The Wingham Advance, 1918-01-03, Page 1Situate Us.plea
nrtti! Cefik
Subscriptions: $1.50 per year..
Attend the Mass PrayerMeeting . Wingham,Sunday , clergyChoirs.
Prayern the 'Town Hall,on afternoon, January 6th. at 3.x•5 p. m. Local cler • and anion s.
To the Electors of Wingham
Ladies andGentlemen:
I have been requested by a large .nkun- agree on some •measure, before them,
er of ratepayers to seek election as May- Having the sane measure of free speech
for 1918, and have decided to r7ffer nTY-. and voting power as any of his fellow
as a candidate. Your votes and its- members, he could not play the game but
pence to secure my election will be' ap- twice resigned in a huff because he could
• predated. not have his own individual way as
1 do not believe in the personal canvas opposed to that of the majority of his
and leave t:,e matter in the bands of the • fellow members,
electors I In conclusion allow me to say that I am
With best -wishes for our good Town of not appealing for your franchise as the
Wingham and her people, I am candidate of any clique or faction, but
Yours faithfully,
This is my record. Let us turn to that
of my oppo,ition. ills has served twice
as member of your council and each time
has resigned before his term had expired
because he and his colleagues could not
Wingham Jany 2nd, 1917
To the Electors of Wingham
simply mussy past record which I claim
should either culminate in the Mayor's
chair or end my career as] your repre-
ripping you can see your way clear to
give me your support on Monday next
As you have known for sometime I am
and wishing you all a Happy New Year.
a candidate for the tnayorality of Wing- L. F. BINELEY
ham, for 1918, that I, opposed by Mr.
Simon Mitchell, had intended standing T'br
this position for the year 1917. but on re-
quest of Mayor McKibbon retired in his
favour to give hire his second term with-
out opposition . I have on good author-
ity that'Mr, Mitchell has presented his
qualifications for the position to 'a great
number (if not the majority,) of the
electors but that he has now declined to
qualify and has switched his canvass in
favour of a new eleventh hour applicant
for the honour; Mr Blake Elliott hav-
ing entered the field in opposition to me,
t Altkough he has never until now had the
loourage to take that stand.
.or the past three and one half years I
• havb served you in the Wingham Council
and have been chairman of the Electric
Light and Waterworks Committees for
that full term. As for my general work
in your council, I have taken a stand,
which in my opinion was in the best in-
terest of the Town of Wingham, on posi-
tively every question which has arisen,
and my record is before you also as Chair-
man of these two Committees. Since
taking the Chairmanship of the Electric
Light Committee I draw your attention
to the fact that you have never during
this time had your light in general go out
of business at any time, that you are re-
ceiving a cheaper rate for both light and
power than any of the surrounding muni-
cipalities, even including those supplied by
Hydro Electric, and also a more uninter-
upted service; and in addition we have
this year paid all our debts, paid all our
debenture coupons and shown a surplus
for the department of $1200.00 or over,
•despite the fact that fuel and other ex-
penses have almost doubled during my
term of office Regarding the Water Works
we have supplied you during every day
nd night of the past year with water
hat is nowhere surpassed for purity and
andyet the ire a
t nt service
ons ap
has a surplus of over $3,000.00, showing
that there -is no reason why 1918 should
' not see a substantial reduction in your
water rates'
Vo le for
The Great Watch Doctor
For Councillor for 1918
- To the Electors
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Your vote and influence is respectfully
solicited to elect ins as Councillor for 1918
Wishing you the compliments of the sea-
son I am
.'.:lto es
•• cAIVAtSAs`k'AvoRr7 bi{l1G STOP -RS. ^
My Friends and Cutomera ,)
I thank you for you for your pat- 141.
ronage during 1917 and sincerely
wish you a 1918 free from sorrow,
Yours very truly,
Your vote and influence is
respectfully solicited to elect
as Councillor for 1918
To the Electors
Ladies and Gentlemen:
At the request of a number of ratepay-
ers I have decided to be a candidate for
the council for 1918. As I do not purpose
making a personal canvas, I will appreci-
ate your vote and influence to elect me
Energetic, progressive and efficient ad-
ministration of the town's affairs will be
my aim if elected.
Thanking you and wishing everyone the
compliments of the season• I am
Yours sincerely,
LL ese.
Pers onais
Miss Viola Cook of Clinton, is visiting
friends in town,
Mr. T. L Jobb of Detroit, is visiting
at his home here.
Mr. Caldwell Brock
home over New Year's.
Miss Elsie Gillespie of Toronto, spent a
few days in town this week.
Miss Belle Howe of Lucknow, spent a
few days in town'last week,
Gunner Frank McLean spent New
Year's at his home in town.
Dr. it' A. Parker has returned from a
five weeks' visit in Kentucky.
Mr Gordon Ransom of Stratford, spent
New Year's with friends here.
Mr. Maines of Toronto, visited at the
home of Mr Thos. Fields this week.
Mr. and Mrs. R. S McGee made a
flying visit to Belgrave on New Year's.
Mr. Austin Anderson of Mitchell, re-
newed acquaintances in town this weep
Miss Anna Cameron of Detroit, spent
a few days at Jas Stapleton's, Turnberry.
Miss Margaret Drummond is visiting
over New Year's with relatives in 'foron-
of Guelph, was
For Councillor 1918
I will not make a personal canvas. If
you elect me I will do my very best in. the
interests of Wingham.
Miss Lois Holmes of Clinton, spent New
Year's with Miss Sidney Holmes of this
Mr .Jas Baird of Kitchener. spent the
New Year renewing acquaintances in
Mr. and Mrs. Robt McIntosh of Bluch-
er, Sask., are renewing acquaintances in
town. They will spend the winter here,
Mr. Nelson Rush of Hamilton, visited
at the home of Mr Thos. Fields this
Miss Erlma Chandler, Wingham, is vis-
iting with her sister, Mrs. Harvey Neir-
Mr. and Ivirs. Morehead and little son of
Listowel, spent a few days with friends in
Mr Patrick Holmes of Oshawa, spent
Christmas and New Year's at his parental
home here.
Mrs Towle of Stratford spent the New
Year Holiday at the hone of Mr. Day
Patrick St
Mr. and Mrs. F. A Beattie of Toronto'
spent the holidays with Mr and Mrs
Jas. Stapleton of Turnberry.
Mr. and Mrs. H C. Owens of Welwyn,
r# -o
To the Elector:,
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having decided not to stand for the
ei Mayoralty I colicit your vote and influ-
3. Walton ✓{'LcX166oa
n u
elldli,:i:''I,..b tiiiaeieu+Oli'--'... aitaada .41
ence to elect me as councillor for 1918.
Wishing you all a Happy New Year, I ani
Yours sincerely,
Siemer Mrrc nsLI,
To the Electors.
Ladies and Gentlemen:
Having decided to stand for the Council
for 1918. I hereby respectfully solicit
your vote and influence to elect me
Wishing you all the compliments of the
season, I am
Yours very truly,
AUCTION SALE—Pigs, 2 sows, •113 chunks.
n At the National Hotel stables, Whighatn.
on Thursday afteroneooan, Janul' 3 rr ,,t . To the Electors of Morris
J1. It. BEHNI;TT, Auot. Ladies and Gentlemen,•—
0ELERY--At the Market Grocery 25 cents
per dozen, dellveredR30gi
c GttnrraDr
IOMFORTAI3LE—S1X roomed house for sale.
Price $050.00•
OW FOR 8A1.E—Young cow duo to calf on
Jany. 1.4
J. OiicGRi
aorwin banr
011 filALI0-1 cylinder pulpors,1 naso Harrow
and fere carriage, two 21 walking plows
two twin plows, one sot 4 section Iron harrows,
one 6110 lb. Cream Separator. one Bain Walton
complete all new at old prices also 1 21 foot
ladder and 1 washing machine half price,
We sell repairs, and overhaul cream separ.
ators, annexes.
rtivsu QUALO SALMON—ForA. sale.
VOR SALE --Good praetiee piano for sale
P cheap. Good reasons for selling, Apply
T.MA ri
Jt1Nlt I'J:IILAIt—hair;`- has
moved to .own from Toronto and will pay
sash for all hinds of Tubb re rags, horsehair.
iron, wool ceriekens old hens, etc.. at his 1111t+
donee on tiie gavel near the 13 lino. Phone 21
600 1`Tr. wvord,.man ie a Itnrurlan.
la It, Beeman.
A special meeting of the shareholders of the
Mamas cheese 'and lino er Co. will be held
held in
Jan..1 Foresters', 18. at 2 o'cioeicg p m. far
the purpose of eons+dering the nn s•.ion of the
dis.osal of the property ofr
fthe eonmeasy.
73 S. PAM. Secretary
re a
Your vote and influence is respectfully
solicitci to elect me as councillor for 1918.
Wishing you a Happy New Year.
I am, Yours very truly,
W. J. Henderson
Mr and Mrs, Richard Porter Celebrate
Coming Event
Few of us are spared to celebrate our
Diamond Wedding, but our good friends,
Mr. and Airs Richard Porter, had that
pleasure on Christmas day. Although
the wedding anniversary is April 14th,
this joyful event was celebrated on Christ-
mas day, at the home of Mr. Jas Porter,
on the o.d homestead because that the
family were all together on that date and
could not be together on April 14th.
Continuously for about forty years Mr.
and Mrs Por ter were among Turnberey's
most respected people, and since retiring
they moved to Wingham to spend the
evening of their lives. The family were
all present, viz. Mrs Harvey, Mr, and
v1rs. Richard Porter and Master Richard
of Detroit, Miss N Porter, Toronto Mrs.
J. Y. Brown, Brantford; Mrs. J. W.
Pattison, Port Elgin; Alersrs James and
John of Turnberry, also a grandson, Mr.
John Earl Porter of Detroit,
The esteemed couple were the recipients
of many valuable presents and here's
hoping they may long be spared to each
A Stiff Fight For Reeve and Mayor
Other Nominations
*Simon Mitchell, manufacturer b y
Arthur Angus and John Glenn.
H. B. Elliott, publisher, by Dr. Red-
mond and F. J Hill,
L I''• Binkley, manager Bell Telephone,
by A E. Fothergill and Amos Tipling.
Wm. Isbister,. gentlemen, by Wm. J
Boyce and John Anderson
Amos Tipling, Manufacturer, by Geo.
Spotton and Arthur Angus.
J. W McKibbon, Druggist, by D. E.
McDonald and Dr. Redmond.
Wm G. Patterson, Jeweller, - by Wm.
Isbister and T R. Bennett.
R. A. Currie, furniture dealer and
undertaker, by L F. Binkley and Geo.
Will Arrive On Saturday, Jan. 5th
for Last Timo
Official notice has been received Isere
that on and after January Oth, 1918,
the noon G, T. R. train from Lon-
don and the afternoon train from Wing -
ham to London will be cancelled. This
will be a great disadvantage, not only to
Wingham but to all the towas between
here and London as well as everyone
travelling on this road People who have
subscribed to evening London papers will
be able to receive their papers as soon as
those taking the morning editioru,
Seventeen Year Old Turnberry Boy
Mr. Elmer Hastings received the sad
neWs that his brother, Alvin, had died
of wounds. He was only 17 years of age
and enlisted in New Ontario•° The fami-
ly had not heard of his being wounded,
which makes the shock all the more
*Amos Tipling, manufacturer, by W. F
VanStone and A IIaines
W Il. Gurney, Glove manufacturer, by
J W. McKibbon and F. Buchanan.
Arthur Angus, mechanic, by J. W. Mc -
Ribbon and S ATitcteell.
F. J. Hill, dealer, by J. W. McKibben'
Card of Thanks
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Jordan and fami-
ly wwisle to publicly thank their friends for
kindness and sympathy shown them dur-
ing their recent bereavement.
On Wednesday evening of this Week
the Angel of Death called one of our most
respected residents in the person of T. C.
Graham. He had been ailing for the past
couple of months. Deceased was born in
London, England over seventy three years
ago and lived in Wingham upwards of
thirty -years He taught school for a
number of years before starting his green-
Deceased was a devoted member of the
Methodist Church and is survived by one
son and three daughters who have the
sympathy of a large circle of friends ir.
their bereavement.
Deepest sympathy is extended to Mr.
and Mrs. John Rogers, whose daughter,
Ella, died on Saturday, at the family resi-
dence, Sinner St. Wingham. Deceased
young lady was of a bright cheerful dis-
Sask , are spending a couple of months and Dr. Redmond. position and was beloved by all who
with relatives in this vicinity. S. Mitchell, manager, by • W. J. Greer knew her and was only 19 years of age.
Miss Mildred Green of Southampton, and F. Buchanan. Until recently he was a clerk iu Mr. E.
Smith t , editor by L. F. Binkley . C Pond's restaurant.
To the Electors of the Town of Wings
Ladies and Gentlemen:
I solicit your vote and influence to re-
elect Inc Reeve for 1918, Give me the
customary time as given to others.
Economy and Efficiency is my motto.
n !n (
A C .-r it t c. tto ,
spent the New is ear holiday at tete home Y
'Loral Items
Public School reopens on Tina:Sday,
January 3rd.
M. G. Cameron, K C., Goderich, was
married in Montreal on Monday, Dec,
A M. Knox is leaving a thirty days'
clearing sale Watch for his advertise-
ment next week,
We are sorry to report that Miss M F
Reynolds fell on the ice on Saturday and
was unfortunate iii breaking her wrist.
Rernernber the great Auction Sale at
the Victory Sale Store on Saturday next,
Jan'y kith. Afternoon and evening.
Store opens at 1. o'clock sharp. Read
advt on page 8.
Tlie annual meeting of the Turnberry
Red Cross Society to be held in Eadie's
church on 25th ult , has been postponed
until Friday, Jan. l etre Officers for the
coming year will b" sminted and other
business transacted, alter which tea will
be served by Mrs. Wallace and Mrs.
of Mr and Mrs W II Willis and Amos Tipling. The funeral was held on Monday after -
Tne Birth of a Nation which plays a
return engagement in the Town Hall,
Wingham, on Wednesdayevening, Janu-
ary 16th comes to Wingham direct from
Massey Ilall, Toronto where they were
received by packed houses for the past
two weeks. This is positively their last
Canadian tour, Read their advt. on page
4 of this paper.
The services in Wingham Methodist 1
Church next Sunday, Jan lith, will be as
follows: 11 a. in., Subject, "The Profit
of Prayer". 2.30 p rn , Sunday School -
7 p. m , Subject, "The Church after the
War" All are cordially invited to worship
in response to the -King's Call to Prayer
and Thanksgiving. The Pastor will give
a five-minute talk on "Our New Army"
before the evening sermon.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Boswell of IIamil_ George Spottuie, principal, by Jolru noun to the Wingham cemetery and was
Will be held in Wingham Town Hall,
Sundny Afternoon
A special meeting of the town council
was Meld on Monday evening to consider
a request from His Majesty King George.
The following motion dealt with proclam-
ation: "That the proclamation of the
King for a week's prayer be ended in
WingItam by a mass prayer meeting in
the town hall on Sunday afternoon, Jany
nth, 1018 in which all the clergy of the
town and the various choirs be invited to
take part.—Carried.
Before .the council adjourned they
voted $25 to Miss M Fluety as a token
of their appreciation of her excellent ser-
vices rendered to the town in her duties
in tlic Clerk's office.
Broken Collar Bone
The many friends of Dr. Chisholm, ex -
M. P. P. will regret to learn that he is
suffering from a broken collar bone, re-
sults of falling on the ice near his home in
'The Wingham Creamery
The new Wingham Creamery is now
uA 1 `rungs
order. Theyare receiving
a nice lot of cream daily and indications
are that they will have a busy season
Their large churn holds 1200 lbs of butte
Call and get a can. L. S. Benninger,
Union Everywhere
The C. 0 F and I. 0. 0. 13. will hold
a union euchre party in the latter's hall
on Wednesday evening, January Oth, All
members invited. Everything is Unio
now and wliy not Union Government'
Union Prayer meeting, Union Lodges an d
someone said Church Union.
The Society desires to acknowledge
with thanks the following donations, Miss
Burchill, 1 pr. socks; Belguim Children's
Relief $12 00, collected by the children
of the Wingham Public School; proceeds
of tea held at the horse of Mrs. Robert
McKague 81.50. Finished work, 11 pairs
pyjamas, 13 shirts and 19 pairs socks.
Next tea will be held on January 16th,
at the home of Rte. D. Iiolmes. Mr.
Holmes has kiudly offered to send a
conveyance for any who may wish to at-
tend from town.
Remember the regular meeting in the
Council Chamber on Friday, J an. 4th, a
3.30 p.m All interested in patriotic work
will be very wvelcome.
I.,...I 1, 4.,.lI'1
• C ANA{:)/5.5. fAVCJr41'16 r)R J ,
Money in Poultry
Mrs. H. T. Perdue and Mrs. H. Deacon
of East Wawanosh, have betas doing their
bit to assist with the increased production
during the past season They each raise d
a considerable amount of poultry and
when they sold their flock the former se-
cured $83 and the latter $79.50'
Pension From British Government
Flight Lieut Dick Lloyd who was a
member of the British Aviation Corps
and who has been severely wounded and
is staying at the home of his parents, Mr.
and Mrs. A E Lloyd, received a cheque
for 2504 ($1200 00) this week. This is
1 his first year's allowance as a wounded
aviator. Dick right royally deserves it.
I1 Broke his Leg
t ' Mr, 3, J. Cuuniugham, president of the
Western Foundry Co. Ltd , while walking
across the ice in the new Huron Skating
Rink on Sunday afternoon, fell and un -
Ritchie and Wm. Isbister. conducted by the Rev. Horace W. Snell, PRAISE FOR PRIVATES fortunately broke his hip bone. He is
ton, spent the holidays at the home of now in the Wingham General Hospital
their uncle, Mr, John Stephenson. • Thomas Fells, Drover, by L. F. Binkley rector of St Paul's church, and is doing as well as can be expected.
and Wm. McPherson His of Major Robert Weir will be
Mr• Thos McKew and Miss H. glad to know lie is improving and will be His genial face will be missed and his
*A. E. Fothergill, gentleman, by L. F. A , friends hope for his speedy recovery,
Wright of Kincardine, spent New Year's Binkley and Amos Tipling pleased to read these few line,; penned by
day with Mr. and Mrs D. Hamilton.
While splitting wood in the woodshed
at hes home in Corrie on New Year's
evening, Mr. Wm, Bennett one of the
most respected residents • passed away.
He was found shortly afterwards by Mrs,
Bennett. Deceased was in his 79th year,
and had retired to Corrie 17 years ago
from his farm in Grey Township. •
Besides his widow he is survived by one
sora and one daughter, Mrs. John Finley
of Howick and Mr. T. R. Bennett of
Deceased was a life long Conservative
and member of the Orange Order and was
never known to be sick a day in his life.
The funeral will be held on Thursday
afternoon to Currie cemetery,
To the Electors
Ladies and Gentlemen:
As I have deckled to offer myself as a
candidate for Reeveship for 1018. I solic-
it your vote and influence Yott all know
my past record as a Councillor and mem
ser of the Public School l3oard, If elect-
ed the administration of the town's affairs
both in towel and at the County Council
will receive my best attention.
Wishing you the compliments of the
season, I remain
Your; very truly,
, . Vote
H. Blake Elliott, publisher, by Win• him. Adopting gash- Business
Mr. and Mrs• Angus McKinnon en Isbister and George Spotton. Nov. 11th, 1017 Having completed thirty-eight years in
Lockwood, Sask , are spending the winter *W. A. Currie, machinist, by George Received letters from you and Jane
with the former's sister, Mrs. R. Knox. Spotton and W J. Greer, yesterday. Jane had just got my cable -
Mr. and Mrs. Runstedler are holidaying FOR SCHQOL TRUSTEES grave, I was very sorry to hear that
in Pittsburg and Eric-Pennsylania. Mrs. - WARD 1 father had such a bad cold but hope he
Runstedler's store will re -open on Jan. Wrn. Field butcher, by A. E. Lloyd keeps better now. I never felt better in
10th. and T. R Bennett—Acclamation• my life than Ido now They thought I
Mr. and Mrs. Grieves of Avonton, and WA>tn 2 - would not be able to use my left hand
Mr. Wm Rae and wife of St Pauls, spent Dudley Holmes, barrister, by V. again but it is going to be alright. s
VanNorman and Wm. Isbister —Acct. We went over the top at 0 a.m. and I
' WAItD 3 was hit at 4 p.m. we did what they dike'
*W. II. Rintoul, contractor, by T. us to do and my headquarters was only
Bennert and A E. Lloyd 100 yards from Passiondale, It was a
W D, Pringle, glove manufacturer, beautiful morn and the men were abso-
F. Buchanan anti 5 Bennett. Accl, lutely wonderful. They were so cheerful
WaitD 4 and it certainly was a rotten business.
L. Bisbee, bookkeeper, by S. Bennett The silly trash one reads in the papers; and
WILLI:wes J FatenY the childish titin
and A. 1:;. Lloyd --Acer. things so many.
When Town Clerk Groves announced Sympathy is `. ;tended to Mr. and 1\.Ir.s. men at home say and do does seem so
that the nomination:; were over and called II. S. Frisbsy of East SVawanustt in the childish in comparison to tate quiet yet
loss of their infant son William J who b 1'rbl 1 1 f tl ate
New Year's at the home of Alr. Donald
Mr. and Mrs, J. Young and Mr. and
Mrs. M. Peareri of Toronto, spent New
Year's at the home of Mr and Mrs. Thos.
Miss Nora Van Camp of Belgrave and
Miss Myrtle Shackleton of St Helen's, are
spending a few days at the loom e of Mrs.
Mr. and Niles. Harvey Neirgarth of Kit- fora chairman for the remainder of the
un a evie s a math loot o priv
ehener, spent the holidays with her par- evening Mr A. H. Musgrove, AI. P, p, died in Wingham 1iospilal on Wednesday soldier, It is the private soldier that rle-
ents, lvir and Mrs. Wm. Chandler, was voted to the chair. The chairman evening. serves ail the credit, I could talk about
Lieut Walter H. Burgess, whose home gave a brief outline of the work of the Please give my kindests thanks to the
t Bl 1 warded the Distin council during 1017 He was followed by ladies of Wingham who sent us comforts.
Wingham, first called on the retiring mayor, who them for hours but must not
Another of the old pioneers of Huron,
passed away when Mr James Gaunt died
at his home in Lower Wingham on Christ-
mas Day,
The late James Gaunt was born in
England in 1810, when but ten years of
age the family carne to Canada settling
first in West 'Wawanosh. The family
subsequently moved to con. 4, Kinloss,
where deceased lived for many years. A
few years ago Mr. Gaunt retired to Lower
Wingham. In 1873 deceased embarked
in the saw -milling business and for many
years conducted extensive lumbering oper-
Mr, Gaunt was for a''number of years a.
member of the municipal council of Kin-
loss filling, also, the office of Reeve, and
warden of the county of Bruce.
Deceased was twice married, his first
wife diet some years ago, and a few years
n(o lee was married to the now bereaved
widow, who is left to mourn the loss of a
true and faithful husband The children
are: Edward Gaunt, Thomas Gaunt,
both of Kinloss, and Mrs.,George McIn-
tosh, Culross:• . Mr. Gaunt was very kind
and obligling :,:ll..lree aneiosis, a
lea euva e, was aw
guished Service Order His many friend the candidates in the order of their nomi- They were very much appreciated and
liereextend congratulations• nation were distributed when and where most
Mrs Lockeridge and Mrs, Nellie Van- *'This mark ahead of a candidate's • needed. Everyone is proud of the Can-
Yare spending alst a of London,s endin g the holt' name explains that he has withdrawn adlan women and we despise as much the days with their parents,en who are making money out of jobs
Mr and Mrs. Al.AL IN TUItNl3ERItY they never would have had, had not
Vdnasneo er e 1 ty f the 1st line of Morris There 're will be no electron in Turnberry
Love to all.
better men left them,
Mr. Pere Hill, a former well known this year the last year's council going iii
Wingham boy who has been making his by acclamation. They are Reeve, T. K.
home in Saskatoon for the past ten years, Powell and Councillors , A. Wheeler, W.
is renewing acquaintances in town. J. Adair, Jas Moffatt and Jas. I Scott,
"Pop's" many friends are pleased to see IN EAST WAWANOSI I
him. " The last year,s council were elected by
acclamationin East Wawanosh viz
At the home of the brides' parents,
East Wawanosh, the marriage took place
of Ella Pearl. youngest daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. B H. Taylor to John J. Camp-
bell, son of Mr. and Mrs Campbell, East
Wawanosh. Because of the absence of
the groom's . brothers, Major Herbert
Campbell Austin Campbell,
who a
Reeve, J. N. Campbell.
Councillors, R.' Buchanan, R. G. Mc-
Gowan, R Irwin, W. J. Currie.
Nominations here resulted as foltowe:
Reeve. Dr W. J Milne, N A. Taylor, J.
Cutt, Guy Blackwell, Ilenry Homey;
Councillors. II. A. Thomas, Henry Horn-
cy,1) T), Crittenden, J. E 'Taman, R. II.
Robertson; trustc€s Dr Guest (elected
by acclamation for one yearn, George Me -
Taggart, John. Mains, George White,
ern. • T. •t 1 TTill "+hi c..
You have only to lopk at the
brands and the name of the man-
ufacturer to see that we carry the
very best in
Stock Foods and
for Stock and Poultry.
We recommend and guarantee
I `r International" Remedies
0 "Poultry Food Tonic"
1 50 cents and $1.50
I`'trill make hens lay.
We also carry in stock
;Dr. Hess' and Clark's
business in Wingham, I most heartily
thank my numerous customers for their
patronage during that time. During
these years we have done business on
both a cash and credit basis and find that
a strictly cash system must be adopted
on and after January 1st next. Deliver-
ing coal in such small quantities makes it
absolutely necessary that cash must ea -
company the order or payment made on
Our business iii lumber, shingles, wood,
etc will also be on a strictly cash basis.
Again thanking you and wishing you a
happy and Prosperous 1018.
burs sincerely,
J. A McLean,.
H 11tl:Ns.t s—Tn Teeswater, on Wedues
day, Dec 26th, 1917, Wm. Harkness,
aged 82 years and 10 months. The
funeral was held on Friday afternoon to
Wingham cemetery. '
Hower—In Wroxeter, on Thursday, Dec.
20t1i, George Howe, in his 68th year.
IRWIN--In Ilowvick, on Tuesday, Deo.
15th, 1917. Mary Terrill, relict of the
late • William Irwin, aged 78 years.
Funeral was held to Wroxeter cemetery
ren Friday, Dec. 28th.
tyl Royal Purple
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tt Remedies.
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