The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-25, Page 7• FRIDAY, MAR. 26. 1887. ',,eostae,o$ ppirti.k gioverelgus W illian}: the Firati got 0, bruise from hie horse A randleu shot arrow made Rufus a corpse; Henry the Clever on fiat tee well fed, Stephen of Blois died quietly in bed; 'Henry the Second of grief broke 'bis' heart; •Coeur de Ilion got killed by a dart; John, by the fever—and nobody sighed, Harry of Winchester naturally died; Edward the First died marching to fight, Edward the Second wee murdered at night; The warrior Edward passed calmly away, Richard, deposed, was starved out of the way, Henry the Fourth died of fits excess, Henry the Fifth in the noon of success; Henry the Sixth died of grief in the Tower; 'Twee hist brought Edward the Fourth hjslast hour; Edwaiu tue Fifth in the Tower, too was killed By. Richard the Third—slain at Boswort Field: Henry the Seeenth owes death to the got Disorders untold pat his namesake to rout; Edward the Sixth died a natural death, gory, in quietness, exhaled her last breath; Queen Bene closed in anguish an ill spent reign, Scotch James the First passed away without paia; TheFtrst King Charles died under the knife, Charles, hie sou. passed off without strife; His second son, James, died exile1 from hie throne, 1 William the Third broke his right collar bone; queetr Ann very suddenly went to her doom, Apoplectical fits sent King George to the tomb, Ring George'the Second out in a rage, His long -reigned successor slipped off in old age; The Fourth Ring George, and William his brother, With an osseous heart left this life for an- other; Victoria reigns—so good and so wise, And she'll be greatly missed whenever she dies., Headache Biliousness. .y "Whenever I fool out of sorts, bilious, my liver not working right, or racked with a� lead- aehe, flake Dr. Chase's Liver cure. pees is more real benefit from one dose of your Livor Cure than in many bottles of some medicines.' —John McNasser, Bond Head: ror sale by Dr. Wort hlugton. • Personal • and Potltieal. Archbishop Tache i seriously ill at Mon- treal. The nomination in 1 e East Bruce Domin ton election takes pia ou March 26. Mr. Colter, the counted•out M. P. for I'Ialdimaud, says he will undoubtedly enter a protest against the election of Dr. Montagne. The question of railway disallewancerin Manitoba and the North West isexpected to be discnssed by the Cabinet at an early date. • • • It is detderstood' that Mr: Sandford Fleming has been appointed a co -cora- . missioner of Sir Alexander Campbell to the Imperial Conference' to be held in London next month. As the contract with the Dominion Parliamentary printers will expire on De- cember lst,tbe Government wants to have the- building. for the Printing- Bureau' ready before that date, and will shortly' call for tenders for its construction, In the York, N. B., County Qourt WL'edues- day the Grand Jury; the Majority of whom' were Liberals, fonnd no bill against Mr Tem- ple,: M. 1' , who was arrested on nomivaeion day ou a•charge of baying bribed' one Wood - . ward .to vote and work for him in the late election. . At the Assizes at S'. Themar,Wu. Glassey was tried and acquitted on ths.eharge of per- jury in conneotiun, with hie votleg at the last Local election. *swore he was 21 years of age and it was proven he was only lair The jury. took the view that he dtdaot understand the oath administered to him. ' N /, n t care—and nd good As an evidence of the c e a judgment displayed by the late Mr. ett redy, Scottishovocaliet, in conducting his business and also of the success which crowned his career, it may be mentioned that he accumulated a fortune -of over •-$7.5,001M Th.e. bolt of this is invested in highly productive property in 'Scotian and a goodly'portion In Aesti'alrn-• high, For the maintenance of Publio Iusti- tntions $660,456 is wanted •ae agaioet $637,- 179 ip 1886. The, eetlnlate,for Eduoattlou. i, iooreaeed from ;$567 54f t{% $574,384,, The Adminiatretiou ef '11.TUB000 post $372,629 leo year. The estimate for thio year lg $370.965. T1}e appropriatien'•`forl eekisliatlon ie, reduCad' from $129,10046 $110, 9,001:. The estiMitte'or Civil Government is increased from $186,794 to $190,165. The Eetimates go to show that care and economy has been practised in all the Departments daring the year, and no doubt the Treasurer's statement of the finan- cial position of the Province will be satis- factory. Notwithstanding that the Conservatives argued during the 'provincial general elections that there was no surplus, Onta rio has according to tlie,provincial treas- urer's budget speech" the nice little nest egg of $6,680,339. Mr, A. M. Ross made an excellent point in his speech in charg- ing that the Dominion government treated Ontario unfairly in the matter of granting railway subsidies to local rail- ways, and showed that bad it not been for the,direct assistance of the Ontario pro- vincial government, this province would to -day be in a bud position so far as rail- way -communication was concerned. The province of Ontario everybody knows contributes more .than one half the entire revenue to the Dominion treasury ; and yet during the past five years -the Domin ion grants for railway purposes have been thus proportioned :..- Ontario .. $ 3,286,00.0 Quebec 10,755;000 Nova Scotia..... 2,494,000 New Brunswick t 3,476,000 $20,011,000 If the above Dominion subsidies had been divided upon the basis of Ontario revenue contributions, Ontario's propor- tion of the whole would,have been about $10,000,001) instead of $3 000;000 ; andif according to population, about $9,000,000. The „people of this province have been more self reliant and self helpful in rail- way building than those of any other pro- vince, and the above is the manner in which Sir John Macdonald encourages them. He actually refunded to Quebec nearly three millions of dollars for the - past construction of railways, but refused to refund to this province one single dollar. • In a speech. at Toronto, Sam Jones said: Over in our country whe,n a man tries to be on both sides of a political question we call him a mugwump, and when a man tries to reconcile the exis- tence of a saloon with the temperance question he is ajugwump, (laughter,) and of the two I would sorner bo a mugwump, Within the past five years, t e Dramin- ; iou has,accordinrg to the Provin ial Treas- urer, voted $20,000,000.in aid o local rail - .ways. • The money has been d'stribu -d thus:-- Ontario, $3.,286,000; Qu -e' 10, 875,000 ; Nova Scotia, $2,424,000 w Ne Brunswick,$3,476,000. At the same time Ontario pays the giant's shale 6f 'the tax- ation. Mr,M,ercier, whose province bas received•Jlalf'of the twenty millions, now desires a revision of the terms of Confed- eration with 'a view, to securing ,larger concessions froth the general fuuds for Quebec and Mr Mowat has been, or is• to be, invited to attend a 'ed'nference, the duty of whidh shall be to put the demand upon the Dominion •into shape Tho in vitation to the Ontario • Geveriement, in view of Mr Ross's figures,looks very much like a suggestioq that this province shall 'open its pockets and submit calmly and uncomplainingly to robbery, A telegram from Halifax city says :— This city is greatly excited ov.er the en- forcement of the new, provincial license law, which forbids the • eellinir of liquors in hotels to others than guests to ale drunk only in private room.r;r.meal's. At -shops liquor cannot be sold in less quantities than a pint, and this is to be taken away and drunk. Between these two restric- tion there is no chance for the barroom toper at all. Little clusters 'of drinkers could be seen on me eidenialk'going 'part- sets itra purchase, th-eliquor -being--car- ried out in the measure and drank from glasses borrowed from late bars, .or •turn about from the measure itself. • Keepers of leading hotels say their receipts have taller off ene-half, while the price of licenses is three ti•mesas high as befin•e, and much additional help is required to carry drinks to rooms or to tables. The measure was passed last year, but. only came into force,two days. ago.- ,It was strenunnsly opposed by the Halifax mem- bers of the House, hut was carried by the votes of the county members.' nearly all of whom are constrained to support strict temperance legislation. A peculiar fee tore Of the bill is that inspectors of licenses must be members of good standing of some recognized temperance society. .ee ' , Why Employ Docto'1•s. Consult a doctor and in 9 cases out of 10 he will pronounce your disease Liver Complaint, and charges you 31 for a small bottle. Consult your druggist and for $1 by wilt give you -Dr Chase's Liver Cure, guaranteed to cure, and a valuable receipe book free: Sold by all druggists. Not before time, it is announced ,that the• Ontario Legislature wi!1 he. called upon, dur- ing the present session, to amend the laws re lattng to libel. Mr. Balfour has charge of a Bill which will provide that in order/td o con victim there must be presumptive evidence of malice, thet a plaintiff Most give security. ' for costs or be made to plead./ forma pa uperis, and that all Court proceed' ss shall be privi- ledged, • Windsor politicians of both parties wee a' good deal excited dyer the bribery exaniiyia• tion held before,Magistrate Bartlett. Norrie Winegardeneoharges Israel Dosjardinee, a merehant of Stoney Point and Warden of the County b1 Essex, -with bribery on election day. ,/rWinegarden says Dosjardines offered hi :$25 if he. would vote for Mr. Patterson, tkfe Tory candidate. The Magistrate found there was sufficient evidence, to Bold Mr. Desjardines on a charge of attempting to bribe. fie was held for trial at the Spring Assizes. a • The rumor that ?Jr. Mercier would propose a redistribution of the Quebec constituencies turns out to be correct, but it does not necessarily follow that he will nerrNmertder. He will probably ask the Legista'ure to fix the numerical strength of the new cot's ituencies. and then leave it to a coin Mission composed of judges to mark the bouudart>,. This is a fair and liberal plan. It will be quite a feather. in the cap of the Liberal party if it inaugu- rates it ' • About half peat three o'clock on Friday morning were broke out in the new Rich- mond hotel, in Buffalo. which with St. James' hall and a number of adjoining building, was completely destroyed„ only the bare walls reulainingstanding. Num - hers of tlfo hotel guests were imprisoned by the flames and were either burned to death or killed by jumping from the win- dows, while a,.still larger number suffered severe injuries. The Provincial Treasurer estimates the ex- penditure for the year at $2,980,708 41. To cover the expenses of enforcing the Canada Temperance Act $10,000, is asked, the same enm as was granted last year. On aoconutof Statute Consolidation $33,650 is wanted. Por the Prisoner's Aid Society $1,000 is asked Tory campaign charges to the contrary not. withstanding. Tho charges on Crown Lands are estimated at $93, 009, as against $102,315 last year. For Colnn'z ition Beads $109,550 is desired. For Public Werke $56,561 is wanted, as compared with $72,464, the previ- ous year. For Public Buildings $253,510 is appropriated. The item for Hospital and Charities .fs inereaeed from $103,630 to $105,-- 709. The appropriation for Agriculture is increased from $133 705 to $137,736. The estimate for Imrnigratinn has been reduced from $18,800 to $16,900, but it is still too ri .• .�._�,.._. _ ::«..oak:;.„ .... . ..;.- .;, ..-.,:.�:-• .,:' . ' _. 7,8 POPULA.1? I OTD S13OP.O _ CLOTHING:TTT_::CLOTHING We make this branch of our business'a specialty, and:the large sales made from the Clothing Department is proof positive that our efforts to place the best and most attractive goods before the public have been uccessful. We have jest added to our already large stock. i0 locos T!114:& Worsteds ' Choice ratters al quay 50 Suits, 'weed cfc Worsted, size 36 to 43 25 Suits, Tweed cgs Worsted, size 28 to 35 25 brittlBoys suits, size 22 to 27 These goods are all well cut, well trimmed and well made, and we can recommend them to intending purchasers. We wish to call special attention to the SMALL BOYS SUITS of which ,we have several styles beautifully made and remark- ably cheap. We offer a nice ;MELTON CLOTH SUIT that will fit, a bo_y_ 7 to �8 . years of age for $2, and fine `goods. for $2. MENS BLUE SERGE SUITS $5, TWEED SUITS $5.50, MENS BLACK WORSTED SUITS, FINE, $12. You will save money by buying your clothing from us. Also to hand this week, full rang& of Lndiet, Jers4ey�, Wool. Y)resn * G ooc1�t,. Sln.ek and Colored J'r•ilit i. G1oye,t , •1E-1`ri11ing-s, Sze. IMETTE/ LION D S.BORO • C NEW MILK{ (BUSINESS. rt RITE subscriber desires to intimate to the people of 1 Clir:ton, that he has commenced the delivery of fresh milk in town end will be pleased to 1111 nil orders entrusted to hhn,and will de his utmost to satisfactorily meet the wants of the pubic. Patronage respectfully solicited. Orders taken personally or for the present may lie left at the NRw Ea? edict. AItTLICtt 'f1'F DAtd., Clinton. • AUCTION SALE OF Vall1able FARM and FARM STOCK ----x— 'There will he offered for sale by public section, by J. Howson, auctioneer, on the premises, east half of lot 18, con 2, Ilullcrt Township, lately occupied by John McMullen, on FRIDAY, M,RCH 250, commencing at JO o clock a m., the following valuable articles, viz: 1 dark brown 0 year old mare, 1 light brown 4 yr. old marc, 0 snore three years old, 3 mileh cows, 2 heifers rising 2, 1 steer rising two, 2 hogs, 5 yearling calves, 1 fourteen months old buil 1 harvest Queen reaper, 1 steel plow, 1 set Iron harrows, 1 sot double harness, 1 set single harness, 1 gang plow, 1 fanning mill, 1 lum- ber waggon, 1 set bob-aloighs, 1 single sleigh. 1 cutter, 1 sulky rake, 1 mower, 1 set whiffietrees, 1 goat robe, 18 tons of hay, poultry, peas, grain and other articles. Trans—All sums of $10 and under, cash, over that amount 8 months credit given on approved Joint notes There will also be offered for sale at the same time and place. the east half of lot No. 18, in the 2nd con., and rho oast half of lot No. 19, in the 3rd con. of the township of Hullett, containing 100 acres and together comprising the farm lately Occupied by John McMullen Tharo are on the premises^an excellent new brick house, good outbuildings, orchard, wells, &c. This will be a first-class opportunity ter intending purchne- ern to procure a good farm at is reasonable figure and upon easy terms. TEn1r8•OF PAYMRaT -10 per cent down on day of sale, sufficient to snake ono -third of purehaso money within 80 days, and balance to suit purchaser. Further conditions of Rale and particular ninde known on day of Rale, nr may b • obtained fr m the undersigned, W..I PAI LEY, Trustee, R. 11E1% WOOD. Inspector estate J. McMullen. MA NINO ( SCOTT, Salieitors for estate. - .1, BOWSON, Auetioneot. r the next. l'ay days we will eell any article 1I1 0Ur itninenee stock of' CROOIC- ERY• and GLASSWARE, at a discount of 10 her,cet •Just:think of it, $15.00 "" China Tea Sefs, .44 pieces for $13 .50 'Cash. 8 00 " 7 20 " • 1°15.00 Dinner , " ,119 " -• 13 50 rk X1' 00' " . • 10 8 00 Combiliation " 85 " 0 '00 Decorated stone tea 44 ". 3 50 Irony Tea Sets, 44 2 25 Stoa.lek 't it a. 44 " 5 00 Decorated chamber 10 '4` 4 00 1i 10 ar 2 50 Stone chamber sets, 9 .4`. Fine.l4anging, Lamps fo 2 50' 10 per cont off GLASSWARE;, LAMPS, Ii,ANCYWARE, Erse. Remember the sale just lasts THIRTY DAYS. 9.90- 7 10 ,90_7.10 540 3 16 2 03 3 ua 2 25 . to c{ tr O0 it rt tt -CHRISTMAS G RO CER I -ES, In ,Groceries, our . stock was never more complete. All our new "RAISINS, CURRANTS, PEELS, WALNUTS, AL-' 1VtpNDS , m ATS CONFECTIONERY &c ti r)''rs f /. •9 Are in anil will be sold as cheap as the cheapest, - Call and see thelhandsotne presents- we are giving with COOPER'S BAKING POWDER, ANDI' • ,]TC NAI$' 'FLAVORING EX.TR,ACTS To every purchaser at our store on Dec. 24th, we will give a decorated cup, aha saucer.1�e went "any ei- ln1it-rof good Butter, Eg;s,,Poeltry, Potatoes, and \Tddod in exchange for groceries. Give us recall; it will pay you. Thos. Cooper & Son, c;r.aivToiv. ,..aWRMeett etNg9eNitresae s. TOVES Stoves. DAV-TS' Mammoth - Stove - Mouse WE HAVE A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF 000K, PARLOR COAL STOVES From the best manufactories in Canada, and of the latest patterns, bought at the very 19west prices, arid will be sold ;ae elose as they cut. Our stock ex Elardwar°e, Cut1eI',,y, Lamps, ' Oils, Paints, tic. IS FULL AN'D COMPLETE. T AVI'4, - - • - C LINrrON. FALL - And WINTER BO.OTS & SOES., .6.t C. Cruto] sba 1ss . My stock Of BOOTS and SHOES is sow stew Large, and ..I will sell at the very Lowest Prices possible. Having made a large addition to 1H7 previous large store, and filled the same with. every kind oY the 'best goods tkte-lslarkQt,; tI H Customers can depend on the yeary best article eA for the least money. FOR LADIES', MISSES' do CHILDREN'S USE. CUSTOM WORK as usual unsurpassed and at TRY IT. short notice.. American & Canadian OVERSHOES & RUBBERS in Endless Variety. Try my DUCHESS and TOPSY DRESSING which can't be beat. Call on C. CruickAaik, the Boot Maker, ALERT STREET, BRICK BLOCK, CLINTON C ETh TP,AZI ST01R.,311. FRESH ARRIVALS THIS WEEK. - HELLEBORE CASHMERH BOQUET PERFUME CARRIAGE SPONGES Fine line of HAND MERRORS, cheap. PURE INSECT POWDER BERTRANDE BULK PERFUME ATLANTA. SEA SALT,r, • CASHMERE BOQUET SOAP - ... .".FRESH LIME JUICE . __ .- " • $FPEnrts (ENCiLI9H) SOAP PEARS, VoiET'Rownl:ls . •, PURE PARIS' GREEN _ PEARS BLOOM OF NINI»T We pay special attention to TRUSSES, and have the largest :Wain the county. Best 5.: cent CIGAelt in town. AI'VI_F Hw..,•;!C'tOM$ a".r CHEMIST AND DRUGGIST, . - r : ` crarTwON, QCT Ren oval : Renioval t Dt. Worthington having bought out the business lately carried on by W.H. Slob son, purposes removing it to the building lately occupied by Thompson & Switzer where he intends to open up a large stock of 3ooks, . Stationery and Christmas Novelties . r4i V�h>oli"r:*ill be second to none in the county.. • . He also • intends removing this DRLYCT•STORJ to these premises. : As ho has'titken advantage of the times anal bought at very lon.prices, he can give you . good value for your money. Pleasil, call and inspect his stook. WOItT_ETTNGTON, Clinton. What . They% - Say.. Twenty-eight Thousand Dollars paid at auction for the renowned trotting hor'so Pancoast, -proved his exelence, and so the Leading Clothing . house of FISCHER;'S Opposite the Post Office, truly proves its superiority over all eeappoeition, in Style and Fit it beats thornall, and , F'SCHERS LEADING SUITS - Are worn from one end of the county to the other. The Spring Stock has arriv- ed, and is one of the finest in the town and vicinity. • A discount of 10 per cent from the 15th of Feb. till the 15th of Mt.rch, will be given for cash. Prices love and workmanship unsurpassed. Terms Cash. • FISI.TERS LEADING CLOTHING HOUSE, Clinton Porninion .Planing Mill. Cooper & Swaffield, SUCCESSORS TO H. STEVENS & SOMI: CLINTON. Manufacturers of SASII, DOORS, BLINDS, FLOORING, SIDING CEILING, MOULDINGS, FRAMES„ PICKETS, &c., and all kinds of Interior and Exterior Finishings. LATH and SHINGLES kept `on hand. Mill on Wellington St;, opposite Woollen Mill. PLANS AND SP,EC[FICATIONS PREPA RED. - S. S. Cooper, W. S. +wafield. Change of Business tttttitttttt111111111111tit11 Hitt The undersigned begs to notify, the people of Clinton and vicinity that he has bought the HARNESS BUSINESS formerly carried on by W. L Nowtoi;. And tkat he is prepared to furnish Harness, Collars, Whips, Trunks, Valises, Buffalo Robes, Blankets. And everything usually kept is a first-olase Harness Shop, at the lowest prides. Spools attention ie direoted to my stock of LIGHT HARNIIss, which 1 will make a specialty, ' REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. By striot attention to business, and carefully studying the wants of my onstomers, I hope t8 merit a fair share of patronage. t`d.ve me a aail before pnrchaeing eleewbere. REMEMBER THE STs W--0PPOSITE THE & ARTILBMF. 01.3110. 8I3A1'1VZA.r