The Goderich Star, 1899-02-17, Page 8C _
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of The Peo le, a worthy Candidate who deserves the, uftlto .50 l Fit ft1i" YOU for Id1l, 1. o>r� Feb �t�A�ta
;tial is a i`lan pr
Miss Audile Bruco lett recently for FF41imEIta' IN07'gTUTE,-,.-A(getc1nP_ of U, W+.. w.100 I* in aeasipry Rhgrs,,-Rr THIP} Signal alsol It bug-acAl 1, that
Chicago, athero, after ending o few weelis, the West Huron Farmeeii ,iustitute a• H• IJotang iI[ tatd up vrlth fL, a kq+a no tfnatfnn " A A �' '� A A ' A A A A • • • • A • ,
pFOP,-Ft,.. P Papers are
ale will proceed to Grand
Forks, Dakota, will he bald the corning sve0tc as tet-1debeafer, ,kltiveltop. to yrs,iQR L{iii - i_ vaJSd Itecause it is; allege, they
sister, Mrs, Jpo. tli hoolthKN, this Lyreo,u THIS I� WHAT OUR GUBTAl►�ERB SAY Af10UT OUR r.
where she intends to reside. °
*rid Mrs. 1 hw•11 aro .gain •t thq lows: tit Wmgham trig T lnrsday, Feb: --A very plttftq:rnt evening Was 8 Ifte are- endorsed witllaatateruagtthaG >.
Mr. s r tqt ,till Zl Auburn, on Friday, and ;Qungatt at +t party on, FrldaY evenlpR. 1+tat, the prescribed oath has been t4eti- �.
OR A BAD COLD. old residence, and it Its said their stay non on Saturday. sire at Eioi►ne({vflld g�iven by tail. find Afro• ,Iris. Hayden at SCAa. �=�93 : ►
4e a lengthy trio, aq the lady comets to the on the following Monday. Afternoon their residence. The-naakinR ok tZiis endorsement is the
old home for the bvAli t of bar healtll. and evonintr sessions wilt be held in, POLITICAL•'. -Willie made a mistake duty of tbo Hetuirning Officer; as the � ►
—^^ Mn. (Capt.) Dsnoay wishes to convey, each place. to his solrrw when he said there waa path is talrVeq and signed before he `T hat axe 1 of from OU for SOC Was >
through the columna of 'Pus STna, her ain- TRRUARNrvAL.-The soeondcarnival no more debt now than when the receives the paper. If he has neglect- g Y ►
'Alf i care her
illn to the many o meads, who slut- of the season was held in the West St. Tory party went out of power in '99 G ed his dui Mr. McLean is not to blame, • a cracker."' ,
"1�4re>Il, tusk try a bottle of tog her Illnnss, sant het so many beautitut d Y
ink cin Frida evea!pfr, and saes large- thane gentluwen would wake ane nor his a gent either. . >
roAes and oarnstiona t Y R `That 50c axe beats me for a marvel ►
believe that black was white and
' Mr, Geo" A. Haddon, artist of Toronto, ly attended, considering that the 910,913 white no color at all. -Mr. Brough. -- �+--- 1 • . 1(, # .
is visiting hie brother Archie W. George (narked ton polmtR helitw zero. Those+ C. E„ was in the v""' on vVednes- WHEN Mr. Tarte, Mr. Mulock. Can- y of cheapness, considering the fine quality. ":'`
I I :_1 -.*.,,..,FOUR T was born in Goderieh, and tbuut;h quite a attending in fauoy dress, though not day looking at the harbor•. I believe ti,r.,
sliders Holmes and others bold out to
youth when he left here, will tied maty quite equal in number to those present there is &u electron in West Huron � >
+ who will remember and heartily welcome at the lust carnival, were equally well shortly, but., boys, wake up tot• once, Grdertch the cold justice threat that if Etc., etc . ►
And a few Quinine Capsules, and you will hien. He has been in the vortrait and dressed, and as costurues that have and don't be hoodwinked, for when Mr. McLetyn is elected Goder•ic•h may • `' (; ..
Q p Photographing business for over six years. won prizes Ibis season are barred, It fol- the 21st is past they will forget that whistle for harbor improvements. let . A few left of the last of slit boxcs Get ►
be agreeably surprised by the result. lows Ihat prizes wore only awarded tot- there was such a place as P. A. llathnr.
r sutnothing now. The new die tart re their bear a row facts to mina, name- ►
AN AcrIAENT,-Harold Tichbourne• allowing those not in fancy gess to One gentleman said theta saes I$5,l)v0 I that the one before the are all gone.
, A that was granted that is still to be y interests of the Brand * Y g ►
while using a saw at the Organ factory, skate on a part of the rink while the expended, and they would do woodere Trunk andof Goderieb are inseparably >.
had the misfortune to cut,,ty the ends judging teak place. was much appre- this coming summer. Thies money connected, and that the Grand Trunk
Oxat>,axsx of two flugers; the wounds however, ciated on such a cold night, anti the they spel.k about was granted when will back n ►
I' • 1VI . D U N R 1VI are healing nice) find Harrold will voon mixing of fancy nod plain dresses made the Tor party was in power in 1803, P Oaderich in securing her /�
L. 1 • DR77Q•C�I62� ba able toK'esun.e labor, the scene u pretty one The Marine if I am not mistaken, go. it it wits to rights. Parry Sound is represented by 'd Do you want a CrOSS=\./ut Sas >
OLA BTArlcttx va. UUh7 s. - This week blind its usual played Borne pretty tunes, be spent it would have been done long Mr. Gen. McCormick, M.P., an oppon- ►
MCLitan's Block, Routh Side of Square. and between the pieces t o members ago; itis only an election dodge now ent of the
n rink composed of W. Wallace, D. C. sen o ular choruses on a manger present Government, but If so et a BUFFALO BILL. T� e i L ese. >
K pop to cutch W few votes, so bier it ul t 6 y
Strachan, A. MeD. Allan with W. T. that brought down the house, as the mind and vote for the wan that despite this fact alt nPcessRry harbor
11 I People We Know. Manager R. W. Logan, of the North Welsh as skip, played tilt, colas, F. M. 84Ying is. The judges, Measrs. RouRvoe. Slippery says can only talk about improvements, securing lighthouses,
Me Crooke, of Clinton, was on town on tmerican chemical works, was in Dhe Dunham, H. L. Watson, It. W. Logan Tye and Emerson, had ,t difficult jolt to horses and cattle. Rally together, etc., have been done at Par•ry Sound. � ►
I ' Tuesday. orest City this week. and 1). Holmes, the latter the skip. and judge between the contestants, but in boys, and you will never re ret the o
P• Y Y R Why. Because Mr. Booth's line o! >
�:° Mr, M. Farr is very ill of pnenmonis at Geo.Barrowe left Wednesday morning downed the younilatere ny 0 shots, the every case thev made the proper vote you poll for Robert McLean.— The balance of the large stock of Bells 2fld Skates we
award. The "tees were awarded as Alex. cut •qu to a dash, like u slit in & r'ai'lway is evidently all powerful with g ►
8altfozd. to attend Ihomeating of {he Grand Lodge score bring 14 to S. follows: Uou PecostumeandfAncvskut-
A. O. i? w. in Toronto. FROM Cvnp.-Y. Lynn, avho has V watermelon. Perhaps free corn would the Minister of PUblICWorka and other had we are determined to clear out at close prices. ►
M. 0, Cameron was In the Queen City Ing. Mies McKenzie and fico. )5uhe ; atilt a Highland Ncotchman, but I be• ,it in ere of the Cabinet. The riding of
Mrs, C. Crabb, Elgin St., who has been through the Cuh,tu war with our ant's fancy costume, Geo. Dube and lieve oatmeal would he referred. ►
. the week, been seriously ill for some time, although q P -
cousins across chs border,,trrived Noma L. PRrsons ;ladles costume, Miss Daisy - EtL.9t Bimcoe ie oleo represented by +m
A. Mocallum, of Paisley, spent Sunday not well vet, is innah better. Moser Lnd Miss McKenzie ; girls' opponent of the Government, Mr. Ben- . ►
in Goderioh. this week on +a visit n. his parents, Y t g Dungannon.
Mtile and Msster Ranrun return to 8trat- tinct, plica Lillie Wehater, Mists Carrie nett, but all necessary public work is r ►
Thou, Bates, of Detroit, was In town i ford to -day, after a pleasant visit of four Pitt has it largo uuulber of trophies of Fraser; boys' fancy R. Craigie and F. DoTs.-Mr. J. H. Medd purchased A done thereby Hon. Mr, Torte. Why? We
over Sunday, j weoks with the Miaaee Hutson. the wilt• whiell he hits been pleased to Saunders; couptecomie, D.Sallowsand fine span of drivers recently.-TheY Wm, Banka, jr., of the Globe, was iu 1:. R Wotaon is in Toronto ropresnnting shilw his mtanv friends, and his explan- W. Horton ; nurse, Miss Pearl Teethe- Cinderella Club wits entertainea RL the hecaa§P the Grand Trunk's interests Re MCKENZIE,
town Tuesday auom regarding I leu, brightened their
Y• the local loduo at the annual meemug of Lile way. u atop, H. F. Morris ; old ni.dd, M,anfie on Monday. -The concert iD Rid and those of Midland are one. Electors '! he PIiECe LO Buy $RTQwtG,t'B Cheap.
N. D. Itougvte visited She Ioreet Cit value considerably. Our old towns- ►
r y , Grand Lodge of the A. O. U. W. bliss Jessie McUunttld ; Canada, Mlss 1 of public lib' acv and public school of Goderioh used not wogry over h&r�
luau looks well in his sellar uniform, Hattio Harrison. The followingladies last Fr•id,a evenin was n^t as well
on Wednesday. W. Jackson, John Ransforl, Dr. Bruce• thou�f h he hits been through f.he tips Y hor improvements, because it the G. T. ♦ V r V T V V V T V V
and gentlemen handed in c,trdsdeserih- attended as it might have been, had � ��
Mica Annie Howe, of Clinton, is visiting I Oliver Johnston and JoeepIl Capp, of uud dawns of the lute war. Ing their c•oat.umoa, but there were a it not been Pot aha extreme cold and Railrv+av Co, say that Goderioh roust _ _
in town thieweek. ! Clinton, were in town Thursday. IN MINNicsarA.- M1. James Thorn- large number on the rink in tanev Its little. Those who went, however. have' harbor impmvements. they will
Mrs. Wm, Watford, of Hamilton, is I Mr, Bruce, who visited Ilia uncle, Mr, son rec•ived a letter last week from tie dress who did not notity the lessee of etif" ed it ver much; the songs. reci-
visitin friends in town, George Rarr Elgin St., has returned to Y Y R ho performed• and env sensible m,in
g Y, R the rhar+tcter iapterentedi W+tltatr r+dione, ore., Pverepronounced Ht- W Have Them All.
"f °''' Mrs. Aneobroak lett yesterday to visit hie home, Peck, Cadillac Co. Miohlgau• old chum, Rub Murton, who is located knows that Lhe Grand Trunk will do
McInnie ; umbrella turn ; S. Murthe. atria. We ho a theca We'll he a tat Pr friends In the Queen City. Mise Birdie Heye, who is visiting re. in Minneaotit about IB miles from the brownie; B. L. Mitt -tin, Father audience next time. all in their power to that end for our r
a-, lativos In Seaforoh, eaffared from the pro- Manitoba, boundary. Rub is not, lone- Uhini uV : Jno. Navies, tri er t PFDRBoxAL.-111r•s. Jahn Andei•e^p town. Let us hear no riiure of the leu, The apnsdy tnenits of a taw cjo,oa of our "ORIPPh COMPVUND" have surprleed
W. H. Hopptns, of Parry Round, wax n fl nigger P
Goderio4 visitor last week, veiling epidemio the whole of the past week. some\ beciLUeQ Ti o,uanhanser, Jones Reggie Harrison, Spaunvh dancer. presented her hushand with a daugh -'elect Holmes and Godwrich harbor those who have tried it. But If, from previous use, you want
11, 11 Mr. and Mr,r, Gray, of Dungannon, left and Cosner, who were at the elevator May Btichanau, Stars and Stripes; ter un Sunday mortling.-Mr. Cumber- will be Improved."
J, Burke, of the G. T. R. ataff, was Tuesday far Toronto, Mr. Gray being a (schen building), are putting up a big Geo. Dube, old alma g,tllunt: IaDd is barb again, tartar tin extended (QUININE CAPSULES OR 1 ILLS
struck by grippe this week, delegate to the Grand Lodge A. O. U. W. lumber mill, and two hrothern of our Mins Hattie Ilarrison, Canada : ti ip to Listowel+ Forest and other We have all sizes In stock, fresh and reliable, and sell them in any quantity desired.
•., H, J. D. Cooke, barrister of Hensall, btisa Harland, of Clinton, who was for one time resident, W. R. .filler, 4Lr° H.F,Murris, trump: Aliss Allie Craigie, phLees; he looks wall pleased with the Councillor Solmee Resigns. __
spent Thursday in Godariel. Beverel days the guest of Mies Mornay, is located ata town not four indica die- Queen of SGu s ; Mlfis Nellie McKenzie, world. -Mr. J Robinson, from Cold TO TIIit EDIraR OF TII1C9fAR: Jnat to hand--Brwuto QuiQin• 1'AbIODI, phony* Caffein Pills.
A. Dewar, of Lapdon, is extending the nt i,resont the quest of Mies Oliver Todd. cant. The lowest ten Derature ret ,•,ainhow ; liuh. Uraigie, time of Colum- Stream, is spending a. taw weeks at S,jt,-fin justice t0 myself and the and bast makes of Hoadaoha Powders and wafers.
•`s telephone service in town these days. Everett McKenzie is in charge of thalmw ed lit the lumbor villa�o last week wits tilts ; Miss Ethel Mosely, Queen of Mr. Saundby s. - We see glad Mr. —_
4;' Luke Madigan, o[ Forest, the first con- practice of R. H. Collins, barrister of Exeter, 52 below, and the average for Febt nary Hearts ; Miss Daisy Mosely, lady of Wtard is out again after an attack of electors of the town of l{oderio4, I .. • ��
the last nerved gentlemen being den crena• wise 95 below zero. consider that I should e$plain why I Dr. Coopers Cough Emulsion. for your Cough,
tr•otor,ou the breakwater obi is in town. g R K 16th century : P Craigie, tramp ; Mise la grippe. -A few woo have influenza : IN IbC. BOTTLES.
1 Tutt R1FLE CLU p. -The sixth shoot L. McLean, African lad Miss I. Mc- Lizzie Park, Willie Rose. Mts. Ma- resigned mV sent in, the Uunuoil; there-
Thos, Burrown, Rao. -Soo. of O, U P'., ly ill' y ; g
v t' Mr, and Mrs, Henryridget', aocompan
' - visited Qlinton oourD on Thursday atoning. Y of the series For t hm Off Hand Rifle Lean, Old Mother Hubbard ;Mists Mary Cormack, Mr. and Mrs. Draper, Clara fore I take this, the earliest public S. E HICK
ted by Mr, Tom Bridgett, left this month Mair, Sweet friar : T. Burrows, negro Whyward, Dave Ross, Mr. Roberts, (,pportiluity of doing so.
Harry Videsn ie improving daily, and , t
e for Mr. H. I3ridget0 a homy in Cadillac, (llub a t,rophv took place on the club's dude ; Miia Maggie ie Mair, ruse queen ; and uian others. -Mise Wigging is in Central Div Store, next Telephone Exchange, Guderich, Ont,
will Amon be able to resume his regular hR q Y mceedina s weirs taken at the in
duties. Mmol, range l•'rltluv iaft.rrno^n, with the Lher• Miss Mary McDonald, sewiu¢ irl LV. the villRge, on a short visit with her i
Mr, end Mre. Hord, of Detroit, who R stance Of Robert McLeod to disqualify "ALWAYS THE BEST AT HICK'$."
k'' AboaMhohell, of Milton, Dakota, is the ,nometur four poigts liclow zero and Webster, mother anti me; Miss Lillie brother. -Mr. and Mire. Haitii uy spent me upon the .two following grounds:
were again vislD,ng the old town, were the
guest of her cousins, aha Mteaee Mitchell, the sun,extrenmely bright• At starting Wehster•, Indian princess; MissTt'ethe- Sunday with friagdq+it'tie IYt a:•-�Mies-
9uest 9t. ;nears of the ladv'a parents, Air. and Mrs, there were only veven members prey way, c irtain lit l ; Miss Jessie McDon- es Tillie Th4lowson and Mtaggie Stuart That I was present when a by-law
_ ` Mrs. L. S. Dance has boon seriously ill Jamieson ltoid, cot, but the nunlher wits increased to ,+IJ, o�d otitic{ ; Miss N. Trethawuy, were Amt the Nile on Sunday evening, was passed Authorizing the Mayor and
Y Me, 'Passe, of the Bank of Commerce, LL LL
the pant cdeak. We troy' her recovery may Dine before the shoot was through. nurse: Mist UarrEo Fraser. Gruen Diu • uucompaulAd by their coachman. -Rev. Treasurer Cu raise $25WU towutdr "pay-• a �%L21Spdp21' The Star ��dC�s file �%1'OCZSSiOn
' ba speedy. who left for the Gait branch of dm inatitu• The following scores were made , ling ; Miss Grace Dickson, fairy t Mies Mr. Armstrong is getting along nicely Ing the current expenses, which was f
tion or. Friday, is aaessaded by W. White, puna We,atherald, (%,(nada ; V�. John- after a severe illness. -Mrs. Nevins and I more than 80 per cent. of the amount — -
Manager Newton, of the Kensington from Bleubeim. lOQ 2O0 TOTAL
f : Furniture factory, was in London oil U. Pennlugton• .. ...tri 2f 45 stun, buys' fanny ; Urifiln, ,L prisoner'. Miss Nevma, acaompa®ted by Charles Sq. 4tea its taxes. and was contrary to
4� 'Cneaday. Jae, Gow, of Windaur, end A, Cayan, of (, Reld 21 15 41 Elliott, spent a couple of davR of last Se¢. 4'_ § of the Municipal Acti
r '• Alre. George Seranann, Quebec St., is Stratford, of the Inland Revenue Depo., J,as. Andrews. 20 P LD as eek in Blyth. -Mies Johnston, from Thai wata,p,purGtes in lila firm of WORSELL'S
d Brief Town Top1CS Cs tneron•. Holt Hollmes, who were
very ill from hoatro.tailare, from the eReets wore in (Goderioh and vtaihioy on Tues ay, CapttLin Uonoully......38 13 .31 ; • (Jerrie, oa spending a couple of weeks r�����x
, •; of la grippe. on an official visit, . s• 'H, W,,,Bait. ' „ 21. '" ' 41 The Knitting factory is hull handed with the Misses Davidson, -Miss Ua'ria' til® solreiGPl's fop, tan action •
T (:, Peinningtitn.. �.,�.... itj 'i8 'rA , and is ruining full tinge. Mills has gone home to Mane ed fir, agaiust-the, awn,
W U after spending a few weeks avlt �00., of the �'a.,
11a1lty CRttl0. ... 1 11 1(j AAldrewil t S. ail Uo. shipped. tt oar rr In i�fprt+ncd'to the'flrat ground o
r. J. T, Neftel ........A4 39 83 u o s tft Collie wupd yestur t Sister, Mrs. J. ti. Medd,r r.A. ei a ob ectfon, I,'ma start tont I was e -
i' h g K d s}r• j Y P.
i':'1. Joe. Galt •.al 26 59 . 1{ is rstll'ned..tell a viatt sal fi frtenpe Bent. when such bfy-law Wds`passed, A41 SIGH t '�
SMITH B" O S e CO ,. The Ht.Rr milt received t pet load nt t r a
SOUTIt I URON ORANORMIDN. —The Maniwha whoat on Tuosda In O^ ario nicely. Harry Tithe vi and kpaw perfAdtlP well that St im
1' slid ` u� 1•. t
s y Wholly. at nicely Aottled in the village. voteforsuchtrhyiaiv orhbgetitc4d- 1 7Alf; ' ,P Rylhp most modern method&. ff
nnu&1 meeting of tea Orap einen of % itsl'mPetinp-of Hurnfr Ula{�tela -Mi', RmbbrtAhAA moved in the, hhuse I:Lbonld not htLve'been aubjtycied't drllf? ^r .
d 11 tel'+.' - . _ K . n- �,., � Y n littchtlun, ;brrt I 'dld bt-01h "I (i pp� N y
A MO N EY SAVING Tl M E !„t =X•M.yn e�Tuesday evening.. vacated h old&Lei Fowler, -Mr. PTtti i� eco caret fitted.
r r M �JitlinuAtfty.tha t,lste`t skater in the teas has movttd in the houso- he put• �h$nld'Coavnrdlgghirli y� "VBtc�' for''t�
nidi tuzf)�4iie'ih (#ndurioh nn iltuoq chased from Mr. Rtotbets, Blyth, and only'measure gliAlteoGit3tietittiu{It[tf�ri ,8&t tioh I'llguaranteed. _ i to
•r dr
EOR YOU , reprt I5,t 'lam ntit. from which- Mr. Roberts has just mot- Lvnrd at tltattidne for the WelfaSe iii
j�w`t '' l '� � t ed. -Mn and Mre. Little s ent•Tuesdav s r4,
various nlilary rdiP li ft/ Coft,orna turd Burrows having made p. .town.. Thi, `Ihy;lAwlhuid to. e, id 19 , 1 � t. ;: �- . r.
order to hn progressing must sutlsfxct- i ` a,a- ."_ .`"”. _
W t g
f� �. __�" We are roV&tin to take steak est tiow, and man linea tattier, V R R n Iii sale of,wlleat, wilt he buying on ip Luekoow. an 'aha o fly tnethitd tin Incl.. - .�
a P $ S y or'I r. Aftet the.rcoutwo business the R % Y g A AAR)W* EsaArE.-What might Optician.
, f ),I p R P y Pollowhig oflirera sacro clerics:- W. M, the market in +t dity.(ir tsar„ Could retried'y rho perr,ilCy� lt'wishiisrld TI; Sgnaro, Goderioh: i•
n=a, titan ltee over we are offerin at half rice, Now and iyt lisp �9akste nod have oaused.a, very severe, flre Il the. td _
" ,r.,'. Fire lett, that it would pay you to buy now and keep tot- aft ,airasou, ehn Scarlett. Winthrop.. D , slit, .'A RegulRr meeting of Goderich council, it e t is morninQ, wits i,nder.con- so i date, t to inti penal t; 4ga$tp ijtip-
"r", Ir; D cyto, Centralia; i'Ita 4tVni, ,Grog 11u: li>7, Canadian Order of Uhoeen g b i oolidate the floating debt, �;;
Read over our Its', Dome and eee the Floods: No trouble to 8h0eg Friends, next Tltursda evettin trot before any ser oils dnninge •w Tbih coume
( y'; f), Wtrl..iudersolt, p editotlt It 8. P Y R• done, excgpt to the phaco where it l•. Rlfltl# stuAtLe mem• �f anlxlpn l-hntun; Treasurer, Jobh Mn. Alex. SCrAitmh wits cAlldd to 8t.' originated.. Aa ill. Mc 'ormtLck sates here of rice <SLgpF{I of 11398 proceeded , >t':t�t�i' or ipter,Hosier ' and• Gl _ 'U tot 7 j to do E w'1 t �` eotlgagemtu The ohespeet plate in the county to
1` Bo�t•s, ?t- }a ' e+tconL. Illi lc it )ir,Nctrn of Ueramoolt' Clttliehinea nn MondRy bV the death Of going upAtairs in his hot this, S7tf{yca, jtiRd > � p . t 6� 1� rt et
L7 li y dos, F. Davie, it �ul h; becFprer, Jobe o t+t►�4 the aeealn ut- �i
P her strict, Mira. Petard, of that tory: dxy) mornin{ he noticed atoka jq'c�po cured wl�boet4ur B
1- ,,9lrecial- lot Crash.. Bullard• 'W inthrop; 1)altuty-)"ttlrrtt-s.. P bf the he r h _ vinoial f.eRla stare 6e' iltantad.Rgw,titlon'of .
. , PA er lteolie, I C3 $ y a4tss S 4f titan 'Vag ryctin riq,t sal d 4RtRs, Wild 4t dote as t s' _;,AQ„ -kin. grills LO���
t p �� 'W'm. De,tectu and . Hk111by; the h#Ixrtll In the village, .ThcvJv ole,vil• Naw. this iA the. only ground of cauat[ci1 gcton{Selq{i,ph}n.-,hrtio.tor„boo>e on I
:+. o- e eves at the atltrul ilia ant a lit ,
�r� Well priuted,msdo Ql next Annnal county meeting will he Elallp, B A„ having eaooun,hedoto grip• lage seemed to be out to &few seconds, ohjectlon that Ie taken ljt,yhe proceed• ciao ,•s ,and turg9fa.� Nymerous testimonials,
ri at....,,` lOd, 1p.,lSxeter, and ,tile semi-tutnual one might say, with palls (aa there, is ingg 61t' dts ualittc+itidn iLKalhst the Art $JKI1� 0*negF tlpaalalt}t Port Surto,
pfl to sell at 25 ceuts• At the mmPtin of rho Hnrtieultural qq
Wool Roft; uie`etfhlf in (`Ihltun In June.- lt., was R ori other remedg in ease of Oral• and In thayor and Otlnncillor Campbell, and Mfcl},,,p, O $ox #qts.,., ,it31>sy, Furnaces
r Books b} Duoh- 1 1 unanimously decided to "Iehrato the sooietD next Thursdnv evening Mr. A ,
13 rninutee had the blaze oxtingutshPd, 1t SL had been the snit chRr qe against I 11
+ ass, Ouida-Conau I . gridA Wextra• 12th of July- in Exeter this year. MeD, Allan will speak on how to selectAnumber' of carpets,. tato bedroom mA, whieh.1 w,aated to belteve,.I wnakl. Tinware and
Dogle, Lola. and velprf�t .,.2Uo fruit rot- exhibition. suits, &o., and the artittouR of soon- have..with them, new the GODERiQH§Tff ltspOLff� WORKS
- t'' COLLEGIATE IN8TITu`rn.—At,tho LLS' P { '
others, all going , Y t Tho Henderson Bleyele Co. lilts ,al- P lR I ,
);gine ; .• � ' b bed d le or rooms ayere pretty well destroy got a vettiiieL, las • believe a
o rdgnlar meet.i1,g of theCotlegiate Insti• Poral” rei•mived Ihr•ga orders roc" their ed, together with the contents of the fighting chance. But the, relator It
+, _ �i , '.Buffy -I'ousehold
\ 9t ............... Go. tGts q;fl j1 e r tutet,iterar soclefv there was a dohate 18419 wheel, and thin b tare bein rush-
_ gapd;4 jy y g rooms. The men of our village are iQclud^d in fi(s rtoxica gR.u�otio Ai tt1. ,MAoufa+otatvrvt'all kih& dY '. rt►� . • •
f p t'liesm(vad, thtat 'Uanada lav n ed lit thti factory. always re,uly to lend nlrelping'hand in me. `the othet��1t'actre�tl ,Nl#ivit#aYta' il�sh�ngs
M Winter rending l;'llili7,rFn'M Iti , h t attire than the Unites The seventh shoot of the serieA for a time of necessity. tuent�oner?{ Wll c t think, islf2aM 6(�TLERS� d ms
oke 8'l Werdlut. 1cc Ppne,
�Por little money. lin 11 a Mit v fj'b tl y the tiff HAnd ifle club tea, by wSlt CBURcu.--Rev. Mr. Armstron will ., Mac ise wdrka, tb., uta,
� T , Saes, o estion saes rlHvarl I� V R The facts are a >?4iluws; Mr. Hoye (water tin 1Cpeinee, MtraLfeet>r Osatih`orez —IS AT—
t� i t tt ... 15b t•t t es.ted by'Ase er a sF1?r tend ut the take place this afternoon on the club preach at Port Albert near Sunday eruployeA ,or,;.l�ealtx Ui p>oaeottta am Ail stens of Pipbl,Arm p� 1iyEtin' ,'8�, `
air range, coromcncigg at S mornioR nt the naval hour. ' anal aRrimat 4.he town fory having acrd at star P(3airgeq (3"(o�e Veuve Chedk :
1. ,, It conclntLion the edges( Iaale. (} e}� p } O R S F i I
, � line Colborlta and - i li idtt al 3WW A cl erich Hooke team willgc> (3nrT.-Mrs Henry Jones, %%%sunny #Ykon Rraveit from i, We lots,. and the first• Vsta�nepim'ma iCJectorsan4dgleawrscon � , � �
Tho 4 V It montlls' ill "II, nesed ltdie 1 away I'knew of it was when the letter' from afurttly 9n,) A&n11.Rt I.awsat vrloas. ., , ;
Jackets and Millinery. - - •� " ' " ' Rogars decided in favor oY the &ifti•m a- �Vnc e n A$ �y �o p1!}y t
five. )ytr. Baatt•ie are uo instrument• roturn @ e w`Gil tYlo uhtlee'tft+iin a"f nil WQdnesdag otlttst week. The inti• 1>e(n. }1c9lirsatearead ln.fhe conuctlp'and, A epeafnl t[Qe}o. Stott water and Hox' j;{�egp Stove tiOUS@.
A last chance. al, 'Miss fiene Acheson a rpCGv^ repita that sit n&nd the question i which oral took plane on Priday, and eonsid- ,heo'uaP I am_s,,pp,ariner�nft'hia it would, �f°ughe tmr cisco [arware and atbon,
�` r Blankets and CulltS p �' 9 s, Ij9 hie ur Ytopair!ngtitQruptjj attglRdQti (lODE131CH.
fan, and F. MuntA }esontatt Lai® utast wt 1 n in P Bring the storm was largely attended• ' I think. disqual 4°
Il'x. Bpeoial lot of I i ` rC e•w5' E 1309 �• the Municipal Act " But, thinking nisi •- -
i,- Onw o n tnit'it pumher of the volume of , , --••+►y - - c1 CfiR .1'�`% �..
a,. Jaokef iu, the Collegiate ournAl. Mr. Strang Church NO ut Lvoult).lielsetEted,wiibout-env iitiRw AL`F �-tAlp There 1
• e• r mind the +oatdt R j R Carlow. "R71 kn 8,7, Gloidetiplt
Black, 4reen ' uswered the querlea that had been In Vlctoriz rtraet:Epwartlt LQaggA rt'ion, ,,and kttgrvinRR that Councillors
and j3xaiv'n -.j+l 134. lgltt ifyo haYtt = ted in the ueRtion drawer, Ure PIRRSONALa.-Capt. Young is Noma have in the pAeL beid;their eeaGv with+ , "i •.
pi q next hridaq even n thQte will h
d a air u ode ytownrt tate ah insthitnYhltal solo, from London, whore he has been at- { R e'W out obiecttatr,a alt, dSettluahflPd �j] � � tt6P-A " 1.0 ,. -sRtNO ME IN soxR—
} 1. gofag.•.�2.(?0' p missionary meeting.The topic or Ire. 1i s��
Hetivy P` lee ole hlisse+AUortnelly and t"Vbitlev A piano Cached to the Roval Regiment of tc,vening ie "A ltile'stquarY.•C6utG i' undeat tioliection for rWime•+auoh "trffl- t
I sari drat, Mins B. \Vtttfion Rn inatrumentnl Canadian Infantry. -Miss Add& Mor Y : ing dire ularfty,'I diQrtt(itdaanyaiiiii�s t „•„B>gitscltltaa,�"�r: YliIt ieli9„ BREAD I
Felti SeiloYe lined Blank eta. And sant Ito taken h 'the chrilrmalt Gf 'This nil ectiun, aalthou h fa l ii
solo, ,tud then the meeting was c sed rig of Goderioh, is visit her friend, R tall s LP -
ancl W elking and tixe Pipe :as R 4' the MisatonAry cemmtGteu Mr, J. II. 'ASdd "liy 1►4r.,.: WazeoN; Ptttl RCnlirttrutt ' Datro t Thwc,}a the try that terries from the ceretni
jn the usual loyal manner. hiss Verres, this week. - r. and Mrs. MSlliap. Last Friday ev 'ling the ging, an if Ehe culy ane,
be Rrtra ed so -t t , 1 run ApfAinrt t . t , 11Puse a Ra HALES BREAD WAGON nas-
Iistie a 0101. •,•.'., emsli, o11 y $1,80 Peter Blesett and fAmily, of tat. topic Nvas taken b MrR. �V•;wvdwll ,iu- . ' , i 81bk .. ('j rri{tR{+7 ` M' , „ , ., t oe t.Ntfir the streets everp morning. hey
i . pe fJ0 Q,QPVtuCllt' W,INt .-The West street Th-omas, N. D„ arrived here Friday After srtd,shot ltl, jyct �} pptye�nrr taster kbow+t t The Beat is The Uhca ea
K lot.....,,..2Ge for regular $i;i. the absepce int t e pre+tidgnt, rex 1 I capest.
skating fink iqvrtiscrowgea)iln every part and are now under the Parental root the topic tefreahmehte Lvsre.get�Eu ,b , uf-tge'I�a .((pp {$QOUnoillrtri"Campbell• tjDeat $ii,� 1 `h1i90 ll epi' hugei'ibg
Trimmed $ate' bn Tuesday ovPgtn wbe t, a ilee of ra. Blrsett's father. Mt. f3. Young, member'b o the 9ocitll Co ft �q cA iN %cit N* Int?. I venrild jte,wiIIkIgj t Y
1 tea ° sal#ate g' R �4h r. ftRr tan ,► sense of rrnrrteen qq r!lpl At 'at the earliost ,opportifnity. It -'the fOX die iavp,t�ree.,yeara. Witlrg, in► ,
IHockP tram Of T.ondon and'the Rode h thnso i 81411t eRvn¢ N y�+y enjglF+►hlo t MWS HOME, MODE BREAD
half rice. y �' I e , le�s` �o A he elector ,-should ell dealro 1t., of aRmh a,and `itikt','• , el# et�
I, . p Qullte..........19 �e,>�rs t � . � ed ' AI , � , t. , .Y 'tin A>z43nir ,....,,,,+ -Z4_�f ,, .� X .4�., w, 44 toffy _
�r[ch hmya crossed §tttka for all 'that o aorto vis tetra, . ra. V1+tt .I plaoing myself dere them. ' y,' C
§vAA In them. Tho vision team ahriv- r ok hRR .4111 W A• Ilremner, of Il+noll t}olleRe. , , apuator.• ' }fig,, prescribed for mot -Aird , �STtit Bf. sT.
R retnrnnd tin Ltendnn Eo see net Pathan- a g�'g• b �' , a t og,•p Poionde (n Query tont and delivered to
'ed by the 7.30 tram, and las the players in -low, who is ill. -.Mrs, (Capt.) ung u, tttld'�pe"t�o't a t0 ytli}r tir'tig„tlifbge,,a �, fordinmor. P, S.-lwtsh baro to inform
HSNDHEItCHII3F8 T rontp, will conduct the evening sere• � f4 `
"VE, ILING i” L1lCES t RIBBONS ! tee in Knox Churob next Sabbath told. p,
. had to have a light supper before Pac- and Miss M Buchanan aro Both eon•
1 RJ half flnPd tin their beds with the rf titre urea ut to the conggregation the Olalma The heavy lojlseei op; Lilo 1aiCefy 1Yst .lretve kher, veAnri t[pn• 0 1 6liedt ]r° tleoDle of (Galorich that. I do not stand in
in the rubber, it NVAJ f After eight' R p• of the Students' Mtealonar . Nttoiety. til®�Arine undcrwrltgl p L? _ , e eAtirtlt8' atxG of the town, bac int. rid tq
A Penny Saved is a Penny Made. #te`Gre the eine was caned. When P Y pear lltFVe lett �ve you good bread at the M rd-
R hope that the will soon recover.- gat y, president t1F the ,to a n tt& n tv sysl�+ of GINe+Stlt:iitian ® dl'so °i Co . `:6 li 11:,,}1a�4,gpttlt gtitpve accord-
p Annie McPhee, dun bier ot'L`h+Ls. Mc- diet, W. Hipity, �p m t l w the pita, o[ flour. give me a all
the Jubilees a eared tnnnv of ourciti- BI
r p R London Conference. will . preach., _II tit risks, an s$ in protu}ble,thah rill peal ZiatE- W Sato bed• to the 1l3tra anti +}n I ono assure you yon will be well paid for
LP.hA delight they would bo the win Phre, Is to a vert critical condition. North street Methodist Chure'h beta :cin he formed Nutt ratoa witteriallyr int+ +- o pit , � r i'y �; r'.tt
11 ' ` Clothing•,and,f urni'4hings Corsets and Underw��lr+ nPIA as they were heavier than the v$xt>RAL NpTEa-Quite t! umber Bundaymutpiti andevenin ,and take ervlosed,betbreth&shipping ttetwan" its'prrea,bie to"'Jiou,"Safiug"A�rat•ypu
1 ' Not O' Iiilfea bet doltelrs Those pear eltort lac»I team kind e�ceeodiiigly s t a e young p q j&* pT n*. , , „ � , P 1; had a complete asttorttneilt • of thi le T HALE,
I !# of talo tun people attended t o kl, tl. catleationa for a relief of St..ietmes' T. e
. esvod Ori•an Overcoat Baa its, And
the Ramp Leas started p No. 5. Huron Road
(jorreta, Rile tat W convention m Auburn Werinesdny.- Church. Montreal. e., l „� n , .
„ p#` 1pbp, few rLrO,tvRa m eh excitement and when dfj" t � u u
tet aha wall The debate on Friday evening ro-. , Rev. Jail r Wilson reaches ann6 t, � , 640, I �s0 30�• �l ypAV.
1�e , a few a §tits) vattta the pork wits F
yt}} mil=es to be of unusual Interest,' an all versary ser ons to Gorr a next,gunday. ' , A Mid
pYceintti dine Bea- ateel�d, enljr ilrerX thraµgL tt�eanylan nal it did c�1i0 jt18f rl"CErIVd' wa►terba�tlets etretolt to keep arre»tiir1 rater
t who come will, we feet sure, go away The Y, P, S. f), H. will hold a, soot 1 p r er
+ver, -0#6*00xtb,, aan't ,...,.r,.17Ga hot ecreyt*. batt kept at %1 t 1))c t 1tl tprtalned and enlightened. 3ubjeet, in the hAnement of Kn� 4� rg „qk t. ; a ; �ftotho, _'.,4 � 'A l,tc� , t�"q pin ak' ikrow ? If got rend me ane.
ti' •` ”" (Until taus saes celled. !n tberst 4 off
iia b@[#t. lily=Roiag $ r 1'tea Ikve4 t,44P NtAfpnl a done more, { pve to �11�itAEigtt'le , fr(lilli9''CrCwati frl�A. & 0hotr kindly cote our beat riea Q le i"+�,
H®(aitch seined five eal9 and Ipadon qr t r vtac i Il ti nl l�' e " y q p
Jit.. +. c.:.. t... (1.9G • Wa carr i► Fpl) rive, a� W t e ipsG' rNo pnd fear re, �£ ,� ,,fl 0t fi g� } A f# t tldQli to Ail, aq A 1 ver collectlpb i, L U r a
7 I tTl ti (he L}cess.• AptalnR, W,' Tenn+ w ll bb.tnk.1#.ilC.thei door. a d 'fd `ilk 4 Ca 'bAr"t�1. �t qq halt M cioaWt. I tillwaye keep
a aTistP tf RS ptI8iq rife game to °A. R. g er . ., fi" pn
ranrre o .tai pile R A rrilative { Yaun ac Ativ@• lila When one hods Lie tit4elC too Iatre to catty
p• cxlcrieh ora ut tci4 11t the v
0$'Mll lrf 'LQllh p r Clgathanteed Remedies in
4,, 't la eat Alias' in cnnclua n of the (ta►ffA lite usual cheers +` - Tlggt - l 'tAX d`tlji}'1ltF +' hid Nf"'i�.9W � r r" � twat' W SDyr�tu cbe wleset su is to tlht no.rD
., (�x�yy, f► 6,- t at goal• rg " W t ter 1 a had ' q rh dS :Pat { �i� ilOttt�e tan8 they give eatiefaetiaa, anti EtwdaA re' a a wtott eat wi�j reeks cw goods
�^' ,Mil bQtli tp�dL were giveltr And to a t esti . R2 Pvrt Alt?BrL. BrAli ir,agalll. �t0iiljleltett t� �pot$ilfA `v�° , : tttl a1P ttvetj. we era in teat ex i,ow-store
n, Uy y►tltl tae�west ehepea, , died & over ao li rn akate)l trorl g . s Four i1ta til when i 'call ii]. my Doctbt I always ,,,lu fall mz +rint6r spode for Ment and BoJ�a
only "'• ' Lvaro wliirittfa ti�hannd t iL Jno. PQ��ctt.2L8,Robert' VrLerih and to iib ilidttllefi it Olr refH�gt'8. t6r „iiik t weat,and we want to fiat rid 6t them. No
r - Hobbs, of Toronto M�nday even g,tit. B.
p yjll P o a '9 d a hetet bean etrrokan Pdon t�1d WOrid• take the ptetltsription to yt1t11r hog doubt you Want some of choetl Raids°
PI•iitia' a tae in tl Ii /�,�
Full loner stilts Llgderwaar BRlrta, Vo the re,e t, 1, � >pplx
`r boogat#wa I'm narar"'c"teis�ad
`' ►, the home toanl h&viapf tai rely u „t ac�C q° oia1 et $ t► torn.
Night" i3oeona, eft. ti l r Ito Ire Para fewe dt. M bin niotbe Mrs ilii OVP,i'GOat. {� Pair OP Pall's
°lC&' cd the ritNdote "tai .Ilin(1 �tNrtlr.'tin r, until 'tp AlOe lfs� at tilnrr hero ;Acerin tannbeas4aril while bar; it gllatl,
'� Glen. Hawkins, toeing an t a sick list,.*-• (�'�ci r
. • -- oboice tel' the pbaittan, and N,l).Raug It ftlnesa $0. A Wa
aL t .:' J. Richardson unshed hamar frq,n the t alflitlst desertety. $ottetrer, sap arta
Vie w\e time keeper.' The tbllowing h , ,- Ir stud I ltnow jfOttt nota .r1ilwJt+�ly llrab a terlli'�10t•
l� eiW(il lltryarr wl�o bare talten rile trpatll,E, to make cotnparia6tta peCa thfrplagerstc 8 r` a,tx, % o,, wtyada on �Zip north andre;b►ltt weak 'pleltated tt, state that the kok tura on
Ilaak r hate and `'heartv.--•Wrfll B. rile mond, and no rot8a sill be lance and rovisIo>tfs• reepauslus parann to ationa to Duo. arrr at which are tLlwsiys handy about the
U''Ve P-roritti bur eteeptioaal values, totrbpg. cloniDruttt. Hawkins is confided to hill room ut 'r 60li tions, IL°°ea We onitIly B these ane rutintnff else
r `a ' ' __. - edit® J+ � t D�6e censor, but will iiia on deck to da hitt corded on Tueatlay. As aaai►l . �.�, > In p IIIi�" aF :stiff. in ltwnaaatteaurHARaeIIN Pklcli& (tome
, ,j ' `�' r duty on the 21sti--•Miss ".Com Hsilwkine SrAtr will be iranti(I of Interest �b 'f�aa �tndly ' snlltrrer Ityr reittta` hiisil �tu�
e0:+l -83M _&I' � C)ZT:M :PnXO �' » utned her .tack in the junior dg- t%ev*ral ihk arlraol!W r ped we boat• vttill;
,' bide ? ' itlI. 1% `Attar° . No. 11 ain .on Mari- e V � 11 " 11140t, nbhgat , /�
:' L saw. +- -� Allattio sari a :. ,: yt it pl@ 4Q Pe i*ll p 4 be ten 1)rigbiet' tli-ara:r•+�- tj ob' tt e t iRON ",ltOU" tiaittstalilj#e
�� DUN#
Hobbs N V. , Wim y air e.t e tis th eq rig 11 gre't det►t fr► M w rlt~o �',}� +,:�>,� V
r i tltit�I)rs9bT#, t><. fJAO�Iil,Y. llZutallo+iratlatiitoflltonlril1lt.cioaerlr►is
NJ I , j 'ATH B R(� a C;" iM xatcrae John ttohb, 'rotento. week. he tx+inq A del(rgtattt to the A. O. iatric+
!q : n g
r"4 <
.► ,- G
^IRF,+ r,: ,ra.jj"WaA♦,,, v,, i',� #d3;M'-,M,#,^,, *,;GX�CI,*A,AA JNd�4A?i .t,A Y-
3*:;�., N,'^'."',4,,•"le i!0r,o,*Jar'1•�✓t:`', Ah Cv P'n 4+,r• e,f; m. xc 0 A t't,a
A ^. i- 4 '.W vyy` �A•` >aA,.` , � r4:. ,� �5 �,�... t � 'x'., ... µ .,�..,,,� e ..