The Blyth Standard, 1967-06-07, Page 1T `2,50 A Year In Adyance -- $3,50 In U,S,A. T BLYTII, ONTARIO — WEDNESDAY, JUNK 7th, 1967 Feed Mill Opening Attracted Large Crowd Approximately '750 persons were on hand for the official opening of the now Howson and Howson Limited feed mill last Wednesday 'afternoon, Many of those attended availed themselves of the opportunity of touring through the new building and also enjoyed a rodeo, show presented by Tommy Bishop of Ridgeville, Ontario, Shows were presented at 2:30 and 4 p,m. The new mill was officially op• ened by Mr, Murray Gaunt, MPP for Huron -Bruce. Other dignitar• les in attendance and who also spoke from the platform were: Reeve Borden Cook of Blyth; Bob McKinley, MP for Huron; Prank King, Canadian Sales Manager, .and Clare Mosley, Ontario Sales ,Manager of the Rolston Purina Co, Mr, Fred I-Iowson manager of Howson and Howson Limited, wel- comed the guests, Mr. King presorted Frank How- son, elder partner in the firm, with a blanket. Mr, Rowson ex- pressed his thanks. APaster of Ceremonies for the day was Jack Gorey, Purina Sales Representative for this area. The ladies of the Blyth Women's Institute served milk, donuts, sloppy joes and coffee to those in attendance. The food was sup. plied by Rowson and I-Iowson Limi• ted. Several companies had display ,booths at the mill and many rep- resentatives of firm, and from area milling firms, were also in aIle ndanee, Mullett Friends and tleighbours Honoured Former Residents Three families who have recent- ly moved from the 13th of Hullett were honoured last Friday night. by friends and former neighbours at a get-together at the home of Mr, and Mrs. Ted Hunking and ,Mr. Bert flunking. The honoured:couples were Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Lyon, Mr, and Mrs, Bent Shobbrook and Mr, and Mrs, Clarence Crawford, The Lyons and Crawfords are now liv- ing in .Blyth ttihile the Shobbrooks have moved to Londesboro, The evening was enjoyed by playing cards, after tt^hich Mrs, Ted Iiunking read the following address: Dear Nellie, Stanley and Veva; Mamie, Clarence and Charlie; Dora and Bert: We are very sorry to see you go after spending so many years on the 13th. We hope that your new homes will be as happy as your old. Seeing that you are not so far away, we hope that you will still visit us and consid- er ,this your neighbourhood, May ,these gifts show in a small way the esteem with which you are held here,• —Signed on behalf of the 13th neighbours. Gilts were presented by Ted and henry Hunking, The Craw- fords received a set of TV tables: the Shobbrooks a pole lamp; and the Lyons a tri -light lamp and dish, The men replied; expressing their sincere gratitude. W.I, LADIES DISPLAYED OLI) JEWELLERY AT THEIR JUNE MEETING The June meeting of the Blyth Women's Institute was in charge of Mrs. D. Hallahan and Mrs, D. Webster, convenors of Historical Research and Current Events, The roll call brought forth some intresting old pieces of jew• eliry, Mrs. Hallahan gave an in. teresting paper on "Be kind to the aged your turn will come," Miss Pearl Gidley enertained the mem- bers to some old time piano num- bers, Airs, D. 'Webster told about some of the pioneer prices and hardships. An intresting account of the bus trip to the Adelaide I-ioodless home was given. Mrs, IIallahan w+ho hacl recently attended the officers convention HARRY TEBBUTT RESIGNS AS IIULLETT TOWNSHIP • CLERK•TREASURER Hullett Township council has accepted the resignation of Mr, Harry F. Tebbutt, clerk4treasurer and tax collector, with the change to take effect as soon as a re• placement can be found, Harry accepted the job as clerk - treasurer in June 1958 when he succeeded the late George Cowan, He has accepted full time employ anent with the Blyth firm of A, Manning and Sons, and will also keep his job as secretary of the Hullett Township School Area Board, which he has held since the new area was formed. Congratulations to Mrs, Harold Vodden who celebrates her birth - in Guelph gave a very interesting account of her stay there. She said that Mrs, Small, the Ontario Pre• silent, praised the 4-I1 courses and the W. 1. short courses. She urged every W. I. menther to strive for excellence. Airs, Don Glousher gave a demonstration of rug hooking. Airs, 13, Walsh presided for the business part of the meeting, It was announced that, the plaque was now en the W. 1. Centennial Fon !Ili an, Plans were made for members to attend Convention in Guelph on the 12th of June. Lunch \vas served by Mrs, W. Good, Mrs, Ohellety and Mrs, Lar- ry Badley. BLYTII FISIHEItMEN RETURN FROM NOIt'I'IIERN TRIP Several Blyth fishermen spent part or all of the past two weeks fishing at Lake Dorset and return- ed with their limit of lake trout. Ben Walsh nilade the trip for the full two, weeks. lie was ac- companied the first week by Messrs, Gordon Elliott, Dr, IL W, Street, 13111 hull, and Ed, Bell, Benny was joined the second week by John Elliott, Gordon McDougall, Grant Elliott, Joe Hunking and Cliff Walsh of Sarn- ,ia, Bill Manning and Frank Kon. arski arrived on Wednesday of the second week, A total of 24 trout were taken during the two-week period, day on Thursday, June 8. Volume 78 • No, 52 SHOWER FOR BRIDE•ELECT On Friday evening, May 12th, a shower in honour of Lenora Hal- lahan was held at the home of Mrs. Maurice Hallahan. The liv- ing room and dining room were decorated %vilth white wedding bells and streamers, Lenora was escorated to a de- corated chair. Mary Ellen and Margaret IIallahan, cousins of the bride-to-be, conducted several cc.ntests. Following the reading of an ad- dress to Lenora, Margaret Heffron and Joseph IIallahan wheeled a baby pram into the room laden with gifts. The members of the C.W.L. of St. Michael's Church presented Lenora with an adjustable iron• ing'board and silicone cover and pact set complete with oven mitts, a this party also. The bride elect was assisted in ripening the gifts by Mrs, Annie Benninger, aunt of the intended groom, Lenara thanked everyone and invited them to visit her in their new home. A social time was spent while the hostess and her helpers served lunch. )';NGAGEIIIEN7' ANNOUNCED Mr. and Mrs, Hugh IIoogencloarn of Ancaster announce the engage• ment of their daughter, Marion, to Mr. George Schoeman, of Anus - ter, son of ' Mr. and Mrs, John Schoeman, of R.R. 2,. Blyth. The wedding to take -place at Maran- atha Free Christian Reformed Church, Anpaster, Saturday, June 24, 1967, at 2.30" p,m. AUXILIAIIY CHURCH PARADE THIS SUNDAY The Blyth Ladies Auxiliary is attending the morning service at Blyth United Church on Sunday, June lith, at 11 o'clock. Legion members are invited to attend along with the Ladies. This is an Auxiliary annual event. After the church service lunch will be served in the Legion Home, as they are attending the Decoration service in the Blyth Union Cemetery at 2.30 in the af- ternoon, where crosses• and a ger. •anium will be placed on each Vet - erns grave. Please have a good turnout, Members meet al Legion I-Iome at 10.40 a,n►, sharp on Sunday, Parade Marshl1 Com, '1', Phomp• son, MARALYN FAIRSERVICE, RECEIVES $2,000 SCHOLARSHIP hiss Maralyn Fairservice, claugh• ter of Alr, and Airs. Scott Fairserv- ice, Escondido, California, has re. ceived a $2000, four•y'ear scholar• ship to Sandiago State College. She will graduate from Higli Sohool on June 14th, Maralyn is the granddaughter of Mr, and Mrs, Jack Fairservice of Blyth, LIONS WILL INSTALL OFFICERS New officers of the Blyth Lions Club will be installed this Thurs• stay evening at their- rcguar meet- ing, 'Phis is also ladies night, Congratulations Congratulations to Eric Allan Bradley, son of Mr, and Mrs, .G. 0, Bradley, Mcaford, grandson of Mrs, Sadie Coming, Myth, Who Will celebrate his birthday on Tuesday, June',13, AidI L, . .II1 I. ,I D Single Copies Six Cents If parts of this week's blizzard are upside down or crossways this week don't be surprised. At 11:33 last Saturday night, our good wife presented us with a 7 lb, 4 oz, baby boy and since that time, we must admit, we haven't been able to wear a shirt with anything on it closely resembling a button. We weren't. hoping for a boy, at least that's what we kept saying, but after nine months of anticipaition the thrill was tWrif- ►fic. Mother and son are both doing fine. Nantes are always a problem but it has been decided to call the Tittle lad after his two grandfath- ers, Kenneth John, Kenneth from the Malt who •most of you knew through the pages of the Standard as publisher from; 1938 until his death in 1958, John frons his ;mother's father, John Buchanan, AVho is now a resident at Huron• A'ietw, . The- Whitmore side of the fam• ily is exstatie, Kenneth John was horn exactly one hundred years ,to the day frons the birth of his great grandfather, Franklin John 'Whitmore was born on June 3, ,1867. Kenneth John (the newest addition to the Whitmore name) ,was born June 3, 1967 -- so don't (tell us we're not taking part in Canada's Centennial, We haven't as yet decided 'whether to make the wee lad into ,a professional hockey player, ,golfer, football player or just ,what. But as long as he grows up along the same pattern as his ,two namesakes, we'll be more than happy. And, oh yes, we forgot to men- tion the blessed event took place in the Clinton Public Hospital, under the careful soruitiny of the nurses on the second floor and iBlyth's own Dr. R. W. Street. ,And with that combination, how ;could one have any worries. Blyth Lions Attended District A Convention Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell, Mr. and Mrs. William Riehl,, Harm 'hhalen and George Ives represent- ed the Blyth Lions Club at the multiple district A Ontario•Que• bee Lions Convention at Sault Ste Alarie frons May 27th t6 May 31st, Over fourteen hundred Lions reg- istered in at the convention. John 'Taylor of Alliston, was el. acted District Governor of Dist- rict A-9, He was opposed by William Conlon of the 1Vingham Club. On the Tuesday morning of the convention it was announced that the Lake St Joseph Camp for the Blind at Parry Sound was still fifty-four thousand dollars short of its one hundred and thirty thousand dollar mark, In twenty minutes the different clubs in at- tendance donated enough money to entirely clear the debt. 'Phe Tail Twisters tvorking dur• ,ing the five-day convention raised fourteen hundred dollars. This money will go towards helping a blind girl from Korea. The girl will be flown from Korea to Tor. onto by the Canadian Air Force. The Lions will pay all medical expenses incurred in the process of restoring her sight, Personal Interest Items Cpl, Ken Cole, of Foymount, visited on Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Marshall. Mrs, M. Grant, Mrs, K. Webster, Airs. A, Sundercock and Mrs, V, 'hasher enjoyed a trip to Expo from the 29th of May to the 1st of June, Ilcv, 1V. blather and Air, Keith Webster attended the 42nd session of the United Church Conference 1n London. . Air, and Airs, George Webster and daughters, Laura and Jenni- fer, of Oakville, visited with Mr. and Mrs, K. Webster and family on the weekend. Mr. Charlie'Machan is a patient in Goderich I-iospital. We are pleased to report that Airs, Lorne Scrimgeour returned home from the Clinton Public llrcpital last week, Mrs, Bruce Smith, Floyd and Ricky, Mr, Leslie Fear and Mrs. Alargarot Higgins, attended the Brot'n-Higgins wedding in flitch• ell on Saturday, June 3rd. Ah.. and Mrs, Gorden Johnston and daughter, Andrea Lynn, of Fors Erie, visited recently with her grandparents, Atr, and Mrs, ODI) COLOURED BLOSSOM Mrs, Irvin Bowes was in the Standard office on Wednesday morning displaying a blossom from a honeysuckle tree • growing in her yard, The blossom was pure white and Mrs. Bowes tells us his is the first one of its kind she has seen. Ordinarily, the blossotns are pink or purple, Jack Fairservice, • Air, and Mrs. Wesley Roc, of West William Street, Seeforth, formerly of the 13th of Hullett, attended the graduation exercises at Kempville Agricultural School where their daughter, Dianne, graduated with honors in the home Economics course, They were accompanied, by their son - in -lar' anal daughter, I,1r, and Mrs. William Orr, of Kitchener, Mrs, Milton Bruce returned home from Clinton Hospital last Thursday mueh improved in health. Mr, and Mrs, Arnold Berthot, I1,I1, 2, Petersburg, spent the week end with her parents, Mr, and Airs. Jack Fairservice, Miss Maxine Bowes received first class honours and a silver dollar fc,r being highest in the accordian class examinations, Mr, Bac, of Clinton, is the teacher. Relatives and friends from this district who attended the funeral of the late Reginald'aarter in Woodstock on Monday were: Mr, and Mrs, Wm, Knox, Mr. and Mrs. Wm, Carter, Mrs, Luella McGow- an, Blyth Mrs, Margaret Lock- wood, Clinton, Mr, and Mrs, Ken Patterson, Mr. and Mrs, Jin) Walsh, Blyth, Mr, and Mrs. flack Armstrong and Mr, Harold Carter, Aubttrn, Mr, and Mrs, George Cook, Belgave. Miss Marsha Tebbutt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Tebbutt, of Londesboro, who has completed the past year at Stratford Teach- er's College has secured employ- ment at the Goderich Public School, PAGE TWO TUN BLYTH STANDARD. WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1067 SUGAR and SPICB By Bill Smiley. sinera TAKE PEN IN IIAND What's the most common question being batted about the country these days? That's right. It's, "Are you going to Expo?" Well, are you? If not, why not? You can't afford it? Of ccurse you can. You mean you can't afford to miss R. Yeah, you say, but what about bread, loot, gelt, money? Nothing to it. Anybody who can'.t make some fast money in this ridiculous world deserves to starve to death, lot alone not go to Expo, I have a few suggestions. In fact, I have quite a few, be- cause I've been giving the matter of our own trip some thought. I've discarded one or two of them for various reasons, but it's every man tc. his own taste, and one or more of them might be ,just the ticket for you. Put your wile to work. 1f she's already working, and you still can't afford the trip, have an auction sale and get rid of a lot of that old junk you've accumulated over the years. This does not refer to your wife. If you haven't any ;old junk, think of something, Throw a bingo party. \Chickenfeed, you say? ;All right then, how about throwing a martini party, at $5 a rattle, on the Monday of a holiday weedend, kvhen everybody has trttn out of booze? You'd clear about $300, Buy some veterans' calendars, cul off one of your arms, and sell them door to door. Come on, you can figure out a gimmick. Send your kids ou, mowing lawns. If you have no kids, send your mother-in-law out mowing lawns. And if she's too decrepit, insure her heavily and push her off a cliff, Arrange with a friend to bump your car gently from be• hind at a slop light, then run screaming to the doctor and claim you have a whiplash and collect bags of insurance. No? How about some blackmail? Know anybody who's running around with somebody who shouldn't be running around with anybody? Have a moving van come in the middle of the night, remove all your furniture, then you set fire to the house and claim insurance for it and the furniture. You could clear $3,000 on this one. Speaking of moving vans, how about pushing your wife, or husband, in front of a moving van, provided you have a joint account and mutual insurance? All of these are too coarse, or common, or complicated for you? My, you are an old poke. So run a bookie joint, sell pot, hold up a bank, if you want something simple. Against !your )principles? `Well, all right, fall right, but it shows the depths of depravity to which 1 can sink in the middle 'of the night, as I try to figure lout brow we can afford Expo Otos all the redecorating niy wife is ,doing. Well, you and your danged principles have forced me into it. Here's the deal, We're going to have a contest, Now, we all love contests, don't we? I have been writing this column for about 14 years, without missing a week. I want a week off to go to Expo, Still with me? I have a great many faithful readers (and no doubt a fair smattering of unfaithful ones, too). Many of them write very well, as I know from letters received. For the best guest column submitted, I will personally send a cheque for $25, along with an autographed copy of my latest book, The latest one is the one I haven't written for MacMillan Company, The other books 1 haven't written were not published by McLelland - Stewart and. Prentice -Hall, This handsome award (so I'm not 3, P, Morgan) will be supplemented by the Telegram News Service, 440 Front St. W., Toronto 2B, They will either double or triple the cash award, de. pending on their attiucde when they read this, which is the first they've heard of it. Topic: anything you like. Length: about 700 words, Send all entries to above address, And there you are, Cash, If you win, you can take your choice. You can hitehahike to Expo and blow the whole bundle on high living. Or you can bet it on a horse, fly to Montreal and rough it at the Queen Elizabeth, This is real. Get cracking today. !! +! ,�!�,„ .� .,,!:, ,,iu .II!:! : ,,I! LI!,IiI ,!,►, .! � � I�. I , i w :,, I,i: II► �: ,.,.t �, ;I� v. I: , ,il� I �I IT'S GOOD BUSINESS TO USE THE CLASSIFIED PAGES OF THE STANDARD Whether Shopping For a Bargain or Looking For a Buyer Report From Queen's Park (By Murray Gaunt, M.P.P. Iiuron-Bruce) Twelve thousand Toronto high school teacher's resigned this week in order to back up their salary demands. A spokesman for the Ontario Secondary School Teachers Fed- eration said the federation would not close the door on the possibil- ity of a settlement before Septem- ber if the board were to come forward with a new offer that was LONDESBORO M r, and Mrs, ,i ah n Armstrong spent Saturday with their son and family, in Stratford, Mr. and Mrs, Gordon Racllorct visited with Air, and Mrs. Doug Radford over the weekend in Ni- agara, also attending the wedding of Alan Riley, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wally Riley, on Saturday. 111r. and Mrs. Mac Ilodgert and family, of Thames Road, spent Sunday with 11r, and Airs. Gordon Howatt. Mr, Tom Airdrie has just com- pleted the building of a spacious new implement shed on his prop- erty in the village. Mr. and Mrs, Robert Watson are recuperating after a two weeks bout with the flu. AIF, and Mrs, Harry Durnin spent Sunday with their son, Mut- vin and. fancily, in Stratford. Mrs. Bentham who has spent the past twe weeks with her sis- ter, Mrs. Townsend, returned to her home in Oshawa on Tuesday. There will be a Centennial Ohurch Supper on 'Thursday, June 15th, from 5 to 7 p.m. Adults 1.50. children G 12 years 75 cents. The Berean Unit of the U.C.W. will meet at he home of Mrs. Stanley Lyon in Blyth on Thurs- day; June 8th at. 2 p.m, 11 A 'Toronto FM Radio Station will appear before the Board of. Broadcast Governors to request that a tower be erected hi the area of St, Marys, 11' granted, this means a bigger coverage area for the station. If the B.B.G. approv- es, this will set a precedent for other stations to expand in this way, It would then be possible for the London 141l1 Radio Station (or any other station for that matter) to apply for a tower in or near Tor- onto which would increase the po- tential audience by exceedingly large numbers, The location of a tower in St. Marys does not mean that the town is going to have a local ra- dio station. 11 won't mean a thing to the residents. People in St. Marys have a wide Choice of radio stations now which include Stratford, Kitchen- er, London, Toronto and, many others, This is not an application to do the town of St, Marys any favours. It is, however, an application_ to watch because '1.f granted, the question will be: W+hidh station will be first to apply for a tower in or near Toronto? * * * .The 'Tijuana Brass Special 'was in top spot according to the Na. lional Nielsen Ratings just releas- cd in the U.S. this week. In second position -was Bonan- za, with Red Skelton third, and Lucy forth. Dean Martin and Green Acres were tied for fifth position. The Smothers Brothers placed seventh, with Andy Grif- fith number 8, Tied' for ninth po- sition were The Beverly IIillbIllies and Ed Sullivan, The OBS Thurs- day night Movies was 11+th. acceptable, 'Phe resignations had to be sub- mitted this week in order to be valid in the fall. If they were not submitted, it would mean the teachers would not have been able to resign until December, (Christina's). In the legislature, Liberal Lea- der Robert Nixon asked Educa- tion Minister Wm. Davis if he was prepared to try to resolve the dis- pute. 111r. Davis replied that he was prepared to enter the dispute. A thousand striking Ontario Hydro Workers protested outside Queen's Park this week. They formed one of the biggest demonstrations at Queen's Park since the farmers' protest march last summer. The Hydro Workers have been i on strike for three weeks, Dalton Balmy, the Minister of Labour, held out little hope of an early settlement. I-fe said the differences did not involve just a few cents in wages but covered a number of comnlex issues which would require long discussion to settle. Canada's mutual funds were urged to speak out on the concept of a national stock exdhange. Ontario Financial and Conrmer• dial Affairs Minister Leslie Rown• tree referred to recurring sugges- tions that Canada would be better oft' with a national stock ex- change. 'Phis could have the effect of increasing stock availability* and make quality trading in the Cana- dian market place more attractive, according to the Minister, Clinton Memorial Shop T. PRYDE and SON CLINTON -- EXETER -- SEAFORTH Open Every Afternoon PHONE EXETER Business 235.0620 Residence 235.1334 Elliott Insuranc� A�ncy BLYTH -- ONTARIO. NIrrI'NJ• N INSURANCE IN ALL BRANCHES AUTOMOBILE, FIRE, CASUALTY, SICKNESS, ACCIDENT WINDSTORM, FARM LIABILITY, LIFE, "WE SPECT kLIZE ° IN GIVING SERVICE" Office 523.4481 Phones Residence 523.9522 DROP IN AND HAVE A COFFEE Light Lunches - Full Course Meals Cigarettes - Tobaccos - Confectioneries HURON GRILL Blyth, Ontario Phone 523-4391 .iuwuluuwutiiiiik+WIIWII tultUIstil tidinituduul uituIIWIsVIIIII ittinIWIIuuIIllIIWIIIWiamiulllilllllltlit iIIP11neittIttIUIWIIIIuuwkaigli t uttmll Zhe Calurdies ET, ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH Rev. Robert U, MacLean, B.A. 1.00 p.m.—Church Service, 1.00 p.m.—Sunday School, CHURCH OF GOD McConnell Street, Blyth, Sunday Services 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School, 11.00 a.m.—Worship. 7.30 p.m,—Sunday evening—. Youth Fellowship. CHRISTIAN REFORMED CHURCH 1st -- 3rd 5th Sunday of the Month 10:00 a.m.—English 3:00 p.m.—Dutch Remaining Sundays 10:00 a,m.--English 3:00 p.m.—English ANGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA Rev, G, E. Pakenham, Dip,, Th., Rector, Trinity 2 Trinity Church, Blyth 9,30 a.m.—tMorning Prayer, Trinity Church, Bclgrave. 10,45 a.m.—Morning Prayer, St. Mark's Church, Auburn, 12.00 noon—Morning Prayer, THE UNITED CHURCH OF CANADA Blyth, Ontario. Rev, W. 0, Mather, B.A., B.D. Minister, Mrs, Donald Kai, Director of Music. Sundays, June 1:1, 1067 9:45 a.m.—Sunday Church School 11.00 a,m, — Morning Worship, "How or Wlhy of Living," The Legion Auxiliary will attend this service, WEDNESDAY; JUNE 7, 1067 THE BLYTII STANDARD PAGE TIME West. Huron Wi Annual Meeting Conducted At Clinton's. Ontario Street Church Delegates from nine Women's Institute, braliches in the district of We.:t Huron met in Ontario Street United Church, Clinton, for their annual meeting, llhe district president, Mrs, Wilfred Colelough, was in charge of both sessions, and Mrs, W. E. Radford as the pianist, Following the opening ex• ercises a minute of silence was held to the memory of the late Mrs. T, Lamb, the district presi- dent, who passed away last fall, Mrs, Clifford Holland, of Clinton, extended a welcome to tite dele- gates and visitors. The minutes of previous mooting were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs, Intron Progressive Conservative Riding PUBLIC MEETING Council Chambers; Clinton WEDNESDAY, ,TUNE 14 at 8:30 p.m. For the ,Purpose of ,Selecting Delegates for the National ,Leadership 'Convention In Ocptember JOIIN DURNIN MRS, F. G, TH0WSON President Secretary 5c - $iOO STORE, BLYTH CUP and SAUCER, nicely decorated r , . 39c CENTENNIAL ASH TRAYS and MUGS each 59c CENTENNIAL, DESIGNED TOWEL each 89c FANCY LADIES' HATS MEN'S and BOYS' SUMMER HATS FATHER'S DAY 18 JUNE--- we have a fine selection of Father's Day Cards and gifts for this occasion. Special Prices LEOINARD 26 CU. FT. FREEZER JUST LOOK at THESE FEATURES! CYCOLAC'TRIM. "' LIFETIME PORCELAIN INTERIOR FINISH BAKED .ENAMEL !EXTERIOR FINISII WRAP-AROUND ,CONDENSER '' FIVE FREEZING SURFACES 5' OIL COOLER 'TUBING GLACIER SEALED SIDE•MOUN'TED TEMPERATURE CONTROL '" SIGNAL LIGIIT '" SELF-RAISING ‘LID AND INTERIOR LIGHT REMOVABLE PARTITION . i4 REMOVABLE' !STORAGE BASKET , CALL IN THIS WEEKEND ANI) CHECK OUR HOT -WEATHER SPECIAL PRICES YOUR HOME HARDWARE DEALER HARDWARE • MTH Cronin's TELEPIIONE 523.9273 James Ilorton, Goderich, , She al- so gave the financial statements of the district and 'gave' out the financial statements of the len branches. It was decided to again sponsor a child through the Save the Children Fund, Mrs, W. Brad nock, F.Wrl,O. Board Director, ratified the disriot directors and gave out questionnaires on Safety in the kitchen; United Nations and Cultural Activities. Mrs, Ter- ence Hunter gave the auditors re• port. In 'her president's message, Mrs Coiclough thanked all the Brancb es for their kindness and stated that when she visited the Branch es it just seemed like one big happy family exchanging ideas, She told of the thrill of present int; certificates to 4-I1 Club mem hors on their Achievement Days • • Mrs. Tons Alien played two sel eclions on her accordion and Mrs, Wellington Good, of Blyth, spoke on the use of Pennies for Friend ship and each treasurer presented their pennies, Mrs, Good hail a display of dolls dressed in Lite na tive costume of India, Miss Sharon Carroll, home Icon omist, gave the report of the 441 work in the County 811(1 stated that 702 gills in the County had completed the project "A world of Food in Canada." She staled that the fall project ttvulcd be Cotton Accessories for the Club Girl's Bedroom, She illustrated the cushions they would be mak- ing and also a sample of Italian hemstitching, Miss Carroll said that the Senior 'Training schools would be Yeast Breads with Free- zer Forums next year. Mrs. Tom Allen, Londesboro, convener for Agriculture and Canadian Indust- ries, reported interesting reports from all Branches, and gave the highlight's of the reports. Mrs, Earl Anderson reported for His- torical Research and Current Ev- ents and told about the officers conference on,thiLsAopic al. Guelph are keeping • scrapbooks on cur - this spring. .She stated that some rent events r in their own commun- ity, Mrft, Charles Johnston, Blyth, convener .of Hone Economics and Healtih; • reported on her reports received .and gave a summary, Miss. Barbara Watkins reported on the Junior Listitute activity in West Huron. Mrs, Charles Nelson reported on. resolutions and had an attractive poster and said that a roll call had been answered by naming your centennial resolution, The Public Relations Officer, Mrs, Norman Clairmont, - Goderich, gave a summary told of the dif- ferent activities of all the Branch- es, She also told what each branch was doing to mark this centennial year, Mrs, Itarary Strang president of the London Area brought greet- ings and announced that the area convention would be on Novem- ber 7 and 8th at 11)e Carousel Mo. lel, London, The len districts will depict ten years since Confedera- tion and they are asking for slides of branch activities. Mn, Strang was Introduced by Mrs, Tait Clark and .thanked by Mrs, Warren Zinn of Dungannon, '11he dinner was served by the ladies of Ontario Street Church and the address of welcome was given by Mrs, lion Symonds; Clin- ton, and Mrs, :I, Aidcheson, Wing- hani, replied: Mrs, Grant Mills on behalf of her husband welcomed the laclioes to the chturch. Follow- ing the dinner an old time skit was presented by the members of the Clinton W. 1, The afternoon: session began with the Centennial song and the roll call of branches, The presi- dents gave a brief summary of work clone during the past year, An impressive memorial service was in charge of Mrs. Terence Hunter and Mrs, play Moore, Those remembered were Mrs. John Wheeler, Mrs, Wes Shob• brook, Mrs. Wheatley, Alis, E. Welsh, Mrs, Maud Minton, Mrs, W. F. IL Price, Mrs, Alex Butler, Mrs, Toynbee Lamb, Mrs, Jarvis McBride, Airs. Alex Coutts, Mrs, Frank Thompson and Mrs, Chan • • • le, McNee, Mrs. Wes l3radnock F:W,LO. Board Director, gave her report of 1110 Provincial Board and Miss ilelen McKeroher, Director of Home Frconomics Branch, Depart- ment of Agriculture and Food, Toronto, spoke on this year's cen- tennial project, To increase the W. I. membership across the pro- vince. Mrs. Tait Clark, district curator, spoke on the work on the district book and urged all to start their family histories and family trees, and keep their scrap- books up to date in the branches. Mrs, Norman Clairmont reported for the Huron Auxiliary and stat- ed that the opening of the new wing would be on June 14. Mrs, Ralph Jewell reported on the ploughing match and gave a few details of the expenses involved. Each district received $393,32 for their share of the profits. Mrs. 0. Popp gave a report for the His- torical Society and stated that the new archives room would be op- ened on June 14th, and each branch was asked to bring a loaf of bread in sandwiches and three dozen cookies. Miss Carroll conducted the elec- tion of officers anti Mrs, Brad - nock installed them. Mrs, A. Wil- kin, Goderich, extended the cour- tesies. Mrs. Ralph Jewell, presi- dent of the Tiger Dunlop Branch, invited the district to hold their annual meeting next year in Ben - miller United Church. Following is the list of officers: Past president, Mrs, Donald Riehl, Goderich; president, Mrs. Wilfred Colclough, Clinton; 1st. vice, Mrs. Andrew Straughan Goderich; 2nd vice, Mrs, ITarold Gaunt, Luck - now; secret ary,treasurer,Mrs, Jani- es Morton, Goderich, assistant, Mrs, Mervyn Batkin, Clinton; Pu- blic Relations officer, Mrs, Nor- man Clairmont, Goderich; Feder - k 4 ated Rep,, Mrs, Tom Alden, Lon- desboro, alternate, Mrs. Terence Hunter, Goderich, Conveners of Standing Committees: Agriculture and Canadian Industries, Mrs, Toni Allen Londesboro; Citizen- ship and Education, Mrs. Clifford Crozier, Dungannon; Historical Research and Current Events, Mrs. Earl Anderson, R.R. 4, Brus- sels; Home Economics and I-Iealth, Mrs. Charles Johnston, Blyth; Re- solutions, Mrs. Charles Nelson, Clinton; Junior Convener, Miss Barbara Watkins, Londesboro; Rep. to Huron County Farm Safe- ty, Mrs. Donald Riehl, Goderich; District Curator, Mrs. Tait Clark, R.II. (, Goderich; Auditors, Mrs. Terence hunter, R.B. 3, Goderich, MI's. Morton Talmay, Shepparton; District Delegate, Mrs, W. Col - dough; Alternate, Mrs. Donald Riehl. OBITUARY D. 1REGINALD CARTER Mr, D, Reginald Carter, 70, of 40 Vanistart Avenue, Woodstock, passed away on Saturday, June 3, at. St, Thomas, Survived by his wife, the for- mer May Cook; sons, Frank, Nor• ►nag, both of Woodstock; daugh- ter, Mrs. Gerry (Eileen) Kemthor• and, Beachville; brothers, John, Woodstock; William, Blyith; Rus- sell, Seaforth; Harold, Stoney Creek; sisters, Mrs, Margaret Lockwood, Clinton; Mrs, Nelson (Zella) Patterson, Auburn; Mrs. Williani (Irene) Knox, Blyth, Funeral service was held on Monday at 2 p.m. at the Smith Funeral Home, Woodstock, In- tlerment in Oxford Memorial Park Cemetery, Woodstock, Is your subscription paid? APPLICATIONS Applications for the position of Clerk - Treasurer of the 'Township of Hullett will be received by the Council of the Township of Hulled. All applications for the position Must be clearly marked on the envelope as to contents and be received not later than 6:00. o'clock p.m., Saturday, July 1, 1967. All applications must state the age, mar- tial status, education, previous employment, residence and any other related experience that may be considered a qualification for the position. The salary and the conditions of ,em- ployment will be commensurate with the ' qualifications of the successful applicant. All applications are to be sent to, 'Mr. Harry F. Tebbutt, Cerk-Treasurer. HARRY F, TEBBUTT Clerk -Treasurer R.R. No. 1, Londesboro, Ont. STO(K UP ON BEA(H WEAR BOYS' BATHERS, sizes 2 14 , . , 98c - $3.39 GIRL'S BATHERS, one or 2 pc., sizes 2 -141 $1,98 and up LADIES' BATHERS, sizes 10 - 40, one and 2 piece. BOYS' SHORTS and KNEE KNOCKERS sizes 2 - 14. GIRL'S SHORT SETS, 2 - Gx $1.98 Needlecraft Shoppe CHILDREN'S and LADIES' WEAR Blyth, Ont. Phone 523-4351 i i .Ir PAGE FOUR WESTFIELD NEWS Mr. and Mrs: Lloyd -Walden at- tended -the Rayburn -Pepper wed• ding at Winthrop on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs, Gordon R. Smith and Sari, also Miss Margery Smith, Kitchener, were guests of Mr, and Mrs. Charles Smith at the weekend, The sympathy of the commun- ity goes to the families of the late Borden Scott and Thomas Bigger. staff who passed away last week, Mr. and Airs. Harvey McDowell, Mr, and Mrs. Lloyd Walden were in Whitechurch on Sunday when Harvey and Lloyd sang in the Un- ited Church. Miss Nancy \Terbeek entertain- ed several of her small friends on Saturday at her birthday party. Mrs. Elizaboth McDowell was transferred from Wirrgham ITos• pital to Huronvi'ew last week, Mr, and Mrs. Keith Snell and family, Fergus, were visitors with Mr. and Mrs. N: Campbell on Sun. day. On Sunday Mr, and Mrs. Arnold Cook, Mr, and Mrs. James Bolt, Crewe-, called on the family of the late Mr. Reg Carter, Woodstock, who passed away on Saturday. Mr, and Mrs. Ben Terpstra, of Brussels, also. Mr. and Mrs. de Jong, Blyth, called on Mr. and Mrs. Peter de Groot on Sunday. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE ESTATE OF JOHN TAYLOR CREIGHTON ALL PERSONS having claims against the estate of the above- mertioned late of the Village of Blyth, in the County of Huron, Labourer, who died on the 15111 clay of May, 1967, are required to file proof of same with the under - 1l, a• signed on or before the 1st day of July, 1967. After that date the Administra• tor will proceed to distribute the \\ f/ estate having regard only to the claims of which he shall then REPOirhave had notice. ' DATED at Wingham, this Glh thy of June, 1967. CF AWFORD, SHEPHERD AND MILL, Barristers, WINGHAM, Ontario:. 52.2 Officers of the \1'ing.ham De. tachment of the Ontario Provin- cial Police worked a total of 170'_,'2 hours and patrolled 1974 miles f:om May 28 to June 3, 1967. The following Criminal Code Offences were investigated: 1 Theft. 1 Break, Enter and theft. 1 Found Property. 4 Other Criminal Investigations. 2 Charges were laid under the Liquor Control Act. Thsre were 5 Motor vehicle ac• cidents investigated. 1 person was injured. Total property damage 695.00. 1 person was charged with care- ]sss driving as a result of acci- dents. Counter Check Books (printed or blank) The Blyth Standard Office. NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN TIIE ESTATE OF FRANCIS ARTHUR TAMBLYN Late of the Township of Ilttl. lett in the County of Huron, Re. tired Farmer, deceased. ALL persons having claims against the Estate of the above. named who died on the 6th day of May, A.D. 1967, are required to file full particulars thereof with the undersigned on or before, the 26th day of June, A.D. 1967, after which date the assets will be dis- tributed, having regard only to the claims of which the under- signed shall then have notice. DATED at Clinton, Ontario, this 5th day of June, A.D. 1967, E. B. MENZIES, Clinton, Ontario. Solicitor for the said Estate, 52.3 Our Lot Is Packed With Spring -Time Car Values 1967 FAIRLANE 500, V 8, automatic 1967 METEOR 6 cyl,, 4 door 1967 FAIRLANE 6 cyl., 4 door 1966 CHEV. 4 door, automatic transmission 1966 GALAXIE 2 door, hard top, V 8, auto. 1965 MERCURY Half Ton. 1965.PONTIAC 4 door, standard transmission 1965 BUICK WILDCAT 2 door, hard top 1965 CHEV. 6 cyl., 2 door, automatic 1965 CHEV. 2 door, 6 cyl. 1965 CHEV. Bel Air, 4 door, standard trans, 1965 OLDS. 4 door, automatic 1965 PONTIAC 2 door, V 8. 1963 CHEV. 4 door. 1962 METEOR 4 door 1959 FORD 4 door SEE THESE AND OTHERS Hamm's (AR SALES Ltd. Blyth, Ontario. Phone 523-9581 THE BLY`VH STANDAHI) WEDNESDA ','M,?NE 7, 1007 ..; Morris Council Allot Centennial Grant Surplus To Morris Township Council met on June 1 with all members pre. Minutes of the last meeting were read and Moped on motion of Walter Shortreed and James Mair, Moved by Waiter Shortreed, se• conded by William Elston, that we ask the Board of Transport Com- missioners for Canada to recon- sider their decision to close the agency at Brussels station. Car- ried. Moved by W. Elston, seconded by Ross Smith, that we enter Into agreement with Iluron County and 11uron County Library Board for 1nsurartice for \\Talton Library. Carried. ,Moved by J. Mair, seconded by W, Elston, that By -Law No. 8, 1967, supplementary borrowing by.law be passed. Carried. Moved by R. Smith, seconded by W. Shortreed, that the provisional by-law be adopted and the Court cf Revision on the Fifth Conces- sion Drain Grey Township be held July 3, 1967, at 9 p,m. Carried. illoved by J. Mair, seconded by R. Smith, that By-law No. 11, 1965 be rescinded and that $500, of the Centennial Grant available to Morris be waived to Brussels Centennial project. Carried. Moved by W. Shortreed, second• ed by W. Elston, that the balance 01' the Centennial Grant available to Morris in the amount of $685. be waived to Blyth Centennial project. Carried. • r Blyth Project Moved by' J. Mair, seconded by W. Elston, that road accounts in the amount of $38,292.09 as pre- sented by the road superintendent be paid, Carriers. Moved by R. Smith, seconded by W. Shortreed, that general ac- counts be paid as presented. Car- ried. Moved by R. Smith, seconded by J. Mair, that tender of Lloyd Jacklin, R.R. No. 1, Listowel, to supply and deliver approximately 12,000 cu. yds. pit, run .gravel on Morris Township roads be accept- ed subject to tate approval of the District Municipal Engineer. Car• tied. Moved by W. Elston, seconded by .1. Mair, that we ask the On - tall() Water Resources Commis- sion to take steps to eliminate the pollution in the Middle Maitland River \ahicit is in a deplorable condition as fish are dieing and it is unfit for swimming at recrea- tion areas, Carried, Moved by W. Shortreed, second• ed by R. Smith, that meeting ad. journ to meet again July 3, 1967, at 8 p.m. Carried. General Accounts: Brantford Builders' Supplies, tile for McCall Drain Improve- ment, 1627.79; Hydro for hall, 9,75; Village of Brussels, charge. back, 54.30; Department of health, Insulin, 6.67; 1\'m. J, Henry, un- loading tile, 9.75; Clem Steffler, time and mileage, 315.00; Murray Reid, .spraying cattle - and warble powder, (131.1.4; Logan Township, charge -back, 31.87; Melvin Carno. chan, McArthur Drain, 17,00; Jack Shaw, bulldozing, 182,75; Ross Smith mileage, 10.70; Wm. Pea- cock, MODA. registration, 11.75; Stewart Procter, MODA registra tion and mileage, 20.00; George Michie, salary, 45,00; Helen Mar. tin, salary, 110.40; Canadian Itn• penial Bank of Commerce, Income Tax and Canada Pension, 6,115; John Brewer, pard of salary, 150. 00. Road Accounts Oldfield Hardware, tools, 8.93; Airs. M. L. Hall, ruck insurance, 125.00; Mex inkley, fuel oil and tax, 220.50; E. E. llubbell & Sons Ltd., lights, battery and bolt§, 64,- 36; 4;36; Robertstcel (Canada) Ltd., culverts, 1,04.4.24; Owen King Limited, Jamestown Bridge, 35; 300.00; Ideal Supply Co. Ltd., plugs, points, oil filters, 21.16; J. C. McNeil brush spray, oxygen and bulbs, 331,85; J. M. McDonald lettering, 6.59; Howard Smith, brush spray, 320.00; Brussels Post, advertising sale of bridge and gravel, 4.00; II, A. Shaw, cleaning up trees, 25.00; IIydro for shed, 33.77; Bob Henry sales tax on bridge 57,65; Bank of Commerce, pension, 25.92; Receiver -General, unemployment Insurance, 5,92; 1\'m, McAoler, wages, bookkeep- ing, and mileage, 176.20; James Casemore, wages, 385.00; John Smith, wages, 136.00 Helen D. Martin, Stewart Procter, Clerk, Reeve, "Yes you ca tinej •,1 ip^. ati This booklet shows you how you can get financial help. Do you plan to attend a university or other post -secondary institution? Do you need financial assistance? To learn whether you can qualify under the Ontario Student Awards program, obtain this brochure from your secondary school, or from the institution of your choice or write to: r Student Awards Department of ' University Affairs, ONTARIO 481 University Avenue Toronto 2 WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1967 4 4 4 4 Business Directory VODDEN'S TELEVISION SALES & SERVICE IILYTH — Phone 523.9313 J.. J. E. LONGSTAFF -- OPTOMETRIST 20 Isaac Street — CLINTON • ' MONDAYS & WEDNESDAYS 9.30 a.m. to 5,30 p.m, For Appointment Phone 482.7010 SEAFORTII OFFICE — Balance of Week — Phone 527.1240 VACUUM CLEANERS SALES & SERVICE REPAIRS TO MOST POPULAR MAKES OF CLEANERS ANI) POLISHERS FILTER. QUEEN SALES — Varna — Tel, Coll, IIensall 696112 SANITARY SEWAGE SEPTIC TANKS, CESSPOOLS, ETC. FREE ESTIMA LOUIS BLAKE — Brussels R.R. DISPOSAL PUMPED & CLEANED TES 2 — Phone 442W6 DR. R. W. STREET BLYTII — ONTARIO OFFICE HOURS: By Appointment Only, Except Emergencies Every Afternoon Except Wednesdays Tuesday and Friday Evenings. W. R. HAMILTON - OPTOMETRIST Next to the Lyceum Theatre -- WINGIIAM Phone 357.1361 P & W TRANSPORT LTD. LOCAL & LONG DISTANCE TRUCKING CATTLE SKIPPED on Monday and Thursday HOGS. on Tuesdays Trucking To and Front Brussels and Clinton Sales on Friday CALL BLYTII 523.9361 ELLIOTT REAL ESTATE AGENCY Gordon Elliott, Broker, R. John Elliott, Salesman. PHONES: Blyth, Office 5234481; Res. 523.4522 or 523-4323 Edward A. Elliott Salesman — Wingham, Ontario, WANTED:. LIstings on Farms, Homes and Businesses. ROY N. BENTLEY -- ACCOUNTANT GODERICII — ONTARIO Telephone 524.9521 4 Britannia ltd., E. CRAWFORD, SHEPHERD & MILL BARRISTERS & SOLICITORS J. H. Crawford, Q.C.; Norman Shepherd, LLB.; Alan Mill, In Blyth Each Thursday Morning and by Appointment. LOCATED IN ELLIOTT INSURANCE AGENCY , Blyth 5234481 Phones Wingham 357.3630 DOREEN'S BEAUTY SHOPPE STYLING • TINTING • CUTTING & COLD WAVES DOREEN McCALLUM — Phone Blyth 523.4511 Closed All Day' Monday — Open Tuesday Through Saturday DEAD STOCK SERVICE Highest Cash Prices Paid for Sick, Down, or Disabled Cows and Horses also Dead Cows and Horses at Cash Value Old Horses 4c per pound --- Phone Collect 133, Brussels. BRUCE MARLATT or Glenn Gibson,Phone 523.4344 Blyth. (24 hr, service) Plant Lic, No, 54•R.P, 61; Coll, Lic. No, 88-G61 BLYTII BEAUTY BAR CUTTING, STYLING AND PERMANENTS TINTING AND SIX ' WEEK RINSES ANN HOLLINGEII — Phone Blyth 523.9341 BLAKE'S WELDING & MACHINE PORTABLE ELECTRIC and ACETYLENE WELDING, ALSO COMPLETE SHOP SERVICE 78 King Street CLINTON Phone 482.7303 1 A • If�l 1'fl1� BLYTft STANDARD 61n11 Ia3111nMMIIIF 10311) PAGE FM 1111II1I1g10�1�11@l�li�l�llllllllll�lll!fIIIiIIIIIQII�llllll I�!!II!QII(I�II([<I�!III(l![<IIIQII�I�Iitll!ll�l�l�lllll�i!flli9!ll!Ill!IIIIIII[!I!IIIIIINIII!IiIIINII�II�(Nlllli!SNI!�hIIINI{N!�NI�I!IN!D�I{U[,!II{I(� SELL IT! BUY IT! PUT A STANDARD "CLASSIFIED" RENT IT! FIND IT! TO WORK EARNING $ $ $ FOR YOU CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS LIONS CLUB BINGO Ilarborllght Inn, Goderieh, Wed. nesday, May 31, at 8:30 p,m, 17 regular games for $10,00; share bhc wealth; $50,00 jack pot; and the new accelerating jack pot up to $250, Admission $1.00. 361f LAWN MOWER REPAIRS All makes and models. Bill Niezen, phone 52.3.9556 Blyth. 47-tf ORNAMENTAL RAILINGS Beautify your home with an original design, Bill Niezen, pho. ne 523.9556, Blyth, If no answer phone 529.9521. 47.11, NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF VICTOR KENNEDY, LATE OF THE VII,. LAGE OF BLYTII, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, REAh ESTATE AGENT All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undesigned, on or before the 16th clay of June, 1967, after which date the assets will be distributed, I)ONNELLY & MURPHY 18 The Square Goderich, Ontario Solicitors for the Estate. 50-3 FARM WAGONS Steed construction, to your own specifications. Bifid Niezen, phone 523-9556, Blyth, 52.11. CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank all the neighbours, friends' and. relatives for Coral tributes, cards and other expressions of sympathy received at the time of ourbereavement in the death of'a'beloved husband and father. Special thanks to the •U►C,W, for the lovely lunch, Mr. and Mrs. Gerald IIeffron, Rev. W. Maines, Dr. R. W, Street and Rev. M. R. Roberts, —Mrs, T. Biggerstaff and fanc- ily. 52.1. IN MEMORIAM DENNIS — In loving memory of ,our mother, Airs, Barbara Den• nis, who passed away, June 9, 1964. Please God take a message To our dear Mom up above, Tell her that we miss ,her And give her all our love, —IEver remembered by her family, 52.1p t 4 1 4 a A 1 CART) OF THANKS I would like to extend my sin• core thanks to all my friends and relatives who sent cards and visit- ed me while in Clinton Public Hospital and to the neighbor who helped in the home. Special thanks to Dr. Street and the nur- ses on second floor, also to Rev. McLean for his visits, and the ones who were so kind in bring- ing Milt down to see me. It was all greatly appreciated. 524p. —Mrs, G. M. Bruce. CARL) OF THANKS We wish to express our sjn• cere thanks and appreciation to relatives, friends and neighbours for the beautiful floral tributes, donations to the heart fund, Gid. eon Bibles and messages of symp- achy and kindness shown us dur• ing our recent sad bereavement. Special thanks to Dr. llcKibbon, Rev, H. Wilson and the ladies of the Gbh line of East Wawanosh. —May, Ian, Ralph and Lorne Scott. 52.1 CARD OF THANKS We would like to thank the friends and neighbours of the 13th of Mullett for the lovely gifts which they presented to us when ye moved fro mtheir midst, As we use these gifts in our homes we will always be reminded of the happy times we have spent togeth- er. Mamie and Clarence Crawford and Charlie. Dona and Bert Shobbrook. Nellie and Stanley Lyon and Vera. 52.1p IN MEMORIAM BROMLEY — In fond and 'wing memory of a dear son and bro. .bher, Albert Louis Bromley, who passed away three years ago, June 6, 1964. Behind the smile there's many a tear, For the son and brother we lost and loved oh so dear, Others are taken yes, we know, Bat he was ours, and we loved him so, —Lovingly, remembered and sadly missed by dad, mom, sister, brothers and sister•in-law, Irene. 524p SANITATION SERVICES Septic Tanks Cleaned and Repaired. Blocked Drains Opened with .Modern Equipment. Prompt Service. IRVIN COXON MILVERTON, ON'1', Telephone 254 50.25 PECKITT PLUMBING & HEATING PRESSURE SYSTEMS — OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE Londesboro, Ont, Phone Blyth 523.4299 LIST YOUR FARM PROPERTY WITH US — WE HAVE THE CONTACTS AND THE PROSPECTS C. BURUMA 11.It, 2, Clinton Phone 482.3278 Salesman for:• JOHN BOSVELD, London. LYLE YOUNGBLUT OIL BURNER SALES & SERVICE BLYTH, ONTARIO PHONE "Your Oil Heating Contractor" 5239585 BOB IIENRY -- GENERAL AUCTIONEER BLYTII, ONTARIO For All Types of Sales Telephone 523.4234 r FOR SALE Tomato plants. Mrs, Charles Shobbrook, phone 523-9227 Blyth, 51.1 FOR SALE 16' outboard motor boat, unfin- ished, will handle 75 h.p. motor. Dave McCl1nchey, phone 526-7521 Auburn. 51-2p CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Machinery, and some household Effects, will he held for HOWARD CAMPBELL, North Half of Lot 31, Concession 5, East Wawanosh TownshIp,. 3 miles North and 5 Miles West of Blyth, or 0Utiles West and 'Fs North of Westfield, on SATURDAY, JUNE 17, 1967 at 1 p.m. Sharp Complete List in June 14 Issue, TERMS CASH. Farm Sold Iloward Campbell, Proprietor, Brian Rintoul, Auctioneer. George Powell, Clerk. 51-2 FOR SALE 7 choice started pigs. Phone 523.9229 Blyth, 52.1p SMORGASBORD DINNER Londesboro United Church, Thursday, June 15, 5 to 7 p.m. Admission: Adults $1.50, Children 6 to 12, 75c. 52.2 FOR SALE Steele and Briggs, 50 lbs, Certi• f eel Red Clover Seed. bion. double cut. Will sell reasonable. Harry Gibbons, phone 523-9423 Blyth. - CUSTOM SPRAYING Corn and grain. Bev. Wallace, phone 523-4307, Blyth. 52-2. FOR SALE Pigs. Apply Z. Hulzenboseh, phone 562-7519, Auburn. 52-1. FOR SALE Folding dining room table, al- most new, walnut. Mrs. Joe Hog- gart, phone 523-4548 Blyth. 52-1 FOR SALE 100 ft. chain link fence, 42" high, a gate and ten steel posts. Norman Gowing, phone 523.4331 Blyth, 52-1 FOR SALE 10 weaner pigs. Alex Lubbers, II,R. 1, Belgrave,. phone 523.9328 Blyth. 52.1 CUSTOM CORN AND BEAN CULTIVATING New, modern 4 and 6 row front mounted cultivator assures pre- cision operation. Disc hiller equipment gives close cultivating without covering small plants. Clare Longhurst, Auburn 526. 7549. 52-ip IN MEMORIAM LEATIIERLAND — in loving memory of our mother, Mrs, Wilhelmina Leabherland, who passed away June 13, 1958. This month comes back with deep regret, It brings .back a day we will never forget, She fell asleep, with not a good- bye, But our memory of her will never die. —Ever remembered by her fancily, 52.Ip 0 CLINTON SALE BARN • Sale every Friday - 7;30 (good livestock market) For Truck Information: P and W Trant3port Bill Moss, Auburn Joe Corey, Clinton • PAGE SIX * x OBITUARIES x * WILLIAlM JOHN BORDEN SCOTT Mr. William John Borden Scott passed away at his home Lot 37 East Wawanos,h Township, Wed- nesday morning, May 31, 1967, after a lengthy illness, The funeral service was held on Friday at 2 p.m. from Walkers Funeral Ilona, Wingham, conduct- ed by Rev. H. Wilson. Interment in 13ranclon's Ceme- tery, Belgrave. The pallbearers were Messrs. Bill Taylor, Murray Scctt, Stanley Black, Albert Cook, Ke1}neth Brigham and Jack Taylor. Flowerbearers were four neph- hews, Alan Scott, Clifford Coultes, Charles Brigham and Ivan Wight. ma n. Air. Scott Misled in the army in June 1940 and went overseas in 1942. He a:►s discharged in February 19.16. 1lo married the former May Wipht man in October 1948, who survives hint: also three sons, tan, ?,alph and Lorne; two brothers, Peter cf Barrie, Walter of 13e1• grave, and one sister, Florence, Mrs. A. E. Coultes, Belgrave. THOMAS JAMES BIGGERSTAFF Mr. Thomas James Biggerstaff, if East \1'awano> h 'Township pas• r ec' away in \\Ingham Hospital on Thursday morning, June 1, !rem con jestion of the heart, be- ing a patient for a very few hours. He was born in Engh County Down Ireland, on September 4, 1892, a son of thhe late Thomas James Biggerstaff and Jane Mc• Eroy Biggerstaff. Coming to Iluron County when he was 18 and has spent all but six years here. He lived in Maple Creek area, Saskatchewan, from 1929 to 1934, On June 5, 1935, he was mar- ried to the former Audrey Bryant, of lIallett Township who survives, along with one son, William, at home: 2 laughers, Mrs, Israel Good and Miss Phyllis Bigger - staff, of i\'Ingham; also 4 grand- son;; 1 brother and 2 sisters in Ireland, and several nieces and nephews; 2 cousins, Mrs. IToward Tait, Clinton, and Mrs, Bert Mad- c'•aek, Orangeville. The funeral service was held at the Tasker Memorial Chapel, Queen Street. Blyth, on Thursday at 2 p.m. Itev. William Maines, of l,ondesbc.ra, officiated, assisted by Itev. M. R. Roberts, of West- field United Church, of which tete deceased was a member, until his health failed and he could no linger attend. Interment in Blyth Union Ce- metery. The pit br arers were, Messrs. Gerald Heffron, Donald AicNall, Kenneth Jackson, Clifford Shob- 'n•ook, Lloyd Walden and Jasper Snell. Flowerbearers were Donald C:,.wripht, Carl and Kevin Good. ♦ 1•*4-.4-4-6444-4 44 604 H • 444 4 +44-4-4-44 44-444-.4. 1 • SPONSORED BY BLITII CANADIAN LEGION ENO. 420 • �NTENH!A1 In Conjunction with Royal Canadian Legion Week BLY H MEMORIAL HALL Saturday, bane 7th Music by THE BLACKHAWKS Dancing from 9 till 12 Admission !Restricted 0o persons 21 years of age or over. PRIZES:— Best Centennial Dress - Best Beards Lunch Counter Everyone Welcome 1++++4+4-+-+-4-+-444 •a-+ 44444-4-4-04-•44 4-04 4444444-4444-444-4-•• NEW SUMMER GOODS 44,44N44 4'44,41‘• 41, 4 4 4 - . ✓111..1111 INN #4•••••• NN•11I 0.4444LNN Women's Better Dresses Misses and Women's Sun Dresses Large As ortinc nt of White handbags Full Line of (:Playtex) Girdles, Panty Girdles and Brassier -es including Living Bra, Short and Lon;;line and Longline (Cross Your Ileart) Jamaica Short:;. size 10 to =111 Mcii's Suits 1)y (Tip Top) Complete Lin" of Hydro City Work Boots and Oxfords Your 5 Percent Discount pays your tax on regular items. The Arcade Store Phone 523-9411 Blyth, Ontario. 4444441444 Wingham Laundry and Dry Cleaners Pick Up Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. Fast Dependable Service, THE .tSLY'1'ii STANDARD WALTON Mr, and Mrs, Jerry Achilles and Debbie Ann, of Fergus, spent the weekend with Mrs. R. Achilles and Ann also Mr, and Mrs. Don Achilles. Mr. Kenneth Shortrecd wtho is attending a ten -week course in electricty at the Provincial lnsd• tate of Trades in Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Jim Shortreed. Messrs. Campbell Wey, Roy Williamson, Douglas Fraser and Torrance Dundas .attended the for- ty-third annual conference • at Westminster College, London. on Wednesday of last week. Sunday guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth AIeDonald included Mr. and Mrs, Murray 1[uether and Joan, Brussels, Air, and Mrs. Russell Krauler, A1 - wood, Mr, and 11rs. David Bell and family, Islington, Mass, Grace McQuaig, Seafonfh, Air, and 11irs. James McDonald, Mr. and Mr's. Donald McDonald and family, Mrs, John McDonald, Mr. and Mrs, Al- vin Mci)onald and Lynn, alr of Grey township, Mr, and Mrs, Kenneth Murray, Toronto, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Murray and Mr, and Mrs. William Atu,rray. Miss Ida ScherbaMt, Stratford, spent a few clays last week with her sister, Mrs. F. H. Miller. Mr, and Mrs. Ronald Ennis Ste - yen and Leanne, West hIill, spent the weekend with Air. and Mrs. Douglas Ennis, Mrs. Wolfgang Stutz, \PWerloo, v:sited on Sunday will her par- ents, Mr, and Mrs. Torrance Dun- das, • Mr. and Mrs, William Taylor and family, of Staff'a, visited on Sunday with Mrs. R. Achilles. BELGRt\VE The June meeting of Belgrave Women's Institute will be on Citizenship with convenor, Mrs, J. I. Coultes. 'llhe roll call "lf you BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE — CLINTON Box Office Opens at 8:00 THURS., FRI., June 8.1 A PATCH OF BLUE (Adult Entertainment) Shows at 9:15 and 11:00 Sidney Poitier, Shelley Winters, Elizabeth Hartman CARTOON SATURDAY June 10 ONLY WEDNESDAY, JUNE 7, 1067 Thank You We wish to thank everyone who helped to make our Grand) Opening a success, Your co-operation was very much appreciated. There were a few prizes that have not been picked up. We ask that the winners clo so by Monday, June 12, 1967. The :following are t;he names: D, Broughton, H. Buckley, R.R. 3, iGoderich SON & HO SON Limited were to leave Canada to what country would you go and why?" The motto will he Citizenship is earned, not inherited. Airs. Wm. ],rydges will address the group on her trip to England. Lunch sup- plied by Mrs, Cliff Purdon, Mrs. Jack Taylor,, Mrs, Albert Coultes. The Sunday School anniversary of ICnox United Church, 13elgrave, was observed on Sunday, June 4. The junior congregation carried flowers to the alter and they were placed here by Ruth Ann Pletch and Rhonda Fear, Mrs, Leslie Bolt opened the service. Brian hIopper led the responsive reading and Lloyd Michie read the scripture RETURN OF THE SEVEN a.' (Adult Entertainml;nt) Shows at 9:15 and 11;00 Yul Brynner, Robert ,Fuller COLOR CARTOON MON., TUES., WED, — June 12.13.14 Academy ,Award winning HO'S AFRAID OF VIRGINIA WOOLF Shows at 9:15 and 11:00 RICHIAItD BURTON ELIZABETH TAYLOIt George Segal, Sandy Dennis ADMITTANCE Jr. t0 PERSONS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OVER COMING NEXT "IIOW TO STEAL 1A MILLION" lesson. Guest speaker was Mr. Goldie Wheeler of London. Music by the Junior choir under the leaders -hip of Mrs, George John- ston and Mrs, Wm, Coultes. Or- ganist for the service was Roy Mundy. Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Ted Fear was Mr. and Mrs. Del Nixon and Cindy of Stratford. Mr, and Mrs, James Coultes spent a few days this week at Expo in Montreal, Other expo visitors were Mr, and Mrs. Ron Nicholson, or St. Mary's and Miss A1argarol and Raymond Nichol• son,- and Mr. and Mrs. Del Nixon, of Strafford, TEACHERS WANTED 11forris, East 11'awanosh T.S.A. Board requests applica- tions from teachers for the following positions. Applicants will state qualifications, experience and name and address of inspector. L Teacher for an intermediate grade in Belgrave School, Federation salary schedule. 2, Kindergarten teacher for Brussels and Belgrave Schools half day in each school; or teacher for each school on a half clay basis. 3. Music Supervisor for Blyth, Belgrave and Brussels Schools. Applicants may apply for all or any of these positions, stating salary expected for 45 minute lesson periods weekly in each class room. RALPH SHAW, Secretary Brussels, Ontario. MADE TO MEASURE SUITS BY HOUSE OF STONE Regular $126.00 , SALE $96.00 2 week delivery SAVE $30.00 READY TO WEAR 2 -PANT SUITS Checks and Stripes, Sizes 36 to 46. $69.96 to $75.00 R. W. Madill's SHOES --- MEN'S and BOYS' WEAR "The Store With The Good Manners" CLINTON DRY CLEANERS PICK UP at MADILL'S on Wednesday and Friday • WbI3N�ESDAY,• JUNE 7, '1967 TH]C BLTTH STANDARD PAGE SEVEN Auburn & District News Events ITEMS OF PERSONAL INTEREST Miss- Linda Baechler, of nob - otter, spent the weekend with her parent., Mr, and Mrs. Harold Baeehler and family, and was maid of honor at the Wayne- o]kman wedding in Goderich on Saturday. Mrs. Marguerite Chopin, of Gu- elph, visited for a few days last week with 11Irs. Margaret R. Jack- son. • Mrs. M. R. Roberts and son, William, visited in London last Thursday, Mr, and Mrs, Donald Cartwright attended the funeral of his uncle, the late Thomas Biggerstaff, at Blyth last Saturday. Mr, William McCann, of Dungan. non, visited one day last week with Mrs, Gordon R, Taylor, Mr, Wilfred Sanderson and Mr, Thomas Johnston attended a dist- rict meeting of the L.O.L, at Dun- gannon last week, Miss Joyce de Graafe of R.R. 3, Auburn, is a patient in Gode- rich hospital. Mr, and Mrs, Ron Pentland, of North Bay, visited over the week- end wit her mother, Mrs. Charles Straughan, Mrs. Duncan MacKay of Sault Ste Marie, spent the weekend in the village, Several members of the Auburn Horticultural Society attended the tea at Brussels last Wednesday afternoon. Word was received here of the cicatlt of Mr. Reg, Carter, a form- er barber of this village, after a lengthy illness. Ile has resided at Woodstock for many years. Mrs. Earl Allison, of Goderich, visited last Saturday with her bro- Cher, Mr. Charles Beadle. Mr. and Mrs. Calvin McIntyre, of Wingham, visited last Thursday with her aunt, Mrs. Alfred Rollin- son and Mr. Rollinson. Mr. and Mrs, Keith Arthur and Philip, of Lambeth, visited last Saturday with Mr. and Mrs. Barry Arthur. Mrs. Ralph D. Munro spent a few days in London last week vis - Ring her son, Mr. Donald Young- blut, Mrs, Youngblut and. family. Miss Minnie Wagner is visiting with her sister, Miss Laura Wag- ner, in Syracuse, New York. Mr, and Mrs, Clifford Brenton and son Clifford, visited relatives in Strathroy last Saturday. Master Christopher John Aid. man, of Kitchener, spent the week end with his grandmother, Mrs, Orland Bere and family. Friends are pleased to see Mr, Bert Craig and Mr. Lorne Toll home from Clinton hospital. Several from this community attended the spring show at Clin- ton last Saturday. C.G.I.T, Girls Graduate At Mother -Daughter Banquet Three graduates were honoured last - week at the Mother and Daughter banquet of the Auburn C.G.I.T. held in the Sunday School room of Knox Presbyterian Church. The three girls, Brenda Ball, Wendy Schneider and Ruth Bere were all seated at the head table with their mothers along with the president of the Knox WT.M.S., Mrs. Wilfred Sanderson. The president, Miss Brenda Ball, was in charge of the pro. WEDDING Mh;RRILL—MILLIAN dress, white accessories and a %utile carnation corsage, Guests were present from De- troit, Windsor, Stratford, Toron- to, and Smooth Rock Falls, Following a wedding trip to Ni- agara Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Merrill are residing on the groom's farm, R.R. 1, Clinton. A reception took place in the hall \then relatives and friends gathered and danced to the Black Hawk orchestra, - Following lunch Mr. Maurice Bean read an address of congratulations and Mr. Ken Sword, of Smooth Rock Falls, pre- sented them with a purse of mon- ey, A bouquet of spring flowers and lighted candelabra made a pretty setting in Knox United Church, Auburn, when Rev. M. It, Roberts officiated for the wedding of Mrs, Evelyn Millian, Colborne Town- ship, and Charles Richardson Mer- rill, R.R. 1, Clinton. Traditional wedding music was played by the church organist, Mrs. Brian Hal- lam, and she accompanied the so- loist, Mrs, Emmerson Rodger, when she sang "Love's Offering" before the ceremony, and the "Lord's Prayer" while the register teas being signed. Given in marriage by her eldest son, Wayne Millian, R.R. 6, Gode- rich, the bride wore a pink lace sheath dress with matching acces• sories and carried a white Bible crested with pink roses. Her bridesmaid, Miss Pat Mil. Tian, daughter of the bride, wore a green lace tent dress over fitted green silk sheath, \tite accessor ies, and- carried a .white Bible crested with yellow carnations, The groom was attended by his son, Mr, William Merrill, R. R, 1, Clinton. For a wedding reception for sixty guests held in the Sunday School room of the church, the bridal party was assisted in re- ceiving the guests by Mrs. Mel Greer, • of Lucknow, aunt of the bride. She Wore a pink linen Toughest Box Buil.:: Safest, too! Gehl Boxes have been safety -tested and farm -proved .. , at the factory and in the field, to give you year 'round crop service. Quick -Action safety bar with side lever lets you stop unloading action .. , instantly! These , safety features are standard equipment with every Gehl Box. Gehl Boxes offer greater capacity, longer life, too. Built to really take it ... Gehl Boxes give you day -in, day - out (toile -after -mile) of big capacity hauling and han- dling. Come in today. Ask to see the Gehl Boxes. Toughest boxes ever built and the safest "your money can buyl Financing easily avail- able. Moke us Prove it with a Demonstration I SNELL's Feed di Supplies RR. 3, Blyth, Ontario. gram and the toast to the Queen was proposed by Wendy Schnei- der and God Save the Queen was sung with Betty Moss at the pi- ano. The Grace was pronounced by Rev. R. U. MacLean and about fifty members, their mothers and guests partook of the smorgasbord supper. The toast to the church MIS proposed by Joyce Leather - land and Margaret Youngblut re- plied. The Toast to the Mothers 111as proposed by Ruth Bere and Mrs. Sanderson replied in place of Mrs. Bere \Hiro, was unable to attend, All girls pinned corsages on their mothers, Mrs, Sanderson brought greetings from the W.M. S. who supports the C.G.I.T, group. 'Phe head table and guests were introduced by the leader, Mrs. Wes Bradnock. The guest speaker, Rev. Allan Johnston, of Brussels, was intro. luted by Nan Lapp. He chose for his inspiring message "Prejudice" judging before you know the facts about her or hint and having no reason behind it. He told his list• eners that this is the trouble throughout the world to -day, peo- ple do not wait to find the truth and asked everyone to rid them- selves of all prejudice and learn to live together. Brenda Archam- bault thanked the speaker and presented him with a gift. A special centennial treat was the songs sung by Mr. Ken Scott and Miss Barbara Snell, Londes- boyo. They were introduced by Betty Moss and thanked by Shel- ley Grange. The graduation ceremony was in charge of Mrs, Bradnock assist- ed by Rev, R. U. MacLean and the assistant leader, Miss Laura Phil. lips, She pinned on the pins and the corsages on each girl gradu• ating, Beginners pins were pre- sented to Gail Seers and Marie Plunkett who have completed their first year in the group. The joining of hands and the singing of taps brought the annual ban• gaol to a close. PRESBYTERIAN W.M.S. HELD SPRING MEET IN CLINTON Mrs. John Pollock, Goderich, president of the Huron Presbyter• ial of Women's Missionary Society of the Presbyterian Church in JUNIOR FARMERS HEAR Canada was in charge of the spring meeting held last Wednes- TALK ON WEED CONTROL day in St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church, Clinton. After the call to The ',monthily. meeting of the tvorship the hymn "Just as I am" Clinton Junior Farmers was held o•as sung with Mrs. J. Dougallk of in the Clinton Town Ilall with Mr. Hensall, at the piano. The devo- Ray Brown as the guest speaker. tion period was in charge- of the I -Ie is the salesman for Ohitman Hensall group and the scripture Chemicals and he spoke on weed lesson was read from Matthew and insect control on field crops. 6th chapter by Mrs. Dougall, fol• He showed slides of test plots to lowed by meditation by Mrs, Har - reveal his conchtsions, vey l-Iuyde an prayer. She read They adjourned to the board two poems "God Answers Prayer" room of the Department of Agri- and "The 'rime for Prayer" and culture where they joined the closed the devotional period with Junior Institute members. 'Plans prayer by Mrs. Earl Campbell. were completed for the float to be' The minutes were approved as entered in the Clinton Spring read by the secretary, Mrs, R. Show particle and other business discussed. The guest speaker of the even- ing was James Stewart from Ire- land, He spoke andshowed slid- es on agrimltute in Ireland and these were very interesting. At the close of his informative ad- dress he was presented with a desk set of clock and pen, The Clinton Junior Farmers were hon- ored to have hint stay In Huron County for a week with Mr, Bob McNeill of R.R. 6, Goderich, • Following this nteoting the girls served a delicious lunch, Murray Hoover, president of the Huron County Junior Farmers, was also present, Joanne Cook presided for the Junior Institute meeting and they had a demonstration on using make-up and creams by Mrs. Brian flatter, R,R. 1, Auburn. CONGRATIIL ATIONS Congratulations to Mr. Donald Schultz tt4ho will celebrate his . birthday on Tuesday, June 13. 0111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, STREET DANCE Sponsored by Blyth Teen Town FRIDAY, JUNE 16 NEAR BLYTH PUBLIC SCHOOL Music By THE SANDS OF TIME dancing 9 to 1 Dress Casual Admission at Popular Prices EVERYONE. WELCOME N „ Dyke. Mrs. J. McConnell sent the financial statement and this was accepted, Delegates who had at- tended the Synodical Society of the Hamilton and London W:M.S. in Stratford. presented a skit of a meeting conducted without any planning. Complete reports of the three -day's meeting were given by the Presbyterial delegates, Miss .Jessie Fraser and Mrs. W, R. Kers- lake, both of Seaforth. Mrs. Albert Taylor, historian, of Goclerieh, told of the anniversaries to be celebrated this coming year in the different auxiliaries, Plans were made for the. fall rally to be held at Seaforth First Presby- terian resbyterian Church on Wednesday, Sep. tentber 13tth with Miss Mary Whale of Toronto, head of the overseas missions for the Presbyterian Church in Canadfa. OFFICIAL OPENING Addition to IJURONVIEW WEI)NESDAY, JUNE 14, 1967 at 2:00 p.m. 11 Public Cordially Invited to Attend BOARD OF MANAGEMENT A. D. Smith, Chairman. Donald McKenzie, Warden 4 1 (LINTON LEGION S BINGO $1,000 in Prizes - Plus Share -The -Wealth In Clinton's New Community Centre WEDNESDAY, LUNE 14 Regular Games Start at 9:00 pan, 12 ,1tEGULAR GAMES for $25.00 Each 3 EARLY BIRD BINGOS for $10,00 Each ' 1 SPECIAL GAME for $500,00 1 SPECIAL GAME for $200,00 2 SHARE.THE•WEAL'TII GAMES Admission: $1.00; Extra & Special Card's 25c, 5 for $1.00 Early Bird Cards: 10c or 3 for 25c Proceeds for Clinton Community Centre Fund PAG'"' EIGHT COOK'S Maple Leaf Red Sockeye Salmon 7 3 "1 oz. tin 59c Nabob Coffee, 1 Ib, bag 73c Tang Orange Crystals, 2 pkgs. 39c Breakfast Club Assorted Jams 4 - 9 oz. jar 79c ,Sunnyvale Fancy Peaches, 28 oz. tin . • • 39c Garden Patch Choice Cream Style Corn 2 • 11 oz. tins 29c Gold Seal Chunk Tuna, 3 - 6 1'2 oz. tins 99c Ellmalr Pure Margarine, 2 - 1 lb. prints 59e Free Dream Whip with 6 assorted Jellos 67c Liquid Javex, 61 oz. jug 43e Giant Size Fab, 15c off label, per pkg, 69c Weston's Chelsea Buns, 4c off pkg45c 'Weston's Hamburg or Weiner Buns 2 pkgs, 49c McCormick's Cream Filled Cookies 21 oz. pkg, 65c Coleman's Smoked Picnics per lb. 49c Colenuin'; Bologna 2 lbs, 83c Schneider's Bacon Ends per lb. 79c Grade A Chickens, 3 12 to .1 lbs, per lb. 39c Burn's Small Sausage 2 lbs, 99c Kist Ginger .41e, 5 large bottles 1.00 Fresh Fruits and Vegetables We Deliver Phone 523-9332 Phone 4421 FOOD A?'' INET We Deliver Kraft Cheez Whiz, reg. 83c, Spec. 16 oz, 69c Kraft Miracle Whip Salad Dressing 32 oz. 59c 6 Pkg. ,Jell -o Deal with Free Dream Whip all for only 65e Dare's New Fudge Chip Cookie, reg. 59c Spec, 1 Ib. pkg. 49c McCormick's Soda Biscuits, reg. 43c Spec. 1 lb. pkgs. 2 for 75e Salada Rise and Shine Orange Crystals get one free 45e Buy 4 Electric Light Bulbs reg, price get 2 lbs, Brown Sugar Free, Aylmer Fancy Tomato Juice, 48 oz., 2 for 69c Freshies New Potatoes New Cabbage 20 pkgs. 1.00 10 Ib. only 59c per lb. only 13c Sliced Side Bacon Fresh Beef Roasts Redi-Burger Steakettes Schneider's Weiners only 65c per lb. only 59c per Ib. 3 lbs. for 1.99 . only 39c per pkg. THE BLYTH STANDARD t IILYTII 1HUNICIPAL COUNCIL AMP MEETING The regular meeting of the Iidytli Municipal Council met on June 5th in the Library, Those present were, Reeve Borden Cook, Councillors hlubbard, Logue and McKay, Minutes of former meeting read and approved by motion of Coun- cillors Logue and Hubbard. Latter received from Huron Courtly Library Board regarding agreement on blanket insurance of Libraries and contents in the County to be carried by Huron County Public Library Board. Moved by Councillor Logue, se• corded by Councillor 11Ic•TCay, that we accept above agreement will the Huron County Library Board Carried, Correspondence was ordered filed by motion of Councillor Hubbard and McKay. Clerk was asked to have by-law drawn up to curb the nuisance of dogs running at large from May 1 to September 30, Accounts Receiver General, pension and I. 'Pax, 21.15; Receiver General, Unemployment stamps, 1.60; .1. \'a n Ca nip, balance on scale instal. Talion, 150.00; ,1, Warwick, salary, 315.00; Hamm's Garage, repairs to truck, 61.58; Elliott Insurance, in- surance on police car, 19.00; How. ron and Rowson, bone meal, 3.85; Allied Chemical, calcium chlor. ide, 383.04; P. & W. Transport, trucking cal. chloride, 72,00; Sher• idan Nursery, trees, 234.44; I• Wallace, salary and express paid, 102.35; A. M. Harper, audit, 720.• 00; Cronin's Hardware, supplies 11.28; George Radord, equipment rental and Supplies, 132.00; Blyth Hydro Com., street lights, 413.10; George Pollard, streets, 36.30; .1. G. 1[effron, garbage collection, 139.50; Doherty Bros., lawn mow- er, 3,13, truck 20.14, car 7.79, 31.- 06; Receiver General, pension and I. 'Fax, 22,51; 11. Sillib, streets, 7.40; Stewart Johnston; backhoe, 31.50; Morton Sales and Service, part for scales, 5.10; J. Warwick, paid Dr. Leibold for destroying dog, 2.00; Receiver General of Canada, postage 15.00; Welfare, 53,54. Moved by Councillor Rogue, se- conded by Councillor Hubbard, above accounts be paid. Carried, - Motion by Councillors Logue and Hubbard that we adjourn, Carried, P,ca'den Cook, Irvine Wallace, Reeve. Clerk-Treas. CENTENNIAL "C" UNIT 7'O MEET Centennial "C" Unit of the U.C.W. of Blyth United Church will be held on Tuesday, June 13, at the home of Mrs. Ray} Madill at 8,15 p.m. MAPLE LEAF UNIT TO MEET The Maple Loaf Unit of the U.C.W. will meet at the home of Mrs, Grace McCalluun on June 15 at 2 o'clock. Please be prepared to answer the roll call with a scrip- ture verse beginning with the let- ter "J," LEGION WILL ,IIOLD CENTENNIAL DANCE The Blyth Legion Branch will hold a centennial dance in con• junction with Royal Canadian Le- gion Week on Friday night, June 9th, Centennial costume prizes will be offered, along with beard con- tests. JOINS OPI' DETACIIMENT Alan Fairservice has graduated from Ontario Provincial Police College at Aylmer following a six- week course In police technique, He is stationed with the Forest Detachment. Congratulations to Mgrs. Jim Bolger who celebrates her birth. day on Friday, June 9, , DECORATION SERVICE Decoration Service at Blyth Union Cemetery will be held on Sunday, June 1Lth, at 2,30 p.m, under the sponsorship of Branch 420 Canadian Legion, Blyth. The service will be conducted by com- munity ministers. It is hoped there will be a good community response as this service is In con- junction with veterans memorial week. The Legion would like to place a flower on every veteran's grave. Anyone who objects or feels that a veterans grave niay be missed please contact Mrs, Harold Bad• ley by June 3rd, REAPERS UNIT TO MEET The Reapers Unit of Blyth U.C. W. will meet Tuesday, June 13, in the church parlour. Bring a plant or bulb, Congratulations to Larry Rut• ledgewho celebrates his birthday on Friday, June 9. Congratulations to Dale Tasker \rho celebrates his birthday on Saturday, June 10. Congratulations to Mr, George McNall ‘‘tho celebrates his birth- day an June 10 and Mrs, McNall on June 11, WEDNESDAY, NNE TEEN topics The Blyth Teen Town met last Thursday night in the library, Minutes were read and approved and the remainder of the evening was spent discussing new busi- ness, It was deckled the Teen Town would sponsor a contest to' design a crest. There is no restriction to who may enter and a prize will be awarded to the .winner, The crest. must be suitable for a jack- et and must have- Blyth' Teen Town on it, Please send your en- tries 10 P. 0, Box 198, Blyth, It was also moved that the teen town donate $100.00 to the arti- ficial ice fund on the condition that it go Towards the installation of the cement floor. There is to be a street dance on Friday, June 16. Iit will be held in 'the parking lot of the Blyth Public School, Music will be pro- vided by The Sends of Time. There will be several members of the Teen Town helping out at the field meet that will be held in 131yUh on June 16, Plans are also 'being made for a picnic at Point Farms Provin- cial Park sometime in August. Classified Ads Bring Fast Results acation Time Notice I will be absent from the store from June 11 to June 19, inclusive. All customers re- (uirin►,• PRESCRIPTION ITEMS or MEDI- CAL SUPPLIES please secure salve before June 11th. The store will be open during my absence for the sale of regular drug supplies and sundries. R. D. PHILP, Phm.B I)RUGS • SUNDItIES • WALLPAPER — P9tone Blyth 523.4440 11,/r 9 ed White Food Mkt. BLYTH, ONT., Phone 9451 WE DELIVER Kam Luncheon Meat, 12 oz, • .. , 2 tins 89c Maxwellhouse Instant Coffee, 10 oz. jar 1.35 Kraft Velveeta Cheese, 1 lb. pkg, 67c Club House Peanut .Butter, 24 oz. jar , 63c Allen's Fruit Drinks, 48 oz, tin, 3 for 1.00 All Washing Detergent Free Plastic Pail 20 lbs. 6.73 Canada Dry Soft Drinks in Tins 21 to a case 3.89 No. 1 California New Potatoes, 10 lb, bag 69c Buy of the ' eek - FREE 5 lb, BAG REDPATH SUGAR FREE with the purchase of 4 electric light bulbs at regular price. BAItBECUE TIME --- 4 oz. CLUB STEAKS, 4 lb. box 3.99 GRADE A. CRICKENS, 3 - r1 lbs., per lb. 39c CHICKEN PIECES, legs or breasts per lb, 59c "' IIIIII!II!I!IL'lll!III!III!II!111111!IIII!I!II!!!!!!911!I!I!'I!!IIIIII!II!I!IIIII!IIII!IIIIII!III!II!I!II!!IIINIIII!III!I!IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�lllllllllll!11!1!1III!I!II!II!!IIIIIII!!IIIIIIIIII!!1111111!IIII!II!IIIIIIP�!IIIIIII!Illl'''