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The Blyth Standard, 1969-07-23, Page 1
THE BLYTH STAN RD Volume 61 • No. 02 "Serving Blyth and Community Since IBM" 69 Blyth Fall Fair Will Undergo Drastic Face -Lifting J31.Y'I`ll, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, JULY 23d, 1919 Properties Change Vice Grips Used To Gain Entrance To Hands Blyth Store Some of the most updating livestock, Murray Scott and his 'rhicves broke into Sparling's changes in •the history of the concession committee are hoping Several properties in the village Hardware sometime early Sunday Myth Agricultural Society are to fill the arena with commercial and district have changed hands morning and made off with a taking place this year, With the displays. recently, considerable amount of cash and fair less than two months away, The purebred livestock classes Mr, and Mrs, Ed, Doer have merchandise. Entrance was gain - the directors are working hard have been dropped this year with sold their home to Mr, and Mrs..ed by jimmying the lock on the to prepare for what they hope will the exception of the children's Jack McNioh*l, Ed. and Nancy front door with a pair of vice he the •best 'lair ever, classes, as them has not been on, have moved to 16 George Street, grips anti merely walking into the Thi: •Horse Show will be held on ough interest created in the arena Wingham, where Ed, Is employed building, Saturday evening, September 13, other )•ears. as police constable for that town. r Cash taken totalled $40,30, svxth many new classes which in- Jack 'i'hyne, Earl Heywood and The McNichols will move to Blyth some of which included several chides a wiener race, ' other stars will be on hand to in the fall. • 'old coins valued at considerably . The Feeder Calf Show and Sale entertain you throughout the at Mr. and ,ME's. Doug McDougall higher rates than face value. It wi•11 he ' held Monday, September ternoon, and family have 'purchased the is extremely difficult to tell just 15th with some of the best steers M1 of these aforementioned residence of the late Roy Doherty exactly what was stolen as it• the club has raised to date, features, along with the large on Queen Street and took up res- ,ems were picked up around the Tuesday the directors will be Achool exhibits and women's dis• ideate the end of last week, store. Grant has placed an ap• busy removing the sand from the plays and 4.11 competitions, should Mr. and Mrs, Don llcNail have proximate loss on stolen goods at arena floor and would welcome add up to make the 1969 show purchased a farm on HighWay 4 anyone .wishing to donate help, one of the best ever. from Norman Knapp, This is the Wednesday will again be the Plan now to attend all three former 'Thomason farm. main day of the fair, September clays, You will see something All transactions were . handled 17th. With the arena free of new and exciting each day. through the Elliott Real Estate Agency, Blyth. Personal Interest Items Engagement MastcrMik© Davey spent a week bort Walsh and Lloyd were Mr. with his aunt, 11llss Wilma Wil. and Mrs, Clare Neirgarth •and helm in Xieinburg, Barbara of Wingham and Mrs. Mrs, David George graduated Verne Rutherford, Ottawa• from the Nurses Aid Course at Mr. and Mrs. George Aston the Alexandra 'Marine •IHospital, of Fordwich visited ,with his sls- Goderich, on Friday, July 18, ter, Mrs. J. B. Watson, on Sun - Miss Maralyn Falrservice and day. Miss Sharon Dempsey, of, Eseon• Mr. and 'Mrs, Sam Thuell, of dido, California, are spending the Wallaceburg, spent a weekend • month - of July with the former's recently with his parents, Mr. and grandmother, Mrs, J, Falrservice, Mrs, Wm. Thuell. while • here they have visited Mr. Gordon Cook, Cochrane, Kingston, Ottawa, Kitchener and is visiting with Mrs, George Cook plan a visit to Niagara Falls be- of IBelgrave, and other relatives. fore • returning home "t.hc' end .of'"— the of' the month. Mr. and Mrs, Stan Hinter and family of- Dubuque, Iowa, Mr, and Mrs, Ken Crawford and family, Waterloo, 'Mr ,and Mrs, John ITv. ine, Miss Margaret Vipond of At. wood, Mr, and Mrs. Tom Arm. strong and family, Belgrave, vis• ited on Sunday with Mrs. W. L. Wlghtman and Mr, and Mrs. Bill Howson, :11rs, Esther Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walsh and Mr, Tom Taylor were visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Norman Pepper, Hensel!, on Sunday, Visitors with lir, and Mrs, Al. ,Juveniles Win And Lose Last Week The 1B1yth Legion Juveniles won one and lost one game curring the past week, On July 15 they defeated Mild. may 7 to .5. Blyth scored four runs in the second inning. Robert Cook tallied the big hit with a 2 -run single, John Stewart pitch- ed and Bruce Bromley did the catching chores., On July 17 the local team suf- fered their worst setback of the year as Harristotl 'handed them a 13 to 5 defeat. The visitors scored four runs in the first in. ning and never looked back, Blyth threatened several times but left the bases loaded. four 'goes. Robert Cook drove in two runs with a single in the second fin- ingand. Bocce Bromley drove across another run in the third with a single, John Stewart pit- ched the- first seven innings,' Bruce Bromley ,pitched the eighth and .Ron 'Henry took over in the ninth, Hildmay Blyth .Hartilston Bantams_ Drop. Two In Three Encounters The Myth Lions Bantams were defeated by Beigrave on July 15 by the score of 8 to '7. The local club took a 4 to 0 lead after one inning but could not hold on, Barry Bromley had a basses load• MI triple in the first Inning, Gov.,. er homered for Belgrave. Wayne -McDougall pitched the first six innings and Don Stcw• ort the seventh, Jim Johnston caught, Belgrave 00025108 Blyth. 40030007 On July 17 Ripley defeated the lllyth team 9 to •0. Blyth manag• ed only five shits during the game. Dry Weather Slows Area Crop Growth By T. W. Clapp, Associate Agricultural Representative for Huron County Mr. and Mrs. Robert J, Snell, Haying is proceeding normally. Londesboto, Ontario, are pleased Quite a few of the farmers have Swimming is well underway -- to announce the engagement of completed haying while a few are the Recreation Committee has their second eldest daughtex, still at R. A11 the crops could use rented the Clinton pool outright Ronnie Sharon, to Mr, Stewart a good shower as growth is slow- this year and children wishing 'to Ross Jewitt, son of Mrs, W, R. ing down, The coni crop is look- take the lessons from 5 to 7 p,m. Jewitt and the late William Jew• ing good with good growth. The ,July 21 until August 8th inclus- Itt, Clinton, Ontario, The mar- white beans heed some .moisture give, MUST register through the riage to take place In Londesboro as their growth has slowed down. lllyth Municipal Recreation Com. United Church at 3 p.m. on Satur. On the average there are some mittcc. day, August 23, 1969. very good stands. A few root rot A fee of $5.00 per head is being problems are still occurring, es• levied—the difference between ;necially on the heavier soils. the amount collected and the pool Mr and Ira, .AndrQw...Kirkeon•.. fjnet�e.hns also been.,some inciden-, rent Inas been donatd to the Blyth nett, Aiilnlrii; .dnfarfo, tvlsh to ;s of the corn seed maggot attack. lions OIub' to subsldiie the bus announce the engagement of their Ping the roots. If these problems transportation. daughter, Mary Ellen, to Mr. Vic• have occurred, the farmer should -The Recreation Committee has for .Melville Park,.son of Mr, and hill his beans up higher to en. charged an equal price with, pool Mis, John hark, 225 Roger Street, courage roots higher up on the in the area, and are expected as Winnipeg, 'Manitoba, The mar- ;tem. The spring grains are look. a Recreation Committee to .make riage to take place in Norwood ing good and again a good warm these services available NOT United Church, Winnipeg, on rain would help, free of charge. August 23, 1969 at.5 p.m. • two hundred dollars. Apparently the robbers had plans for several other store.; during their night time prowlings as several pair of vice grips were taken — ipresumahly to be used to gain entrance in the same man- ner as they did at the Blyth store. The job must be extremely •»ard on that particular piece of equipment, or else they were us ting vice grips of an Inferior make. No doubt the ones stolen from here will last much longer than those previously used by the thugs! 01'1' from Wingham are invest- igating. Recreation Com, Renting Clinton Pool For Lessons Society Decides Not To Canvass Waltonites Shower Future Brides SIIOWER FOR ARLENE drey McMichael, her mother, Mrs. WILLIAMSON RRtDE•ELECT Robert McMichael and Mrs, Doug- las hills, of London, a friend of A •miscellaneous shower was the bride-to-be, were seated at the held Tuesday evening, July 15, in front of the hall, wearing corsages The Blyth Agricultural Society the basement of the Walton Un- which had been presented to them lied Church in honour of Arlene earlier in the evening. The ad• has decided not to canvass for Williamson prior to her forthcom- dress was read by Mrs, Jack Bos- donations this year. '!'icy feel ing marriage. Before the presen• man and Mary Leeming and Gwen that the time Is taming when lotion a solo was rendered by Gail Bosman assisted with the open - anything which cannot pay its Traoss, accompanied by Mrs. Ing of the gifts. Audrey thanked way will have to go, herb Traviss' a reading by Mrs. everyone for the gifts and invited Appreciation n I tl k y everyone to her Trousseau Tea on July 26, A delicious lunch was served by the McKillop Unit. B(il McDougall pitched and Jim ' a c Dan s is giv Albert Clark; a skit entitled "Jim's Johnston caught. en to merchants nts and others who reactions toy Ben's Proposal" by Ripley 1120 0 3 2 9 have donated In the past. 1Irs, Harvey Craig, lies. Martin Blyth 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1). J, Cochrane from the Huron Baan, firs. Clifford Ritchie and ' Blyth defeated Brussels on Jul Cerullo School l3aard will officl Mrs, 'George Williamson. July nilly open this year's fair and 21 by the score of 11 to5 They hopes to meet you there. As the Mrs. Martin Baan called Arlene scored six runs in the fourth annual Blyth Exhibition draws to the front and Miss Eileen Wil and five. runs in the sixth inning. liamson read a congratulatory ad. Glaser we will endeavour to keep David Cook dress and the bride-to-be was pre. A shower for Marjann Wildfong and Wayne McDou • you informed of any new happen. all pitched an nd Jlm Johnston did trigs seated -with many useful gifts; Ar• was held in the school room of the catching, lone made a fitting reply. A con- Duffs Church, Walton. Mrs. Gar. Brussels 010 0 013 5 test was conducted to see how don 'McGavin was Mistress of Cep. Blyth 000605011 well everyone had observed Ar• emonics for the program which 1tODG17R--In Clinton Public Hos- OW on Sunday, July 20, 1969to 'Mr, and Mrs, .William Rod- ger, Auburn, the gift of a son, a brother- for Warren, David, Norman and Victoria, MOVED TO FARManti Mrs, Jim MdCall and A'[r. Susan have moved from Londes• boyo to the former Bryant farm •3• W.I. AUGUST MEETING August 6 at .L p.m, in the BlBlythi'ldr'en; are welcome; Ch SHOWER FOR 5IARJANN IVILDFONG BIRTH 000011300 5 on County Road 25 east of Myth. 041002000 7 4002022301• Blyth , 02110000/ 5 Will be held on Wednesday, The Blyth team 'has one make - ;;.up game to play against .Win'gharo, , Lions Park. ,Bring picnic lunch, hefore;#11rting ,the. playoffs..; :• Congratulations bene during the opening of the Included, a musical number by gifts. Debbie and Dena 1Wey and Linda Lunch was served by the 17th Gray. A tap dance number by Congratulations and Best Wish• and Boundary ladies, Peggy Dennis and Beth McNichol; es to Mr, Gordon Cook, of Coch• piano and violin selection, Mrs. rane, •who celebrated his birthday SIIOWER FOR AUDREY Herbert Traviss and Mrs. Einer - on 'Wednesday, July 23rd, ;IIeMICIIAEL BRIDE -ELECT son Mitchell; piano solo,, Dianne Congratulations to Brent Zim. Fraser, merman, of Stratford, who cele. Mss Audrey ,McMichael was In charge of the bride's book brated his iii'st. birthday on -Tues• guest of honour for a shower iii and the gifts were, Nancy Mc - day, July 22, . the Community Hall, Walton, on Nichol, Lois Wildfong and. Dolor. Congratulations to Mr, Sam July 18, Mary Leeming was in es Bettertnanti, Thuell, of Wallaceburg,' who cele- charge of the,.guest book. The Mrs, Roy Wildfong,- Mitchell, breed. his birthday on July '23, Mistress of Ceremonies, Mrs, Nell Mrs, Betty Ebel, Stratford, and . Congratulations to 'Mrs. Wm, McGavin, presided for the follow- Mariann who had been presented Thuell who celebrates her birth- lug program: +piano solo, Mary with corsages were called to the day, on July 28. .. Leeming; short skit, Mrs. Harvey froet, Jean Roe read the address Congratulations . to Mr. Wm. Craig and Mrs, Martin Baan; pi• and the gifts - were presented by Thuell ..who celebrates his birth• ano solo, Beverley McCall; can. Joan Dennis and . other girl day on July 31, , tests conducted by Mrs, Neil Me- friends, Mariann 'thanked all for •Congratulations • to Mr. •Jack Gavin and Mrs, Graeme McDon• the lovely gifts, Bowes, of Ingersoll, who •celebrat• old, A delicious lunch .was served by es his birthday .Thursday, July 24. The guest of honour, Miss Au- members of the McKillop Unit. THE BLYTH STANDARD — WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1909 SUGAR and SPICE By Bill ,Smile} INJUNS ON THE WARPATH "Bar the door, Matilda, and close them shutters! Henry, look at your flintlock! The Injuns are on the war path!" 'Let's hope it doesn't come to that, but the Indians of Can- ada, a quarter -million of the natives of this vast continent, have blood in their eye, whether it's a product of politics or bean wine. And they don't need tomahawks, bows and arrows, and rusty muskets this time. They have two weapons which bring them right into the nuclear age, One is the white man's guilt complex, with which they belabor him ,at every opportunity. The other is the mass media, which they are using with a skill that would make a public relations man turn green. There are some facts that have led up to the current con- frontation. First of all, the Indians were victims of one of the greatest con jobs in history when the various treaties were drawn up. Have you ever read one? They sound great, full of poetic stuff like, "As long as the rivers run to the sea and the grass grows to the sky and the mountains do not fall down . . , ete,, etc.," Then comes the crunch, in small print. As long as the Indian stays on his reserve, and out of the white man's hair (especially the scalp), he and his children and his children's children shall receive an annual bounty from the Great White Queen across the Big Water. For a whole Indian band, .it might be 1,000 pounds sterling. Not cash annually, but only the interest thereon, .Figure out some- time what the interest is on 1,000 pounds sterling in 1909. Y03, inflation has caught up with the Indian, too. Treaty Day, according to old-timers, used to be a real fair at the reserves. Each Indian family received its share of the loot and avaricious merchants gathered from miles around to separate the Indian and his treaty money as quickly -as possible. Today, he might he able to buy a few bottles ,of wine. Second, the Indian culture, or what's left of it, is quite dissimilar to that of the Whiteman's. It is based on communal, rather than cut-throat society. The romantic refers back to the "noble red man." The pragmatist calls him • "a shiftless bum." Neither is anywhere near• the truth. He is a human being. He's neither red nor any more noble than the rest of us. 'Ilhird, the paradox exists that the Indian has special priv- ileges rixileges (medical care, free education, no taxes on the reserve, etc,) and yet he is underprivileged (inferior housing and education, plus plain old discrimination, social and economic.) And now, the Federal seems to seep down from Mr. If you aren't happy about the This, after years of treating benevolence usually associated government, with >a cold logic tdtat. Trudeau, says, "Put up or shut: up. may we run things, do it yourself," reserves 4vith all the largesse and 'with an orphanage, The Federal government proposes. to dump the Indian prop• lem on the provincial governments and the Indians themselves, all in the course of five years, then fold its tent and steal off int, the night, The provincial governments want the Indian problem like they want the Black Plague, So do the Indians. For the latter, the Canadian .government's new policy is a smoke -screen to cover failure. For the young Indians, dissolution of the reserves is like burning your boats 'behind you. For tib middle-aged and 'elderly,. it is terrifying. .. Indian leader Wilmer Nadjiwon of 'Cape 'Croker put it sue• cintly, if over -simply, when he said the new legislation would allow an Indian to sell his property for two bottles of wine. That doesn1 solve a problem, 'It creates one. The Indians don't want assimilation, They want help to get on their feet and some redress for 200 years of being considered second-class Canadians. Some reserves are worthless, mere slum areas, Some are extremely •valuable as potential resort areas. How does everybody get a fair share if these lands are handed .back. to the Tndians them- selves, for disposal as • they see fit? You're not going to settle that ane in five years, 'Pierre Elliott, I,, i 'I., 1 111 i'h;4111"uliu,d,'liO i1lJlhbiddll'u.titlWwlWrllWill' i THE BLYTH STANDARD Douglas Whitmore,' Publisher, Published every Wednesday at Queen Street, BINTII, . ONTARIO, Member Canadian and Ontario Weekly Newspaper Associations Subscription Rates: Canada (in .advance) .$4,00 a Year Outside Canada (in advance) $5,00 a Year Single Copies Ten Cents Each "Second class mail 'registration 'number 1319 WALTON NEWS Mrs, Ray Nelson, Robert and 'Michael, of Vancouver, are visit- ing with' her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Earl Watson and Mr, and Airs. 'Gera'ld Watson. Mrs, Ruby Dundas, of Glencoe, spent the weekend with Mrs. George Dundas, Mr, and Mrs, Campbell Wey, Dena and Debbie left last week for Alberta and the West Coast. Mr, and Mrs, Ross Bennett, Nancy and Peter attended the 13e11,Hall wedding in the United Church at Elora last Saturday. Mrs, Walter Broadfoot left this tieek for Vancouver, New West- minster and Saskatoon where she. will visit with friends and rela- tives, Mrs, Kenneth Cooper, Ottawa, was a recent guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Harold Smalldon, Miss Kareln McDonald has re- turned home after spending the past three weeks with Mr, and Mrs. Robert Stevens, London, Mr, George Taylor has return- ed from a trip to the Western Provinces, 'Miss Sandra Watson has return- ed home after spending a few weeks with her uncle and aunt, Captain and Mrs, Ray Nelson, of Vancouver, Mr, and Mrs, Douglas Fraser and Cheryl left last week oh a motor trip to the Western pray Inces. 'Mrs, Mabel Vojir, Windsor, vis- ited last week with the Humph- ries families. Mrs, Ernest Stevens Is spending a few days with her son and daughter-in-law, lir. and 'Mrs, .Ro• hart Stevens, London. Mr, and Mrs. Donald Maler and baby are visitingwith Mr. and Mrs, David Watson, Roy Williamson . has returned home from Victoria hospital, Lon- don, where he has been a patient for a weeks owing to an eye injury. Miss 'Karen 'McDonald is attend- ing- the United 'Church summer school camp near Goderioh this week as a counsellor. Norman Williamson is confined to. Seafortln Community 'Hospital following a fall suffered last week at his barn in the village. Mr, and. Sirs, Alex Gulutzen, Mr, and Mrs., Michael Gulutzen, Mr. and ,Mrs, Alexander Gulutzen attended the funeral of the form- er's sister, Mrs. Katie Kostenuik, at Tillsonbur•g recently. 17th AND BOUNDARY U.C.W. UNIT MEETING The July meeting of the 17th and Boundary U.C.W.' Unit; was held at the home of Mrs, Martin Baan with nine members present. A[rs, Albert Clark opened 'with n poem on Meditation. Hymn "What :1 Friend we have in Jesus" was sung, The scripture reading was taken from Mark 3, ,verses 31-35, Airs. Clark offered prayer and read two poems "If man reaches the Moon" and "Words Never Die," A skit entitled "How Long is Ever After" acted by Mrs. A, Clark and Mrs, Herb - Williamson was enjoyed. Hymn "Cake time to he iloly" was sung. Mrs. Martin Baan conducted the business, making plans for forth- coming showers, The different re- portswere given, The roll call for our 'Septem'ber meeting is on "Harvest" as there will be no Aug- ust meeting, Mrs, Herbert Wi11- aimson closed the meeting with prayer, Lunch was served by the hostess, McKILIOP U.C.W. MEETING The McKillop U,C'Unit meeting was held at the home of Mrs 'Charles IMcCutcheon . with ,fifteen members, six visitors and eighteen children present, Call to worship, "Beautiful. Day to bo Glad In" was read by Mrs, Gor- don 'MMeGavin. who presided for the Devotions, Hymn "The Lords My Shepherd" was sung accompan• led. by .Debbie 'Wey ;on 'the guitar, Sing -song followed with a number of action .songs.. 'Gwen 'Bosman i>,'llloli!aV!nlitHiutt SII IIlolt4IIIfWISillialiliV!VllVlulallU!i191'etIWiW ttellll ant YIJ�ir�LJurl�riw�iidilJr�r FROM THE MINISTER'S STUDY FREE AT LAST! (John 8:36) You hear the chant all over the world today. "Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty I'm free at last," Men try everything for freedom. The quest for freedom has given rise to some of the greatest leaders in history, Martin Luther King is one example. Ile was a genius at stirring crowds, and his words about freedom will live for years: "There is no price in the world," he said "too great to pay for freedom, If you haven't discovered something that is worth dying for, you haven't found anything worth living for." But most people do not seers aware of the greatest pro- ponent of freedom in history—Jesus Christ. Here are some of His statements about it: "God has sent me to proclaim liberty to the captive—to set free the oppressed." (Luke 4:18) "If the son makes you free (from the inward, dominating disease of sin), then you will be really free, (John 8:30) "You will know the truth and the truth will make you free." (John 8:32). Mill 1 111 11111 111111111 FtEMIEREESINIla 1111 K. 111111111===11211=02151111 !,i,.Iilli111111 iluiUJ94!'101011:'i'lll!t'It1111U311.1 iLi2.4illiii'btAli lit7tt.11 Vii, d t ititiliaoOtlla&Ant ul0rutultaIniulai ntltn8 (C1ptrdles ST. ANDRE'W'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. ROBERT U. MacLEAN, B.A. 1:00 p.m, -- Church Service. 1:00 p.m. --- Sunday School, CHURCH OF GOD McCannel Street, Blyth — Sunday Services ERIC CLEAVE, PASTOR 10:00 a.m. -- SundaySchool, 11:00 a.m. --- Worship Service. Thought For The Week ""Thou are weighed in the balances, and are found wanting." Dan, 5:27 "The 'pleasures of sin are .for a season but its wages are for eternity,' CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH REV. if, W. RROEZE, MINISTER 10:00 a.m. — Morning Service (E) •— Preparatory Sermon, 3:00 p.m.. — Afternoon Service ,(E) ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, W. R, Craven, Minister (Temporary) Trinity Church Blyth: 10:00 a,ni..-- Trinity Church, Belgrave: 11.:15 a.m, -- • St, Mark's Church, Auburn: 1.30 p.m, -- THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA REV. W. 0. MATilI.ER, B.A., B,D,, MINISTER Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music, 9,45 A.M. -- Sunday Church School. 11:00 a,ni, •• - Morning Worship WESTFIELD FELLOWSHIP HOUR Rev. Kenneth Knight, Minister :00 p.m, -- Service each Sunday -- Spec. 'Music -- Everyone Welcome 11111111 11IVOUfI 111150IRIf �llCHILiNE l lIN EP !;ave a reading; Jane Leeming read the scripture from Proverbs :10: 4 'verses, Mrs, G, McGavin :ave the commentary followed by the explanation about God's small creatures; how the built-in wis• aloin that 'God has given them, „ 4tides them, and we must grow : iiiritually and recognize our need of God -- Just as we must grow physically, me must grow spiritu- ally. Dianne Godkin led in prayer, Hymn "Jesus Loves Me" was sting. Offering was received by .teffrey Rockwell and dedicated by. ;.!loth McNichol, The children were then dismissed to the playground, Mrs. Campbell Wey presided• for the business. Mrs, John Burch read the minutes of the last meet- ing .and were adopted as read. Mrs, . Norman Sehade gave the Treasurer's -report, Plans and committees were arranged fol" showers, iMembers .were asked to bring Evaluation sheets to the ,September meeting. The McKillop Unit is to be responsible for the Dldtvers:in the sanctuary in Aug., ust, The .14t11, Coneesslon"•'for. Au- Vt 11 gust 10th and the 12th for August 17. Special thanks were extended to 'Mrs, MeCutcheon for having the Unit meeting and children's picnic at her home, Mrs, C. Wey closed the meeting with prayer, All took part In the picnic, races and games with re- 'stlitS' aS follows: - Pre-schoolers under 6, Brian McGavin; 6 to 8, 'Linda Riley; 9 to 12, 1Ronnie Riley; 12 to 15, De. na Wey, Kick the slipper, 12 'years and- tnder, Ronnie Riley; `Ladies, Theron Riley, Boys 3 leg - ger race, Bobby Looming and Jef• fret Hackwell; girls 3 legged•race, Dena Wey and Gwen Bosman, Smarties Contest, ' June Sehade. Elimination contest, Mrs, Thomas Ilackwell. >Candy scramble for the children, A corsage was presented tors, Louise Marks, Vancouver, H.C., being the oldest lady present. A e delicious picnic lunch was served by Mrs, Nell. McGavin, Ars,-.Wm, J, Leeming, ,Mrs, .;Glen McNichol ; and., the. hostess;': ~' THE INTERNATIONAL SCENE 13Y 'RAYMOND CANON THE MOON THROUGH TUE AGES 1 suppose the moon is about as international a topic as you can find these days, since as these lines are written, the Americans and Russians both have rockets on their way to the moon, If all goes well, the Americans will have landed on the moon by the time you read this, Since TV programs are always being inter- rupted for some news bulletin on the progress of the astronauts, I suppose It won't do mo any harm to write about the moon, too, I'm going to keep away from all the technical data, however, since I don't understand too much about it anyway, !lather I thought I'd write an what peo• pie have believed and snit' about the moon through the ages, It scents that ever since time was first recorded the moon has been a popular subject, and be• cause people have always seen the moon much more clearly than the other stars and planets, R Is only natural that thoughts should be turned towards it, or than it should even he credited with great powers, Just think of some of the things that have been done in the name of the moon. Some people have prayed to it, a lot of people have' made love by it, it has been used to count time, and all sorts of campaigns have been carried out when the moon was in the right phase. People DRAIN TENDER TOWNSHIP OF ,EAST WAWANOSH SEALED 'TENDERS will be received by the under• signed until 6 o'clock p.m., 5th day of August, 1969, for the construction of the SCHULTZ DRAINAGE WORKS 3,818 Lineal Feet of Closed Drain 82 Lineal Feet of. C.M.P. 3 Catch Basins Contractor to supply all material. Township will advance price of tile when delivered. Certified cheque for 10 percent of bid price to accompany each tender. Tenders to state commencement and completion date, Low• est or any tender not necessarily accepted, Tender forms must be obtained and -plans and specifications may be seen at the Clerk's office, WINON'A TII03IPSON Township Clerk, It,lt, 5, Wingham, Ont, Phone 357.3518 COOK'S SUPERR kr�o�ii..rnu T' Phone S23-4421 01.2 We Deliver. Stuart House Irbil Wrap, 18" x 25" roll box 65c Swift's "Golden Dew" Margarine 5 - 1 lb. prints 95c Bisset's Ice Cream , , , , , , , , , , Half Gal, 89c Del Monte Pineapple Grapefruit Drink 48 oz. tin ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„ 32c Aylmer Tomato Catsup, 2 - 11 oz. bottles 37c Green Giant Niblets Corn, 5 - 12 oz. tins 1.00 Hya'tt's Beans with Pork, 3 14 oz. tins 49c Lushus Jelly Powders, assorted pack 6 pkgs. 59c Shirriff's Sundae Topping, 10c off deal 3 - 8 oz. jars 79c Marra's. Raisin Bread, reg. 39c, now 2 for 59c Weston's Angel Food Cakes, reg. 69c to 59c McCormick's Afternoon Tea Cookies 3 pkgs. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.00 McCormick's Marshmallows, 3.1 lb, pkgs. 1.00 King Size Tide,, 25c off label pkg. 1.59 Bruce, Packer's Weiners , , , , , , . , 2 lb. 1.00 Bruce Packer's Steakettes . , , , , per Ib. 69c Sunkist Oranges, ,size 113's , , .. per doz. 69c Ontario New Carrots ; : , , . , , 2 bunches 35c Ontario Grown Green Onions, 2 bunches 17c • have written poetry to it, con- posed songs about 1t, created all sorts of myths concerning it, and blame mil sorts of weather on it, !laving done all these things, mart is finally going to have a look at it to 800 If it's really all it's cracked up to be. Just think how many myths (night be shat. tered when the men come back and tell us the truth about it. IL makes you shudder ot the thought of it. For our more 'primitive ancest• ors the moon was nothing more or Tess than a god and Its cycles or phases were tied in with life and death itself. in Egypt, for example, the moon was the god of -wisdom, learning and measure• meat, which is a pretty big chore for such a tittle planet. '!'he. Sumerians had It much more complicated. If the moon was surrounded by the right ord. er of stars, which what It was every few years, this meant, of all things, that the king had to die, and die he did, in splendor too, We would call it sadism, but, the Sumerians didn't, and they even threw in a few other people for good measure, In one Sumerian tomb, the king's depart. I wish to express my sincere ure from this rife had been made with no less than 05 people, and thanks to all my friends, relatives and members of his wife as well, It says some. and neighbours the Anglican Church and Guild thing for the position of women for the lovely shower of gifts 1 at that time, or queens at any received. It was greatfully ap� cei rate, that the queen only rated rere eivted. 25 people to die along with her,—Miss Mary Kirkconnell. It would ;be interesting to know02•lll TUE BLYTJI STANDARD -- how they chose volunteers. Ono really popular legend is that the full moon was supposed to bring out werewolves, those people who are human by (lay, animal by night, and make their living by feasting on other people. This legend has pretty well died out among civilized people but 1 will admit that. T.V, has tried hard to keep up the myth, and there are any number of young• sters who will still half believe it anyway. But I couldn't close without mentioning that even the great- est of English writers, Shakes. pears, referred to the moon con• stantly, and he saw it in all sorts of portents, or at least his hetes did, Anthony and Cleopatra, Oth• elle, Richard II all had something tosay about it, more in awe than in anything else. Maybe we aren't any better than any of our ancestors, After all we all moon around at some time or another, don't we7 CARD OF THANKS 110•11111r< BROWNIES Drive -In CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8,00 p.m, FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. THURSDAY and FRIDAY JULY 24 and 25 LADY IN CEMENT Showing at 9.15 p.m. (Adult Entertainment) —Starring FRANK SINATRA RAQUEL WELCII DAN BLOCKER Set in Miami Beach, this "Tony Ronne" sequel races through the further problems of the tough detective. In Color -- — FLU'S BEDAllLED (Adult Entertainment)—At 11 p,m, STARI;ING, PETER COOK and RAQUEL WELCH Color Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES. JULY 26.2829 BANDOLERO (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT Showing at 9.15 p.m. STARRING DEAN MARTIN James .Stewart and Raquel Welch In Color -- -- PLUS DID YOU HEAR THE ONE ABOUT THE TRAVEL'NG SALESLADY Showing at 11:00 p.m. STARRING PIIYLLIS ,DILLER Color Cartoon IVED,, TIJURS., FRI. JULY 30.31, AUGUST 1 1 • • • • I 4 The DETECTIVE Apm,rrANCE 70 PERSONS EARS OF AGE OR ovrR Showing at 9:15 p,m, -- Starring Frank Sinatra, Lee Remiok, Ralph Meeker In Color -- — PLUS JUST DON'T STAND THERE Showing at 11:00 p,m.—Starring ROBERT WAGNER and MARY TYLER MOORE Color Cartoon OUR 1'Ja'i ip DRUGS DRUG SUNDRIES VETERINARY MEDICINES WEDNESDAY, MA` 23rd, 1'R9 A COMPLETE LINE STATIONARY GOODS IS ALWAYS ON HAND AT THE STANDARD WANTED POULTRY and EGGS ALSO CUSTOM KILLING East Huron Produce Phone DUBLIN 345.2270 WALTER P[ASE TRANSPORT BLYTH FOR ALL YOUR TRUCKING REQUIREMENTS .. ANI) THE BEST MARKET FOR YOUR LIVESTOCK Phone Brussels 345,14 MAIL ORDER. SERVICE AS CLOSE AS YOUR TELEPHONE IS ENJOY your HOLIDAYS this summer in one of these RECONDITIONED, ROAD -WORTHY USED CARS 1969 FORI) Custom 500, 4 dr., V 8, automatic 1969 PLYMOUTH 2 door, hardtop 1969 METEOR 2 door, hardtop -1969 METEOR Rideau 500, 4 dr., V 8, automatic, ps 1967 PONTIAC Laurentian 4 dr, hardtop, ps and ph 1967 CNEV. Bel Air, 4 dr., automatic 1967 PONTIAC Laurientian, 4 dr,, V8, automatic, ,ps 1967 FORD 4 door, V 8, automatic 1967 FORD 2 door 1964 CHEVY II van , 1964 VALIANT Wagon 1963 CHEVY II 4 door, 6 cyl., automatic 1963 METEOR Sedan 1962 MERCURY 4 door 1962 MERCURY Station Wagon SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's BAR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario, Phone 523-9581 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 • 0 • • . • • • • • • • • • • • • • .j� • x • • •• • • • • • • • • +•+++4+•449+ +•+•-•44+ % THE BLYTH STANDARD WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1969 BELGRAVE JUNIOR AUXILIARY MEETING The sixteenth meeting of the 13elgrave Junior Auxiliary was held at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Clark Johnston on July 19. Games were led by Mary Isabel Nethery. The meeting opened with the promise, member's pray. er, motto and auxiliary hymn. The roll call was answered and min• utes of the last meeting were read by Marni Walsh. Patsy Scott gave the treasurer's report. Patsy Scott and Laurie Stackhouse collected ANNOUNCEMENT the offering and Beta Lynn White recited the offertory prayer. The next meeting will be held at Mrs, Gertrude 'I'iffins home in Wingham on July 26, at 9.45 a.m. to early afternoon. Sing -song will he led by Janette Johnston, clean- up girls are Shirley Johnston and Nancy Johnston. The girls brought their sister or a friend to a Sister's Party. The guests were welcomed and then Janette Johnston led in a sing -song after which lunch was served, The meeting closed with a prayer and hymn. The Committee for the Medical, Dental Building at Brussels is pleased to announce that Dr. R. C. Culbert has opened his Dental Practice in the Dental Suite, Dr. Culbert will see patients by appointment For Appointments phone Brussels 412 or 413 Office Hours: 8:30 to 5 ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF FRASER FARM SERVICE AT WINGHAM Repairs to all Tractors and Farm Machinery SEE BILL ERASER FOR FREE ESTIMATES North End of Wingham Ph, 357-3282 FOR TOP DOLLAR FOR YOUR CROP DELIVER YOUR WHEAT 8 BEANS TO COOK BROS. MILLING CO., LTD. PHONE 262-2605 HENSALL, ONT. PATI DARI•KOOL MILK COOLEIIS DARI•KOOL BOU VATIC MATERIAL HANDLING EQU1PMNENT PEDLAR STABLING COMPLETE INSTALLATION SILO UNLOADERS • FEEDERS . BARN CLEANERS C. Gerry Gascho BRUNNER, ONT. Phone Milverton 5958955 BLYTH DISTRICT -- CALL Glenn Gibson or Bill Bromley, Phone 523.4506 Summer Clearance Sale HALF PRICE DISCOUNTS ON - GIRL'S TEEN'S LADIES' 2.1.1 yrs. 10-14x 1.1 112-24 112 DRESSES BLOUSES T SHIRTS PANT SUITS Cotton Linen Fortrel Arnel COTTON SKIRTS Girl's and ladies' SLIMS JEANS KNEE PANTS SHORTS Girl's & Ladies' SWEATERS GIRL'S and LADIES' HATS 112 PRICE CHILDREN'S BATHERS CHILDREN'S SLEEP. WARE 20 PER CENT DISCOUNTS 0 N - LADIES' CHILDREN'S GIRL'S, JUNIOR'S, LADIES' COATS 2-1,1 yrs, 7-1710.2011112.22112 JACKETS 1) R ESS ES Assorted Ladies' and Girl's Vinyl and Cotton Skirts, Fortrel Slims, Denim Jeans, Housecoats SLIPS BRIEFS LADIES', CHILDREN'S, BOYS' BATHERS and SHORTS Shells, Tank Tops, Sweaters 10 PER (ENT DISCOUNTS ON NYLONS GIRDLES INFANTS CROCHET BRAZ WEAR COTTON KNITTING WOOLS & YARNS SPECIAL RACKS OF ITEMS Sale Starts Thursday, July 24th PRICED AT $1,00 and $2.00 ea. No Refunds or Charges at Sale Price Needlecraft Shoppe LADIES' AND CH ILDREN'S WEAR Blyth, Ont. Londesboro Items A nu'm'ber of our local Masons attended Grand Lodge in Toronto recently. Congratulations are ex• tended to Mr.. Clare Vincent who was elected 'District Deputy + Grand Master for North Huron. Mr. and Mrs. •Cliff Saundercock and Mr, and Mrs, Glen Carter and families are, spending a few days vacation at the 'beach, Rev. and Mrs, Robert Tschanz and family spent a couple of days + this week visiting friends in the community. Having just returned from a vacaton to the east coast. + r 4 Mr. and Mrs. John Lawrie and Robert John spent the weekend with the Thompsons. Other vis- itors were Mrs, Louise Heald, Bov- erside, California, Mrs. Pansy Smith, Meaford, aunt of Mr. Thompson and a cousin of Mrs. • REAL ESTATE 340 acres in two parcels, near Monkton. Excellent buildings. Houses have all conveniences, Level land, all :tile drained. 150 acres, 135 workable, 8 room house with all conveniences. Barn set up for beef. Bunk silo. Located in Hullett township. 550 acre 'beef farm in Teeswat• er area, Barns have capacity for 600 head, Three large silos with unloaders, 'I''vo houses, one only 25 years old, 'Modern convent. ences. Good terms, 100 acres in Morris twp, 8 TOM farme house with four•piece bath. Frame barn laid out for beef. Implement shed. Priced to sell. For Information on these and ether listings contact BRUCE FALCONER Phone 523.9513 Blyth Itepresentin* Lawrence hleKnight Real Estate Broker Phone 523.4351 Don McNaulty, Meaford, Rev. and Mrs. Heckendorn are spending three weeks of their va- cation at Niagara Falis, Arthur Airdrie accompanied by friends is vacationing in Nash- ville, Tennessee, for a • few days. Elliott Insurance Agency BLYTH -- ONTARIO. INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES •• r AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE. "WE SPECT ULIZE . IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4431 Phones Residence 523.4522 • • t N44-••-•1-NiH4-•-N-4♦+•M•- +N4 -M -.+.44t• 4$4 K. M, HULLEY BACKHOEING -- SHOVEL LOADING -- TRUCK HAULING GRAVEL -- TOP SOIL !lox 265, LONDESBORO, ONT, Phone 523.456ti CLARK UPHOLSTERY lt.11, 1, Auburn, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4528 LATEST COVERS •— FREE ESTIMATES John Clark Arthur Clark BILL'S ESSO SERVICE ESSO SERVICE STATION Lawn Mower Sales & Service -- Chain Saw Sales & Service MYTH, ONTARIO PIIONE 523.9556 BROOK'S CARPENTRY -- BLYTH PHONE 523.4503 M, BROOKS Itennovating and Cabinet Malting. • h�. BROOKS • Structure Framing and Small Buildings THE BLYTII ,STANDAIRD -- WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 10(39 +411+♦114+N44+-NN4++0+•-•+++4•••4-+44.•N••••r ♦••f ♦ • • • • • ♦ • • • • • • • • We've Jetisoned Our Meat Prices!. • HOME-MADE SAUSAGE per lb. 59c K.P. BQLOGNA, in the piece ... • per lb. •15c DAISY BACON ENDS 2 lbs. 99c QUARTERS OF BEEF CUT TO YOUR SPECIFICATIONS CUSTOM KILLING IN GOVERNMENT INSPECTED ABBITOIR Beef on Tuesdays and Thursdays Pigs Tuesday Only BEEF BY THE QUARTER OR HALF BLYTH BUTCHER SHOP Ernie "Freer" Button, Proprietor • BLYTII, ONTARIO. PHONE 52346151 r ♦ 4 ♦ • ♦ • ♦ • Priced From $8,95 to $17.95 R. W. Madill's • SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" ♦ • + \• • ++++ ++$ +4 4 •-f+-4.4-++.+.-4-.+4-r++ •-+ •-. MEN'S WORK BOOTS BY SISMAN GREB & KAUFMAN t CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Thursday and Friday t t • • • • • •t 44-•-•-•-•-•44-t++++++++++ +41+4-0-4-07+44-41++4-+++++++++4-40+ 4-0 • 4 4 + ♦ • • ♦ • 9 4 • 4 9 ♦ SELLING OUT TO THE BARE WALLS Women's Shoes Half Price Girl's White Shoes, sizes 8 to 3, Half Price Children's Running Shoes, 4 to 10, pull ons in red and blue 1.00 A11 Women's Dresses in the Store, Half Price Ladies' Pure Silk Head Scarfs Regular 98c 2 for 98c • • Men's Dubber Boots, red soles, made in ` England, 6 to 11 3.95 All Boys' Jackets and Windbreakers Half Price All Ladies' Hand Bags Half Price All Ladies' Shorts Half Price 4 t 4 N++ 11++,••I4140.I I,MINJ The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, .Ontario, p Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. 1 Fast Dependable Service, t Donald G. Ives R.R. 2, BLYTII Phone Rnissels 443w4 Dead 4 BELGRAVE NEWS ITEMS Don't forget the bus trip to Toronto Exhibition on August 20. Anyone who wishes to go is ask- ed to contact Mrs. Lorne Jamie- son or Mrs. Clarence Hanna be- fore August 10th. Mr, Dale Lamont spent a few days with his cousin, Douglas Mc- Crea, of Blyth, Mr. and Mrs. James Gaunt, An- drew, Caroline and Douglas, of Gagnon, Quebec, are spending .this week with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Gaunt, Mrs, George Vittendrelgh and her sister, Miss Minnie McElwain, Fordwich, Mrs, Fred liantiee, of Hamilton, visited Friday after- noon with Mr. and Mrs, Edgar Gaunt. Mrs. John Roberts took charge of both services at Calvin -Brick and Knox 'United Churches on Sunday in the absence of Rev. John Roberts who is 111. Mr, and Mrs, Lloyd Anderson and family, Mr, and Mrs. Les Shaw and family spent the week- end with their parents, Mr, and Mrs. John Anderson and attended the Anderson re -union, Miss Sharon Shaw, of London, is spending a weeks holidays with her Cousin, Doreen Anderson. Master ihwayne Mathers, of Ex- eter, spent a week's holidays with his grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Pengelley and Mr, and Mrs. Melville Mathers. Miss Maureen McCrea, Blyth, visited last week with her cousin, Donelda Lamont. Mrs. :clary Jarvis, of St, Cath- arines, visited among relattvesl for a few days last week and at- tended the Anderson re -union on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Vincent visited on Friday with Mr. and Mrs, Harold Vincent and Mr, and Mrs, G. Fowler and family, of Dashwood. Mr. Bruce Hanna, Palmerston, spent the (weekend with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jamie. son. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. J..•nes Leishman were, Mr, and Mri. Terry Bauer, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Leishman and Wendy, Mr, and Mrs. Percy Barker, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Barker, Goderich, Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Kennedy, of Londesboro, Master Dean and Craig Camp. bell are visiting with their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs, Arnold Mathers, of Toronto. 4+11-1I I *-N-•-+-.++*.++ •-+-.-wr..# BERG Sales • Service Installation FREE ESTIMATES • Ram Cleaners t1 Runk Feeders • Stabling Stock Picked Up 7 DAYS A WEER• 24 HOURS A 1)AY Huron Dead Stock Removal CLINTON -- ONTARIO TELEPHONE COLLECT 482.9811 Master Lurie Mathers is spend, ing this week with his grandpar- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Melville Ma. titers and Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Pengelley, Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Petrie, Herkimer, New York, visited on Sunday with Mrs. Laura Johnston and George and Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Yuill and family. Mr, and Mrs, Albert Vincent spent a few days with Mr, and Mrs. George Bullock, 'Zurich, also visited -witc) Mr, Norman Vincent and Mrs. Helen 13irdwhistle of Grand Bend, Master Clinton Lennox, Gerrie, and John Iianna, Kitchener, are holidaying with their aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Jamie- son. Mr, and Mrs, Gerald Augustine, Patty and Brian, of Btlrlington, are spending a week's holidays whit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bacon. Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Mathers and family, of Toronto, visited on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, We pay $5.00 to $15.00 for disabl• ed or dead cows and 2c per Ib. for standing horses. Small calves and pigs picked up free of charge. LICENCE NO. 169.3.08 933 tamminumummasamsommiar Donnybrook Mr. and Mrs, Harold Meath - they, Doreen, Doug and Glenyce, of Auburn, visited last Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Wes- ley .Jefferson and family, Airs. .1. C, .Robinson of Wing - ham, Mrs, Herb Dainty and Lin• da of Pelawawa, Mr, and Mrs, Ger- ald Dainty and Billie of Toronto, who, had attended the Robinson reunion, visited over last week- end with Mr. and Mrs, Edward Robinson and family. The children going to Bible School the past week from Don- nybrook CJC, were Jane and El- len 'Thompson, Debbie, Brian, Doreen and Barry Jefferson; this week Jane Thompson, Joyce ,Chamney and Debbie Jefferson went to Menesetung Camp for the week. Gordon Pengelly and lir, and Mrs. Melville Mathers. Arnold is taking a summer course in Toronto, FOR A TASTY WEEKEND TREAT FRESH BARBECUED CHICKEN $1.5Oeach AT WALLACE TURKEY PRODUCTS Available every Saturday until further notice PHONE 523-9251 4-4-4-4+++++++4-144-0-4-#-++++++44-04-44-444++++++++++.4441 FO Snell'sMAR KODET DOWN TO EARTH PRICES Bartliff's Fresh Money Dip Donuts, Doz, 49c Nescafe Instant Coffee, 10 oz. $1.49 Clover Leaf Fancy Pink Salmon l's . , , . .79 Lee's Crushed, Tidbits or Sliced Pineapple 19 oz. 4 for 89c Hyatt's Beans with Pork, 14 oz.... 7 for 99c Sarco Orange Juice, 48 oz. 39c Bee Hive Corn' Syrup, 2 lb. tin 39c Blue Bonnet Soft Margarine, 1 lb. 39c Crisco Cooking Oil, 24 oz. 69c Fluffo Shortening, 1 lb, 2 for 69c Bere's Sultana Raisins, 2 lb. 69c Dare's Parisienne Cookie Assortment 1 114 Ib. Shirriff Jelly Desserts - 6 pkgs. for 59c Allen's Orange Crystals 5 pkgs. for 89c 49c Fresh Loin Pork Chops per Ib. 89c Coleman's Epicure Bacon ...l. 1 lb. pkg. 79c Coleman's Bologna, piece or sliced, per lb. 39c Fresh Sliced Pork Liver Ib.. 39c 1 1 ♦ Cjntario No. 1 New Potatoes 10 Ib. 55c t 1.05 reg. 1,49, only 99c 69c 1.49 20 1b. Lustre Net Hair Spray, Bio -Ad, giant size Tide XK, king size Phone 523.9332 We Deliver Auburn & District News Items Of Personal Interest Mr, and Airs, Ronald Rathwe11, Michael and Janice, spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs, Gordon Taylor, The 'Rathwells have just returned from a holt• day on the west coast of Canada. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Johnston of London spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, Masters Johnny and Paul flag• gitt of Zurich returned home on Saturday after holidaying with their grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. Thomas 'Haggitt and Stephen. Miss Marilyn Doer of London spent the Weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Daer. Mr. and Mrs. Norman McDowell spent Sunday in London visiting with Mr, and Mrs. Arthur Laid. law. Miss Laura Daer of Stratford spent the weekend with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Daer. Mr, and firs, James Schneider and family moved last week into their new home purchased from the Mogridge estate. We are pleased to report that kIrs, Fred 'Wagner returned home recently after being a patient in Clinton hospital for several weeks, The Auburn Public Library will be closed on Saturday, July 26th and rAugust 2nd for the annual holiday. Hisses Jean Houston and Jean Jamieson of Toronto spent the weekend witch their sister, Miss Frances Ilouston and aunt, Miss Olive Young. Mrs, John Youngblut and sons Norman and Gordon spent Thum day in Owen Sound. Mrs. Bert Craig visited recent• iy with Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wil• limns and family at. Port Huron, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Ratihhy visited on Sunday .with Mr and Mrs. Grant Raithby and family at Collingwood. Mr, and Mrs. Wm. J. Craig and Mr, and Mrs, Ray Maclllmurray of Flint, Michigan, were Sunday vis. .hors with Mr and Mrs, Wm. S. Craig, )Clinton, Mr. and Mrs. 'Ro- bert J. Craig, Ilderton, and also Mr. and Mrs. Harry Worsell and Mrs, Betty Wilkin, Goderieh, who had just returned from a motor trip to Ontario, California, where they visited with their sister, Dor- othy, Mr. and Mrs, Stan G, Strass• er, and attended the wedding of their daughter, Barbara. MISSIONARY SOCIETY MEETS The )Women's Missionary Seel ety of Knox Presbyterian Church met for its July meeting in the Sunday school room of the church with the president, Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson, in charge. • The meeting was opened with a poem read for the call to woe• ship, The hymn, Within Thy Tabernacle Lord, was sung with Mrs. Donald Haines at the piano. The devotional period was taken by Mrs. Wes. Bradnock and a chapter from Matthew was read alternately. The meditation was on Forgiveness and was closed with prayer. The minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs, Alvin Leatherland. Mrs, Donald Haines gave the financial statement, A solo, Let the sun shine in, was sung by Miss Lorraine Ohamney. 'Phe chapter in the study book, The Wings of Wham'bi, was read by Miss Minnie Wagner, The roll call was answered by naming a Deaconess of the Presbyterian Church in Canada and telling where they are working. The meeting was closed by singing the hymn, My faith looks up to GRAND VIEW LUNCH "Shopping Centre" Call In For Meals - Hot & Cold Drinks - Sundries Phone. 5234171 Blyth Edith L. Creighton Special This Weekend --- WESTINGHOUSE -- DELUXE REFRIGERATOR Si;l'ARA'1'E ZERO FIIEi:ZING COMPARTMENT — Stores 124 lbs, of Frozen Food. COMPLETELY FROS'P FREE PACKAGES WON'T STICK TOGETHER ICE CUBE '!'RAYS WON'T JAM 171/2 LB, MEAT KEEPER 2 VEGETABLE CRISPERS LiFT•OFF CONTAINER FOR. 22 EGGS This Beautiful Refrigerator Will Add Style And Grace To Any home It's Low, Low Priced This Weekend (ronin's HARDWARE N BLYTH TFLEPRONE 623.9273 YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER • Thee, and the benediction was said by Mrs. Bradnock. A delicious lunch was served by Mrs, Alvin Leatherland, assist• ed by Miss Minnie Wagner. BRIDE•ELECT HONOURED AT SIIOWER Miss Mary Kirkeonnell of Owen Sound was honoured last Satur• day evening with a bridal shower when friends and relatives Bath• ered to honour her prior to her marriage next month. Ms. Ed. Davies was chairmin and the program was opened by a sing -song led by Mrs, Gordon R. 'Taylor accompanied by Mrs. Donald Haines. Readings were given by Mrs. George Schneider, How to preserve a husband, How to preserve a wife, and This old world Is in a hurray. A piano solo medley of old tunes was played by Mrs, Robert Phillips. A trou• sseau contest was conducted by Mrs, Donald Cartwright. A piano solo was played by Cathy McClin. they. A duet, Every little wave had It's night cap on was sung by Sharon and Leona Jackson of Mitchell. A reading, how to cook a husband, was given by Mrs. Donald Cartwright. Mrs, Eileen Short pinned a cor• sage on the guest of honour and Miss Cathy Schneider pinned one on her sister, Miss Diane Kirk. connnell. They were escorted to decorated chairs placed in a streamer -draped arch. Miss Mar• ilyn Daer read an address of con. gratulations and gifts were pre. sented by Laura Daer, Cathy Schneider, Sharon Jackson and Janice +Daer, Mary thanked her friends and relatives for the lovely gifts and lunch was served by Mrs. Thomas Haggitt, Mrs. George Schneider, Mrs, Roy Daer, Mrs. Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Donald Cartwright. -CHILDREN'S DAY HELD BY AUBURN . W.I. Children's Day was observed by the Auburn Women's Institute at their July meeting held in the Community Memorial Hall last week, Mrs, Frank .Raithby was in charge of the meeting which op. ened with the Ode, Mary Stew- art 'Collect and 0 Canada with .firs, William• J. Craig at the pi. no. The president welcomed the rorty children who had came and he mothers as well as the mem hers, . The minutes were approved as read by secretary .Mrs, Bert Craig. She also gave the financial state. ment. A thank you note was read from Mrs. 'Frank diallahan expres• sing thanks to the W.I. for serv- ing erying their wedding dinner. Plans were made to assist the Dungan non W.I.'for the 'Huronview party in September. Mrs, Gordon Tayl- or and Mrs, Bert Craig were nam• ed a committee' to do this. The 'W,I. was asked to cater to the 1Howson wedding next month. Mrs, Donald Haines was asked to convene the kitchen and Mrs. W. 'Bradnock the dining room. If was decided to buy two barbecues for the park and it is hoped that they will be here soon, A committee of Mrs. Gordon Tay for and Mrs, Ed. Davies was ask- ed to inquire about buying table- cloths and an electric roaster for the hall. The card report was given by Mrs, Andrew ;Kikconnell and she also read the thank you notes. The collection was taken by iFaye Seers and ')Lary Raithby and the pennies for Friendship taken by Teresa Campbell. The program commenced with a trio, Lorraine, Douglas and El- don •Chanuney, who sang Papa Sang Bass, .accompanied by their mother, Mrs, Gordon Chamney, Lynn Turner played a piano solo, Those were the days, and Cathy AleClinehey also played 'a piano solo. Contests were ` held by Mrs, Thomas 'Haggitt 'and Mrs, Leon• and . Archambault, : The holder of .the ;lwIry ticket 'vas' Mrs. Gordon ;Taylor, and.. the child with the THE BLYTH STANDARD --• WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1909 SCREENED TOPSOIL (stone, grass and root free) CEMENT GRAVEL ROAD GRAVEL BACKHOE WORK LIGii'I' DOZING, RACKFILLING, LEVELLING AND LANDSCAPE WORK LYLE 1IONTGOMERY CLiN'rON PHONE 482.7644 EVENINGS or CLAYT'S GULF SERVICE 482.7661 IN • •1+4444-04..`.44P+41..4441..+++++++++++++++++++. f Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON — K..:, i..M — SEAP ORTB Open Every Afternoon PHONE i4,4�TiiJR Business 236-11626 Residence 235.1384 •+ • ♦ + • . f+. •••+•+• • .• .++ • • .+$ �+$-++++ -4 r+ -• 444++ 4 * 1 DIAM NDS SEE THE LARGE SELECTION ANSTETT JEWELLERS LTD. Clinton - Walkerton - Seaforth .•••••••J•••••-••• - ++++•+ -•-• *44-4 most recent haircut was Johnny 1laggitt. Child with a broken lace was, boy, Timmy McLennan, and girl, Tracey Machan; most buttons, Dougie Glousher; birth- day nearest date, Trudy Machan. Catherine 'Louise MeClinchey won the prize for having the most letters In her name. An interesting penny sale was held and the winners were Nancy Daymond, Mary 'Raithby, Mrs. .Arnold Craig, Johnny Haggitt, ]rod McLelland, Mrs. William Dodd, Marilyn Archambault, Ter- esa Campbell, Faye Seers, Mrs. William Straughan, Timmy ;Mc- Lellan, 'Trudy Machan, Cathy Me• iClinchey, 'Tracey Machan, Lorie Cartwright, David Cartwright, Mrs. John Daer, Danny .Rueger, Sharon Glousher, Carol Rueger, Mrs, Gordon Chamney, Mrs, Ro- hert Phillips, Mrs, Frank Raithby, Carol Seers, Eldon Chamney, Douglas Chamney, Susie Raithby, Lorraine Chamney, Shawn McLel- 'ian, Yvonne Bean. The youngest child present was Lorie Cartwright and the oldest was Lynn Turner. The children coming the farthest were Susie itaithby, Mary Raithby and Ter, esti Campbell, all from Colling- wood. -Cookies, ice cream and freshie, was served by the hostesses, Mrs. Thomas 'Haggitt and Mrs.' Leon- ard Archambault, Counter. Check iBooks (printed or blank) At The Standard Office NEW RALCO BARN CLEANER FEATURING SWINGING TYPE ELEVATOR. UP TO.65 FT, UP TO 700 FT, PULL Compare Price and Quality Before You Buy With Laverne Johnston COMPLETE INSTALLATIONS Phone 5954391.... -Milverton WEST WAWANOSH SEEK ADDITIONAL SCHOOL REPRESENTATION The regular July session of the West Wawanosh Township Muni• cipal council was held at the hall on Tuesday evening, July 8th with all numbers in attendance. The minutes of the June meet• ing were react and adopted on mo- tion of councillors McDonald and Aitchison. Mr. Oscar de Boer, Bank Man• ager of Auburn, attended the meeting and discussed interest rates, drain by-laws and the fin. ancial position of the township with council. Three drain by-laws were given first and second readings on mo- tion of councillors McDonald and Foran, and carried. These are: Bylaw No. 7, 1969, The Purdon Drainage Works By -Law; By-law No. 8, 1969, The Mae'1'avish Drain. age Works Bylaw; and Bylaw No, 9, 1969, The Anderson Drain- age 13y -law. Messrs. Joseph Hickey and Neil Stapleton appeared before council with a request that coup• 'eil endorse a petition for presen- tation to the C.R.C. S.S, Board of Iluron•Perth for an additional rep- resentative from the Kingsbridge area on the l3oard. Council con. plied and all members signed the petition, DANCE BRUSSELS LEGION HALL FRIDAY, JULY 25th Desjardine's Orchestra Restricted to Persons 21 Years of Age And Over THE liUTII STANDARD - WEDNESDAY, JULY 23rd, 1969 Business Directory=-= SELL IT! BUY ITS RENT ITl FIND IT: PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" T() WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YUI) Cronin's Television SALES Ss SERVICE MYTH - -. Phone 523.827.1 r i i a i roam ,r J. E. U)NGSTAF'F - OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street -- CLINTON MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5,30 p,m For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTH OFFICE Balance of Week •••• Phone 527.121(1 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & NERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES 01' CLEANERS AND POLISHERS FILTER QUEEN SALES Varna -,. Tel. toll. Mensal) 698112 SANITARY SEWAGE DISPOSAL SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC, PUMPED & MANED FREE ESTIMATES LOUIS BLAKE - Brussels R.R. 2 -- ('hone 442W8 DK. R. W. STREET !MYTH - ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS; 13;4 Appointment Only, Except Fmergem•rrs Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W, R. HAMILTON •-••• OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WiNGHAI%1 Phone 367.1301 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker. R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 523.4481; Res, 523.4522 or 523.4313 WANTED:. Listings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. IIENTI,FY -• ACCOUNTANT G011E1111111 -- ON'rAR11) Telephone 44.9521 1 Britannia Rd., E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MiLL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, Q.C., N, Shepherd, LLB., . A, 'Mill, 13.A., L41,13. In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LO('ATEiD I11' ELLIOTT INSURANCE; AGENCY Blyth 52.34481 Phoues Wingham 3574630 DDORI';EN'S BEAI.I'I'Y SIiOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN MCCALLUTi •- Phone BIyth 523.4511 Closed All Daly Monday •-• Open Tuesday Through Saturday BLYTH BEAUTY BAR OPEN TUESDAYS, THURSDAYS, FRIDAYS, Also some Saturday Mornings PHONE, BLYTH 523.9341, if no answer BRUSSELS 345W5 ANN HOLLINGER BLAKE'S WELDING. & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING. • ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 18 King Street CLINTON Phone 482-73113 H. T. Dale SEPTIC TANK SERVICE CLINTON PHONE COLLECT 482.3320 BLYTH SiNGER ' CENTER Repairs to all Makes and Models of Sewing Machines WARNER COLLiNGS, PROP.' ..))!hone 5234275, , Res+.. 523.4501 g 1 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS CARD OF THANKS 1 wish to express appreciation to all who sent cards and flowers, made visits and enquiries while 1 was a patient in Clinton and St. Joseph llospitals. A special thank you to the nurses Dr, Street, 'Dr. Busby and Mrs. Clar- ence Crawford, Austin Dexter. 02.1. MOWER KNIVES SHARPENED at Bill's Esso Service, phone 523.9556 Blyth. 52•tf WANTED TO BUY Rabbits, all sizes, special prices • for 4 to 8 lb. fryers. Phone Hughes, 523.9424 Blyth, 4412 REG. SMITH SIGNS Truck Lettering, Plastic Signs. Farm and Commercial. Corner East and High Streets, Clinton, • Ontario. 33tf CONCRETE WORK Expert chimney and roofing repairs; specializing in stabling. Don Ives, phone Brussels 443W4. 37.tf 'r 1 1► • r • 4 Y 9 CLINTON SALE BARN Sale every Fri. 7:30 p.zn, (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P andlT Transport Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton e • FOR SALE 13e11 piano in good condition. Edward Watson, phone 623.4643 Blyth, 02.1. LATEST TRADE•IN 16' Beatty silo unloader, 5 h.p., twin augres. Phone Patz Equip. ment, Milverton 595.8955. 02.1 NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE ESTATE OF CHARLES ALEXANDER MACIIAN ALL PERSONS having claims against the Estate of the above mentioned late of the Township of IJullett, in the County of Hur• on, Retired Farmer, who died on the, first clay of July, 1989, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or be- fore the ninth day of August, 1969. After that date the Executrix will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to those claims of which she shall then have had notice. Dated at-Wingham this 21st day of July, 1969. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL Wingham, Ontario. Solicitors for the Executrix 02.3. IN i IEMORIAAI McNALiL - In loving memory of a dear husband and father, Trooper Robert John McNall, who was killed in France 25 years ago on July 25, 1944. Time goes on with many changes Joys and sorrows, smiles and tears. But his'meniory is ever cherished With the pasisng of the years. -- Always remembered by his wife and family, 02•lp BEATTY Farin Service Centre CORNER OF ttl,i3EIt.'I' & PRINCESS STS„ CLINTON, ONT. Manure Hurdling Systems . Feed Automations • Stabling and Pen Equipment • Ali Types Pressure Systems "We service what we sell" Ph. 482.9561 "Proudly Canadian" L. and M. BUILDING COMPANY R.R. 2, llluevale Phone Brussels 320J4 or 327J4 ASPHALT & STEEL ROOFING Reasonable Rates - Only Quality Material Used Electrical Contractors All Types of Electrical Work •--• Motor Repairs QU.ALtFIED FARM VENTILATION INSTALLATION AGENTS' FON CJIAMPION R.OLLI+7RS &. GRINDERS .1 BROMLEY Ph. 523.4506 GLEN GIBSON Auctioneer and Appraiser I.Ice1,sed to Sell All Types of Auction Sales RATHWELL, R,It. 1, Bnteefield -- Ph, 982.3384 PECKI'I`T PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS - OiL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont. Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US -- --- WE HAVE TIIE CONTACTS AND TIIE PROSPECTS C. BUR UMA R.R. 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:. K. W. COLQUHOUN LTD., Clinton. • LYLE YOLiNGBLUT GI1., BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE 523.9585 "Your 011 Heating' Contractor" r WANTED TO BUY Children's swing set and pic- nic table, in good condition. Mrs. Dave Kernber, phone 523.43513, R)yth, 0].1 WANTED Girl would like ride to Goderich Business College. Mary Kember, phone 523.4358 Blyth, 02.1 FOR SALE Almost new 5 -piece chrome dinette suite, reasonable. Apply to phone 523.4377, Blyth. 02.1, FOR SALE 7•roorn white brick bungalow, 3 bedrooms, bathroom, oil heat, hardwood floors throughout, hard and soft water. Small barn and garage on opposite side of street, Edward Watson, phone 523.4543, Blyth. 02-2p, FOR SALE 80 acres of standing hay. May store in barn free of charge. Phone 523.4523 Blyth. 52•1p FOR SALE 35 ton mixed grain. Bill Ross, phone 523.4259 Blyth. 01.2 HOUSE FOR SALE Modern 2 Bedroom Bungalow, large lot, oil furnace, built•in cupboards, close to uptown, school and churches. Apply Wil- liam Knox, phone 523.9382 Blyth. 01.3 CLEARING AUCTION SALE OF DAIRY COWS To he held at Lot 4, Concession 8, Morris Township, 1 mile north and. mile East of Blyth, on WEDNESDAY, JULY 30 at 1.30 p.m, Consisting of 23 milking, fresh and springing grade Holstein cows. Herd on D.H.LA. Owner or Auctioneer not re• sponsible for any accidents day of sale. TERMS CASH Proprietor: James Wilson. Auctioneer: Brian Rintoul, 01.2 SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks cleaned and re- paired. Blocked Drains opened with modern equipment. Prompt service, Irvin Coxon, Milverton, Ont., Telephone 595.8325 43tf BROADLOOM CLINTON'S CARPET CENTRE Wall to Wall Installations or Area Carpets. * Samples shown in your home. " Free Estimates. • Guaranteed Installations, There's a Celanese Carpet for every room in the home. "Quality you can trust" From BALL & HUTCH FURNITURE LIIIIITED Phone 482.9505 Clinton 30-tr. Do you really want to sell? Your Home, Farm, Cottage, Business, then list with us. STAN KAY PHONE 523.4464 BLYTR Representing II. Keith Ltd., 'Realtor -- Toronto, Ont. "Over. 600 people to serve you" or ®■11116 1'HE BLYTH STANDARD — ANDERSON REUNION WAS MELD IN BELGRAVE JULY 19 Nearly 100 registered for the Anderson reunion which was held in Belgrave, July 19th. Dinner and supper were served by the United Church Women in the church basement. The guests were we1- eomed dry James Anderson, of Guelph, the retiring president, Marian Anderson, Guelph, tap danced to the music of Zambisi, and Donna Hunking played a pi• ono solo. Next years officers are: Presi. ve WN4NrN1►4•N4 .****N*NI•N•h PRICE CHANGE EFFECTIVE AUGUST 4th, 1969 TILE PRICE OF HAIR CUTS WILL INCREASE TO CHILDREN X1,00 ADULTS 81.50 Walsh's Barber Shop BLYTII, ONTARIO NESDAY, JULY 233rd, 1969 a'oronto, London, St, Catharines, Downsview, Weston, Guelph, Lu. cknow, Wingham, 1 ondes!boro .and Brussels, Oa Les Shaw, London; Seere• Mary, Marguerite Anderson, Prin ecton; Registration, Lloyd Ander- son. London, and .Keith Anderson. Itexdale; Sports, Nancy Anderson. Belgrave, Mary Anne Wheeler. Belgrave; Programme, Donner, Shaw, London, Mabel Wheeler. Belgrave; Lunch committee, Bar bara Anderson, Belgrave, Ruby Anderson, Princeton, Sara An, derson, Brussels and 11arl.ha llart• lin, Downsview. The afternoon sports were in charge of Linda Coultes and Kar, en Anderson and were enjoyed by all. At the supper hour Clifford Coulles gave a reading. Several prizes were given for lucky plate numbers, winners, firs, 1Villiam M1cArter, Mrs, A, J. Burke, Lloyd Anderson, Susan Anderson and Hae Schell. A prize for the coup ie married the longest was won by Mr. and Mrs, Rae Schell, of T llsonhurg. Mrs. Rogers, Van• couver. won theprize for coin. ing the farthest distance, Lucky Birthday prizes were won by Mrs. Jack Anderson, Mary Anne Wheeler, Lloyd Anderson and RI• chard Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Nicholson won the prize for having the largest family present, The next reunion will be held in Belgrave the third weekend in July, 1971, '.'hose attending were from, Vancouver, Princeton, Eastwood, Si - $1.00 STORE - BLYTH HOLIDAYS STORE WILL 13E CLOSED FROM JULY 28th THROUGH TO AUGUST 6th Open On August 7th Thank You. Going On VACATION or a PICNIC? NOXZEMA SUNTAN 1,011ON OR 011, COPPERT0NE SUNTAN LOTION •— Q,T, LOTION SOLARCAINE LOTION FOR SUNBURNS OZONOL OINTMENT OFF REPELLENT PICNIC PLATES, CUPS AND SERVIE'PTS -- CHARCOAL SWLM CAPS NOSE CLIPS AND EAR PLUGS SUN GLASSES CLIP ON OR REGULAR FILM • COLOR or BLACK AND WHITE FLUSILtBYES FOR BABY 011 TODDLER Special This Week HELENA RUBINSTEIN WATER LiLY CLEANSING CREAM Regular 55,50 FOR 52.95 AIR FRESHENER — Floral, Lilac, Pine and Spice, Regular 99c ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,3333..,, FOR 19e WILSON'S PATENT MEDICINES BLYTH, ONT. Phone 4440 GiFTS — COSMETICS CHINA -- VARIETY ITEMS TRY OUR SPECIALTY CHINESE FOOD PROMPT SERVICE ON TAKEOUT ORDi';RS • PiI, 523.4391 ALL TYPES OF MEALS AND LiGHT LUNCHES Open Every Evening Except Wednesday HURON GRILL Dam, ONTARIO Belgrave Mr. and Mrs. .Melville Mathers attended a party for his father, Mr. henry Mathers, of Hurortvierv, who celebrated his 90th birthday, Saturday, July 19, at the home of Mr, and Mrs, Charles Mathers, Ofirers attending from this area were Mr. George, Johnston and his father, Mr, David Johnston, Mrs, Cooper Nethery and Mary Isabel. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Perdue, of Islington, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Lawrence Vannan. Miss Kelly Schueneman, Lon• don, visited on the weekend with her uncle and aunt, Mr, and Mrs, Cliff Logan. Mr. Gary Robinson, Wroxeter, formerly of BelgrAve, has started his own barber shop (clubsman) in Wingham. NIL and Mrs. Hugh Minn, Jo anne and Jennifer Rock visited with Miss 'Rebecca Hill, of Huron• view on Monday. 518 ISAAC BROCK STAMP 'r0 BE ISSUED Major-General Sir Isaac lIrock, K.13., "Hero of Upper Canada," Who died on Queenston Heights leading his troops in the success• ful defence of Canada, is to be commemorated during the 200th anniversary of the year of his birth -by the release of a Canada Post Office stamp on 12th Sep. !ember 1969, Brock, born on the AUCTION SALE Of Properties and Household Effects of the Estate of George Brown, from Dlneley Street, Blyth, on SATURDAY, JULY 26 at 1,30 p.m. ..PROPERTY NO, 1 •— The lots, 6, 7, 1 and 15 Kelly's Survey in the viilage of -Blyth, on which is situated a 2 storey 8 room brick dwelling, with 3-plece bath, built in kitchen cupboards, hardwood floors and oil furnace and full basement. PROPERTY NO, 2 -- From the same place there will be offered for sale the 50 acre pasture farm situated at part of the west halt of lot 18, concession 13, Hallett Township, ,The farm is offered for sale subject to expiration of the present rental lease which expir• es at the end of the year 1969. iIOUSEHOLD EFFECTS Chesterfield bed; Chesterfield; upholstered arm chair; wicker arm chair; wicker rocking chair; rocking chair; Sparton 21 Inch television; coffee table; mahog- any 2 tier table; .pedestal tables; hall tables; hall seat; hall mirror; drop top desk; end table; nmoking stand; china cabinet; sewing calx incl; Itoger's cabinet radio; 2 wooden beds, springs and mitres. ises; 2 dressers; 4 drawer modern walnut chest; W34 tubular bed; springs and mattress; day bed; pine chest of drawers; 2 blanket boxes; 5 piece chrome breakfast ; suite; drop leaf chrome table; kitchen chairs; side chairs; fern. ery stand; flower stand; McClary 4 burner electric range; Frig!. • claire refrigerator, with top freez. ; er; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; electric clock; washing machine; • WESTFIELD Mrs. Jasper ItIe[lrien of Huron. view visited with Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Snell and family over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Ron Snell and Nancy visited with :lir, and Mrs. Gordon Westlake at Bayfield on Friday. They celebrated Nancy's first birthday July 181.h. Mrs, Mcl3rien of. 1Iuronview vis. itcd with Mr, Gordon Snell and Miss Jeanetta Snell on Saturday. The Westfield Fellowship Hour held its first service • on Sunday with a good attendance, Special music by Mrs. Phyllis Rodger. Minister was Rev, Kenneth Knight, NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS IN THE MATTER OF THE ES. 'FATE OF JOHN BARROW CLOUGII WATSON, late of the Village of lllylh in the County of Huron, Drover, deceased. NOTICE IS JIEREBY GIVEN pursuant to The Trustee Act that all eredilors and others having claims against the Estate of the late John Barrowclough Watson are required to send particulars of their claims, duly verified, to J. T. GOODALL, Solicitor for the Administrator of the said Estate, on or before the 30th day of 'Au• gust, 1969, and that after such date the Administrator will pro- ceed to distribute the assets of the said estate, having regard only to the claims of which he shall then have had notice. DATED at ,Wingham, Ontario, this 17th day of July, A,D, 1969. Edward George Watson, Administrator of the Estate, By his Solicitor, J. T. GOODALL, Box 730, Wingham, Ontario. 02.3 GRAVEL "CRUSHED CEMENT GRAVE CRUSHED ROAD GRAVEL "BRICK SAND "TOP SOIL BUD CHAMNEY AUBURN 526.7799 Island of Guernsey on 6th Octob- er )1769, died on 13th October 1812. FOR SALE 1 pair whitewall tubeless tires 600 x 13 on .rims, used less than 1000 miles, $35.00 complete. Ap• ply Blyth Standard, 02.1p LOST Boy's ring with the initials R S lost at the wading pool. Finder !please contact Doug Scrimgeour. CAMPING IS rt DELIGHT iN A Ri])ELiiTE Ililander • Town and Country 'fent Trailers. Somers and Rich- mond Sales • Rental, phone 47 or 260W Brussels. 41.40 •,••.••+••••4•41.4••+••.4 JAMES E. RICE R.R. 1, Blyth -- Tel. 523.4420; YOUR RAWLEIGH DEALER ('ELEBRATING 4 YEAR'S SERVICE "You Ring - We Bring" •.•••.••4.••••••••e•••••4+0 MIKE'S Farm Equipment BRUSSELS Box 251 Ph. 211 YOI IR J AMESWAY DEALER for ALES and SERVICE "First in Power Choring" Dairy • Beef • Hog Poultry Let a Standard Classified Ad, Work For You .t4-•-•-•-••-•-4-0-4.-4410+114-•••••••-•••-444 1 44-4404+44.4••••••-•4 4+1 . . Stewar tg • • • • • • • • • / R ed&3 White Food Mkt • 1 • • • BLYTH, ONT.. I'hone 9.1151 WE DELIVER • • • • • • •Gerber's Strained Baby Food •1 for 53c • 1 Sunspun Cheese Slices, 8 oz. pkg. ... , . , . 33c • Koolaid or Freshie 20 pkgs. 99c Surf Washing Detergent, 2 lb. pkg, • • .. 69c Satin Marg'erine, 1 lb, print 6 for 1.00 Del Monte Canned Vegetables, 10 oz. 7 tins ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1.00 Delsey Bathroom Tissue 4 rolls 59c 4 laundry tubs; tri•Iight; table and dresser lamps; clothes hamper; trunk; scatter mats; dishes; glass. ware; part toilet set; 5 gallon stone crock; quantity of fruit and sealers; cooking utensils; Eureka power mower; hand mower; 1956 Chevrolet sedan; numerous other articles, 'PERMS ON PROP .IU DES -- 10%down on date of sale and bal• ante in 26 days with properties sold subject to reserve bids, TERMS ON HOUSEHOLD 1DVFEUDS CASH Robert Hall, ;Gordon ..Mott, Executors of the George Brown Estate, Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer, 01.2 4 • + • • • • • • • • • • 4 • • • • 4 • • • v • r • • r • v • • • + • s • Libby's Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz., 3 for 1.00 Soft Drinks in Tins • • .... , ...... 12 for 1.00 Shiriff's Jelly Powders • • • ... • . 6 pkgs. 59c t Shiriff's Sundae Topping 3 jars 75c Buy Of The Week No, 1Ontario New Potatoes , 20 lb. bag . Weston Bread . • . • • • • , • • • , , . 3.3•••33,...• . 10 lb. bag 59c •....*.... 1.17 4 loaves 99c Sunspun Ice Cream half gal, 93c t ellhousc Coffee, 1 lb, bag 77c