The Clinton New Era, 1887-05-06, Page 8and also putting a Stone .foundation Ander W ERA. • while a ver large number of minor n- and CLINTON FRID, MAY �0, 1887. tG, y _ pairs may be observed in. alI quarters of the town. LOCAL NOTICES. tha best High Land' Pine and Cedar Shingles go to JAS. TWITCHELL. Clinton ,Fine nen, stock of Laurence's Celebrated ,Pebble Spectacles, Cheap, at DICKSON'S ,8o08tore, 27te very latest Nein York Hats in White µns all the new colorings at BL'ESLEY & CO'S, Clinton. WANTED.—Two or three good smart girls to learn the dress making,, ROBER2'eON'S Cheap Cash Store. —Haifa Million New Hnveto-pes jitst•.tahand at DICKSON'S' B000kstore. Close prices for titantities. Large stock Richardson's New Method for Pianofortejnat arrived at DICKSON'S Book- store, Clinton. WANTED —1,500 dozen Eggs, highest - price in erode fo. Boots and Shoes at JAS. TWITCHELL'S, ' Linton. Beautify and decorate your homes by pur- chasing the nicest and cheapest Wall Paper in town, at DICASONIS Bookstore. Guelph Linie can be supplied direct Jrom the car, Saturday or Monday. by leaving orders at J B S W A FFI ELD S Hardware Store, or with COOPER & S WAFFTELD, Bui ders, elinton. Great Cash Sale of Upholstered Goods, Par lar Sets, Lounges, Sofas, Easy Chairs, Otto- mans, Footstools, &e. If not in stock to suit, will make them to order at wholesale prices, less freight. Workmanship guaranteed A fine stock of plain and figured Flushes, ,Raw D'ilk, Silk Rep. Ramie and Jute to choose from. A A. BENN ETT, Rett Rocker Store, Clinton OWU acipiggi. WILL REMAIN.—WO are satisfied our readers will be pleased to learn that Mr. Thos. White of the firm of Palliser Sr, Co , has re considered- bis •determination ti•• leave town, and will remain in business here, which will be conducted as here- tofore. THE Fen WsEAT.—Mr. Jos. White-' head, who returned on Saturday, from a trip in, the northern part of the county, said that the fali'wheat was begirning to go back, -owing to . the continued dry. weather, but the light showers of this week would help it somo. A good soak- ing rain is wanted—and there bas not "leen that this season. DrVistoN Cotter —Mr. Holt presided at thin court on.-Fr.iday, owing to the in- disposition of 'Judge Doyle. There was practically only one case tried, and this was one of disputed wages between Mr. Smith and Mr. T. Waldrop. After an examination of a couple of hours, the judge gave a verdict for p'aintiff. Mr. Manning appeared for the plaintiff, and Mr. Hartt for the defendant. A RIPE AGE. -The daily papers of Thursday announced that "Richard Holmes, of Farmersville, completed his hundredth yearyesterday." The gentle- man referred to is the father of Mrs. S Andrews, of this place, and being still vigorous and active, may yet live to see a considerable length of time. Mr, 5 J. Andrews, who has been on a short visit to his grandfather, returned home on Saturday. - R. R. MEETING,—The committee met 0 on Wednesday evening to consider the propriety of sending a delegation to Ot- tawa to watch the interests of the town in connection with the various R R. measures before the Commons. There was a large turnout. A course of action was decided upon, but the question of sending' a delegation to Ottawa was allowed to remain in, abeyance for the present. APPOINTMENT.—We are pleased to see that Mr. Geo Browning, of Ripley, for- -- erly-mimagerofthe—L-ondesborcreream= h'ts _ien►nval..a__cer-fain young lady,.says cry, and father of Itir. Hugh Browning, time ho's on so lonely. Mr. Agnew,teach- ]ate of this office, has been appointed er, Morris, has bought the bicycle of Mr. T. Ford, Clinton, and Mr. J. Cooper, teacher, has also bought one of Mr. D. A. Forrester. Mr J Tedford has rented ,the house of Mx Qorrell, Mary' Street. A boy named""ISuniep, while -carrying a lighted lamp to his room, the other night, tell ano broke the latnp•to-pieces; for- tunately the flames were extinguished be- fore any other damage was done. An in- cipient fire was discovered at the residence of Mrs. Cantelon, Queen St., the other morning, but was extinguished before any damage was done. With the excep- tion of Mr. Robt Coats, all who are en- gaged in the dry goods business in town, ate young men. The annual meeting of the Clinton Curling Association will be held on Monday evening next. The first boat of the Beatty Line, ,for the upper 'lakes, will leave Goderich early this (Fri day) morning. Mr. Maggber will preach' in Perrin's hull, at 7 o'clock on Sunda%. Miss E. Doan, who is teaching in Blyth, was home here the night the fire occured in Blyth, and as her boarding house was burned out she naturally felt anxious about her wardrobe, but was relieved on. learning that -the eam_e_bas...beeti:aaeed.. Mr. E. Miall, Commissioner of Inland Revenue, Ottawa, met the salt manufac- turers of Western Ontario, at the Ratten- bury house, here, yesterday, for the pur- pose of learning their views on the pro• posed legal standard barrel. Our readers will be very sorry to learn that Mr Geo. I3 Wrightrof Berlin, (formerly of this town) and son-in-law of. Mr. Knox,. Holmesville, lies at the point of death, with no prospects of recovery ; Mrs, Knox went there yesterday. Miss Far - ran is at present in Ingersoll. Mrs. Wha- ley who has been confined to her room by illness, is ab'-+ to ::e up again. Mr.' G. F. Oakes to .I: part in a concert in Goderich last Friday night. Conductor Warner has resumed his duties, appearing in bi, ual vigor atter his recent illness. M]ss S:"Williams, operator, has gone on a visit to Buffalo. H. Plumsteel and T. Tipling each sold a stallion to Mr. D Fisher, of Goderich, this week, ice fence is being put upat-bot1isides of the model scho . --D ne-Rumor says that a ert-ai -young man has lost his h(e)art over a most estimable young lady of the town. Mr Hess, of Zurich, who has made several town clocks for places in Ontario, was here on Wednesday, and examined the Market House towers -with a view to having a clock-pertin he estimates that one suitable for this place would cost in the neighborhood of 8300. We have a communication from Mr Sims, in reply tot nquirer, and one in reply to Mr.Rans- ford, both of which will appear next week; on our inside pages will be found a couple of interesting communications. What hits become ot the 24th of May celebration committee? This is dry weather. The R I3 Baird Opera Co. will bo hero for a it; J, C'roll is bonding astory to his house week, commencing Monday, May VOtli, "THE QUEEN, HER EA$LY LIFE AND REWN" is the title of a neat work of nearly 400 pages, illustrated and got up in the cheap form now so popular. It contains a vast amount of information, largely of historical character, and should find,a ready sale at the low price at which it is retailed, 30 cents. We are indebted to Mr. Chris Dickson, of the ,City Sook Store, for a copy. Seorr AcT NOTES.—Mr. Craig, Gods - rich, plead guilty to a first offence under the Scott -Act, -on. Monday. mut .pgid hiss, fine of $50 and costs. The adjourned cases at Blyth, against those persons in jail, came up on Friday last before Messrs Young and McKay, J. P.'s. As the de; fondants had not served out their time, and the prosecution bad issued summonses for other witnesses, an adjournment was asked for in the interest of the prosecu- tion, but Mr, Young positively refused to grant an ' adjournment, although Mr. McKay was willing to give stela, and the magistrates disagre i:.' 'bases had to be dropped. This was very much to be regretted, as it is believed the ends ofjus- tice were frustrated in this manner. An adjourned case against Mr. Kellard, was to have come up at Exeter, on Tuesday, but owing to the absence of material wit- nesses, was again adlourned until Satur- day. BRIEFS.—;Mss McDonald, of Porter's Hill, left here this week for Fargo, Dak,; she goes to keep, house for her brother. Mrs A. Akam and Miss Pennybaker left Wednesday for St. Paul. Mrs. Peter Cole, sr., ot Miohigan, is here attending to.'her daughter, Mrs. Jas. Thompson, who bas been very ill Mr. W. Doherty is im- porting a well-bred colt from a breeding farm down at -New Glasgow, N. S. The friends of Mr. Jos. Copp will be sorry to learn that he is still confined to the house and is not likely_. to be out for some time. On Tuesday, while Mr. Thos. White, grocer, was leading bis horse home, it dropped dead on the road. The lamp at Detlor's corner exploded on Thursday night; there must be something wrong to cause so many explosions. Mr. Evans drives a new dray waggon, and Mr. Howe tt new dray horse. Mr. Allan, late wi.h J Farquarsou, intends to opeu a barber shop atTeeswater. The farm of Mr. J. McMullen, of Hullett, which was put up by auction, the second time on Saturday, was bid in at $3,480, Miss Kate Mus grove, Toronto, is spending a pew days with friends in town she is just recover- ing from a very severe illness, that at one time threatened to be fatal. Mrs. J. Campbell has decided to take up her re- sidence here. Mr. John Pickett, Lon- don road, has been quite ill for several days, but is improving. The Doh.rty Band took part in a garden part given under the auspices of the Episcopal .church, Goderich, last (Thursday). night. The Fire Engine was out for practise on Monday night A G. T R detective was in town last Friday,on important business; he was seeking information—not individ- duals—and obtained what he was after. The •Chief Constable bas notified all busi- ness men that the by-law iprohibiting the use of the sidewalk in front ot their pre- mises for the display of their goods, will be strictly enforced, so that if goods are exposed in front of their premises, it must be done upon their own property. Mr. S. Wilson has moved into his new brick residence ; Mr. Watson ,has moved into Mr. Straith's new house on Victoria St., and Mr. Downs has moved to the one va- cated by Mr. Watson. Mr, Dieppe], late of the Organ Factory, has gone to Ken- nensille, Simcoe county; to work; since Creamery Instructor by the Ontario - Creamery Association. Mr. Browning has had considerable experience, is a man of broad and liberal views, and the Asso- ciation could not have selected =a better man for the position. FORESTERS.—The Canadian Order of ,Foresters met in their hall last Thursday evening when the following officers were elected for the ensuing term —Chief Ranger, Oliver Johnston; `Vice Ranger,, D Stewart; Rec.-Sec., J C Cole; Fin. -Sec., Wm Jones; Treas., Wm Young ; Chap., John Smith; Sen. -Woodman, Jas Finch _: Jun. Woodman, Chas Spooner; Sen. Bea- dle, A Twitclrell; Jun. Beadle, T. Wal - "(Iron ; Delegate to High Court, John Smith. SCOTT ACT ASSOCIATION. --A meeting' to consider, the recommendation to his Honor, the Lieutenant Governor, of some suitable person for the position of Police Magistrate for this County, will be held in the Lecture room of tho Rattenbury Street Methodist church, ,Clinton, on Tuesday, May 10th, commencing at 10.30 ro'_clack a._m. _Thoso.entitled to be_pres-. ent and vote at this meeting are the clergymen of the county, the members of the executive committee of the County Scott Act Association, the President of each municipal branch Scott Act Associa- tion, and two other delegates from each municipal branch association. The Lieu- tenant Governor in council has now the authority to appoint Salaried Police Mag- istrates in Scott Act .Counties, and will likely be guided in making the appoint- ment for this county by the action of this representative meeting. IMPRovFM8NTs6 IN TOWN.—The new buildings to be erected in town this year, and improvements and repairs to old ones, are much more numerous than most people suppose, and to eho'ib bow the town is progressing, we give below a list of all the improvements under way ; some of them have been casually mentioned be fore, but repetition will not hurt them. New houses are being erected by Messrs. Manning and Rob. W. Coats, S. Copp, W Alexander, Jas. Smith, G. Perrin (2), T. Gibbings, J. Boles; large brick additions_ are being made to the High_Schooil Ontario Streit chu ch—e--Stone founda- tioiis are ut in for the following deo. Hanley, John Bean, Geo. oitle, S. Mercer and Dr.Dowsley. Large additions to building already up are being made by Mrs. Morley, Wellington Fisher,. Wiliam Grigg, George Rentgen, Geo. Swallow, Mrs Cole, E. Saville. Mr. W. ii Simpson has bricked up his house; Mrs A.Taylor.is'putting in abaywindow; 5. Fitzsimons ha§s erected a stable ; A .Armstrong hies a new verandah; W. S. Harland a very neat picket fence ;Ms: McTaggart is raising the back part of his house a story and building an addi'ion to ni .� � .JNf ' JNT. T: ✓.I i �+Y �- �vF .iii f 1' jy T Z1,3",� N,�- ft.t i )t!3' M1 tr ,A; v i..> i --t did i±l' "hili -ti t r . d:# r t .�rr�� S A �i;S ; ]r rtr. os r r e•r. Sk T ii'�?s r ». 2!•A2 a•2. :. :. °Ds IT ELL DOENY011.4 GOOD WE HAVE JUST RECEIVED AN IMMENSE ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS, CONSISTING OF , aby -� pro o G7,1:-;;;521.4 DIS, IO LcZ� o, o.(a Com' W. s n'' o 1n c 101[6:1V 01:4 T ei o t -K9 0-. '0 09 "W 19 a-0 •ooT7.9 (37 oo o 6'o.te 00 •n •atz. e- •--. TO e SEE * THE Cheap Dress - Goods arriaWE HAVE TO SHOW YOU. WE WANT THE PEOPLE TO "WAKE UP" TO TtIE FACT THAT WE SELL JUST AS- CHEAP AS OUl' NEIGHBORS, AND CHEAPER IF WE CAN. WE PUT OUR FOQ'f DOWN ON -LONG PR UES YEARS AGO. press gs011 WINDOW E3Z=N7os WINDOW •;:• ROLLERS all Paper RllBOrdOF$. jubilee . Note Paper and Envelopes. Carpet Felt. Walking Sticks, -Baskets, Croquet, •&c INSPECTION INVITED CHRIS. DICKSON,- CLINTON, • P. T. B.RNUM'S -8REAT-W(NDER.-O1'-THE AGE -WAS.• . JUMB-O Mant1eDepartment I S DOING FIRST --CEPA SS. SEE OUR TLE G000S = TRIMMINGS CRITICAL COMPARISON IS WHAT WE ASK FOR IN. THAT DEPARTMENT. THEY MUST GO. Our big line, of cheap Corsets IF WE STARTLE YOU, EXCUSE US, BUT WE BOUGHT THEM T. SELL, THOSE GREAT 4 CLASP "LUNA KID" GLOM S, SEE ` THEM. CURTAINS, Gram, VZhite & Cub Colo. Carpets and Oil Cloths. ROMAN DRAPERIES cit: C'RTAIN Neta WE BUY EVERY WEEK. WE BUY TO SELL, -NOT TO KEEP. LOW PRICES, GOOD GOODS. GEO. E. -PAY & 00. THE DRY GOODS EMPORIUM OF CLINTON. . ACKSONS BUT JUMBO IS DEAL) AND THE NEXT GREATEST 'WONDER IS C. C. RANCE & CO'S 50 CENT TS for BOYS A. PAIR OF BOYS PANTS, LINED WITH A .GOOD GREY COTTON, FOR THE SMALL SUM OF FIFTY CENTS, AND TWO PATCHES WITH EACH PAIR. PEOPLE ASK US DiI•I) WE STEAL TRE CLOTH 1 ICO, WE DID THE NEXT THING TO Ir! allintelIT CHEAP PARENTS WHO WANT TO CLOTHE THE BOY CHEAP, WiLL FIND IT TO TIIEIR ADVANTAGE TO CALL ON 0. C. RANCE & COs, >i �`IIiT >lE M T T CYI .NT 'TAIL�?R S c I.. rrs-rI'®N. 0 QUIT —Con d Are sold in a. short time if the majority of people could believe all we say about it. Our mind is fully made up to harp away about this great $7 suit, till we make people belieye that it is a most wonderful bargain. •We are fully convinced that nothing has ever been "placed upon the market to equal it, and for a knockabout suit cannot bo touched Mfinder $11. We manufacture this suit ourselves, and buyers who want to save money should come and see it before purchasingf. elsewhere. . ��-000— JACKS N BROS.,. 1011.II r.r<>N.