The Clinton New Era, 1887-09-09, Page 4I �, , X�ow sorp .: �, I— I I , 1 , . - . I.. �! Th,Q, seg -ft �Ajclo, W ourou" I I ... ­ , �, I "-;: -:_ .. -11.1-1 — — , ort*40. to -,glyo, 4. 0004 V, roav-4 wliyl IiIildh — . . . "oi - - kit ,.v 0; wo; coviniellice the ju,bllpok, . . � , , ,.� . , - .0, thollottel 490pprg Q't,whay.Quotmod, . . W , Into oeigh- *0 044, ooramglc�aiallr *4 . to ?14 bo�i iihould not, becomig, 9AQ,. p'p? - Ot-Qh-40NVUt.QryiP,Ut4iao,a"st6.433Q,W!', 04t tbir time; to, F�,,OPpPt,:O4V ,Oil oaP -9 . tb&V,�rO'46-ita't�4*4F,l�-A,�Obt)O�l'-Of t 6 I 11 q � -5^ ­ . . �h `oV;4a0b,4e7,4oQ'r61 i9oi ioip ----,-- - - --1 - - ICA y. -Qt*q . ­ ;?a ;1 . , Wgiv, 'L", tQ the, ana, Pf the 8904A,al'oteinSior, . WX . .�. , . � Whio. viook 0rougCouservAtiy_, Is Q ar ., 10y .41--con.44.1 , . ;;r um to, 4bandon. oiid tor j#bat they I . , . ilivit.q I "i ,.A . � _A= was, before him, called upon Ujo fat, 7r�L.," �*_- ,. ­_­ I ..... ______ ------ __ � - - , , — I �f- iijk A'MyrrUSM01ta, '140 tQ oetuzu. M,00. oluitoclim �4 the � q.4 � WCAA410-44'a intent of tilo Scot Act" it . , wip. on his return from a foxtr-wee4s' trip , — �- 1, , _ , . _ r � , lv�,-,- .1 ,�, steeit � __ - —, is OAActedthliot t4Q'Aqt,b; oiteo!lp,,;;�'�The , 1(" lin, I _ XCL.Qrchaxd� Beati0i, Boston, L :L ,.and, etc., -an excursion into, Unole , - izo,,*- ­11(48im -A 00, . , , vofils­�F,' ri�v#plx __ t,"Ap,d. 0 Ciiii0r, A Tompel6ollipts Ao 144 t .4 ,. , Ac � to P09bit OiQ' WUPWI144 PAa: X0411 A%tel I SAm's domains that heha,,d never thought befoxe-and he � 4 Vi. -ter _44j & Co .. , 4P eito-4 4 L,e of intoxicating liquor, In the 01111tY for w,orthy ,of spoke with delight as to the manner in which he .A.ett � . D, SPJ.cvs­Pq,.IIlger &CO. 0.q,1f4Qrniw_E, Renrity .use in t for sacFL - I on- tAl. niq&lual Or manufacturing hai been treated and the Sights he had gXo,otg,-TayIQr & Sells �,Falldop'.ao�--$ Wilson . - pur- Poem, tka.t is, except in cases of neces- ; Sity 'this, with 'attendant witnessed, admittingthat agreatodeal t of prejudice had been removed from his I, 1,044.4fin*- J Jac.ksol t � � , ke for Salo_a Jr -1 Coutba provisions, is 141�lat th6y � � Ask us to abandon ; on the mind. He also stated that fully one - half of the visitors to Old O�chard Beach ,so, for pole-gi-s Fisher . other hand, what is generally known as were from Oanada, During the Sam - 0 -clothing -Jackson Bros its for- s%l��-A Dedsworth the Crooks Act is called the "'Liquor � mar there have been large excursions Ablok- 16§ta�_Nmm go )iA Qmooe 1. ' Licende A i too' and upon reference to our find from diftent cities of the U. S, to-Ca- W%i Sale -Mrs W Colclough I oonstitution we that the Provincial .madn-one from Cincinnati -fare, round �-LtLo! ill Millinery- Bce8lo7 & Coo - , . . . ­ _ - - Legislation may make laws in relation. trip, 06 -numbering over 5000, of course . I to sholl, saloon, tavern and other licens- at different times. Ill our intercourse # i 111,10011 k1fir O&A ses in Order to the raising of a rewnuefor Provincial, local or- municipal p1trpoolteso with some of the excursionists they ex - pressedtheniaelves as �ell pl4sed with ,. � I , . , . . I I This is $Iioli to w. "Ich the) , 'ii - in-vite us to their visit to Canada,and.what they had 111)MY, OUPTEMBER 10, 1�47. : , , I return. ':This foriner has fop itsisxpress I seen in it. Under all these oircumstan- T � ;�ik_ - - — __ , __ ­ . o TiW1)I,afl _' - atoll t%iL(l�l,qbj�et'theadvaiLceniont Qf1tem- I , ces can it be wondered at that.stronger , J."Itrilests , perauce�-' , the latter has foi- its &vowed fraternal feelings are growing between i.� - - l Cp,t the people of the norbIlwest-or i Min and object the license of lifluor Sell. the United States and Canada. � Of them -'are hot dood earnest in I Living, as every citizeu does, in - �911)resenee of Luallifpst bv rostiltin N -V -f'41XqRt11QI1_1-.VLNb_te§- 117na-I.... . &��Oriiai - " ____ -1 . - I :,i;:t I I . ­; .I.- 11", I . - I ... __ � ­ . - - �L 7_'. . . _. , ­ I . ll� -9 �a .�__ 1-1 _N-_ . � wi-m.-Aaafi.. I" _ _1 40i M� . _ . ­�_ ig. , . _WX - _ �- : ­_­ ­ -_ _-_V;�%_,,,, .. .o, - . ", - __ - _49;_= � 4��b­� .. I . I I , , Mjutat�.r, Qf.,E4 ' ' . gog [hu " " , " , - -, " , Q. 404, Aliq W,4of 14. f, '. - I - 11 14, .10 , ox 44prMA4004, t, meni 140preatI.Q , I - PMIR IXITTX!�-I � , , ", 5#000Qn, JulirduppCI i4tor 41� rublio I TI—M .150071P ophpala,� 4opplt* . 00, Ilrobty clip -ISQ-041loed 1� ' booral!Tem up, JbQ ,I. parsnpeUnioililitS, . I ACT IN vultON." — . I 046 XdUcir oJ the, ,Q, ercp.� of w0outo, upolled toi-ockwin S , , . -nicill .exec With- The. meplig, Utica OfthQbQOk .Xcv,'� Sm. -IA your notes a # IoQt Of pl� is good And we wou, . ad remark that the publishera,'the Qrip Prin tiug CO,, 'have letter last week, you Ask me tot sugg(st anythingbottertban the ScottAct. I ' _ I Of . Totron to, peen always,501i ppor- . a 'In would that every tast was via perform. ters of Temperance in pill p work. Tile , , holes of the . Price charged is .Only 25ots. -just half that of the English . All are agreed that 80me'laitriotion mn . st be placed upon the liquor traffic. edition. That English spelling needs reform is a self evident projiosition, I, personally, am in filvor of high license. One great benefit 'that would yet improve. Intent in this 'respect is of very slow result from its adoption, woujd be the U Lining over to the side of so-called growth, notwithstanding the philan. thropili efforts of spelling reform a -Boo. - - -Temperance" a large number of in- fluential people, who at present are ciations. English orthograghy is a sov. are tax "poll the time and memory of obliged to ma4ittaill. an aalverse p6sition � , owing to the evil result of the Scott Pupils, slid be little linportsuce il�ab. taohed to infallibility in skening that man are yearly son,t oat fr6ifi Act. go far as my individual opinion goes, that you asked me to express, a Loonso our uni. versities who'stumble on, the terms of for a town of .this Size should not be less then 0500, and might, I think, our daily vocabulary. It is well that such is the case, where anomal is the y with advantage be placed at $1,000. I Any man holding such a license would rqle, itwe may be permitted t o use the -paradox. Spelling �eform associations forfeit it on the first occasion it could be proved he permitted a customer t are tulhappily not nearly agreed as to how far the phonetic prinei;le is to be leave his hotel in a stateof intoxios,tiono A man thus losing his license should carried, hence their efforts have little effect towards the desired end. An ob- never again be allowed to have one. Will anyone may that such a license jectiOn to violent reform. remains, and not even the ingenious Pitman has met law would not stop drinking better than this wretched Scott Act ? An hotel it.' It is, that a reformation in ortho- graphyNill have the effect of conceal- keeper who pays 6500 or 01,000 for his license, is not going to stand idly by ing etYmology, and so long as %%-a at- tach so much importance to the known and see his rights infringed by others r "-'V without a license. You would ledge of the history of our language so? IOP9:, 1�jill. tb Q. _nQed refor 'just ni be d- ibus ' throughout the tb country have intemated detectiy0s of the . wfea L .f.�­V-q�W41M­.41�­1­-, .- . -.,Qr.Qmglxly --- ­-� --..-- - - �_ .. 111, .1110, 8 11 0 � .. . , convinced, as every citizen nilL�,t be, that .I,i ­, e . I hashadto ive upolluties from congestion iX;-a­-, --pul-voillioic oecause slow a taken place ill the spelling the .... -�OOCMF;ion lately. Since . no state dare trific �viih evil, slid escape of the luugs. . of last century. But like other reforms 4,9t sessiou tif Parliament, when loss and pianisljIment, call we be 80 feel- I " Mr Goo Dewar has been re-engaged as they must be slow and iiaWal. They own" representa ti ves voted against liard� that we will forsake that whose teachtr at Scarlett's school,' McKillop cannot be brought about by the dictum � nte.rostit or the Province, on the objeut is the prohibition of evil, and re- for next year at an increase of salary. .' of any sooietyafrr even by act of Portia- inent, Perhaps a more utrilitarian g question, thay�have apparently turil ill that whioli licenses that evil 9 . Robt Stewart, of Morris, who Soo- gen- eration will SuOoeed this, when the hope 4--thair 6�04 -to a full realization Surely the very thought of such anomoly ceeded ill passing his Second Class exam- t- this summer, went.to Ottawa na ion of the spelling reformer will be realised. tit positim�, atid it is very certain is repugnanCto every moral being. The last week to aftend the Normal school I -_ �f they ]lad an opportunity they very Act under whose provisions we there. . , CVI�ton's Progre.,4s. I not now display so much confl- would.loo, if the Scott Act was repealed, Mr Robert Agnew, teacher in No. 3, '1888, The building season just about , in the present administration as admits iti weakness, by providing for Morris, has been re�engaged for at an increase of $25 over last year. clog. ing has,witnessed the erecbion of a Gon. i a few months since. Thefeel. #d Prohibition of sale oil days when the This is - the best recommend that any iidgmbla number of substantial houses 9%inst the government was strik- . ? I state specially requires temperance and . sobriety of thae whioh it on othei days teacher can desire. in town�, and by the time cold weather sets in these will be all ompleted and I shown the other day, at Morris, . where the Winnipeg Working- permits; if the argument that it is piece- Mr Goo. A. Newton, who has taught the school at Harlock, for several years, occupied. The now honses have not been confined to one locality, but are to I . Conservati.,ke Association and the meal legislation will apply to the Scott !1as been engaged for 1888. Mr Newton be found in all parts of the town. In , iyative Assooiation-of Morria, w6re . . Act, then with much greater force will it ' License is one of the most studious and zealous teachers in th6 county, and we congrat- addition to these a great many improve. ments.have been ins a to other a %1% political picnic. apply to the Act. Bub we ulate Harlook School Section in again 0 proper. ties, and we doubt very much if any i. Messrs Thompson, Minister of contend that the Scott Act, so far as it securing his services. previous year allows as large an amount ,. , � o" and MoLela Postinaster-Gcll^ �r extends, is,thorough, its prohibition not . being extensive enough, but the tendency Miss Kate Richardson, teacher in the 3rd Department of Brussels Public gPended for houses as does this one. 0 better Sign of a towii's prosperity Lnd S.Zrth,` t M -P-; Mr ROYAL in the right direction. 'It is argued School, who went to Scotland during . can be found than it-, its building pro- D1-. Ortqn, the defo�ted of Contra , that to prevent the sale, while manufac- her vacation, arrived home safe and sound Saturday. This is a new depar- gross, and when it is remembered that there ha9b. eon nothing in the nature of gton; Mr Norquay, slid all the ture is permitted, is to attemVt that ture on the holiday business and no ' S speculative -boom here, it is all the . pro of the Local Government,. I which is impossible, and many wax hot doubt will become very popular. better evidence of solid growth anasub. I . ". yothers� were announced to � ; ­� in denouncing thq attempt; we would Candidates for third class certificates �ore now required to to ke up the Com. stantial progress. A niamber of new buildings are already projected for next It was said to be the avowed I I ask such to be patient; if, whilst labo-. � *mercial course prescribed for High 'Schools. year, And the prospects are that there . oil of tile promoters of the affair riously, painfully, tearfully, we are toij.' This course includes the sub. will be just as much building as, has been done this Clinton ?oduce it resolution upholding the . ing to stem the evil at -its sourile, no I � jects of Book -Keeping, Writing, Precis. Writing and I,ndexing. As the tendency year. is des, tined to go ahead -its advantageo , Us to- � of the Dominion Government blame call be attached to the stoppage hitherto has been to give but little cation giving it a oontrolling position. . a Canadian Pacific Railway in of the ravages of the evil, by every . -prominence to the training of our young for the busiurnm life; Real estate ,rovestinent's in'this town a re I ,as good as gold. I I , . Qting the building of the Red means� within our reach'on the way. people i practical of we regard this bliange as a good one. ' -I,"--- . allpy road. The picnic was held We cannot gas any force in the arga- A joint deputation, representing the Death of TkIr J. bell] psoy. .. rday, slid proved to be non-stic- inent so often used in favor of a license Prdvi�cial Association of School Trus. tees � — When %%,a announced last ., as ,far as glorification of Sir system, that. the sale is, under such a and the Legislative Committee of High School teachers, waited upon the week the illness of Mr John Dempsey,we had not 9 concerned. Dr. Orton was the System, restricted to those licensed to Minister of Education on Monday after. the slightest anticipation that we would - 11VICOU-SIT . eakeri-p-rosent. I'liclTecici:.1 -sell-, and that those licensed to sell afford valuable. I . -noon, with reference to the proposed chan(les in the regulatiops so soon be called upon to record big death, which took place oil Monday last. ,nisters were absent because they I . , assistance to the officer$ in affecting Hirti�7 School grhnts. The Ministeor .Deceased was a native of Ireland, emi. tit mig . lit be better for them to be" I hundred miles off in the Terr . i- preventing illicit selling, and in bring- ing to justice those guilty of such selling, I aFeed to :postpone until after thean. nual meeting of the Association in No.. , grating to this country NvIlell a young "'an. For three years after landing in -- . - . thim on the- -scarto of the recent . That is to'say, those who so indignantly' and angrily denounce those who for the vember next the filial adoptioifof such regulations as are not required to be p Lit Canada, he followed a sea -faring life, Sailing under the late C&Ilt. Zealand, of a. He". Jow.pli Royal did not IO,, of their fellowman and brethren, in force at once. . Hamilton. He moved to Huron -some. where about 40 Ago, III it,s lie had been warned by the I . of the village that several of I;is , . . in loyalty to their country, and in vin, dication of law slid order, assist in The Bavarian Government have a ,touching faith in the effie acy of the birch years Settling Oil Con. of Ociderich township; which, was than, Of course, a dense lients were threatening tc cross . pre- venting sale, and in%ringing to punish- rod, end have issued orders that no child shall bg punished at school except wilderness. Here lie cleared a good farm, ancl- by industry er armed with rotten eggs to sa- inelit those who Sell against present by its means. For this purpose two sizesofrod. linve been In slid prudence he earned a competency,moying to Clinton . . - m. The presidents of two asso- s 6d their handful of sytilpa- law, see brilliant virtlie it, those who, prescribed. British and American schools, however, the a few years ago. to enjoy it. 110 was a quiet, unobtrusive mail, a strong sup. '. , ,&ere very blue over the failure fro * in love of sordid gain, will play the informer upon, those who sell illegally birch rod has ceased to bella syrnbol Of Pedagogic authority, altho gh it is Porter of the present government, and died happy in the faithof the Methodist " ir champions to be present, and . under a license system. Do the hotel only pf latc�'�years that the charge of half a guinea in each puliils' bill at Eaton church, to which lie had belonged for discomfitted at the Presence of a Provincial keeper's repudiate the argument used in for a birch rod has ceased to be made. years. He leaves a widow and large fa ily. His funeral oil Wednesd a not of Rights Conser. . I suppprt of their interests ? And .The Eaton rod, was three twigs within branch s, bound for a of their y aftmernoon. 'rag a large one . . ,, and it was , including Blessrs Leaco . ch, M. then, in the midst of all objec. part length with strings. remarked that a gathering of SO nially ugent, ,,Jamieson, Brock, 11.. J. tioils raisild a la ist.thet Scott. - e.very _ g, il Act, _­_ - has - ' ... A recent 'h6trde fion', the .tolli _fl- , aca 1011' of the .early- Pionoers oUoaAo.w_riSh.i.p_is_ - f lfifhfe�80 � , flffdl� '. 06-8 was heie oil that ! An other leading fers, �Winnipeg citizen who supported it, and has Department contains the followinii -_ occasion . � dea-vored to have'tho speaking . � been loyal to its provisions, can cherish I At the Departmental Exami " nations : .--- I -Qo-_4I1-____ of.the programme omitte ' do but the tl ' iought that', having assisted ill for July 1888, for 2nd and 3rd class W. bolleety & (;O. . wd would not hear of it. Hon. BrO%vn--epLeA_t4.mee.ti,ng in putting the ban o f. law upon the sale of. intoxicating liquor's, the terrible respont . non-professional certificates, candidates will not be allowed to write for both . i From Giotto E.vhii)- itioll It ,coi)cort, Th ursilay. the, Provincial -'Government's sibility for the evil resulting from its grades, and only the following classes will be eligible to write for 2nd ciass, No fAily need be, without a good organ i �f.. . . , � - , 'Policy, slid was folloWed I]Iy Dr. sale rests upop those. who, in defiance Th6se who hold 3rd class certificates when nstruments like tboso, manufactured by the above c ompany . - . ". Ivilio, implored Conservatives -ic I � I of law, 00111-filue to sell, but lot eve;ry and walifto obtain 2nd class, . '1�hose.who wrote in July 18,�7, for are offer' ed. The Doherty Company manufacture tience and faith -iii-tbe wisdom* � voter skilswer Ibis momentous question, second class (whether they tlicil )let([ 3rd at Clinton, - Out., and their goods have found a sale in every .,John, and not condemn tilts � Old Chieftain" too.liastilv,.as - if the county'or Huron, as a corporate 'body,, return to tile licensed sale of i.n.- class or not) and failed. Those whot tit any previons �$rci class part of thalworld. The exhibit near the southern entran,ta of t a ,ill (, 11 M t "etallybe autio,� tit thebest ill' , f tl;(, prov, I Ilict.l. Tlic doetol;s . tOxicating" liquor, where will the rer,pon. examination, obtained tile ag-mg,ito re- I quiied but who failed in oil'O cor more BVildlllg is O,Iv a fail- sample of t he e*olloncO, Of C-1110ice Offered 'Patrons. teceived soarcelv . . ally'llPt"Ilaust" sibility for the resultaiit evil lie ? The. decitl Aet unt-yo, not be reliettlo,,(1, - subjects, Instructions will . be ""'_%-01l to H"'11 School Head"30fasters Tile compa�iy claill, 'to make the larg. cst OrgMls In Canada, and their lent, litla, it leading Conservative an,ci Presiding EI- and wide experience enables then, t"o chant of Winnipeg, then took so - . amiliers in 1888, to see that Iloilo but the classes above defined ari� allowed to secure every advanced suggestion that form., and said they bad not C01 ' 1111101-chil U111on in anotber write in 1888 for 2nd class, bertilleates. can give to;ie and quftlitv�70 th ' * . eir in. strumahts. The Dollelity Company is - t to Morris expeciing any white. - light. . — I Moni-j, St Illool, EX,k1I1NL,ns.-A 11100bina one of tile pioneers of t le trade in Call. I .of the Donlinion Government. In these times of Commercial Uni-eq I of the board, was -held last Friday ; I& and their name I.% all assurance of honorable deftling. The firm "he ]lad always been a Couser- and Annexation talk, it is both interest- present, the chairman, John E. Tom, and AlessrsMalloclitTurnbull and Halls. above have secured extensive quarters near nt could not cheer for Sir J;Iin ing and instrue'tive to read any infor- DIr "Tom was -re-elected ebairman for the fountain oil the ground floor I of the regent occasion. We should be I mation bearing upon tile subject ; ill fact, it is the duty c5f all in . terested to become current year. The resolution of the board passed in 1880, allowing only re- Blain Building, where they have taste. fully arranged their iriollc�w-tolled and . were not afraid to criticise the n Government, -or the Cana. . , I thoroughlyposted:upon the clIticationtand sidents of the country to attend the Model Schools was rescinded. It was elegantly -cased instruments. ' Their display comprises a great -variety of ... , ., ific. E . very British citizen not be likeo the ostrich, when chased by the hunter, resolved that the practical work of the orgams, consisting of chapel and ln�rl,r organ, of different sizes and able to sing "Rule Dritarinia," o -]lad not the right, with the thrust the head in tile solid, apparently imagining that if the enenny candidates be examined by the Inspec. tors, who are to devote three days to pattorns, some of the former being the largest of `� the kind Wo have seen on the Conti . . of our Legislature, tO (10 thilt 'each or danger is hidden from sight therb is ' Model Schooli and that the'per. contage required io retain a certificate, nent. This firm bits no reason to complain of e farrA@rs Of ' .Hinnesota and no danger th " reateningus, orenemy to escape from or it void. IntheMothodist be 40 on each subject and 60 of the ag- gregate. For practical drawing, book 5 the attention shaNvil them by the 11, bro visitor wds of whom tinily express all do without a charter -build railtnoty with their owl, money Magazi Ile for August is published a brief is to be completed and handed in at the end of the term, certified by the Prin� their sailliraticill of tile instruments enclosed in the Space occupied by Messrs . they please . -then we could "RuIcBritannia.11 - minute of the London Conforence,�itting at Sarnia this year, in which it is mon. cipal of each Model School as Ile Ang tile , work of the candidate, there Win Doherty& Co. Lovers 6f music "Itendin * " to visit the Exhibitiont with a . lVehavethe ,buildthelled tiverroad, and tioneoltbattlie RevJ.S. Berry,oditor of the Mi,gigan Christian Advocate,, providing is no Departmental regulation to the I The Secretary was instrubt- viewt.olakingapurchase should not failtomakean ilispectionof,the above * uild it, if it .bursts confedera. . stated that there were 58 Canadians in ,contrary. ad to notify each candidate which of the I schools they Owe to attend, any further mentioned exhibit. . - 7_­�___ - le floy has to I . 9 lie by when we the Detroi It Conference, and 103 in the 1 applications to,be divided as nottirly as! To Oar Patroiis. .led by. the snout by tiny dema- Michigan Conference, be,therefore, eon. possible between tile two schools. The -_ 'hey were n6t there to white- cluded. that,Canada was a good place for number was allotted for 38 for cacti At a very heavy 6ut;ay i0e have made . a.. Dominion Government, 1),ut . the manufacturing of Methodist millis- school. , TrnrPi,rtAxcF TEXT 'Booic.-It is considerable rovd h ERA. We have 1TIor some time been ask - a. a yeom nry of that neighbor., . tars. It will, of course, be seen fit once well - known that for some tim a all agitation ing delinquent subscribers to pay up, in o,, OW that by building the road that Canada is not only losing a large has been going on for tile scientific. "der to meet the expense ol these, Id got I5 cents a bushel 11,01.0 amount of mental and moral onel-gy,blit teRchilig of Temperance in schools. Notably chan es, but.so far only a few have re. sponolled to our call. Wedislike dunning V7 is also expanding large sums of money the Women's C. T. U. has made i4011110118 efforts to bring about .. .,.I, as anyone call, but must in - ent*Gow, of tile , Morris Coitscr. in the education and training of men this t is oil needful result; I a of the siat oil a prompt payment of all out, . sociation, here ))reposed three for foreign employment. it is not only 11 lanks, if we may so speak, of the Mrld's If. t., standing accounts. We hope our patrons will respond to this without further de. or Sir John, but they were . . in . the shape of clorgympri we tire doing this, but also .1 in nearly all the other W. C. that the essential facts Of SCiOntiflO temperance education lay. ROBT. HOLMES, , I out 1) I y counter cheers asked PrOfossions. Ill fact, Iloilo ))tit thOsc be inculcated throughout the world, to the youth of the sohools. III Ontario I ­ .&.— ScAaCITY or BUTTrR -Prior to hitla for the Independent nion ,ho are acquainted with the exodus of we are fortunate in having a Minister tberecent rain theweatherwassodry, oba,whamere building tbelled ('o -ow young niall call form any conception Of of Education that ling',ever been a pew- friend Tempel-- that securing milk Rod making butter difficult ad. then asked,whitla I walit 114 fill to turn Grils?" tile number who,ara eVery year migrat. erfid advocate and of once. At the last meeting of the legis. was a task. We know several families in town th'st have been Iij- h,the IAtt0r 1761)liod, " Thcr(,- tt I 0 ing to the land Of tile stars and stripem. Two or t1iree weeks ago the'wt�iter was laturo of Ontario, an act . was passed providing for the- kind of teaching and in witho�,.t butter for several weeks, angd eveil yet it is very difficult to gtt i.tribers of (41ritq britcor that, tilt, ill cOliverliatioll with one of .tile b"St , the E,(Incatign Department has author. anyquant'ity. The prospects are that Tory." At t'hig (�ow attelillit. I 'k "llind'all 11"'g"'Ors Of ill(' lakes - at Ned a Canadianize(I edition of the cele' brated. work of Di, Richardson, of Lon- butter will be dear this fqil,Rnd while � I a Wbilla, using the inind dis. least the directors of thoC.P.B. thought (Ion, England, blip t,rublic School Tom. this will be good news for the pfZi'-' lillignitge. and for it few min. . so, as they employed him as the niaster perance." Ill a ma%torly way tile Jonnied discusses in but ducer, it is the reverse for the con. sumer. - . . 0 was a general hubbnb, I C,ow of onoof their largest Sarnia slid Dt ,luth autbor sh-piplo cornpre- ' ' I Iysu )I'Ofielecl,ancIC!alit.l�'l�itia d 11 steamers till this season -and lie stated honsivo language, Artificial Drinks ; Alcohol and Animal Life ; Alcohol as a Nriv Cito,:siN(;s,-?,Tr beker,under direction of Mr Geo. Rentgen, bat anil great applause. acook, M.P.P., And Ali, Nugent that to obtain compensation in keeping food ; Diseased Blood from Alcohol ; I put in a c( iple ofuew stone crossings do telling speclobes, upholding with his abilities, he was compelled to Alcohol and Cold ; Ileart Work under at tiy,te -one Queen's hotel, and on.e ,big 01 i the Red River rom - io for-swo�r his' British allegiance, much . Alcohol ; Alcohol as a stimulant ; Alm. hol as a poison ; Death from Alcohol ; across King 8t. -at Mr Grig Is red- , tis tile meeting broke tip with r tile new line find the Local against his will as he was a life-Iong Conservative, and become an American Insanity from Alcohol, kind many other kindred subjects. The style is remark. donee. Both are a credit to skill . and d have been out, Tile orgartiaerg slunk off fted curs, determined never citizen. BinoollisU,S.nattiralization, ably olearandthe matter unquostion carefolly put in. Mr Rentgen is of Opinion that they willgive better attempt a ',picnic" in Manito- a Sir and consequoiint removal of projndices,bb views degree ably truthful, Than Dr Richartigoi; the . re is no author better fitted to deal satisfaction than the other stone cross - glorification of John and Government. with it of satisfaction the ably with thisall-important slibject,and in 8, We hope they nirly, and time ,hiinn grOwth of union Mons, ftfid oliallenges iie rejoico in tile fact tbat tile flon.3lit, will] tell. I .. I . . .. . 1. - ­..- �, �. I—- � � 1, ; I . fl L, I � . Wore Cr9yetra,went $qro,e, An . , , 4112"", that phowed , . Qthor _ *'he J_ ,. Ac qiii, Wag not 's failuie WAP tho to-ot 00 Jit W''Aq jTA13b , ahout, U'liposatillo to. got i - repent, Avolu � - , - - in towilo, And cogIntiloa wbore, Als Act lenfOrc0d. Vrvo '�V�Rvwqv- . 1. - THE S0OTT`4QT. - . . . To the Editor of the Clinsan Wall Ara. Sui,-The Scott Act is now before tile ReOple again, You brought the matter . before yourreaderts in your issue of the 10th Aug., and 11T,rue Temperance" lifts taken uD the subjeft allowing wily u should be repealed. He denies . that the churches are against repeal.. He cites oils church 44 says -a vote in it would show the editor's error. This I question. No doubt many of its adherents would vote for its repeal, but I wish to say that the said church has taken a Stand on tem- perance of no uncertain kind of late years. God speed her. True Temper - once says the licitel-keepers are not at the head of the repeal. It may be 111 matter of opinion, but I would ask 'IT. T.." who subscribed the money, some few years ago, to pay such men as E King Dodds to stump this country. N�t the men who were not then or in the pa t engaged in the liquor business. In reXrd to the amount of drunken. ness now as compared with th re" ago, I cannot judge, but I call .Llt.ltl at least in the town of Clinton, I have seen less 'drunkenness than in many places of less note. You call go along ,pur streets morning, naou and. iliebt 1i I - - - '- - --�--V�- '--�- - - 77r7o ; . � I � , wm!i,� � 11- - . I - , , . I ., - "Oft* i 1. . , Bimm, If im _1,*#,, ,Ai ut, . � , . . , - � I � —_ a I Me. Terrible .1rooss. of . I , — , 150 biudl.es rpocoveA-ed firtolla tille ruljn�,, . " . T40.440%,,4ept. 0.--*, theatre so, Ex. ; labor took firi this ovenlug, odur . 1,1DO the, I pedorl4aucp of "Rommily Uyetpt � The . ;4 , occupants OR the pit, after an oowfut ., I I � struggle papopod, but many of thpin , , werebadly injured. There was' . only '�'_ , .. I . I one exit frora the gallery, ,qnc . there was, ,I the, ruph , terrific. Scores were, trodden under foot and suffocated. A fir . a Per' � capq woos brought to a , window, ariol, . many inside were rescued. The injur- I . ad survivors wore sent to A hospital. _ THS STAUCTUXU3 BURWED . I was the Theatre Royal. It wAst built , , after the latest designs and was elabior ii. ately fitted, being coniidered one of f 1*1 I � .6 prettiest in the Kingdom. There was a full house to -night and. everything wa's all right until the lost of the third act, . at half -past 10, when a drop scene fell, and in a moment the whole stage was amass of fire. A wild panic ensuell. .., The occupants of the stalls., pat and dress circle escaped after the dreadf tit crushing, many being badly bruised. . The actors and actresses were in . thei r dressing rooms when tile fire began and all esca flie ped. The fire originated in the I a, and spread rapidly, filling the the theatre with a dense Smoke. The occupants of the upper circle and gal. ­ *1 . .; : . ;!. - inh�_ _,-;__,., ______�__ ,.J4__�'____. -, , I ­ ""' ""'­ ""'u""' ur uv" ` "110 -thing ii certain that last Thursday the . . - drunken men in.0oing from one block - 1,ui;iicA_1L­Y_,, �_- people of Clinton had an exhibition Of' to another. I h6vi been in your town, Mr Editor, for. over three mitatlis and uy juiliped from the ,a-44AQwls and A',a injured. Others drunkeness, profanity and rowdyism, under the Scott Act, they do not have been through the town to 'some- were resoned with blie'siclof ladders. Thedre blaz- ,wish reegated. extent and I cannot say that I have seen o3ver four drunken mail, Three of tb@m ed fiercely, lightiiig,up-the whole, city. People w6fo sciain-'flo' , eking to the You, Mr Editor, call no longer Bay that drunkeness is a rar ity, or oil the were, I believe, the result of "Clinton races," at least it was oil the clay of and scene in thousan � da enquiring for friends - The-sceie insi a the th tre d an the' decrease. Itwas reserved for the re - gime of the Scott Act to turn the driv- . the day after the races at Clinton, that when fire broke out was a terrible one, Some ing park in Clinton, a place hitherto I saw tbaso� three persons disgrace our town and themselves. Of course, I men implored the audience to be cool but it was impossible to check the fra"Iril - that any ladies could have visited, into & plage unfit for any decent member of have hot been going around town look- tiorush. The theatre hose was brought society. ing for drunken men. T. T. says that into use in a f oments, but the "eleamt a public know how the temperance -' people as law-abiding, as educated, as religious, as good citizens, as truly tem. water had little on the names, The actors and actresses were takqii peo. a are firmly wedded to their darl- ing i ol; but it will be interesting to perate as any man who ever voted for froin the window with the 4id of lad- , rea how they will an. Ittin the sta 0 affairs last Thursciay, and att to Of e`lPb t' or supported the Scott Act, after a fair trial, denounce that Act as the most ders. They lost everything except what the), Woru at the time. Up to ths show t at the Scott Act was 'lot .to blame. Possibly, like Lord Nelson, foolish, unworkable, bad law ever placed incur statutes." Isitasilesays present time . 150 BOT)'LS f'AVl4'cRE-1 ItrCOVERED. they will put their glasses oil their directly opposed to personal liberty to prohibit the sale of that which I)Xols They are almost un recognizable. Thirty injured survivors have' been taken blind eye, and Say -We see no drunken - a mail, that is of no earthly use or good to hospitals. The fire burned through th5 ess." ' Awaiting- these interesting develoro- to any man, but on the contrary, debases night. The Search for bodies prooeed14 ments, I am, . tile than and degrades and demoralizes 'lowl . r ' ' In many cases every shred of . Yours truly, ally community given to the use of it. elothillawas burned off an�d ilia bodies . TauL, Tuxi�Lm-k.jel.:, Is not T. T. violating it Principle whiely looked black and raw. . I Idut fill lovels of SOI)I.i(;t.%- I -0114"t IT oil he condemns in the Scott Act, viz,, I LATER DET.ULb _ .--- SCOTT ACT IN HUBO'N. laying information against the., Scott Act, and hides behind all assunied Tile majority. of the victims were mail and boys. About 30 women were -_ To the Edigor of Clinton New Era. name ? Of coa�se many do tilts and think it all right, but do not let a man burned. When the fire started the drop scene was lowere� to prevent a drought. SiR.-Under this heading "True, Teniperance writes in last weelk's issue: 'condemn in another what he himself does in another form. Does the Scott Some of the actors opened a door to as - ca causing the fire to burst through It is sornewhat remarkable that all and speakers on that side Act hold a man guilty until lie is proven th,p,"drop scene and to ignite the gallei'�. ,writers claim that they are teMporance mell-but guilty either by his own or another's evidence, whether that be tile possesdion The flames oveitook the people, who, were wedged in in all immovable some doubt if they are 4 'true." '(Ve find many now, when this subject is of the apparatus for the -manufacture of mas,,r � � _ 4 d roasted them to death. Many who a so popular, who wish to be regarded as temperance inebriates,which is not done for nothing., T. T. questions the sanity of mail who - %1� rpscued alive died soon after being br'&At out of the burning building. 'occupants men, who have not really (lone anything to advance its interests. placed on our statute books the Scott The of the dress circle ea. Yo(ir correspondent "claims to be all Act', iis it prohibits the sale of all article ill a certain community, the manufao- Mped without serious harni. The vie . tims lvere modatly wof king As advocate of true temperance principles," bu t what ,are those principles ? 11, ture of' which is legalized in 'general. Does people. soon as the flames were extinguished a, I , common with all other opponents, lie does not T. T. know that demand and supply regulates each other to, a great large force of mail began searching . for bodies. The stairway leading to not propose. oils solitary thing to relieve Our country of the crime extent ? The Crooks Act which T. T. . the gallery was literally, packed with. " and curse of strong driiik. The charges lie ' undoubtedly lands, prohibits 499 men out of every five hundred from engaging bodies, while at the head of the Stairs there worescores of others oils makes again t the Scott Act can be made agOinststho Crooks Act, to which in the Sale of liquor. Yet boys are I ' ino into manhood wholesale,and it is "i piled oil top Of tile other. The �un � fortunat-* victims had rushed to the door the , he and o thers wish its to return. If we go back to that, (for it is 6, retrograde Te';c4a i I act at least if not prohibited, -T. when alarm was given, but found the stair - tollovement) it *ill be violated also. But T. falls a pray to the old exuuse for do- ' ing wrong, In Saying that drunkenneils way blocked and all means of escape out . off. Ill R short time �the -flames bad I wo are moving forward. It is it, straight . Issue 0 between wi, oriNiceno,erl cinfl is not as bad as o . ther sing. A pobr defending reached them, a lid they suffered a her - -ible pq-o� tected # b,)l lair, ftlid Otte prultiNted by law. way of all error. Following that out, we may all Steal without let or ! death. There were Pitiful scenes I ii tile' vicinity of the burned theatre No Ch .istiaii country- has the right to legalize that which has been such a fiuit- hindrance, as it Wrot as, bad as nitir- der. T. T. says lie wiri striV-e to rogui- next morning as friends and relatives of supposed victims &waited the recover), f tit source of irre'ligion and crime. The friends of teniperance know as well ate the traffic in intoxicalits by whoI6- of the bodies. Ill many cases father.4 as your correspolider-4 that there have' some workable le.gislation, Regulate! Dosli! Is tile traft1c; ill intoxicants ailil mothers both perished, slid numer-' ()us children are thus left witbo t been difficulties ill ' working the Act thus far, because of inefficient or in- right or wrong 9 if ric�llt, ,,ive it full s . f ' - wing, If vvrollg,prolii�it the�nianlifac- 'the or support. _..7.1 illeaps It has been 11scertai I t, t Is I ed I a t I re Sufficient help, but if it is so detriment- al to the interests of temperance, why ture and sale of .same it we call. If do both were two blinch,ed porsong O00uPyIu`9 do all,tbo violaters cry out "repeal, re- we cannot lot us prohibit the sale, and that will, in �omo dogree "re- seats in the gallery, and of those over one hundred lost thei,r lives. The. peal.' The answer. is self-evident. Moreover, many , I true temperance mail" tell ". +.I,. III � 0 n. gulate the traffic in into%icants." T. T. "challenges anybody to show him what I search for bodies Still goes oil. it. i.q very Probable that the total number of J ­., vc, a or 201,101(efill, -but-i-t-sei�ii-7m--ou-b-of-piwm-V6-a-er-ori—a 96ocl h Q dol)e by flin Sit i Ant 11 The adoption of it lifts told our repre- r1patht. V, I ' *17 . lwn- ,- (Ming � to the fact that mail), of the boaies-were question that is not yet before us. We are marching oil, however, and Vve hope' sentatives in parlianicitt that we desire the pi bibition of the li(Inor trAftiC, and completo1v calcined. Two stalls of a- . � hotel adjacent to,the theatre Are filled are long to give all sindeie persons of that 'A 1 , that we inean what we sa� -,%-a ask . - when 'to with remains tilitt it is impossible to 'class all opportunity alon.g. that islation. in- reriard the traffici ,or log ' ddeiitify�. I . � line. . TLe Aqyiii7g.dIld'1inua"'iS RPOI(011� Of As and it .has, upon the testimony of reliable 'Alan, lessened. drunkenness, ,the state- - _11Z_.__ Itev, Donald McLeod, D- D. Cholaiu if tel�pl?rance workers favored, these. ment of sonle to the contrary, notwitli. to the Quien, and editor of (,'obd Words One Sill is not all excuse for another, standing. - If no godd has ionic ou� of is in 'Xoronto. - I and if Temperance is "true", let him suggest to us 0, "wholesome, workable it in this county, why not! Because for nearl . two yeftrs it was impossible The SalvationAriny eclebrated 4tur, leiislation to regulate the traffic." We must lot him know, however, before he .y to get a conviction, siniply because we had IlOt (tit QfftielLt P.lice Magistrate. (lay and Sunda , the fifth anniversary cot y their entrance'upon evangelistic work, in attempts it, that it cannot be "regulat- a do , it gnmt be suppressed. Assn"ning T. T­says,Deceit &e., has been fostered. Is the Scott Act Toronto. There are few places where , the Army bas done nint 0 900d W is better , that lie is a sensible man, we are I.o7-_ to blanie for that? ,1,110 (.%.it 11, ,,, .�. hildn_ 'I (),),)Ortllllity to show appreeiated that) in Terocto, suaded he wouict not try to ­rcgulate I. � itsell;. I told t I to, Y(:1�37 same Parties been While a stenm tbresher was at work on ' 1�� im,land frand." As Soon' as Our oil- brought to) cmirt iinder the Crooks Act, George Cates, farm MerEea, it few dava Pollollts adinit , -tile traffic ill intOxi, 11-Y 91-mle wouILI have tilken place. tile vL ago a spark ignited a straw stack. Tfie cantr," needs to be regulated th(y ad. Would tile 0-ooks Act have been to fta�ilg spread rapidly, and in a short time - Illit all we ask, viz. ihat the licensed blamL? It was there ready to be mani- the barn and other �tack 9 were in flamect ' traffic is wrolig, ari, I we subillit that the rested. Again T. T. says, No law -is which to Isumed all the grain excetit the' O'll , W wil,Y to deal with it is to Prohibit I Ope?-ativo. A -c. Did tlic people of Hurop . wheat, the barn, driving she% and Sep. it. . desire the law to be enforced! Yes,el' Pe avator Mr Cates cAimates big loss ab I Idut fill lovels of SOI)I.i(;t.%- I -0114"t IT oil they would iiot have voted for it: Ally $2,0W,and the owner of the thresher, irr t1lisquestioll-see what is being Said lawisoperativeif it has macbineryto .1 Arislie, of Tilbury East, at ,j5oo. No i' . O. alid (toile ill tile United States and tile . Operate it,tind if we have men to operate I so rance. _ I)ol-.LIL,Dic*lr"ft-I)a��14-togi�re4A.I-V-- - -tiTe--irrarbirrary- -- 19mraris'x large fac- -1 ' ----- --'—* --,---- oil so as to act ri"I't at till thnes in re- tory. - There'are 500 people desiring I ' ilew "! tilt ert t.�Cuj,eljto lation to this evi'l. to cipL that factor ,ratc, so the-,- may gei - -- -- -- -.-- -- ------,,- "First the blade, then tile e nd ' .J* employment. Does that make ii ;per- OOD AI,VIJP, Nvl'J,1I COVERED BUG(,y. G then the full corn in the ear. ItIl. Ift' .he blade -Crooks Act, tile car -'Scott Act, ate. by no means. There must be mill. chiliery, power and the will and. means: d Harna';s fOr 81110 C11011111, Or will -bo goicifts'leparately. Apply to J. H, CojjrBiq. the full corli in'the ear-Prob ibition, I feel that ,,, yon tire right in soltyin to Put the said machinery into inotioli. I admit the 50fliands would lilal ce tile OLD TOoTn_p1cl( LOST, IN CLINTON, G oil Subday eVeribig. Finder will Ile suit. ,'tile churches would oppose r,�peal.11 work ea, ' gy. There is much more I ably rewaraild oil ret,11,11111g 3alile to Nl,.,w ERA Oflice. The Presbyterian, Methodist slid might say bilt T ain afraid I have taken Balitist bodies declare themselves, ill assemblies, conferences, &c., as coill. 111) too much of yout space at Present. Thmil", I Societi's friend, J. J. Cltoolt- ALIFORNIA-4 — - AlESTING 01�1 I,I,IRSO,N,,4 Q01119 tO o0ftlifOl"lla will be belcl Ill initted to this callso, slid if the Episco- "!I,%,;Io4, tit() ('0`1110" C11"IbOr, Clinton. oil September 20th, at 7 O'clock pal body oppose us go 11111ch tile worse fo . r them. but we know Bishoal Bald- ---.-- -0041i-.- — C1.11-rivic.vorl"'.-We have V. ill, Any jiulrod,will be givell 1) ,,_.,,tl information rt-- for that � 'I, ellioll sent hera ItIl 90. All'Interesteii will P KENNEY. win, Canon Wilberforce, an many received the please atteiid, I others of that clinrch are of one mind oil this subject, It is to be feared folloNving ]Otter, which speaks for it'- , 11, , self:- This certifies that P.R. olise . . OTICE TO DrWrons.-ALL PARTIES Nindelited "True Tempei -once" speaks for himself M. D., is our only authorized canvasser to the undersiyned either by note Or book account, are iereby notifled and a few others who have never favor' and general agent for the sale of tile American Cyclopedia, Index and Aro that if tile $&Inc is not taid before the 30tb day Of September, tile r accounts ed the great temperance reform which it has been cure to witness during the 1111AIs and the. condensed American will bit placed it, court for collection, This uotic,l is filial. JAIIES STEEP, Clinton. past 20 years. . (, 'yolopedia, for the town of Clintor, --.-----.-----. We hope it will not be trespassing oil Ontario. All orders niust come through or will be referred to him as long its he � -- ­_ OUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Oil TO HREN'T.-Srobscriber your space to publish the following, cle. livered by Mayor Howland, of Toronto, remains in said town. We call recom. offers tile i�reinlsps now occupied by herself, on Victor a street last week. The farts tire of more than mand him and the work hi:t- Yellresents to the literary people, wbom lie May south for sale or to ront on very reasonable terms. The house contains two bedrooroll, 'i �, assing interest. He opened his ad- ress thus: "'Some people have a great meet. D. Appleton C91 Co., Now York - I dining room anei kitchen, Let cone-tifth all acre. particulars oil application. Al () R t1i facility for not seeing things," but the C. D. Varker, Dep, Supt - 1, FISHER, _ � ..--- ____7_____ . eyes of tile blind are gradually being THT GnrAT WORE OF THE Am,­Tlie OUSP. AND i,6TS 1116l't SALE.-SUll- R opened. There is always deepest dark- ness just before success than at any' reading public fire with pleasure accept- ing the fact that b. Aprr,m 'ON it' CO'A scmumt offers for sale the splondid Frallie Holise 04, Victoria Street, new occit- ItAti, other time. Ile reviewed the history 6f ORW, AnnitTe.tx CycLOP.T­,OTA is now tile Ilie(I . El. I nell. It contains plenty or c r6om or fair sized family, $tone foundation, l n movement in Canada, and vollipared the state of society and "" isting work published tit the ., " English language, which treats cornpre- hardand soft Ivittt"', etc. Tile lot enibractoli three tifth-Roro lots, and Ilse thel.0011 a 111,11, - P public sentiment of fifty yearsago with hensively of more than 80,000 subjects9 be,, of boaril fruib trees. Terms very relL_ sconable. A. NDSWORTH, Clinton. that of to -day, and saf(l,' "depend tip. tinder tile head of RCTENCE, AR,r, 1XI'MR.4- ­­ ­ - -- —,---.—. oil it, the men who are trusted in Oil)- TUTIVII'llud, EXP'NT4 ; and tbat either one AR'51 FOR SALP.-IIART OF LOT 81, FIlth c011, of Goderich Township, cities to -da ' v at,(! tllv, 111011 that don't drink." And this conviction of the i4 itself or another of which is inseparably coil - nected with every want of tile world's contaill- rest, and also 20acreg Oil tile Opposite .11,19.1etlachO road, 01, tile 40 acl,rcos is a good Prick HOURO peoplo going to write into the laws of tile country and purify the na- people. .S'o startling are the develop- ' nlents in science, that glivants of tile wit], all coolivanieloes Frame Barn, Stablos, etc. liomrilig or,cCa(r,ol. n ation. The Scoit Act is li success, past(lectide. cleelare that theinhosive, AndvIentycifwater. Allelvared and In good state Of Cultivation. 10 Reres fall wheat fil, and the file I who go about tile country Powell of Mind wich its hiceptive pro. `hOut 8 sel" fall I)IOIN-1119 (10,10 and 10 across telling any other story are lying. The Old NVOI ,1(1 would give anything & snail iftable,and that I I . t Part ' i"In "I"" 14 -Ills ente�yi,'," all era in life where sickness ticooded down, 'l'hO 20 RVI -08 ft"O Ill0stIv'bush, Will be M Rij w, Hold entire oil reasopable'tarms. COLCLOUGH, Ifolinesvillco P, o, � alaw. The poworof the traffic iqbrok- and .,� I 'Ov" poverty and shamo tire -------. an in this country; not so in England and (lorninii.y. There chiring the last voidable, till(] that iheir occurrence is due to it want of a strict observance of , two years ,.v� have Aecon BiArnark do'clat. the ni-,T,.vrr,s of s(rr,N(-r,. We goo the G T, I fE LOOK e(l �b � y Whiskey and Gladstone by beer, vaqtetirging crowd of thig world's pop- In Vritigh (Inlunibill, where there is no ulace riding this irre8i"ItiblO tId0 .of Scott Act, tile amount of liquor eon. sumed per head was eight gallons in hunian advance, seizing lvith all eager hand the latest discovered elements in —_ Remember the Canudian PAciric-' Tele - 1886). In Ontario the same year, whon svTr,Ncr. and appropriating them to their graph Co. receive despatobes from Ph Only OIIP 0011111tV WRR under' tile Scott use. It is clearly to Ile seen that the i parts of tile countq. Act, tile poro�nta.ge ,tv,as 41 gallons; aspiring youth who lags behind, is It � Solid your messages to the C.P.R. Omee, Quebec; 3 , )it New Brunswick, with half Social all(] busin"s drone,—a reproach I and you will gob prompt Rttentiou. its counties tinder the Act, I J gallons; to hiniself-a Sickening sorrow to a dot- W. JACKSON Nova Hcntia� i. -Ji Prince Edward Island, 89, Or 10%q thall One girtilon, Those , ­ ing parentage, and his very existence It prey to his own PARARTT.-C 810th, I . AGENT, - CLUNTON, .� , �. ' 1. jr ..'. - � , , ", . ­ __�Z_ _� .. ,._ _, r .­':,.� .. I W. irl . V