for a week. /fp, too. %0119 tattooed. 'I &- Mooed a pair of cornea on hig btoott and a Ilanuto pony ou Ma right arm. Ik wan a friend of Delarey, and suggested that perhaps be would like to bear on hie back a photo of the Door general He coneentee, and much to the amuerment of ourn I worked the Onlon Jack on him. and underneath the emblem tho motto 'God Rave the Ring.' Of course, he could 1107 FPO what I was doing. When he left us ho quite honeyed lie wan carrying General Delarey on hia bark. Melia he thInlen now. capnot nay, and if 1 did perhapn It would not hear repeating. eThie craze for tattooing at. the front was not uotely conliami to our warrforn, for many of the nureing sintora joined In. too traced on the upper part of the arum of at leant coven or plaid lad- le() the red cr000. width at a dicitanee juet looked like a badge." - PROGRESS OF CREMATION. Believero In cremation will derivo encouragement from the report Met leetwel by the Council of (lir Creme. rion Horiety or, -tengland. show.) con t inued progrene of the mos ement In, that country Durilig the year uneer rOview reptile - Unto horbe been.. carried t tle. tociety wolittig, allatnqt 24o plying great hydraulle prereare. ft Miring Peet. Leing an inefieue. of 25 may bo kept perfectly aweet for daye. per coot The) twinge the total num- preeeeure of geven tom to the ber event:Gone perforated et Wo - equals Inch for on It rue wan found tine up to 1.824 ig 1 'MO to delay touring t r 000011 ilaya , eighty-vight bogie') o ere ereinotod at While Other emote ke o under a Maeciatter. motion at Glengioe. and the tech. forly 1.1 %wpm)! 'Pion bi Mae tho end of a total 111 %AVM 47:1. Lind 102 itvoilr:111%1:: ilfitlp.rpubuTialtit: e from Leen fieeunete In reatulog. au 094).n - !dotal 1,45 P 011.0 Whiel? I.11Ell.11. thi'M 30 • make provieion for the illopooal of. tho untiv!, nt an itnnieri,:.• population for 11 nunther of year:. und at the . "P-• rarer, tithe to er,,,,,ta. 4 teautiog place which wilt remain an oven ifs fto pr So of An oyoter cuppor Ieft • taco toPfitig tho woger. protitiond two In ono of tho later gettlemeron ..1 witneeeett Whoeo Veracity could net NOV I-1011111 WalC9 O moo wan put on to doubt** to prow ilia atrartion. tvial for °tonna a watch The .,Sitico Silty 'poth ttatod that ho bad evidence had loon tory efelfiktieg. 00110 *hitt )10 Vialfe‘eta, 110 WW1 W0.1.41111 0.5 the juro rotiriel tile judigo r,..: bot. ,. littarized kindly that it he email give'. 4ralliu +Halide ' tlid toter ot the nny anointatiee in the way of enlooth. Oat poesibleelifficultlen he thould: Wogor ifiquirod, Inost . the !goo had '' ilig ,,thitaortat),, ott „ to fittl frOth au egcellont beriiiiigolittgolotit jultorw had fioted t.,ot of itymi, i Ahot, trio ballot at tt,o door olld the ettoto moo on hitt taro chow- ; tim btu, but the t wegth rtmained. Tto bott. onolOreds pato.tost tOo titroot round It. tt, dietOntetod nit!) vartio, owl tten ,;ottliltti?oliiiria.tuovlitreq.ustr'eaonintnialmnrIrrilryte,1517:10;torpouitilbodr.olire tio!7 ALMOOT ritrATIVLING. efl%Tejutr&f.lr l'aCogeubrrelotilitcguetg, and tot Xt coOterf Ottalige that *such au old eoPtied etteorito -1 m vatrtsrigasoueld-3,11t: IIIII? lOvVecuwalitilsit toilloi or I v(Initteetnoulida Ititecen ttoin liwnIti7titorrnyttlicOrpdr, 1crif, tkifF iibiber YOtilift Mil, t Oner atolo Um Watch - WM Aper116/46.1.•11 sitr ILA ArtIEN1'. 1112T • WELL 111OPitti- , sr:vr12:1) volt miss your dear itueband dread. ftAlly. tlinfinarne • Yen. of but, 011P yOUnfcolt ilatIght0' 19 onattly lite hint Nilo trio() to reoulato geantroar and coalmen) of the whole faneily. ANOTHER MOUTH TO PEED. Vce jact got tor havo frio' wrigos, infrint Put. Matilda. wo arO POying yon 'Olio a, motolo sgov, l'ce attaro ob flat. roloty, but irce stlint, tor to inatolett 1114 PIAVE!) 11131, A cornet -player in a local orthee- tra fa. native of the Patheriand) fenny got tot° trouble inniteentiy and oromperiediv. ou'rsLeteto.tititL*2.1.e0ortildratitS171•4.-I'cuctgriIctet;d. ratIt' larating a note that Wee nut on 2110 ttft(310ne:ril:rot:11116:11.151:11.11110:b:1111:35t2;ei":1Ctig'.Clial:laltliUStiCIIIbqdlke.011:aell'it:et'1;107111: 'MO pert.1 e7a9 hooded to the Coe. Loteo Itat(0 Toole at eini plapitoO be aclad at latt. Wily you idiot. ha roared. eatdt, you eto tbat nig ia a dead ey1 • don't Cato. woo Vic eoo coot aad btarett --•••_.•-•-- ^ • it