The Clinton New Era, 1887-07-29, Page 8FRIDAY, - JULY 29, 1887. Queen Victoria has taken to carrying a walking stick, not for vanity, but because i "AS HAVING NOCHING, YET POSSESS• she needs eds itshuupportdred rloadsofivatermelosas' — ING THINGS." Sixteen been handled over the Savanuah. 1 '-the earth is ours. Above us bends Florida, 4 Weste,rp division in Georgia God's inflatte arch of stainless blue. since June 9. The costliest sapphire from te man y es The State Board of Agriculture esti- year at about 8,000,000 bushels, less than a fourth of a full crop. Wilber French, who lives between Flint and Flushing, Mich,, has had five horses killed by lightning in the last seven years, itnd nearly every tree on the farm has been struck. Mr S Presley, wbi'e getting out of a train at Eruestown, Ont., on Saturday, slipped and fell into a onlvert,breaking his neck. Relived on * faa m near the s ,tion, and leaves a wife and fivecbildreo. On the St Pahl extension, s. few m road crosses a spruce swamp, and the con s mipED and CHECKED . south of Tomahawk Lake, Wis., the tail - tractors were tilling on top of the bog when it became over -weighed and sudden. 13, sunk, carrying in addition to the filling several dump cars. The hole was sounded and found to be thirty feet in depth. Can never rival that of hue. I mates the yield of wheat in 'Kansas this '.lhe earth is ours. Beneath us spreads Grass greener than the emerald green, 'The opal neer showed lovelier tints Than in the commonest llower ate seen. II' Have we no gold t Tho warm sunshine, Tell me, what could more golden be Not all art's mysteries can'make Musio Tike that bird in yon tree. Hest thou lost 1 Ave Y It is not lost. But on some distant, mist•voiled shore. Beyond life's ohangiug, restbss sea, It shall be thine forever more. • Bast thou lost youth. Beyond the skies A glorious youth is waiting thee ; ;prong as the eagle in its flight, Tay soul then soar,from fetters flee. Bast thou shed tears ? Not useless they. God's angel..eounted every one, - They water plants of love and joy In those fur gardens of the sun. Thou do not mourn, ;though thou may be Poor, old, bero!t of all, alone— Clod only waits a little while 'Po give thee back threefold thine own. In Brief, and to the Point Dyspepsia is dreadful. Disordered liver is misery. Indigestion is a foe to good nature. The human digestive apparatus is one of the most complicated and wonderful things in existence. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food, tough food, sloppy food, bad cookery, mental worry, late h Aura, ir- regular habits, and many other things which ought not to be, have made the American people a nation of dyspeptics But Green's August Flower bus done 4t wonderful work in reforming this sad business and making the American people 30 healthy that they can enjoy their meals and be happy. Remember: — No happiness without health. But Green's August Flowers brings health and happiness to the dye. peptic. Ask your druggist for a bottle. Seventy five cents. NEWS NOTES. �r POP uJ A -R GOOdS I.ON17ES$O•IZ.O. OUR SPECIAL BARGAIN TRIS \VEEK IS A LINE: OF The United States labor party will run R candidate for the Presidency in 1858. Last week, Mr Leeper. hotelkeeper at Eoseneath, was fined $650 for selling fire- water to twenty Indians. Miss Louisa Hutchinson, head cook at •she Simcoe House, Barrie,for the last five years, committed suicide last Friday night by taking four ounces of laudanum. Geo Phillips, son of the prnprietor of the British -American hotel, Windsor, was fined $12.85 by Magistrate Barttet, for •throwing beer in the face of Ignatius Gor man a few days since 'The London'1'imes announces that a copy of one of its isaues has made the circuit of the globe in 69 days. Its journey was mad via the Suez Canal route to Yoko- hama, and thence to London via the Canadian Pacific line and Atlanticconnec- tions. This is the shortest time in which the circuit has been made under the British flag. Influential metropolitan and pro- vincial journals continue to urge the im- portance of the recognition of 15he Capractical- � � A route to the East. Tho press is practical- ly unani nous in favor of a subsidy to the Canadian service. • GI NGHAM8; The regular wholesale price of which was ten cents u yard. We. got thein so that we can offer them at S cents. Also a line of All Wool Dnessloods, Checked, Navy �- and Bronze. These are beautiful goods, worth at least 25 cents a yard, we sell them at 14e. \Vo have just opened a lino of An amusing incident—to the onlookers —occurred in West Nissourl •tlie other I day. A farmer of that township had given two young St. Mary's teen permission to I pull all the cherries on certain trees, and, a' the black knot eared on the tree a tel they were allowed to cut them down, and I1:1 the thus young men commenced their work'of cutting, when a daughter of the owner no- ticed r:,eG'ilref? them. She was not aware of her fa- ther's action,and walking up to the fellows with a stout whip in her band she laid it on several times, to the great discomfort of i one of the chaps before explanation could bo made. At Nebraska City, on Friday, David Hoffman was hanged for wrecking a Mis- souri Pacific passenger train on the night of the 11.h of January last at Dunbar, when Engineer Dewitt was killed and a number of passengers were seriously in- jured. Hoffman ascended the scaffold with a firm tread. He made an effort to say something, but broke down. The trap was sprung ,at 10 24,and ho was strangled to death in eight minutes. His confeder- ate in the train wrecking is serving a ten years' sentence in the penitentiary,baving turned State's evidence. The militia com- pany was called out to keep order, but everything passed off quietly. -- J'-RSE�"S _ Seo the nice BRAIDED JERSEY' we offer for f 1,25. -see. A Miss Dillon, of Bushnell, Ill , is of the opinion that the Courts diecnminate • ,Against women, She was fined $18 and costs the other day for cowhiding a man while a wife -beater was only fined $3. Friday afternoon Edward Goulin, mill- wright, for twenty years in the emyloy of the Rathburns, was instantly killed at the big mill in Desoronto by being caught in the machinery wbich'he was oiling. At a• meeiirti Of the Liberals of South Renfrew, on Thursday, Mr Duncan Mc- ' Intyre, late•Vico•Pesident of the Canadian Pacific Railway,was unanimously selected -as a-caadiela-t-e--to-conteat•.Uie—acan.t.ac}it_ 'in the douse of Commons. The appointinent of Rev. Dr. Dewart, the editor of the Christian guardian, to theSenate-ofToronto'Universtty, in place of the late Sir Ma'thew Cameron, will be hailed with ssti:f,etion throughout tl. e 'province. The honor is well merited. Mr Currie, the Merchants' Bank clerk mho made such a hotel stand against a burglar at Antigonish, N 5, a short time Ago, has been presented by the bank with a gold watch and chain, valued at £100 sterling, as.a testimonat ot his bravery. Alocal French liaise- gives the follow- ing figures as an estimate of the propos. tion ot that French population in Eastern Ontario:—Presicstt. 64 per cent; Russell, ao per cent ; Ottawa (city), 3.1 per cent ; Stormont, 13 percent; Glengarry, 19 per- cent ; Renfrew, 13'per cent. News of the most. inhuman murder comes from Riverside, Ark. A man liv- ing near that place hada stepson, 5 years old, whom he greatly disliked. He was known to treat him most cruelly, beating him in a terrible manner, once putting one of the little fellow's eyes out while whipping him. A few days ago he bent t e child in n horribly manner; and then tied him by the wrists to a stake in the hot sun without food or water till he died. How long the child was there is not known, but the cords at the wrist bad cut into the flesh, and the wounds were filled with worms, -The fiend, finding his victim was dead, armed himself and took to t'ao woods. The child's mother seems indicter: ent in regard to the affair. • The frightfully unsanitary condition of Montreal is shown by a comparison of the mortality returns of -that city" for' the month of June last, with those of other leading cities of Canada. The deaths from all causes out of a. population of 200,000 were 710, -as compared with 157 for Toronto, with about 120 000 inhabi- tants, and 143 out of the 75,000 popula- tion of Quebec, The deaths from diar- rho'a alone in Montreal were 2.42, as against 5 in Toronto and 24 in Quebec. By far the larger proportion of -these deaths occur amongst young children, and are caused by filthy surroundings and generally unsanitary conditions. The in- fant mortality of Montreal is five bines as great as that. of.Toronto, Quebec, and Ottawa together. A peculiar mishap occurred to Mrs Wood, of Hamilton, the other night. She yawned so extensively that her jaw was dislocated, and her mouth remained olien • in spite of all efforts to return the jaw to its natural position. Finally she went to a doctnr;and with his •assistance succeeded t in getting her mouth shut. The Ottawa Chief of Police is authority for a statement that a wholesale traffic in young girls is being carried on in that city, girls'ot 10. 11 and 12 years of age being enticed into offices, chambers ate% stores for immoral pur• pores. The Chief says ho finds it hard to suppress the outrageous practices,beeause the parents of the children victimized prefer to conceal the matter rather than prosecute. George Whitfield, a juvenile tough of Brantford, collects a crowd, takes up a collection, and then dives from a high railroad bridge into the river. IID has a was ot curving his body on striking the water, and shoots up almost as soon ae he goes under, thus avoiding the rocks at the bottom. The police intend to prosecute the youth, as they think the feat is alto- gether too dangerous a one to be winked at. An alarming fetter was received at Spring- field, I11., from Prof. Forbes, State entomo- logist, in which lie states that chinch bugs have obtained a tooth() d in the northern portion of Illinois to such an extent as to as- enre an immense number of them next year unless weather unfavorable to their develop- ment should intervene. He says that the danger from this scource threatens to dam- age the wheat crop of 1888 to an extent in comparison with which the pleuro-pneumon - ia and other recent outbreaks of contagious diseases among domestic animals will be in- significant. ' W Nile R Scott, of Efarriston, was stand- ing in his door watching a thunder storm, a. bright forked flash of lightning came down apparently at his feet and shot along the ground into a field adjoining the house, striking a largo cook of hay,which instant- ly burst into flames. Mr ficott ran down with a fork to put the Piro out, but upon plunging the fork into the pile he sound it all in ashes, the hay habing been burnt in an instant. Foittnnately n heavy rain be- gan to f'nll, otherwise the 0e wou,d un- doubtedly have been carried to the barn. wi Grocery Depa,rtmdlrlt we 1iave d a fine ila vorecf Japan 'r]E A Deist, 10 pounds for 41. OUI1ViETTE LONDESBORO, An observer down South says an alliga- tor's throat is an animated sewer. Every- thing which lodges in his open mouth goes down. He is a lazy dog,, and instead of hunting for something to eat, he lets his victuals hunt for him. That is,he lies with his great mouth open, apparently dead like the 'possum. Soon a bug crawls into it, then a fly, then several gnats, and a e 4lony of mosquitoes. The alligator Oe -u'.t close his mouth yet. He is wait• ta,g for a whole drove of things, llesdoes his -eating by wholesale. A little later a lizard will cool himself under the shade of the upper jaw. Then a few frogs will hop up to catch the mosquitoes. Then more mosquitoes and gnats will light on the frog. Finally a whole village of in- sects and reptiles settle clown for an afternoon pin -nit. Then all at once there is an earthquake. The big jaw falls, the alligator blinks one eye, gulps down the entire menagere, and opens his great front door again for more visitors. Mrs Haynes, the wife of a farmer living near Simcoe, met with a terrible fate Fri - clay morning. Iler house caught fire from a defective cooking stove, and while she was attempting to quench the flames her dress caught fire, and in a moment she was all in a blaze. Tho screams of the unfortunate woman attracted the notice of some teen working near by, but by the time they arrived the house was so com - pletely wrapped in flames that it was im- possible for them to enter, and had to stand without being able to offer any as- sistance and see the unfortunate woman writhe in agony for five minutes or more bpforo death relieved her of her suffering. They described the sight as the most hor- rible they ever witnessed, and sate that the dying 'scream§ of Mrs Haynes were most heartrending. They can assign no reason for her not attempting to escape, as she was standing but a few feet from the kitchen door, which was open. After the house bad been burnt to the ground the charred remains of the woman were found, not a' piece of flesh being left on the hones. The deceased was forty-six years of age, (10t1 lcnvcs one child about seven years 01(1 in the world. The child. was playing in the barnyard at the time, CLEARING SALE Q F BOOTS & SHOES. During July & AuuPt PQ le 19 per cent Discount for Cask jl Direct ;Importations. HARLAND BROS. HAVE 'x: POLI$H off everything in stock. FOR LADIES', MISSES' & CHILDRFIN'S USE. TRY ='r. EGGS TAKEN' IN EXCHANGE. Call sett C. Cruickshank, the Boot Maker, ALBERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON C� hZTT ,AL RECEIVED DIRECT FROM, LIVERPOOL 5o Boxes Tinplate, I Ton G-llvanized Iron,- 63 Cases Window Glass from Germany alicl Two Cars of Nails from ' Montreal, FRESH- AR -R-1 HELLEBO,JtE CARRIAGE SPONGES PURE INSECT. POWDER ATLANTA SEA SALT FRESH LI111E JUICE PURE PARIS GREEN D1Z {J G- STORM,- ALS THIS WEEK. CAsnmERE BOQU 'T PERFUME Fine line of HAND MERnoRS, .heap. BERTRANDS BULK PEItFuME CASHMERE BOQvET SOAP PEARS (ENGLISH) SOAP PEARS VIOLET POWDERS PEAItS BLOOM OF IgINON. We'pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest stock in the county. Best 5 cent CIGAR in town. JAMES" 11. COMIR VI. CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST. CLINTON. ONT. With their already large stock ofll ardware. Sc,, •en_ibles_them to ail ,_lnicea_as Close its fhey can _be_ : list, (Jur present specialties are Soyths, Snaths, Emery Scythe Stones, `Horse' Pokes, Paris Green, Carpet -Felt; tarred and Building Paper, -Best -Quality Ready Mixed Paints READY. FOR Tt] E BRUSH, ALSO E ULL STOCK U.EST 1VHITE LEADS, O'NEIL'S CARRIAGE PAINTS IN IifVECOLORS ,AND WITH WHIC1I ANY FARMER 11•iAY PAINT Li[S 'OWN BUGGY VERY C[ -LEAP. EAVE TROUGHING AND METAL ROOFING. WE HAVE HAD EX- PERIENCE 'ENOUGH IN HOT AIR FURNACES TO GUARANTEE SATISFACTION EVERY TIME. GIVE US A. TRIAL, A new feature in our business is a SPECIAL BARGAIN LO1 FOR EVERY SATUI{D:1Y. We have adopted this system of giving our customers a special cut once a week. Be sure and call and it will startle you to eco what you will get for one dollar. :S1=2,0S_ SIGN OF TIIE PADLOCK, CLINTON. AMININEWISZWI Any quantity of Good.Clover and Timothy Seeds wanted Highest price paid. WOOL -:-WANTED e ANY QUANTITY, FOR'CASH OR IN TRADE FOR GOODS N. ROBSON. - CHINA HALL. Under fresh mar.agcanent 'we are prepared to do better for our customers than ever before. On accou e t of working up the wool ourselves, we can afford to pay a higher price' in cash than those who ship to other places, and we are going to Flo so, We have a large stock of all kin& of Goods made by ourselves, exelusTvely for our office cc, - which we guarantee will give thc. highest We make Yarns of a() k nds, Tweeds, Flannels, Blankete, Sheeting, Shirts and Drawers. Ask for our Knapped Sheetin, We have also an excellent stock of FINE WOOLLENS, which we can trade fof'woul very cheap and we can give TWO CENTS per Ib• more than naaiket price for wool. We are prepared to do CUaTOM WORK better and quicker than ever, and are hound to give satisfaction, as we have a man in charge of that who understands his business. Cis DON'T STOP UNTIL YOU COME RIGHT TO THI: MILL, as we have no branch office elsewhere in town. Our only authorized-representntite with a waggon is MP, JAMES SCOTT, CLINTON WOOLLEN MILLS, T. H. GRAHAM, Manager, D. GRAHAM, Proprietor. Change of Business 19111111111111111 It 111111111!( itt-1 The undersigned begs to notify the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by W. L Newton And that he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept in a first-class Harness Shop at the lowest prises. Specie attention is directed to my ate* of Ltaur IIAaatr-o, which I will makea specialty, REPAIRING Pao1IPr'L'ii' ,ATTENDED TO. . By strict attention to business, and earefolly studying the wants of my onstomers, I h 4 merit a fair share of patronage. (live me a call before purchasing elsewhere. REJIEM BER THE STP 1D—OPPOSITE THE ,MAREET, • GrM30. A , S A.T"' ST. THOMAS .4'.0N11:111:EITTS wilitoBrolizoMommlatto.„ ' ��aT S r. Tlro}I:1s, QNTA1 1o. . A lir �� The O 14.44; ry/igay YlroHze FQnI1( 44/rg tt., 111 the'Dominion. 011 Leh t aur material is endorsed by leading scien- tists as being practically imperishable. ti hsf i cannot absorb moisture, and consequently is not affected by the frost, seg, • �frc, Send for Designs and Terms to W. M. GI FFII\T4 - CLIST � OST. • 45,. IMPORTED Direct From Liverpool. 10 CAR LOADS OF GOODS, COMPRISING IVERYTHING •IN THE HARDWARE LINE, SUCK AS Ca,m td.rL Plate •ri>tl Til: tte, Window t -1a l•., Galv�>tniz�d Iron Are.. and Nails: from Montreal. \VE HAVI: ALS() A LARGE;., S'T'OCK OI' ]FIa.1Li•Vet t noels, :i4tove , 1Latimps, rri1111 . ware, Shelf 11 rdwa,re, I'aint t, Gar. den 711..7ools, Are., Are. Agent them tIieCelebraterl Harris tiot Airrurnace S. DAV1S, - - - cfc,iNrrON, THE MAMMOTH HARDWARE ANIS .'COVE HOUSE. Central Grocery, �. 11,4001311ECS Old Stahel, The subscriber has bought out the Stock of P. Robb, consisting of GROCERIES, CROCKERY, GLASSWARE, Sic. Which, being bought at low i`ates, he is enabled to offer at the very closest pekes Patronage respectfully solicited, All ordois promptly filled. Rooms to tet. H. RA WALKER, OL.I NITON .