The Clinton New Era, 1887-03-18, Page 2. .. " .. ,,
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7- I. Tom-,...
greatly sill(,cited you,' Olive pbJected, mist4ke,'tbe trg liitto whloh,elle h e_ ° ,� * a o, ,
,VMIDAY. atAu. 18, 1138 ; wasaullreu►ely! happy that night,, , a her voice luRt &til w ' 't w old be t e Dons p a ;
She bac, i'oal a , fallen and Cor s, �. ����'
* s she teoalled th.e soft axtd gelltie i.49k , }Za, o b tv a, Fl:[ 1.T? D 0$1}1XMEN;I'.AL l S, NOIi
°� - , s loade.a,n imaiense of y. do appear Ak gences.thereof ' She felt flat as a lift '" Sl'am"E H ANIS
.. ; .1 s a universal „ntl moil t rotiblcllt nl,h ilia• I
: ,
-:' '. � In his eyes;ih+l: teuder,'.tones pf his vg;ce, �. � ��CO�J�.. _. ' •�
�►- tura! land at ease. .-. bird trust feel;''wben the ipeshesof the order. It eatt.94s llea(la hn,'41011tal r)t,-- �* AS 'AACHAN PINItl, t
,YQ T" V-..
J�1 °
the smile upon his lids, as he asked liar, , 50 it di'I • but it, was w• th o
a p of wish me joy, u�lso ?' She , ?3 J Y t fowler close over it, and there >. no : Pressiog, irnp4trs t>w Bight auit'ILel ritf;�, T8E"j.A71�I^�$jpe}VHICH vaa ]FAKE A $P1 pIALT
T� •,� Will 11. _ J Why, I vtit marl juin )ed over, the.
' felt that life was good, most gI.ood. Oh, Yr Y Y I prospect of freedom, never forever, ex. 4estroys the Appetite, an(t, alle>1 •11in� LARGE OTOCK ON HAND
. .a '` people in frunt of rile to give you a kiss ce t the narrow liber. of a cane—a continued, causes Euhtr,;cnnent of thu N _
h I3I�y;f11 4'rttANpt }v1NPER. • how far. far away, seemed the doubts 1 ( P Y a
=� ties ihrougb 'which elle thele and their ! Aud by-tll(;-by, O�ive, age still,'even though the wires might l,iter,�attannnlvion of tris I N1r-ctis,Qatn • '•"••'
`a " �,,--.- Ana uncertain) a p T11o=a$oyo °rnantontat trees an¢ &brubbery will bee
1 '' )as tow cod a thing it was you'll give mo one naw, i be gilded. Ob, was there no escape 2 Piles, Cclnstirtt , i s ec�e•.Ilyy(urc(1 at very 1Aw pilaeg and tbbsa wanting anythln�° ,
' (;Q"4lN-VED. had just past, g Su Olive did --at least shp submitted H9 eas all very well to talk with alit- by A� er'I Pills. la. tl)fa eonnoatipn'M1viG'save ptogety by purchasing notes.
I to ba loved. , in a assiva uufesisting way bo b'e kissed Na( 1 't' 11111111,r•r ;i tnnAt is •I ;i ;", u Kt'
"a" 1 `Ile will collie to morrow, wel-(1 Iler ? > � t-, y � ttli, to d•Lnce with, even to flirt with, if tl(rTih;,•:t- lviti, t o:tit•ene,.{, in coRs••_ Ort:108 4yHgi.l,,will be,pro�tpek atterided *to
The glorious Tre'belia .vas in her -best ughts that tligllt. `Lie by him, and in !lid bliss Ifattoa never flirtation meant nothin but harml ss 11ddrQge'
g <rurnr( ni wl i, h 1'a:nGerc•4 from Loris of
1ol'lu that ui; lrt, and sung a pretty, fan- last couhcit3us rho „ a r noticed it. f' l i JRIIN STE'IART Benmiller;.
fliTl ; but t0 n1aTl'y ! Well, he niti fl't -P.''te`iot=, 1 ,'"il," ,;ia, 11:,+1 it rtiaorde.y..l
`oiful ballad, it itb a l+Tench rHfrain. will corue to -:lay,' bur first wakiub one 11; er. >ft .- e�•e:<,1 ,.o trl,ubt t la:'. I %va:t i I,
l ;ive could nut LI,1.) bei}dinrg a swift of the morning `And you like- ul,c 1• eke ?' Le asked, have been well enough to marry, if Mie , (,,,,I,,.11t•tl u, t,rnr to sf:a + over them,
.� I, ,n = 4' after' a wui!e. has not wanted to marc Har)l;ness.—' ltli�l,'iir•ti,n,',, P,n< 1111tYb''• tO l,cE1L; C5- g, ',�, � uri.�'Z'�C/'®,°
happy glance across-°tbu:.rbosu ata frtca How good and fair aria lordly tett Y o.�%e to the t'."ht. 1 ttft• entirely "
l py: gl ` Immense! answele•I she ; which Then she remembered that Harkness ,1' �, y
Orr floe .aised slauti', as the ,rich, deep everytbing, The leafless trues had all ttaa true ells =h. did not want to marc her or an ono f'I-lir;=rt- [�'? l's G A khtds,ef`pry,party insured at lowest tariff rates .
I cones flooded tlrt? great hall, Shel met at once regained It new beauty, the fee- Y , Y (Ftnit^hlasscompaulos,
' s dee ten- bre winter sun et r.ew glory ; the dons 'I llavr, hruuobt y c u u t lug—not'gnito else but the woman who had loved hint, t 1 , i ,- : •: (,f .Nye 's P+::1. ' Iltt •,• - , . . .
4 Pile full gaze of l-Iarkne, S :eye ,. p, rt-, ' L; t e hall t0 Ulatl'h lt, blaL still with sapplibes, be as lie had loved'her,wben they were boy 1 . ; •,Hina in,pt•,-uunuoil '''iu.; ul,•�li, i:1.t 1ICKETS YIA N. W. T. CO. LINE BOATS TO-
der�'ful'l Of h]vft; then' .site, could not barking before the lOa fire h WP.m tc ` li)n will lCE n]e tit It On% 1,1 L• t,n• 1T'.h. rw.�it Iter tn.:moi'•• � 1VINNIPEG AND ALL LAIiE-POINTS',•'AI�O "
P and irf to ether. No there's was uo i1uar: L:(h.,, i u-an't, 0 .:,. b
inelp seeing tire misery in Lucy's Uluo,t were more engaged that slay than she g g r y all rail lines peer the GRAND TRUNK and CAN&-
ever known iLcm and the great your tinder ?' eseapt3� She mast either marl Anihony 1 sit tare 1 from C „n.a:n1 ri„n, ant1, enn DA PACIFIC to any point on that lino, Winnipeg,.
eyes, tbough °they were fixed upon the h ad r Oh, Yes, shtf said ;hut till at once Hartog or let the world know—her t;1'( newly irn:n f l(-a,[ar ;'.. In(li;,esti,nl, ` Brandon,.&c., Dakota, Kansas, or any point rose as
by rail, local or foreign.
singeP, and liis air was one of listless in- Angora brindled cat, which made a fly, she began -to feel sick. world that is—the she had given her "yid l tics, fn; y(•itre. AN -P. Tilts, d•hich i
difference ; and then• she onco>tntered ing leap from a tall oak cabinet veto fretr g. I incl: at 1;n :u owt;uu uf'a trio+ti4, havo Come and see ma before you buy tickets agywliern
arco�'s. Ulcer ones ad= shoulder,rubbed her bushy cheek against It -was a lovely ring, ,is she admitted Love where it was neither valued or re- given rn(• e'i •,•r l tl I .Mvf. 1. vollortoneetl
admiration in H a when sbe'Saw Lt --a large half -hoop of turned. Thinking of what that implied taking this rMn,t(l • t':•') cuowlt.i ago,,and T
m;ration so -marked that a !tot flush 'her mistress' ear, with a sleepy, 'three 'three diamonds and two Fa hires • the ori Dot\ fr.c :r(•::i c-• !cause l in the re- JAi• • rrHU��Y50N� `C'i11R. 011<.
PP g she said within herself, that she would moval of v:i)i.1> h1a•1 rause(l my other
overspread her cheeks as she turned her thums, three thums,' which' was music diamonds very white and lull. of fire; die first. trnubl(ts to c:isanl,citlq, and groally fill-:
;_ .,h,e44—away. _ itself. � a tiro sagp`siees of true luck bliie. g Y ,Aur] eI I1, i� lcrat liouhlt.-y } , ltlelur, I'll.
0 Love is such a mighty ;rowel, = Y It seemed to her rho ion eat da elle ,
'Nor did she once again even glance rent alchemies, who turns the chole `It is x beautiful rine,' she said,hold had ever known_ Thele was a great
towards the aide seats until the interval g • i0g it between her thump and finger•. fuss when her father and mother came I suffered [ ,Ili bstina a inn, tvhich
,,, world into gold. assumed such an obsfa Stu pa' ;t that I ThosStevenson,
of ten minutes Uetwoen the two parts of She had luncheon by herself, ftir her `L'at filo put it on.' Then be took it home, (or Hai tog asked Mr. Wet'land's reared it wouLl cause sroltpage of the '
- the codeert.. Then; indeed there was a from her and slipped it on the right me, (;bower. Two boxes of• til -1; s Pills cured ,
raslh of half a dozed map for the chair” Parents had done to luncheon at a house PP _ g consent then and there. me, completely. —carr hufl:u, $at p, Me, .,I. j
pre miles away. Not that she minded finger. 'I hope it *.fits well. I bays And then there was a great deal of //�� r — T H E — '
x, •. `whit$ Mr. Wayland bad temporil,f va- heard it is u luck to have them alter- kissing and 'okin , such aa..made Olive's_ !'! 1. �' S & I � � S
sated—a rush of Harkness, Luc (f in the least. She made a very decent 4' y B J g' 7
Yr ed • and vie'mnst have no ill -luck about v(tr soul sick. `There rues lin extra Prepared by Dr. :r. V. A y♦+r k ('n , T,ntv(dl, f lues.
a•• meal off fricasseed chickens and jelly, a Y bold by all Druggists and DVAILrs fu hICdiclu,Q. h
place him second, though , in reality. he - us. merry dinner, ,to which Hartog• stayed �' Leading; Undertd:ker,
,p last of s,1 and ould_scurc( and..then went upstairs to change her ink it' •'ght' ebe said feeling - _ _ "
as the 4 awilttput.eeremony,rand then a long eve- -
said to Crush that not: being his forte Prlrtiy gown—far a'pTettler one, in anti - , a i _' b• d �r �—
ver mach as -if a chat had sit ed a P —
ezactl )Hat tog D'Albwc and two then cipation of hie coming. Just as ahe Y P PP Hing, practically spent alone witfi liar= ROBERT DOWNS.9 CLYNlYd'IN•
air of h:andcufls over her wrists. lover; for Mr. We land went off to sleep
, ' - a' clan ed bar broad gold collar from which P r Y .
belonging to the neighborhood. the clasped
hire locket hon b a large
`You are not well,' he said, looking in a chair behind the ball fire, and hisCLINTON, .
Harktaess, won, and dropped down by hook she heard the sound of hors e' at her anxiously. ' I bore you did not wife sat near, at a large round tobla' of Manufacturer and Proprietorfgr the best Saw MITI Aniieeptio Embalming. Fluid kept -
Olivo's sloe with Eli air of profound re. take cold while coming out of that hot black Bombs wood writingto tell her Dog in use. Agent for the saleand application of
hoofs upon the drive below. She (lid " lr Y r the SM-FI9IIER PATENT AUTOMATIC BOILER CLEANER. . . on hand. ,
lief. not wait an 'instant, but, snatching lip^ room last night.' sister the last news about Olive ; and STEAM ,FITTINGS furnished and applied on sh,)rt
`Oil no ] •auu well. I ail nothing.' I!/ notice.
' $otv do -you do,, Miss Wayland? I liar handkerchief, ran -down into the , , g•' Olive and Hartog—after strolling in and '" ,Tx_•_ _
havers t seen yon -for ages !' he -remarked, ball a'nd came face to face with—Mr, site said. out, looking at the The Graphic and Denere. Engines. and all kinds of Ma
..• -, __
coolly regardless of the fact that Hxrteg Hai -tog. `I'm afraid yov've taken cold. I hope The Put;ub tit o1' the largest table chinery repaired erpedttt.,naly and 1bly Funeral Director, J. C. Steven -
was bending down to speak to her, and not. And how does it fit ? Oh alit- y iW a aatiiafa.etI - .Wanner.
CHAPTER VIII- , h the do•,r, and at last sitting down on son, has attended the School of Em -
looking a3 black as a thusrderoloua the tie large. Well, that will leave 1'ooUl the large sofa in the cosy little morning Farm implements manufactured and repaired. Steam harming, in Torol�to, to mske himself
whirs: t ATCHAFALAYA. for your f7ngRt:S CO gl'Osv, ell ? Do you 100111. . and WateR Pipes furnished and put in position. Dry proficient in the.. rt of embalming.
c Fora moment the disappointment was know,darling. I can hardly believe my. . Kilns fitted upon application. Charges moderate.'
Qifite well, thank, No ; I have To BE CONTINUED.
not Geer •you for some time !lave I'1' almost too great for bar to sneak ; then good luck, yet? We won't stay in the "
' she recovered, herself, alis held out her the regiment eh ?' You don't care ��T + �T
,looking a�,him with proud and lidppy a Be on Your (}card. S. 1f IL��l� " iiESfEyIBER THE. PLACE,
band to him. about it, oll ! It's really Very stupid, Don't allow a cold in the head to slowly and1.
y I Did yol' grit wally 'valentines'?' he `I am all alone,'she said, with a great, and you do get so sick and weary of surely run into Catarrh, when you can be cured „ OPPO'.=T IftI'E TowN HALL.
assumption of cheer friendliness. `M for 26c. by using Dr Chase's C Cat Cure. A GENERAL DEALER IN TINWARE tor.
asked, a P Y Y continually moving about. Besides, few applications cure insipient catarrh ; I to 2 ♦ n
`A few, and this,' pointing to the people have gone out to lunch. 'Come what is all very well for a bachelor be boxes cures ordinary catarrh; 2 to 5boxes is BORON STREET, CLINTON. I HUS, .0
locket. into the morning room. comes quite another tbino when ones guaranteed to cure chronic catarrh. Try it. , Repairngof all kinds promptly attended to at re.1 f1U�? STEVENSON1 L 1' /�
< The morning room was the favorite of a wife to take about ; for one gets Only 25c. and sure cure, Sohl. by all druggists. able rates. A trial solicited.
. Oh, tV i�ve)•y pretty. Would yott N g , Par lament will be summoned to meet on r
UelieYe i. 11 sq \L'e lana Luo had sev- sitting room at "oppleth\vnite,and where mixed up fvith all sorts of queer people. l .
+, y , y the 13th of April. ALLAN LINE
' N p T r t o Cont.nteen. the ladies of the house almost always 'You have got mixer! u}, with ate?' t�5#iUoo 10 LOAN al 6 D.Ur Uli
` 1'.%Wy-; and you ?' sat, Hartog followed her there, and ' That is different ;fust the difference �_
`"Only one, and 'the customary Due closed the door behind tbem—followed between a horrid bore and the most ,ref toololial atilt, -stl er (Elirlb. —To=
from iliiss Mignon 'rwha said. `she al her to the heartb,and there startled heT' blessed •,piece of good' fortune that ever A`' wa sends moaone� Lucy and ,Hartog, by taping both her hands in hie. befell ate. But you' won't 'care for me[gj�NTaNG• SC:�2ra'Tl' �} i VVhy pay others 7, 8, cJ and 10 per cent,Y all c u Of. Hartog, ` Oh, my darling, pity darling !, he ,to stay in the service, 'will you ! I am-. I'l
1i 11 � 1 0111dirrV h when you,can get moueyfrom as at G per c.and in fact nearly "� p ■• First-class loans SJ- .per cent. .Large loans
we all scut her several. Not one of as cried., passionately. ` How shall I ever so tired of it ! " We will 90 abroad and o°
thank oft—]low shall I ever thank �iil r1St8T�1 SullCitUr I S percent.
would .miss Alun" !days for
any- Y see 'a little of other countries. You Parties going to the old country thlA4umra-er should TERMS made to suit borrower, regarding (, .
,' you.' would like that, wouldn't you ?' • CONVEYANCERS c. take this popular line. The boats are the most coin: •' payment and period of luau. , *-,,
thi`nApd v liiclr ate her days ?' - `Thank Ole,' site sta►n mered• ' I did not like it when the weft pieta cn the Atlantic, and a�commodntion unsurpassed
Th you, lib' Weill On `!hat CommtssionorsforOnbriricnnd�Iani4oba.
`All lire festivals--;Cbristnias, Ike v y , , abroad befoLip, she ari8wered, blushing OFFICE NEXT DOOR NE ERA, CLINTON CADIN FA REI;! VF Y I.iIN Apply to ,
Years, \Valentine, Easter, Bank holiday last night T did not dare to look at you hotly as she remembered why slie was BICE.. ILI Ex tAW011-x RATES. USDA
for an hour oe s0' for fear you sboula t -, MONEY TO LOAN. - MORTGAGES RIES BOUGHT. STEER la PASSAGE AT T
all. OL I ben ot,ts• ',ardon Mrs.Stam. , Y so ansions to come borne. But it will MONEY PRIVATE rases. C. 1ttDouT, Dorsa 11 Rht� CQu lii�llAL1Ja
erj as a lady on his left addressed him. have rejected my valentine and me alike be different now, yoli know,' sbe' added, . over,., Jacksou'sstore, Albert street. - D�l1fT4tDI ]FIf,1URE
- 'How do you d0. Full loon this el'e- and then, when' I saw this'—touching hastily, lest be should male a. wild but iI,TARRIAGE LICENSES.—APPLY TO THE - , Call and get all particulars of BANKERS, CLINTON.
the locket—`. m heart bP,gan t0 haat SO Al undersigned at the Library Rooms, Smith'sinn.' Y e accurate guess at the truth. block, sir JA3IES SCOTT. A. 0e PATTISOl4tl9 CLINTON,�'eL6�lT:)R+lrgi 1 r t
fast I thought I should have died of nGl NT G. T. R. i 1M HOLSOINS BAL K. .
Very, arid llOw are y0ll,bCa1)t HAI'k- _ ^ 'Yes, Of Course; Attcl we CAI! soon tt����ONEY To LFND IN LA11GE OR SMALL _-_ ___,-----__ __
Hess. T treat- I am to..congratulate yeti; suffocation. come home again if you don't ]ileo it.' 11l.euma t!n goo,. mortgngo security, moderate f Iucorparntod by Aat of Parliament, 1866.
_„• eb.' Now, -as et'(Vy one knows, thoughts c I'd rather like it at first, only I get ate of interest. a. HALIJ, Winton. " • 1 ] CAPITAL, -� $2,000,000.
' Er—(hanks very, much,' in a lona as fly faster tbrul words; and while be was tired of everything foreign. I Lased !� H. DOWSLI Y, M. D., M. R. C. S. ENGLAND X
l i — 0.
if lie did riot want to Lear any morn of .sl)eakin9 Olive had time to stink a good foreign ways. ; the horrid bate .hopes ; Ll Physician, surgoon,.etc.. quare,and lintondence OaW E� l , l o�� OR. �� HEAD � CFICL, �2�1 AL.
dEal-�'-t0 realize tbAt the initial6A. H. nextMolsonsBank,murkotsquare,Cliuton llv vu 1 U -
th.a"inwttel _... _.,., _ -_._�__ _ e tb _e inn . _ the horrid Oily.,greaa 0O(ili.itlg.i tbO hOr- . - . - __.- _ --- - •..- ' • THOMAS WORI0IAbl,,.re:...President.
' I hope you will be very happy,' the, stood fol Anthony Hat -tog, not for Asti- rid j,tbber, jabber—ase, aye, aye—tbat �R. APPItET--0N.-OFrICE-AT. REsIDENCE - ----J,-13. a.-h1OLSWI- .♦...i,-. Vice -Pres ............._
lady continued. wood Harkness; to realize that T:Iark- .vent nn all da long and all nigLt t00.' ouOntarlostreet;Clinton,oppoaitethaEnglish �' F.,WOLFERSTAN TII011.15, GeaerniMannger
Y" a' a , uurua. ,;utranceby sidegate. After the severest test at the late fair in'
' Er—thanks,' returned IlArktless, ness.had been speaking of some one else Hartog laughed" aloud. `I'm glad Clinton, it' was universally -admitted. that .Notes discounted, Collectiow made, Draf'.-
civil] whE:n ha answered Mrs. Stame> s uaS-^ B. PROUDFOOT, CIVIL, ENGINEE,r�_. Fort PERFECT AND EASY •ACTION BEAUTY issued, Sterling and American exchuagoO +
y _ q l: uu re such thorough Englishwoman. H. Provinaralnnd Douimou Laud surveyor, bouglet and sold at loeveat it
' And when is it to be,' Mr. Stubbs tion, to the effect that • 0 bad 'not asked I can't dell; wondoring sometimes how Architect and Dralu;htsmart, PEawx BLOC![, .or FINISH, AND 6WEETYESB' OF 'PONE, the current rates.
the lad to name the w•.edditlg day ; t0 g '•-�' Clinton. EXCELSIOR who away. ahead Of all oth- Interest at 4 per cent allowed on deposits.
__asked. Y EnalisQm 11 can 'f")i•1ng themselves to _
Now this, Harkness thought, was 90- realize that Harkness was e'ugA ed to era, and destined to be ttZo popular insttu-
Z5 g mart- Frenchwomen. nR. REEVE,—OFFICE ULITEN13UM -ST-- r, 1F'1�rtl41l�n*1i.
"I Or 'Englishwonien bringing there L Murray Block, two doors oast Of,'Hudgens' en- ment of the day. l his,'alou� with L fact
sn9'too tar in the gratification of what someone else • to remember that she had I trance: Resilence, apposite the Tewpernnce Hall, en- that a,special prize wasawarded it ertain MOR03,advanced to farmers oil their own notes with
be considered to be mare] idle our- shoti'n the locket and the letter -to her
y s yeS 't0 Itlaffy Ontf:taeOUSly broad• Huron AEraot,Olinton. OHloahonre;8a.m. to 8p.m. ly speaks volumes for the instruments, and, .no
morocndoracrs. No murtinge required as
iosi't mortar, ane had Sala, with signs of joy, shouldered Fienclitneu, all pad and wad- AME$- 1IOWSON, LTCENSED AUCTIONEER parties purchasing should see the ERC L y II. -C. B?tEtVEIt >flanagor,
y. 7 P ttuary 168 Clinton " t
` ' Well,'to tell you., the truth, Mrs, that she should wear it that Ovenin9) to ding; or a horrid Italian,, all temper' forthe'Countyorliuroa. SMesattouded'an3•whero slog before'buying elsewhere. - - _
.Sta11101', tbAt 1S a rYtle'stion I have not remember tbat shr'. had worn it, and and r1lelOdtama' Ol'—Ol' til thltlg not intheConrtty,atre.isonablorates, Rasidenca,Albei'i
that in n115+A1:=u'g the ntPl of it she had f Y Street, GEO. F. OAKES;' PROPRIETOR. ,J: $ D D fu E ('. U M B�
yet asked myself. h h English. • .
` Oh, really,'. returned Mrs. Stamer, mad,, a lids(ake she: would never retrieve I You should have said anything not OA U.I)opartmenli, GRADUATE OF THE MED' Factor ricrac doors west of Mnilo 's Pum �
Y a ly of t artmepitalsand Dispeuosries, rew York y t p 1`'��Q arc _and Glflck Maker , ,
feeling .very much as she mfgbt have to Ler life's ens. Hartog.' _• morly of the.r 91,itais and Dlapousarics, New Yore Shop, Rattenbur- St., Clinton. , •� I
:,;qtr\-Iono had she unexpectedly run her head She remembered, now, that in ehpw- Olive posit ivcly-shuddored. As aCO1'OAerfartbecoantyofIInton,8ayaeld,Ont. -
against a stone wall, ing the letter and lockef, neitber she nor JEWET.I,P'h, Bio,
l l friteua�sile bad lilted rim so much, that AIL tvH[TT rE:uHEtt of nlT;sle. Rr•,sI•
Lor nlotber Lad mentioned' a name both i 1,):NcK at hlr%. it. If. Reads, corner of Huron and
Lt ;,ryas just as ive11 for her comfort ,-in�his society she was at times almost (aPa•4�p:ver, 'e'ee>i:.tiRlmlcu I,c[.Iro'a(ity ,
- .. _ Y Orange streets, Agent fm• the Ontario Music Tone lery
that some 0110 addfessed her at that mo- using only the fil,miliar pronoun by abl0 t0 fol gf't l-I,aa.lcriess ; as s lover be AssxlaWon. fico„ It. C1, Collins,'21 Cnrletun St,, 'fO-' ��/�'� ®��
meat, Harkness; with a look of annoy- tvhich tvo so often sliinalc of a well tin- .vas it supportahlN, ec n to loat.billg Tonto; Pres_, Dr. C. A_sippi, London, Out. --_ t e /Y/ (/ Where he keeps a serest aseortn ant of
once, turned to Olive. a derstood person. If she drew back now = jVbat cbauges tGcl'i .•will be in the RANK R. POWE>,L, BARRISTER, -SOLICITOR, . WATCHES, CLOCKS, jEw,FrLLEP♦r, SILYm I
. -.. _ - X Notary Public, cte, OIB:e, SRAIILE's BLOCK, AL- WARE
` Thet•o's,hotting so' anni5yu�9-la-s 111' -her--"mother would know 111 ,a ..,moment_.. old �TeglRlellt. When IIOOLIES left- It bERT $1111 T, CLINTON. Toronto agents, Atassry:'12c- '. —'Tlfti 'LBADI\Cl-• °
+ ('uisltiveness' that she hall been mistahcn, and not ;eeme:I to smash u ] ever thine. .But Carthy, Osler, IioaL•in C Creelman.. llkvato fuutl8 to Which w3.will sell atreasonat le rates.
i 1 Y a ouu at lowext rates of Interest. 1
' Imper.tinf'uc(, Tcall it,'said Olive, len her mother must know it. you hearduli about hilni,of course. Then - _ nepalriu oY every dnecriptimt promptly ,
altar 1 Tli�n� if 8113 dr. tv back nowI IIartog the colonel leaves at the encs of the year' W. WILLIAMS, B.A., M.B.,GRADUATE OF teudAdto,ao,l all work warranted.P e I�.' MIL"L DIRECTOR
o `,Well, 011e might almost city o ;blit wolald know it, too, xt>bo might oven be —ar.d a good 1ltivg to'o; ,foe those who foroutaUnivcrsity;mon,barofthoCollogroiPhy J. BIDDLECOMD)
I date say 8hc only 'meant to -shot a stung 'by,,tbe knowledge into telling are staying, fol' lies rather a houilcsoxand lnrgoeupic,lb Dr. Reo RuarnENCEtko Clinton,Ctinton,hov.1S82.. _- —
rt- r+flifl'—a'na housoformeriyooaupicrt by Dr. Reava, A19,ort street fi�
kindly interest"—Lis usual good hnmor liarkuess.biniself, the last in the world Harkness leaves almost directly. Ile, Clinton.--. _ ._ — . --_-_ _ __
coming bask to him. `But are you riot t to must lcllot it. No -like a flash you know, is going to be marked,' u. W( RTITIFGTo�, P[IYSILI\N SURGEON AND. '
Oln t0 wish me O ?' ltglili>\lina did these thouabts all 1't:Sll , Yes 1.1'Aoarnichout r,owe canxirtttof t ,aUnllc roleitys ic,bi _--.%"
- - -g g joy and3urgconao[ LowerCanada,andL'rovh,mnlLerau- "'~
She rifles Ito_ eyes with a smile. ' n Through- b -or brain—she must abide by I I'm awful! glad about -it for Nark• ti'tto anacorcnctfm' EbeConnt.)ofHuron, Onlecand UIIol(IE BLED OAT2S!'nnd (.I,OVLIt nud I
t' ' rcxidonce,-Tht bnildiu>; furmorl; ocettpici'by Mr, EMBALMER,
` Every joy,' she .sail, in a low and fbe conseclnencca of her grievous mis' iies, is one of tL•e best fellows out ; dv Thwiten, tlurnn st,•a,a. ,'LrIor13V' ►Ela I SALE.
trema! )ns ybicr, then gave a start, `I farce, bO they what t11ay might. It was t anything for anyone and always read Cif,eton,alin�10,1891, y—__
+g , ,' i`11•. �llal t0^' •ifhal (]ld 'OLl at this' )011'll tll;lt S11C all at once fCigbl_ ' Y Y I':n'tias et:tutin� such should call cagy. t nm al"'
bCa 1 fl C1011, 1 r, C. j 1 a t0 11C1p R ladle (log OVCI' a FtilU. 13e prepared G, illy hl h,:at market pricy in cc+h for I'
LiNTON MECHANiCS' INTiTUTE, LiBIt- C>f viJ 1 A 19 $i��P 1LI • t ltoc4. i[e is stiil to he found nt tho ol(1 stand, 1
say ?' cued Ilartog almost out of his seen sides he has been in love with the (6II (�i,ullr and ReOdlTI,,, Itoome, Perrin block; down
= a staira. About 1,500 vo allies In t,ho Library and
I{nrtog, ]vlto saw .Lel cluivet•ing of the souses, Uy Lnrsting into a fit of violent £crave sand she's jnetty. Iaially,Oliva, ail rho Lcadiufi Nnwspnplos Ona Ih rin,LCltta of -- -- —"` 1x1fJi 'Odd S X. a CLINTON.. i
lips'nild a wudden decliening of the love- weeping. after y� I think silo is Cha I) ettiest the (lay on rhe rrootww. o 5 il-or,, an ticket sal per The Bi,S ' of `I;GYP1'I�1.N v. ith 1l full Rna Li
"t , , amium.' Olx+n from 2 to 5 P.m., Rn,l 1'reki 7 to !
ly then, upon, liar' clleelcs,, ((.(died that `hay darling, Illy (ll:frLn9; lift cried wol)'lall l ever salty,' � a•p m. AppliOitttu s for lnelnntirehap reeived FLUIDS used ltl 1,11134L111NO ' -.i
he only nskod her how slid liked the soothingly. ` Play don't cry so; don't 'And be has been in love with her' hydro rebrariani�i'an the room. --- FLOUR FFFO tX 11f PL7
concert. darling. I know all this has tlps'A yon, forever., rever.,
MONEY. listi��iil~ A lHl'ga aBSUI't0lCitl of tri'CIyiI11D9 OithobastgnnliticH, which hewillmity sell or huti lm%cit II
` Oil, immenSCiy, Arid 1 rfbC111 1F 110 wonder, blit you make Ole feel siteh ( Yes ; evel. since the �':re boy anti , Ny, can tunke a few good loans from PRtvATr in the LTrldel'takltlo line. call,roui`inIlis erative pri`uxl.otilludc•s PLOUtt, C[IOP,'ST1tOfYfS, I
more enchanting than ever',' she replied, a brute—you do, indeed.' - girl together. IfnrI,ness was not well , FUNIM, Rt Icaw rates and moderate expense.. BRAN, OATS, PEAS, HrN FEED, G'
with all entlivislaSnl such as ono .nli„ht, Eventually, Olive chew herself away, o fl tben,nnrl her people Objected to him; Terms made to suit borrowers. l PLOUR., CR•ACI(ED wI1F.AT. GRANULATED ROT, -
Red Rocker More Cli�to� till M and STANDARD tD OA'Cbils'AL and CORNMEAL,
Cx1MCt fl'Om a y011119 11i(ly N'1108C FOM orifi began t0 (11'y bet CYCF, Sayln9,nlCCli' 1]OE Only olijectea but-forcod the root• elL\Av1�1(. eC tiT%0'P'r, - • _� Clinton nill(indsof Vegetnbtes, B.1RRL SALT, nil n4 which
— —iV pe'. FriYBltiii}-- _ - ly, that She was very „SCI'ry, she hadn't g - - 1 Ile will soli for cash or conrsc gratis. RRAN,SHO1tTs
Irl at seventeen into rimi-riag0 with a, +and FLOUR by the ton or cwt„ and everything sold
`Yes; T thick so, too. 'l'hat'1lrSaRr- meant to be stupid ; bnt—but site could man Elle hated. Poor Diel Asilwootl I �N10� rt.,1 iPAI►f11NG PARLOR RESID +I�OE' ORANGE ST at mill prices. All articles delivered free of c]G,) ,
not bel it this Inst with a wt•otched NEAR METHODIST CHURC . • goods, the eightwido, Ills motto will be
guerito song is charming, and just the' P , claire thought he would 90 mad at the SHAVING, ITNItl CUTTING AND SHAT• gaods,Jttacw'eighEanaone prfbo.^
thing for St. Valentine. By the by,did little sob, to end ill() sentence. tirne,whieb was just when I entered the POOiNG (lone very neat and to stilt THOS. WATSON,
At this HurtO took another tack. every person. HurdnStreet,Clinton.
yon gat say valentines ?' g service. Ho and I were old friends-- tr I�ILv•roN o °
` A .low'—the bright smile beaming ` You couldn't help it. Why, you neighbors, and T aro>i>r� l•,11tgU:rryoY, Slafu.'s Mock
for out'�peoplo were nein _ _ _ _ __ n.�•�.
out again instantly, '`And very nice shall cry all day ]eng, if yen like I' at was his far' at Eton--soaI know more _ _ - -- ""”' TRCATMCNT
ones. Oh the are beginning again. which Olive. burst out ,laughing as un- than anyone else about it. Well about J. T. w�LI�$T. i PLANING MILL . �uTl� �� ou IN TACH PAORAOE
/ Y S a g expectedly and as sudden! as two y ' K Ove- right oN nt; Count r. �►S°�° H M A CUR E
Whitt a bore. Never mind we shall see l Y Y + six hno7tths ago Cha husband died, and Hold the f exclusive- right Por rho calls* for the Iogen
you afterwards.' minutes,tbefore she had burst out Cry-- theft' of course lie lost no -time in mak'• Wonoxi e, which is
clteand by pure Nitrogen —AND— • INSTANT A R'CLIEr FOR
r Monoxide, which is rho safest and host system yet 1s- n
But it was only for a minute that any 1119• ging Ull' With -1101- 'and, by Jove ; she's covered for the painlassextractionof teeth. CharlTes A �TFilfrltA AND BRONCHITIS m
moderato satixfnotl6n uuranteed. OrrICR 1 L- dY MAIL ON RECEIPT' OF PRICE
,of tbom hada cbance of speaking to the ... 'There, tbat's better,' he exclaimed, pl'ettl0l' shall 0V01', and looks lOVO)y in LfOTT S BLOCK, over F"tncc's Tailor shop, ITuron DRY K Y Lla N l SAMPLES, 2E,c.' REGULAR SIZE; 59.00
Gopplethwaite people when the concert admiringly. 4 `I thought it was some streoE, Canton. AonRr66 FULFORD ct --- ngocavaLE, ONT.
her weeds. '- he Only about five and- _ / 1HE SUBSORiDER HAViNG JUaiT UObCPi.ETI;Tl ,,r..wsa,....,.p'
was Over. It was Lucy who had the thing rather neW to se y011 111(0 th18, twenty now,Rnd is as rich as Croesus.' --rte- r and furnished his new Planing 1111 ttitb mncbtn•
You Rre tt got U all this darling no ' I ho ]o the will Uo ha. ] at last ' In 'L� N T I S d' � 1 try of the latest improved patterns, iv now prepared- i �
extreme felicity of helping Mrs.Weylnna p Y , 0 1 Y happy , " s to attend to all m•dorsin hll line in the most prompt J
t('Olidfl'. I ' tVaB ileal', 011l Of in mind ('O'ATS BLOCK and satlslactory mnnnor, null at reasonable rates. lie
„ in'o hei ea►riage, he being the nearest Y Y said Olive, closing her eyes, lost the ,,� p
With stlF ense nil esterd Olt if 011 would b return thanks ti all who a] ll,)Nrcd the
to hCn, IM 7
`Rnd trio crush being very gieat ; P 3' +?sY• , y tears which 6111ed item should f;dl .and '��``'�'� �9'"� nlallrm before they wa•obnrned Ont, Dnd nnw being . o � s
Onl ' knew the utter• relief it was to see ' may, . • .--M:p + IR in a bettor pesitlun to a.oc»ta nrdcrxexpedittously,
then It rolled away 011t of 1110 circle Of y 1 1)Otl'ny 11C ,. feolsconadonthecangive satisfaction to 'All- +- s a I tl -
IigTi of rho hnii into tlto chtrkness,le.,ty- my locket -resting On your pretty white low s11C did w1911 flint lla wOl11a g0 w - a" ' FACTOR Y—NearthAC,Ya d Trunk Rail - tt • •
ing all the D1lioers standing in It yi ou l necic.' awe liner let her have the rest of the CIIAR08 uooKanTE i tea Clinton. _ + c 1
° b l r' I thought you said that it da = to herself, to (]link it all over.—the C ]L I 14 T 0 N . ! y' . TIIO�IAS aICT(ENzrE ,
together': J f . ' -e, i
"' a11 I
1-1 .. 1.11 , . r, .
, {..