The Goderich Star, 1901-07-12, Page 20.041.
od. talqrveoloe8418. osid"Wiroir sThe:
tor lop Is dorger tress tb*
oresitrs. desire te..krow whoa had
h*Plesoad. She would sat write, Skil
*pule mew . yawn tort iy ist,../eso of
, her old, erloosis know whore she wee
lill..1h1(110 .1 01110-0 ik 14,..0 '11k4 041Y C‘rurse therefore
which reoustased for low woo to go
VI-1.-(Cusuimisekdi r went* that MI is otatuesiow folds over to Vogitued *ad ascertain fur
oen to,„ „ea thin *bout her. else aralkad with e, proud hereolf *bet WRAP tbr sesokino of
Loma rehto irtue,i; ,tt stately woos Mot WAS r4CIAltikr t t44.444 Sky* 4{.144/0104µWautp,
14101•41U. 'Witt's AS She wail Piwailliff
moot porkbotkis for loony zee-
s*. ar4 br. spent SOWS 44144k$ 11% dal" Iha itti° 4"*P4.j"' Nrilt7 1.41APTER XX XIII.
sw.ow Istertstod t wetehrieve: advance of herdown , and hurt, Metal! bad. Maw SC devithsi
NOW Stu $07,0130
4/4. otlieice belt t little girl fell few yet s
114 I the peutelea &oah,* "'vie,theal lee alte child's* tries were pitemor. trld aloe lest elo tiree eerrYtun out I
lapr planet. it waa many years since SW Pahl! Box S02011; ' '•2 *
the buste,044 oud yet Mediu* lit. Ague did uot oo up
.._ ...._ _ ...s__ A ......._._ ._._ ,., _._,_ . it, bor. ms toy kind,lmarted woo ko 111144 Mei left Nuslarie. 14114 Wire W9414
II 4•The
:;,...1j.74„,„,--.04Nred T.017,="th:11"31 ouuld hove dune. stud raise her front haini ioutgirsed them would do but tort 0 1112110 10141 "WON
ths Sice4 or b7 MIA pestptide Ste the Prieto
tilie world to the other would have th13 ground; she had no wools of little elaollee of her being reeetall d• At --
sweet womanly compassion for her. Yet, *btu alai stood before a lass • " - '''art Mt And. il tetki
'Ivan greater satisfaction than the but gipen*,1 maple se that oven her that more thee' uixteen now* foto eoolt*,,tilentli. "A 4 naerv on ol the
latelligeoce that, - living or dea4 - - -,--- - ' - - - ' '- - -- hod reOatited bet, euperb uty, it• "IA"' '''''''", .'" said
somsehiser Will linewn iir Lola de F
or,' doom should uot touch the little one. Onto ei congider it at* 1,44111
Witlx a try on her lima the mother aeoned to her tbat site war but little
titirtjetSeralOt* 1 1-431"acarae2aain Mat" Mum oforrittar upen rapliestattal
rtrutitla Lord vosert but ott.,..4..... came rushing out, of oer house, mad cha.nged. It wits true that, the
q _saw madeanapaseing by with reared • bloom of ber youth was diarited, and -HALL 44 EttnZdano rtifettrebretal•
- idea, Ise bolleVod that it. wan veil. !wail, ao rhough.t41, neither saw nor, that Wrote "had lett its trace% on ..,
probable OA woulO bo Muria to ifoin9 heard de emu, lie faro and tanieWliat Marred' its • ' .. , ,.
relleriouer bouts, iu oao Of thote in" otth ae i a d oth . . , t lovelineee. The light, too, of the whose tece Wsio I114(1 1M1 1;SIS. It '
Atitutione whore wearied boort* find
net. eks in England. and Pronto
the strong arm, ot the leW wart
liroUght Usti) force; but the as -reel% iii
this direttion was equally futile, Tho
OA beeutiful taco whielt lied
brought ruin mid *imitation to
4343.4144111 "4344'4 311(1111ewtered, and the mother almost forgot the - r 40 al tb° 11°44" I'll° beau • e a. e 0 ri TO Olt
It "" AIM" Piktful to sue 1/uw I doted little ono ill h r anger., ' shoulders, and the glass. Of wilot oho woe beouty
- e• Gortrude stud Lora Fielders watched, I „who iire yonrosbeg.oepented. in A_ "rvel °I ibcf 'neck.
*4 11.41144 wall° the Y°°11if Sit." womeroo shoo and oot a woman's . Whe • al:newly her In tier youth brows. The shape Pt the forearm/4 P011 1'v for taarket,h, the end iought
reastitre;ortilZ Igir ga".4,414,bh:V. ,rev5srwhiat hreW1117:11.84niqr lanr 7 *.7.-"t whBotA.,uucc,,`"b:N4,u11:414.xF:udg. .4nit
tho poet -the sickness of holm (Idea,. iihrut tummy, .voko, .wito hove a rx
Matt sink. Oise morning a whole o would know her noW dden bY the lOw white front Inas ,.. o e purpo 4 e
1/1"1111° lar 1°44111 calual n°11° °1 thera Tito dark face, lowered tiliattita 'Mire Was notbing for it but die,. the exPreasion ot her feeet totallY alle well, writee ter. Geo. hay. There
' contellsedelot novas Of Particular Me eceinece at her. . , guis1. she could Hee Qat, etthougli tered by the pallid gray coloring axe sena breeds ' that I would not,
se, • tereat,•but they occupied considerable_ "1:X '.;„7:',Zitro„bea"rt,i,. u puod ,hr proa heart revolted againif it; with skillful Ilnes oPon it. ,. : , recootrueed for the tarn for the toe.
e e re ' a 0 114t the very thought of going °Shall I aver look like thet, reale sou that they aro no Well adentod
UP" in the re4dlut tuld 11116/"2114' with bittereit scorn "A woman', 'n "Elhall i for such 1 F
" "X wonder. Lard Pleldett" sold . h t• id bi i - ' .13 ode ot• back to her old home, the plaexe over ly, I wonder?" oho said uxunip/ p 1
Gertrude, w the test envelope id, eet moo, je th nit ;pinwale. width else bad reigned * queen, in grow, ugly. white and withered se I Imo, wawa /au Ito taw 1,/otira ip the,
tv" Wail directed. '`If ever Otero will • °"" ' '" "e e - an ataumed 'character, - -•- . aPPear to be snail What will It' isawk that they cannot. see cleanly
f•,•*:‘ ' ;be an end to this quest of Mine?" '.The Berea wattle And 11"C° look Po or shoo hoop to ettergiee ney,beaue matter? I heves, dyed but for one enough to readily protect themselves
iit . . ., "There lo au. end to everythitig, completely stArtled the woman thot _
e„., to" alie thought: "but that need not ()Wee, Mat that object I haat fieln•• by o. timely flight to the safety of
Gertxude," be repiltd, thluititig 'to J41° utePPed "WU 41.14 Plul4u11 uP'"" Wenn lino •It has not done moth edit'," . b 1 7.1 , ae , the bowie or ftuoa buildings. hem-
, •• ' himself that th ti ve 0 foamed thila Without seying another Mt burp anti Xaghorns are rattler retiall
hie own great love for her. There word: but Ali flay long Ishh could nol,- having emote this •deciaton, Mao when Male, fat• Antic left the ohae And PU buil It Games no goo1
otold nom ne eel .ena to thAt-it forget what Madame had sold - "At demo St. Ange mado the *1400504ra'. -teller. „She Would rot look At thee .eneugh 'Zero tee. prove a sueeeteie.etiek.
was impOssible, .ivoinorkia heart gamma alwaye be -purehatea to effect a disguise; iind beautiful Country through which *be thoeha an adnetaihie taloa towo,
. .
.' "X WoOder." She cOntlalled, "What 2113`de el *tenet ' 11113e 13' /3143 Weent -ter •vvio'..,0nre aeeluelon; she was passing -41m vineyard*, tile Mile Brehm* can be well recommended
k h .7 4 %
I ADO b$,ATO to fill zat life oral to Me heaven!" • emerged front tier room the transfer- erowned with myrtles, the lenghilln for the average lathe., ond as a. num
terest me when. this is °ter, / shun opairtio tallow madame fila Als, de motion was complete. to her plate 'streeMs.• tho quaint Ohl totots with roraaroeo „tho
t . be quite lost, Now every doo brings to herself. "She Mile that Beet/-* stood a, setae -hawed old women.' graY Charciatowers. Ilet beAuty ,of . other day, a "good
flack of 'theca Aro as proatable age&
„ its tome work, exti. that ,Weith nem, it broken lintb. L. WOunded arm, o few lantl 'or sky sheuld touch her Motif.
yOu treat my pretty chnd as though , dark eyes luta ,orown flare, and the hod been no, email Socrigoe ,to rasp
Oho were the dust under your feet?" rouud the lips were cold and dame to cut off oorao of her haat,
fille had placed heraolf so completo. cruel: indeed the whole expreesion Met shining locks, but In no other
ly before the heugaty lady thrtt sbe woe one of bitterness, defiance, pride. way could obit remota her dark tres-
eenld pet igke unatbpe sten :emu* awl. sullen gloom. 73ut oothirig gee beneath the white -wig that eh*
•'Your age tsethingato ow; lot could rob her Of her . distinguished now Wore.
Me posh" madame sold haughtily; bearing, of the proud graceful ear. Elbe boot been eemewhat seared IOW
Isles rey Whole thee, Ida not t,binic bruise! Ab. liestven, what do then otestottalawatwant • ' - . " She ho.rdeis.od herself 4gItilUit it..
1 .
f - x could, over live without some loot kilo!, of pato? X %teeth( ambito the
Billet If the birds sang the golee
• . ill selling, them at la to lt cents per
dressiog ble Well grown Ilralunos mid
tielttIVSWIND . ' And the goldeu sandiest pound. ' his hena. had also been ley-
. tatitaoymeat again." • . Illost terrible phyeleal 'suffering it it •
"You need not do fi0," .sital Iota would but, rititleeltle fee*, my Oohed dashed open green meadow* aad eile big wog, an winter and e s were
ridden, with • a oulek tbrob at Ms death." , A8 A DRUNKAR . nitear streuras7 It was all loot then eonteuuedlog 4 high /trite,. . . .
/Inert "X WOW work that will just ,. After that the people hated her i . • thing to her - A 31101Ann '10401i* Bre.hinu ean stand a good deal of
-------1.----xv------------------- -they-14,41,.....4.-tiorstmeorit•ltoleesiler re - --7-7-----..--- '- ' - . -- -.'-' litat- IVADIDIVID1164.... . tiolde *nether eandeostilla (10 ret
• ' - - • -"lintel is tte" a* ttsked, het blue • liod paseed,the•tritured child 'Without ' ,
• eat You.
1.1.1............ .
PreSentk! 1r Sound roused her and well, •Olf course thev respond tO
A Lady Who Cures Her Husband et . 4 ;
" eyts iixed on tbo spreadieg b,edellek. •even 'deigning to look at la, - - •
. • - 8o the you's rolled on. and the an - ' . . rig., hIet.4:41°1$. tin.110 °C1TIQsto.Aorthholowit:I'' ign"crdettetrrnyieelcintor eadg'Irths "or ta-4ter-1:;etethe
e ... ' ' "Women's righte?" s orinkino Habits Writes. on the Vlore.' She. °pewit her eyes! Id growth of flesh, and it will pay to
. "Wornen'e rights in ono ease ,fit; twit reputatton of the Obetertit•PIeUre. ' Pi
videely not in the other. You ought Modem St:' Atom bad never, made • 1•• 1 wpm ev
. the weed, Gertrode," he replied.o"dese is A:Mai/red, .aurisg uei that ....time . of ner Street& 4o ' tabeionao"etd h.01flentlIctlejoir 4,°Pth$ thiltre W&18 take
eittekeee 1/10,17°dtbeepseratirlietritsiltem("alictreirit.sfhtoti,se
- , to have, 4 husband who- .loves youe.0416 'Calls %CIA never odusitteti One oho ` •A few =Mutes later iihe wael on of intrd usage. .
tot. with 0, gomploophito aftc41,1011, ItOr. hAd 1100r. SO tile poinman said, , . ' Save1.ffe-r Horne. hoard the ,"Queen ot the Seas. An X like a farm far Proluzaa on ace
, •
w r- . 1., It
Mit WIth Itt rinfo.titoutable love." received one letter. Mtd oever been elderly lady, Moiety dressed, she aletit of ea varlet--
. "Ire It* to be tound„" interrupted seen Mei& o thumb.. had done an. Paesetl unnoticed.- Ucer viarlY tot food and the good sYeratpething"Taaebillic-
. •
• But. Gertrude A441110 '1101k hetet*, , Charity, and. in the „ whole of St,
41 eau think - of nothing yet Mit' _.7t.e.m....P ti.lere. 3°.4491111004tanthlielotroaa'sokult°0„,,
roulade' ' •
, . - N'o- zaan or woluen ever nelced tier tor .
.* IPAT"rri°344.11r.o7.0TE
. ,,,, •,r ...1,
,,'''el:.' 'A'17,il,
''• . - .",*"
..fts it were, been dead and buried rail stay in .nuteli better condition. The
• All Allat• waS ended now. SPA LAW 0 ra and dirt ond their legs end Mot
. ima lie* the otos _great nttractien. nguyd,
• Wail she had telt the steamer. sh--a. Wilielt tbe hell* seratch and hunt, all
TOM keeps them out of the
'Gertrude,. wall a ohYT-Mvecit smile. - parottly up stogie thing that owl . remeraberea he time weep... rem t 0 tiew, there tiewelty being plenty of
• .. "No. Indeed, lin has trot; Ite• is. benevolent trIhrlstitut lady should do.• Moment. ehe hott steppea oit board straw' about the barns And abode in
' finding iny• father," alto mild gently. eteetet. snit tlit
:these bong Years.
' "Gertreile." he cried, "eupposet 1105N
. . that somosileut-we WM prellumeWA, loge fair Wik5ixeld yearly at St, , •
110MY, at which it was tire custom ' .1- meTth,e' .W.Shhiet4orontres rktseetvb.ewleityre iht,t;'\Waskle.--.‘ •IrzeicleaVYb'reeds. This will tun thaw only
* * ittuut at lemgeuteelott dbouret das btrheeedeelecaaniot4eogt_
a . . should.... through his own exertions. toranll the country -people to *sera. •
bo would be 111 every Way teigl
'* ' / • txtheratteribeettorutenehbedietivneanidwf:darteorimeddw. ben aini,ewrobentenew.te In Ilia/ono selerdse wahgan gtrbaym
i And -skill, bring' to /fie tertoin proofe ble. ...Medium* St. Aug° dettsted thie
• ,ot opus, tather'o inuocence. the Ore fair, - and ,denouneed it . in every - On landing alto took A tit,ket to iandetbey ore tut right, ond there
...solving oi.tho mysterze.ahat, tare vigoroue Ineguage, forbidding. ozy .
• ..Lontion, iatemillig, titter restiag gin° are few prettier sights than a Mica
i --- rounds Ids imam and tliat iif Lola da of her household to attend it. Whetk,. ...•(''llr . night there, to go to Peeping len of Braionas halt and two-thirae
. learns, woad you, as a reword, frato the pealing ot all the bells of tr:;1/4 't the morrow. Arrived irs the anetae" grown Inez -orchard. or woodiond..
et ‘ '. e,
miry hliiir • Let. Remy and the (Wawa musk .01 tat ate: , polls, oho went to • an hotel that long etrahratee lay well ..04 the 14‘13t
Ms 'heart beet so violentlY AS )10 the. 'hands, nhe found 'that 'the coUn- "9 •44.,1 4*5. :
. years before Moo.. tic Pores ban They generally exercise enough to
' -Sulked the 'ipiestion that tie was trY ileople were ealoying theneettlyeee. -made her home. 'It ' had clianged keep dowarat dna the vole* grotto:
P011110 was so great oat Ile could • hone. Whore no vulifat Sounda of
afraid site would boor it: bin sus- elle would walk over to 1.1,11,oirceoure,
"I bed tor is, longtime beers think. - had little time to sparo for tile plain. and. a goodly yleld of egg. • TheY
. , ea., • • .sioce those days, and the peOPrietor they get are conductive to health
ItsrdlO draw hit Watts; Put she did Pielloure elierle: for Unwire tote memo int of try ore not etreed to leer in winter eita-
• not ieuh at mut she ' seemed to tiallY an arieteeratio Place. Wit -1.1 rreseripueinng "t1W '4111tele1411 131)32ollaritt _for reasteedartiOdinerlYan'Wd8WM:1113te."lh°oOthiskil: or, • *hell eggs ere eggs. They also
treatment On xaY
.‘? linnet all about binx In tlie thought Pretty seenery: A great -source • in band for his :drinking listbits, but X Mere. • know what eggs were laid for and
of answering las emotion: attroction wan a mineral ,epring that wet afraid Ile Would disedier that X BY the earliest traitx in the •nitirn.. can hatch and raise chickens with
oyes... sue replied; ••1. think •,t had been tlimoverett some years be- woe giving itim medicine, and the Mg time, St: Angcr went on to Deep- the best of them.
would.' ' • • for, and 0 flue building had been ' thought unnerved inc. 1 hesitated lug. There wits no eloolog of the Ot Ow toe:. varieties of Prah-
.. fleeturned Away *mu 4 deep eiehe erected in connection With it, There , tor nearly.a. week, but ono day when, eye; now. She sat quite upright, rims. the light and the dark, the fore
were baths, a largo eteectubleoroomo• - be came bonle *toy muelr iotoxiceted _watching the familial- tents. She .mer are Witt by many people, while
end without' teeing the furtive/Omit;
-herd ot cattle." This men had been
taken to t the roots soap, 1**
Mee t witls the soil. folio
440 thd4 assume L.
A vreti-shaped tree hes week to do 1.1r,
with the aopeorance of the oroharci.
The earner thiw are loolowl altar the
*oder will be tho work. ,
it any of the trees the oroharel
hove grown forked it will he D. good
Olio tO Uri the, forks together In
such a Way ss to wiford 133u:tool ou.p-
Strong soapsoda applied with as
old broom or •4, whitewese broth
ruakeret oow
ne of the beet wastes
fruit trees and will Aid materielly in
zt t full benefit of
hoeUng trees lo tin MU *Amato
must. be 'VV4413 St Vs. first fovoroble
opportunity to sat them out in. the
If the orchord hes been in *seniors,-
tion mum& to make it. s.dris-
tibia to *sled down to grass or clover
bee that it is propezed M a goad
Allth. 'to thot theacedinfoean he doss
early. ,
Many orchards ore osriouely injure
ed 'go allowtog too heAvy a growth
of gnus expend the stem. of the tree.
hesterally better Iseelth and thrift
ten be sleeved lay Itespleg the soil
tor two or three feet, *wooed th• treo
loose And mellow.
No. Collingwood Seoul that one
trouble on. way Mons is -the feet
that the lobor which -produces actkod ,
money is crowded Into a low Months.
The root of the' yoar io occupied with
chorea or odd jobs 'which produce lit.
11U:040%41Ln oCuotidalathionstbioerb41802reeto. esmitohe
The effect on the farmer's own, tarn -
rani kok of -the idle err latif etroployed• .• y,p,ny 'meow agureetia
14 Ott% bad. They aro more Prete We AII my own;
worked during. the tipsy sees* cool Warmer my boort or tbee Menet
do opt elways wet the winter to. the Every nerve reeponsive thrills, -
beet axiom:Map: It is usually hard- Rach caress _my being Alla.
est for the W011400, as they. levee tete X the 'orogen, thou the master -
The .
'ri2.11ASOel waY.
"Bervitift Md -Pias nia'aca, a
lady to see you.
Mistress Slides her visitor. to her
aurorae, in the ellathrtoom, and ou
tke latter's departure, Raked her clo-
okeertio why On had sot shown the
boly lato the drawing-roora. Phe re -
Pio w •
Why, tleilat. I only cleaned the
drarriog000ro out yesterday.
teditboariley say osan'e cheroots.
is divolged by the moaner in which
ha PeaP°44141. 4UPPaPS your flattest
dida't go co his hams when he Pop -
AO the question to you? Nobel-
, fier. he couldn t -I was sitting
an themI ,
A epitome of " insurence against
strikes prevolls in Austria., Raid-
er' of tho iikre inderanitiod if
strikes occur in their ostekbliehraents,
sehstber volmatory, forced. or ana-
Pataatla Th. cost of 11
trot ti*ruo. 'ow
Ctowns eterrianf44,
n o. twtttbr wstattin4
40 bi
'7 •
•goodff)ttlr:it°i): 17iisi7ehalirial:lite I .111 con
Rom that issyr Bill Jones s. sielas
¥. 0211'. Ocomte. pleitaylo*aslati.etahts.- b rice,. . s it...rq.i.'.' 11., ,.,.:,1
.,.. , .
1. ',1
gitu374-1.41t4jorgir:114:1111vareiirmiallabocEltdePogosoiliciwouredlow444 0 4.4rto:', ul. It 5:0:1.1 olividint :ell gldtr: a xtrl .ris :01:0171 pl. Ilerenhabr:dotneit r 7.° .4rt, stix,1111114.tib'ciii:ott°111,00:81sultr,ectiohri:°rt!libce4;_v: rax:13. c_C tadh ath ..p° ,,,Q : :11.13v,trx:2104,1::::. : , . ,;! ,,,.4, ,,,,ii,
"4.,„„„.:14147;1111:77:1"1:410140 n 11 i.
W"a* "617f 1111:114:07014114bli 1441t:vr:h7:144711t404:14 ' .' ' .:1:1.1-1:1
.., .. .
:; •,•t
. .
risienktfeeesdof re'l&Itiom. -le beflaci ',‘ ' ...• , L
, by r. J. _caonor fc oo, ooponamylla a'irrt.kaiNcto.r.gturr.° izmu foe: isth°'foireiondr. . ...
'1 '
.i •
tl:.14AboOrizarigdos, price Vicr per beteg.
Pithier° the balk
Woof •
Of the ot the 'Anna°
or 4 pot coot. of the summit Par. avascar low In fr babit4d. s
ceding th.s suiponalon. of work.
roll. 'Xbe indemnity is 50 par wait.
of tho wages paid for tho week pro.
The dove., dear.girixt exclaimed Idol.
Pawkino. looking At her fashionable
daughter's enthuslosticolly. Yea, the
deer, dear girl, zusitterod Uri PIM'
kills, despondently.
..o.of the utilise they need when the , Roaring: red -bot Mustarli-plosterr
tame locome is, emelt .
We litlinsure that personally most 4 ., xaztrizzzotts mscovEur.,
ter84:fiFiet741110tattrikeVer4141 .t.t4ritbittt Bigettseir of the' Throat, Lenge
and -
job that would pay Mix Wages. Jbe Nasal Possagea oew quieelet eured,
farmer would be ableoto keep agouti Thowionds of grateful people ine
where danciog took Irlace and grand end hiel week's salary nearly oll know every field, every clump of but a feW, ceimporatively speaking.
Iralllot ettloerodtrelletd.910barde tolcrSei, with an ball°• 1100 lihrelt'nunl.10$t but not 411011t,./t tine* oft 031 tear antl deter- trao; oho awe in the dietance the or the letter vorieto are kept. Tliere
loot; there wan et, wen.maturged lib- 11411181 (0 wan an ellett• to save our Fieldert woods, the grey towers 'of la. no good reason tor this, as there
inlpittiont stride *trees the room, vol. which • woe ea boon to alt the Amine from the ruin'I sate Wining. Scarsdale, and the torett near Deep- lir no ditierenee in ectoonniti quad -
if I had never been born?"
"it It would bave been better for toe ,ndintdtantn, 4
consisted of two at 1111 hazards; I spat • for your ing hard. She stopped at theesta. ties. between tbe varieties. And if
• huge roman, Ono fined with well. Treitekee Solaria, Prescription, and tion, on the plottorm of which. with .there is any odds it should. be In fa -
"X ishould say that it Is many i
sie ected books'. tho other furnished ifttit. „it in 14121 coffee ao tweeted next her kindly lo-viug mother, eho bckd vor of the darka, AO they do not lion
Year* too loto to anaWer the qUeS., mith 0.
re ding -tables ond •easeethairo. /morning And watched and prayed for been hundreds of thew, alwaye hap. ,readily ifi'eitiee Or places whet's:,
thetnitsd" frofjbllattirvecird tiCtifvUerluisaetien - ended; neve news1P.aPers of all kinds.- toilette" the • vomit; 1.1..t noon L. gave him py, triumphant, blithe,. and gay, folds are opt to got dirty. A well -
but be did not forget it. Lord Viel- Tim - ti
Ially.Engliols, vould be found. tro ukoro and alro itt supeer. Ile oever Now she canto to it alone, tattooed, bred Dark 13rabfile. le certeielo a tine
, . •
, . .
m. to •Graphle the Illusto ed suspected ,a thing, and I then liOldly with the fiCetiS of. deetla and a life- fowl and it is a pity they contd. not
' Ike hilt convinced that the only way Leadini NoWs„ 11110 s'evera or thji so.: -kept right oo giving It regularly, as long hate in aer heart. take the .place of a nahlon or so
to Wits the prim of Gertruile's lon
CitlY lOntnals were =Ong OW/ SWA' t 1I4d discovered something that set There was an oranibue waiting ,to dunghill towLe seattered over this
*41•11 by elearlott UP t•Il° nkrIterY - ber. probably betimes mealy/of the overy nerve in Wy body tingling with atom passengeis to Deeping. The state. It you want a geed lowl to
law tether's' disappeolonet; and that _
Was the task tut pot hinted*" to per. 11011.33 'Were
.• / a, bright future spread out before ow tered. !
occuldtd bY hnialith poo.,- hope Cul lukpoincss, and I coOlt1 ace, conductor looked at her as sae en- belle znake the term pay You 'Mould
forles5 .., .. 6 • .. ._ • givo Rrahmas a triai. .
00 ereature in Isileire roubled his oft Pevieeillt. happy Incline, a Share In "Where to, ma'am?" he ettid, with •
. . -
. er ber head obout the C ateau Vleur.. the good thoute of lite. 'on attentive, a touch of Ida hat.
t • CIIAPTER XXXII. is. Tbat sura a place Anted 041 the toting busbend, cons:moo, and every- Sho remembered the name 'et only DETIOCTION oP Email VaLLOW1.4
Near the pretty town.of St. TielaY other aide oi the orest they, ail thing else dear to e. wooters'e betOt; one prate. •••• 4 Tho prentature ripening oi peachee
r to a remote corner of Vronee, ttands anere, but ree ono ver asked who tor 107 husband bid told, me Unit ',The phystvorth Arms liotel,', she Is an unfailing •tyniptont of yelloWs.
* chateau quite shut in from the lived there, Th librarian could tchlakeY Was 'Vile otuff. and he was answered; and her blood grew cold end is considered the first etago. To
' avoid by the forest taat, eurrounds have Farm tiny ne the Address at Wang a illslihe to it. it waS only see ::he uttered the worm. • Master this Inspectors and fruit
It. fro an inniginative person it Madames St. Mom, for ho very otten too true. for before X had givenatho At the Ithystworth Arihe there wdre Crofters shollid be thoroughly posted
JO•001011d SA illOtiSh AU Mil Maumee supplied her with bOxes of books; but Atte lull course he heel stopped drink- new fitteo - no one recognized hea about the time of, riPenIng eot each
bad pewit over tho place, a breath beYond that he knew tio.thing of her:,:int Altogether, but .I keln giving Itirn she wanted a alttlugookonk and 0, variety.- Tito time of ripeoing will
of tainted an', 0, something 'ogee 110 did. nor know het* by eight; tap' the' Medicine till it Woo gone, mut bedroom -she tout(' not ben for how vary with location and weather con-
• *MI terrible that Made Oda forestieurly Bolg an transacted all the nee- theft sent for onother lot, to have, tong. She Was ort iter way to th ditions. When peadieS aro found
*Mike ttay other. .
testae" bosh:lees. Madame St. etogo on band it lie ;should relitOse, cis he North ot England, but wanted a. reit ripening two or three weeks Abend
Theo. WAS a path cut straight . went oceasionally to atilairasuria bad done from promises littera. Ito she might remain twoeor three days, of time it Is a pretty tiara indica-
tbrough it that Jed from the town libelee. Paid the entrance fee to the 148404 114.5 and 1 um writing Yo.: this or a week -it was uncertain. Oen of yellows. Do not •Iot a Death
of St Remy to Ililaireomiellhonee lihreett and read tit° papers; the - letter to tell Yeti hOw thudded I am. , Thoee who attended . upon 'mum prematurely ripened ty a worm or
and, it elsonteed at lima that some &miens' Jeurrials especially she scod l honestly beliove It will taro the St. Ango noticed her curious mono some other catiSo toOl you. 'rha
tato or woman itastentng luone wag oath eager avidity, but generally own Worst, cows," • nor, her bewildered took°, her strange, characteristic mottling or dapplitg.
taught by the foot -falling night land them clown %IMO. deep.sirawn bitter ' Sant Irea tft•I'll-A 43ettlPle bade' aeo and wild burning eyee. Stilt of a Yellelfe._Peadh is a goad guide,
belated it* the foralt. All nneh Pere -4110' 13° lfiallY "niters collie and *age of Tasteless Samaria Preserill. she ccemed to have plenty' of looney, The second and third stages of yele
went that the _attracted no attn. tion IthullY soot free with tull per. and that teat the chid contadertee lows ere ertaily detected at anytime;
lions hot terrible take tO tell. TheY
spolke of strange unearthly womb hen; rertainlY"Ahe seldom entered the, tinder* in Noire suttee, envelope., tion.
e that reathoed through tho gladea readin5-rooras when any 01110 was All letters eonsidered secreelY teen* • (To be 'contiriuott). . The development of demon. butte
' into bundles is character.
and of sights that froze the blood in there; elm ehoce purpocely tho tarty telentlal• Mdresa, enclosing atanli; ;• 4 4 .
1 istie. Ilea. again there is chant°, for •
their veins. and their ettactuents bourn -ot thaday mot rainy days, '10r reel,. The Sart ;trio Remedy Co.,
Were mest dovoutly believed-. when tho English invade seidotu 2* Jordan StreetoTorooto. Canada. MARV SCOMS AGAtia. 4 ed, la 401116 rests. by 'ether 'fa_ctors.
• ' enter, as tho beriching met? be axes.
one part, but the netters wcro dark olaing theta ill Bike. event nuraber • ....-.
hate to complain again-tho more so.'
to ' Pe on guard at all times, ae 'yellows
inspectors often !fe into trouble.°
A brook which should have been a ventured out. • Mae,y, cold a worthy mistress to
•, la.laglting sunlit elvtilet Ion tlwough Yet flea took up tho Titre: •it was: 9 • her cervettia recently, i um, sorry
WHIll ,
*lid brackish; they gekvOi forth a sill. Tor. SOMO wOcks Peet. ' The arat thing ' Itildtt Chit*
. N Noce nu as it Le the only fault I have found- tnYettalirs it a petulier disettee eild
, len murmur rather
AnOOT 'Vitt . • •lit yottobut the freqUellt 'dolt° of that, 'sbelrelnKitieerisenwhoreeerk"esille:liftildgaribotpuituint; tot:1Meihtlheb(e
I 8
Alma .,gt musical she co.w 'waft the rolvertiSeukelit oh -
• ripple. If the mifrounaltigs were hiding • to ,, herself, one hundred. folloteer of yours are unbearable.
. teen. woo inueli,itertei nild strange Mao who weld give cestain infer
nut "SANAttlio PRESeltirrim
. ,..„, . I'm entre tat do my beet noaata ' strings around the bud that have not
dark. Ti the, nurSery look ent Mr
Micertgooled. the illterlot of tho elka. totinee reWerd was °acted to an If Itotk roust put a stall to them.
i It were drone teen As to Uhl. 410 Farms' death: or. I
•stories conneeted 'tan
* tad in the utighilutheed-sturies of it it, could be proved that che wan leedto do so before. bat I tent real.
.bloodeetaiteeon tho door of. ono of still litho:. the amount would be -
tho upperecoona alkali nothing could doubled. Tho eolor of laer -fatoi . .., ...... In the Middle of the weett afarY for aphis on roots and the peach.
stage :fellatio below the tie. Watch
shoot outa flues treembling "second
FOR the otatE of tolil/NitRRNES0 ly try to settle hint tide 'week.
Wash, Mir, et 1045" 443 pieta in ehatiged 05 tam read. had her.afternsion out, and her min- °Ike" .te
- Lotter front iirs George Grant of ' terminal growth. There
corridors and pi 34335043 of oleo by "Lit log or sleadeettlint ean they v i • '
ziatt and 11 '(4' =stung,. b,s? . trout ugth iso in outer etr er, eh° , ttatli.3rity45.kotei, vogrampaarritleutrract'sseritg ,autroo0.110. pa uogy awe ;i1 tiettd tt)hractpearshfringweitlielde xsationvde canre%nlnAilgielltvellieirt Prat/1147 erfelarlk," he:ittPehorlf
thew low tab otd ;house bad at oad s.aid to bacon. *dt ie. It mutt 110 tiartatenetotal le, its eso aod adore. once' for oh to tbo youull. Aunt oil means he cautious In dealing With
knew indeed At en It, lad been inhale. Thai oho looked eagerly at the ad._ tam Teisperanco txdon, yvo nvet tied hint ugh two. uwath.' otifil9t athsY:ottorni°ausl pttreirlo. by "gretabbingd
44114 It 'no ono knew: peepto hardly 'Morelli" Dim toted. lien fey tbe Pablo Woman's Chris. - Mary 'come back radiant, •
ited. The blue catiehe bad eurlot upe drees-aleord r fetter!. or MA% Shaw. red ey, out,. tee. ii, Imo. , I hope pgt,ind it gently. . vou did • antl 'burning the trees. .
i ColsO1 .
Ole remarked,
word from the chimueys ot tact pleatt'aterloo Itood. London," . .
wilted. and then there was little oe have lerippmedlu the asked itereett, _ a t d . • 11214 '113 "a.
teen many long months 14 '0' it was, ',l 1. can it mean? What eats The Samaria. Remedy Co., -not intuit him? .
' Insult bias geoped 2daro Id It is not a, bad plan to plant a
. . ot* latcreourso between the oecupanto Wilat lean Lord rielden bate to do - reek., afro ..x pealed ,e iat,' ai ee /ma'am. tliat I didn't:. r sos.t moo.. tree in every neglected corner about
and the tillagerts.
,Oeco every week a cart. was driven
• - tvi6;tt mleo7attltiltzlosoutit .litte. pliaTtl,...0-, ta iN1,,,,tetom,-;,a:r'itrac,433 ec-g--30u.s-zas--, ttwi-zetoralitt ii..01111nektIticIT tohitsorm0000nfl.rePtlre to F the farm.
coAt miles damped 'around le
fruit trees will act *a a mulch and
, help to keep irtterts away.
• Ito not be afraid to ma re rear
It uew ratinitipel - budget showo tree% Vou cannot pr oat 10.rge,"
that+ :WO otreoto hi Berlin oro Want- 'hoodoos Peers 011 star tteeh•
cd with dillies times, which reproa alio objection to the plan of mulch.
the Samatia, Itcrectly that 144.9 ed. lints431e, 141t14711):11htit: !pi 9:1114;ignlettrerg tinlIttiTttellifladiaftlitY0,' trit 14tlisteerr 4ettisr. t oil:-
• holdaii It were madame or monsieur, It'll a lee 3 DI' 14410M1.." 11)11Ift "1°j°. Ti". did th. It 11'1- 51%40
'whom they had Om tumor of conies-, thought. ' And yet eke. knew tliat • Oetillifir5 250 gardenern and lfod cee *tear the met« . .
reply wao a *clomp soggentio4 Lady Allattnoto had left alogland;
e'.• that ,the inquiter ehatild mind Isis tong seats Wore. form the company' tho tusettieeati itas ?PdAdOto. inate and f:;:nale., pritechlot. shrubs th bear goitre early In
own agairs. Tim first idea that. ettnered to het' „tra„k 0, drop, „hem ranking og , • k' '' - - ' ' ',
Foote' rota has *rot _ lY th,o latter. , • the aprisgr 'should batel dus Wood of
-• helg•tul. tho
Perrino Tare* thrir otqA coaclation3i Vita th5t, *sOtto Orze Who had 1 - - n ('--: 1 1. . . . . ,- - n i from, old companions: ood eyelet( , ,*kieskeeriiimosset
Artia7.9 nt every Moil were pureoao,,fter lit tbei oldcu iloSS .k.1 died .npil i ittYtlq ort bis behalf. oh aided in ;. '
ed-pe.teks. paptm. citows. wince, ataL left her Sznao sateleY • reattinq the ctains ... 1r-
cOgnae. Vow meet tertainly to ol "I, ea Lot want la". ate murmur. At tbe iast sncotita of tee W. tt. ... a
nentleman Diving at tiro elottratt, anolj C3.: "all the real:ea in the world T. tt tore. X Mtroduccel ober tneclO' i. ' •'e e• ''''
a Saly teo: nem woe uo raleteani would net be tees least me to eine tor tte cum of the liquor babit. r . .
about that. sirailoolihr, howoter. ell mo." --• o '4"--.• , ,,
sou that it woo o.over 1'l 454' erad! to rik:it..
curaosity ceated, for the drools ko•a•-••,, Net. Elio Vitetietectsaeirittaoonfa.. balbet2.,ty„ aanad'aii:at1:11:1:::1:34,7tZ1::reslit'le'bi,1:11a3tto,
.....,,_, , inarinwh S.9 it le the oho et this ore • N'Ats;
the Chateau latarrie ,temaieed melees:11d it tr.ealr? It lioloren had had ter, demo rfir-marocoo ti•oe r.,,Itedy in
re *1 a intotevy D3 teCCV. ntle. eiteri °nothing t.0 Sas/ to her she would hereoe *acre persons aro addicted tO
a time, ono of tho initateltatte of Vole taco emelt/at, her long tince Pe4,. thy tree ' of intoticotieg liottera,"
old house issued from ber exclusion,. 1:soo rho was dead, polar& kicad ! Note. sim, reispliti; rou 6 cueteeetha
?tho wolos tall. dark. rtately tea, tier face tatted betty sail her rote carte in you, „ato oko" and feet.
ntan, wait ri, sit AMP bratity of her -'r rd Carcely mg tint aselstoron can la racC11 in
own A etory of pros -too too writ.), 'Bat ?to end.' eho said' ti bore the areeinete of home by tho hata of •
ten no tor Jefe. „Wee derk ctteal eel& • meat, no longer." Mother or wife.. fleeting tiod man
hetmet wale almo4t. iarid ligh1. v. fRok icitkril, tr.irectilly tbINANI4 the opi-h up team} at -cram tor Ninke la,
ok,,,,,ot but thisfortett, tlatkenot eon*, let et ereette," leitc;the clici not L'Vows, oav eeepeatiera,
hooked obt of I heal with pomd,oainaireot 11010in Va150 titt,:e'" = :1411., tie014tO 6rant. .
"1 /117,rt /Ave ft•ssuesi it In aOino. 3 4. .4 afro (leoror, Want. •
•,, went rreneeeketio to ea, Woo; stay heti Or diod," eiro thought. , tin behalf of Paisiev W ..e„ T e..L
no knew whother elto was tate 4 %Ili tc," "r•carch /. iitK 'metier tor 0 Amprio ii,arowl,„ .
b, . +random. leii elle a 4re 0.191.4 elapeeint, Night .reelso bat ',he forswears. ewe.
nide*. tateeatver 25 ii. of Nisi tet• after- mem *hen eisteris ',eases .hainitortomitto eare‘ro ez;,•
iromtair..findr, Imo , mom J44. '11 ars...;.•oulid not ehrip: this feirceedhler day Villttant.
demo Ss Ante She elenro•I icort brotteht no rest. Tinottegh the tome ,
Moak. Isom. grikeetully-halsglia gato wakeful halite tlio llerotio* /molded . .
respondell Mary. I know I've prom:- brt!ll tut. The trees' tvill yellow had
from the chateau to St. Remy by a Throe, aryl ewe thot eery copy 8.0o- latormolion; at that time. I had la
eariaotoideg man -a Reiglan too sinuo auvertitentent: teen „o, whet h,h.,,ods whose son was
dently. from ids accent, lie made size exemierd the other Paglich tows -
great cause of aretiety and trouble
343. ourchates Without Moro conliVelicre. and 'roma* to her OtirnriSO oll account of his drunken habits. 1
:tents than lite recanksto demanded t that them was it Molnar atioimatee ea.„, „r„ot tee oa„„e, 4" e„„ ei,„
end it any one pirsumett to qucation Meat in tacit Ste put her baud to ,'"•-•-•4' ''"ea " a's" .""" `"""
itee tend, win, n tiny/flared air. I osivelliaN 1 in no Tt.
bila las to the number of tiro Louse.
mr,tamrs onttprIszs.
, 011earate
,Ocean, only 600 aro n
pf mother* tor their rbiltreu.14410 ;ertigoO
AtinerahousilY141414.0i sh'reFuci;:loot:::":011:50mY '
triad talky:11014os ti.zwittowi3on ao bow ou 10 Ow
beg railway um Mumma, :meaty -Po Oentio bohle,
1014.0kiolt,dritgaiwtaxxihniasyrloanot,oluthe4rworaktoul„ir rui
,ttrit0Tallheolnin4Un.v4343zreo:ttolk 8.1t:toilati4°11: 01,8.1.5cirt4e41nr,
in Seer' many the eamo, but in • Apse • to„,„.. •
bit for Niaard'a and take PO other •
urho ers . -. ,
, 4
earn ori alt overage als. 94 o week.
An Itenfrow, Scott/tad, la
ern Mayo, Yxeleade the Ayerage wages
axe fie 'rd. .
molt through the entire year. Ifle every part of 'Conatio pad Potted, SPhOXAL TRAIN TO SAN PRON.
.treorl000koowould _no, happier And .Stoteito-teattry - tiie- the- tanietelicturs
more hopeful, ler ottrootive and pro-epower of . this neatIliseOvery.
iltable tabor Is the great • sweetener -As- .- -free --Mal --noire oftered.
of human lite. biscontent Is bred. by ' Seldom in. the history of medicine
-heavy, under -paid drudgery or un- Seldom iii the history of ' snedteine
- profitable idlenetts. Pt a pablia Wayi,has les great a Sensation boo elc-
toe, a, good splutioes of the farm cited axnong medleol meg 44 has
whiter-Jobquestion would benefit the boo provoked by the loorvellous
country. It !mold 'help spread in- cures so speedily and pleasantly ea
dustry audpopulation, taking theta /acted by Catarritotoue. Oittatta'
away from the crowded towns where with the attendent danger
they aro au great an. Ole AS at SYSX' Qf COASUOIPtitt, itratehlt14, .
ohorge of blood in certeitt organs of .13ronehitie Asthma which Impoeee
the human body. 'There aro good such fearful suffering upon their vIto
- argentente in favor ot the Arm Wit- tit*, Asthma, With its sleepless
,ter -Job and but little to be Sold . nights and boura of torture, Yield
" 4°41114 it.
1 ' curative proPerties of Caturrhozone.•
As it, tor magic to the Marvellous
° • l' • * - . • -The •ele • Yon breathe carries it JO
- ABA. RP! PRAISE " trIve%17.tthwoith:Ztts'eutrz: i It:
- fitharmort, adiund,o,difinenaasesold :Wiataechine ore
lit110111 Onifilige ...di,. ... S Otto, b a ot-
ii nd
•noll OS oguab.
• lam. They never get beyond the door
, . ,
- A eopeoung ivrtV pitalEsSZtle to enter into tire., irmermose theme
-: EalDODSEIPFICIDS,..%IrERCIG.11Z1147, 11., bgeaktranotri3""settaittou6d,17 *dpFeraulhWaptliekkrimtdPlhektelleYthrne.W. ATI::
leanoratla - torrikozone gave wherever au. goes,
His Dettot is. Typical of
Lately Received from Bower' 'Mad corridor healing on Its Wings.
Province -Same Work Being Suffererii don% delay. ' Your drog.
Dozier All Over the Dominlon-,-. glot sells eatarrisoxone. If he Iwo
Dadeits Kidney Pills StAnd,ipsroetpiagi:.irotrlifetie.00lin, get,itso,troiraowulildi
ill' the Celli:Pleat of
lad- 'spea:e.r tlotesti
ret, abeolutely tree we
Racine, Quo., d'islY 8.-(141)eeloll•- will seed you A 254 outfit. Send us a very stroll:le thIng, hut lately your address and encloee Iftete to
all through this province, the People pay for cost of boxino • pootege, etc.
downright way bout the 111041201110.have 'been talking ' In a straight,
Deead'e Kitbley Rills. Never before .
lioualltspaoltjaemnefdlonmdsa4feor6Gitsrnelant. Y IviVharamt: 11e,132 Think emigrants* landed In
over part of Quebec one Mortices to New York last year. • Ttery had
bp in, the mentioning of Deddesleerid..- 467;000-ichisbpetroweeunn:Itriampritto.
ney Pine IS always enough• to Whig
forth the gratefuleo
story of 'an - - • • . f - --- , . • •
fence with this ,raost. remarkable re. .
reedy from ono of the listeners.
On bi•Itilly"Ontb.St.thP:14Norj1:12.-:::
Rheumatism, Bladder and larinasar
Plight's Diguase, Diabetes. • Derurvoepoarsyui
the fatal non...contagious distaste
These experiences include nearly all. 07 .4:10 Pal Oletlaithi:
..ellaitteirnrountednzatrinpiaraa tetoofse$405t.„100, fiTea,..ut
TDrieoottrbdieer.s, niFoomotinielm5Tearofiettrix,
coop. and Portland. Dotes Of sale
Marea to hove been entirely eured by t
Compialuts are all emphatically de.
a totem terminals will be from
ri dd' K d Pine But more than
any other complaint, Batkitehe Jul, 6t11 to July tnth indurate*, and -
counts oftener.
ney Pietism°.
-00...;00-rs..;,in. go lantoPrItt:gdgareivivapa,ti_ana....ila,,, .. I.:, 0,
th'Thrigue • *TO '
- •
Convention. via Chicago and Ninth- •.4. 4.
Western Railway, to leave Champ- ,•11,,..
el:on:sada: 'it, LJakooly, p.usinshin.g ..11.50 P. in. • • ia.t.
mettle Springs, . Glenwood Spring. . 't'1;.,',
Stens will- he 1:m1;de at Denenvroeurt,oOtobleo ' , : ,,,,,•:,,,,::, :
Ilikeet sccoory In the Rocky and , ' , i .i.
•priSnuatieteritimray.cavnIrwol5iPvItilafax:00UrMcia:Irn"iratibtailoi:dtbsut.iraireelf;:miley°1,belleegasp:: ..,..f.,,,,,., ,,Ie...:,1,,,...i:..,'_f
ero °erg -7rooSte6sQ..troeutiludridetrffi•P' Swellitl , : 11-.! ,..'
eiett, fiend Agent, 2 Kine•at• Beate!, _ .e.:!;:
ttamp pot fsoraltillviirtaztreletedoco,t1:7334,taryn. Baum! . . ..• .,:,
Toronto, Ont. -
' I I 1 '•I
, Tire fiest proposal to federate- tile . .,,,,i
A-usitrallan Colonies ' was in 1052. e ' .
41 V, o
1 '
„Rubber Compaoo. ,
I was cured, of BrOnchitis raid Le- 1
Vona by If/NAT/WS, 12/•1111ENT.
. UPS, A. XavicklosTowt, 1, 11 -;
-Let 0, P. n. L IN
Mahone Ilay. •JOIllf MADSTAW I' 10.4
X Was cured of st severe attack of , 4
Rheumatism by afhlaRlall WIX'Ait
1 Was cured of a arrerely sprained t,
leg ;h3" PMARD'S x.tsrentip. • il
ao -Bridgewater, .
. t r.
r : 1
Anotralia's output, of copper is al- l'' .
ready over 7',000,000 tone. England .
has only produecd 11,500,0041M the' ' 1...i -
last r.entary. ,
AVENUE, 11008E hkaglAVArktt?" ) i ,
1.• i
Nadir HotAil warm 41.50 vadat. 1 9(11544
rot It a
e. or raw me arowtsseseekt in the paper, it is. te
Itz.irwtoot ti, 0. sip, ae ear rolltil IN traded
said soreed erne the ant
,.....:,.......... "...AAA.
Tho first raeoting of tho Federal
•Qouncil Was in 1880.
- .
the Ariel limit for return will to. Aug.
Cotto.tro, ot this town, says elst, 1901. Destination must ,b*--
thet cured hint Of Backache and reached net later thou ./%1111,,,
other Kidney Troubles, rind writes a atoOovere being gel/owed off
letter for pubileatimi in i s paper DlitECTiolf within. the trkatit
to thatattect. limits.
'X am gotrig to say wo eon- This Otto* tinsurpasied oppora
upping Dodd's Kidney Pins, ' he tuniter for thooe desiring. to hoot
writes. , "I eau not do othererise Mir had*, snd farms to go into too
gum praise this wonderful meedlcirte northwest faid look over the course
Int, for X am. now. °Wing to try, 0 e o si .
'a Kidney plus, •in. ported relatives of friends or to seek* Moo .•
12470120117.1Bselotittneudnunloctsemin ilit,111100ghltanett, zeal
ltIkrYhfocnrkeldungrintg°11DbreoedddXw'snlkirrigdenigte'y Pills I Nevi* being the.......'higliest,
get up more fatigued than the night
before. X bad. pain Irk my back and
hoolikkelm'Which broke my sleep. _ gegfals Iggett g tic pima
have taloa only three boxes of owl"' n
Dedd'a Eidney Pithi and canwit help
hut tredit thew. with my cure. I 'opened at Melbourne, Australia. la
A branch of the Royal Sint was
have been free my trouble since June, only geId.
taking Doddei Xitiney Pills."_
liattrIt e3 raithlibenionfais stlegrlingliWtto. free.
loThagookineinsds adi.eroh:f hthe eehauureeldr that;
*the Itusitien serfs, of which sum -the
helped thoir poop sister, through a,
freed trolls mild 10) millions.
doctor to bee, had s that his pre. '
aCriptiOnS Were 1111 . bad brought
ut pec°:us.abr°:;:titi 11:11r stiteln2inoe1;4hesicaw'r.ghhanerda 1170arP"ml db°0en; to I 1 ti3ezeir lidEr; tNei 11*11 111 s roundeito r trip h 1 , at ittke41
AtoAiirth.Stre lAtniNakie.s. h
Week! le Ikon, Jere/et-hem haPPelledeto glet Meads** tare good to return
tall _ gat g Aleppo • She discovered the 0)M/twat of through elsopere now
seoloo.r. weir protegee *hollow uwe ito mato* Inst. /pp/.
er while invalid very low in mind Iteady. Stop over 411 route west of
,MIul hTherolmarpdseorne.
She exclaitta bs erstclesia And up -to
,firet,,Colorsde Everything
'ed, wo atit'elly left you enough money This will be by tar tbe mon come
- to keep ydh condortable tor a white. ,pretwitelle trip ever offered to visit
,liave you eepant the whole, twenty this golden lend of sruiselifos end
dollars? _tdrozier. Free, reclining chairs oft all
Yes, sighed tbe bepedelarY.
how. demended the inquisitor. Full portimaars at Wabash. Mika
Well. *Ins so ism* that time Northeatet cornea Kies and Yoksg*
' tistight 2110 a leesors about hot hevine atrtet*. Toronat.c.A. tek*rdieln,
stecentancgTiget. they cell them,
Dist Peso. Agt
think -to my name. When was
,,inst able to sit up thought how
5110 'Would tit 11"1511oolethlre A colonel in the English ArneY gets
more tostOlke tiorn an old shawl to oft an average gto,00
put over toy shoulders_ eter the Area a yeti': in the
French, S280; in the Itolian. £200.
day, I was out I bought hie, a pink
Vattonere ierappere-lust la tete /
itaiould he ill again. you know.
-w -r 1084
For an skin altinint0,
I. 0. Calvirt &04., filluseitester• togistail
Slinirr Ma1A,, ROOS.
CORNICES, souolo,Ada"tu1"0„.1
For some time I have not nos trips. to do ace
slightest pain hi 'my WA. •
rass Band
, :le bill UNION I *I Met
: Judge -And yens, . 'wife • eittred at
, ond struck :Me trot with rt omit Irs the German Peopire theta A t,,,‘
AiittICSS-4"0/9,,. lidiL,' `. rfritte-Well, *II 1 il,gta pahlk 'Athlete tertablbeitments, .
.have to 039 is, thet you ought to be an evermore a ode to *very 18.000
'tray proud of lier. ,Inftiebitante.
Jilowiroi monis, tIttoma, Unlifornik itto • ,
prItwe orwsr not retalwle . •
ooklookooloseisemeafree. Wrionistociuki '••••7!..
11114-5 1. litstolt or ItItolcall rasinuarake.
Raley Boyce Co., 'ferrate, nalosed 4 .
11•00PIHO **1 tsgetattetili:vtdi -
144 orator*. 41.41/441.4.4440.44173%welorail ' ri
)1I* 1.20.1,. te,,org Ana:
Twortm, Amor br Metal
aeoe ,ut1.14411 altioreeesefittalakeltzr4414C.44114444%,
443Tita aVt3,17.1:14,44414t..0.1rott t • •
•. r
Dominion Line &townships
46 LIverpiel. DAD( (04 Wit,
11.44,4 LhicriaL thma,
torso 4,•4
tr* m14,Atte4,a40sOrr ot olorroo7tot
6~1474.=141•UaiisofterstoUN$4•44 amt:looaeoesopoote10sn 40
pOlokee.1140, mit i• MO &DM
kastIitD 7471ml4tats40. k CO.
M0101041 Pardmill.
°-8 It ents u s Cleaned
4,4)1q744.slos UAW Woo
GOLD ai ITU 141710-----.
altfTisesi 14.1t/414I0Alt Err anto cox
neenen, Tyne% °SW& 4 %Mt%
telerkeiktito Mum C9itsns, (Swamis sine.$ Arerestir, iSlaa 34i42
Ittakirt twilit)* olio 9 easetorisa ficaninosele.
.4‘...1,4 •
I Nil
LJOitit8 9
OL,514114111,SetW, **UMW
EST Pakillp CIO*,
lx tirs
=a% retiot krkke laves
UttatiliSISMABLE. Onoortioye
ThAfog eietteretereta Seeeeeeee, •
peo.441* ***A, t74't,040.