The Goderich Star, 1899-06-14, Page 8IALSO.. I'6 '01110111IF11110411112 - , . 9XWWI1L_ _r" T4. Uv 4 Nif, 10 wo I VE otb Wiwa V. Nr, W wiltIl"siu'll. wry ivelt'im t 7'. put'. W041A �bo mo-vw. sweeter' " 14. Y TR U* 4014 ww* IA** kA 9,14, Uk rAftAy*P ITfe*VV,1VXX0WT. Rae f 40 Ulu" 4 , -OMS VOIR 94n or 4140 jospht, Aw* boa* WS hTr _Po *TM . that j 31C ,, *" "YEN ti DeJRt1frjCVA,.. yeam 0 004'4,411 ifxM litiO0, with two Igrg4k IAmoy low 0 new. how,� bit *bo 1(4t -�& I , � . V fW" - I - 00M Y Will W1W U"M Alw*ys of oWorth q*ftY91 V, Igo, U.- -W *1*4 034 'ry r loop VON* n0WA*r_W Amiletit, oe Atnlo�q;hi tjw j;tipolil . I iDUN a -at bear W,40 iti-XVic 44 41149T1114110M bou L now pow �04A Alto 4XU 10 tie, V* � tr1jr(h nIr� wou Y Tar, 'I -xis op 000er U1,10 4400lo". or the VOW rwn AIn �nqw yo oXt WL. r"YN 00"Y' Fill $i AntIC dr -4. be 811tt I kno tollowl, 0 geat I lPool OF -ago AVA 4,4 %Po `141 001a deoiding not to biltiller ft um. W"4091*1 sorpt4t.v, 19 IN 00or Wwi . . - glo,314 lilive log Cream whil" o in1310 tit, r. $� T 14*10.4g -ex- , , . , , 4 a -Im" I . I I I I . 1. .
PX00; Into i I r. 041400plug, drop i NoMe0k g4ft '& 4(r%,Q�e -L ' atIOU W111004' 0 ow honsio in PI cot . I rjr .1(% too. Moo TVAZOI ITolk, 1. Ins: kvIgMus, Ov, Ono as out, Wo 13almoral 'cafe and 0 tl)o r Koo$ stroya by 0 10t gtou'taroj. lot can,, ja couple of v #gfY The nu%v struct4re be larjo %v�, At *Is fro 13 A il. omfortable exiough lot, "lore than 4 COW 8XIIII It* b0b &6440,00 tommodit'. t01) lotiot opp] Ito W u It PXIOV 0 1 E Im. nit proprietor. one to pc9opy. NZ I t Ill.. 9 f 0 401411004 Allook the equpire movibens 91-.t Alto bit, 0) depAtlim Avati 'Me P1,44'e to 3�Llqri C44.0.01 NNUATO uirr. -Xr. and Mrs. J. Q�, Work Iva* A04 pop ot'' villijed Co., W. 1p. T. U. NaTus, OrIch township, who ibeimber, M wtis �Qok of the olixty: fm_pl" Ste ap. of Q Few 19"FACATIPTIP 4101*01 of, and, The.vegular 34ecting bel(I on lon- one -altv manage to visit jup. Goo. exi 0911- AL itow, AIX OF An lle 16tepi 4i � A) wee-kand. theirfriogdo were he it and family obee 0, *e4r. were 'M 4140 to bsmd� itof 111topeat. 009b A Phase to_ to become a menace t of this alight t ree it 11, tug, it 14.. . Mission Wov1;,b0Ij%th0 subjeeo anoral toorailty, In that they are de. rig Trecfpiert� was ultyka Ofl;ltft A0QP t).0 10IpUctIVe tOW801pline.dotrimental to Y. # 0 meet the I@4Y end gentle trill. upo' -44 Tbis Our soldiers And a consmut temptatio n to-thope who have not used liquor. Ba oL HimpoaT.-The following Is eaer & oe Myers the fooling a roo, w rotloply. de. Ards netire to bring the motter before the 4tten. punctuality, ro "larity of a tontlAuce, -of the evil. to Kirk, Ada awp- Sp rj recoment, And so tion of tbo'uo d feneral %r4o. E ucquitip.gillecl therefore, this District; Council would tile SIZIntlin Ihumbl ed6d I � Y ineutorlalle the Grand Council school fort 8 moat -of bits to, suppl3t pill SPON
tgk by gn substitiltial 44 looltunite rapans td secure e ab. r I Ad& 1117tt, W11110 Caagb�ll, 0 to,thi*q III sad In eed, tyAs for, (4) That the Urand Council be mew- Ity U . 0 . . EM Etc IT Iff, Mrs. orl IzQd to urgo upon the Qatario Ayan. '410C aud youns: rla alature the c 091 e 001D -tilem 14 out pbg:w g pentland'Nellie ytkn JDovJd Wilson -vi III ft *Y00 tas, connection with o a and saloons on Pt. � edforet IX to all legal holidays. On �'Da 11vins, te Hall. Willie Wilson., 6at, The 0u,&ont of the eldin Too eveninj was spent In dellght . opt It atig will be ns, Melvin Covey. W-illia Gli, PrOP4,04 t -in La e Huron in which nil &be no Mar P pt Our flarvor Pent. fill SAII i it Jr. ft'll a wood tuatiol ve ined In town ever Un act will dplegaten won P do. U001110", IMP, are look rou vu�"O, ,�V�vtloo 0. all i i 0 Telephone, Jqo-.99. g Or 70 Moll Al W1 I a Nivins, Wilfred 'ElbOtt Tom QA r0ll or 7110 imue Intand- g qq V t or at Irol(ilo W Or. Ce Herr. $tella.-Kiek. M O -et.- Wilsout 810 n it 10 Qualb t. 1. BlinAoIrvin'. Colin Mollivain, at
IlIght partlelpi=1t. and afterwards 4, I5til g4bering s4 t)qe ligne of Mr. and Mrs. too It 111, via cat. Out Hot of speol'at P stothere ,Mtrnie mz no POT Unit the remainder of thia eveamix was. M6. 104k A01 conduct tile (30 'here Lida Duakeld., so in 111 qAt li�. est t Frailent, 011�po k nod these It stlt-umqntal ran sBit bring, -as A 0 er neO c11 -th ass that- we.-cau look aft 4vnox R. T. 0. T. sic all refreshments. "n a), John Hit 1. Viola Younic, Willie We; delegates expressed chemsolves me e Senior form: elites V. VgWa Ryan, ab In tile, Tor )ell. Miss S. McKn t. teacheo, !AaWitday! Bar ljoved a 004 walmOr. Pt. I Le Clearing gain- 84,100'' 11470 . . . . . . . . . . . spent in a social way, with vocal AD& I may. Cerlia hohl it, Lennie,Dun* nto ellwain. scial offoringov Ir- ortch, tkn Thors ay t while In Qo4erlob. The qoxb� Roll. 2 ,fit
highly p eased with their entertAin.,
weut frow ame:. na or the District; Council will be Mfg Mi1tthews; Sr. I . tit IIiii I Vill earl Typior Ernest Willisi'
0*, oh, sat , Win The imend- Roy Girrin, Lucy -------- 1-a big lot, at. ti. Woman stioek to-soll" ZelTat Exeter in January, IOU N& wains Jr. Hr. Stil the W Yowl- Art tip II6, vtlu �11' �lirly as large As on tt. Lao 'W ilaleoliias, and perhaps It Dansaintion. HerbettStnth-,, Qrsfjr. 111. Ella avan.0arillan Hall, *a those who ware *&,no)dt st $1 It respective cour In iolle eticmi.,-Tharo will he q strawberry Coodit' Whim, Joale YounFr, Battle a 0. all 8 is M %I(W W titti - Social At the Vosidebee of Mrs. Ji M. Ryan, Rostit T^7tor, LoIzzie Nivillf4i pea and 4nalitio .04; c nid to bite hunt t fop 4 0111ting. apt is Robert* on Thursilky ovenin mixt� In IV (p Wlson; Baza Hutchins. C. A. Your choice ott-bis loft ..... ..... It. In brown$ X olow now T� 6 ligith Sti Aid -of, Ht. FAUN ellutch. T to back, Tb kiutt, c"O."We Nation On § band is expected to play. Briley. Cliait(= NoTIte.-Tite W."N.-Hoe1q;t, look. good qu 1606 0 Ure, C."i(3ampliolt, body will- he welcome and s, very ploa. h their monthly meeduAl at We OCCU8ying, 'the sau� titne is promised to all wild come. lio 19. of Mej. lattice Z liott, last Wed- OR thi,outth- 40 Kf.-Rov.' Up Ilson of U padentials Relpembineuta will be served V-0 BAUGAM XN MOTO "tit the.ovealn The adrivission 'fee J GY SA"MTRI)A.' 4 tip Milpit of the File jL Alid reptifted; Session Metbo 1�� liwre also appolitted, - Wilt liela 00.41 die evoul"t Ali- CAN USE j a t a few add, tosell ,:the T111i IVILIt OLUM-The follow("& Is InAllor hurta-ZE Luke 19, 42-Ille Ze s�1`1008, at chpvc last Sabbath Ve S 'Z it, adjoArmliefit'iVito Uestiore of the Dungannon Rfoa ub S, bits nostpo �Iog.stjven uAto their, clearhe lot ourk.op 5 aVents, d
*#tlt shopt. Juno Ith - 10th to the Oull.. to be hbld at Port ned their pichio from should FAntgei., III waW $k2 for suit, ft PAINT Lijie "o, our speolst 60 Three onIv neqs on, W0 100 y4s. 2M �d T4441 .4 .0 " , I h ;11 ., ieces, small sixes in Th 9 i9osit ana. van 7 NEWS, 79 09800NAi.,Mps� Bitaild. of Ess6t In brightening yojr 6us, PrI00 was 32.75,cleapt*'�'S� e v a ng her ag.ed father,, Mr. S 0 we atk4 BI 41 a just as well as a professional I only venle IS 0 h4.4, n antal-11i _M ra, Hatbwavi- of p 10 87 43 A40 H
Disher . $0 grey 'Twead, well rhaIde, :Vvd qt1* Wlpe&-Oliti 74 e -olli4, is viattlog her sister, urs��s 40 pairiter. There is no tekk IdAripgs,. 00 fit Me. If $Ion wont &-pair ofCold' 69 Comb6plain 928 ftV (00 ...... adies, Hope# lint is It takes Wesley aliout it If yougot the iijbt farintir's satin linibg,, laeiltsfi r a vatd4r Corsets We can le Crawtord 87 57 down a the part so often V Surely ap',06f Treleaven, IS 44 t16 it I p�int. .A%V4.,YOQ 160 of 80 per 0,80L all the .41, t 0 tee of in4r Siff thero ustbesomeattraotion.-Heury W ParON.&L. - IteV. Mr. Armittronr 8 LACE C URTAIN. BA -,WA-V ib
dton. last 0A,SAT eUorset*, worth',B,,0js? a oJohn was down 0 Sheppat Wfit, obaYoun returned yesterday WIN- W/1 L . .. .............. *850 . ......... is felt ISeveral odd lido& the a100 ,%14 fiatati to, one an ties upon record our r our aed k throuschout out- pel 26W
Make paint suitedoto tevery tivention. X � 4ral" f hogrowth Of Walter- net Interi-sting Pap% purpose, and we can tell y6il thern 8*39CIAt-A gogd. strong two "Side '14borbood f
ored so �t Wo pairs of 4 IdAll, ta bac
* n a In, gaftmt Major Bbot who suff 0 'gore, twe ihmughout out all woric itre4t it loss by lips Tecently.-Rov. Up; V.. work- ra. johnstoll wheel. --Steel"Ciirset, regular price 50a, Oqr S oil Hall was taken voty ill last Thursdav what special paint is best suit- Qna pair gqod quality Nottingbini! There Lao6 Curtains, creita, lepakt,adg ul 5 hVidor town anon, 130, 1 1 �r 0#x90,S&tqrdAy I I Dra. Close. or ounga ed, to yoUr purpose, ......... . ....... r s ro g roturne f to a trip I L 3j yards.1mig, Wiaernan'.9fice was, pair, oil V.1 Ot- d Not. u0kqo*'. are In.atteu is the cupboard, or sheiv 16 I ThM "Avg I* to et 1b on floula ity title quAWY 1;
jj$ Vato OU50, ...... ...... I 119110113 Jusco vurosns, ane or sit's &,e -Al $1.00 we can son =61 i of writing be is t _0 ) 6
It tthat, you bar VQ tqd to you a on y uven;� owy-ifor - , rg 0S. h ve parailtse; -.-or
LY AINT tgbt 0*1*851i-li a were nor, suph In ��,-Cotsev -whic 4 a at he '4060 " g his to -a tough;, ast ag s ace. 'he. 00(ollilout kd It gives, an oil fi� 00 at Wit aturday.i.-Mi. Sam. Sbeppa ridied hiq hain last 'Abured4y After- can'be washed. - -short Waist jQ. Olt- "Tb IIs in MoulitlF.Ves, Vl$itl li. 4n to DBMS GOODSL �.`Ilqw_ 't X4 JNS VO'R 8 I, I r rhO Is iftry 11. riaon. After the hents, were put There are twenty-one colors, -BA A URDA the stlar III -on will on fter Will Udllralu And �Tdrd Me all good. -The colon. are linny'ohose 'Ades. and the broll;HnX We PU line wq tbilik,14. vM1 interest Qo = ot# we t. together In & burry without any i 'r . . , , Drr 6'GoOda-, inost 61 wbjeh iatq spe4j4li itiltab)e for'bop q4le skirto for. weitUr!ii that you ca� easily a,.
the can so dents. After tell, Oct* was q selzict the desireo sbade. e tilt ing witht0irt waists. I)r46 acov, , GG. Matthew, and -1tarr kerr being WA,11 By 806VO you the cost of linings sad-ralikings,, foro W ofloor iovistioatt captolus. wrthow's 8110 won ;& to All w I 36 Iii. dlogon% striped Pr6o, ri ome of the boys wore a oy Par4j-Aotre. good tstter At the nfide Zaj� list, -pr a *09 460" -di Dd�,,,U IN. Do 1RtN,,oYugv;e, old,the �ou liker to -pay. Mus Woo a. 049111b U0414 flaialto will Act r PJ rl$
pretty sore the next dqj, as the burs-` 0DERIC11,' Id Act catch the dtiatj* speciol, folk ic Weire rough and tumbre.-Last 1#1 d . ..... . ............... I I th�- 6na 44, th% tfitinth We tie offering some 'Unite, ;g'lbdq E Isr-priow-wa Soo AUOTION, SALE - IL A IReid'* Old Stan Meft, RARN Is � 4'. U -,,ot Sp 11! WATS W, Kim
ring I.So No out 0,01,*4 slid got &14w of the aliaps., d�rich bite, 10htarlo.
706 !90 Y pring S, N111liqery Bargains olegir. ag all Triwtiliq4� Hillilloq, neglar20 4, spacial -,lot' of, WHIPS, M. AND OU06 it 116 at, Ch On, sp 404� b t or �ftll; mis" 008 and 00 a baragIn. 261 one q
dWl bl�ok Cot on WITS WAA10,MH 'full 'auab of obilatows 44 1, o, Otto at urd ra U nneIA" i P.M.' anAIM AT I ot BO Afid Itaiketi; wbfLo Wn rqr,!: , , oit bU Men litovail to
swil fat Whj wear.,:, uOw 0161104 with anIe undry's AucHan ward6ffis G-0d6rith in Cloth! gliwn 01.;-,; ences 40, 0 ty Orwo lair tk 1.,M*
*ail Ifit $1.00i: be cheav, Ird
51h ha
7 -
'I's Ono, PAn ot 6 D GEN H 01 Mon WelliShaped, 1voo
btooa woo ,mobitibg rubber tir t I'aft i"Via 'Plod w IeI*eki -Q,
70- IOtt 104 114TY Oaks, Ali; ej D' t Iiau st, fft� , A A a
o140 a Essy Ilwl *A*, ak itIlts* Boa 0 **Aft ftoom too 0a *0" "M 41 *boo" flat Aittifti rftmvwah� ro I OY, ioly cents A 111t 4 00 6066iii, bw *Wi6 b
tbro ck"
ell p