The Goderich Star, 1901-07-12, Page 1N.kvi,12,,,)
ici%),(vitlis.) log--
- 1,4
r „
The Official Newapaper of the County of ;Huron.
/ICOtel Bee
mow eel:wawa,
men mu* o Ware 041 firant, "wham, hag bion roma.
ut Mee hum. Dr. 'W. Deno. ee Orentote ebt. eketeiteel with her** steeling, The the otemee jell to the Votorot Pilson this j wen blushed !Ili heft way dcwit the
MASONIC leireVAIlletr.-0 tratterat femme kiTSCALletti. --- Maxwell was Boo Town TOtel0e. Venlig* thud, sixth end tenth, and • 6 The Weeirlit piier
Herald: D. D. G. IC Muerte of Ate amereheatied in eleefottil nn TneedAy. Three • e t the etrophey wend. OM: awl eighth. Oa ,
9"1"1" wee° It en r°19 ' it tont temente) Oder* were flab.
illiTelaleLL a TEMID, POSLIII141113 •)
th 4 X/slailt IN Atevaneei
0101011, led' ROM C'einerilent.
le is anuouneed oftleielly that Mr. Je
a I ° n rtlett tee Adieu trAd •
W. E. Itend. of Olinton. end local foodopt, elides that be bought tho week. home *Auntie when Iltephey itoule A po 9 e inended by the Liberal eXecntiver
keelsons 'Lee st the Whideer Bette" home Vow the owner And•intetuted to Ult. (lotto tele Regina Ala Pi -02210 4111.114 spurt mitt rim away trout hie 'eournal, rent*** tine followleg argie thheveunie (or the vacancy the
leg am excursion eu the peteeseuentem of Caen while the proisecutot gime Burwell thee week.- eeee. Bryant bolter seconet those
'Tlie 64013.1tV.HOUlte.
ri,SuNuAULTII'lifOUitila-Greportie the G. T.
tt. Donat. har two uppoolto from oat.
114.1 Mid
lar PV");Irttr'4 Wirt!. -47 H.( rutthod
op-to•asesa new oar, am* 44,
wall/ new ;orators, isewir pa Mitt t•
asetera., and la in avers,
swept the arra
tiogis bare noon
rinwort aorta: ot
NOw 3441
euirted. tOo.t. orory
lo all dopartmonla.
eauutre pettene
YISUrootslys ere an
On ihe.e ilasa est
tau te'
at Inman, and
ted. '
J./44014TP, •
11717-AlttlINCl.-ibts le
'87 y' any one bath
termaring with the
not upon any Port
not r(lond prat/tooted
re notice that
and. nano or
tint Dr trey,
ANTBI).-To buy *hone. tor cash. ascot
.11( .aereit trionle:attagitreom gonare.
Menesetung Park."'
0 -arterials.
Alfrhat-Wanted tenders tor 75 4ordo
of 300, olara buildotza atone, the same
• to ne dolivered ist• the worn; Jan. Tondos
win be received ph to 0 p. M. tomorrow,
returday, July StirlSoi. •
TWO POINT M'AfrIk likAuGN OP.1001-
1Stalds end e iranigireee. month will
Help 'Want -A. -Mang Itooni Jen, °lumbar
On& dohs*
oalo. to those who nude
Luispendent totehese ere all good VW-
ing_poeltions, J1.4.
znit June, etc/meteor.,
1.101telt JAIME/lee WANTICto.
• t am 'prepared to mace contracts forerun.
phes tor Iteneeetung Park Rotel, anon sta
mitre yegetaidee and Prat,. tor the seinolc-
SmiTa. Menager.
'11,041) DINING11.00/1 41111.wANestre AT
°Iga.miatle" 11°w1e' le
00n OW ititAlreBRVA NT WA.NTIO13:
tor imply to Miss Routrynt.
ree-A youul man who hes been Pi
-And it"Joh b/ anctring OTIetrIN-e.1.w
if 'Oft A. J. go to oronto.
W N '160
Vir be good cook, Good warren, finial fanny,
sew /*term liranOrrres
peunNieurte• Romig WANTate-WItta
modes.* oonrenleurnst imnrenlent loca.•
oti, tor two month* at trot* fl5 1.0.422 A
month. Most here hats and and closet. hot
and eold water. Pea Aare.' glix Oran for
.081`..-00 thaSsinalw. on Tneedity, small
sadiron... oesetalang a. emelt Wm, of
money. rimier will be rewarded nu moving
'mow at Otto oleo. - •
tot cowilit:2)=ZtVotwor Nertk re.
TH.00r ot reel Ina•M°544.L.
1114/17'be phased ready" POOP kt. )314
Pt314 at uroorno5 0,1u4le kormo, Watt St..
Or Weir nonura If awl:on .
• 04romi apply at likatisreoree illirrele runt
Musks Home. 1744-Irr
GOderlon ettarltetn.
• roar/tot. wheat 4roppod to Obi anaall
sea e a • *act t
41012 onatl, Illt; crops ia the rattiest assigemi
tor the fall.
47.10 la the price pad tor hogs ',an their toot, *tering': ir iki:Knee of ner bueb. Trig Iteteweir Coatexter. Leet 'wet° r)(1nted.;
The Keusington leurniture fectot
teeo does 1whita rloinIty, And all tAbor *Leek 001a tor untroltered blonde and levees
Ague bee teen I, oat eee, menu et keep the land tor tbe river in good OM. Ork-!/etittleof the Street leer teoromitteet, down Batfirdity afternoung Chlrin
freely at .00d prime, eirMuwg.1:141robnria.tilnecibzewtootilldtolltIo nth:ocean:el:1f; Gould T,,ene aatboriti eq. Hia *tete, Police Mfteistrete Seeger to Mae*
iaoesecreo •to row or "engem) 114 • lc meets *re ieleited N elm door weet of hie prevent location
on water for stoc tootle utigite • op. • e
/nal wheat, I:Reader& . , 0. ro t0 4,0 .1 Americo ce ceetieciete voth Wittiest ue alp 14 Irani Kea. UOlic
IS.Pring Whout. 011 to PI Pkted CitY 444114".111' • vourrethet uoe interfere with th
neer, per toe lb*, Patent. *36 ro 2 60 BUILPING• ti:PTItil. --Architect F ow. ,otblein9g7911.0t *,01110rttellIvettis°4 ettbesieer?c1411111t, ollece wore,
Ina peg. . itte The four 'hand liege won at
041 to 2 13
Bran. ton.......... ....... ...„ 36 ort to pi co ler hem •reelowee instruction* *ern WI I M W 11 • eye's* The
Shame. oar tou. . 12 00 to 17 ao 'councillor mentor to prepeee plans terand Lodge.oe ite late. tueetepgseleete '1)YtiherItt IteV901°8 /4/18all
Oats, ........ ... .... ... 0 et te 0 et for lona took reeldeneeeesucheueue eas,viuumeg. Newham ger:orm 00rd. _ 41e11, noithes ante Feelooelle er
ewe e awl meaeiteheve elthausted Of iiretepfliditr. end Wilt be trevellin
sereotalues, per ton.. ••••.,11.40%,., 15 00 to 115 4/0
netley. .. , .. 025 to 0 M
pose ..... 0 as .ro 0 as 101 moon helm contraeted to Is:Add:every effort to get her end levereete memorlele of their Mitehelt •visit.
aro 26 to, 4 45 t,he jAiler'o teeletenceennil. to. haVe 'the - rates to Wtnntoett, hut hAve emu pletet reeetlne of those 'intereitee•
sane eompleted ttetteier.-tteptaini Iv felled. *The C. F. It. tell ue that yachting itud (mot/ging Will he held it
nuetweeeepor Onkel it to to o so •
here yeetertiev with a tem to serene. po,y tee It. iind is therefore awe /41103,' Co. shipped *ambito open* tee Port ; eget:emelt*. winning the Moe .iteedeti :meet for tile eideblielentout of 'autthat :emote", educe here occasioned ey tele
fee se cliste le the near f uture. Tim that be did tension tool Mot tbet notate Tee° cow Lewes were before ehe • 1410.WOBTLI RUM** Stark& ulklow the propose!, lo tondo in :tett
death of the late D. C. Straehen.
woeld teniude the South Homo dives* was, taken Away without lila pertohe ttoe week, wee ixtboirdh it nee of el The 1101110 TAM 00t 8010111111. took, onto:vertex* that the. eltlefitehioned, - • •
ero were shone twenty Annlicente.
limb exeurolen* Wenn I un front eon and without pay or the tender of sea cots was it hut Mr. J. T. titorow and ,14r. Morgan
Pince on Tueedey mut Wedneede.7. mut timeehonoreil inerket der be reveled
Uodortele front Parkhill. ftout &oleo, payment. The caaa seem beente the Carters ere hemline the 1,Venderetee were ourvomeui, Too ottteledennse fin under new center)* conditions. It la Halton riontleAted ler. °rent, alle the
Bed 'eking in Iienvell And Blyth. P PC• Yeeterder eftelhOull, Wit° °mut coo ef lumber trom the ewe to the the tiest deg wee not tArget lalt Mt suggested that thu MerellielliX in a New Ere Seen Mr. 1101101e*Will ender*.
, Trig 3141T1,4111)... -The river Mod..lall... , , ,. .., .. tectutineh Oman fActory.
A .1 04 , • f I I
eoureof competent 3nrisiticatutt. ants Wedutur lay 10700wass taken at thegate. unnucipelity agree tu recognize one tee noodnee„ retell:hard had received
bet bona exceedingly low thte oath's'. veneer Attorney a oared for the tinted tor repreontiof over 3.090 peoele• Melt* [ley each- week or each rortnieht
The lenitttuiti reetory its
end It lookeas if a few :leveler, hence twwwenteto, and ete rowetoot tor tiu, the waster ot • I cycle* alweve leoninf - latent et tom et e 1. as a, swig) ourtot day; tnat the esely
t t 1 ehe detente egainet It, and one dAY tbie week 2 'Owing are the race. And tteir tenet t ottthe de he devotee tO a short
211nrr 0AV•
progremine se anteseinent telt. volt
y . Ab81Alt M11011111 1 pursegito. . „ 1, interest ahd attreet hoovers and time
; 4 4 the a‘filaritoork *tut evening be devoted
1 _tr titrltNamlor t a It h i , , „
le leawia laden 3 tO MI none,. 0 a as ae alto niftier), Nutt
- tho day he devoted ,to Wilmot -end
See pare tout trot puree 120. .' the evening to- pleasere.
Isjssat holding their owe. &Warr firS' UP in *unmet, A pisn to, we*k 9 letter fr019-44r. 0. Cee'oeet wile emilinencing, tt”.03notTOW. elose
eidetic" And traits nad regeteblea are bengbt be Us Wild defile ell explatued tho unfair deolinee of the JOT end Menet.
Time, 00/. SOL 00}.
ft Queen's. Omen ...-....-, 1'-
, eseillo Li • ..... --a_ "Title prepositien Imams entirely
O 'I:Weft Meek 11: platten!. Many totems helm .elreadi*
not Ouse, 2,21.11. - markot deys, chew* Weed days, 'Ivo
11! .,., - 210 Remittal:I: trot ; IMMO 4200*. 1 t001; deliVetY delft, ete, These, or
yrinte Y MP •••o• ...... • ............ • 4 iv
- ritIO It 1..4 .. 04.11a0. 0 001R4. or thOM AS ere possible, ntetilt. be
g , " eee coo -alined, core being teken to, secure '
the Preoimee ef buyers of standing for
the dilturent 'mew Few towna have
local whole toarkitte where the fernier
comas:Upend. On entpetttionseeetring
whim the bighestt price tor Ms pro?
:duet. . Hitt. if mach a merket is feeeible
&ego (sus." •.
'Ximeeite. *lee eve, .
e ageotrit nay.
eet pets wet 2.4 tree; puma Woe •
• Item .......... .
n Vegeta k • *,, ..... &ea •
MR8ter . .. a
t „ ot pr3
Thrsoyestelde. lats0 .,1104 trot, mile*
r kta 115044 • . tbe large eitiee every intelnese day
the year round, it should ee poseible
oneeevery week ot two In towne our.
rounded by good , fermium land.
'Unity on the pareof 11101(01141118 111 env'
neetoelate tOwn situatee tu the eget.
weetione ot Canade should he
able to meke A weekly_ eeteottnightly
Market davit practical 'And elleilitnete
ohusinees institution, Here Ise eugges.
tion. for local hoterde Of trade.'
The Goderieb Hived of Tend° -
.eight Montbe age took up tine teetter
And Urged lb upon the Teem 0004
teem e Whom tbey At length Roe
Prete:tit to co.operate for the estahlitert
;neat of n, matiot dal* here, but wlth
the.Alounc11, ,oelciently teiting little
Interest in tIte preje le tiOt too
late tO take up the tion again.
Ilan Par tan...1.'9..41i .••••••..,...46, a te el a ea .
*some, pow tone.- 6 la to 7 26 Tret OwaY is Maknig laterdItiOnd MO they hAve Arranged witti tbe G. T. It. the liotet Bedford. on Wedneed*
hutter.rner 0 it to 35 inuprieveinents to hot recent ureltme. and no deviation will teerefore be everting' next, see' ,u'eloek. All liwer
et therm sports. aro Invited to attend.
1,10%. nor Arc.* ........ P .**... the A.,ndtentit clweltin,g on. ['Retiree made front the reteo thee they have
........ -..". 0 74 le 4 lml raw:I.-Buchanan* anti Leweon , are agreed upon', whole weconeeler arbitr,
Cattle, extort . 01..110/4 0 PD to 4 23
OrAt1o. ver lb, oretnere. 4 23 to 0 si huilditue *dyeing room and onlemng evy and exneettant. being rrone twente
Woo. open 3 On to t 00 t,11e 011fLne 14002e atehe Knitting Fee. 10 t/341/1traVe per cent. inure than the
itheer. tsar owt. ......... ....... 3 00 to st ote tory -whit pleeterere . •k, •
. e es to o os . , t ere at wet Itt 'rates they geve tut in 1 e'', insteee of se
elle0001Nififee le'eerisltee.eeee ee. 7 lo o, 7 to k1r0.,,Adarnac 0 04/111A• 11011gt/itelldWen- lnwer rute. which we might eerie,
limns, per lb.................. 0 14 to 0 14 Inge, now in enures of erectiote-A Mee, expect. I eutv0 refitted .to iteeePt the
lasereiong ettere............ 2 et; lo fa -1 verandah is being pet up at Wm. , dictation id a combine in Ono wetter
ehttei!ochia.. .. -. .. '' .. ”' --"--e-- 0 60 t: f 75 Ones new dwelling, center Elgin Ave. .Autlietve decided at 0,110170, that, tio
vane . roweeretre.; o os to o oe and Kingston street. meeong of the Grand Lodge shell be
eb,..,,l,„„okalt nelpair..,.... . " " 0 SO to 10 40 • -* .. „ . .. grimy, many held io Tonto* motead ef VertortiPete
le '031,0113.•••• PO' V
••••••••4.4tmr-v..0r4,•••••••4••• ...... 9 0 an 10,1 4 ... TE • , Re. irt -----,, -----., Tees has received tile tacit - ,- -
L• eppt over, of
raetrorn vezoteettiee. ' 'feint,* in the - teener . ere that tile the:Glrand Ledge of Manitoba. Per -
Oranges per dogen.,............„20 ,to 40,,,, greeting' crops Are, etoing Weil, and Menlo** Ae to itotelo Aud milway
Lemma 'I 4.4,41,*N14•• •••• 30' x/r 4/, •
B$000110 " • ........,...,..;., to, to SO give sighe of 4 gookt yield, The only an angemente wilt 'be mot litter by the
Pewee*. bar tni•n.e. .., .. 20 tn d5 exceptions to the report come from blreno Secretary in CitcUlat nOtlee of
, „, ,,, _ the two adjoining townships. where meeting. ' . • . .
low is.dverosurnerits, niattY licidit ot wit ter whett have liven
, .1,046. , dam,ige4 by wiateeireit er by oe fiv. anOptItritt:01Patuo.revo;--geT.elsew;:hneuladl ogarde
n the
noels* seitts-W. 0. rrirlhanz . . ... ......,. 4 tt.welllt etlitt.lthgbectilllt• Witittr/a faltriamr-4. ofba-tyc; ---4;--BL, nhe-pherdre. reel.
IterreirtatiPPlies..A. Melt. Allen...:... insieS n este , at ere nt,ette to • e
town -shrew mar he seen tielde ot whea. fe denCe. North etreet,undee the aospices,
, *trait* wOrtlf the Cutting, elle fteele Of the 01 urchwO nateo Onild, on Tui0-
-A-roi.,„„oitoottatit-vt. A. 32cann......•• v th" welt nue evet an a ems,. vieby,- 1 I -
HtIP lila IW.Pitil"'Plicl'him' tht1.411""1" Soule nel;l'e of hay in Go'diericr COW11. rilkY elter0000 444 eee00g. 'The
°coop Time 25/1/1e-Wm.Ece............. ,,1
apecial trait qt Ilsmisiocks -Kidd% stook
shoro :,
,, t. ...
• Cawing -rad. Tairbe-lf.oca)
Drese,,,yusitne and Gingham* -.5ueltens „,
mos .. • .. ,,, 4.' 4* ..... fo•••47, • 01,40* VI
$5 ltewani-..iteri Tlit,.. .. . .. .....•.....;.>•., r
Six meal 'rickets for SP-Ciatg's /dotal. x
gopn W,optcs
_ AeFneer WAtex.-Repiatel enquiries.
have been made due tteation fee
tdre adverthangeGoderich and its our.
roundings. but in etteh ea* ehe en.
quirers. Ammer visiteto. tarifa been
irgt.treteitZttlitZgrielgrait,Onlbrewlil inferMed that "We are jUst ant or
tio,„,,,,„„d 400 Iwo, igisbut oto.. therohadorati not o Page, Of Printed
=riot 004/ penum that brake littirtaieThre IsoOks." It. is ito :be regretted tbae
'Leave InOrntsetionat the . neater Or tuesteetion id ;ma character
1.3111a 12111/NaWreic (lame Orolte, . . . . -.
. 0 uttria, or tone to enensere. nue
---,„_,-,,,,,,e,- - e ;e„ ,,„ „tee.— on...portal of the Beard of Tratle, inade
4‘41: 4/"444'7 ‘44 j"..4"' 4414" some menthe opt thrst the Town
iliRX.FOitalitIRY•4•014 01. 133M tt, 4th 004, Q0U0011, ShOU14 pun velth them in
timlerlelt Tower:111p, 5 mhos from Godes- comPiling end publishing it guide book
. °entwine stastores, moraine lees. Two or uode,icb. faded to bear from
orchards, a never Hair Omsk. with iota Of •
ceder tor iserencand hardwood far fuel. A WAO IT A. Josee-Lighthouse Keep.
bulk I*" 44 /l44 teet. "4 4"t4/44 haWIL' er Currie. Of 'Cove Island Light • hen
Tau la 4 du agperfttailly for a *stet** farin a , t
ate, bargain, Terms to suit. perenaftr. Far ant TIM STAG a note he took 'nom a
turtbernyrtioelaree*r to
Aticit.1514107t. Prop.. „, bottle. picked up ten the beach two
or etieemesnriez. Omelet le°. miles from Me ligethouse, an Jene
......_tei-- 90th, 1901, The document' purporta to
01600-IA80 oe, met:tame totatle, Will cur- be signed by -Streit members of the
tiv one thee istree stone host* with 0
roomed addition. eljfated on Platen St.. with
heIt an acre othum and oetbaldingst thereon.
For further pirtMinare err to Mita. J.
ship are reported es volt Itehte whIle
near and to the emelt of tint Hayfield
lino ate reported fields ot nearly three
tone to the acre. Ito)* ate growing
worlderfeler. the reeene mine having
given them a great Stare And corn le
Alto inaking a great growth. •
TIM Illearteerbilt Olenee tio. leases
eTred-The eitieentt Gelleriell wile
tender a benefit to the McOrunausit
Opera Company this (Friday) evening
in Veetotert Opera. Howe. Untorturie
functioo heel been bele Moll times on
the trans pretty spot, end. es on tor.
mer ocemlome lt wit** steeceee though
tbe evening wee far from tperrect
one for sees and. iced dratke. The
grottoes, no of vove. eyelet to lovely
Order, arid tbe tortuous eyalks and
sheltered opoks affoedee pie:sant
proneetuteles-And••emay_reete for All.
rho lawn wee decorated with Sege,
end at MAD some hundred fentasti.
eally shaped and voluted, Chinese
lanterns Attlee the electric: current in
givittie liftbt to the moonlit . Of
Melt the team:nor hare Met With Wits • nob non and.
reverees 'through no feult . of tbeir eneteeeretee 'teeteliteeeseowts. wet:Tele/teed at.
own. but since Anteing in town *tee ; the peculiar fish they hnuled out.
theele gettlY friend°. -4bte a°11111°°V 1° There wage, largeetoek of fence end
coneptmed of ladles and gentlemen. useful goods on. the wol‘table, and
who really deoesee the patronage of eeeve iv. w. iiteeviee get
11 'who appreeletO bigleciate areietet ee
through thettuction scene, tnere wee
inel we hope to see a pecked bore het 'to verr .(iirev, The, citedy
the: eveniog. Several protnotent ode- tiellerehad inlay time, bab coot
zees have taken bold of the • matter, • te „did v
end %large number of tickets bad -been patrepized Of lc a bleu titer
e eve ve e abTowhosharoatetchoffriettlenneethse aandaieoligertgobtotz
dioposed of yesterday, Victoria Opera, weremany. and front 8.20 to 10 they -
Howie ham been tendered free hi, the
1e ant repine on mote 0 of the 1111ron
Old Hoye' reunion at Clinton . we ohould
have nientioned thatethe judgee on
the Highlood dancing cOnteate were
John Shaw. of Blythe W. Sincleirt. of.
the 48th Itighlauders; and A. M. Todd,
ot Goderieh.
At a rueettog of the Colleghtte lade
ente trosteee an July 4th. the votary' of
Mr. Pieltie Wan rased to $0.10 far the
ensultut year. and the secretory wee
Inetructed to ask the Town Couoell
fora, espy of $2000 for expenses tot
the etirl'ent year. • •
A man lied the other eay that Ite
would raise nothlogeut lenks itt fututet
And that his neighbora were going to
- ~Welti-wilette' letiVeleete
eau* too much la raised, and It Boons
likely that bogs wilt not keep up in
poet: if they are largely increased M
Summer visitore heye been Arriving
feeely the pest few clAys. Mote then
aterege number ot portions •frent
diatance hilt% visited their residences
In Gocienele And on unusually large
number Of one tirne residents hove
been in the old tOwn tbe pase two
At the last regular meeting ot Hie
von Lodge; No. 02, I• 0, 0.F., held in
June, • the following merribero were
(fleeted to office for tbe term ending
31tot December, 1001: N.G. Bro. James
Reid ; V. G., 11. T. Edwards:. Itee,
Secy.. Josephelettlet Per. Score Dr.
Claim: Trove, O. A. Nairn.
Garden Party on tile lawn ot Mr.
Jelin Shannon, Cambria Road, this
Friday evening, by the ladies aid of
Vieteria Se Church. Admisition to the
ground 10 cents. Refreshmenteteerved
daring tbe evening, a, good program.
Including the Blackstope orchestra.
Ail are invited. •
w ,eeeped a search warrant, to -search th
wli t elided tt'es. '
manager. and. the eptendid Marine wer*,,,," 414 a t .- ' • 1" realists of the other for supplied
Dane will -Mew free of charge. The 'eery.'" te°111 te 70 4°4 I!' "147. 147 atolen goods, The constable who re
programme will be good end there 11919b°E er•Peee10. 00J0Veat.e- eeeeere. e :oleo" the search wartantrlid. uot An
meal in a very pretty netting. od tne stedentgoods so lb is likeitetherd I
'ebbed be elaree Attendencet tablet: end hosts of tValtrOaSegs- and ee a% to .f te d f dw
atteetnee Anti IneeNti Itevetnnt Re.. perhaps the preetiestt scene of all Woo- age? fetekthedill. tree:pal:11g Tel
t nem
mateette-gonowheet le 0. etatement ot thee made bt, the large nunther of future. e
the custotos reeeleote 01 the port or Pottier Otis dresoed in summer eoe
itiOderieb. with its yar au* outporte, mute serving the vieltate tette refreldi. The enmultie than*, "Kest Lynne
motto. The Merino. 04011 WW1 preSerit will be played les the Godericii Ain
Butch .... .. .. /47. • • qr
4e,01;tLeaterl .... „.•2 2 2
aureate*. .......... 1,4*-% •••••04 0 0
;01001 1.1.14 L101. , •
11044 Itm triter purse 1400- ‘,„
zoitit_Osonarea ............. .. a a 4.
00,1 ragrat, ..... • •••11, t 0 11 2.
MaIrttla t7114er Crime not givota r-"-3 4 3; 3
*Milo run, hod% 21143; ;Angie PK"'
Wilfrid .baurier e
Time, eitat
. The veottog clateoor.
piibtiosdKKAtioartt,In Olorieo ones ineneet
1101, 01023014i evonnot ettlirolnek.
Itegulat ineettitg or Hume Wee leo. ite
Ittetele, oats Moodie. evetthee , _
Nestreguler meeting Inrer/1023 ;0400Pr
0. G. S., ou Prider, drily. lie.
D101111tinunt-32(1•Vonuirlre-nn-: 11tututi4-77-
13311430,Y Itibror e0111141011140.
• Neuter meeting Of Court Oalatioh. 240.0.1i
O. next Tuesday Orating. -
Maitland Lodge, No, 31 A. IVA. Mete thole
hori woo -strew, teed eueodo evotenet
140 ,00ic brDeotitoo,gati,
The folioretnte review of ler, Oe
Ilegates • "Catietliatt EtetWeet aritJeal•
atul DietOrteelet Irene. the Wormy
editer efethe Montreal Star. wilt'. be
reae with intereseby tlet teeny frietett
of the clever mud genial author in 0,011
around Goderich: . •
recognition before as cenow commit
stoner, anti there le eltreere gutsy: -
MO ttdo Meet peen 10 intended ttl get
Iiitu nut of tite :way as a penhable
dangerour eanditlete for a Grit -penile
nation for Other the level ottleinulteen
Rinke. It may be revelled that theists
lete.StrachanevectilYee the appointmene
deeptte the refusal ot the eeeeuttve to
recomMendblin, awl it Is no refleetioa
me Mr. (event to SAY thee there Were .
others Malang tiler twenty eppileAnie
wit* had eel:entree elven* then be.
1.1116 SUP. while,uot in a potation tie
adviee, bas mted at loot one mon
whose htionese trainthg *ne expere
ince speetalle etted Min for tide
Ace, and whote appeentmene would
emve been Valet!' APPreeed hy ele
tienit Seaforth Expoettor thus; nextly
tuts baek ut Its porieel friood, the
our esteemed, Deis:Ober, the ,ellintott
ow Evot le atilt beuging on tee wive '
fin e ttal and irnpOttanti a toYen their
et oiliest 11000001U 111vidnntly the
ttly resettle ie can Wye for the Govern.
lent presenting to that town a, new
utile° building, le thee Clinton, le
the Governmene hAve tecognized ite
emotion and importance in Ibis Wert '
and the onle evidence it hat; to offer ot
-thio-importanceelgt_thteeteet that lotob
yeor, Melee no eloObt exceetilifese,cere--
011eetaneee, the MOJA recelpto of the
Clinton -pest office eXceeded therm. ot
the Seat:tub oftice bY the enormoue
sure at eai3,48. We -suppose le poOr •
eXcUee le better then none at Ali; h t
*leis a vel Y poor one. The NeW
moo ova: "White the ',Morale op.
pose, When in opPoeitiott. WM Petro.
'Merles() in peblio hulidloget ea for
inetanee, Um expen iture of $48,000
far * Post *Mice at Walkertonde.
num, senile* ettpe diture“." IV ehe
tam Lite eitherele•op eed thig sort of
thine: and they did,* good de*, more 1 •
thee °Posed and denteuoced the
spurace4tilickeenbef trilleetiatotMeniiitientipidillintlessarodr .
the tole and only **Aeon of altinig
minket eupporters 04 the publia ex-
pense. We notes the* it is not whatt
the GOVCr4114011t art doing in, tide
Iiintrinee, If t e New Brawn' conottle
*with the estee ed representothre of,
Went Huron, he 11 probably be able
to Melee it whetbe r not thle to the
case, and, It it le not, meyt perhope.
ett in a position to give better and.
more pletsible reason fog teeing otte
Clinton for special favors than the
New Ere hes yet been able tele**.
NeW Er*, on theme (Mee queetlente-
A Mi$111e0rM eritede.
litelet Ole Isiah*. etIncietieh Atier
eke** Goose" etratfora Tletedecomt
meeting on Ote Stteet Pelt hore.ssys
eTte Harald rinaerstWiee MO Violet'.
Meet theeleetenon lefranger04h111 Was dela
tethe fatIlIre Of the Comniittrie 10400101Mo
any orrengementee The roliwity, watt
reedy but the eommitotee boated. 4. Crowe
of people whoever. led to **the etetion
We Are AlWaye glad ete Meet 'with eels woeful/Ay tee *otos 144014 advertise.
th't O'llaffallt whether hee,e10194,90 Me &Peones- woe disimpointed %Gabe no trein
P°1)"r It'Illessemsetete e-euee ee gees hall been artemited fon when the raneety
Put oft what Mitten odie las egatienue people, to a nvuoutre of ecoonunedetton,
,and singtoseroltee . and infers, us eta*, maaa*p * Opeolg ot their own mama te
essetywhe tease. The eretehreetWhIell *kit tha eeople one • Tho railWAY 111013 see
are etriettretitical, wilt eteertne almost sold to be At les0 es disgusted co the cone.
all eleetes or teadetteente„ereret.teee„klYele metes. Who le0111 to heve expected. the
ly • entitled, "Canedien etoetee- -tele" voila:ay to run ,epecial Indus without any
adieu Women Venters." told eetretteh. besto la the wsy of reasonable expectation
letenadien Life and Literature, ' The or goaraalee?
two.folloteing papers are on "The Ole • Tee Waiving, stOrnent from Me. W.
beiselon (..hureh at Tadousace. mul
aignTerinewtf:7:hret %ILI:MI lia IsesPera fa; etl°sillectt,LICearePetfyatd,:ntr Ntheatactreellintra;
hisN'e as their soubjeett:: "The Lein
the Jesuit Martell+, . "The Pioneer
°t neaten. and shoule have equot publicley :
toohe %bole quotedimettem, the Berea:se
Bishop of Ontario:Lend eThe.Latholli Ifetala iit about ao unfair end untruthful
Chineh lit Ontario. As these appea.
a etittement rettardiog trout arrangemeute
10 leteeeet 1939re 09911e1111e/V t° th1tb°` as (site well tio outdo. The oletereout
lice, we obeli At preeent eel only with oreilwey wee reedy but theecom.
the Comer oast of the volume Thre Inblattiolohefunked" is tilouleele rlele The
Article on "Ortriadiati isitomen Writers ' tomb le, tg the. 0.1,!illt. hid pieneca sea
orighlo.list Appeared en 1899 10 veinnle• ..
..,acetenod to oppose Mad &deaf the Commit.
erew of the Str. Jones, And was catit fot ,I he twelve months ending Sone and played a very interesting mosteal . _ ._ e p 3r V., of **Cement I de Eneyel.opeedla,"
direction titan they did. The committee
too stray could not have done more In that
overboard oft the lighthouse on April 30th, IDOL together with A similar programme, nation to the pleasure tOint uperoetioun cm Friday evening, Ise notice() it at. the time o pubilere
edited hy J. Castel' Hopkins( and. it°
26th. SU that if It Wall thrown over. stAternent for tbe "mortals twelve those prOsent, Thu proceeds of till J ly 20th. i Th e tiee p - ed Ill Con, we need nob say any mom about
v e t in tb oproeebts w Applied tor and received passes for ono.
evening wilt exceed these ce last year, be an 0(1 a er et e aug ere o
1111 (I S on promoters, end necureetrearestr,ents
board as reptesetetedethe bottle musb menthe: • , tee Emptee, limier whiles entsplces en Y re
1 lt, except to remark that it hae been
1 A ,,.„41 hp„„,),ht. iin to from Harlin, London, Ilarriston and other
have floated fattest otreight ea ther. . , loweeot 1800400o a feature that pleases the memnere of d2 ttlrel- ithlette nedditinenteeeeie ieetiny point% Dein° cane of Berlin. rates and
"Goodbye" is written, but tile goodbye tetoten . 7,200 50 8480 82 in the, work. t ° 9 a or t '0000°0 °reett0 mete k te w voll details woe tiled, but the G. T. It.
poilitividy ratified All therm trains within a
GOderieli«:::-.*0;081.-ug fs, -808 81 -the -Guild and those who Resisted them le SP A elf 1 I
made At the end of the etattenent, ne osp ta sehente. This , should rotations from tbe diteerent writers.
hlatIVO a good house.
,MOOR1101034 hayfield P. . 1203.0.
T.„Afftr POR RAUB /31 TOWN Or eienre
RIC11.-For essie. on reasonable terms,
the property known rut the Instilliery lands.
wog Part or Wok "I' 14 Olt town of Code.
rich, *moaning about* toes. with building.
and water rights On Me Rivet' liedt14141, For
tome *poly to
17334 illolialtora for the Vendor.
1L1ORSALIC.-1.4t16. in hutchleori s survey,
▪ in Goderich. rot' Partieulare apply to
Must have been tO the bottle. as . whethain 5,4111 00 0,712 10.
the shites bands saw lend again. - xencarehwee 2.407 93 Z431 47 .
he Essay on "Canneban POOta week of the event no question of condition()
. - — • - Poetry" form:wan watt 110 dOsibt Dr. boIng; dismissed ti it wits then too late to
Warman% intention. st remarkable
give up tha ontorprioo. Concerning out
Wednesday. Boum of the best ant-
' ,, contrast to 001110 of Cut recent titter -
a train ou their Own account. Oa the
y nob make up
And largest crowd ever seen At a race ' $34.420 36 $33,790 03 malit on the continent are entered for t en.ted the Dominion bards wail the
181°14° contrary, they Ordered people off a train
On Snit/111MM and Fred McCarthy, otrrittathettgenerosity ao the British
awed at least one hundred and thiret
t applied for thew trains on
received a reply on the 2501i, when a
for thne.
1001 it is expected wilt be u mewl one freet 0119191°n a Canada' "I'' P''' Woo not under guarantee. Tho comntitta
. I Stratheones llorse. That the
Juno 4th mid
tho different event% and the meet of 1, ,,, e„,„ gelng mit on their own account, because It
of this eity, will race Alex. eleivor. rlf -the emphatiestotemenrof "The Poll nsereetve was Binned. on Itey in mile
five writem of verse -mostly batie
Atoll Gazette." This opinion lute been
00DZIttelt %co ttelexeNee-Next eteafortn 7.074 32 9 Oee 50 Eder TeiVell TOPICS
WetiOnadaV and Thursday. Jelly 17th Southiunpheri. 1,880 37 2,923 79 Snrdmer SpOrting Notes.
Morrow Made, a 'shipment of egge to
Montreal on Wednesday.
The County Court opened again on.
Wednesday and again adjourned.
and 18tb, should Witness the best mot Ituekn°11e t).• 8 18 15 00 Don't forget the races Tuesday a
of British Mime who boom -not Wenn trans. the committee wore no moo
at fault, and the rallwa did
remit` ISlrrillteuodr' oriel,. meeting in Goderich. The meet evill The reeelpte in the outport of Oode.
- • 1.1. • be the last and hest in. the (Umtata rich, inland revenue of $0111.0. •The Countrerimbial Hoard of Audit
ord.o.irourettleat to Uoderleb. comprised of offer gurses, $ tbe rat deo. 19010 were as follows t •
rItORIsttTy nt filat.10.-.Part of Mork Trotru circuit arid I 800 11 b
Ci cotter:tie tortnoltln, orerlookingsan. :d ft, ,. Imo 1 . ow 1 e ford, from:Jute lat. 1000. to June aath. conducted their labors for the quartet
with oeillte. t te collation, Ira frott hest Immo in Caned& will be heie, the ** spirite...... ...... « ..... ... 2,817 44. maide umber te leeeePeoe England,
trieacoa of Owe wise, tloodbard water. track was tunret itt Itetter conditton, " malt 2,037 23 the pest tveek, .
W in hi*" re"*"/"." "AI ter. 1°V' apd evety Arran ensue has been tuado " electric light inepeetion,2.1 00 Acting Matkei Clerk Young is on
to JOIth DIAN Itraittorttortioderich P. •
on Saturday.
thee:sow erect lead, Mx roomed. cottage, end teete) t 0 soond day. Sortioef the Ort ileenses le 170 00 Joser Goldthorpe ehipped a ear of
&Mk, "
Oils kret. oil! et Umbra 100 sere farms
la Goderiels To., Huron r,ounte. tot 37, Id,
eon. s, And &WW2 Milr• frOin Uoderleb•
o•ron mllon from Clinton. The farm c entabse
goat bui141931 and times; is well watered. and
d d n•
troakl 0011 either 84 or 100 acres. wither with'
oot t111824420111 cm. AVVIT to Wm. 6Mia/ "Illt Tem Wevee-This from a Saute however, that tame wee welcome.
MI Ore:614116, Or Goderich r.O. 17Stilt • , . Maitland lodge leo. Mt, A.. le and A.
exenenge refers to e Bon of an old and Lighteinges flaehes frightened Melte M. will meob in their Hall, West
Putgiokotice. esteemed former citizen of Goderich :- ,people. but. so tar as Tug StA30 oiled street, on Tuesday evening of next
ptyrigg,....m.t Wog ore to get armod Judge j Winston and Crown Attornee learn. no ono was Injured in that
myself. Jugend to employ Ur. (some Kehoo, of thia elev. and Devid Run. of the conotry. The storm 00ritt* Q(1100 4 number of Heron Old Boy°
part week. •
rower to assent 64416 dolleettort iny last year's eth 'Site* an Sault wait 4,.. seemed to be Goderieh town, where dt were it town Saturday oil Mondoty
moonett. leroutoestretnesteereo i ehan ito ette. 0- 0 g r bole struck the :Imre of Vieterbt. ntreet evening. the train having been brought
awat of the pretwet inwatette., O. N. DAVIS. cussing dents in genera itt the pre Methodist chute* near- the top, tore to tioderich. .
wiritNitarrttem ti,Awc nom orox gor'' eor e otitis jutdgee 111110 son neddte, shinglee. then reseed to tbe et ow ttlii
jut poorotialgyage 10, onder,tev, mikume, a Mt see since. The conversation (mob fold' -....... -..,ott stunt:Oil THE STAU a
: • the ot er el ei biking off more, then amok cabbage c•rown re oodertch by bit.,
*mat. apotial int*iKkrit given to parties. pie. tenet* to the respective morde 04 Otsel Of the division • heads and
Ocatadiart and United States gOvern• • Sliebter that weighed 8 ihe 10 oz. Noe
Moe. etc. Minder author* earved on abort
ler success. Al thetie wanted is good --e---- tbiesick ist, this week, and Ms teenier
weather. Special railwey iates mote 0,000 00, has taken up his duties.
been arrabged, tont speeiat trains will The meeipts for tho previous' twelve Tho road around the Square wag
is emoted after the race, for Milan 11101/t110 Crer,(3 $17,8liell, thia week well etreten with pieees.of
north and south. providing the attend.
Mier) is large enough. Severed. outside Tun S11)1122. -Friday everdoe loet woad and other rubble's.
flyers arrived by train yesterday and 000 the 12103t severe of the year as- ie. Jaliet Gran started the hall rolling been put in training. garde thunder and lightning, the ten bV i111111°611e11114 941111 8°w° 1119
cotte otesidenee on We nendey
nottee. WM. H. elltr11, Manegor• ripjaed it out its full lenetb, The spirit
mente. with bir. Kehoe orholdIng the bad for eerly July.
Thone ha been in the Imelda p
of the ainters
130641 Carteditut end of the st ek tole Mr.
who bad jest completed their lob' The (1/1100110 of water wanted at the
11411/10121 speaking for the American. though they had not r000ved ethe bydritno while tilling • otreet
lietlatra Waintecl. The eliscussion over, Mr. Remon left seethed trete which they, had w re speinkler in enough ne keep a great
et .
the eetV414119 bet*" 11°114 t° Th a .0 b II c er°d b deist more duet downe -
Godench. Th9 mess Will take place caned outay Abt„ =mimeo", •oe the attrOOM011b SIXO canealled by the road and
here, ed Will he for ten miles each, me eje Name, eTieeter,y oe callede„, a higher guarantee demon:led than they
had been led to aspect. Tho train. haw -
McCarthy riding five miles against
McIver. The rave ohoniti certitinly be Vereiee-a book whielt the English over, want out guaranteed by the commit
fase-Stratford Herald. Mt*. deplore° "concerts no evidence tce
at the advanced rata. Theca tooth
tiCenacidtbot tuft:: should, to sufficient teak:pose of the raab
Thn regular shoot of the Goderieh pwrholltitte'iteel tyrir°pvtftett-thele
Gun Club toett Owe on Friday metre pout." The "London AendeinV" re, atatementa of the Honda. Its Might be
mg, the task beinff the bresteing of viewing the canto hook, gave: teeter, added. that thhao trains. *era not adver-
tised 112 111, SU ell printed thabter LIAO Mit
tot Ow pigeons, with the following for Genic distinction:4 and patriotic
result: E. It. Watoon. 81 IL Hutson. 01 Canadian allusione, thin velment hke bolero soy reply was to band."
Ea' ite.B;,. zik It a ,is„.11-41,,,k.ogio:111,vBirtt• a collection ot letser English vette. ...-
Fold Marehall Wateon is boxing a more to the ceme effect, that we tin
811. Irbolfrnet'tjr„tfn:tti"iTegtittlfilt,Tg
14. II. HOugvie. th T. llImeLerenOtt,
protect the rnembers from the weath-
tooirgh. oanntflp, tram from quoting.
i :7 brot xtottilli,e! 1
er. so that they can ehoob at all time: er ' c an" 17
u TO MOOt Canadians theseold•catIntt7-
iti i ill seem ignorant and tee
The bowlieg games for tito 'week lead; bet we centiot help thinking that
and teeters. •
were ao follows: tito eo. 00;!.tenotAitte tech.o :I
ti Putobel'itti.tvolitunititemrcillvt
- --entente • erred in the °pliant* direction. He
Jura Galt
Ins. WYna
10. N. Lewis
IL DieLcon ' bee never, ten believe, altowed himeof
D. Barnet to "damn with faint pratee." though.
A Mem Alien ' of courts. he knowe theta meaning
of the linett
WM. Lane, altip-91 Dr. ,Llunter, skip -10
"Praiee undeeerved to satire in dle.
, Just And vomr Me»
To the PAitor of Tun seem
tern, -I noticed in a recent Issue Of
your -valuable paper. several sites
mentioned for the mope:tell new post
offlett. Knowleg es vett do the most
central and tnost sultoble site. .
many citizens ere aurprIsed that
you did noe mention the most,
suitable, known ati tho Musky
corner prepay, opposite the
llodgens dry geode paints. Thie
locationces you ore aware; boa been-,
talked of for you% even under Con-
Dervatlyerule. The Dite le very con.
venient to the toted hall, miblie-
libtary, benking InotitutIonte menu.
facturing and buoiness plum. and
may be oald to be reasonoly centrally
located. From a sanitary standpOint.
thls trite by fur eurpassoo any other
mentionedt from thO drainage aspect
the Dinaley corner cannot be equalled
down Rattenbury street to the water
comes !lowing from tho Mesere. Faiths
mill. Another important point 'e-
thos there 211 ample room for post
office, custom Mike. and dwelling.
and then are all required. The Bur.
rounding property le asses:tad an high
(19 any In town, and 1 aim stire any ,
unbiased person cannot but, admit that •
it neat and well proportioned building
would add to the architectural beauty
of our town more thati on any of the
other proposed tattle. Along With
many other ratepayers -and I am a,
Refotmer-1 ttust Maley' sito
will be Deviously considered and finally
Yours. &m.
Editorial Comment.
• A iteexiteyon.
Novepaper men all 06Pr Canada. and Clinton. July 0, 1001.
an Unusually large circle of personal
friends, learned with deep regret of
Prof. B. 1,.(3°T5Iatisbile!. manufauttatilth
the death in London, last Sunday. of
opt:clan and eye ppecialiat, ot Toronto.
Areltie Brentner. one of the cleverest will be nettle Bedded Rouse, Goderich, on
of all round paper men in the 1/o- July 16, and 11th, and will toot 0703 mad
neuron. eht, genuine humor, wide cult glances to all defective alights. No
Informotion. and genial and kindly com ant toe ar ntr 16,12 mie0. WardrIti 7:ovuitheanygoeranoitycdoo:
diepontIon, made ban it univeroal I can make the glamor:a far you. I am the
favorite. and his floe abilities in the oldent ogtician in Toronto and have been
and fitting oyan. Over 75 thouoand essce
guise." of Ins 'rater° of the press everywhere
Held of jomeutliran were the adadration entablio ad nines 1073, making opcstaclea
PA: 11).1111toillTer if: 7.ittlitiog • Or, tut John Gav hag tometvileto Peace to your aohen, Amble. for thefts
XgeteentiWAterkrt.e-Tendetiteferettleise. ee the eureeyee the tetreating lope **mance, In Ste Andrew's Ward Oa Aldo G. et. Elliott elepped nede F.Jordort differently expieeeed the sentiment, are pleasant inemortea of the early
on jon"Pript eltioata 36111toadreettrorrief Ilgte"ornIrwg ihr *A11'9099000 014 coked,' "°11"e` patent Hort Montesee PretrertY wag- 25°81beet butret° ikitilltreal and °It -Dell" 4e11111-41" LeEletetlee-4 nfeengiterenembegyrie atageritebest, - , • ,
eeki i trolt et meeting:Ito And pritfs7e Gionly praise when. Woll aaVLI l'a°' Craft et ft16 imt(The Mel
Jno, A. &lea. Allan - eddrattel,"
Wham% mew. gam, win Us /retired WY to Or 14 thq ate president of the United. struek, wit t lietning about the *me tetteeder he ile de hie regular w
Thunder. Jen' lith, The successful State! 1; • 13.N. Lewin
th110, Megent hoards being terti otte tenement ofeegge to the Soo. per too win. Lase
Atrollettiott tri Jerome ktold. fareetInooe, torol doeen ram in; the. eintitty wen by hte edvertisentent. lute eut the Tito Met otreet lawn wee tar
1191111e9` 11111°-1° otay illustrate what eye mean
West Huron. explains in the Signal
hie. Gait, oldp--10 Censun Commissioner vOrant. of
the caerart. reit ittfori6A21611 Wen; Speciat committee of the County few dollars. A few trees were blown, Pridt tdror. ao will ite :sett
cheer** Pews week* ConsmIltee. The t a 0 0foctiou of le edietes residence eve e spots, att Were 111011$r tail prices of clothing and will ccive ten per tvgh711 when vie °ay that Dr. O'llegan ID too
Tenfte to Isetteeteelied set e. 314t1ht. Courted, to tonsider the meestiort d , attendee Tueeday afternoon,
lot/Beet* low teeder ent omewtll Irt"Pted I o t ernket onice on Jet' glowing plants intuit:9u The. damage. ant. Of the Proceedu Of sales to the *viol) of prontivenoue pantogyrie.
IN 'tin of Mr William Wituld Camp. this a cell why bid 011bOrdill flies have
rtlisttirgiintatrelli etrrel6"grtgiMiltrt lelleetes Neemtiteg".•-ee The hut the &linage will meow* 0, Ina Ossifrage.
twtateztett.,,ttgraeweliiorzezittlyeteeri,::11. , r, . ti
wet. Jerre It .
Town Clerk.. iltit and concluded tbe sitting
, by eon. it.) ratite e wee It etas e are • or the Howlett' fund. lively times on the green. The ft/WM. nf tit, 1 1,U,a rf h 0 nee,. .elauteheu
'bell favourablv knotrn as "The Poet not•yet been paid for tho wetk thee
male •ecoe circulars: Toronto ad,
1 d did loot April. Ho nava ' he in jn the tzstunn
A LOOMA OttNietAlt AND IllIte. to build the hottso tor e2. teXt tile Ceti- , 11411,110% Legit 411111) 111171t11.,...;•ibg. , the fest wag so Getr0r0 in nine cee. pe et. Iews
P. !ion Dhowe-ati titnies 'great -oirengt 1, an
- tracting with Etnehotnana (laid Littir5011 1/""t11"1°3111 1°4 genie boat with them. not havrig re- dregs, S. L., Tenho, 231 Richmond St., W.
,e Forty-five yeara ago last, blondav trig were the tulayers Aild the mares:
..en. HON HAY STEAMS -111P LINE, tractors to have ail the stole in the steamer Ossiftage was in port -1' id '
, r ay done of Huron' that wheat and other /1.P. 21Mo= 1 11""nett 1/02Oenorti resources of tnetodv whieli
A . Men. Mlan
their rate bats printed 4e
tna eria a n c g . " AY even- • ' I t, 11 1 a e 1 . P. 11. Raises
O 0 A. Mitten
te. s. maim , might well be motrbed against the relved a cent yet. and lie wants the
lay. Tlse "Cabinet of Premiers" have Partici'ttettitig
Tirs ersti orrice win have a free no co under
_,I._ ..__ _ ... . , i ;mingled almost everything they Is
p To the; language. whieh may he dee.
-0°0 th14 nemuun rade week tlil (lane of ogle.
includeehot water heating, hut should . Ing °whet otevartl trip., At tbo•letter weighed ou tee market pewee on wed. e m, seeeeare . .
thee council decide to 'have the beide Hen K. Allen abippea a lame number nesdey. It wrierbrought to ehe market It. eleeeee '1..t ,,..t3 l''' in2.41:111 li e died as "going it blind," we feel in- ,
e,y, y,.,.ilet,*,,p, ,,/ et, naato,‘ ,Itdc, „,,i, , jeetetitehunitOint11.0,1h1or. vnitrearer1100121 s‘v_parttelineitsri,
thl Wednesdrey evening a game ot eFittlge I" tle even to put tlieir bands to. and in thio matter Temps, ,Trra 16.-M 0110 Anireors
log laeated tyithbot air, Dien the con. et cattle tor 'thee eeteedien see, tind by Ittelteett Carney. of Shimpardton,
tract Price will be rodueed by $183". .., ._. _ .. .. e t t e t . h And wee eold at el per ton. harrow the words the (19111y in paying the enumertstora la; nomertead, Britannia Road. all the bone°.
hold furniture, forniohinca and ofteetk
The committee agreed to psty80 per -titer° wenOteeralmeele0 0 0 relg t. -
Geo el Elliott, in sht in cnerneii
• bail and the thud heat of the Emeroon , ot Euclid, "%high Is absurd." Again, of small account compared to the fact
including optetdid vinare piano- Atop 4
eentof the mice utile wore reeed. As tbe eteemer bee to eon at Kineete ' . t . , PP a bicycle twee too.c place under the speakinit of Dr. Theodore Bond's
the Itineardineivier .settit the strong , ripe. Those who, hue eiterriee 1 o 711
h et wee it fair attendance. and the Moults volumere Like Browning. pr. Hand
have been aueeessfully treated by tto
where °thorn have failed. The advantage
I have over °thorn ia that I grind all my
05/13 10120c0, and an making apsetaeles ia
profettaion and a miaow, ao la smiting
elitstaclea, requiren yeera of dusty and
hard' labor to be„able to correct the once
et refraction. You have 28 .yeara of my
experienedist vourichrvice, ‘Curnoond Ito
me and Get your eye° tasted. Como early.
ea you may require a second tenting.
Consultotion Ma. Per references and
orldor NartgrAlets Ct. tor all Georgian 0. r emp ov ore
nate oe. Rog gotta. waVt the centractots agree to entity
ETgAillgR "IlietIVRAOR"
Peamesger awl /freight
'Toledo to *alit the Marie.
vtall to be bitten down, and the
on her wrtv down, and el mil Jee, Galt, skip -21 Wm. Lana, onip.-21 best mum of Shelley or theintoune." Government "hunted tip" fot their ile- Auction Sole Regieter. N
grails weie tamest a total foga.
eetemetbef At 1 on per e [titivate. I prisonedme, elle ternainee in Godeeich until as usualeand he eegkeote that growers anspiees of the Deughtere of the leate wok, t te eettayittt se.y9 : "It to all gold. tied the returns as a whole tent! net he good town lots teeing on Mader otract.-
Lk* Correia, with Nothern er • Pro e
1 I f 1 h t should not gather the fruib until falter •re on the A rieul ith IP Kt There Th • t a Weak stunt In his two regarded with confidence, P17(41 In MOO Aunntrag, propnotram; TnOn. 07900v,
many flienda of the government. auctioneer.
I a., at. cents pee bout for,etteh labor. neater west win aile high vies then t eal"ncl get 1)39kr" fl G" BMA wen nreaelit. The bail genie vac first seer. then singer. • •••At
sev- ov vsseece governirtent ote Dee. wee a challenge one, between tbe Jure bus la oplendid with the
oleo - At Suitt Pia Yaffe with Ante N
Mound Wren • st.t .4.141ehtelootemAtemens deld ware* port foe setuley„ taller JO3tICO 111100nbridge !WM. lora rind the 1,01d timea," the latter purple of thouebt, it le royal with ne
rye' , twelve it:away teA the None thereetossieetienerol retorts to Ottatviset_tt sorno year" since the A jeep session Of the High Court of awe being tnade up of ono ‘time Incline:es ef colour," . and on "The
adaer'y Camutit verlik•ft. ht.& A.. SI, •
41.3es. ns. P.,t. Italwayriand with thite et toe lass mAttore to boitigo
RA4elik 511 anatnr.m./ blues. etterition wilt he the ion of I nelt eee of
le - r the hesd of era isle toteretee 1 QUC en 3,
rot no.'ulit 4'111 1"4*41"111 el7t1 th x- d '' • i el, e it age from the harbor end
• woe, The Governateut prole meted ill and Lumber Co. lute Cleared tho Tbe Marine band gen the fleet of as both nines had many e ampione , ee-eelet &etre i hat tee lononage hog
Muni° A. Kerr. thlreiblinbter of Andrew
c -,..e.. . , • Y a ay. s. Itlachay.
vesting at it A . reerfee re weatberata, se.sanu can. or
Tfina Weathetald. God -slab Ont • to itrtr.a
• - r a a r. e o ra uces n 1 r 4 nee i e ee - perteepe eon too oteng, and admit!,
is reutig fo It9 a Pin e p tf t a o tt o ?remelt the d w te co ' lerel le h I: — "- - e • • Tn11 enntelwilmrirk"° RIC'
the reason. The Toronto Teteei am
wee. Lex, i, ea! A Ft. . ur a foirr41 Ing ore wil pro bly ee out 6 27611/
. lt I RIOIFIVEAR, it no bents auP WO 00 taken by the another raft,-Debbet bathing oust*. Square On Thurvilay evettitig of laet ng timing tlm matelt. The followin
Now. nee testate:to, treatet.
tett t , that "tho glut tr of Canada's nchleve-
, moot in letter a in yet in Chu future. . oaya :
tic end Avidu, Mien r, 1 b I Alt 4 is e there iit rob- Dm in full nwtilg• 'ma ri, toOd riln of ' week, end tie excellent pore:retrieve ib wens the peseero and Cho wore :
. Not yet, it le truce hos come "Liberal", wee „ion lay tha aee.
grO *temps' to xeplace thoo *Mai
water in e the mei, at ite
mouth. and along the ehore. was es
high we it was at, the, beginning tif the
resole week. -The Goderieh Ilarboe
lircittwater contractor of hong In a0derielL 01117-dalii Juir 715 to
Mr. and 1404. Jim iteetunian,yr.. cast
weernentio -Nene on Jess mut. eel.
nO tho raAlent-0- of kr Thor. !tom 11141.
View, brother of the bride, mot eeetetiee.
•*t ked Dutch"
Justice. commencio5 Monday, Sort. Moulhers of the senior teatn. But fiVo Sonnet.° that "it is equal to Words- "IP Hign41 144 W"k
9tb, 1001. And Abe fleece Meted th inning* wore played, the gente not ' tvorth or Hossette's on the Game sub- to the Liberal party, over the manager.
wiltladd anon.jary eitteng on Monday, having been started_ es
Nov. 4tb, Page seven Pet." "Credat Judaeue : non ego." moat of political rampaigne. and a
**they were played With vi er. itnd Tower& the mill of Iiin article. the number of lila rimmed and irreverent
. Portland Cemed
Hydraulic Cem2nt
Sewer Pipes, 81c.
Ali et *.o• twee looney kept twrodently en
banana& eolsf,..s.t lowers pnces.
j"de. ti4biret iv:It:whirl tiro, a°v't tug!: :t":11%metliplitsi"b4ihg'. ireti"r"orgteAncit;Thur? rtatendlanheTlerettilierne6. V4" e. ‘11 latrgt1
Oro .101.1:070
110011 tawin 25
'eta to go by in the matter, to id the gates. 13
- I now nod Stretford will tie the
This te tint leth tinly. and Lock. iol,egggreereet.
objee. 010(1.41a7t, ptarmigan et
wee we prepsred, Theee ig co prated. ealled In port ors Saturday evening on, .
A. Ifiaglc-.:on ts
- her downetatt•d tti re -The Acboottet '
ale111 wo. and pate 0 c
eon dolmen victoria there was uo letell 'ICateltdift, from T esedon with 300,000 ',bee 1 t g isi ,tb a d south ' /4, It Tilt, It ritchard It
thing es' * /04*ge stamp, is ice nutter. feet tot lutniterfor N. and A. Dyment. Et Po nis tgo " n int ,ix. in eceette nee. not*ri•On. 0 I i
aline the eerte. krt trio, inorrg oe the arraved in pit early on Monday moral.
poet oteee Dee/Attlee here tenter tee leg and milted agetin for Thesselon
irdermetion thst the Dominion will 'wait Atter ttnioading•Ilte schenner Wail,
the Itchon ot the impood, tiethefitrego derer. witb a eetgo of intliber front the
There were about 16 *temps in ase in Con, Deuce Peniiettaht. arrived in pate la*
Ade. on wItieb the heed of {ewe Vietorio, Felder and nuloaded et the rammer.
, we th ew loeue is bete dal dGelk•-•The fftr. 0341frilire Wei.* in
orpnatea it it- pratticilly eersaiss INA the port 61) 1‘104110:111ty ion her dorvittrard
reiterst eisht-eeti. stamp, Which wail de• triPs itne Male Yeetereeet eo her MI-
. i li ter nee 1n taxi/40ring Wind. and on each enewsion alter
letters, wilt be pleated by one, ne levee lAralicd *MI Wok on 11215ealterg.--The
cente C5 eofrewpond with the rate foe retie- IllPtli, *teatime AtablAn Wee it/ Port
v*4 tee," 'wee the tedottiett yrs sea on 'tmlne3d3V Mild landed the *torts
onto alike teilret tete. for the Godetieh lights for the yell'.
our i'auadian Longfellow. our Cana. io hand ot o bori,„e
ncontrart BrIMASIAM. In .0 d 0 voistkote. July
,alligirteitvenputatgiewittVhelbt.117)teninaroaten. rtevlbuoest; eitAddnydesetriodeipitetandweanet
dian Tennyson, or our Cututd10.13 the fevered brow ono.t.fizeln/aenoinftnI::et1411.-: ticettr;,eirtitottcnt3t7:r.r.170ii.italin:ieleritteiu.Jiiirellttiro:
"it is reported that Conourulore non 131S tYadc. c
,leaNing Gaeri.cla fOr Stratford will e.tmli;cfh;), of , (relit t.inucianrit roe tuncerelY :sdnille.
- stop at the 4th. oineeation. . mother column tve Intend to borrotv 111(431111011d" w111 110 gaz0114‘41 re 4110 Per'Atr(-:tiatiettor'll_rigrillda4.441:2;:tectgrit‘V:::::. 14ZCId 21
dredge J. Israel Tarte, as snon as it 19 en. MI, 1:citts cil
liar:0;4g/ owl p eommand oe tho nulnoter Brat ellen
LIPa..e7:13:224083 Total iglu/lotions from one r•r LW° of hig
I At the 1101410 021;th:time laet week. 'raffle Jan ltletionabl. ego& montna. rAcr
'tc4 Wirt. Hirtke airoot Mime hie • Juotete 13 'articles. ono In 1 he merrniiirie We re -
The bergs. at Up teeiningfy menjurce. ,:terntietti- tl third heat of the content bit) f" ana Place'd in (I'llig2i°21."
harar" thr3 tVitil tid*P• 8/0ettly Letter the bell Mune Wel•Ct enntottelve reading to ail tituitento of Dot the Si telt itself thie weeh ille
reline literattite.
the following. which the Government tvte7 tvee11. etewolY '100 141 tilt37
!and the ti or repotted that he vele ; for th, tic litrileV !devote torts yen oft _ May tilt() no a hint : triVse3 t%hout. caglip worried, tuld
TO teiro uCeu yew qnito titettenregea. IMO: Compound
1, beet. met left for 1101130 elsortly after- thew heitirr three eonymtonfo,, moacro , " ijay
."rho hest way to work opt tbe Ten leott hits tuphlitf brought atout••
kvards. Meet. teaching hid faten Me. lerephee, ettynne end entrate Who all
Bleke fouled the hone watt Strirrd grant terateli. It -teemed al if TOrle turative Drotroo Qu1111no "
etE and his own let9 beeamoott plin/u1 Isul agreed to pace each leo, All theme:de refund Money the nest vacancieo with nOWert..-sptst
Matte Ltd to Call in art M.D.. atte 1.ottier tint ttee. foe ,i1fV400 1(111 dt• a ho- te it *Ile envie Mr. EL W. Grove% town: Who etre lona 00 brain* erel cheat
ited tonic ceutch ever since. ' out ot thu Met, fouetit end eeventle elgoatum on ail hoz * • • Iteellee.
) '
— _ - aeoweasseamtomoomw•-wwwega
daBrar. a a a aa/ irair
eb:411(20; 1 ni ;01 felt better to any It*
term I do now e* ma la heeptently
beard. lei onto Int 50 tiotrsza. toot eele
by all druggiete.