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The Clinton New Era, 1887-05-20, Page 4
. ., 1 a .,. It -.. .. _. -...,wow .. .... . . 3 . d • �v. .„ s I - -^••�•T�•me'rr a Around thin CoUpty. `The ��,,� W -. Y-,trl;ll"04- iltry Aucr•y. f ' ttu�2�I1 trttee>zZ. North i�giQn�7Oilf>tr: fnstltute•, it. A resolution on- the snb'ect was left to lerito races and bOL',4 different creeds. We have every reason far tying pr+opl of our ' hint- Jc+l It Jackson A statement laid before parliament shotes -"'-'- be Oreo ht in b the Committee on Reeolu. tion g y • noheul dyetem in Ontarfn. nod in spite of the population 260 P lation of Brussels this fear 10 put11 at 1250- ' I11Z> llittoxv- 13oeslsy ct (o ' tiny: quantity and value of tea imported from China •<d Japan to British Columbia Asat1SL, sllst x[rL . , Township Board of Trustees was t4,k,n rkeant attaeliR that were ,rtado upon it by a to rt:,tn oar ad + Wednesday last the recideno.o of Dir. "' Y e'er . fctr sale• -1Y Baker ;* {llroccr es-LCooper &" Soli ports from the list Jul , 1886, to the lot of pApril 1.867. There was entered for home Tlta re ;alar &ttuual meeting of the Forth Huron Teachers' Institute was held in the np by Mr. W. Doig. His paper will be fouttd iu #all in another column. law arsons who atteIM td lb , mire le sys, eqy by satin,{ race a,, Alia+ race Fred F o Johnston, of I'ordwioh, tva4 tGta11� des- troyed by fire. ';; Tu er s tariff-$ poste,; 8n xWe goods 1. & Co conettm tiola,#Tom China and Jai an 403,021 P lbs, cost of 0108,116 entered iu transit Central Schpol, Wtlu ham, on Thursday and g Y Friday, May 12th and 13th. The first see- At the afternoon session Mr. Clarkson discussed, "Modern Method and Elementary and creed against Breed, yet the Ministert lss► EduoatioA was strengthened at the Polls, A few days ago Mr. apple op E'1coa0, of Tucketomtth lost a valuable breeding ,Wool. wanted -D, Graham at a , from Japan 8,084,134 lbs, at a coat of Bion Megan at 1.45 p.m., with the President, Geometry, dealing with only a portion of which showed conolu-nevi that'the eopls of y • pp Ontario intelligent be led by either mare Y K as on the p:omach. She took afcft iq the ! , Best cottons -J Robertson Stray storr-John Stewart IF3,033,440; in &1C 9,153 175 lbs„ costing' $3,147,502. g Mr. J. C. Linklater, in the chair. After prayer by Mr. J. Anderson, the minutes of his paper, as the time was limited. The p Euclidean method is very ancient and has are tae 5o clerical or political demagogues,in ruining PN. afternoon and diel before morning. B. Malloy who the asp e has y P Got a pencil -Beesley & Cc Furnishings -Jackson Byes Col. T rwhitt, of South Simcoe, has in- troduced a bill to permit the sale of beer; the last session of the meeting held in Sea- forth, Oct,,Bth, 1f80, were road, and on the been subject to man changes b modern J Y g Y commentators; the speaker, by the use of the their school system, for the sake of a part triumph- „for year been in the dental office of J S. Jerome Wingbam, and who recently passed a ve Ply Bicycle for sale --J P Tisdall Me sio to&ohino Miss Joyner wins and cider in Scott Act counties. DIT, Mills took advantage of the occalsion to re- I g motion of Messrs. Duff and Doig were con firmed. It had been understood by a num- blackboard showed the modern wa of anon- Y oiation and proving propositions, as stated TOWNSHIP SCnOOL BOARDS. The township boards stem is not an im- P Y succeaefal examination at Toronto, left for Cam bellford Out., P where he will go into - Servant wanted -Mrs Keefer Those $7 suits -Jackson Bros peat his challenge to the Government to de- i glare their policy on the subject .of Toinper- bar of the teachers that Dr.MoLellan would + be at the;, meeting, but as he was. not, the by Euclid; he gave the number of the ]rte- dsru theorems, mentioning the correspond- arativo law; it is what is called a ermiasivo enactment. �Il a majurity of two tbpirds of the business for himself. The friends of Mise Laura Gatley, will he Booteaand shoes -Jas Twitchell ' Cheapside's question -S Wilson once legislation. But they were mum. It I his chairman explained fully the circumstances of lits absence, and the different steps taken I ing ones i;n Euelid ; dwelt on the difficulty in dealing with straight lines, school sections, at the annu if school meeting, canoed to learn of death of that young lady, Orders for harness -Jas Twitoholl is not believed Sir John will carry out I pledges to the brewers, audit is quite as till- by the officers to secure his presence. parallel and ave, b way of overcoming the difficul- g Y Y o decide in favor of the town, bip board system, then it is the duty of the t+wnshic council to which event oceured on Fridaynight a': her ' home in Mt Forest. The tiecensad held the Old country passages -W' Jackson o - Grand assortment -W L Ottimetto like) that he will allow any amendments to Y Y the, Scott Act. The fact that only 915,000 On the motion of Mr. Groves, seconded 1 U Mr. Duff, the following committees were ty that so many writers have endeavored to surmount. Several other mathematical pass a by•I'aw abuliehing the divi.iou of the position of teacher of the third department is Wingham 4lothing for tot weather-Ranoe & Cc Market garden for sale --Mrs C Carter has been put in the estimates oil account of I appointed:- � 1 P Reporting; J. S. Wilson, A. H. Plummer, points of interest were discussed; the me• thod throughout was clear, and township into school sections, and to estab• lish a public school board in its11 P t place. The Public school for over four years, •• and was taken ill in December last, --_ - - --_=_ : _r-�__ =- -.. - the Scott Act ]roves that the Government 1 I will assume no now responsibilities in thilt J. I{, Balfour, A, Di. Burchill, presented proved interesting to the Dlathematical township board system .nes not alter the princip 71 parts of the pub) c school system of Tenders were opened in the county clerks i ' office on Tuesday for the erection of a wooden11 v- M I toll �griv I connection. A return ehowiug the description and I Genatit late -J. Turnbull, D. 9f.Dlalloch,. J. C. Liuklater.l Resolutions (general) --J. Turnbull, \i'. G. genuises present. Mr, Turnbull, followed, commentillg ort the ltloilerxk n th�olls allcl,i ways. � "� - Oritarto, exutpt that the rite fur school pur• 2osea is the lama all over the towuehip, and bridge to replace the one known as Help's, an the boundary botwee�, Past anti Weat Wa• pp L,, �.!/ra• ` vol"nes of grain and auiutul products sxpott. Duff, t mode of electing school trustees, and the wanosh, swept away4by the spring freshots. :1 FRIDAY, MAY 20; 18197. ed from the Domfl ion from the 1st Jul -, y 18130, to the 1st A piiil, .1837, was brought, o .Clarkson. Res tions of condolence --J. W. Shaw, o�e�. NOTE,,,,. , 11e7srs. J. C'•onnolly, of Listowel, and J, yumber alcctel. Under the section system, Y the electors of every school section elect Seven tenders were received ranging from q g c'p2.550 to $2,200. Thetontraet was awarded , ' - _ - --- —_'-- • 11' 1 ft lit i'il.ra rttw 11 appointed to down Moeda •. 1'tllder the head of "animals y and their produce," it showed that the pro, \V. Nominatiotna-\V. G. Duff, D. DL➢lalloch , J• \\ King, Misses Dunbar McGowan• Buchanan, of Wingllann, were invited to g take part in the proceedings of the meetin„ three trustees resident in the section, eo that to a township that has twelve sections there I to William Ki,leaid.of Wingham, for thesum of $2,270, the work to be completed by fat of ` . ;4 �y q 1t QliCe, Mti4p 1st rate: dace of Canada ex forted was 9118,851 135 1 goods not a credits of Canada 5735,9"x4, • anti In presmtfng the programme, the chair- for the fir " Measure- Ali interesting paper on How to sec,nte interest and attention," has been loft over will be thirty six trneteee. UedRer rho town• ?hip board system, the t.n-lisp is divided July m•xt•. On Saturday, the people of Wingbam were - . making a total of 519,587,039. The amount for rano, the produce of CrunudA, exported g 1 P unapt called -it subject J meats," and Mr, Duff then read a lengthy g till next uneetirlo, Mr, Hutchison kindly consenting to read it then. into four wards, an -i the electors of every ward elect two trustees consequently a town- q Y astounded at the news 'fiat an infant had beea found dead. This time it wits in the outhouse s Word receivedJust a8 we go to press , during the same time was ,,10,8t9,986, and o I for cods for the produce of C'nualn $3,7:x0,- g l and interesting essay on the subject, 6 g Y j ct, clealiu with long, square and cubic measure, mea- At the request of the teachers, the papers read- by Messrs. Turnbull, Doig, Newton, Y g , ship, whether lunge or small, will only have' eight trustege. The township board enact- f t e zgtlgl. j ! ^ -- While Thoe,Sma11 , , •• ' ' wino i? eilipToye at the Brunswick was �" States that at a meeting of the Ontario 781, a9total of 51.1,576,707. i There was a Conservative caucus on Fri- sures of capacity-, the circle and cylinder. Y He advooated the use of objects, such as Auderspn and Burchill will be published in some of the county newspapers. merit is not a new law, as it has been on the statute, book fur about 37 years. The late work. ing about the outhouse, he bappenFd to to+oh eight of the infant. and immediate) Cabinet, on Wednesday, Dr. Williams, of Clinton, was appointed a,. salaried Police I day morning, and it is understood the topic I under discussion was the franchise Act and blocks, measures, poles, etc., and illustrated a cyan tical method of finding the avetaoo of Votes of thanks were passed • to thy public school bonrd, for the use of the school build• Chief ,StfperiuLendent, Dr. Ryerson, for years urged the people to adopt the township board the proprietor of the hotel of the matter and then notified the police. This is the second Magistrate for the Count of Huron. �Ve g y I rho impending ittothou of DIT. Laurier to re- a cuc,a and a cylinder; polntpd out, too, a way of exemplifying tite meaning of meat. ing ; to the Grand Trunk Railway, for re- diced railway%rates; to the several essayists, e,y?te►r. The late Minister of Education, case of infanticide in a very abort, period a' g P pP t,on ratulate the doctor upon his oiut- peal it. Report has it that the question P P q arose as to the line to be pursued when Mr. 1 sure and multiple, and questioned the ad- P, q y' and to the retiring officers of the Association. g Hon,Adam Crooke was also strongly to favor ' g Y of this system, aril went so far as to order and it is the uhlic opinion that the affair P P ehoulillbe ferreted out, and the guilty- party meat and have not the sligLtg t doubt . but that he twill deal out swan*banded Laurier',, motion was offered for considera- tion and that the Government supporters 1 P visibility of retaining in arithmetic the to blas of cloth measure, ,English currency, etc. A committee was appointed to draft a constitution, and report at the tnext meeting l that a vote be taken in all the school sections of Ontario, at the annual ma°eting, on the justly punished. It is with regret we announce the demise of _ , • justice upon all matters that he is called manifested, if not a strong opposition to the law, at least a feeling that it should be made a A discussion followed engaged in by Messrs. Newton, B10four, Plummer, Shaw, Ander- -of the Association. The question drawer was placed in charge question, and, so far as I know, not a single town„hip adopted it, The question,will now a Winghamite in the personofMr. Hamilton Buchanan, whose death took lace on Moa. • P . t0 ad'udicat J t} -� less expensive to the country and to the po• liticians who are onlay rho necessity of son, Linklater and Wilson. Mr. Plummer next introduced the subject „Decimals," of Messrs.-TurnbullandMalloch; insufficient time however, was given the committee as g , naturally arise, '• What is the reascm it has been on the statute book so inn&, and so few day morning after a short but ver -painful Y illness. Deceased was apparently in , Till, principle of "one man one vote," 4. I seeing that the names of their friends are on the lists. Tile Government advocatin r the commencement of their stud after fractious. IIs dwelt Y a large number of questions of practical in- tersest and value were asked. All were an- townships have adopted i+, 2" The answer is this, because it is centralization, it is taking a good health until about ileo weeks ago, when he was taken with inflammation of the lap a adopted by the Mowat Government has also berm accepted by the Government of Mani- I is said to boyo admitted tlurt the law was i costly and to have suggested that a Commit• long on the method of decimal notation, Y showing cleanly rho iso anti value of the awerecl, and the discussion of a number of them will he imtroclncecl again at the next Rte backward, towards the one man power The ratepayers in rural districts throughout g ' from which he never recovered The deceased came to Ningklam from the Count of Mid. Y toba. The Dominion Government should novo make matters uniform by. adopting the tee of the party be appointed tp propose I amendments with a view to decreasing the decimal point; said that the first lessons were the most difficult to understand by nneetin'. The fdloainq iLCt1011 was taken on the the Province are well satisfied with the pre sent achogl sectio° system; they do not think dlesex ¢etween three and fotir years ago and started in business as a broker, &c. He was same principle in the Franchise Act. cost'to.at least one-third of its presentt pro- Portions. 'Pupils, and then .proceeded with the steps leading to the rules for addition, subtraction, Qchenle "Thu College of Preceptors." Moved b Mr. T:trnbull, sec. b Mr. Malloch that, Y Y (lacentralization has gone too far; they believe in ail ower being vested in the bands of the p g married a little over a year Sines to a daughter of tr' bl. �VFav;'Eaq";"'Iltleve,. of the township - -s..�— THF: wa •,the public men observe Sunday, y P I LIFE, IN SAN FRANCISCO. nnultiplicatiou and divisio n. It is impossible to present here an outline of the method, having considered the question of a College of Preceptors for Ontario, this Association, l many, and not in the hands of the few. Tile rownsbip b +and system has been in (orae in of Nl.,rria, He wits a member of the English - g Church, and was much respected, 1. is shown by the fact that Hou. J. J, C. AU- The following interesting lettor has been and it is hoped that Dir. Plummer will n'o l 1 pa,e his paper for one of the educational believipg that its establishment will sub- serve the best interests of education gener- Tuckeremith, for about twelve year?, conse- c uentl both teachers and ratepayers have 1 YK The Go -He Vidette says :-On,last fair day a eentlemnu who makes a "Bi Pu,lh" m the Uott,the nett ly ceeAtel Privy' Councillor and Senator, went to Toronto by special train, received by the Odlfcllolvs of town from one of their number, now a resident of San I� ran- OUr110.1a. A dlQClla9101n followed, led 6 i Y Messrs. Duff and Groves. Qtlhy, fully approves the principle, anti as sure8 the Provincial Association of its hearty had every opportunity of se7 ing any merits or defeats of the system. The ratepayere of crottle buying business, visited our town. and created quite mt excitement by his on 3widay last, and was sworn in on that 1. cisco:- After Au intermission of fifteen minutes, Dir. Newton -read ilia paper on The social support and assisLAnct'J ilh maturing ttnl carrying out the ideal until it becomes an Tuckersmith did not get a fair chance to vote peculiar actions. He drive by the Royal and Albion day by the Governor-General. There can - be no excuse whatever for such a proceedurb. 1 r,ENEF•ITs OF onnFELLO1c5F11l'' "\\''hon leaving. Clinton I' promised some relation between teacher, parent and pupil." He first dwelt on the relation between teach- established institution. on the question; it was in a manner forced upon a reluctant people, by the council in P P ' hotels at a~brar'k:veek epeed,and pulled up on the street whpro he unhitched big horse and �-- - of the boys that I would write and inform or and pupil, emphasizing the value of pa- ' Tho Entrance Examination will begin on b Monday, Jul 4th, at -1:30 m. Y P' order to stave off another difficulty of settle Fed him some lead he had brought with him ; TnE increase in the iron duties will make thein if Oddfellowship was of much use to a person when away from home,- and when tionce tine commending and recognizing of • b � g The following resolutions were passed :- icg and attaching s half school vection, that fell on its han-is, by the breaking op of Har- he then visited a grocery store and purchased some canned fish, cakes ete.,and sitting down a big difference to manufactures who use travelling. I will take this o ottunit to g PP Y 'Prue, merit, the teacher's interesting himself in hispupil's outdoor amusements and their Moved b W, E. Groves, seconded U W. y Y that the fee for membership in this poshdy anion The farmers a e op, the roadside he of his frugal meal much iron, and already wholesale houses answer that question. I have not had I the experience of a great many, but I write bodily welfare in cold weather. In referring Association Association . bo twenty-five cents, that the Y fly oschool. unja owed to it chiefly on account ei u° net taxa- N Y J tion. They have to sup;+ort theirown schools, W When asked why be did not qo a the hotel Y did for his dinner he replied that every time he have notified their customore .that they can- not supply cods. at the old figures. Tho gthat as I have found. I know of no organization to the relation between teacher and parent dwelt kindly and the ling, securing of professional journals hrough the Association be discontinued, and that besides contributing largely to the village, entered a hotel he was brought up as a Scott PP Y people showed their preferences for protec- I would recommend to any of my friends as the Oddfellows. I have found them in. co -o perativo feeling, interest a teacher co iv the 1 g should show in his whether dull or the Secretary be requested to close all ac- schools of Egmoodvilleand Hnipurhey, Thoyr. say the would lad) aid the people le in these Y y gladly P P Act witness, and as witneasea in such casae received no a for loos of time he had found pay tion at the last election and now the are Y valuable in agreat many little ways. I will give one instance as an oaapuph \Vhoy pupil, clever, and ill the children of poor parents. counts with the ublishin tom antes, as publishing p soon as the resent contract expires. Moved P P • villages, if,.they were poor, but they grudge to any of the school. rota a it very unprofitable. like) to et enough' of it. Y g g - - ' - leavinghome I did not take with mo ver y much more money than I thought I would A vigorous and roldfl ed discussion follow- P g ed, un which Messrs. Balfour, Blackwell Duff, Ring, Groves, Hutchison and Link. I by J.W. King, seconded by W. G. Duff, that this Association received with dee re ret p q paw portion i wealthy community, the inhabitants of which Y Y+ ars largely composed of rich merchants me- P ° BORN TiSDALL.-In Clinton, on the 18th Inst., the TuE London Free Press calls it {{ to loyalty" 1 3' need, but loft it to be sent to mo when later joined. the sad intelligence of the death of-MisaKate chanieb and retired farmers. Seven of the wife of Mr, J. P. Tisdall banker, of a son. because a batch of students at Toronto,aoted I arrived here. The money arrived in due time, and I went to the ounce to collect it, DIT. Grows moved, DIT, Malloch seconded+ McEwen, their late fellow teacher, and that the sympathy and condolence of this Aeso• trustees in Tuckeremith are in favor of re• turning to the section system. They object MARRIED the part of donkeys and drew Lord and.Lady 1.Landsowne holo in their carriage. Rats! but the postmaster informed me that I had to hoe some one whom they knew was a re- and the resolution was carried, that the order of business on Fridaymorning be as follows of Sec. re- I ciat'ion be tendered the parents and relatives P of the deceased, in this their sad bereave- to it chiefly because they do not receive any remuneration for their time or their services. BRIDGES-JOHNSTON.-At the resideneo of the brido's parents+ East Wawanosh, on the 18th, r lost by the Rev. J. F. Parke. Archibald • The Govenor-Gencral,showed poor judgment 1.P j 6 done, sponsible party, to identify me as the right person. Ihoy world not be satisfied by let- :-Reception -Treasurers port, discussion on membership foe, the merit. Moved b W. E. Groves sec, h A. Y Y M. Btttcltill, that we, the officers and mem They have, on an average, about eight meet- ings each year, and until last year they did • Bndst d Esq., of Morris, to Elizabeth Johnston, eldest daughter of DavidJourieton, Esq. in allowing it to be and the students displayed their lack of sense in doing it. tors or papers. This was pretty hard oil a ersoil who was a com lete stranger in a P election of officers. On the motion of Messrs. Malloch and Duff it was decided to hold an bens of the North f-Iuron Teachers' Associa• tion, desire to express. the' deep feeling of not even receive their actual expenses. The Minister of Educatiopt,has decided that they DIED COI;LF,Y-In wawanoeh,onTuasday,l7ttt Loyalty. is something of a different kind al• together. p strange place, Well, I took- my Oddfellows I to the Grand Sec• evening session, o I The evening session was opened, by the sorrow with! which we learned,of the death of our late fellow teacher, Mr. Thomas W. may charge their actual expenses, ut not for y g P The See, East inst., Wi;ltam Genre Edson, only thud of Mr. Rich Corley, g y, age¢six years and seven months, g _ -•«-- ' WHATEVEL' tbO un8erstandin; is bctwcenn travelling card, and went retary here, who kindly gave rine a note to I the which was sufficient, and all I reading of the minutes of last sessio11' and „An appeal to the sexton for air," a reading Sloan, Not• can we permit this occasion to pass without caring our testimony to his 1 k Y their time or services. -Treasurer has to furnish bondsmen and security to the of $10,000, Vesicles he has a large TTT n�1n f S , . mA 1 �1 �� [{ ,, Sir John and Tupper, as. to the pos- postmaster, I was well. When travelling I wear my em- Uy Miss Pake, of Wmgham. The Secretary was called on to read a paper on the " Wel• maa� virtues, both in his public ca vent, as extent amount of work in connection therewith, but 1 V 1' LL L rl r .latter's Bible succession to the position Of leader, 1 ble'ms, and hftveseveral times received in. I formation that I would not have received so „ fare of the Teachers' Institute. The essay- n teacher, and in his private as opt citizen. P We feel that tfie arents have lost a ood P g the law will not allow him receive a salary for done the same. Ther ora .ten schools g -, _ T Tho new tariff larval tncteasas the Coat y' they have managed to kelp their secrets correctly had I not boon itli Oddfellow. They attention to the onward march 11 ist edrewducation, I education, rho ways and means in which all and lovin son ; the.teachers au earnest, tal ' p°d twelve teachers, and wheys uniform taxa.. " -. of producing Photographs, but tvo]I. The impnessionprevails that Tipper's are the strongest society in this city, having a membership of about 6,000, besides Rebek, may eng age in it, and showed the value in anted and kind-hearted friend and co -labor- er, and the state: has lost one wdio would tion reva'14 one would infer that the teach- ars wponl,l also be uniform; such, however, is mission was solely to "boom" the Nova Scotia elections, aud'that he will return to alis and Encampments. They own a hall which cost $100,000, besides other city pro• this respect of the Teachers' Association, e'm pliasiying the pointe, the giving and re- bave'-been-a useful, and influential member of soviet Moved by Mr. J. H. Thompson, not the case. Six of the teachers hold, aln?a P, °vfueial.certf6cutes,om six hold third •^ o Out Fr ee.q remain Sallie his post as Higli-Commissioner until S.ir I' perty,, one of the largest lodges has a meal• ceiving of valuable methodsof teaching and- study,'the cultivation of sympathy among sec. 'U Mr. J. C. Linklater, that -we the North class, and salaries range from $260 to X450„ _ __ And the of ant work iti higher :John needs bion again. But Low about the necessity of a High Commissioner when he Uershnp of over 500, owns property, to rho extent of Over $100,000, and has 'a library teachers, the value of representation, the officers and members of the Huron Teachers' Association, desire to express our so you will see that the.board is out extrava• gane'in the matter of teachers' salaries By_ qualify+ than it ever was before. _ _ .. - -1 Oen Ietnain iii ;Caiittiditi rive -or tlire� 'iiionths at a time. whish is tit's thud lar'fest tu' the city conn - prising 4.5,000 volumes. ` - mouldin of o alar o inion and the bene• P.1..__ . opinion, g _ $te darfvod_from the exotmses ni arliameu P tar I raptise. Discussion on Iho paper fol- Y P P P _deep feehtt{, o so r t t e --' '- f- r osv-on.-learnin of h death of our late fellow -teacher, Mr. E. T. Slemmon, and we hereby offer our sympathy _ _ - `" g, y tine report of tli'eZnepLeotor ojthie riding, you we l observe that it coats mere per y to . ... _ _.. . -. _ ._ . .. - FOSTER, Baa�er Black, ChIltoIl:1," ,_ -.*.*. SOMETnING CONCERNING SAN F•RANCIaC0. - lowed, led by Messrs. Duff, Groves and to the members of the bereaved family. to Tuckeremith for school rates, than an town- e ' ' • TuE Globe states that "the. Government :, IN afraid of astraight vote on Mr. Laurier's Now I am writing I might say a fele words about some of Ilio most important and novel feti:tures of this reatand wicked cit which Linklater. .. ' ' Itecitation8 were given b I<lfases.Car ill Y g if llioved by D. M.14lalloch, seconded by J. j King, that it was with the deepest sorrow shipin the ins ectrirate. Now what i;i, the P reason of this, -seeing that the teaohers�are not aid large salaries, and the trnstees do _ _ 'fZt�1V 'iitl Ctt•',�''.k'f11.Clltli „ . g. Y, and Agnew, of Win ham, and a comment g I we learned ofllfe deMh of our late fellow The is motion for a repeal of the Franchise Act, Fudge, the Government is afraid of notning, will be interesting to some of my old friends. San Francisco has a population of about I be allowed here, it may be said truly that both "reciters manifested good elocutionary g Y teacher, Miss Laura Catley, and we desire friends.aild not receive any remuneration. reason twelve teachers are doing the work that was g 't OOD GENERAL SFRVANT WANTED AT ONOE. �� Apply to DIMS. IIOVEl, Townsend and the Globe might as well say so. The g Y Y 300,000, and has within its borders a China- town, Spanish town, Irish power and ,entered full unto the s nit 1 Y p' • of I to extend to her sorrowing Tela- tives our warrinest sympathy ath in this .their Y P Y former) dnne b ten teachers, under the sec= tions stem. The advocates of the townsUi 1 P C E St, _ _ •ra ` have taken a straight veto on more ticklish questioxis than this one, and been sustained a an town, and a French town. In reality they. •ora cities within a city-. Here the 'different nationali- .the selections, the rendering, in this res act, Of. " The eagle's nest," by Miss Agnew, n QpCC1a1lV flue. .n g eci hour of trial and affliction. Her many ex cedlent qualities of both head and heart have friends Y board system claimed, ag one of the benefit8 of it, parents -would be allowed to send their �]`T ANTED - GOOD GENERAL SERVANT for n emelt famlty. To a capable `pa,9'tt highest wages will be given. Apply to MRS. e �- 'they ties may Ue found huddled together like ,,. endeared her to a wide circle of who. children to the nearest school. But this, in- KEEFER, Rattenbur St Clinton, y , every tirfio. What reasons then, have to fear that their µp herrings in a barrel. Netertheless, they Linklater took ,The snit in teach n g+ for his addt'bss as,'chairman. He said it will 'sadly miss her kindly word of sym- pathy and advice. - stead of being a benefit, is one of the worst The in _ — yTRAY STEER—CAME INTO SUBSCRIBERS supporters will not stand li a by thein in this instance. We would be only enerall help one soother, with the ecce i;• Y L p• tion of the Irish, who are continually quay- was essential to have the right aim, and first resented the negative aide of the sub. presented --mss_ features of a bads stem. school see. Y tion No. 9 happened to he built in the wrong premiere. 4th concession of Stanley, about the tet of May, a two-year old Red Steer. The too well pleased to see a little more stern in- dependence in the House but when we do rellin Chinatown is, without doubt the. g most interesting of all, composed of about ject, showing what it is not, viz.: that it is TOWNSHIP SCHOOL BOARDS. -- lace •incl' when 'the townshi board system place, ` P was adopted, a number of children left the owner is hereby nohfled to prove property, ray charges and take it away. JOAN STEWART, not expect it, we certainly will not try to make the public believe we do: 35,000 of these cursed Mongolians, and they are, indeed; the corse of the city. They not --to try to pass a great many pupils at an examination, not to cram knowledge into beads, but life, he is The following is a .papor read before the East Huron Teacher's Association, by Mr. N., schools they had been attend-ing, and went to No, g, Although they. were in away reach of �/ USIC TEACHING -TELE UNDERSIGNED 111 lytekoe to intimate to the people of Clinton ' " BENdIlLLEIt. have not in the least conformed to the Ame- ricin wayof living, their Custom? and man• boys' and girls' said, 'before the child,' and the teacher should, by his Doig, Tuckeremith , • EDUCATION IN GENERA}.. their own school. The rcEult was the trus• ild di o No.r tees had to build on addition to rig. 9 ata that she is prepared to roach ROBIN'S NHW AMERICAN METHOD Or71fUSiC, either for A LAItOE C10LT.-Mr. J. J. Fisher, g, -ners being the same as they are and 'always efforts and example, encourage boys and girls, especially those that are oor, that The education of the masses of the poop"e to teach- test of aboub and employ Organ or Piano. A limited number of pupils taugh t, either at their own holies or otherwise Benmiller, has a small brood mare .that gave birth a feiV days ago to a Colt that have been in China. Dr. C.O.O'Donnell, the great anti�Chineseagitator of this state, says ]raving received the proper impulse, they ntay go ext and rove themselves honest P of a great country is a subject worthy to bring out.tht greatest legislative talent and or, which means an additional annual expen- diture of over $300. Anther,great defect in Terms modernGe. Further particulars on a�If •. ' plication. MISS JOYNER, Vittoria St„ 8outU, i weighs 180• pounds, measures around the '. need three r`eet and tbree inches, and ten +, - They live like a hog and die like a dog. This is, indeed, true ;over one-half of them ' noble. men and women; the teacher that labors for this end Lias his re• abilit of the' Tilers and statesmen of an Y Y nation or. aouritry. Education is an imperA• the system is that trustees frequently reside a 'o•ig distance from some of the s pools; as a Clinton. lip ARM VOR SALE - THE UNDERSIONE Foffers inches. across the rump. It was sired by CarletOn's (Scotland's Glory. Beat are covered with pock marks. Gambling seems to be the liveliest business among ward. ,In . the discuniolt that followed Messrs. Blackwell, Groves and Doi g com• tivo necessity, in free countries, where free self government prevails, E order.'nocqualify mater of fact, it has happened that there have been schools in the township where the for sale lila farm being lot 87, Maitland Concession, Goderich township, containing Tx free -' a1 that if you can. them, and is carried on unceasingly; it is- mended the "aim" the President advocated. the people to vote and as in an intelligent P p. R on all that may affect their nearest trustee was over three -miles distant. have to'get necessary re. acres. About c5 are cleared and nearly from stumps, in good state of cultivation. The beeolt �-""-- estilhated that fully 020,000 is gambled away weekly in this quarter. The women The session on Friday morning was open- ad with prayer b Mr. Turnbull of Clinton. manner, questions own interests, or the interests of the eo:intry. So the teachers any pairs done themselves, and trust to the balance is good hardwood bush, mostly and maple. On the premises area iraine hones VARNA, . Rev. A L Smifh of Varna is the owner + are always small, not over five feet two or three inches high, and never wear a )tat or The SeoPTreas' r� ort was read and ado t• ed. The committee on niimination present= I nt large ; that being the case the rulers and statesmen of free conntriee are in duty bound township board to pay for them. The worst feature of the whole system is that parents do nearly new, a bank barn, a Kood supply of wa ter, and also an orchard. The property is situ- ated six miles from Clinton. For full partien - . of a rather clever and intelligent pony, Whenever it wants ;.-drink it will go to any covering on their heads, and dress in }vide-legged'bretches,just ke the men: They 11�� ed the following repgrt, which, on the me. tion of Messrs. Duff and Malloch was to originate a precise and definite school sys• tem, to educate the whole people, the poor as not take the same interest in their schools as they did under the gection system. When a lara" apply on tine premises, or WN. BAKER, Clinton P.O. -i--- the pump and lift and lower the handle with its head, and when it has raised the may often bo seen riding a`�ound in carriages bareheaded and smoking cigarettes. Their ^''"fit`" Tied :-PreB.LW.E. Groves, Wingbam; Xice•MARKET Pres., Miss Dick, 9.afortln; Sec.-Treas., A. well a? the rich. A uniform school system will not suit all nations alike, because the successful teacher is engaged in aoyp+of the schools, the ratepayers would gladly rafee his GARDEN TOP. ALE.�NORTH- west part of Lot 1, Concession 1.4, Huron water, will catch it in its mouth as it meat markets are one of the most disgdsting M. Burchill Blyth; Assistant -Sec., Miss I circumstances of peopla and nations are not or her salary, rather than run the risk of get- Road, Goderich Township, consisting of ten eirimes from the spout. This is a trick that, if learned by other horses, would sights. Here can be bought any kind of an animal, clean or unclean. They roast a pig McGowan Bal r ve; Executive committee, J. Turnbull, Clinton; A. H. Plummer, Lon- the same. Every school system will have to be framed to suit the wants Ani ciroumstanote ting an incompetent. teacher, but the town- ship board Bays "No, if yon van better your acres. It is within 2 miles of Clinton, and lye Ou tgood f gravel road leading' o en�vrlaco ld a save mach labor to their owners. whole, and out it off in small quantities as desboro• Miss Anderson, Seaforth• Miss of the poop.e for whom it is designed to serve. condition, do so; we can put a teacher in yc u r , new frame honse 20 x 26, with stone collar ua- -,�,-- they sell it, and there it hangs, without any of the internals being taken out. It is a cus• Simpson, Clinton; Miss Palle, Wingham. I Auditors, Messrs. Manning R Scott, Clin. The school systems of Great Britain are of il semi sectarian character, but the school syn- place, holding the name certificate as you, for }ses money." When an ineompetentltearher derneath; also a good barn and outbuildings.g-• plesonntyrd water. t e© is lac[ prop re to good iiIPI'EN torn of thefts when they bury any one, that ton. Delegate, A. M. Burchill, l;lyth. tem of Ontario is almost purely accular in its So fir I Itnow, is placed in a school, it is often a diffiaalt do small fruits, &c • this year. Appty on the pro - A('QIDEN'r.--DIT. Taylor, Who is Work- they put a small roasted pig mn the top of Mr. Turnbull then read his paper oa "The scope and operation. as well matter to have him removed, in order to miaep, or to I11R8. C. CARTER, Clinton P.O. -' in . at.Mr, Wefsmiller's house fell off the g roof,'6n Monday evening, breaking two the rave- but the hoodlums have made a grave, practise of taking the pigs and eating diem, College of Preceptors. He referred to the I Anomalous position held by the members of deti led schools stems are of modern date. Y Doubtless superior education flourished four ao she ratepayers moat present a petition to the board, asking for big removal; wind -df khe —•• RC�YGLE FOR SALE of his ribs, so' that the practise has been somewhat the teaching profession with regard co• thousand years ago. Egypt, Cireecc and home produced great scholars, philoacphere, petition is largely signed he will be dismissed. I have taught under both systema, and as • i rlFTY-TWO INCA, BRIEFS. -Mr. Thos. Malin is erecting s kitchen. Air. Shaffer is having the drawn for his Nbandoned. A new Cit Ball is fu course of erection here which, when completed, will Coat about operation in A common interest showed the objects sought U the institution of the ro• posed college as Nein in the interest of the ``attest poets and orators, the writings they have left their superior ability and learning. ba a teaoher I prsfer the section system to the townshipboard a stem. The question wilt"First-class q orde1' rt , material new building. Mr. gg Cudmore made another $5,000,000. The U.S. Mint is probably the public, education and the teachers. He con- I Bat after the Christian era g an education declined The clergy of those days now naturally oriae, if this is such an inferior why do not the SELL CHEAP. shipment ofeattle on Saturda last. Miss Cudmore spent a next most interesting place, and has the largest mintingca acit of an in the world, trasted the Lase Society of Upper Canada with -the College of Preceptors, and pointed rapidly. did not encourage education among the laity, system to the section system, people return again to the latter 2 Before a. WILL ,few (lays with friends in Exeter last week, One of t1c firsth ngs that a person sees on lot barrels in the out that thcrfornter had been and is ogreat and for a long period the clergy was the only educated class'in Christian countries, and for township boned can be repealed, it must have been in forte at least Ave years, and then the J. P; TISDALL. • CLINTON ._,... _- " NOTES, entering, is a of strong vault. These aro full of the sweepings of valneto the members of the legal profession; the scltemo now proposed would, if carried three hundred ,years prior to the Reformation, in Christian repeal must be carried in three out of thodour L Old Coun -r9 Passages. NEWS " tee--• the floor. The floor is arrest Query week and the sweepings are, melted down, and When out, greatly benefit the teachers. He out• lined the leading features of the English darkness and ignorance prevailed lands. But after the Reformation, a now era wards. Another thing that is against the repeal in Tuckeremith is that on account of �I Coxnexsr•.n.-'i'lio hor of Sir R. J. Certwright died at Kingston, Tnesdgy, aged nothing more can be made of it, it is barrel. led tip and sent to 1',urope, where labor is College of Preceptors, showing that it had worked advantaggeous) to the old land, and of light dawned upon Europe, and in no conn try did it shine more brilliantly than in Soot• two new schools having been built, it will be difficult to,divide the townahip atgUin eatisfao- ECONOMY1 SPEED i COMFORTt � Wh a end almost a month at Bea in the ea - 78. --D. T. Batley, of Stratford, formerly, of cheaper, and still mono is made out of it, P Y the Ontario Colle e, if it be generally sup- g g Y 1 I.,, and one of the first things that John torily into, sobool sections, But I do not think loon o£ n oor, slow steamer, when ,you can p ' half ,,;,, - fioderich, died on Tuesday.—Mr. O'Bribu spoke to an immense crowd at Toronto, on The gloves and clothes that the mon wear, and the carpet on the halls, aro all burned ported, would be Crowned with still greater success here. Questions were asked on the Knox and bis friends did after order was re- stored, was to inaugurate a well defined school the diffioultiex are insurmountable, although it will be impossible to have the original go and come For less money, and in the time, in the intermediate of the Tuesday, but the hooting, hissing and cheer• iud to him being heard; there up and run through the furnace, and once a the chimneys are scraped down ; this, paper, and an animated and genera discus• cion took place, which was participated in Aystsm, for the education of the people of that country. It was designated the Free Parish boundaries the awme. Petitions are now be fore the counoil,asking for tho submittal of a Whitt' Star Line, prevented was no trouble the address, but d the Queuing year also is put through the process. Sometime by Messrs, Balfour, Connolly;, Blackwell, I School Sy stetn of Sootland. The teaching bylaw to a vote of the electors, for a repeal he was stbnod by a utob while passing along ago the carpet, which )tad been in use one Malloch, Groves, Turnbull, Duff, Black Aud was of a aemi•aeetarinn character, but, with its faults, it diel a vast amonut of good to of the by-law under which the towuehip hoard wag establlRbed, and a vote, it is expected, Electric lights, hit and cold baths, special din ing saloon, liberal bill of fare, first class attend - the st"reot; a reporter of the New York Tri- brine was badly hurt. The tariff elutril year, was limned up and put through the rofinfng procoss, and $2,000 made out of it, Buchanan. Mr. Clarl(sou showed by citing several on.ample4 that different classes of I all the peasantry. It enlixhtooed their minds, will be taken next month, anee. Everything found. On a first•claa � i Pest on thio, it will pny you ' are occupying not only tho attention of Parliament, but all wholesale houses And The C101d Doparti lent is the only one that has been running here for 8everAj years. It inerchant4 and others of different Calling had been greatly benefitted by union, and I and pelt a stmilp upon the national character of the popple that iq visible to tho presentday. � )Vtr,. C.'Eherine Re0r1t of -Essex, Ver- ,yourself steaparticular.,; I'nrticnlnrs From manufacturing industri0s in the Dominion, ntny Uo interesting to the buys to latopv that all money through the. hancly of the counvolled the teachers to enquire well into the subject under discussion, and they would A semi•soctarian school system like the Stottialt one would not Quit a country like moot, died Sunday, aged 10' years and 7 W. JACKSOKr ;)GENT, - CLINTON-. , to which rho cUaenres well tltalco n very ma. torialdiffererim. passes fair sex beforo it goc7 oft into 11,;". see tile_ great advantage ,to be derived from Ontario, bec.luse the people sprang from (lif• months. '. . t