The Wingham Advance, 1918-01-03, Page 7MUCH PRESS COMMENT UPON THE REMIING OF RUCH Praise and Blame, With D. 4" mand for New Men to Con- trol Admiralty, tendon Cable sayseeeThe prom:neuce given to the retirement oC Admiral . Sir .Tohn R. jellicoe, es First Sea 1.[KE CRIMINALS 10 EXECIPIONE,Ii Lord in favor of. Vice -Admiral $ir German Troops Driven neWspapers, is commensurate with his From Home Towns great reputation and the place he long - Iia s held in public eetimatioa. • To Their Places in the Fir- Notwithetanding the recent severe animadversions concerning the Admir- ing Line, - alty from some quarters, several paws- . papere treat the announcemeut as a eeneational surpriee, and two or three Fre.nch Front Cable -German st* accompany their remarks with warm . tilers front soma of the towns of Prue - expressions of regret. The Daily Telegraph, one of these, calls for a eta are seut to the front under armed fuller official statement, and tho reas- guard "as criminals are led to the ex- ons for Admiral Jellicoe's retirement. ccutioner,says a letter found oaLt The Daily Telegraph also regretfully - dead German eoldier, who was killed matte the "well -Conned public coati- in a recent battle on the French front. dence" in Admiral Jellicoo, and hopes 3'110 writer had given a vivid dezerla- that those responsible for the change-. &ion of the demo at the departure of have been guided wisely in their dads- a detachment of reinforcements trom ton. eaarlouis, a town In Rhenish Prussia. On the other hand, the Daily alail, Tee recruits wore intended to fill the which long has campaigned against Admiral Janice°, says openly that it cannot pretend regret. It adds that Sir arie Geddes, First Lord of the Admiralty, deserves the thanks of the eountry for not shriaking from a pain- ful duty. The Times, though less frankly outspoken, does not conceal its eatisfaction, anti sees in the change the determination of the Government to give younger men a chance. It en's: "We heartily congratulate the Government, having once taken a de- cision, on accepting its full conse- quence at once." There is generally expressed expeo. tenon that his removal is only the first of a series of cbanges, that it is evident, if expectation is not fulfilled, Rossient Wemyss, In the morning gaps in a battalion which had suffered atom* losses. The writer says: "The first battalion is ordered to turnish a reinforcing detachment of U9 Men, To escort thou to the Saarlouis station 800 men have Dem oraercd out. some of them with arms to march alongside the men goirag off and oth- ers to act aa pickets on the way to the atatlon, The men were all ready in the afternoon, and had to wait aome time for another squad of oontrades erom the lat company of convales- cents. who eventually arrived. "What a scene! Ahead marched a Need of guards and to right and left af each file two armed guards, while another squad of guards brought up the rear to guard these German sol- diers -our brave soldiers in field-grav there will be great dissatisfaction in who, according to the magnificently many quarters. In thls connection phrased stories of the newspapers, eriticiems of Admiralty administra- - dash forward full of ley and sustained lion are reiterated. The Daily News, - by love -of Fatherland to destroy our for instance, says that it is idle to enemies. pretend that. the Admiralty record of "The detachment moved off with a the last few mouths has inspired gen- band playing a march. The guards cra.1 confidence. It alludes to various wore so numerous that there was one causos of diseatisfaction, including for every two meu of thedeparting clo- the losses of conveys, and .adds: tacluncnt. Is it riot a scandal that ow ehildren in field -gray should be led to war to fight and shed their blood the same way as criminals are led to the executioner or; still worse, like cattle to the slaughterhouse? Itwas not sufficieet that for hours before- eand-in fact from the moment of the announcement of tho departure of the letachment-even soldiers who Ohl noi belong to it were prevented from go - 'ng into the town by sentinels posted very five yards. No, it was considered necessary to submit the men to the theme of marching to the depot under guard. "Do not the magnificent mendacious articles in our papers represent in a tale° light our brave boys in field - ;ray going to fight and destroy the enemy /err the love of the fatlaerland, while such things as these are hap- pening? Verily it in a voluntary sac- rifice:" • "All those things together worked, naturallg enough, to discredit se- eerely tho theory ef sea power for which Admiral JeI1ccc has been un- derstood to stand. Ent if the Admir- alty is to regain complete confidence, which it bas lost paetially, more is neceseary 'than the change announced totelny." It amends. among ether things, the establishment of a,naval general staff. The Timm atter tete:ging to the cou- voys, also fs'ays: `These are by ne means the whole of the story, for there havo been Vier misadverituraa. We would lay stTess upon the ceimulateve Creel. of a ser:es et (Tido:len e•.ory on of which has been unto:tun:re. Teat effect is to justife the ere:eh:et belief that there has teen lack cf energy end forceful prealeion at the Mini:a:is:a! M an ineterme indicationof teis lack, the Timee c-peeaally etupha- sines the contineance et the eulenarine warfare en merchant seesena and com- plains that greater prognas- has not neen made againet the submarine. Tee Times contends that the,submarine roelem is no marl. insoluble than are: othea new rrohlem of warfare, iuid adde: "Our tam o ger se" men are con rin eed teen they can entirely °tee -come the c.ubmartne peril if tilde reeoire a frsc hand, which never yet har ncen grant• ed. We nhate taeir feith." Although nothn 1 le !Ten tentea, efficialle, it it irep-e; bv the newo. PaPers that Adnateal lenicoe did not rentvolnntarily, end at:ate:Meg to the Telegraph,. the Opeeeentent'e deci• waa conveyed to him before Christmae in the form a a bare inta Illation that it had been determined to 44n/int a new Flr.t a Lord. Of hit successor the I Wale know comparatively little, (ming to the tact that he never held a eonepletione command afloat, aact ead 110 adminis. trative experience in the Admiralty Until appointed Second Sea Lord last Femmes.. In tee naVr. liowel'e-, Ad- mire! Wantese lent a .e..11-avablished reputaticn. He also eel a lare,e ' ver'ed expetience in the war, aud hie seerices under Admiral Da Roebeek at Gallipoli received the uneuelifiea rraiee of nay.' Ind militery anth Wer- e% MPAN WILL AID TO LIMIT Co-operation With Allies in War Assured By Milmdo in Speech From Throne. .• • Tokio Cabe Co oeeration Jepatt with her llice in the war to the telleet edamt of her ability WaS pledge: oy Imeoror 1 cadhito in the e.peeea from the tarene at the open- ing of nillement to -day. The k.no peter said Japan's reintione with the antense pee ere ewe exeremely dose, wheat wee ereatly pleaenar. hint, and toetiemeti: -Tao 1 tii.o;inn v.tr is Lc.,:Oiall4 more and ntere important. It bee earees us to devote our efforts to- ward more ate et ire 4,1..t De rat with the allied powers. We e:pert the uniernee to n.t the fell fettits virlory, and to *obtain the objeete with which v:o hcitelly eyeepatnize. We ere prepared to eo-cperate to the fulleet extent of our ability while mainteinirg peace in the Orient. r2cneequence of present condi- titenq to he:e ordered our eilnisters te present plans having to dea wit% the neeosalties of natienal defenee." The .entlasseiee and legatioee wean repreeentel In the benee. After the delivery of the epelegh front the throne the Pernas nemt adjo1rnt4 until Stn. 20th. adaigg--Skirtitunt boasts that he eve Mktg his prowls* got. Wag Owen thowth he may haysti break it, and triake it all over again." LAIre minr WV. Eita C "Os" .•••4444.4"40. Reeined to be half esleep. Dld Yea eall„ Mother -110 saYe you seem to be calling early this morning. Where are you going, I ettYs. "I'm gen% some place to stay all eight," he, says--"yoti dieturb my rest --what's the matter, couldn't you sleep?" I told hizn this was the nine we usually got Up in harvest time and he says why waste so much time in sleep. I told him it was time to go to work. "What's. the Idea," he said. I told him we were going to cat oats. Are they wild he stye. I tole hint no, and he say's why take advantage of them in the clerk? ,teleerwards the other fellow came down and asked Ma if I believed in &tea Lglit saving, he said I geerned to be a good hand At it, After breanfaet we Set into the field. Them nate was the letileit you ever soon right up over the home heads. I was showing thent dudes how to stook and ono of them totted me it he couldn't get the loan of' a stepladder to stand the sheaves up, 1 oould see it was going to be heavy work alright. Well Sir there was a heavy dew on the ground and it weeal them fellows was as wet es t1NOtigh they had been wading, in water. I come close to the Emart Ales: one when 1 vote paaaing with the binder cnce and he says Hey, Pop, bs there. any danger at submarines arouad here. I'd hate to get torpedoed just es I was leaning over to pick up a slite_aftt' er 41, while one of the lads hailed Inc when I was passing. hIlow is the time," he mid. I leaked at my watch and told hint a quarter to ' eight. "Gated," he said, "I thought it was near 1 o'clock. This le about tho thee I roll eft the little old ostermcdr In town," he said. Wo went to eat along about noon with the suu red hot and them two lads had faees on Mem like the comb of our turkey gobbler. They was cloan taloa and they just dragged themselves up to the Minna How de you feel says one of 'en in a weak voice. 1 feel says the 'other Just liko Jim Jeffreys felt after he was down Tor the third count. I feel like I'd had ten.,turkish baths one after another and then been pullea through a knot hole. You could wring a tub of water out of me right now. Well Slr we went into dinner -and the MISSUS Pad the table piled high with new po- tatoes and 0111011S and homemade bread and fried eggs and prunes. Therm city yaps just lit into that as ir they had been starved for a month. About eight eggs each they et. I says to one or them is your legs hollow. 1 understaud he says right back that tho board is thrown in with this job. es I says and you seem to be throw - Ing it in allright. Why don't you get a pitch fork. Well anyway they felt better atter they had fed up a bit and smarty says to me Alfonso could you have the eller bring in mine French vintage and a couple of perfectos. Tho other tellow says when do we take our siesta. I says what do you email and he says when do we hit the hay for an afterncon nep. I says right back yen hit them oats and hit them in a lieury too, it looks like rain. Oh very well Carlota very well, do not be peev- ed I pray of thee. Well Sir they- went at it again and t could a put up more stocks in half an hour than those two dia in the next two. After a while I stoppea to fix the hinder over, in one corner and and I heard the two lads talking. How, would yeu like to be tip to your neck in water (town at the beach ono said. And how would you like to be swing - Mg la the hammock outon the veran- dah en Cartier. street with the maid biang•ing you out long eold ones in thin glasses !mid the other. Think ef sitting in ate of thoee les housee orer in Norwood. 1-04. or think of be- ing up one the snowilielde in tho mountains. And all the time they • 'ALL TRAFFiC ON U.S. UNE TO BE Pun And the Greatest gfficieney to be Order of the Day.. WicALGO'S HAS To Speed Up in Interest of War Winning the Main Idea. Washington, D. C., Despatch -Soon after American railroads go littler aovernment operation atnoon to - memo tr, D:rector-i...eitaral Maitalao eill lesue his Erst °faciaordoi wip- ,ng out competitive eon:lit:one cut ,srot Wing for complete pooling et. trat- Le, equipment, terrineees aue. trackaga Laclities, and for the retention of pres- ent officers and employees. The' inntectiata rcsult will 1)3 a re- routing of traffic over snorteet ltnea, regardless of Me company eith whicli salements origthate and the coeunon ase of terniliaLs to elect maximum efficiency. Witnout afittelpating won- ders under the new 1.;:an, otlicials look ierward to material iteterovament in the preeent traffic ecngeetion within a few weeks. Speedy movement of freight will be • the first aim of,the D:rectOr-acie.ral. PeffritlytArreitlh (c2(ot334.c°..ZoTilloatilusiVysCirrliAlues'g BUt probleMs whose solution intuit man at -my is breaking up, vigilance or; press close on the heels of aCtUal the frontiers is relaxed, and that peace transport:Woo , queStions aro the w'i.MtebeDNywilLN'at.s'isPientgigge.c equitable reimbursements of roads 1 dont says thsre is much talk of rrareeTtlinu; for the use of their property on . the I tee present reign of terror with counter - bests of pre-war earnings, increased icnree:iv.turesi,.„ a;vedeoaisnb1-1thronwlIng tit bent, erovemente, Outer the elan, ere(' 11'111. vele we Anent' Qi•ift berm ieenee, bet. ;mot vieuitt be nue,r voi nin:341t ...edit:Menge The Vi4e, read uteren nue On Secnrittee. issiutti wenitt eubject .n tlw bite:mato Contain rce :lien -e apt royal, and the rate by -lase %malt( 10 liteite 1 to a minautim of foot, per coat, and, maxiautrt el tax and a half per cent. Tae Meal. dent would be authorized to buy on tetivernment aoe.ount any and all atter., eat:toad bona Imo:, most 01 witioel would be to pro ido atittannial equip. trent or improvemente, end time tee. necerseary leeal means would be pro. rided ler eloyernment' fleaneing of enplovements. Seen a plan would automat:011y give the ClOeernment power to regulate ireproeemeets, and to Prevent extratnelinare and mine- eeesary expendttasee for guilt per. AnileP. On ths other bend, it is under- etood to be Mr, leleAdoo70 intentiou to rewort to construction of new lines or additional tracks on trunk lin.ea if tine pro$es dealrable to relieve eon mettiou, Tne adininietration'e pollee aineg this line are expected to be vieerous ereending lines where,'reeded for effieleat proisecutien nt the cequemic forced b. hind the war, Reeorta were eirculatee to -day that the Interetate Commerce Cernmis:ion • ineebt (leech) to poetpone ineefinittny ,teeleion &'tho15 per cent. rate cam. and other ingiortant rate , quettems. until it elm e aeaertained wherher ; Government operatiott will result in material lnwering et OperatiOn COALS ..hrough ehte,e-tIoa of competitive Val tr'. PEACE INEVITABLE. Russian Armies Said to Be Breaking Up. wages for railroad 'employees, financ- ,hierfinr Asettre Ott tiic. BiZt.1:1Arirlt(ist ing or necettsary hnprovements, auLde te not mem idle talk. Those who say it and fire those who have already thrown them. Ing of addI:ional linee or facilities, rhere is a tremendous and growing, the tangled eriority situation. rosttion to the DoIshevihi, which 15 op- SPECIA,I4 IsEGISSLA.TION. intrvnt among al classes, even amour the aart-son, Speeches condiemnin.a• tho Before most of thee.) questioas can ' tyranny of the Leninites areheard on De settled special legislation will be i ell Wes and among eill classes of people. neceeeary, and to urge tnis Presitieet 4: p I.- aeltvered to Cougres.s soon -after itlwApED Till- , ..1 *diem le preparing a meseage to ha convenes after the hoiiday recess •me next Thursday. Legis'ation already , .ser a es .. . ra, aowever, aud problems depeadent eta 41 I Li 1 EA A Y TALOA!. 1195 been drafted. Tae legisieeieu. it eau await the deliberation of Con- - ..... • groes, ithile Director McAdoo must ..,,z - --,-, already conterrn h ed oim by Prellitl-111 er;tilsincitio. acton to -morrow with powers Long List of Canadi aian Non - karst, Ile will conaer with the rail- COMS. and Men e roads war board ot prealtients, Waage iii lf :, cervices and ( advice, lie said to -clay, .,,, f:, 'I, would he retained under the new ad- 'Honored for Services On,J.tte ministration. Then he will organize. . Battlefeld.. i a corps of assistants and advisers, ______ -es • targeiy of experts and Inter -state . C.onunerce Commission in whaee bundles; he will mstintain headquar- ‘ a1 ters for railroad supervision. I(eaCnaclueagi117sryi:-Iai3. he.bflo11)owing Mr. McAdoo ;laid to -day he • had ; nave eetet apeamid we ithib...u.),. .31.6.1,1 elven almoet no thought to the per- ttrotautry prit 3*C3, Olteepi. Where teeitee tonne' of his staff. and CI as not eye- aared to outline the (Waite of hie ad- ministration. He is determinect how- ever, to avoid dieruptIng any rahroad organization, ortany agencies strcady e et, deal eat V.; 4pe'. .1- a . 41.11.19-.411, weL1,4•1. developed lch can lend eiticierty to t.,(=teea.,...J. .i1ti z.it. .„,t,ey,i;-t,,ar er.g.,ce,, 101 0.4, the new ordt er. i ' BROTHERHOODS iOYAL. olueers; 1... -epi. (... b. brow ii; cor. 4. The Intim' question under Corun- a...1.th rt Leo epee:tied : --see ppse"a. 1 reel aattilary; ev. Alien; A. 1.V Annection, t. t.ipe. tr. le. was wrestling with them lag sheaves ment eperation was discussed To ,T _of oats and the sun sending down heat President \Vita= during tile day by S i t,.$ • likeyou wan standing next to a red heals et the four railway* brother - The following letter was written by a farmer near Yorkton to a friend In : Winnipeg in reference to a couple of • souths who came down from the 60' to help with the harvest. The youths at home "aseisted". in a bank for a few hours each day and thought they were working. After putting in part 1 or a day hi an oat field their desire ' to help to win the war by working ! in the hareest got a serious- setback, and they hurriedly departed for the : busy haunts or trade. The farmer is writing the friend to send out a'couple more men. The letter follows: Dear aohn,-I take my pen in hand to lot you,know we are all well -and rito in the midst of the harvest, blet the main thing 1 want to tell you is about the two dudes from Winnipeg' that caine down to help with the stooking. I reed word froin the em - Ploy ment bureau in Winnipeg that they was coining' at $3:15 a day and erd, so was down to the Station to mect them. Well Sir there was two hide got ell -bong about IS or 10 years • old they was. Thee.* was wearing nhite shirts with big white collar over their cents, and button boota with • cloth tops on 'ens and nifty sults and cheeked cape. One of them he was the iresheet gar of the two come up to me and he says Hello Rube, how is the little old alfalfa, this fall flippin his finders ofen the end of MY WhisicerS. "Ale other lad says to me stand rigut where you are kiddo aud lot me feast on you - Oh Alfred isn't that makeup perfect he save couldn't he step right onto the stage uow without ever going near the dressing room, 1' didn't know what he was talking about cause 1 only had working clothes on. 1. saki are gottse young, guys looking for work. They said. they had. come (loan p to t tip at to ease on y - rind secure some relief frora the strain of the city. yon think you can stand stooltin I said and they told me they thought they were in pretty good contlishun as they had been playing pool all summer. leach of themehad a nice mew suitcase and I thought they was kind of light when I was throwing them in tee democrat. Afterwarde when they were at work the Infects looked in them and all there Was was all kinds of cigarettes, a safety razor and a sweater. Wh* en we am driving _ out to the Parte they was tasking all kinds o ' It ti b t h work. The titian telex one sald it ought to be pretty good aport, beat Waist all to nothing. Ile naked Me what wee the native of the gee gee on the Starboard side and he had the 'ged eto ass% me it be timid have 150 malary in advance. Well that night they kind of opener] their eyee When I showed them the way to the hayloft to elm and threw em a horst blanket. Ctrie of them said isomething about Maieler l, een perfurne to WOO the Ood. Morpheus. Well I had to take a big *Week on!, of them SO acres oi nets dead ripe ter 1 tailed the tag aleng rtteut e'eleek it the morning. I went out 10 the stable with a lentern. and hoi.- ; itreta ti ta tO era. After a while I heard Ia tette and one ot nage eat' down the laddtrr Carrying lila !encase. He J. It.: t.tiOSZ, elect:tee- uuns, unr. i. (,t, tJuiraeon. Art.; Lurti.), vv. ta. viu.s...a; iseitertys; het stove. Well by and Ity I iniseed hooas, who renewed their pledge el 1 t;. 1,e:.icsr; 1). IfJoat; ergt. IL L. thorn. 1 ira,ie aticther round ct the toyalty to G'overuratut itdministration. tee:sett, j. . title aria then 'gent over to where 1 They .,,,,,,,.i about an hour and a hall eeteetta; i;p1. 11. be▪ e, SSW theta last. Hello I shouted and with the President, and it Is under- tear s: mei:- 1..'... F4;11 wick., etrel*ity:;; then I Few one of theta stand up be- steed they *received aetturances thatd as: ,;'... I tndlater, etecanne eating, hind a long row of shaves they had.. ltt . F urrester, m:tamers; e• but up to keep off the "sun. "Ad- inizaobeitlIn n rtaothetey no:Ix:LLD looryeeevs eiithwouldeenottcotbtai .• .._ e la .. Vence friend and give the passw.ord," draft call by being -placed in the 56C- '1:- :.:,;,';:,.; Lly-.:IL.,it, .at':: Itl:srit,.!etel.; ‘‘1.. sate Mr. Smart alex.,._1. Was plain Ms- ond draft elassificatiolt, * - i ulton, iliAtialne Lams; Cpl. J. Fureen gustell, so I seid ithepassWord is roe Mr. hicoo Aelto-night nde his first e.atebee t..li 114; Cpl. Nt . t.:e .11rail; 1.. la yea fellows to get out of hell's. They one or them eays three cheeks, we're least un dl that at inc surprised like and 'Int -eel -1y liranain; (4.2a..ri. re T. argot, Garri- son Are; L.-Lpl. J. G. aulnete 3:m - other lad was dire tuckered/out. He cion "will be_condeicte'd through exist- liarnail rtooad nieea)teur tire- pricsiets fired, hurrah. hurrah, hurrah. . Tto his plauetilanhde %v. fiat% .e. Vs. leurica. T. leutcern- gxeers; 4,gz. te. hannafe:el, Lergt. san; ie. 'V. Jackaan; F'. It. Jalnin.. ntet mired his heed a little and said .ng railroad-organiaaticn." , e In a weak Yolce-z-,Tigen-burraii--rao., -The operation of the railroads as .I. Keanely; pr 1 1 Kennesh, Rail- ther Was right. Aad insideof an hour a tneeeuaitie ttnified%ystern is Of fun- wee'samor. J. ii.eoligaan, Liorrio,ni, they Was on ae train going to Win- damental impoftance to the sueeess -Art.; ape 1). Kerr, engineees; L. -Cpl. rams*. t of _the war," said Secretary hicAdco. L. H. letne,; zt ergt.• .A. 13. Kirk, aail- Tout% truly, 'TANK, "without it ae cannot det the effec. wayo; J. Letham. A. V. Leslie; Spa P.S.---Fend me down two MEN. . . tive use of our resources. The sup- '1%. A.. Link, Rail gays; Sig. W. J., liOril 3 in the year 191e. - Victory,. Will de- ttU113; J. A. Mertircau; Sprat. G. it. pend upon cur ;speed and cifleieury. eite:onsId; Ip:. T. McDonald. Engin- We can get neither speca • nor efti- °era; W. Mcintesh; L. MeNamera eiency unIcsa the rallrcaes are equal eneeetee ouzo. Ie etek, Cpl. le 1. Mnrg•an; C'. J., i J. A. hlyere, Sergt. A. ionly say at the moment. that the pro- : to the demands of the situation. 1 ecu blem will be taken held et' vigorous.S. d...11-,..s1r,A,cta_1131,1:ay,s; ITy):rrr., E.LlEa'ablon11,;sr, (truly. .. Moir:e. Mai:Wile Chine; Cpl. C. Offer - and that pans read p : c es , 1, a onnell; t....Cp1. _A.. W. Pemberton, nounced front thde to time as rspidly ' I. .• •; '1' - ylt...neeee; G. A. 1 ickard; •C1)1. .W. Ile it le pcseibte to mature them. . I tate; Serge. J. Probert, Engineers; Meanwhile, the basiness will be eon- (:pl. i el'ite.fiela, Sergte II. Ileadaham• ducted throttgth exhiting railroad er- g ations with -all the suppert and auiz pr. '';`. ctieere, liaegiteers; Cpl. W. power of 'the Government aseerted on ' behalf of more efficient and eatlefae- se. leose; Cpl. D. Seeolt, Machine (lune' ijirx operatien.' aergt. J. A. ecott; Spa G. W. Shatik, an appropriation far ad Gbvernment operatien, told hie kart Mr. talcAtico does not exenet to mak ',dean -aye; 'aivr. R. Shaw, Army eler- isterine Viee; le Sherecahuk; Gut If. II, Sim. eon, tietris.n ett ; P. J. Sinelair, P. min .................4.. 4.41.•••••*.,* probably will lid colvpsed largely cf rinikii. .r, V. rutherland; Cpl. Thom- ' men airstnly CM the Governmeet or .4en, :lee:14re Ctree..; U.S. tIliteofte W. rallreal peyrolle. eeetee. L. pl. .1. A. Vogel; red. It JEW'S MASSACRED By Turks Before Jerusalem Surrendered. none test iv, title war will probably a:ea:tease; e. 13. Mandeville, Machee i C ,EL ROW Botitorth • a Tokio Cable -In a fight between Chittese anti Ruesian dfaxlmalist Idarbin, itIanchuala. Wednos- tronps at day mozning.' the Russians surrender- ed and nen) disernied and merle prise onere, accordingeto a report wince is considered reviable, raCeiVed here iron. Harlem. The advices sat, that the Chit -thee tkonre now occupy the gar:dean at Harbin. Tiit psnline Minima ef the tom' ‘‘'atteer. canters Att.; (tar. G. tallway brotherhoods fer a 40 per C. Welker, ;rarrieou Art; cent. wage increase will be consider•la Whi'ehe•rl, PIns» 1 P. tt hit- New York Deapatch-Thirty Jewish men hag seamen were eXacatel by ILo l'ureish attay that eurreadered June:ace to cert. Allenby Dee. 1.0th, awe -ding to en aneottneerient mule Itere to -day hy the provisional co»t- //nettle fcr eneral etIonief Affaiaa. Incladed in the numher ratiegaered were worno cf the • moet premiaent reiidents of the Holy t'ity and !et' euenne. it was -stated. The father and sister of Ieerett Aerate:elm heed of the Peleseete /Agricultural reperiment Station. wiLeit t stibitialited lt1 the ritited 'tate, Delmer:lent <if Agriculture, were tl.e tetints at the .atroe. ity, act:ceding to the ennouncerneut, . Mr. Aaronsehn is now in Vteeshing. ton. The retreat of Turhe tltroneei tenitiee ilrev-e 1S.000 surviee ere etrthwerd. where thee are in israi o.:d. The eommittee line un- eleetalien to fittnieh tt ininlinute of take:al re.onthly fer their eelief. P ate stated. Redd -NOW thee' want to eenenetate- deer MY Itlthlttolitle for wet Greesto aeAren,'t eau willirts?" "Yes, but 1 ealae.'f, gat It to- go."---Yernkers !Stett mn,er- , prebably ina month or twe along tir.eeon, Ferpg. C. eine•Oeite ,seeate with the more •eceeepare reltetan t :7. V..:Pa a Field eat higher wagee for an erep::•Vees, hie:mi- t, lose itilc,4,an tee . r te tasar- 11 e. BLEF1GYMAN HONORED, tleneral's advitiere will suggest next Board cf Maiittgers be appointed ete idt,burth thelee •-• S. Antireere threse eut general Ivaco mattere, for elnivcreitv 1:11; awarded the first hie filial censideration. A sharp re- prete of R.10u to the Rea. Samuel ale - auction cf hig'a satogice now raid !elute of Sveltielln, In tee Met corn, raliread presidente May holt) 'et n 4, 1.:1 1 rest estehielted last small way to Peovlile fends for weer, ytt:r fur eselys en "Prayara- Inerchees. . c •titeeee se, vesee t the 0111,1t:Ixr.,..1) To .=,.f18.ii10,001. tsseys nay Itaguage. If Cengreee Pr:et:dent Vail. • 1'711 11110 guarantee et' ten peerage pre -,t eon'a •reconimtuala caaeeetene te, 7:!„%r,t14'1.,,.'1‘srifit:e1110,1‘377,su; earninas, It will obligate 1 re (40,41;11. • (1" 14' rn eat to tit() ext.hit t of f'91SA2te.s.t.,. Le.I1011 LOYAL. sr'.;1-!ef:;::-;i;::;:;j1.:''.?t1:a.i 18..e1:4:,`: .t 21111;:...1e1;. ite-tracl)Tui b(1 tiMi c" : aB;t(reneetttt oeff dIll:1;.etto•anti.mhiniceos.1.1.t.isnhlole;, IWaii.r4.:s,rtautinean.a of Leber teelay ;111Ortgly a resoleneerating 'imonte fOr the Year entline !Let 1frrli 1, the 10.'1' itiflli s..et Juno the for 101e, " rt by Pr.:nil:if • )!Iyifir, the $1,005,102,704, and for :017. 81 054,100,- eerpre--4 .•)! l'io rf..volutf:An?. 700. lee seers vhdlially the e Igoe oed de. ;healer the bill which offie:Ple have ti. :'i 1:''1i 'i ee see viands strewn fur pfc.3031tatittli to COIllgreatt, expreeeel le shot - if would he pre...idea that earnings terer lase easier:Olen wee * • exeeeding tide intivin WOula reVO"t SO etrnescil te eialley ll it efforts la Pee CO. 3111111tillt, e'c't2i j In.1rti, tit - Terenee ft eir.teletel ‘11, lta epefrel feel for raileene retie a alter eiihes statattient hytnreeeniellee. Ditaidontl, nterreenin ; teee cf et. e ratItt tie rUbt1et t, repere7.,".,leri ssi "-eeee, ef the tateretttee' 0011.4. ;ass-111rd to pent /loads would mike their :owe 1 Zpt. girt Trf,r. . • • estwomearrii."444404444644". FORskl, GAINNG t PGIIV' I: MEM ASTRIPT\ J •••••••••••••0.1.0...... ERMAN HAIDER • .0410•••• 1.0. • 0.4,1,1••• *Trotsky, to Discredit Allies, Alleges U, S. Plot foi -Ralectines . • COPS1 Unloads Huge Cargo of Heavy Cases at Ports. anerny Plot Nipped and Leaders Arrested. 13iten03 Ayres Desgateh-Despiteclice received here from Florianapolle, on the coast of Sodth Ilrazll, say. that a large number of German consafiretore (rave been arrested renewing( se diss °every of a plot to overthrow the local authorities. All the Germans were armed. They had beenoneeting at various times under the pretext that they were members of a German aociety. • Bra•zillan papers received her to- day are filled with accounts of the movements of a German corsair off the Brazilian coast a low week e ago. The newspapers assert that tho mys- • tenons vessel was identified as a Ger- man, and that it unloaded an im- mense cargo of heavy cities at Cer- quire and Armacao. Several dap; later tho steamship returned to Ar- inacao with additional cargo, which the neespaper accounts say' it is be- lieved she received from a larger ship out of sight of land. From Armacao the vessel proceeded to Colour°, where another portion ot the cargo was unloaded. These ports are not guarded, and it . ass,erted that the cargoes landed were mysteriously smuggled away. Later' the Gorman geesel was sighted close to shore at San Pedro De Al - dere, where two persons aro now un- der arrest as a result of their rola- tams With the crew. They are charged with being spies. The newspapers Say the steamer dieappeared as mysteriously as she canto, and that Brazilians believe she braosioiget supplies for a eubmarine o WEST PROTESTS. 1•101.1.0 ••••••••.• 00. ...I Leaden Ceble-a-Ukrainian Wee: eeeording at a report reeoiled trim eetroerea tone the t.Tkraln.au -aid 44'w:1rued by Wither, ha.e oeets tactInc headmtarters of the fourta 444111 Vitt eieventh grailee on tut neturtaeaval end moothweetern front. 144055 \veto toaisted ace Cements., ase a gee:tate ot atm:* stud rifts° we awed. 'elle Ultra:luau eeee °couple. ere station at lieettof, and distigme „ne guards, A telegram reeet.ca :a Fet.ogre from Tomsk reports f1gLt:ti rn irS t.ait. Sibarei, teeseackv awl minter adote bave engaged the garrlson Vier Zor two days wan alternating euetrig "RADS" ALLIeLvE U. 3, rLoT.. Loudon .0able Says -The Bolshevik! t4110)0.1"./. 5 411. L. • •••.1. 1.,• ,..utla 01 au aeenect American plot tv eupport Uen, etaiedinee, itecoidiug 1. eetrograd deepatch to tho Moreton soet eeted Tuesday, So far an Are .ansatior leranele is coneernea, tie at:meat:1h atlas, tee whole riaittflou merge talla to the ground before tht ra:gutforward etatement lesued b1 int on Tueaday. Col, Koupashnikot aever applied to the 'Arabaseador fo any fund for any purpoee, althougi Sully empowered to draw as needed or. Red Cron account, he being con aceted with the American Red Owes. Leon Teotskyea charges egaineteleo: pashnikoff and American representa three in Petrograd, the correspenlee gelds, aluctint to a series or euppoei icns, ensupported by evidence of an kind. Trotsky's oejeet is to (neared! the Entsnte Allied 0075-nmentr through their representatives. and th methods he has adopted are ca:eulate inteneify the heetility cf the Ru Man proletariat toward the Alliee which German agents also have foe tered. 3RITAIN LIBERATES TWO RISS SIANS. London Cable -The British Em •Ja!)ey at Porrograd nas announce accrding to a Petrograd despatch t the Time., the Ithera.tien of. Tehi ab.eria and Petr'. two Rues:ails wh eavo been under arrert bit hnienue• snd they will be permitted it rent: - to Rteela. - ay, 1, Will Appeal Against in- BRiTONS creased Rates. In -at alp (i LOLU I r S wfuneeeg, itapott.-In appeal, dieciA to the Dominion Cabinet against the do- • q:•:1) ef the Dominion Itailway Com- 1 1.1115:11011, granting increases in the frolapt and pas:Fenger rotes, will ne taken 07 the Winnipeg Boord of Trade, Secretary A. M. Boyle announced to -day. If the tie -1181°n n) allowed to stand the pubile wilt be compelled to pay tram esereeecceto 4:40,000,00 per annum more to the tailroads, Mr. Doyle declared. In a fermei utatement issuer( to the preen. the Board of TraJo stator.; that •ttorWelir. Ilcl aon protestaho r 1'1124e:111;411 Thganid)reklmoiner. a. A. Calder last /waning as coon as it received newt:vapor reports that the 001R. 1\11•1"ysi2ntlellnaaanaciee.eided to grant the rail- 'ree Manitoba Pres Press, in its lead- ing editorial this morning says: "The finding of the Railway Com- mission In favor of an increase of freight and paseenger rrtos over all the Can- adian railways to the extent of IS per cant, is nt the end of this question, )•vhich has been for some time a sub- ject (le controversy. The new Govern - merit will find li•self a court g,r rovieW, to which this decision will boNIDDealed• It le inevitable that the newly-elooted Parliament will have something to say about this also . . . There is a. strong end growing 01111011 in Canada that what 1.15 rutted States has fount' it noses- fiary to do with respect to the railways alter eight months el tY21' te long over - tile in Venetia, which is now in its Worth year of the war " At a meeting of the Shippers' sec' on of the Regina. 13oard of Trade this itornoon titian the inereass in freght rates WRS under discussion, it was de- cided to wire the 'Winnipeg. Board of Trade suggestirtg. that pressure be brrught to bear on the Dominion Gov - eminent to take ,over the railways as has hetn done in the United States, sil 7,„"' e.".• •Zt$ fee, - 4 London Cable seys-The hisatis to ehipping show a material de - elates() for the past week. Aeteerding to the Admirelty report tee-nine:a eleven tritish merehargineu of IMO tons or over were aunk dur- ing thte period by inine or Subinarine, ee well as one merchantman uuder that tonnage and one nehine veasel. Twelee merchantmen were unsne- eesefully attaelted by' 3111)Marillea dur- ing elm eame period. Seventeen veg. seis e ere sunk the week previous. HAIG'S GREETINGS% Those in U. S. May Be Sen Jews in London Are Not Exempt. ....*•••••*1111...•••••••..0/1 Nev York Despatch -Plane for tin conscriptloa of 13ritish teabjeets In tea United State; were descrioed here to day by Sir .e redone:1c entitle Attornele oeuerai of treat elneatn, wito arrive.. la tins country ye:Re:day on a missies.. LO lay tee matter eetore the tiovera etant at tv aaterigten, nave iir:tizih su jcts ut t310.... 4 114111.11e4I L..0/1' CU 1.1.1.IY 01 Lillian% unic,i• ilaie aircau f ferez, ,olualierny lave ueea Maue wilil v.. teal** ale et' oar atnea," Ste f rederhe cam, -and etc 1140 to maks s.mlia .4,ratigemouts Dow tor semerica." After three anis of the war, ht eatd, it was found there were thou eaatis of Rueeran Jews in London whn. nad not jiiinad the ienglisti forces an weule r,ol, return to etuseta became thee said they iemed political paraecti don twee. Tey were given the opt.oe hut ea.d, of going back or Seining tn. Britigh forces, ancl were foteed te (lc one or the other deepite the agitation. they etarted. hla fact, the Eritieh Gevernmen ead 110 chong, for rublie opinie r.baoluteiy refit:sad to ellow the fore tee withdrawal of Eng:tali:nen f -or bus:neets while sliene at tare age, in tee 'timely phreae. thee: jebse " Etir Frederick tionl, Russ TO STTT PITIHENTE'S AMir Nothing More Likely to Pro duce German Revolt, ' Mitain Proud to Look For- !Bays Arnold Bennett in Lon v-ard to U, B. Aid don News. i5peeitti Ca bIti.-1? [chi Mar:Alan Pieta, aaeceateg 10 the offitdal rneut. se; 1 Chrigniee me:tsitagets to the rariotts, .commondors. The follow. tog i110111.1010 Went tt (1111e.2.01. Peesbuttr, oAcrimander of the Anli;r1can tkperiltion- ;try forees: "non: all,roaVas of the British aviniets in 1"iC'tt0 1 tiellkl our 111)4t %viatica for and the New Year to ottr OOM- titries of the American liglicklitionary ‘Vo are proud to tettec nett the New 'Year wilt see Americans toul Brit- ish i 11uLlat Iti Vitint:ti for the defence of " SPRUCE SIMPLY r011 P .41eES. Teerorteenn 1118 return teem Prin.to rttli ert morning Itort. t). Pamlico, Ittoostor of Litridp, statod that private chi-twill:Aug rorlde ;teriiiite t.tIn tits. aizittetr; f (Item 4,4,1);1110'.: 0111' sem.- a :nealth win etv; protaised 0 111 lae0.1 0z1 1101 111a1 it ft11• .d0:3p084 1 111011g 111 • t,,Itb1,i Chan 11.1 114101• Ct111 ecti.•( are whim; tentntive plvic 111(1 1P eertah, 1., mete -ranee !met es coon os the tn;ineertt now nlaltitut bratttleel iwcetcliaatiom tatecced it: 1tijlii ll 1 11011. .C11i WM-V. PrREIGI-IT TRAIN fetleAlLette rseee.:eeee Iteeere • -4 be 0 railtutmt of eri toot 1' 1t etrs, er bale 110,- 1 fit At; this t4,..)thiitt „e tee k tIanwey ler rover -al herria 1.1"*Int4 • 1,* It ep on hera vartget, b :ea pit- 3 revol t I *edit Ptak* Thio delay, hage Airitiviettree assit ‘144144 .1 ••••••••.+A. A Landau Cable says ---- Arnold . Bennett appealing in the -Daily News .for it clear statement or the war alms • of Great Britain and her alilee, says 1 there aro three reasons why theY should ho officially and piainly • gtattte.(Tihat the light of the world mat; dwell upon them, and so educate tieelf es 10 the beet means of carrying tecni I oUt. 2 -That the great lease Of the P•t t - lista telblic may be convinced tisk their ' rulers are not sending Men into 'I e field far imperialistic each; of eeetzeio dizement and doutinion, and 8 --To ?how the Gentian pubis, teat the ter alue of .the Allier:: two in. eplred eerie* be principles of ore:mete' Lcreety gel justIce, and that Ger- many hae nothing to fear front thar realization. Bennett sere that it cannot be toe often repeated that whet the Allies... 4 are lillghtinee ter is a revolution itt Ger- , teeny, and tbey ettglit to r.meleet li means 1.0 thie end. dN5tiA othiteitii,Ildte tatea, oecept .tremenvIr tory le n3 liltele product a split l•e• twacn the rttet1 tLo rules* !a „ler - teary tio a p"ain ntreleht,-)re-aril, eel vett etazia iles. Allies at the r ate tateie Crtsg at eel teeslme7t1-sae. 4*4 e7c1:81ettS-•-•11r• beir r,f etterntrat ENEMY LOSS ON FRENCH FRONT Nxceeded 1,000,000 During; the Year 1917, Jver 1,400 Guns and 70,000 Prisoners. French Front, Dec. 23,-Qae caeualtlea have been suffered by the aerman aratien aleng the frog 00• cupied by the French troope Curing .917, accordlug to genetics caretully sompiled here, French territory amounting to many hunareas of equarc Innes has been treed from .erman domination by the, year'a .ghting, and the tierman dlrein - mice Frederick has been compelled o suffer the mortification of leaviag aetween C0,000 and 70,000 prisonere ..rom among his best troops in Frenoa .ands. His cannon to the number et 1,400 have been captured, and, lu adcli- Jon, thousands of machine gans and aundrecis of trench Meiners, Although the defeated Germane did -heir utmost before withdrawing to arh the fertile fields and picturettque) Magee of the Somme and Aisne -egions in a 'desert waste, these, Acts of vandalism did them more mum than it did the French, whose aolaiers were etirred thereby to an wen stronger determinatio•n than be- er° to beat back the German in - Three dominant events on the front, af the French armies Me Prance have marked the year and eaea terminated in a brilliant victory for Freath ermies. First came tha enforced re- treat ift March o the German forces from the greater part of the depart. meats of the Somme, Oise and the , ante, brought about by combined masbing blows delivered by tha !tench and British during the battle .f the Somme in the fall of 1916. Then followed the French °fict- ive on the Aisne and in Charapague, ehose conclualon came only at the eel of seven month; n! almost con- tnuous fighting with the capture rem the Crowu Prince's anniee of Ito key of the Hindenburg position ennocl by the Fort of 3dalmaison azd neir reluctant retirement from the amoue Chernin-dos-Damee. Thin left n the French hands all the good Ibservatories useful for future opera- tions. In the meantime the French had ought and won the eulminating bat - le for the literation of Verdun ia• he course of which the French roops regained nearly every inch of he ground around tho fortress which c had cot the Crogn Prince 500.000 men to capture in 1910. Aviation played a leading part in eel operations in the course of the ear. No Matter wheat weather pre- ened, the airmen • ere out observe ng, recennoitrIng, .fighting off Ger- elan airmen, accompanying' tate at- acking invader, bombarding the aralmunicanone and depots of the elemy or making raids on German tonne. The latter, although thee rffected only such towns as ware esed es military centres, were Made y way of reprisal for. German att. ittacks on French cities in the east tad north, where numbers of Fretted( tivillans had fallen victims to GeV uan bombs. Ii aerial combats the French aria nom undoubtedly proved themselves • nesters of their German adversaries. .3y the end of 'October, the last .eore- ilete return available French vials:ire •atl destroyed In ten months 517 Gee - nen aeroplanes, whose fate it yeas pos- Me to confirm with certainty. Be- atles these they had brought downete- ther 513, the absolute destruction of nice could not be continued, but hhich had been seen to fail out of con- roi with a great poselbility of a rattel • raeh. • '1 hese figures, totalling 1,030, mato tri excellent recora. and to them uust be added a.1: German captive ,ailoons. The American aviators of ,tho • ayette eaquadrilla, who have now .een incorporated .11 the American trmy, played a very creditable part gith their French comrades 18 the ontlicts in the air, Several of them cat their lives in 1917, as did three If tho best-known French airnaea., :uynemer, Carom and Lenten Bealdes the hombstelmeni .arench open towns, German airmea u seteral cccasionn bombed French field hospitals at Dugny, Veda:ate- xurt, CLateati Petit Monthairen am) Oe'..rupt. SUGAR EASIER, • 4estrictions Largely Remov ed in New York, New Yore, Lee. 28. -So greater .lan the cicse appraach leeW menet aelieeed the sugar eltuation that, rte.% :niers' and 7uanutac1.rtors were att. • ther.zed to day to 3:.:OW cenfeetionh tars Etna makers of ton -essential pr. ince; 1.0 nor cent. of -their require, merits. The Instructions, iseued here lay the United State rOoti Adnlinie» tratre n, rescindthe order ieetied le October limiting the tandy time tea' 50 per cont. of their needs "It la hoped that as scar as der. nite probable out -turn Of new ere!) a.:1 lhliltat!ohri:11171ail labechtere:r:dvaads..1,0 ttlthee notice safe. * nietOrie Haltipeen .gotteiS, le no .eireitory 01 like extent in nee ere kei 11:41.08 IM.TO filAtorleal • g-Viereit Ulan iti t:.ai Wilma boat „tee g.eingtoa .teue...o. :not wee Weer- od tee nrst haignen coiony en Americus!. _ere 1,14 1411'.14 101 fleet agitating cf t aep.O r repree..niett,es; to make „Lee: .aw.; V.t.. a Jet: f.rat earat,eoei..ete 1..t.41:1411,114, secalt ng new 1. erl-; esee et.. fought • tette teltle that ze 1,1natet A.Met• war,Gf eteepenrienca am; the naval battle feet reeoltitiontett the warfare cf the t't14. The firer ferafieeienses vieere 3rOnire• TrYte ntande flint 3 ee9 art), in le - I. 1:"..nee .teat time, ve1 !tort tete- 5, ree"e hes teem tote a a 1'tentitttele.,1 ete tltt.entralit-0 1'hereae0 National fieCgrarshie Nettaere . 454, • "Wee. I1 't 100 eut ,.? trt. • e• 1% 1' IC: " • "':." rt"e, 1 e•r" •.141+ 1 wcittii •tor,lree,11;01 • Teats ) r „ etieeh