Huron Record, 1881-09-30, Page 4Our • - '="g=!OMIeff.ffefl .10 WILL. TAKE. PLACE ON IT DAY, 8111, L181. It is our determination to surpass all previous efforts. 'Winer 1 tie will be 'the great attraction of thea day, but • E A If A NW EVER DEPARTMENTIAI THE:. HOUSE: WILL BE COMPLETE. Qui $ aim is to show the very latest.novelties at moderate prices, and, to what extent we have succeeded we shall leave the public to judge. a LADIES!—OurGrand Opening takes place on Saturdayweek and we wil/be. most happbk, t� haue.you edIl .and see...our - display. We intend introducing. Some entirely nemfeatures which We trust the public will appreciate HURON RECORD. :GINTON, FRIDAY, SEPT. 23RD, 1881. EN CREDIT AT .RETAIL. l'HAS _been said that the hardest prqlem a ,retail merchant has to solve isi to whetherhe shall give credit,and q whom • and how much.' It is much more difficult for him to • daterinine as tq credits ,than for the wholesale mer- chant, In the latter case . there is'a perfect system' of • finding oat the stand.- ig of.merchs.nti, but, when it comes to individuals., the. matt. different. Oe must use his own judgment, or, de- pend upon his acquaintance with the circumstances of his customer. .A. long residence in a place gives this know- ledge very accurately, but it also some- times involves such social ,relations 'as make it very difficult to discriminate in credits whengood blisiness habits would dictate .itehonld be done.. It is not hazarding ,too, nincit,toiay that a large majority of all thefailt.tres-aluOng retail merchants is due to.tlie creditsystem, and that credit systemextended, in the goodness of heart 4_14 retailerAo par- ties not legitimately,entitled telt' fact, it may be seriously questioned whether anyone is. entitled to eredit- 'It should be regarded.entirely as.a.,inat. ter of courtesy, and the less ofiit. the lmtter. It ishard torefuse teeend neighbor goods. wlaenhe, sends for thein„ and when one knows • be is good,i,hia after all, isn't it harder.to have.Jo fail to meet your own bills when. they.come due, and when you know your, credit will be hurt bynordoing iti Our ad.-: vino is to restrict . credit Much ,as: pessible, buy for cash as closely 'ES you can, and, sell the same way. if you do net make much, you williAava.the satis- faption of having either your goods, or your money.—Ex. A pisoussm,,ks going on iirsome of the bapereNaboht the profits a sugar ,the'Grit organs accusing the, IrelAnertpf„,malting,..enorpaqus, profits. , We do .not see what it nuitters to the general,publiewhattite-profits are; pro- vided, they get a :better sugar :at 'a cheaperorate than before, and•that it. is well known,'the Y do. If. the sugar. re - fillers are making a great -.profit, itonly shows what fools the people of, this country have been' to let, during 'all these years, all these profits go into the pockets of foreign refiners CAprairi•Edwin Allen, Indian Agent at Fort Walsh, N. W.W P, through, his. solicitors, :IVIessrs. • "Carman & Leitch of Cornwall, has instituted au 'action; for libel against the Glolip Printing Company, claiming damages' for $2.0,000.1 -This iii in eonsequenee of certain articles which recently appeared in that paper relleeting, uponCapt. Allen's.cOaduct• in OfficiaLRositiont • The Mitchell,,Rocorders .almost in- clined to believe in the N. D. It says " Never.before have our factories done so gocid it. trade aa this season.'!.v.It then goes on to show how.ill of the 'in- dustries, ,both old and new are flourish- ing.. In fact the truth is, those Grit papers will have to. come dawn and acknowledge the trutli„or else appeal, ridiculous in the eyes of ,the people 799 ;Tgamon.$170.1.ET, Boston, Mast:Vet. 6;'69: I Aux. ,NOTMAk Dar Sir,—In rePly to your enquiry as to my.opinion and experience of the ,11014MA.N LIVER PA]) and its auxiliaries, I have much pleasure in stating that, • though aPplied ' them without auy faith in their efficacy or belief in .the , principies of absorptive treatment, for the attack . of nervous prostration, partial paralysis and a- tonic dyspepsia, from which 1 had beeti suffeking.for the past two yearscan new. thank.Ged.,. declare. that it has . re- sultedin the ENTIRE rethogal ,of. the symptoms. 'I had. tried every system • treatinent,—Allopathic,Iloinceqathie and Ecleetric, crude Electricity' ami Turkish Bath—for the whole of the two years, but without effect Per: suatled, much against my will; to try: the Pad and Plaster, I put them on, .and in two days fouhd, that the paral-, 781434..41411.41(147.04.44la.44091,0. 41 • quered, • the entire nervous. system ..grachially toned up, and now, at.the present moment, 'six Months from the .day ef application,: 1 AW FREE FROM' any-'symptoins of nervovsde- bility or dyspeptic tendency. In my professional practice as v,,physician, private. life, and among my personal friends, I shall esteem it my bounden diity, and ray highest pelliilege, as an act :of gratitude, , to counsel anden- force the adoption of the Holman Pad, Plaster. and AlmorPtion Salts as the. bet, ,only reliaoie, andeffectual re- . Medial agency. for. every • disease -having for its origin the stomach, liver, brain, or great nerve centres.. Yours faithfully, , FRED. J. GARpIT., M. D:, Pm.. .1). Graduate Of London University, Eng., 1758'; .Dean and Registrar 'Boston .Medical College of Specialists;Profei- ser of Medico:Legal Jurisprude nce and Lecturer on Diseases of Women and children.. Newbridge Mr. Wm. Ruller aud family, to- . gether with Mr Wm. Bride jrand family left Tuesday morning by train from. Palmerston for Winnipeg, Man- itoba,. Mr. Ruller intends remaining there.. Mr.' Bride has' just, gone on a visit We ,wish them all a safe and pleasant.journey. Goderich. Sixow.1,--Out annual show comes off on Wednesday and . Thursday next in the Show.Groundt. The semi-annual meeting of the West Huron 'Eeacherte Association will be held in the Goderich High School an Friday and Saturday Oct. 14th and 10th, commencing each day' at 9 o'clock a. m.. The following pro- gramme gas been prepared :--Compost tion, Mr O. J Moore, B, A.; Mind and Manners'Miss AleQuarrie ; Hy- giene, Mr. G. W. Holman, Hindrances to progress in school work, Mr. IL Ate- Phee History,'Mr, C. L. Crasswelter ; Incentives to study, Mr. if. Connolly, ; Hygiene of the Blain, A... Taylot, M. 1).; Questioning and Answering, Mr. Wb IL. Miller; Report of Delegate to Prey. Association, Mr. H. E...thiston Report of Com mittees ; gleetion. 0E. Of - Awn, On Friday evenihg a Musical :and Literary entertainment, will,h0441d .inthaempeyance. • JACKSON'S -,V.E1CTORIA. BLOCK,. CILINTOM Fresh arrivals this Week in Scorch. Tweedsi, Irish Tweeds,, Canadida.Tweedsi • Worsteds iti Calor and Black. • ORDER .YOTIR FALL SUITS AND OVERCOATS • NOW, :WHILE '• THE STOCK 18 COMPLETE, . WHICH. Surpasses . Everything, Ever Before. Carried. OUR STGCE Oh' ' • READY-MADE -CLOTHING is. LARGE AND COMPLETE,: WHICH IS • o AI,T 114 OTTIZ, OITTN 1VLA:1<ni , AND AMSELIANG4AT BIG 13:EDUCTIONS. . . j.A.CICSCIN,„ The. Caothier..• .