The Clinton New Era, 1887-02-18, Page 4N" _.. I - _:_ 1 ....1. .. .... a a • -. rt 4 u.. a ,11 . • _. .. .. .s .. 4, .li 1( " . . , ' .. a k•. ° -. _ :.:.,.--..-...--;. _... _�.. .:::.: -: -: ___.._,-_.. _ _.. .� .. _..-..-_. _- -.. .... .--- -- _...._®---�..-----••-•,--_..� �.,_._»...._ _ ""•"11IOar�74f "-NMDMWON" - ar.._--...-..-..-..-- _. - .p . ._.-- _ ' 1� c�vtiul'1tl$>¢111Ci1Xir ; EDITORIAI. NOTI-S. Additional Local flews. ' wegt, delivered his popular lecture on the aopEItIV11• the r'ep of phictf was icy, •whoa oue font ' - -- _._- - ` - "Wild Nortel Land" to a large. and4ppre- I.PiLvs.-Mr. Curry has opened a new slipv I, allowing, his frarl,e to fall heavily Cleariu„ sale -•'C Vi.ckson i - --- . --.. _'_ - - 111.t, who hasp vote, iii more than Ono '114e Poople's volicer(, ciative -audience, in the Ontario S6 Meth. 'boot and shoe store oil the square. All "Pot' the hard .titirface. llis leg was bro}feu Qhllore; a clothing--�J�acksou Bros --- oui ick are ro resbin., towards convoles- J4A ueluw 1,110 thee, as {yell as tho ankle dis• 11 ( Biding can pull them in the corning alae- dist Church. bit Young is ane y and 3 P to r`a`.wida ntt,loiderGs-Beesley & Cu ) The town hall was filled to the dOurs on -ence The young Cu:t,ervatives opened located. �• fiuent speaker, and for two hours elight- ]!Taw }ersays--Beesley & Cu i tion• --.,e.o.�--- - Tuesday evening, on the occasion of the ed tris audience as he took them 1,l save• the rnouta over Jorda„'s drug store, its Dir. N. T. r�dama, •uf Mullett, receutl sold '' F 0sh arrivalr3.-13eealiiy & Co concert given under the auspic. s of the rat tours throe It the Wild ATort. Land. club rooms on Mond-&% ; there are about to fill. Alex. Mo'1'avi:h of Manitoba, an en• ��, the ladies -John Robertson 1 CLIN'roN L1BEkALS are trying to or- Clinton Oddfelluws and for the benefit of g 180 members already. Mrs, W. Swafheld Lire colt, eomiu thrc, Pux 1c1, for which I i t' Starting from Hamilton be proee,eded to y ( 8 Y i g ,.Spootacles-Rob W Lusts range a hig meeting for to -morrow .night the poor Of the town. The people showed Norway House, [riving many amtl8ing in- Is visiting at home. It is rumored that he received 110 [sura of $350. This colt was 4Atnoke-•-Rob W Coa s or Monday. 1 articulaia will be giyen by their sympathy with a good cause by a -idents by the wav, He described the Misses Million and A. Marti i will shortly sired Eby `I3orlaud_Lhtef,' and is from an - � tit fur sale --John Boles I generous contribution of $73, which, after mode of travelling by dog sleds, a trail move to l/1,e town. Mr, W B. Matthews . shf °g•aad's (llory mare. The day he was baud bills. eying expenses, will leave a comfortable declares his intention of being out to vote b Stray heifer -A McDonald, _ p y g p consistin of four sleds of four dogs each. g Pled he weighed 1,6001bs. He was raised } 31ticlleal-Prof Guatin - � I b g h by Mr! Adams, and is one of the best colts IF it i3 embezzlement for an employee alance towards the charity fund. Tho Uo also described the hardships of the noxi 'ruesdyy ; his ankle is gaining in ever bred in the township. i>�hite brouz0-\V irl GiCtiuplatform was tastily deettrJilttd,audlentan, mission ry from cull and hunger. Dur- strength rapidly. Mr. Geo. Drew is walk :1V<tod wautnd-Qlintulo woollen mills to misuse the tnouey of itis employer, is it air of ease and pleasure to the uccasiuU. ing the Tato rebellion the fact was noticed log round a little, bis arm of course iu a Mr. Andrew Johnston, wb„ae funeral took. -'T' ---"� any less so when the employee happens to Mr, Thos. White acted as chairman and tr taco >,o the WinRham cemeter un Prins i that loot a single indi,,r, , ,o wets iu any sII° wap one of the oldest and best known real.- _ \. �' t briefly stated the object of lite concert and degree it "[lie influence or teachin of CoNcERT.-The Kell R ckman concert ��� �� � �� I be a servant of the public? g Y , dents of Turnberr . He had been P1 forI J114, �.•�_ the work of the programme, lows ,i the sate- M-thodkt, rniwsionaries took ,art in the held t° Acheson' Hall on Wodnesda Y line. The ro Pamine entire,is given he- ' I' Y several months so [bat latterly his death was � r AI 11,. M.C. CAMERON having taken steps P g � g rebellion. Tho same gratifying statement evening, in the interests of Knox church, not unexpected. About twenty-two years ago F RI[)AY, FEB 18 F887, low. With one or two minor exceptions, applies to all indians under the teaching was better attended than any concert has he moved.intc Turnberry,whero he purchased 1. for a criminal libel against the publishers I it was very well rendered and the audi- i N -�' of Protestant missionaries. Indeed, the been for months. Miaa-ltyckman, though a good farm and nae since Then been a con: i •8111) (tateaffotly at issYte. I of the News -Record, for publication of a ence showed their appreciation of the dit- courage and loyalty of Rev. John MODOp- a stranger here, took amazingly well ; she Stant resident of the township., In politics slander that he wall taken home intaxica• ferent pieces, as encores were repeatedly I +Pall -and his protege Chief Pakan, stopped is pretty, graceful and, best of all, unaf- he was a Conservative. Fw many years Eta Thexe neler was a pOrittd, in the history called for. Miss Murray, of Lucknow, the entire Cree nation from going on the fasted in her manner, while at the same had been a faftfifuL.attendant of the English ted on the night of the Local eleetion,that g g `°-ot•t:his--tiou-nkry< when it was more impar- i hitherto a stranger to Clinton audiences, "tear path," and thus saved the people of time she is a lovely sinker. Kelly," of Church, and hasgd'one ranch in his time to taut that oleo ghould t iso above passion I'al,er Publishes Mr. Lawrence's denial of left a favorable impression, Our Vuco'• Canada more money, not to speak of hull- course, has improved wonderfully, both in further filo iutegosts of religion, - - .n the affair, and a ole tees to Mr,Cameron. phone Band can always be counted ou to dreds of precious lives than has been appearance and in tone of voice and 'ave -•••- •„, alid prejudice and act ,and vote from a' _ " bring down the house," and [bey sac spent on indian missions since Canada complete satisfaction, while Miss Martin Personal anti, Political a • pi triotic interest in the true welfare of .No BIAN in his 'senses, not even the .ceeded immensely" on the occasion. The was settled.. It is of course impossible accompanied all the membt;ra in -al manner _ accompaniments were played b (firs. T. P P The leading manufacturers of Brantford Canada. there is, on the part pf those most rlsbid partizan, will defend the gene- P p Y y to give an adequate idea of a lecture en re- that showed she was.tnfstress of the eitua- have sent a letter to -Hou. Edward Blake ex. Jackson, Mrs. Foster, Misses Gibbings, tete with anecdotes and illdstratione in tion who are fighting to retrain power in 1,h- rel policy of the Dominion Government. nd Depew. The following was P + pressing heir atmoat confidence in him, and MurrayY P g the limits of a paragraph. ' rhe audteoce 'DEATH. -Sudden deaths babe bben more their willingness to trust the coinservati-n of hands of the Conservatives, a desperate They will admit that there are a number the programme:- was delighted, and will give Rev. Mr. numerous duri.g these last few weekys than tbamintarests to his care, - effort to divert public attention from the of things which they cannot fend. And � PART I Young a cordial welcome should he ever the oldest inhabitant remembers thein to, The Ontario°LegislaEpre met on Thursday revit of the crisis which their olio of et the people of Canada are asked to re- Quartetto-Clinton Quartette Club -Tyrolean Ducks come to Clinton again. The choir gave have been .before. Oo Saturday t,1to well• i of Inst "week, Cleated D' ' I3ux er, of Haldi• ' gm Y P Y Y P P ltacitatlon-MTs Hol>grlautt..., ... .Ta the Uddfnllaws Y sae Solo-bfissJean Murray,Lucknow,Defence.ofLucknow, several excellent productions of music, known and hi mend, S e extravagance and the. corrupt etas of pow- turn to power a government which has ably respected ,DIP. Robert, p hker, received the Speech„f;oin the , Duet -Mrs R. Itansford and Mr. T. Jackson.,., when adding to the pleasure of the evening.- Walker, librarian of rile Mechanics' Inati- Throne, and ndjutirued till i&rch, tat• .-Air, er has brought upon the country. Gross not the entire confidence of its own ad- the Winds blow in from the.bea. The pastor occupied the chair. -Meredith .,ecor.diu the motion, � infers reaenhlations of the 'eLgracter and' herenta.' A change of government is solo -Mr, Sibley ..... ......... Let we drepm again P P lute, while reading a volume in lho teat[• g p g Reading -Rev. W. Craig ............ ..The Challenge _��.._ ing room, appateutly in the t est of health; The 1lanitob,i e•lcotions w•i;l likely be fixed necessary to restore confidence and in Solo -Mr. W. Harland .......... ....... Poor Old Dad LOCAL A'EWS• y b the raturnin ofljcers who bave-Ehe power ,suddenly threw back his head, and in LY,va y g .. policy of ilii. -Blake and the Liberal party, Y Duet=Misses Hearn and lyorthiugtou Gate, of the{Peat by law, for the 2'Lntl Inst, -the date of the the best interests of country. Vote Solo-Mr.J.C.Colo..•............Ahandfulofearth U,I 1L.I;YHIBITCeE.-A great minutes breathed hits last. His fn oral. by law, election. "FLe elections fnthe Ter- J. are scattered daily, With a hope that some Yocophuno Band in costume, lntrpducing the great g y' took place an Tuesday afternoon t -he sor- !! will believe them, and be misled by them fur lite Liberal candidates next Tuesday. Irish Song "Clara Nulan'a Bell, visited the U. P. R. par at Clinton station, ' ritories will nut take .place until the 15th of a* 1 , ' rART I` on Thursday, and inspected the splendid vies beim; taken by the Rev, Dr, Ure, Dir, March, and in Bi ai,11 Columbia •about the -...- 4 to condoop the past misdeeds of Sir Jphn Instrnmenttd solo -lira W. Foster........ Tito Storm _ Hugh Hamilton will take iYFr. •'\\'all(e ' e i` . r -�s, .gip... w . The re-election by acclanlmxtinn of all solo -Dr. williams...,.where'er St. Geor oa banner e3mE,r2s of grain, roots and fruit shown 'Vo. '' and his Cabinet. Are moderate Conserve- s ' place i° the Institute. '_ ,' 'the members of the new Quebec Dlinistry, waves. y therein. These were much . the same as . • Air, Perrier, the so-called Liberal. de en fives willing toaclose their eyes upon the Duct -M[es Walker and Mr. Smith. -Saviour breathe those shown i)n a previous occasion, and CHvitCYi NOTES, At tlre:la'st rueetingaf dent candidate for Beanie, P who bold seats in the popular branch of an evening blessing. the Victoria street chnrch..'rlartcrl a 11ns been discos•. It speak vo u nes of the r G Y A rd ed to be a traitor. A letter of Sir Hector• humiliating and indisputable historic psi -Mrs. -leas Murray, . Lucknow cows are Polish Boy P 1 productiveness met of a resolution was uua°imoual sed ° 1 the Legislature, shows Mr. Mercier to be I Sulo -give. 1tnnSford.. ., The are in the corn the vast plains of 'the west. Something, yi?� , lras" �La.gevin`e hoe fallen into the hands of the facts, and'be caught b appeals to arti- Duet -Mrs. Foster and W. Harland...Murmuriagaea that attracted special attention was a the pastor to return anutlrar•;ye:tri�aro opposition,which shows that he 4as been the g Y Pl P firmly established in power. With ordi- Character Song .............. ............btr. Jacksen . Ball prejudice 7 We hope dad believe oar prudence, Lis mato it is apt to be Recitation-111sa Robertson....,..,,.'...The ,danla" round oft' a British Columbia cedar log, heartily thanking him for the, untiring in- Go yernment's nominee all along, while pre. Y P I Y P solo -Mie., Iltiarn ........ tto Cl,,...,.white wines which measured 8 feet across the butt • the terest he had taken in reducing the'churcli tending to hold the fort for the'Liberals. 11 not. There is no mail, whether Liberal increased rat her than lesaeut d, as the ten- 1;+tartotte-Clinton with tabs au. Bo I 'fur Qnecu, debt, -The jubilee held b the Salvation a- x,th tableau. log was repteaented a9 being 561 years J y The Haldilnauof Conz?arvatives held a con- t or Conservative, who knows the Hon, Ed- dency of politicians to attach tbemselves I old. Army, Sunday and Monday last,�"wjp 'aentiofi at,cwyoga recently, but bould, get no ward Blake, but knows that the daily re- to the winning side is strong. The irn- I L00AL. Ci'IURCM r,Hi ds. largely attended. " An all-night prayer one to accept a nominationsagainst Mr. Colter. ° fereuces to him in the Toronto campaign TIME FOIL A CiHANGE.-Mr Jno Craib, meeting wound up the proceedings, All attempt may be gime to a Liberal to -come - pression has gained ground that the pros The \V. C. 1. L. will meet at Mrs. of Chicago, formerly of Clinton, in writ- The revival meetings held in the basement out as an "Independent" against Di'r. Colter,; sheet, and the Conservative papers gen- pects of the Dominion Government were Washington's residence .next Tuesday ' ing to a friend here, expresses the hope of the North street church• continue with but that will not succeed. Air. Colter is the ''--, . afternoon at 3 o'clock. that the Dominion Government will be unabated interest-�,-'-x y persons rat least member -elect for Hilidimrtua county and if avails, are false and Bland -roue. It can, improyilog ia,Quebec, bat tyle absence Lit T not be tlla1 117 tthe public conscience is so sad The past year has been the most satis- defeated next;Tuesday,as he believes it has have been seeking, and most have found, opposition iii offered to li-hi; ]t will but add to , _ P any opposition to 1lereier's Cabinet does factor in the 1 istor of Brussels Metho- p g the •majority - registOred` for 'Lim, but a few ]y and generally demoralized as not to re- not corroborate this view, Y \ Y been in ower altogether too long for the Pardon and peace. ' months ago, - , , dist church, and at the official meeting country's good, This is a decided change THE NOMINATION, -By mutual consent1. sent . these. unscrupulous misrepresenta- �__.�-0 last Thursday evening, Rev, Mr, Smyth for Mr' Craib who when here was a most there was no speaking at the nomination A young may,.\ ichtalastwas driving a load . tions of aur ablest and most upright states- THE Conservatives miist have a very low was cordially asked to return for bis third pronounced Conservative; he Las evident- by the candidates, every thing, therefore, of wood into Laamiugtun, on Monday '- man. opinion of the intelligence of the. farmers, Year. ly had his political vision broadened by passed off' Very gnie.tly. A large crowd morning when the frent port of his road 1 The constaiit talk about the, National when the expect to THE ARMY. -Over thin ersons from residence under a foreign flag, and we from Goderich township had ',~athered gave sways, -throwing him down in front of y p gain votes by the Y P q P c the wacgon,the Ia- eels of which ase0d over here 'attended the Salvation Arm ban- trust that on the morning of the 23rd, his and nothing would satisfy them but to P Policy being in danger, and ,the appeals cartoon that has been issued on their be- y hn a will be. realized.. Lave ;A Ioeeti. so they rosined)' hall his head killing him instin•ly. . guet, at Goderich, on Monday, and over p g, y P - to anti•Riel feeiiDg are simply 'attempts half. It represents that the farmers' con 400 took tea in the barracks. Crabb'a hall ., and got " Brown" to address them, and ]IIr. J�,h'n Lightfoot of the 12th c.)ncea• , ; to draw a,•red herring across the trail• dition is more prosperous under Ctie Na- was well filled for the avenin meeting. FARMER s CLUB. -The Granton Farm- he did more harm than good to the Con- $1,°° of EcooIce, has. recently host three '1 An all night of ra er was held in the er a Club [net on the 14th; 'according to servative party, - In his stilted stylo Brown children by diphtheria, But the real questions of the hour are tions[ Policy than it would be under a g ,prayer adjournment members near] all. resent: barracks. � Y P spoke passionately, and struck right anti -'---- these:-Sball tile 'policy :of piling up an revenue tariff'. Is ft not a tact that wheat The discussion was on the same subject left without sense or meaning. Two yourig 12Oy r enormous public debt, that shall be an is to•da � from 30 to 35 cents a bushel The Methodists of Bayfield'circuit have as on the last evening of debate, viz:- , FAIR-In•el•ncon, on thernth Inst., the wife, of Mrs. y fellows were lheel,eaket s words a extended an invitation t6 Rev. R. IJavey, Stall -feeding against Grass -feeding," abd apd �e„ft°tb,,o b,• a to by it mit. one of ins. Fair, of edaughter. --- oppressive burden' through future years,be lower than it was when tiff•. Dlackcnrie x1,+as of Lucan; (formerly of Londeaboro) to be although the Stall -feeders ao't-t-be' declsi'ou them ha enod�to be a Crr lativ student, HILES.--In Armow, on the 4th ind.,the wife of Mr, approved and endorsed by the people of in power. Is it not a fact that cattle are come their pastor for next year, and he of the -referees on the first occasion, the happened it de lt, J, tiles, Merchant, ofa sou. .. - has accepted the invitation, subject to the Grass -feeders gained the victor and the tither a youth who wai bitckeo*by )REID.-In Goderloh township, Bayfield road, I Canada?.- Sball tbe,men who have brought also lower , Where then is the advantage decision of the Stationing committee. second. The lub . will. meet a again the the crowd from his township, but'th,e law on the loth Inst., the wife of Dir J,Heid,ora-son to perfection the reprehensible policy of to the farmer of the National Policy, in Monde g student'laid. his man cot. - HARRIED ' The official board of the St. Thomas y, .28(h inst:.to discuss the most corruptly using the influence and re- so'far as increasing prices go. The farm- Central Methodist church met last Mon- profitable way of eradicating noxious _ V_.--- - XRA11LING-KAUFMAN,-At the parsonage r" da ni ht weeds from the farm. Around the County. - 'ift"w Benmiller, Feb..IOEh, Mr. Goo. Krahling,of sources of public office to keep themselves or who was mi°sled in the first place into Y i and invited their present pastor, I Blyth, to Miss S. Kaufman. of Listowel. Rev. Jose ,h Phil formed of Holmes- Tackeramith School .Board intend to build ' CIIAPMAN-GORDEN.-Ac tlro roairlenee of in political power be sustained . At this believing that there [vas some virtu- ville, to return fora, third year. He will HORSE .NTOTEs.-Mr D Tiplady sold r1 new aebools at Harpurhey and Egmonclville. - rho brrdu'q father, on Wednesday, ath, by th0 juncture, when the enormous public debt In the N• 1. to make prices better, can accept culljeet to the decision of the eta- mare to Mr W Bowden the rlther clay, for D M Robert Clarke, i,odcricL tnwahip,bad (;ur�h �t I?OP8, All'. Jim Cliaiiman, to Diss Jennio i' is driving these L`ritfsli Provinces towards not be deceived' again. \Ve have heard Bening commute- of the conference. over '200. llurin tile, week Air Bawden his le broken in two laces o❑ Sattur'la + D au of TumcersmJth. g g P y Y y p,1, ` i bought horses of the following' parties :- a fall oil the icy eidowalks.. ° j - DIED -.I. annexation with -the United States, do the. some of them bitterly lamp ntllig their ST. PAUT.'S CIIL'RC'IL-Rev. Air. Steele ..J Henry,Hullebt;.mare from L Johnston-, Mr. John Williams sold his fat near Lnk HtL>is ..t l ,'� ; F I A n,)v,on the 7tft ln,t., tiw utcyht ,tion , a �T people of Canada- desire to give the reins- -folly, as they have • found by sad experi- and Mr. Craig exchanged pulpits on Sun- Stanley horse from G ]lilt, liullett; and let, contafhing SO acres, to Dir. Juba liuce i. "f J, rules, ttggd 3 days. . P p p da last. Right Rev. Dr. Sullivan the a fancy colt from Air, ,4tepheneon,Stanley. for the handsome sum of $4,000- y of political ower for a term of yeses Into ence no amount of protection can increase y g , '' tiOi.LfiWAY: - In Clinton, nn the 13Th lust., !'red. . - Bisbop of Algoma, will address a meeting Messrs JobarL and Coe buyers, are hose While Mr. H. ills elof Zurich, was carry. ' .I T ullouay, aped 18 day':vand p months. . . r the hands of Sir Charles Tapper, who is the price of an article which must find a in St, Paul's School House on l''rida pickingu,• serviceable animals, Patties ILOr..-I°,Last Wawanosh,' on the 12th probably the'most corrupt and unprincip- foreign market. The N. 1'. is necessary I Feb, 18 at 8 ). 1,n., of "Work in the" anti.i lug an armful of wood'•fnto the house, oiI Sub•° inst you'll-cst sou of rhos. 11,• Taylor, aged i .,i_9 ., I b rood Horses should. attend the day, lie fell and broke the bene in his 1* ycar•Fa.tdahs.. led.politician in.Canacla? TL,pse are the now more• for revenue purposes than for I Diocese of Algoma." Collection in aid auction sale of first-class stock in this arm, _ ,. protection. ; of the {work, - -r. --'� ---- serious questions to be answered in this P' - town, next Wednesday, Rev. DIr, Black, of Caledonia, Las been en- V Sale Register. 1 election. 'these are questions of adminis- il -__-0-&-_40-__-___ c' gaged as assistant to'Rov, Dr. Ure, Goleriehi' - {{'>; VCSD;11', 23rd- FEB. -Brooding mares a.d A IIfr ('ameron's Attitude int the t RATTI;NBURIt ,_ r, \]E• li0DIST.-Rev. . GRACEFUL. --The Loudon Advertiser in place of Rev. Dir, learrluhnroon, who ,Las, `horses nt the Rattenbury House, Clinton, on the E. tration ,rather than of le islution. Let 1 Ir. Gee gave two gOUof sermons n tills , mat. B;twden & Co, Proprietors. Jas, Oke, auct. g Tetnpelreuee Qilesrlou thus refers to a g.entlelnan well known removed from there, 1. P . - olectors of all nrties. suswer these uea- church ou Sunday. Rev. AIr. Turner, here, and who i9 at least half a Clinton- WEDNESDAY, Feb. 23. -Farm stock, Inplement9 I P• q i of Auburlo,will preach there next Sunday. „ 1'Le partnership' ew,e for'o exisiting be= .nmCftirnituto of bit, John Johnston, tut 25, con, I2, tions by an independent and. patriotic vote The following letters were published in Rov. Dr, 1Villiama Las been assisting for H acoxh j,ayettet half):'- Alr Gegorge '1'. tit��•�en Turnor, c aeca; of 1Pinghsm, has IIullett, without reserve. C. Hamilton, 'Aust. " n ourcOlumnsfn June, 1885. We,republisb ani lit or two at rho s ecial services still done a graceful thing In re' bc+en dissolvEd, the;•forryer'hayin� purchased , - FRIDAY, -FE --B. u. -Faros; atocik'and-•-fm 7a•; •- - --- .ion the -22nd i st. ... - , g B , .. giving from a Parliamentary colitest in the latter's inti[ ah Ln the Soui inQ inti!!, nt$ of John Redmond, (near St: AuRuetiao),' • '� _-_ _��.�. ' . _- __ them at the request of several readers,. iu 1 beteg held in this church. the.attend- which he.was urged to engage by so many t O1lc o'clock p. m. C. Humtlton, Aunt. 1 osis II'or The laectorl!r. , , I ince at the Sabbath School on Sutlday On -Tuesday a `very enjoyable time ivas TUESDAY March f -Farm stock, etc„ of Mr. ordpr to show again that Mr. Cameros s last reached X20, t}1,e fargestiD theschoohs of.hiasnrie ids. fNo{vthatLondon is about, spent at the, rseid�nce of il'm.,'rhotgpsun, 1. neem, lot 2s, con. 5, Stanley. ,'J. F. Brine, On account of the public debt last yt5ar• position ol: the 1'cmperanec question is history, to be etc ed from the clutches of tory- Lorlis,, ori thii occasion- of eclebrating' tale Allot_ -• --- - -., correct:- , „ ism, Mr Hiscox will not imperil the anniversary of et.tteir tweuty6fth wedding 3, t we paid .?32:51 for every map, woman Rud l,ec'rtri;3 oN rHl lADERN.ACa.E,-A chances of the Liberal party, aril forgoes day.. pp h �1 p 031 t �jp app{p ' l't,ixrox, lone 1G, 188;i,. series of lec:tllres on the Tabernacle are 'his personal feelings for the good o.f tte ' Hugh 13spailton, o ,,iiahain,sw.ho was're• �Il• Johns App' `O �'+u, CUllllllp• { child of our population, reckoning that tett ' M. C. Cameron, C' eq_ A1.11., ])car Sir,- being given in Perfin's Ball, Rattenbury' cause,, Phis course•w.ill secure Mr 13iscox covering. nice! !loin blood oisouh had s 4,b00,000, and about $12 for every' family IN,e the metnLcrs of the Clinton Branch of the street, by Alessrs. Jef}i•iea and Sims. These many friends'," ` •' relapseonSn•nday 'and lost silt t9'ow r of h'is . o five persons." ,, • W.omea'a Christian Temperauce,Union, desire • lectures are illustrated b a ch t and to Y aC ,y limbs,:and tie bee since been unable to inovo t to express 1,c you our thanks and admiration, each art of the tabernacle is Laken up as° 'CR DITABLE.-'!'fro " Alliston herald" about. Sir John ]las dissolved'the Dominion There is a public debt. of more - than for your determined and valuable assistance in P •t picture of Christ. The main doctri.nos of Jett: 20th thus speaks of one our former $1,000,000 Ot► each of the constituencies supper,, of temperance legislation, as the ri>•t" + P \\'m. Tia.trtinhiriiiir, wh© sold his £aim, lot Parham -n t,�and appeals to the people t4 resentative of this riding p 4 1; brought out by A.tessrs. Jeffries and Sfmg' citizens, being an attendant at one time 17, con. 8, to Joseph Falconor,of Korn.ington, support hie policy of goy ruing Canada. in Canada. That is,,, for lite county Of P gin arliame 't da are, 1st, That salvation is by the finished' ofour. Hi h Schdol .- r\I r. ]3. S, Gra Las ing,th4e present session, and for your strong g r y, }7curchased l50 acres of land frorn !?avid FOSTER'`cQ BAYLEY also appeal to tLc Hnrgkt.,-f 3,000,000. opposition to the attempts now being made toy {pork of Christ, and not by our "works. teach' 1,r of,*.S. A o. 2, Essa, has, as shown Miln�,,of Ethel, on the 8th coil., near Henfryn The publiedebt of CaDada has increased set at .naught, the will of the" people, as ox. 2nd, That a true believer in Christ is by the-teports of the Civil Service Depart- praying $3,520. people to support their ,policy of mak- ' pressed in this and other counties. We sin• saved, and can have the assurance of sal- ment, of the examination held 1�'tst Nov. The imported Clydesdale colt " 1?azzle," iDg the finest Life -size -Portraits that have $75 n minute during the whole of Sir oorely hope that you will continuo to exert vatiav kith -Lit a tjottbt, through believing succeeded at Hamilton, in ` assari both brought to this con try ase Se tem'bet; frorn + our inftue.co r in God's word. 3rd P g $ �' P ever been produced at the estreulely ;low John Aiaedoualds AdmtnistratioD, allow- Y p ivatel'y, publicly and. on the. ,that {while th- un-, the preliminary and Ilio- quttlifping or Ayrshire, Scotland, by Spcfr Bros„ of Morrie, ing ten working hours a clay, and 2C floor'of' parliament; fit- preventing the final converted sinner cannot do any work Of highergrade examinations, and has .also was Yrurchased by D'Iessrs. Dfo°N@i1 8c Shine,uf Price of 810, including frame. " 1,1-_ . - passage of the sine and Leer amendments to his own to sat- himself, yet when 'tile obtained Lovers in the Optional Subjects; (trey township, last week. 1x000 i9ne .the - - working dttys'to the month, the Canada l.'emperanco Act, and in scouring, air.�per owns his lost coYidition, and .re- Precis, Writing and Book-Xceping," Price paid. �, .1-f. 4V r1(LUrCtigf1ue11ta ' ' Ou,n annual,expenditure for the year the amendment thereto which will render it serves the finirhed-•work of Christ, lie will This is very good work for one to attempt Ak tllo meeting of tfap di'r'ectors cf-the 1';aat i most cflcctive,^ant] set aside the difficulties in show his faith h his works. The lUlt SALE' -A YlsltY CfIOiCI: PtCCC 0[' PRO- @Ildtng. JUitO Ia9t {pay'• lieiirly :„56,000,1.OJ the wa,y of its proper erforcetneiit• Y y Preach who has Such a large schoCl.as he htts, for Ilurou"an(1{,*s'ey,L';rs,nch,., Agricultural 5ocie• i ` tllflt there 19 1,t. dlfl'-erCt1C0 LCLR'CCtI 1[OaCl he has a leu• o gchnol but is suceedin well ties, It, w:19 deL ltii' Le hUl.l tb_u Spring 8110 '}"try °it Rattenbury St., east, 01iposito the r45i- I mOT- lhali 011r-tCCCIr?t•^, nlakIDa 'a dc -licit ' �:gnell on behelf of the members g > 1'i 1 a denceof R. 1i, Racey,o !s offered for snic on rcavonablo foil}1 :t till LCart fitlth ; tllflt ,'t nlan might, ,ind has re-engniged for 1887 at an ineregse at Druesels 4i9 Ftitlay, April 15th, and the tern,,. It is a -corner, lot and a halfin clic piece. All - that amnunl, of,tLe W,C'.'1'.1': ++ believe about" Chi:ir,t and not really be- of salary, Fall Show on Thursday diol Friday, Oct. Gth 1111 to.ttu[V BOLEl, ciiutou. fLC only. {"'1,y to ,4tcrp tLC rlrrrnirni rr= '.• •-'- .- Ottawa, June 19, 188,, lyeve in Christ. Theve lectures. are going • ° an(1-7th, - _ __ __ -_._.. -__, Tu the ulointpors U the }".omen's Christian on each evening. ' Oil Sunday afternoon 'AIolan, `CI30Ur, Li-riiit ray Snr�il:lv.__: DU, Anton S ;ucl cmnl of %:uich ,,..�1h0 tl'R'',Y iiEtl�Elt,-CAME INTO Sl'nsCP.IBPP,F) • P01t1;tUr0 h1;liCated flb')Ve is 1,O tcplace I ` S fnvni.es, tut I Goderich township, about a 1'euiperancel:pion, Uliuto°,tel ani in receipt and el'enin, next Lit ;' and 7 P r , U'CIuCIC, The hlt('i'a]'y UClety of lt. hell No. I, niet bas beclo in il,n London ass ]nn) for tbo'Ltst mouth �Iuce, n into year old lted.t[eifcr, rite on'ncr the govc,niment by Been under lh- ,ibic i of yours of tl,o 16th innt., and can assure you there will be lectures on "Tile great day of oil 1, riday, 11th. The nteeting'tl•as called four ycnrs, :lied ILcre'last M(nday, :fhn re• i" hcre6y' iithird to prove property, pay char es and t ha 1 „ k � leadrr:hia Of LI,(m, 1:dn•ard 131n1cc,•' tI fn 15 alprcuinte the firm approval ex• atoneinenl, a rtul;ject of special. int-rc,9t to order with President, 1V. Poherls, n; in mains ivcre brou;;,bt 1Po[r.0 .fur burial and nr• tnl:r itaw.iy. nuuil. btrDuvnr.u, - \ ' pressed by the Iadigs,of tho W.c.l.li., r,f my to all. _- _ __ _ . 1,l.)e-�chau,.._-_A n.ut ii O.f hast--mee[inrx 1'ivcQ oi) '1'ucsday au(1 wL.re ioter.rcd iu the _; �-- - - --_ - - "?'•9,-A` _-_ - -Fustian -oft-- tho tt.'nl )crane 'ev. 5 lice n1, Cay+,,,, ,. i c-Tpnstinit. I have read and anopia(!. I;lection Of lton'nn Catholic ce.letely en \\'cducsdn}. X1, Xqcy ,s 000noa ,wn s taken Beton, rounds on the tem c1, rhe missionary.serti<'c, of U:o OntarirJ nl0ccr,9 resulted a.a fo,lu{v,:-Pres., DIr,\tA u)ecting of filo ,lircctr,rP of the S'nith I a Y g p,', , ance opiestion, '1'1)e poopio of lily county hav street DletLOJjA church {sero hell[ last 4I'hen tulmi,lg in Huron in 1662, Mr,' in- lrouounecd so atrotlgly in favoeoF tern• 'Sunday, and wero quite successful. !ii T�"unit; Jet 1'iCe•I're,., W. Robertson; I[urnu Agricultural St•cielt`, it nos c?cri,lr.(1 �'Ii.h'l'R, ��ll"l1Ul'h (�I,O'CIf i'_'m- Por'er publi.Aicd a circular showing the , peraucn, I am bound, in so far as I am colt. fhe mornin:; the: Rov. 111' F (__".ampbcll, �ncl \'ice.-L'res„ F.11ook,et; ;Sec . Il,llnd(l ; to hold,thu annum S.pr;'g Sl;cw at l;rncetio),l,1. ceruud, that the will -of rho tun ,le expressed Of Dungnnrin« )reached ,in excclleut ser- Ass,-Secrnlnrv, 1i. I alsley; Commit Lee, o° WcAn"day, Ap),1 20,b, It 4pns algo (le- i;I{Ull)f,,Itl'� �jILl� i' ILLOfiLLi�S l f r 1 ' o' ri cult(! to hold th+, l'ali'�ha•s nt F,xcter in ' ' f [oric.Fa cf grain it, ihta year trader Conner• at tLo pull.+, shall prevail, I have rho honor mon from Iaodug xvi 1•;, In the even- L. (,atter, B. Davis, I+.'llolcs, ll. Fair, A - ' nloore, !'he pt'pyraulmc, as follow+ ivas Amalgamation with the Stcphcn nlul l'sborne val,ly- 10111 ag Ci'Itlpitfell {pith the pl'lCC9 1,U ger yrYtlrB faith £tills, ', M. U. (.%.11Ir.i;u�. int; the inksionary meeting Ivan held. The 4 I Branah, but the (late lias not yet been fixed. `�'1 PPIA .� f,0N\ I?ItS, BILIMNI; in 1578 iMdor .lfe(orm rule, claiming of .-�s•o•., -- I opening exercises were conducted by the then tendered :-' Bono by school ; Secre course that the incrCa9- was due alto .e !tile l,ibcrnl II.antIer. l,a9tor. The first speaker was ]rev. Dir. Lary s report ; reading, �.`ltceve; duel, AI.. Tho !?shyer, ('olora(lo, come pendent uF ",''O(Ji,S ji ING1s1tING AIi:V SHh.) 'f �" Paisley, 11. liumball ; reading, i fr. Lough the l'hicako Interior Lits the following f° ro I , , r - Campbell, who, in :t neat speech of hail r ferenee to Itev, John Fcrglison, for many Cher to the change of gnverna rat., Now ; Il,c Alvnl, -al 117birss soy,.•r:---Ah-. Bl,tkc' all hour, spojce of the duty of givinn Re rCailing, I,. � Cruickshank ; song, eight \ y ) girls ;speech, AIr. Cunniiighnme' song by Years the beloved pastor of Itfelville Presby'l MUSIC, ANL. WALi. I AI I'It AT we propose to givC lite prices in 1878,com• i ,Qpraks io the pco�,lr a8 i% lh(lytPNT iTasollhir cording to the New Testament standard feria° church,' Brussels.:--" Ilev, John For. I J The I(ev. E. It. Yours of the Toronto the choir ;reading, Mr. Lough ; duet, II. gilson who reached several months for the pared with the ruling prices now, and let hranaa,t brim, rs else+ were IBritiM and g' and L. Irwin • reading, Mr. Lough. - J Conference, was the next speaker, Air g'Presbyterian church of Central City,Coloraclo, She Conservatives explain bow it comes loved %air plan, cos i/'t/acs 1,t+arc Claristiaus 1'oun.g, for an hour-and•a-half, kept the A ULosE CALr..-Tho gentleman re- Las accepted a call to Santa 1'c, brew Afoxico. I M „ that they have allowed them Lo fall so low, undivided attention Of the large audience • Mr. L. Hunter C~OOpax`. and demanded moral cletalion in their• poli- g ferrel to in the following paragraph, from , of Usborno, has eold the - having, na they claimed to have, the lies. ' There weremo ifnmodrrate cr) )gals to whlld be narrated 'the' experiences of too the Ilanlilton Tithes, is a brother-in-law line Canadian heavy draught entireeolt which BEAV Eft BLOCK BOOK STORE'. ® ' 11-- -._ missionary 1 t of Mrs. Collins Clinton :-Rev. J. if. pOWCI' f0 increase them:- the1)a•Q3t0itR Clnrl p>ri!jirrlioeS Of his atlrlaCitCCJ Y Il the far IIOr[.l-{peat and a9 Coiling, he purchased scrota time ago from Airs. Dios• � '� 1878 , 1887 he told of tile. wonderful effect of the gos- Collins, of Stoney Creek, tried tQ get a ford, of Bruccflold, to an American�Uuyer for • wheat, per bots 1.-...$J On to 1 15 $0 76 to $o 76 there •tees an absolute absenre of el)ilhet, pel on the Indian natives, Air Young !s cod viC{c of the Stoney Creek fytlls dor- the sum"of $.360. This colt was just _9 months • W. JACKSON l orate 0 30 to 0 3r, 0 2s to 0 28 whether db e, or,olhernise, 1ir"cte were a pleasant and easy speaker and ig full of old, and weighed the clay it was sold 1,585 16x. D Ryo •• ... 0 48 to 0 Ga 0 40 to 0 1,5 r missionary information, and whet -ver he `ing the late thaw, but in doing so Mr, •[•his is ahead of many imported horss of rho C(Lnddei Pacific Railway, Corn .. o 50 to o ao O 5 to 0 40 laid be ore Zhc atrdicitce in rat infC'rcatinr y Collins had what [night have been a ser- f I some ate. Peng .., 0 00 1,0 0 a6 0?o to 0 r,o f J goes will help the missionary cause. The ions fall, I n climbing round the ravine t = - - Itarley o ao re o a1 0 40 to 0 4v u+aa/ sled in a striking light, but iacZcr in a choir rendered, in their usual good style, liisfe�t i1;1 ] blYt 1t'g'fi�yilf�Ct MIT n e cheese and butter factor are Dlessre, Jose )h i - -' It takes two busliels of barley now to /fuse light; the argument was nevcrsperlairs several find selections. Tile missionary fell down about [went five feor, 'I'lo es• y t � d,' --•-'- • - serrices of last Sunda were LLoemos[ sac• y (lolley, A. McLean, David Geddes, Robert t✓i°L'ii�in ���r bring as rntlCh money as one did in -Mr. ni• fricky, Litt solid and slrair/hlArieard. Y rayed to get farther along, and in doing Reilly and \\'alter Scolr, D1 r, blcI,ean was � 'z�:T -'r - �*� I C41188 ever held in this church. The so a a'fn he fell do{{n the steep side the • ' blackenzie's time. �'Vhat punishment is, 11c last'- sail so ntltrh of lllr. Tlake s sll/Ze roc -ids' nYo already in advance -f last g p chosen President. There was manufactured Parties contemplating a trip to P Y mountain somo seventy-five feet like a of chceso fast season s,i,C00 It's realizing ton severe for a g.overnmbnt, which,claim- and mannrr, for P is the essence of the limit, year, and wlipn the COI;ectors will have toboggan, hilt LrFat nCtlylty 110 ltlrlled about 85,060. They expect 1,p clo a larger MANITOBA 11 British ji ' ing to hnvei the power to increase the price' and the people of Canrzda,410i rrl respect and douo their work, the iucom0 will he fully sideways .in(] stopped himself before business this coming enmmer. MANITOBA of British Uoluabil ,-A fifty per cent in advitgee• reachin a inv F Clum) of buslie, or hF r 1,)f t'cFrytLintt thefarmer pt•odttCOs,yet stub- . ltnnnr a»rl 1'•ar,a !o revere sled support as g g • t °, � Thursday morning, 11r. 1'rancls :\nArrson, Hurnly refuses lO move in the matter, and i On Monday evening Ro,v. E. 1t I'ming; would have been seriously injnred. A-41 who resides ti -short distance south o; Exeter, luither on business or with stock, will hear of well,, st.-i scorn irlto are as fioble its 11Ir• who was a missionary, of the Methodist it wag, lie got off {vith a bruised hose nnrl met with a severe accident uhile1.workinp something to their advantage by consulting allows, the low prices to continue. I Blake. 27ley are the salt that savr,o. church for many years in 66 far .Poral- a tremendous shaking up, v I nbout the house, lie was entering the door, ilio above without delav t , ° '1,r. ° • F •