The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-18, Page 3I
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A[cpearzoc .a Y.a)rhe'tt 1,.t+rballa Cernto
. FRIAA,Y, , MAR, 18, 18$7. • at ail air bag,which now ghe flit and now , . ]kerc4nal ewnd PollI . .,._ - Haveyon a n old sora; Qat, Burn' raise I
_ _- _ sbe dila t+a As I entered the room ,the
,f. $, Pelletier. beadle of Boneeoanlr Corn, Bunion, Batt Rheum, Pimple, >3tq ohea, i,L r(icession halted and -in .one breath th+' Qbq;ph,, Dton> vast, who fotoibly ejeote.. two Rough Hanle er vane .t Ileo, there is but one r
L1l3b,OrQ'�i{i0 `Qi+Qlir p yoµng ladies nsmad dltce iauaoAreagz and auk', Patliely, Mc}Qregor a¢d Parka's Carbolio /� I �.1-1. I -
told me the were oin ih fora race- Cerate; Ryon tint tr it `St will oonviaoe ou S]PECT Q T, T
I y B g, Mary Foley from s ltew in the church, a low y y
Fog oonghs, colds and all throat end lung fol oarriage. 'Just sea my gait,' said a Sundoy4 ago.wae yesteiTday by Judge It costs biitldo.t worth{nrtonfs Drng store.
diseases teas Weslr's Conch Syrup. a Mise I,a1n-
(lragsistA. - giddy -little blonde, stepping tiff for 1n- to Pay s Sa@:of $25fl .and costs t ,FARMS FOR SALE)
ontean:, Moe Folay'a Cape WON deipieeed, 9-
. ' No, air,' he said to the Captain,, `,I atii apectipn. The girl with the Indi Int} Welber, one 0: the per6gns albarged with ��C q IN u o 'FOR SALE: -LOT st _
a ,t seasick, butt pm really dlegyated with clubs game u for cue to feel her muscle, P rood buildings, and rood
,: p impersonation"at the election In VY}nmpegl locality. cagi and se cit. Will be soldsi eip. W. - ` _ �� _ "
The motion of thin vessel. I took: it for granted it wale there, I failed to appear at the invefitigatfon on Sat-
` DTamma,' said little Carrie one day, couldn't feel it. The fat girl on the row. urday, and a warrant was issued for his arrest, AIM FOR SALE-RAAT CPi LaT 96, ON TH9 1
I� I- _:
t , There was a great deal of personation on the 1' kith con. of the towgehip of Hulleht, poptabiing t l `
can you tell me what,part of heaven poo- mg machine wanted to know if I didn't part of friends of the. Conservative Candi• abut ds acres, TOrmq to quit purebaeer. Appy to - .•
---- Ole live in who are good but not agreeable, think she had lost- twenty •five pounds, date in Winnipeg, and when the trial of the OAMERON,HOLT& CAMER031,Barristers, Goderloh - - - 1 i I ` - i - ��
11Zra, Jones "You won't be lonesome and the Thin girl left the airbag to tell protest against his election takes place he will WO FARMS FOR SALE,_Loxsa, IN1sre cox. - RiQ$ _ t i
dear while I'm away, w:itlt uo one to play me that she eouldn t begin to get-uto undoubtedly be unseated on this ground alone Ooderlch township, In good state of eultlrntin . V.-- f 'W COATS I C L T N T Q I -
the piano, for you?" Jones a brute "O though other charges have been made. snug house fust built good barn, excellent teucee andb *`,- = v'.• `.- VI,-
), , her best silk dress and that the seams conveniently situated. Also the east hallo! lot Ts, iw - '? ` * . r
no, guess -no, I understand the now boiler could not be let out without showing. The last Huse of Commove containedle fear' the Maitland concessioa, Goiierich towashlp, about 03 `"ti `:':-,,a ➢ _
la'' Camerons. Only one has been ro eleoted, acres, 5 acres cleared and seeded down, 20 acre. in "-• ,
shop across the way is about to run day 'There was a time when you Could play and for the first session probably there will be preparation for clearing, balance good hardw000d bush
and night.' 'r , ermseasy. Apply toMANNINo k SCOTT, Barris. IF YOT.. WIgI~I YOUR ,SIG$T CAREFULLY AND .CORRECTLY
hide and soak behind my,shoulder blade but one of the Cnlneron,mon' in the IIous •, tars, Gunton.
"I will add," concluded the young man count `rieh;mRn; poor mail. beggar man, viz., he of Inverness. It is highly probable, _- ____—_—_-_- ---- FITTED, CALL AT
Applying for a situation, " that I am a col- however, that by next year Mr. M, C. Cause• ARM FOR SALF 1?01
„ 1, thief' Ori m ribs, and hang a hat on ron, of Hurou, will at,ain have a seat cu the ••s-'.essstos 2, L.R,S, TuckersinithLccontainin360 aces
lege graduate. Oh, that want make any Y a
"'"""" r -c- ' <<. nl" , l of which 96 are cleared, well len'( ,well and rdrulped ROD— 1 -COATS" !J♦ 1' WE LI/19 R V Sto�` ' ■
difference," was the re•assurlUg rep y: If }' either knee. But bless me , this Liberal side. There were three Campbells in and uta high state of well
fen a i, There is d good ' i1tUi�
you stick to your work ; and, besides, we eXercise has pilt so much flesh on me, . the last Houee, now there will be three- two and i house, h statern of ,nitlables, and an orchard of plum, - a
, of them ut ut men. There will also be three 'apl,le, cherry and pear trees. There to a never -failing
want somebody about the plane who is you 'nulla t do it note. —Chicago WilAous, two of them new members. There 1%sl. It is within four allies of canton, and three of
- �streng enough to carry in coal." Letter. ''� u will be two Smitbs, three Mnadonnlda, two Bruoeflcld, with n lScwd gravel toed leading to each _ - - ., it F R A Al • . -
«*..a ---- place. Fur further particulars apply un the premises
. A young -man who held a loaded pistol NEWS NOTES. Mills, two t�'eldona, two LanReliora (brothers) or to Clitwtu P. u•; ••,7, B. Ctc�iosc):tr.•-
to his head, and .threal`e i �; ' �`,� ": , two 147cMillans, and one McMullan, two • T�1@ `�,d�st t0 if-,hc- �.dt,�i< • �, 1'�'r1LY'�!��� ;
brainT outunleea the girl' wh refused
Whites (there were three }u tlto,last HouQp), �VPLENDID FARnf 1- SALF,-T13AT FXCEL-
him would consent to have him. was cool- .Co ladles. The great beautifier for the ono Briey and one 0 Brien, two 1NoDougalls, 17 UNT farm of 154 acres, bnh,o lots 68, 70 and ;1,
Iy told by the young lady he would have ec�mplexion ; One of 4''. kr,.•.i o'arted two'1'uppere (Father and goo) three Robertsons on the ntaitland concession, Goderich township, When n KAY,
About 136 aures cleared mad in eood state of cultiva- ®�.: t+. D, Yift 1, 1110 celebrated Oculist Optican will be there to e4-arnine'
to.blow ebme brains into his head first, nightly. P +, -
LiverPills• taken ui ha 50 ills 25c. All two Woods, two Patiersona two Forvusona- tion. On the prumiscs [s a good brick hutlsa,,vititi all the eyes sect fit Spectacles on a scientific principl.o..
Ife didn't blow. druggists. and two Bams, conveniences Ofstabling, bank barn, well watered, 3c.
' bur au of meadia The public actuante for 1886, jest issued good hearing hearing orchard, church on the farm and s:hool `
' Charlie gave out this puzzle to the cam- New fork has a e.. g' vivo the total expeuditnre,for the year .it ''lotI'liifar at iaway,
one of nwes
the tuw5t of Clinton, f `nR• T. D. KAY Y comes highly r�cotpulended "from t11o_ college of Prof.
} ' y : Y pointing g ' $x,18].,709 as against $3.046,112 For 1885 rich. Possession given at any time, t,'un lmetictdars Samuels, Ghatauqua expert, find we' caul guarantee a rerfect fit. Consultation tree.
to " A bo iointin to a„ _girl said where socks will be darned for fire cents o town hl of Godo-
.' That girl is my own Pud only, sister, my a pair, buttons sewed on for throe co-lts -all increase of -$135,597. The principal on `1tvi1'lu°tti;n tIci'eL1"riotor, JOAN RUDD, ctlut- 4 M• -
parents had but one child, and I am that a piece ,and all kinds of rips and tears increases are in the items of expouditure uti LIAA UFFICO, Cflntog,
child. Who can explain this puzzle l" mended at prices proporti^nal to the cx_ , capital account such as public huildingr, 4R1[ FOlt ALE. -THAT ClIOICE FARAtT1tE C . . a ..
When all had given it up Charlie said, tent Of dttiiiagc cone. increased from X155,7'20 tn.1p32G,893 ;cul- !+tato of the jato THAT C1101on, beim; wont
-'.Phe explanation is the boy lied." "Go'
„ allization roads, oil which $145,213 lvas ex- 11:11f
res f lots of on. , autres cleared( sold nlgood g 100 ,
Gu den RIedioal ])iscoccr -the neat euded as against$121,435 in ®� a fi■
A teacher is seekilig to inculcate the + y pOAT$..
a !0 UINTON111'
„ „ blood purifier, a 8b; and pU'1- t�f cultivation, well drained and froe from obnoxious
idea of couscielfee.- <Now, then, he.says A cleric in Louisville invested X50 in tic workm,tha outlay nn which i9 incl eased weod., lu acres hush and reu,:tindm pasu,rn 13 acres
fall wheat and fall pioatui; luno. Un tho laru, I;m
at the conclusion of his arguments, when by about 813,000, The expenditnro on now fl:une (lwcllin , bunt 95x.',ri, 5htblc, G2x3a, and ' '
y port' at a bucket shop the other lar, and ci `l+got ernment 1 about the same as last (Abor otabuldi°g,; 2 wills, ,prim-, urtek and agood ar 7..
you,coplmit a bad action dont you, feel 1 k 1 J.
a pa h re?” "O.h,yes” interrutp- succeeded in ruining it up to :9,),000, : and the it m§ Of. pg' buaring orchard, 'rue farm is situated off g .0,g.rakul �,.,, „_ . ...--.w'":-F = K+' �'
-., ._ p 1.11neii .,..., a ........ ., ,... , . 7.. _, k ol�liill�l nu(1. tJ.ia _ - -
ed the pupil, ire' tna hla hand to Tlieri"Iio t mine' i l(o tt + 1b,Ol1U a ,ntetratlnn of uatico show sli++ rO i "ale frmm Blyth, rOn; T oma'flute t, find 72 °
J ht. re- miles from Gud,•r uh; is well feu' tl wuh hound, rails
posterior, "there -when papa uses los and quit aunt got ntarric d. EIis 5,000 I dnctions." The camprohenafvo headinh of"d .vire. Far iurthcr partimlars applynnthu prcmt-NnE W '
„ "miscellaneous" see, nr to 3I R). JU1lN '1'!1011Pa0N, Luudesberu GOODS, ARRIVALS'
shoe. crept up alttost to the desired -•amount, ( miacel]aneous ahntvs.a satisfactory ra- --
Saiel a minister's 7 -year-old son :- "Papa -and thetl the market took a.,turn against duction from ~}00,320 to 5; 4,596, Ou -VARdI FOIL S:1 r,r•, -THAT SPLENDID PAR3I •
the whole the documents A2,of 100 acres, hpiug Lot d7,'eon. 2, L. R. S. or
do you ever look at me while you aro hint and in a few hoots `lie didli t have p(+nk9,facnrably 'Titersmoitlt, is "ltmr(I for au lc ou. reasonable preaching ?" hie father, thinking that even the original $50:° Tlewlli not marry far the economy with which the DIuw•at terrum, with good buildings, frawe har•u, •10x00, - - .
he was a little burl by supposed neglect, • Povernmenv has admints-ered the affairs of "table 2'lx36, 811 1) and ca rriago house, lr,x4a,
said :-"Certain! to son 1 often IOUk this spring• ` the Province, good l._ atony, .1x36 frultla hottso anrd kitclin),,
a y, y , 70aeresundercultivation, 2r) acres eleareabui SEERSLCKEl1S and UING1IAlIS TE1�' SWISS TLAIiiROIPL'RIES
at you and think of you when I am' Mrs. James Parley, a widow about �, The Criservativesare boasting that they have trot broken ; l0 acres good hardwood bneh, ( ' i
preaching," Bat to ala ltd you notice years of a e residing on Shuter street j ity of members from the rovinee of well- N-Wred,.11 (v ;ofd b Cir (l t1ci,iillt woaa ]u WHITE 'ancl COLORED LACE and 1(11ILLINGS, LADIES' illid CHILD-
me at all?" '"Yes I did, sot several -Toronto committed suicide ou I rids titatio, but m so bea9ting. they flaunt tlteU s. g , situated > v
y 2;, muss froul the village of lit, wetiela, ana RENS I II) GLOVES,_ ALL SI/,FS. LARGE ASSORT;<II+,NT 'OF. NEw ,
times," said his fattier, "Nell, papa, did GGvecing, by hanging herself in her house, orit" the r. The Liberals have the tna. a from the Towns or Clintou ana Seaforth ro- T ,
you ," id wink at you two or three The ro 1e lvas tied to the banisters and i Y"TOO papular veto, but the Censer,- I eotivoly,thera is asplendlcl gravel road paseod JERSEYS,, LATEST STYLES. i�, Eiv STOCK ,or, LADIES ENGLISH-"
i ' vatives have the majority of members. The tiro ftont of the premised. Particulars and
times?" "No, my son. What did you she had adjusted the- noose C'onservativ��G�overnment at Ottawa today CoAZ;given
wink at me for when I was preaching?" and swung herself over, Her husband bolds on to olfiee purely by -virtue of the in. Cllr ton, P. O„ or NEw FRA O t'ICr . DAVID RETURNS.1.
I winked at you, papa, to getyou to stop. died about two rnontlls ago, and she has famouf gerrymander act, 'Leak at the county E1.COAT, Cutal-io P. O., Cal]forula. •
You were spinning it toolong."-St,Louis -been very dispondent since thin. of Bruce. for examplis, The Liberal major4y=------ .
Observer. Mr. Geo. Barr, of Hamilton, while at in the county is 673, bAkt the representation MORTGAGE SAIF OF dile have just received our New Bonnet and HW.Shapes ill Straw & Chip.
___ �'�— his work at the Grand Trunk car shotes by mesas of the gerrymarir�er stonde two Cun- + r '
Important News Item. a few days a o was injured b the fall- servatives and one Liberal qhe two Conser• F��triP1{UjiD PROPERTY, Our patrons who intend having Hats blade over into New Styles would 'safer a favor by
COOKSTOWN.-Mrs. Campbell had been trorbl- 3' g , J Y vatives have between them 374`. ajority, but To be sold b leaving their orders early.. By doing so you will enable us to -have your work ready when
ed fora number of years with Iudigestion find ing of a sledge hammer from its fixture. Mr, Blake in West Bruce, has 1,1'2 majority y public nuction in purgunnee of the wanted. You hill not be disappointed and we will be pleased. w
+ Constipation, and was induced to try AfeGt•eg- DTf Barr was Stt'I7Ck in the back and or clear Liberal uta ori! of Power of 9ule contained in a certain mortgn a Prom
ors spoeuy Cure and found it all that was ueed- oount l Y TI for the Thomar Tuitney to the veudors,whieh will be produc-
ed. This invaluable remedy is sold in every bad four ribs broken. Ile was in a very y The Liberal voters wore �ved. ed at the limo of sale, in one parcel, on t�
Part of Canada at boo and $1 per bottle. Sold at Take the county of Huron as another example. _ •
Worthington's Drug Store. dangerous condition for some time, but The Liberals have two seats there, and fhb, Friday, arJih 0� �arCh,'' 1881! ��yy
. it is thought be will be all right again Conservatives one;. but if the Liberals were hot atrnoon, ti 1 oats S. Scott, ductionoer, at the a2GES;-,rV� �' w•� - C✓����ON■
,Teat an Armless Ian Did,
t in tirne. hived they would have the entire three, The y y
: -- Conservative majority in the one sent is 27; Co e l perp CA a=03r nry' Coodr,
eters iYa 111' lli 1.''
ro There recently died at .Potsdam, St Offensive breath vanishes with the use of while the apparent Liberal majorities in, the (0 mel Clul ��Ot.0 l•, BlyiIt, - «,._,
, , Lawrence county, IN. Y„ Richard Donovan Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy. other two constituencies is 844, with no Con- The h pard id real estate, Leiug composed of h The
• who was w some respects one of most re- servative running in one of the two.- The "ouch part ot+'$hoenvt hal[ of tut number 3.1 in the 4th ' -^ ---• -- •- - - - -
It is evidelst from the report of the 6' concession of `the township of wnw•anosh, in the I 1
Irinrkal.le men, in northers New York. British Columbia 111-inister of Mines that real Liberal majority in South Huron alone county of Huron, ivitli a road allowance along the westa
1 wenty years ago, when a boy, Donavan must be between tweltrb and fifteen hundred side of the said east hillibf tlfb said lot three rods wide, l
old minim does not a the majority of (i 1
worked in a flour trill. One day .he was 1; g pay J y when the entire vote is polled,. Other instan• containing 60 a res inurchlcnt, iucUp ng the said road I PPPco'p 10,11 R ��I,the luau who go into it. Last year 3,147 resa int tltQ i, anowanoc,GOncres,nnrnor�ess. (po❑ the premise�1IV lV' , ���LU�jJi�s �j����Ti �'��� j (Ircaught in a belt and received injuries that k o e e m ght k e given, but the aresaid to be erected a frame\ t%v li � t `^ Npl, LO -1 `10 Wl Otminers were employed in the Province, Eel nd lax_a, mid e I
necessitated taking off both arms at the two cited are ander it to show the ee'P tin. frame barn, Tho vendors reserve the right, of one .
but their average income from the gold of the gerrymander bill. -Ottawa Froe Press. bidding in respect the prmuisus.`; ertns of payment
�; showlders: This misfortune did not lis- ver liberal. -A de, 7 n t -.-
tp produced was only $287: bold minin la y I ositut tell a'r'ea of rho nu•chase
r/ courage kith, 'and after recovering his �. money muvt] be paid nt the tituc„uf sato,' ti'hen nary t �
something like gambling. One man may terms for the balance ma
health beset abopt earning a livelihood as TAM11rae, y be arr(tn;;ed. For further Having 'enlar ed m show room and of in a f ret Class Stock of (y" R {D �' R t E
be 5UCC0SSfl11 lr makin a fortune ilia particftlars,andcun g g y g
g ditious of sale apply to auctioneer,
bust he could without the neo Of hands .or year, or even in less time, while ten men, -Fur Iioarauness and all Bronchial Troubles ales glia''' .tl °dei & sinetah•, Barristers, Brussels, ill connection with my other lines of business. I am now to furnish the
arms. Part of the time he lived alOUC, that usual! nunl, R Scott, Barristers, Clinton, and to prepared i
working near him,with equal faithfulness, y effect public speakers, Tamarac, 31ACDONALD, �IARS1I & ➢IULL IGAN, Vendors' )inblic' with all kinds of Staq1a and Fano Groceries Canned Goods and
and from the necessity of helping himself may not td'make "salt for their Elixir will give Speedy relief. 7'ry it. Solicitors, Toronto. y „
he became wonderfully adept in perforin- • . Candies and all lcinds cf School Books and SLATES, also fan' articles
porridge. As ill the past, 50 now, pros- _. ----�� - ---- --- -•---- ' Y
fog ah kinds of work itsiug his foot and eetors are huntingamongthe mruntainsch as ASPS and .TUGS, KNIVES, PENCILS, bTUUT1I ORGA\TS,PIPE'S,'
h for "rich quartz ledges,"ad are hopeful, The Bootario, a and Cation n al met, -t.
m CIGAR IIOLDERS, &c. Also a stock of Patent 1lledicinos kept on hand.
• �inont principally, He owned a burse of� � � ®® Co®® ,
-which he took the entire care harnessed it 9r P + tion of Ontario, at their selpi annual meet- _
' nom outside appearances, that they nitiy in In Turouto on Friday, passed a resulu,• sit a - '
. • ' fastened'and unfastened the buckles with be found. Gold was discovered in British g 1 y' P R E sr'� _, "t " ZZ -7 . 11arn®ee Stpok is mono complete in all its branches. I
', ' oil Condemning chore t baz tars. t ,
his teeth and drove with the reins tied Columbia in 1558 and in the 28k years :Che x'ife of�u Passiac 'aunt N: J., a 1a 0 have a fOty of those TSLANIiN;TS ind bL.l LS which will be sold cheap. I make
around bis ahonlders. being in need of n that have elapsed since the first quartz 1' all m COLLARS and warrant them to give satisfaction• REPAIRING promptly
waggon ho bought wheels and axles rind P q farmer gave berth-ou 1Vnshin�ton's birth- ,�;;ll„^v ti,c t:bc'•o ^.:'.any Y g
was removGc}, the eAimat.ed yield of gold da to four babies all of whom are alive ° + ~ attended to aid barges moderate. Aly stock of is also coma lete. All
built a box buggy complete and paitited it. . • Y + ear cr :...•, . •.taint, J TINWARE ' P
raslpeeil SuD284,5]!1 _____..,.,__,._ __._. __ -incl like}y-tro groty to mtm's-estate: - cl a,o-Ji_ --,-T•(, t,e�ct- .o.-", t:crts, :s kindsAf rrodltCe tal.en-%n exCbinge-for all-leiads of -goods: 'rl'hzitrkit]g -c _
-Tfi� wentio the:kiasm o0o aiiitcr day,arid j e my ustti
built a cow stable, sawing the timber with' Tri. the Dlinnesota Senate the other 7 he record's of the (luebec Ubservator� wT err,. 1 (�i�,St_i.ta_ L �'.::3- .i LIVER , mars for pasf patronage and soliciting a continaanco of tbesame.
allow that there are actual] 108 inches of � P_7,L;, ori e,, the -, irecticar-t ur:, ztrietly
his feet, and, -with the other, he nailed the morning C haplaiu Allison startled that- Y .
boards on as we14 as most men cou'd with n g snow ran the groand.there; an amnunt that I coianlied v iter, Large Bo=os, rcntaining• . v
au�ustbotly by closing ills prayer with a GEO. NE�llii"t�N, . ;ta L®�OE�-�®�O
' tbeir•hands. He dad a well twelve feet • has not been recorded since 1873, 30 114113, o Cents; 5 Boxes ,,1.g0,. Sold .
6 a word fol.• the newspaper men. He sgid Part of a ch'imne ivvs blown do n at by all Drttg•gisti. - -
dee on a farm in this town and stoned it ( Y w
P . And now, (]car Lord,Wess fire reJ,orteI's Kingston "n «'ednesaay,.and a quantity of - -._ ---
himself, He 'said ]naw away hay. by hold- l
whose'nimble tens catch our ever word bricks fell just two fuet i ' t J-
ing.the fork unifier his Chiu and letfing itl 1 Y j tin front of Sia NIA DANDIES Rfl I' IiI�S Annual 1 C�� 1
I . rest„ against his shoulder. He ..would almost befui o it is uttetted. like TI,3+ Richard Cartwright, .EIis escape was a t i g 1 t
pick up potatoes in the f:"
ield as a man self, they are omnipresent and almost .narrow one. I N t ts.. „����
could di+'them. He wottld dress himself omnipotent. Jf yve take the wings of A pairof dudelete wnftedtthpmaelvesin �'� �R®D€BiIC�S. 0
'•' get his me'h1s,-write his letters, and, itafact the morning ail,d,ily; to the uttermost to (Ztllli's dry goods on -King street .
do almost anything that any man with two Toronto, and while -rine engaged the clerk — ,
Y g Y parts of the earth, they are there. They 'in air discaaree _the other abstracted an> tv CA.D[ES `lOc. per lU., NEw L+'IGS $0 ' ilCl'' CEllt Ol WW1' Ce��ll,�lDi' file #lit o�� d0:y
arms coilld ilea-l3ostan T-ratrscript. Y i
c_,,. meet us in the jueioles of Africa; they umbrulla from ' tin a'Ll'•lcaiit 'stand , ; '' OtII , on ill CROCI> ERY illl(1 ULAS �YAi^
s 1ti 1tr J llAr.PrS, UI,,.1N GES •- dl,'7�DIUNS AND y �;� r
headache Buiow,rnese, wajllay - 118 in the Solitary .canvo.ns-of_ and ambled out with it. The proprietor 1'.AISI, S, CURRANTS, FItrSII HADDIIf.
"whenever I feel out of sorts, bilious, my Colorado, and when at length we find observed the little steal and followed thld'
• diver not workdng� right, or raelfed with a Lead• air a;blaclt or s0 whenca.he kicked them - TOBACCOS, CIGARS and PIPES. ; ” ' •"
Dr.g the latitude'of tile,ma uetic ole b hold. P ,
ache, I take benefit
frombase's Liver a of There is g p e back to the sure to the intense amnsement OYSTERS! 350, per r t served
• more realkeuoflt Pram nue dose of your Livor they aro there. Dray their light and P 1 •,
• Cure than in many bottlet) of some medicines.' of a street full t,f people. Ap nil styles, Choice lot of GRocrFurs,'all new I '
-John Hoad. goodness be egt>al to their power, and At the North Chico o rolling mills on WANTED, -Choice Roll Butter, hi h at v
korsalc by Dr. woithington. when the General Assembly of IIeaven Tuesday, the belt on the bigIli in the ' „DLit OOC1S Made been marked at a Small 11]ar 111, a11(l Will give
y ¢ric paid', Fowl of all kinds be ,,'Our up �'
In Itosebnd note. Convenes let -no 'ropbrter be excluded. machine ahcp became loose and a minute purchasers an opportunity t0 bet really cheap goods in this tins.
Amon ! To which we all say Amen ! later4he fl wheel flew into• ieces;--hue +
�- Y fru mens of iron being hurled i pever direc- R ^S•
A curious thing fi 3 anal in: England g t g Y Remember this offer will only last 30 days,when we take stock.
• TILE WAY SO)fEG1RLSIiE>✓PI#OSES IN THEIR b pp g tion. '.Cho workmen weroetrite the fl y
a wee or two ago. A Mr. Bul. ett Y Y' JArtt(soN BrocR, IIu ON STREL+T. CLINTON.
CHEEKS. h p , ing missiles, and' one o£ them, Frederiok A&
' . • once a Rugby boy -and later a graduate Allen, was struck in tile face find chest by a -ice -- .
of Oxford w,as famous in his time as a large chunk of iron, a horrible wound• which The Cren.t )aiglisli Preiieription. _
Down in Michigan alvenue are six A successfui Medicine, used N . .
left his lungs and heart exposed to view being 30 }encs In thousands of cases.
houses known as °Rosebud Row.' There walker and runner. A discussion arose"
int%tctet}: ilevp}It (lie, Ja[Ilss Ryan was also Cures Sec»u(rto>rhert, iterrous '
are from two to foie girls in each house, lately as to 'when men where at their fatally injured. lnd all s., aleq,ciu se Lay otcnc11 'So' PAME'17SER & C®0
best and I3ul Pett thought ht he could then On Satarda Inst Mr, William Purd of and all cell - oro 4 r b it 'a
• and arta all in Society. they Constitute � 1 g Y y+• nEFaREI inatAcrrtion, gr over-exertion• (AFTERI'
. a clique of themselves, and. are so con- make a record, though thirty-five years ICincardiue, mot, with a frightful accident rix packages (,tuua"16rtt0 Cur'7111en'allothers .
fail. Ask your l)ruggtst fol•'I'hc (.neatkn,rlteh CLINTON.
s ieuousl ruse arable as to ive found- old. Heavy beta were glade that lie under peculiarcircuinstances. Standingon 1•rc.crlptrnn, take no s„hstitme. One
__ p y p g package ..
a chair aod�.seartbing on a shelf for some int. SIX Q6, by innil. write rai• l"Inlphlet. Address �___�
ation to the report that they have one could not walk a utile,- ride a.mile, and - _ __-
article, he managed to overbalance n heavy, lEurek.a ciiiemleal Co., &betrolt, mien. --
bi dining -room in the rear of the house run a mild in seventeen minutes. , 11e Sold InClintou b y J. 7i. CO !IBE and Drain tats1. ,
. g n and ah rp chisel, the butt end of which, in g
wherein the eat together. 'When one went- into training and 'at once went ' everywhere, TT yyy T TITERE.-ST-0
Y o falling nom the shelf, struck him on.tlto _ .��L "
lead tho measles they all have it,''is a lam'!, having strained the muscles of chin, the chisel then careered, the sharp _ --- TT '.$®wcommon expressionfortbo rapidity with one leg, %Still, be persisted, and the edgo penetrating his right lcg just above b.,
which the breaking out of any craze in trial cant,e off before a great throng at the knee cap. Fears artl entertained that ,
one family spreads through fife crowd. Newn aldeet. He walked the mile in the leg may have to be amputated. • ®lamed. O'1.1,t ill ELLZOFS'TS 33LO F=■
Waiting in her parlor the other morning 8 minutes and 25 seconds, ran it in G g More than thirty years ago a young - &4 NEXT DOOR TO THE CITY BOOR STORE, GLINTON.
for the appearance ofoneofthe rosebuds minutes and G seconns, and then ,jnmped girl was in the act of placing ti pitcher °
on a berse and rode it in two minutes on a st which stands near the South
my curiosity was excited by hearing the , pP FoRT�E+ BEDROOM SETS PARLOR 'SETS, LOUNGES
constant tramp anal occasional thuds thus winning the b� by 2y seconds. CNrolinaRailway,fivo miles from Gillen, '• f D f,
followed by shrieks of laughter in the The fact sborld be known in this conn- when she Was struck (lead by lightning.. R � LIVER SIDEBOARDS, CHAIRS, &V'. - "
room overhead. ,Bertha -came in quite try, where men begin to think them- Ever since this tragic Occurrence the ��s ASSORT\FENT OF THE VERY BEST MADE I URNITU. e �
out of breath, and I at once asked,- selves passing their prime between 35 ,pitcher has retrained .on the post, safe BLOOD . ...•,,.
`What in the name of common sense are and 45. by superstition front the touch of negroes, `r"'®"�"' �T� �� � �•
f the girls doingjupstairs.' !Come up and -�`0-� -- wile b0110ye that the situ which touches ';� UD
ADVICE TO 11'IOTHEna.-Are i� �'�;•- WTOMAC
g ' child ht, and broken of our you
b 1ea sick 1 Y Y ' 1.-"
See,' ahO anew' reel. Wbat I saw was at night, it will be paral 'zed. Storms and e -
g Y � Y �•�,.:• antro _ _. .
eight girls dressed in white flannel suits suffering and crying with'pain of Cutting clones and earthquakes havo not dts• b ;��.-. a `` -` ` -" - -
Teeth 4 If so send at once and et a bottle of ... y !
composed of blouse waist, short skirts g placid it, a]ibongb the post which holds"'h:z &I' ti, Central
" Mrs, thingow'a Soothing Syrup' for Child- �a•5 tI ai r -Grocer
and trousers, marebing'.around,tbe room ren Teething. Its value is incalculable It it is fast crumbling with decay,'• v` ��
will] great bags of sands On the head, will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. e F���' n� 1 t. ,
k Ever' few minutes some of them would Legend upon it, mothers ; there. d na arstatic Not a uggi i Ag'cnt, r*j v R+ lt.AA - ,, ; n i � ���� Qle D te"ID 71(�.
Y about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhoea 1VTr.lVorthuigton DrnggiAt,is not n hook agent, „)
grow frisky, bleak front the dignified regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures W}ncl but has the agency in Clinton for ,Johnson's �4 ,I ,. 1:+ r .
ate ,ill thud K null o the Sandba A Colin, softens the (.rums, reduces Inflammation Toi>h' Bittera,which he candicartily recommend �� �1I1 l ? 1' i� fol '
p „ g g' and gives tone and energy to the whole -system. flit• an.y complaint to which it tonic rnediei„e is i. , i ' i • 'l I The subscriber ba bots ht out the Stock Of P. °Robb consWing. of
_Jn.� i" g g
ninth girl was swinging Indian clubs in " Ms. Wlinslow's-Soot} ing Syrup,'! for hild• applicable. This valnablo niedielnp has *been 1 .• . ha m_ (:. ;+r:a. I
used with most nsroulshing] goad roqulrs I1, 7
a wild and reckless manner, suggestive ren teetdtiug,is jtleaaant to the tnAte"wui( is Ch° cases of genoraldf'l,lnt, , wenYnpas, irrp ularf l°falliLla T.Jond I'nriErr, '1'onip, hinrctio O Tf '�`�1(�
y K g l,oy, (T Al"".1,to, In,1;,!e Hon, Dy.-pellsht, G VIJLJi��1./1.7� L ,QC1�EY� �t11„�t�►5w�. �,Rc�LC.
of the scientific way ill which girls threw preset'iption of one of the oldest and bestfomale ties nemtliar to fenurlvs, extrctno paleness, tn'' IMilian+iw J,,nnAh I In r l',',nipI int, "
phymicinnA and nttrseain the United States, nn(1 povprishmuut of tho blood, Atoniarh and liver l;l,, gnu,' m all KaJu, v Di, -a (,.4, Nr•rotitla, `vh1CI1 battle boil ht at low ]'etas he i5 enabled til offer at the ve elo.' , t
ta017es. Still another K'Ns 011 a 1.0w'111(1 iA tor.a ll dru iste throe hout the wit •]d, trollblcA, loan of appetito, and for �Ihar ;genera; ,,,, g g , L Seg prices
�'�t, b , , 1JYIF t;8 d ? T)iMas,a 1 ,^tii.r (n 1•'.ma,.+, it llhuu,n,
11ilA inn, ptiffin" and worfFing, And I rice twenty-five cents a bottle. Bemire and ,worn ouLfoeltitn, that nenrly everyone is troch hc,J+mat n,A ,,!I !-, 11 Mfr's,.•, +, IToadache Patronage respectfully Solicited. All ordois promptly filled, Rooms to let.'
•aslc for " Miis. WtKsr,ow's 800THI."c N'Ynt'r," ( ted with at same, part of lir, veal•, Ihn,'t. fnrg(+t. Pall) oto; •n nt , bo tlr.0 1. S,mr Ktumnrh ana ` "
still anoflier wa`i vi,g,or0usl tllnCllil'lcr tro lifttne Johnson's Tonle('nrr..*Ao. mill 6li,er liccut it.,, 11 i', ,:, lr�rr„},1,,. t� ww B �4
Y 1 5 and tike n,, r,FLer kind. 20•y0• bottle at iVorthington'A i)rng ,St',f•o. Jt,i.� t', 1t e: t S; U:.i., 'I'uionto, Ont. * H. Yla EJ^�� -R' 0LI � TO'N,u:.
. % -
- .
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