Huron Record, 1881-11-11, Page 13, L
Volume 3, No 38.
TERMS . ---$L25 per Annum in Advance,
• Publisher.
Dome and Vicinity.
THE roads are bad.
Copies of this week's REvoRD will
be for sale at Dickson's bookstore,
CLINTON and Seaforth High School
foot ball clubs will have a tussle at
Seaforth to -morrow.
Mr. W. H. 'Cooper, of the Clinton
marble works, has received an' order
for a marble monument for Bruce
Ma. IL Irwin, our wheat buyer, has
-over one hundred" cars of grain,
ing shipment: to the east and it
!possible to get cars. _ °
WE understand that a new
milt is to be built near the
Trunk Station, as soon as neces
rangements can be made,
MR. Geo. Fulton, ,jr., -who
remembered by many of our
ladies, was married a short time
a Miss Vaneps, residing at Mt.
await -
is ire:-
nary ar-
will -be
ago to
s in
of 55
the N.
fter all
s paid,
to the
rd Mr.
on our
part of
a new
y Prof.
cry fine
1 Vold a
ded the
like to
Mr. D. J. Cantelon, a farmer em-
phyee of the Doherty Organ factory
her, left on Monday' for Woodstock,
whe•e he has obtained a situation in
E art & Co's. Organ'factory. As he is
a steely and industrious young man
we have no doubt he will give satis-
faction to his employers...
A.. 0 t. W.—The Clinton lodge of
the Ancien; Order of United Work-
men instituted here recently, has leas-
ed the Forretter's hall in which fo'held
their meetings. This lodge appears to
be growing in favor in our midst, and
judging from the many merits and ad=
vantage -it possesses we predict for it a
large membership.
DnivING PARK. --The annual meet-
ing of the shareholders of the Clinton
Driving Park Association, will take
place at the Rattenbury House on, the
18th inst., for the purpose of selecting
officers and the transacting of other
business. The financial affairs of the
association are in a .prosperous condi-
tion and a big meeting is looked for-
ward to next 24th of May.
FORESTRY.—Toe following officers
were duly elected for the issuing term,
in Court Clinton Maple Leaf, No. 16,
Canadian Order of Forresters : Chief
Banger, Bro. A. Bennett ; Vice -Chief
Ranger, Bro. Hale ; Financial Sec.,
I3ro. W. Sheppard ; Recording SeSee.„Bro. W. -Muir ; Treasure Bro. ° J.
Junior; Senior Woodward,Bro. Powell;
Junior Woodward, Bro. J. McCartney;
Senior Beadle, Bro. W. Moore; Junior
Beadle, Bro. W. Dennison ; Chaplain,
Bro. E. Hull , Physician, Dt. Wil.
Messrs. T. Jackson, Pay R Wi
W. IL Perrin, F. Mcllvain
2M11oore, J. A. Turnbull and W.
:ann have new advertisement
this week'n issue,
'Cantelon " the noted cxtriagemaker"
lets just completed a. contract
pairs bf bobsleighs for Manitoba: An -
the of the many results of
RIFLE CLUB. --A considerable sur-
plus of funds remain on hand a
the prize list and other expense
and this success is. greatly . due
•efforts of Mr. W. Shepperd, Secy, of
the club.
Join Jackson is the third merchant
to order plate glass for his nesv
ing. Now if Mr. Metearva ar
Stevenson would only follow suit, 'it
would make a fine appearance
main street.
W Jackson, The Famous Hatter,
has been appointed Agent for the
White Star and State Line of Steam-
ships for this place. ' Parties
to send for any friends in any
the old world,. can get prepaid
at a very low rate.
" LAMA "—This is the title of
piece now in preparation by• a large
class of children training b
Holmes, and is expected to he ready
for the public in the course of a coupe
of weeks. It is pronounced a v
affair. Notice next week.
THE Agricultural Society wiI
meeting next week to consider matters
in regard tealiolding a big Christmas
'fair. Great success has atte'n
efforts of the Directors for the past
year, and we would very much
gee a good show at Christmas.
Titn PUxrtr,- Eev, ,A, Edwards, of
IIoluiesville, preached in the Methodist
Church, on Sunday morning last,
Mr, Geo. Fulton, sr., formerly of
Clinton, and now residing at Mt.. Clem-
ens, Michigan, was in town last week,
looking hale and hearty.
Tile Methodist Church was packed
full on Sunday evening last, a large
number having to go away 'without
obtaining admission.
Musses. O. V. Floods, and W. H.
Virtue, of Blyth, passed through here
yesterday 'morning . on their way to
Enniskillen, County of Durham.
Onewnn» OUr.—A lengthy commun-
ieation sent from Holmesville, has
been nnavoidedly crowded out :of this
week's issue, out will appear in our
next. •
Miss. Thos. Jackson who bas been
visiting her daughter in Fon du Lac,
Wis., returned ou-.Monday night; Mrs.
Laing also accompanying her, and . will
remain here for a few weeks. •
ENTRANCE Examination of : Candia
dates for admission to the Clinton
High School,' will be held in the Model
School, on Wednesday and Thursday,
21st and 22nd of November, beginning
et 9 a. m. each day, Intending candi-
dates must notify the Inspector ' or
head masteli. not later than, the 21st of
WE beg to call the attention of our
readers to the maninioth advertisement
of Mr. Chris: Dickson, which appears
on the eighth page. Mr. Dickson, has
purchased the stock of the Ransford es-
tate, and has opened out again .in .the
old-stand,adding to ,the'st,ock $1000
worth of•new goods. -Mr. Dicksop has
been a teacher in North Huron, for
three pr four years and being uitiuY«.
.ately acquainted• with most of the tea-
chers, will no doubthave a big share
of their patronage: ,As be buys for•
cash; he will be able to give good :bar-
gains.. We wish him everyasuccess in
the enterprise.
DIFFER;CNII,i,' Or 0riinosi.—The fol.'
lowing gives some idea of the -big rush
of Frani, and tlle'riiarkets xn Seaforth
so much talked about as :being ahead
of 'everything
Sec/orth•Fzp osieor, .Nov-
ernber.,4. . •
"A goottdeal of grain
that need to be nrarketet.
in this town is this.season.
being teatued to Clinton.'
This is not as itshouldbe.
There ()rust be somethingI,,•.
wrong somewhere, and
our dealers . and business tams the lead ut.a grain
men should look' aftor`I market."
their ' interests. Once
trade becomes diverted -
from a town, .It."is pretty
hard to draw it back.
.SgaforUr stat, Nov. 4.
"Grain bas bcen'pouring
into town • during tae.
week. Seaforth'stitl, re-
MEETING.—A meeting of the South
Huron Liberal Censervative Associa-
tion will be he held at Brucefield, on
Monday next for the purpose of ap-
pointing delegates to attend the mon-
ster convention at Toronto.
THE NEwsr;aFnR.—The New York
Tribune says that a newspaper is a
businsss interplrise, and tnurt be con-
ducted on business principles.. Men
areconstantly asking favors ofnews=
papers which •mean a"sacrifice of apace
representing money., who would never'
dream of asking lawyers to take cases
;without fees, or expect their doctor
to take bis pey,ai thanks, The dead;
head is clisappea }}'ng from other, de-
pariMents :9f business ,life,•-. and the
newspaper dead -bead, - distinguished
though he may be, must follow.. News-
papers being enterprises mua;.:live in .a.
business way.
Asa cviously announced," tie'annual
'Plowing math in connection with t'he'
Huron Union Plowing Match Associa-
tion took place on the farm of Mr,
Roland Jenkins, 16th con., Goderich, -
Township, on Tuesday. last. The wea-
ther was fine and there was a fair at-
tendance. Aitho'u h- the ground was
rather rough, the work done- was good.
The following is the list of prizes ;—
CLASS L --Open to all comers --1 P.
McDougall, plow by. Tedford k Miller
:valued $15, $2 cash, copy of 'HURON
RECORD for one year and silver cap,
2nd J. Marquis, set of iron Harrows
by'i'. Tipling, valued $15 and $1 cash.
3rd E. G. " Courtice, - $8 and' set of,
whiffietrees. 4th Alex. Thompson, $5
and a, silk handkerchief. 5th Wm..:;
Phipps, $3 rand New - ,Irma for •one
Class 2,—Open, to all, who have
'never taken first prize t any County
or Provincial 'f'a'ce± of this Associa•.
toil± -1st 1). Reynolds, plow by :'S:.
Segniiller,. Goderich, valued $15... 2nd
1L White, pug ip 'EY J. Ross and '$2
cash. ; 3rd denies Tana set of draining
tools by R. M. Racy, valued at $4 and
$3 cash: 4th J.. litogarth, coital) Add
brush and $3' cash. -5th Chas Up:
slaw, whip and. $1.50 cash:
Class '3,—Open•to' -all boys under
18 years of'agc--1st J.',Bogarth, lalnp„
neoky oke, silk hetell:erchief and $3 '
cash.‘ Orates 2.—,Open 2.—Open 'to men with, stub-
ble ploughs with shear not - lees than
nine inches in width -1st •D. Prong;`
one book, I te•an Signal for one ' year
g4 in bash. 2nd John Yeo, neckyoke.
and $3 ie. casb.'
readers can hardly fail to have their.
attention: callee. this week to the' latest
combination of InipitiVetneall sin ilia ':
most useful of all domestic implements,
the "sewing machine." As we:tinder-
stand it, a machine• for family :use
should Inset firat'.of'alt these require-
ments : It _ should be , simple in -its
mechanlstn, PO RS to be.easilymanaged;
it should run easily; so'as not to weary
the worker unduly ; it should do a wide
range of work', that the' oweer' -need
not wish for. any- other 'machine; it
shunld be as nearly noiseless as pos-
-isble, that it may not be .a nuisance ;.
it should be; light, handsome,- durable,
and as cheap as is 'consistent, svith°:
cellenee-tiefougliout. These conditions
the "Light Running 114w Home"` 'cer,
tainly meets. It has also several very '
important and useful attachments and
" notions" of its own, which go far to
make good its claims to popular favor.'
Now a great many families • have been
and are still using the old machines --
waiting for the times to insprov-e; wait-
ing for the latest improvements in deo
signs and Mechanical excellence. But
why delay longer 1 Considering the
low price at which • good. .machines are
now sold, and the improvements that'
have been made, now is a good time to
buy, ,and the "New Homee'specially
recommends itself to purbhasers on ac-
count of its supeaior- nieehanical con-
struction, ease of management and
reasonable ,price. . Nearly half a - MU'
Han have been mold in: the last three
years, all of which are giving universal.
satisfaction: This unrivalled machine
is manufactured by Johnston, Claret 3t -
Co., 30'Union Square, ` N•ew York,
wto wish us to•ifay that all who will
send for their new illustrated catalogue,
and enclose their advert seneent(printed
on another page), will receive a set of
fancy advertising novelties of value to
those collecting cards, &c.
The- regular. --session- was;- held on
Monday evening last. Members *all
present except Coun. Coats. The
Mayor in the chair, -•
• "The following'report. was. subinited:
by the Finance 'C,mniittee: Accounts
of G. Rentzen, work'ou streets, ,Jac.,'
$'i8:38; H. Stevens;, work, 9; c. $20 20;
J. "Wheatley, quarter's salary, .$17.50;
McCartney,'Thompson & Scott, thirty
one loads of water, $3.10 ; T. J.. Wil-
son, lumber; dic.,.024.05 ; W..J. Pais-
ley, sundrie for cemetery, $8 9.5 ; A.
Jordan, teaming, $6 ;• J. Ross; clean-
ing well and fixing'pump, $5 , Thomas
Connell, sand and gravel, $8.50 ; Rans
ford estate, $3;50 ; Jas. Ferguson,
work -on -tank, sand and extra labor,
$14.25 ; J. Callander, quaeter's sal
ary, selecting jurors, &c., $63.21..
Would recommend that the said .ac=
counts be paid in reference to the ace
'count of F,. Jones'for blackemithing for
Fire Company, the 'Committee consider
the charges are too high, and referred
it to the Council for their considera-
' Moved by Copp. Stevotison, second;
ed by (dour, Jackson; that the. report
be adopted, ---Carried.
Moved by Coun. Twitchell; seconded
by Coun. Corbett, that the account of,
F. J ones referred . front the Finance
Committee to the Council, be referred
back to the Fire and Water Committee.
mend that a suitable table and stove
be procured for the same.
Moved by Coon. Morse, seconded. by
Coun. Jackson, that the report of the
Fire and *atter Committee be adopted.
Carried. -
A communication was received from
the' Clinton Brass Band asking that -
tho' Council refund the rent paid for
the use of the town hall for their
assembly, as such assembly was a fail-
ure. -
Moved by Coun. Jackson, seconded
by Coun. Morse, that the $5 be refund.
ed,—Carried. .
A communication was,also received'
from -Muskoka asking for some aid for
those who suffered and are in destitute
oireuiustanccs from the late fires,
Mr. Moore appeared before - the
Council asking that the Cotlilcil refund
$5 to him which he paid as license for
using his team in drawing passengers,
to the camp grounds, which he had no
right to pay. -Nothing definite was
done in 'the matter and the council : ad-
journed. '
On •Thursday'last,Mr. C. Cruikshank
was -arraigned before the 'Mayor on a
charge of assault, and I fitted' .$5 •and
casts. '
On friday • Mr J. Cruikshank
was brought•.before his worship do the
same charge and fined $15.and 'costs. .
On the'seme day Mr. G. Swarts was,
brought before the Mayor,• and Mr.
McGarvie, J. P:, on a charge of selling
liquor on Sunday, preferred by Insp.
Yates..., This was dismissed, and dur-
leg the,pr'ogress of it, Mr. Yates -figura.
ed in another charge of " •disposing of
liquor in any "way," on which charge
Mr,• Swarts was fined $40 and costs;.
Mr. Swarts'intones to.appeal, if.he Ira''s
hot done eb already.
FIEF AND *WATER 00811nTT1&a RtrORT. .
Your Committee begs leave to report
that we saw the chief engineer of the
Fire Company regarding the reciting
of roam in the town hall, and findthe
company wish to retain same for. their
own n eetinge, and wish to have the
seine furnished. We wduld `recont-
• , Stanley.. .
C_ o1:rNCIL.-Pursuant too djournment
the Council wet on Saturday:last. at 1
o'clock', p. to. Met -label's: all present ;•
Reeve in the chair. Minutes of pre-.
vioue•ni!eeting read and signed.' ; The
clerk read ,i communication •from,thb
R. R: Comenittie, Godorich,'calling .at-
tention to. the proposed scheme of build-
ipg a ;branch -of the; ;Credit. Valley R.
R. from woodstock to Goderich vitt.
Exeter, and asking the the co•opera- •
tion of the Stanley Council in the
Stanley Council in :the matter'; " also
requesting that' representatives be sent.
to the meeting tobe held in Exeter on
the 15th inst,; to discuss thio subject.
The scheme which 'certainly deserves
the attention of the •: