The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-25, Page 5NEW 600DS,FRESHABRIVALSI, Sims -coitus and GINGHAMS, NEW SWISS EMBROIPERIES, WHITE and COLORED LACE and 1?RILLINGS, LADIES' and CHILD- �REN'S IIID GLOVES, ALL SIZES. LARGE ASSORTMENT OF '_STEW JERSEYS, LATEST STYLES. NEW STOCK 01? LADIES' ENGLISH RUBBER CIRCULARS. OUR MOTTO SMALL PROFITS AND QUICK RETURNS. 33E4$ L=T c3'c CO. -- CLINTON. Dealers in Millinery .ced Fancy Dry. Cootie. OUR LETTER BOX -When in the civilized world Mr. Henry M. Stanley smokes six cigars a day, Io Ro]ERs, 1 )AIcoTA, Feb. 7, 1539. Africa he uses a pipe aid mild tobacco, To the Editor of the ebnlolt '?1"'t w M. LDrron,--•Please allow me' Space in your paper to make a few statements iu regard to the'wiuter here. The first lrlizzarrLot the season paid this section a visit on the 2Sth of January last, and last- •=-----ed-for--three days, with the thermometer at 40° below zero. - It is hard to many of your readers to hear of ono of our neigh- bors being frozen to death. Mrs. Walters, not long a resident of the north-west, whose husband went to town on the 28th, but could not return that night on ac- count of the storm, did not like to stay alone, and started out for a neighbor's half a mile away, but apparently she got snow - blinded, and had not travelled 40 rods before she was,ivani;Cering round and round in a large circle, and no doubt thus died, for on bis arrival home Mr.Walters found her frozen to death. It was a hard storm long to be remembered. While Mr. Ed- ward Murphy was watering his cattle one of them started off with the storm, and when found by a neighbor her horns were frozen off, but she is doing well so far. This is rather a flue winter for the fisher- men on Devil's lake, several men have caught as much as 2,000 lbs, a week, Ile,th a minnow.. and spear through a holo.in the ice."°•They are rather a fine fish, averag- ing from 15 to 25jbs, each. Mr. Charles Pratt, an old resident of Clinton and pio- neer of that neighborhood, and a well- known man to many of your readers around Ontario, especially to workmen on the Grand Trunk, on which he was em- ployed some 20 years' ago, is one of the oldest settlers of Ransy county, 71 years of age, and its hale and hearty; as ever. Ile intends paying Clinton a visit next fall, if his health hold:;•out. The snow in the surrounding country is about one foot deep, and it only needs a south-east wind for another blizzard. Wheat is selling at from 60c. to 62c.f, oats, 40c. to 50e.; flour per hundred, $2 to $2 50 ; potatoes per bushel,. $1.; apples per .barrel,. $1 ; dressed hogs, 3 and 4c. per ib; beef 1 to 6; wood, $2 to $3 50; egg, 35 per doz.; butter, 25_ to '40. Yours, a reader, W:11. STIRLING. On delivering an eloquent and impressive sermon io the East End Methodist Church iu Ottaea, on Sunday, the Rev. Mr.Idardie referred at considerable length to the etti- iacle tiger by tiie Dutninion Crt>vernnient in • obstructing any measure of proposed legis- lation to further the cause of temperance. Ffe,;alluded to the indifference shown by the members of the Cabinet as the kings and. rulers of the people, charging them with acting in contravention to the true spirit of Christianity, and with giving countenance to and encouraging the gran- . est curse to •the country,—drunkenues'.' They had it in their power to entirely era- dicato the trouble, but they yielded to, po- litical interests and pressure brought to -lieefi`ir porsthend by the ri5mse11 rs," w1iich ,, interest to theca seemed paramount to all others. Even the legislation which had been provided by Parliament to limit theli quer traffic had been so mutilated and disturbed been so mutilated and disturbed by subse- quent measures as to render it practically - worthless. The day was not far distant 'when the liquor -sellers would no .loeger- hold sway in this young country and return to Parliament men pledged to protect them from any legislation that might injure their business, Montreal Live Stock Market. -'The arrival of live -stock by rail at Point St. Charles since last Friday were 132 cattle I 81 sheep 37 hogs, 20 calves and 20 horses. 1 The eupply of butchers cattle offered on'' the markets here to -day was much smaller than it has been for some time past, and drovers are asking a considerable advances on the low prices which have been paid late- ly, but most of the butchers have consider- able supplies on hand and are waiting for a larger market. For yery choice beeves 4ic per -1b: -was stied in some cases, and about' 410 has been paid, but pretty good animals could be bought for about 31c per Ib., with common and inferior beasts at from 210 to 3kc per. lb. The prices of sheep are slight- ly lower, mixed lots selling at frotn 410 to 4jc per ib. Hogs sell at about 4;/c per. ib. Calves are still in adtive demand at pretty high rates. The horse market has been very brisk; during the past week there �svere shipper) fram _bee.-.ta—.the---ly'-tti-ted- States 215 horses costing ^25,211. or an average of nearly $112.63 each. The high- est priced lot were 19 horses which cost $3- 185, and the lowest price lot wore 17horses which cost $1,581. which he finds a solace and ./111 •aid to con- tcentration of Mind. On one of his jour, neys down the Congo, as he°was about to enter a dangerous country where ho knew ,a fight was inevitable he tilled his pipe and .settled down for rA fiYO ininutea'gniet smoke before the battle. Te&'minutea after they -were all fighting fur their lives, aud' the battle lasted for hours. He did not begin to smoke until he was 25, and did not "master a pipe until he'was 30.. Livingstone it- ie rentembered,uever smoked. Gordon •was a most inveterate smoke, and when he went un his last journey to Khartoum 10,000 cigarettes formed an important 'pelt of his baggage. There were 68 lawyers in the last House of Commons. FOR SALE A VERY CHOICE PIECE OP PRO - miry on Rattenbury St., east, opposite the resi- dence of It. M. Racoy, is offered for sale on reasonable terms, Itis a corner, lot and a half in the piece. Ap• PIS' to JOHN BOLES, Clinton, STROY IIE1FER.—C4ME INTO SUBSCRIBERS 17 premises, lot 15, Goderlch township, about a month since, a two year old lied heifer, The owner is hereby notified to prove property, pay charges and take it away. ARCH. McDUNALL. 1 t ri'IIOROUOI113RED.)CRIIAM BULL FOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale a ten year old short torn bull of first-class pedigree. He is registered in he British American herd Hook, will bo sold on rea- sonable terms, HENRY C. COOK, Ifurun road, tear Clinton, rruIonocolII3RED neIIIIAMS FOR SALE—TIiE� l subscriber offers for sale too Durham Burls, ono a yearling, the other younger, Also several Heifers. All of these annuals aro of first-class pedigree, the lat- ter being registered -fir the Dominion Herd Book, and the bulls will be, registered Will be sold on reason- able terms. APPLETON ELCVAT, Tuckersinith,: t4 NOTICE: TO DEBTORS. - NOTICE IS HEREBY given to all persons indebted to the estate of Mr Jlenry G. Wise, deceased, who tiled in Godorich town- ship, on or about the 21st (if January last, that they are hereby required to settle the same before the 12th day of March, next, and those holding claims against the same, will furdi411 a statement of their accounts before that• time. AIRS. H, WISE. Dated this 4th day of Feb., 1987. NOTICE.'- TUE SUBSCRIBER ,BAYING DIS- Sprung's Mill, to his son, Aielburn Sprung, bespeaks for his successor the same liberal patronage that has, been accorded him in the past.- A large stock of Pine and Hemlock Lumber, Shingles, Lath, etc., kept ou hand. Lumber and shingles cut as desired, as usual. M1 outstanding accounts must bo paid without delay to the undersigned. JOHN SPRUNG, Hallett. 47 • • xECt'roRSNOTICE TOCREDITORS.—NOTICE iwhercbg,given to all.creditors-and.other'-.,persons.= having claims against -the estate of Chris. J. Tebhutt, deceased, who died on Goderich township, on or about the ISth day -of January last, that they are hereby re- quired to furnish a statement of their accounts to the undersigned, as executors, who will not be liable for the saki debts to any persons whose claim shall trot have been rcecived by them before 113e tenth day of )larch. Dated this 4th day of February, 1887. JOIiN JERVIS, GEO. TEBBUTT, Executors. 00SED of his interest in the saw Mills known 00 MENDERS WAN�1.'ED.—SEARED 'TENDERS WILL �. bo received by the undersigned on behalf of the Building r ommittco of the Board of Trustees of the Ontario Street Methodist Church, Clinton,. for the en- largement of said Church, according to plans and spc- etricatious, which may be seen at the office of the Sing-. or Sewing Machine Company,•,Town IIalh Clinton„in "'it7iai•ge of"ALi', �.'Lrods`e, up to l2 o clock noon of Sat- urday, the loth day of February, 1887. The lowest or any tender, notneccssarily acccptad. Plans and speci- fications may be seen on or after Friday,the 11th inst. On behalf of the Committee, A. 11. MANNING Secrp„tary. - CLINTON MARKETS. ('rrectc(revery Thursday afternoon. Thureday,k Feb. 24, 1587. Wheat, spring,, - h 75 a 0 77 White and red - • • 0 75 a 0 77 1128 a029 040a048 0 48'a 0 48 - 400 a400 • 0 (10 a0 70 0 15 a 0 16 - 0 161a 0 17 550 a 6 00 - 800a800 020 a 022 018 a (118 - 0 50 a' 0 75 060a080 Clover, per, bush. - 4 50 a 5 00 SFArnim;r,Feb.24, 1S57. Wheat, spring, ' • 50 76 a 0 77 Red and white • • 0 76 a 0 77 • 40 28 a 0 29 - 049 a 048 - 0 41 a 0 47 • 015 a 016 - 0 15 a 0 17 - 0 6 a 065 • 550 a 600 Oats - • Barley • Peas Flour, per 0). Potatoes Butter ' Eggs ' .Pork - Hay Wool in trade Wool for cash Sheep pelts • Lamb skins Oats, - • • Peas, Farley, Btittor, Eggs, - Petatoes, • Pork, • F°►fi7.C:5Z' - GOODS, FELTS, APM'OUR CLOTH, EM 1311,QIDEItY, SILT', • FILLOSELLS, Pl'LIIZUES, FLOWEIIS, BERLIN WOOLS, FINGERING YARN,SIHEET MUSIC, AND WALL PAPER AT 'W'xnr. Cooper. BEAVER BLOCK BOOK STORE. TOCK The 044.0111711i...41. 11=1 u 'AKING - Goods Palace.. I We enter. stock on Feb. 1.5th, and. in order to reduce it to the •lowest . possible point; chio have made _Big Reductions -in all. 'WINTER GOODS. e Our stocleis large and well assorted in every department. FIVE PEA CENT OFF FOR CASH' AN, Manager. Estate J., OI MZN JOHN WISEM STAT7a73'TT QI o The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York RICHARI2A. McCURDY, PRESIDENT. FOR THE YEAR_ENDING DECEMBER 31sT, 1886. ASSETS r-... ... ... t$114,181,963,21, Insurance and Annuity Account. Nu. Amount !I No. Amount Policies anti Aunuitiek in. I1 Policies and Annuities to force, Jan. ist, 1886 ' 120,952 8468,981,4.11 3r;! Turco, Jun. 1st, 1887 130,927 $393.809,202 F8 Risks Assumed 18,673 56,832,718 92.E Risks'l'et'aifnated 0,678 32,004,957 413 117.615 8125,814,160 r8 I.; Account. 1 , Cr. By Paid to Policy holders - Entlownments and Pur- chased Insurances..., 41,908,72:1 61 Dividends & Annuities2,727,454 11 Deceased Lives 6,4 92,120 On $13,1'20,10'J 7-1 1 By other disbursements : Commissions c1 Commu- tations $1,732,632 8 Taxes 277,165) 8 Expenses , 1,081,613 Ol 1-33Prowl um on Stocks aud Bonds I purchased 52,566 14 By balance to now account104;719,734 31 -130,025 8415,814,160 28 �"__-.._-. Dr.Revenue To Hadauce from last account '300,865,644 11 ” Prettlitltna 15.614,720 66 " Interest and ,Rents 5,502,456 01 d $1111,002,820 78 a rriv ro is BERTSQNS 1 X Y COTTONS at Mill Prices, 3,101,416 50 8121,002,820 78 Dr.' Balance Sheet. - To Reserve for policies in forco and for risks terminated ... $108,460,820 23 " Premiums rec'd in advance'.. 78,274 81 " Surplus at four per cent 5,643,508 15 Cr. By Bonds Set,'ured by, Mortgages - ou It Estate 850,118,049 66 1 " United States and other Bonds 42,071,641 00 JAMBS 011'Collator/Os 0,172,017 25 ^.- )teal Estate 10,501,280 32 Caslt.inBanks and 'prustGofla pauieS at interest. ... 2,306,203 05 Interest accrued 1,166,870 65 Preiuiums deferred and in trap• sit ,... 1.. , , 1,, Suudrioe 188,'178117 UO28 r565 $114,181,963 24 4114,181,063 24 I have carefully examined the foregoing statement aud fins) rho satno to he correct -- A. N. WATEROUSE, Auditor. i ..._From the surplus.above--stated-'a,•dtris'lnv0 will ti'oappe ti0hc'd it.§-Ytauat:— Naw 1,,,o1ftf(, January 26, 1587. UO 14D or TRURTEEs: S3tmuel E. 0 protll'lc Alexander 11 Rice, Jos Thompson, Lucius Robinson, -. Samuel D. Babcoclr, George S. Coe. _..Lo.hn.JLI7e y e.l 1 n , Seytuour L. limited, Richard A. McCurdy. F. Ratchford Starr, 1)udley Olcott, Fredentek Ii Coasitt, Frederic C.romweli, wis May, ' Julien T Davies, 011e Harrlmann, . Robert Sowell, , Henry II Rogers, Fleur V Smith, S Van Rensselaer finger, Ja. W Auetlincloss, John 11.. mod, ' Charles R Henderson, H W Van Voorhis. , Janes 0,.tie lden -..- RobertOly. haat, : George BIiss, • • - - Theodore Morford, Hermann C. von Post, Georgo„1' Bales Rufus W Peckham \Vin Babcock. , F. I`i OLLOWAY, Agent, Wingham, Ont. GAULT• & BROWN, Generart Manageie Montreal- d.iiohart Herrick, Win P Dlxou, Robert A Granuias, Nicholas C Miller, • PROF.. GUSTIN THL :-: GREAT :-: MAGNETIC :-: HEALER, —AT THE— GRAND Llit!'9N HOTEL, CLit'TOt, FOR THREE WEEKS, COIMENOING ON THE 23au l isT, Paralytics and other Invalids, beyond the reach of ordinary skill, are all benefitted and some of them liar vcisttsly cured by Ms treatment. No meticinc sisc,h Help for all. The most sceptical convinced, No case Iu> cle'5. The blind ewe he made to tine, t1.ru_Iy of .t� Hear and the Lynne to Walk.,, Charges very moderate Itcmcrnber only three wicks. PROF, UCSTI N. For the benefit of ponc similarly afflicted, I wish fo statei thnt ProfProf,final in has restored.the use of my hands, which hwe been parti.eily p•tralyzed and almost I,ywer- lcss for five years, defy ing 511 other treatment. J as. Srnsrvns, sa„ Queen's llotr1,13russels. John Baynard, int 21, conces:ion 6, Grey, states, from a healthy strong train, I have been reduced to a state of incapeclty for any work, with weld: back, general de• bility and diabetes. With three treatments 10010 Prof (Im,tin 1 am as well as ever. Tim Ilam Sua.—EuphcO is McDeugs11, of Grey township, has spent h,tndreds of dollars on her infirmi- ties without nny relief. Beside sciatic Tains and gen- eral debility', has been blind for fool years, With two treatments from Prof, Custkn she has been restored to both sight and health, mid w ill be happy to give any, information. Tits i..yvl; IV.tl.a.—Sirs, D. ilenderson, of Ethel, hes offered up Ma ' canes at the shrine of Pref. (:nstin's magnetic influence. She was parhlyzed ret 050 side mid could scarcely move. She wishes ft made public for the benefit of others. Jas. MsFmtzenn, of the 17th can„ Grey, testifies that he Ira suffered so severely with dyspeptic pains.that" for nearly six months he could scarcely eat anything, and has visited the best medical skill in Toronto with - rent relief. Two treatments from I'rcf. (Justin Metre - moved all pain, and his appetite is completely restor- ed. He recemends ail suff,,rh>similarly to visit the Prof eager. A son of .Ins, Kellner, of ITrey. aged 14 years, whose left arm was paralyzed by lightning number of years ago, has been stn8cessfully t.rented by Prof. tinstnt,al his left arm 0 rapidly becoming as faithful a servant as the right, I certify that 1 am personally acquainted with Prof. nage), and know him to possess the power of 10150,0s- ing Disease, the patient bring at dlatatre, and know of different parties that have been cured by him with - not aIle u,e of medicine, AL B. ILl'At'SI.\N, M. il, 11. R. (L P. y , Ingersoll, Out, IHE POPULAR SHIRTINGS at Mill Prices 5 DENI1VMS at Mill Prices.. o diff. I10YDE tri ES Four �ar��s Prices -which willastonish tiQ Native,. Call early and seenre ' 13a, ' gains. " C-31-1E13EA.:9L1 '40 ALS LO ID..ES BOPQ.. F RST CONSIGNMENT OF SPRING 1300 ------.TSUST TO HIANDU aDmrximiomz Offee their entit'o stocl� _during thisl'month;°txiib • miscount ,. 1, . • ' �. ,, -On purchases of o doThic and over. Notwithstanding; the recent udv snce• iva' the rt ioof goods, they have decid�`iL"&hold t' - Dream i3i&l, pi1lltS1Tpt-t s, Cottollades, denims,) • Cottons' ,& White Gre100 n cottons. FulElines Men's Felt Boots,American and Cana- dian Overshoes and Rubers, German Felt S1ippers, Ladies' and G'ent's WoaWill continue selling winter goods at a discount of ten per cent until March 1st. CI-IROMA.ril During this month. No is your ti ne to secure bargain tali. pAriva Dress Goods, " Silks, Cottons, Skirtings,,.Tsble Linens, Towellings, Prints, Special Bargains $in Woollens, Gloves, iosiery, Shirts and Drawers. Millinery at nearly -.Half Price. Bargains in Velveteens. Flannels,,Corsets. J. C. DETLOR & 1;0., Clinton:. - AND - 8I10J3S CHOICE GOODS. LOW PRICES. We 1 ..,, OiJIIiZETTEy LdNfDESBoRO Our stock in ether lines is large and well assorted, and will be soul at close prices, PEIt CENT OFT.'' Mit CASH. W.TAYLOR& SON, [CLINrICON.