The Clinton New Era, 1887-05-20, Page 1_ -., • ," b • i• • a I 6 I. h' P n . , . .. _ . ,._ _�,..._._ ____ , __�__....--.. -_.. . -, - ,. ,i ••�• I . I I E L IN , .:-.. ­ I . �:, i - I 01 . . - , , ,. I 11 , ` I .' ' T r 11 �\,_T iN- E'" , `:• r _.. -_ _. .__—...-�.�.__..._......-_r..—.__.__ ...._.._ - -. __' _._ ._..._.. _.._ _ _ _ _ ' TERtits-$L6uPerAnnaw DaJv■Ace CLINTON,_ ONT., FRIDAY, MAY 2091887. _ �nulurlr'r wofwlft� P4lilir 4enr. 1. - TUCURMtsall-TH. the close of the game the score stood 15 to Bt LCiitAvit. coming along with their fat cflttle, (tie stehtttwt>f Dogra meeting. - -� T T c T Fred Peardou, Fsq,, Started for old 0 in favor of the former. Wm, Small, of A VISIT L _ ... .. -_ BiUxr,5--3Im Li Nr. uchananbas.the._citl.]:L Awt t11a people warm, and it is �-� - - - - hugkxnd, on i}Ivndey: London, Lias accepted a position as ?ore•. syn ath., of this neighborhood in the really sport to watch them plunge round The regular ineeting of the Pub&g', _ Miss Larvis, of Mitchell, has been man in tl:e firm of Jobb's carriage factory sudden demise of her husband, who de- in the water, but it might be death to man School Board was held on Monday e,ven- spending fl few days with her uncle, Alr, of this town. Cadet Annie Case, formerly paricd this lite on the SCh Inst. ;she was and beast. and I do not think it is very Ing• The following accounts were ordered •i0— Wm. R•rbb, of Exeter, is it: present assisting in the !,ume under the parental rol,f for a few p)c.aaunt to be travelling slung in wet to be paid:—R. Brown, 50 cents; R, Mt•.-••• David Sproat, jr., son of Mr. George -stork of the Salvation Army here. The ,lays, Our villagers and the Orangeman clothes, Why don't our overseer sec that Racey, $1 50; A. Hillen, $1; Hr Evans( 5prnat, is recovering from a severe attack annual school convention wits held here tgtcnd having a grand celebration hero'the bridge is rep -tired, and stop all this 75 teats. Tne prciprioty of re -,testing tta- ° , of inflammation of the lungs, on Thursday and Friday last. While ( on 22nd of June. A. 'Taylor has just, re- nonsense and urlPldasantnei'S—FA[tMFR, other of the roomy with suitable .desks .. James Macdonald, son of Dr. Macdonald, ceived it large stock of boys and youths I — °� having been considered at a previous meet.. TO D T"i. ' Considerable fall wheat lard has been , SHAtcuttTit. j jZ j-� j resown with spring grain and what is left of this tuts n, was roving n Span d ponies ready tnstde clothing, which la selling I BOILER ExPLUaION: On Tuesda a 1pg' and eevoral manufacturers having is not making very good progress, down the main streets; on Saturday last, very feet, Henry Clark, pump maker, of y mor been correFpnnded with, it was decided to they got frightened at some boys playing Wingbam, has put in a number of bid Ding Elie boiler ill Mr. Trutt'! cooperage purchase 32 desks from A. Stahlschmidt j Dr. R. Cosens, of Dodgeville, Wiscon- on the street And dashed down the street celebratgd now pumps in welly here lat ly, exploded,completely .vrec,cing the engine I & CO., Preston, at a .cost of $3 25 each �'i`-"``� ( sin, paid a flying visit to this part of the I at a terrified rate. until there mad career The Savage band, organized by R.Simpsorl I homie itnd throwing the itioiu part of the I delivered. A cummitteo hatlug been a LAST WEEK RESULTED ?N A I country, in the beginning of the week, was stopped about a mile out of town. is fast increasing in membership anti doing ; eogine-hou ,e and uie main -part of the Pointed at a pervious meeting to report HEAVY PUttC13ASE UE I Mr. Francis Walters,one of the pioneers Geo, IJ Mooney, of thin town, and Chas. a good work, by conducting prover Peet- b"iler,,l5.w 20 trot from its Iounde ,,1011 upriu the advisability of erecting a ward of Tuekersmitb, is at present seriously ill, Sinclair, of East Saginitw, form, the battery ingot during the week in tife church and ; scattering bricks and splintery for sc4eral I school or un addition to Goo pre c•nt school . but we. hope to soon see him around again. for the Winghtim base. ball club, for the in several private houses, in this vicinity. ; hundred feet around, several of wh;ch I building, to accommodate the increasing il1r, aid Mrs. Richard Cudmore, tubo ensuing year. On Sunday last a load (0 Al r. Fred R. Johna;, Qf.AlgiiiPa,:is':�v+ lid• I trent hrough too windows of the neigh school pcq,ulation, reported as followR:— , I"ine HOSIERY were among the earliest settlers<J,m this y°ung men (member! of the bicthudist ing a few daps among hid old aequ int• boring hc,useR. No one ? r;z, thin-� a"tinttnbio for a wflidsct.00i, about file church) drove over to Wroxeter to assist .antes here and Wm,Thomson,shoen,aker, i nge'about $400. c 11troof,he northerly tlinitofst,nthies wlwd; township, passed the fiftieth anniversary _ - l'" which would equally aoeomb,edute the ltd - t of their wedding a few clays ago. the salvation Army of that Place. \Its, of Thessnlon, is expected in a few days. �- ir.tuiug ;t. George's word, call iii bought for 'rt i H. Youbill, who for the past, three yeara I .�. I GODF.R[i'". I $2a0; the hultdiug, on etono•foundatforr. -und ' Alessrs, Onslow C,ricb and WnI Town has been engaged in teaching school in DLVTi1 BRIEFS.—The UDi ed Empire St Allied ! veneered w;th brtck, with neecasary nurbudtl• AT BALK` THE USUAL P1tIl`ES, AND sena, jr., started for Algoma last Saturday, t mga welt alidfonciug, would cent rrom$i'!00 to The ore stead hara•w'orkin young Aux Sablr,Mich., has resigned her school PRINTI\ OFFICE.— gentleman from I into hntbor on Alouday;with mrarlv30,000 $1s0a; total, s1600. Your comulittee, however, WE aRE NOW ENABLEDToOFFER Y y� g 5 6 and returned home on Friday last, Will I Alvin ton was in town thi�.veek.trying to bushels of wheut, which she left lit ihu I Caretaker, the extra expenses of heating, and will no doubt do well ,n a ne.w Fleuty, who has been w( rking on the Do find out what prospPets there Vmuld be in Bib Mill. The Ontario wa- in harbor , &a.. sq4 the dlMoulty of pro ersn- G100DS AT 10, lb ARID 2, t,lyNT�, Country. , l,orpJsh,n by the Principal is oAseof word trait free Press for the last four months. I startin r n paper here. As far as we can Wednesday rnor„iu The Baitd Coa,edy saboei on by adopted,would,,, recommend an ern:• WORTH DOUBLE THE MONEY. Mr. and Mrs. John White, of the 2nd returned Home, oil Sat'i EW last. The 1 learn he has not come to any definite de- I Co,, which uppeand each night last week tt'1140n of the east wing of the 111udelSehoAl con., celebrated their silver weddiLg lust salt works are in full boom, I of ion yet. He wanted a bonus of $50o, in Acheson's hall, had pour boosts• u;eu%for tions g uuioptea oMmei beat the dos Tuesdav by inviting a number of friends ----- �� ---- ---- I but people here did not feel disposed to FORESTEIts, — At the Inst business eriy bait of present building, or two rot) . -� to spend the evening. A very pleasant LEEBUKN. give it meeting of the Grder of Foresters, the fol-' thereof, as wall as the aa�lltton. Tbfa .v'oukt Increase the I time was spent WILL NOT REBUILD.—We Understand lowing were elected to nfftCC :—C. R., 1';', lower of hYatt uis SOLD —A. Clutton gold ten head of per and lower room of nearly a,me dlq,euaiooa 6101nd "'•}-" cattle last week, for the sum of $C,0 a head that ,11r W Do ummond, recent y burned I Pridbum ; T C R., R. Fulford ; Chap , as those in use at presents with au addiWunal o raiUEN1UIi TOWNNIi1P. R sines F. stairway sad paseAgo IttarnR exit to *he x OLD FCeLIc.—J1r. Junes Strachan spent Qut here, has decided that for the present + S•, T. Sttevd ; 9 S , W. Me- _, -.-., I `. b `� u cpAl r, W, Patton, of the 7th cult., has go; P t he will not rebuild. His load, over and i Creath ; Tress , C Crabb S. W sideofsohoot, wbieit wuutd 1,rovtde Tnor6a�U� 25C RUSE a short time with the old fulk at home last , 1. safety and conventeuoe at all tiw i-, and par- a nets hussy to take his drawer out in. home,last his insurance way pretty heavy, and ;Nicholson ; J. 1Y , R Gillian ; S. B,, W. tfoulurmy in ease of fire or Paulo naitu,g-the pp Pennin to i • L B , J Steward. children. The coat of this propose t exroni,fon A FREAK OF NATURE.—Mr, Ke to Reek• although be one had very favorable offers K !, , • I hue been estimated b. au export atIoM0 The t Disney, of thtR township; has a cult which Mo,,%,ED.—Alr. Ben IIogarlh has hired from Some of the wholesale houses, to en- Itablishment WnAT WAS WANTED.—The boating eH- itefltiIlg appLLl'nta9 Sd nt,t iaeluded in tItis Hatt. has three hind legs. It has only the with Air, D. Lawson fur the Summer and able him to continue in business, he feels , built un -the -beach -5v CiLpf. mate. �' . • IS SOLD EVERYWHERE AT 50C. AND ordinary four legs, but one of its front I !las moved his family to Leeburn to the I that he N too old a man to assume again Babb, is n,.w readv f'or business and will Tit Is report was received and the com- }; SHOULD BE BOUGHT IN DOZENS legs is actual, a hind le in itssha a and house late, occupied by Mr. Cruthers. the anxieties and res onsibilities of com- I probably corumence operatio7,e on the mittee empowered to get a plan of the AT THIS r1GUR);, b Y g P y P p J, formation of the joints, bending back- HOME -51r. Ctimmine spent last -Sun- mereial--pife Ile has been a resident •.f 24'h• Weare pleased that someone has proposed addition from twA men comps. wards, as do the other hind Iege,and com- day at home after an absence of several I Blyth almost ever since it had on exis- i had 'push enough to ereetsuch a building, tent to give an estimate for the same, ific pelting the colt to hop on one leg when it weeks in the city of Stratford tie has ' 'epee, and anould lie decide on leaving, and to supply it with ten,much handsome to enquire as to the hest method of heat - attempts forward progression., his'beard till shaved off- and looks qu;te wraild be greatly missed. boats as WED. Babb has provided. it is u ing the school by hot air, and report to 4 t. uch wt, that some of 11is 13;,rt:rs.—K„evo Doll was in Toren- , Ion telt want supplied," lied the board before the Jun RF,TURNRD.—On Saturday lost Mr.Alex young again, ..o .m..,„,, � � y t'; pp , a.- the hungry a tngeting. • .- ('_ ' 1 1 Sterling, of Gardner; Dak., (son of Air. j oldrneighbors did not kti'ow km. to last (reek. Air. J. Walker, of Clin- tramp would say. Wm Stirling, of Ci' rich township) re- VISITORS.—We notice among our visi- ton, spent Sunday in town. Mr. A M I CHURCH NOTES.—Rev. Mr,Turk, who LOCAL CHURCH CHIRIIES. �'� E IOar�o�der%White Shirts turned on a short v! ” dome; he was ae- I tors of last week, AIrL',Potter, of Holmes- I Emigh, freight agent at Ingersoll, spPent is now convalescent, took h' :pulpit last -- companied by his sister, who has been out I vilie, Miss A. Cook, of Clinton, anal also i Suaday in town. Kill WAlker, of Exe- Sunday morning, and Rev. Jo.,n ilicGil- The District'Lueeting for Goderiefi dia- in the territory for three years. Mr Stir I A°iss L. Hillier, of Clinton. Miss N. ter, suent a few clays in town this week, livray relieved him at night. Lys( Sun- trier is in progress at the Rattenbury Stj_ `' fing states that they had finished seeding i HR,rton is spending a few days in Gode- I Mr. W W Sloan, who has been attending 1 day afternoon the C. U. F. marched in Methodist church, ' AT 50o, 75c. SND $1.00 • two weeks before he left, and the crops rich township, near Porter's Hill, the the Business Col!ege, in 'Toronto, returned ' body to St. George's church, to +hear a Rev, G. F. Salton, of Goderich, lea es ab' 'e ground were lookIng.splend'►d. He guest of Mrs. G. Bean. home last week, Miss Aliie Sloan, who special sermon preached in connection on a.trip to the old conutiy, on the 31st. . 11 anticipates a good 'crop this year. He re- GOING AWAY.—M r. Jas. Horton intends has been spending a few weeks with friends with their anniversary Rev. Air. M,c , inst. It will be his wedding trip. F.� turned on Wednesday. Sailing this week on the United Empire I in Toronto. returned home oil Saturday. I Cosh, ict'. Wingham, otliciated and preach- Mr. Wesley Churchill, Son of AIr. John F, ARE HAVING AN' ENOR310U5 SALE, A Nhw BUTCHER.—A young man re- for Silglt Ste, Alario, where he will spend ' tilt. D 1; McKinnon was in Brussels this ed a inagnificeot sermoni on the parable Churchill, Goderich township,) who uas - the summer. Ho will be much missed in I week. Mr. it Alilne purposes erecting of the god Samaritan. .AND WE ARE, EMPHATIC IN SAYING siding on ,he 5th con of Goderich town- P P � I g been the colleague of Rev. Mr. Sellery,on I this neighborhood as his kind and genial a brick store on iris premises, now occu• , TnF LATrsT CnAZE.--Instead of the the Berrie circuit -Ir killed a fine heifer last week b a .p y i Y 1 , g roller rink craze, we have now a fishing to,r the est year, has ;, THAT NO SUCH GOODS IiA� E EVER p' y dia osition has won for him man friends: ;Iop'ed b I J Ifuckste, curing the cumin g been unanimous) invited to remain titre new process, and one which is hard, y' BEEN OFFERED IN CLINTON AT y A1av good fortune go with biro. summer, It. Milne h^s bc.'n getting craze in town. Everybody goes fishing, fur another ear, and has consented to dA Ik? likely to become popular as n method of Ytc.Nic.—Tho annual picnic of tine his hovel repninted this week. 11r.+, Dxl• (nen, %•omen and children; at morn, noun g LIo rcucl,es an ilk . SUCH FIGURES, hutuhering cattle The heifer ran into I P Blyth circuit next members of Leeburn lodge will be field on i InS,,•of Winghatn, was the guest of Mrs and night ; in rain and shine ; big rods, Sunda _- the stable and to scare it out he threw a y . pitchfork at it. The fork stuck into the tine 2#th of Akay, on the farm now occu= j Etpigh this week, Mr J W Shaw, Prin• little rods and no rods at all, daudy 1 . poor brute's side. and it ran around a field Pied by Mr. McManus, near the bank of I cipal of the Public School, was suddenly I tackle and crooked pins ; priJessional and The Rev. I. L. Andereuu, of London, •— with the forte still sticking in, the young I the lake. Swings will be arranged, ball, called away last week, to his sister who ; amateurs; whole families, excupt the babyhome Secretary of the B. M. 1s, church, is man doing his beat to catch it, but with croquet and other amusement will be in- I was lying dangerously. ill at Cookstown, I who is left at borne to du the house -clean' in town soliciting aid for the cause he //�� • out success until from sheer exhaustion it dulged in. All are cordially invited to anis tie are' iii;?ry to learn that She hag Ing, er0Wd the piers from stem, to stern, represents. He has documents to show IT 1�A�•+.KS0� BR099■0 lay down and died. come arta bring their baskets. I since passed- away ; the family have the ' hauling up the finny deoizensb% the dozen. tha• all Elie, stoney he collects ib put where o' __•��•_---...— ' .sympathy of this neighborhood, in their BY-LAWS CARvI`VD,--The electric light, it will do the most good, in Clio hands of . i, I'7lETEIt -* EAST WANANOHIi• I bereavement. Airs Jas Dodds is at pros. ! waoerivorks, and agricultural park by- the treasurer. The R. Al. E church is HATTERS A_ D F L'RNISttra , Cr.i_a•I.Ov, BP,irvs.--llr. E J. McRoberb, of Lon_ BtttrrS,- Cleo. Tyner jr.,of East 1Vawa-, est indisposed, :i cricket club was organ_ laws wero carri+d here last week, by gond struggling under many difliettlties to keep don, paid the town a flying visit last nosh' is very ill at present, and there is ized in town last week, and the following I majorities ; it is prnprt-ca to -p •nd : 03.001) its head :above water, anis any help fn,m + -�� week. Farmers are about through with very sight Hopes of his recovery, as he officers were elected:—Pres., P Kelly ; for the several items, and it the people well-to•du members t,1' other dunomina- th1eir seeding. We expect a large crowd has been troub:ed with diabetes forseveral I j ice -tires, J lV Emigh ; Sec.-Treas., J A4 ( are satisfied that they will geL it good re- !tions trill be deservingly bestowed. NL'LLIi7^r. d un Tuesday next-2lth of May years past; his wife was also taken sod- I Hamilton. The Woolen !Hill is -again in j tarn for their money, wo shall nut kick, i The fol! wine not'tco ka inserted by y y you know, ,16 z. .BRiEra.—AIr. Wili Snell has recovered I A petition is at resent going the rounds denly ill on Sunday evening, but site ,s I }ierfect running order. Tile Carter ; •`t SPegiul meetigg of the town council h P P g nspecial re'gsest:—T:10 amuualcuoyeniiom from his recent sunstroke, dna is around for the repeal of the Seott:let. Scott I,recover:ng slowly, Christopher Corbcct, [1�i'ock i•t undergoing relraira; tthis Reek, 1. as held on Friday evening., when, nmong . of the Universalist dlturc4i in Ontario as usual. Alias Alaggio Blake, of Seaforth; er., is able to be about again after his owin to it being biidly (lama ed b the. 1 other irn ortant matters, the town clerk I ' I Gourt will be held here to•aay; a num• I I g >; Y p will be held in the Olinda church,,cum- I. is vision friends on the 4th uinceasion long illness,, Mr. dna Airs. R. Corley late fire. Mr. tYrn lira}', •;f 5catitrth, was reported the following figures as tile mending on Friday, June 17th ltd con-. g her of cares will be tried. At the Scott" . � . it is rumored she ma take u , a erma- + I have the symliathy of the community in in town this week. Soine ofour loverg or" �.Jorities for each of the by -lawn: For wa• I a y' a Y 1 P Act Court held in Crediton, on Tuesday: their.. sad bereavement of their only child, sport intend taking in the races at Seafbrth I tt;rworks, •283 ; for electric light, 21.1• ; jilt• i tuniigg the tn following days. Any I • -,nent residence Lure. A lot cit' fan wheat last, the cases of Bi!tbholl, of Crediton, William, ivho diel] an Tuesday (i I Persons wishingto acqualut themselves • _ has:b en lowed u in this township. > y aged on Tuesday. ;:vricuttu.ritl pack, 257 The Mayor, AZr, �:RT the doctrines of that church can l:- P p k arra Wi}ldrt,nf Dashwooa,Rere adjourned. years and 7 months i bis remains were - ...-� Seager, congratulated the cuunct, on the pseTH —To the ton list of heroic men . I Seager, ! obtain literature fro;e of cost, by sending F g (Z> r•,E:�'s BIRTFIrrAY.—\eat TuPsd�y.is followed to the Blyth Union cemetery on.� I.ovilEaBuno, ; resu<t, naizlr ar�d addresi to J. C; :13arrcrna P.A4:. Who braved all the trials and hardships the Queen`s birthday, and the citizens of Wednesday by a large crowd of sorrowing DtSTE3[Pistt —1be dtslempe,^ is ngaui „►°m•+ - I", of pioneer life, but has passed from the this place intend to celebrate it in a loyal refatives and 1'riend:,. A picnic under.the around amon the horses, t,One is "I' r ' BAY FIELD. { _ ilestown, 'or to Rev. W. fkoodell, Ircege of humaq action, ks.this week added rind st le.. • Iu the mornin commencing I I g 6 hmtthvillc', Ont. , , g Y g. direction.ot the pupils and the young folk to Air R Adams, and another to Ur lVnt I h:IttL: i)❑ Toe+clay ul'tern0on a an old . ,-' -, . 1 another name, that of Air. Patrick Scan- at 030 a m.,' a grand trades, firemen and of S S. Zti'o:. 10,•Ea9t WatvanosL; will be lIiles, Kaye gout pretty b;idly, womifu named Crawford was trying to The adjourned ineetingof the Quarterly Ion, of the 4th con. of Hullett, who d,ed societies prcicessitin will take place,headed held in George McGowan's grova nn the � • � I light a fire in her house, she, by some I 1]oard of tlie Ontario? St. (Methodist - lastFrida Deceased was man ofttron g h CONTEMPTI11r,r MrAxvrss, -- ,-orae' - y g by the Tana oma I'odiang from Muncey- 24th Inst:; a large committee, representing i ama►►_soul:e(1 beim ut out some means accidentally set it on fire, •Stie church, was. field on .itlonlay evening. I constitution, scarcely knowing what sick- town. A 11 „o clock t,be cadith.umpians the school. and the section 'has been a g P poison ran to tell a neighb,Nr, � but the house was 'Tho report for the year presented by the. Deas r+a+s until late yea -rot, and had reached will parade, headed by Professor Tickle P• I ,1st Monday night or 'e "day morning, so dry that it was all in•llames in a mom- Superinte.naent and Recording Steward I the mature ! e of84 ears. Ile was born t Y pointed n make all arrangements Hetes- ,which soon tool: too life of Mr. J. Bell's t in the county of Sligo Ireland in 1803 arquehue. At 1 o'clock the sports will tie vary to erasure having an enjoyable time, dog, and came near killing another for env, and niithing could be done to save it were highly satisfactorly and show the y g t continued at theagricultural show ground, Mr. Gregor McGowan and daughter were I itlr. Samuel Woodman. That belonging or its contents. The old lady had, about circuit to -be in a flouriabing condition. I and emigrated in 1833, settled in Chin- consisting of firemen's hose reel races, run- thrown from their- buggy on Saturday I to the hotel was a valuable Newfoundland, �i100 in her bed that was also lost. Dr. Atter the quarterly board meeting, a . guscons., where tie remained for a num- ning, jumping, climbing greasy pole and night b running it into a ditch. A'son i St;4ubury owned the property. meeting of the Trustee Board was held, 'her of ears. With the common desire to g Y g and was tnacli too good a dog to have _..__.:...........-. . ... _ n Y various other sports. In the ev ning of Mr. Ilugh Ross is seriously Sick with arouq,d late at nib �. • - '---- when Mr. Harrison Wilsie was elected in 'better his condition . be moved to this there will bee grand torchlight procession, g ts, when Rtranp;r s do �r lace of Mr. Jacob Taylor. A handsome '�' county in 1840, settlingon the lot on diphtheria.' not wish to be interrupted in their at- fldfi�lilOfla� L000� NOWs■ P y 11 I after which a grand. band concert will be----�•- tom nts (TooD CATrtF.—Mr. Robert Peacock,of was shown tb be on hand by, the "tivhich be has lived ever since. Settlers at held under the aaspices_�f _ Lhe Exeter KUNSIIINH:. k Amain a silent admission. Either '°f Treasurer's report. •Tho Building Com- that time were few and far between and the poison was nut out carelessly or in. `the London Road, Tuck ersmith,, delivered s band of sympathy s ran u among the brass band, which will conclude the day a 13RitcTS.—T'he two school teachera.of y to dextro life if the firmer here last week, for Al r, Cudmore fourteen mittee reported progress, and the Board P g P g sport, and everybody will be able to re- this place attended the convention in tentionall y , , uaanimousl .approve(] of what hal been T feW there were, that lasted ,until death r• it Shows a wanton carelessness of life head of splendid cattle. They emoraced y turn home well satisfied with the days «Ingham, on Thursday and Friday of done. broke the ranks. He was a man of in- h which could not be excused under any 13 steers and a heifer, were all young,and telligence and considerable force of sport. Let everybody be there. last -week. The farmers around dere think I . -- — we aro having too much Sunshine this circumstances. If it was the latter, it averaged 1420 pounds each. We have received a communication ebaracter, a warm adherent of the It. C. xpWICK. weathell and not coon h rain, fibs boys shows a cruelty to dumb animals, and BURNED OUT.—A fire at Boissevain, cri:idisirg very strongly the course of a g y their masters too, that ocluld not stop at Manitoba, on. Sunday morning, destroyed certain minister in the.county-not a real - ch ivch, and enjoyed the confidence of his SH(WRING FeTAL AcclDEar. — On ate going to celebrate the 24th here by dol ninny a worse thing. Sue h people the Ryan Hotel, of which Mr. Headly, dent of town—but for prudential resAons atquatntances. Bis wife, to whom he has Monday evening last a dreadful accident playing a match game of ball. Mr. D. ng ongtlt to hire some one to kick them till formerly of Winnipeg;, wad th.eproprietor, deem it best not to publish it. We are been married 60 years, survives him, but ° happened near the village of Oorrie,where- Armstrong, of Clinton Hkgh School, called they knew better. A dog of AIr J Mason's The guests had a narrow eseppe. Mr. D, not one of these who,40lieve that Ininis- ie iii low health, and he also leaves two t,. a highly -esteemed and well•to,rdo on sumo friends of this place on Saturday was Shot last Friday night, Writ far from U. A1eBean, manager for. AloBean p;rus., tern should be exempt {tom fair criticiam," lone and EwiT daughters. His funeral, on I farmer named Gilpin met with his death, and Sunday. AlisSea Ella Wilkinson and his door, and one of Mr Youngblut's was grain dealers, of Winnipeg, was burned an more than other members of the com- t: - Monday, was very largely attended, He, with a 'couple of others,`were riding Florence Atkinson, ofBodmin, are at pre- 'ton the Sam night, It looks very auspi- to death. The toss on the building and munity, but there at occasions when a °;. -- on a waggon from one, of his farms to an- sent visiting friends hi this vicinity. The dh�b *- _ VVINTIIItt1P other ; at one taco one of the men 'um �'+us when so manv dogs are being put out contents i9 about $5.000. [ M.r, Headly criticism calculated to do good might do SI in from the v a u J p- regular meeting of the Wild Lily Divi^ 'q'the way. Vtro would all advise parties formerly , kept the , Royal Hotel, in the very opposite Besides this, it is mucic IJar>te.-=,�1rs.Thns. Broom is lying very t; bg n, caused a board to sionrof the Sons of Temperance was, held +<o itivest a small share of their -fortune it) Clinton.] better to settle diEliculties that will arise lbw with inflammation A little daughter fly up and start the horses, which ran last Thursday evening, and was well at- gltod locks and fastenings for their doors, CHANGING ROUND —•A London paper under the most careful management, with - . Of Joseph Broom i+ also very ill at present away,►kitli AI r: Gilpin on too waggon feuded; a very interesting time was spent Hurl than lee their weather eye open at says:—"Conductor :i Wilkins, cubo has nut resort to s newapapereuntroversy that ,With inflammation of the laugs; neither do ing his Utmo9t to stop them. To keep discussing the°Subject, which wit} a man P y P . h , :►re expected to live. himself from falling bit. Gilpin appears do the most for levo or money nights, It would pity to run in a couple ' for many years officiated as eonducum on might be ondles, y ; at the of. well=known gents, and make people the main lice of rho Southern Division, The following from the�tratford Herald i. Ail nature now josh look serene, to have thrown his arm around the front close of the debate it -vas referred to Elle round here feel more Recure. has resigned Conductor John Turnbull refers to a young clergyman well-known t For trees and fir�ld are robed in green. Safe, and as tho horses were plunging ladies for decision, which was given in uERY.—Where with that un so late will succeed him. Mr. Wi.kina purposes Thstt Evill do Mr. L liter, I will not give along, the tongue, which had come out of favor of love. Q g P in Clinton arta vicinity: --A meeting of you my poetry on spring this time. The the neckyoke, caught in the ground, and --•_- �—_—.._ Ise( Friday night, John ? What game entering commercial life, And will in all the quarter,.ly official board of the Water- ' threw the wheels over, took you away hunting so far from home probability engage in the grocery trade loo Street Methodist chtireh was held farmers are done seeding and the young pinning Gilpin BILQUEFIRLD, at that hour of the night 7 -No of with Hr A. Callender, of London South," ggrc►wth can now be seen across the fields between them and the ground In this IMPORTED IIORSF.S.—Mr. 'D Mason ar• r , Monday night, when a hearty invitation fume are planting their potatoes and P'tgitiun he was dragged along for some rived here on Saturday night, coo 7th our business i' of course, we thought so, [Mr. Wilkins first wife was Miss Love- was extended to the pastor, Rev. J. T. 4 distance before z y g ' and yet felt interested in making the en• lace, formerly of Clinton, and Mr. Andrew LeGear, to remain for another year, which outer root crops. Sheep Meariag has parties could reach the inst., with three young draught horses, uir You might - pommenced, and the farmers 'ma soon be horses and stop them, when it wag found They are two year old and are ver fine q y', g t explain, ands sue Callender is as gid Clintonian.j was accepted, subject to filo decision of I expegted in town with large loads of wool that his head was almost ground to pieces. I animals. 'Mr. Mason started with 6 two pue9tien s curiosity. They will ask such A GOOD RECOMME.TD.—The Brussels the conference at,' tioning committee. Rev: 'bene is a fair show of blossoms an the Life was extinct. He had been in buai• year old stallions and one three year old questioue, you know, and without eapla . Post says :—The Temperance Convention Mr. LeGear has been in charge for th0 9crnit trove. folks are tett Hess in St. Marys before comingto this mare. On account of the vessel beim nation they might think you were after at Clinton this week selected a man of peat seven mont!►a; in which time tits pretty art'of the con g the doge, or something, Tell us all about sound judgment and with a quickness of membership hag increased and the 8nan- is wishing for rain. Although 1t is so dry p' ptry, was a membgr of the crowded and the voyage being rougb,three it,do. perception nod possessed by many, when tial standing of the, congregation much . � the ground was never in a wetter condition Baptist church and held in the highest re- of these Stallions and the mare died. He --•.•= the lot fell on Dr. Williams. mayor of itLproved. rhe pastor, a6o is a proba- fOr rho spring crops and the growth has speer. He leaves a wife and eight child- had no insurance, and consequently IIOLAIEsvII.1.e. Clinton. He has been. n very successful boner, d: be ordained Into the Meoba- been very good. ren —Laving been twice married - to will be a heavy, loser. Mr. Reid, of Stan- I]RrFrs. —Many of the fatmers appear pian in his profession and has already dist ministry next month. r --...--_ mourn his very melancholy death. ley came Willi Air.. Mason and brought 2 tb be rather unfortunate in colt raising taken an activetlntereat in every question ---- +++- atallioaR. this s rip Messrs 6V Crooks and J Yeo , i�iEtvs IrcMSTI.ast week the masons I a All D1• p g' eTeeting the public good, There was a MUSIC FOR Tim MMIXON..—rhos Wing. RODL'EP.Y,•-On Friday night J BRIEFS.—Our villagetailor. '11r, 1111Mde each lest a valuable colt a few da a ago. g y ifegan work on Mr. Joseph Fosters epllnr; y g the jewel- t lot of gad men before the Convention but ham Advance of a recent issue says : — 1i ler afore -of Ed.Gerster was entered and a has moved to Wingham, whore ha hna The Methodists are to have a S. , anni- in selecting Dr. Williams, looking at it Mr. G: Dobkrt oftheuniveisally known e butldigg is rapidly progressing, and y god prospect of din a much Letter boa• yalrsar in n ltiw weeks, g 1 g y, iws fell, days the stone -work will be com- cese of silvel• knives and forks were taken B P P y from all sides, the beat selection was organ company of Clinton, is doing a out. The amount of goods stolen was iness. Miss Annie Campbell who spenk PROSPFCTIvr SHOOTING. —If reports made. It is to be hoped the Government good business 1n Wi bam. He has Waled. T. portable caw mill beton the g the winter with friends Kansas, ret.urn•• are true our village is to be enlivened on ng to Mr. T. Walker has been set up on the valued at ;(bout X100, No traces were g will not be slow in ratifying the appoint- lately sold piano» to Miss Pt>ttereon,mtsic farm 0 Mr. Malcom Smith; ttnd is now left as to how -the culprits garced an en- °d home,on Thursday last, Mr. Jae Srbgn. t13e.24th last. by a small shooting match, mens as kn the East IiiditigEkt appears to teacher; II. Park, jeweler; Robt. Uocnyn in won • tag order. Airs. Alex McBeath trance, but it is supposed they got in the is having his house fitted up, which ander the leadership of a lady. If so, it be a difficult matter to secure a maeistrate and. A, P Lgle,•also one to Mr. Robt. J, 1 .rt,' bm be i very seriously ill from inflamma- frontdoor by the use of a key. causes considerable talk aboutthe village, will be a novel proceedure. We think, to bear the cases in thq hands of the Ia• EVane, of Wroxeter. Partieq wanting ' - from .the fact that Mr. Swan is still an un- however, that both time and money might Rector. Magistrates who refuse to do anything in this, line should call on some I Mon 0b the langs; at one time her life was BRiEss.--The Nort9 Star base ball married man, Our butter factory is now be spent th better advantaao. tpheir duty or make se!eetion of cases of the above-named purchasers and find dispai d of, but we uader9tttnd gbl ;the ob played a match, on Saturday last, 4,n full running order, and is doing a good MR EDITOR,—We haveSonle nice seen• ghoul ask to have their d.-)malks9!on con• opt if they are satisfied with the knstru•. recoye ag. with a puked team out of the town; tit business, dry now at the Ffolmosrfile bridge, people -rolled. , tnentq before going eliowhere; 'I I• , C