The Goderich Star, 1899-02-17, Page 6- . � _, . ,:., r , + n : " . . .. - . • �q e . Y time she' looked upon the eseapad THE SITUATION IN THE EAST, disgust of that section of the Brltjsh A * DFATH BY 9AECTROCUTION. 'BUSSES DRIVEN BY AIR. I 1010¢, the man who had been a pr*ia which ie at present pprzedoinfaarl HEA,L.TH. Diamond Cut Diamond ewlndlor sad a lhlef-whoeo baso Chia Will /cart *e DtvlAtf UpAtaas too Ac pee timq" nays the Saturday Rs - nature had been revealed to hu In view, London, " It was hoped that the vp °Mere. ire Pas h recta t>. flew Tao Late,s Moao or street Lowm•tigh far Qreat Powers PiJRN AIB, FOR SLEEPERO. Perk. Loedou. . all pia atroolty-that was why the proposed axtenaion at the Fzekob mit+ . OR. hideous part arose out of its tomb- Nearly all peraeas who have studied demerit at Shang>shl would prove a The resulti of fresh air fa tka alsep- The electric chair -whose fatal Image Within the next few weeks Londpn- THE ROUT OP THE E1�EMY. and glared and Ribnd at her, like a the subject agree that the partition- aecoad Fasbods gaeation, and that ins room will be felt in various subtle to ever before the murderer's eyes tram era will see running in the streets an demon put of a living bell. For this England would stand firm. But them demo [t was the[ rho shuddered at I°g of China into colonial pomessio¢a Is a painful probability that the anal- way"uieter ilerveln, greator au"bil- the moment of his orbno until he en- omnibus neither drawn nor drisf�n by Sys the eight of him, witb u loathing that ie only a question of time. Already ogy mag still hold gaud. with the di;- lty,,btlghter e� and clearer mind and tars the door of the death chamber horses, steam, oil nor rleetricity, says was stronger than duty. mora nlin- the European powers have mapped out (areata that the sftuatioa of the two complelcioa. Apr though the subject is and beholds the reality-fs not electric the London Dully Mail . .• CHAPTER XV. -Continued. I carried a large basket upon her arm; Ito tban all her Christian Compse- " spheres of influence," but they have powers will be reveraed•" often discussed it is worthy of atten- In any sense, It is * maesive chair of It will be one of the ordinary Loa - '?.00k at me," he said -and she Lifted thn taller wore a largo brown silk' Sion. Raesiaa soldiers ora said to be to pot `�" h tumid frightened eyes reluctantly', bonnet, aha clue on to her companion, "I Ilowed that thio to love me lett out of their consideration a now tion when we realise benefits. oak. with strong book and arms, but don omnibuses, wrth centre pole and _. t� ` Q a 8 aeseslon of many parts o! ]l2angoli#. to bb�. "Now listen. You are to try and trembled violently in every limb) Orl That was what she said to taotor-tbe United States. Japan on- Germany and England. It Is reported, There are sayal l points to consider all the ele°trlp.gpparstu° is entirely front wheels only removed, rho tartar sad make him talk and opo° cul his as they stood before the high painted herself now, as she went across the pecially is anxious to secure America's are coming to terms regarding the}r when ventilating sleeping apartments. independent of the chair itself. . . . being replaced by two smaller wheela heart to yold. Talk to him about this wooden door In the wall. room to him, and the very shame, of woman; you might ask him If he has "!tin again, Martino," she sold with it made her humble and ent)A ou co operation when the booty ie to be riot bees In Shantung. Topa. Cher has shoo, b p•important that the air The . Ithhasa her is s well-oor i - pad the Molns motor dens d eche gg e ¢ot been able to obtala further ma agar [coca in love -make him confeee it , ohattarl¢g teeth. ,him divided. The only question whtoh un- retial advanta6ea. The Japaaose are, ehonld ba pare, and the volae of fresh room. It hoe three doors -a door In- pressed air from iylindrrs under the , to you --*van offer to arrange u meet- And Martine rang again, and the How are ou, Leoot" til recently seemed unanswered was, air r nixed. Thea the b sisal to the clava y Ing I small meluucholy tinkle of a loosely- Y therefore, anxious to form a combina- ecog P y P yard, b which the wit- 'hue. "I ain still alive•" he answered, Can China resist P The reply is now tion in which the strength of their condition of the sleeper should be neaees eater; a>,td a ,third, at the side The Moles compressed air motor is Matthew I" -with a cr'y of horror- i at rung bell eoboed in a ghostly lash- with an evil rin. "That rievea you, couutr can be profitabl invested. thou Y "But it is wrong, wicked I -and if, as ton behind the closed door. g g pretty generally, No. The Celestial yy Y ght oL Tho same amount of out- and book of We chair, opening Into claimed to be on absolute! new in - you think she is a married woman—" "For the love of all the Sainte, me- °o doubt/" Empire, Shanghai, declares most em h*- Marqute Ito thiel® that to view of the aide air. mad the acme temperature the autopsy room: The obair stands 9 ventlon and a highly improved method pres�n " e friend, [t le God's will;' she an- P , attitude of the powers, Japan must "Pooh! how egaoamiah you are. dame," murmured Martine, g swertd earl too trnthtulto deny tioall that Lha lent will not be arcus- cannot Ll sndltred alike by everyone. Leet or 7 tact fr m the end wall a¢d of uai the atmosphrrr compressed, There'll. be no harm done; it's only till her mistress' arm °loser to her side, g y' y 8 have her armaments ready. Ie, the It sometinteg hapipas that the admit a °$ I find out, then she will be dropped at, "be not so much afraid I Am I not what hfa words Implied. ed, heoause he retusee to sae the don- course of a epeeoh betory the members sion of tr@sb r during the night directly is fzoat of a little square almost ns one mi ht a spiral spring_ He answered nothing. of the Liberal Party he said: readers the saes re unoomtortnbl wooden booth to which there is no view so that it fields a pressure of 75 !b, I once. It's only an amusement to him," with you, as I was lest time I Can any er. The, She glen we, at t he open book at hl■ g Paper Kaye : " Unless Ja an is read to meet t he °old. When this if the tke op- or entrance from the chamber. It ie y g bo added soothingly -"the sort of thing harm coma to you P is !t ¢vt an er- "The eo-called ' Chrletian Bolence' P Y to tJ0 lb. to the syu+ire Inch on bei■ every main goes through before ha rand of love, and of charity, that we elbow. It waa a low type of French Case nothing can be done Ln time of Jett of the open window or fresh -air entered b a door from the auto s marries and settles down. Besides, he have come upon P' ¢ovol. She turned from it in dI ust. which would eradicate evil and ain b Y P y released, and through ,ha mechnniem p y need even though all hep people ba aurreat is defeated. "Why do you not read the bookoI denying their existence and heal the roused to anxiety alter the event has A window raised a ver little at to room so [bat its 000upant comes in drives the wheels and the vahiole on - is gone on the girl now. Why, he al- i "Alas, Martine " answered Rose, "It y P brought gout They, at least, would sick man b arisen. Thin olnt. I believe; must al- aaa most made love to her this evening, his it ware, indaad, love ►hat brought me y telling him IIs is micron- P apo boittrm. tejtitsiter•thuaawidespace. $nes out. without bin Ideniity,r .ward. e' elevate, and not lower, our nature." ays be borne in mind by all who love A transom opening upon a ventilated coming known to those reaent at the nttentiona were moat marked I consid- � to this bougie, how mush easier would •I have not your passion for im- en• that he ie per[eotly well, seems to `v p The inventor, Mr. Senn Moles, civil er, too much so, to draw back, and so it not he I But the loathing and the their country. There 'are many tants room is excellent Lor delicate people electrocution. It is be who actual! re g I should tell him (t ha wore to tura abhorrenoa whlah tills me eve time proving my mind. " he said, with a have been anticipated in China where which prove that the condition of China who oaanot bear a direct current in the Y engineer, of 247, Hi 6 -road, South Tot - restive. Why you must have noticed !grows greater and more Inte__F t se sneer. Then, suddenly, his whole face Lha gravest disorder of the elate are I la dangerous, but !t Le entfiateat to say room. leases the current of electricity to tenham, was seen by a I)aily Mail rep - changed; and he half -raised himself Stud comfort, It to, a well-known pend on its errand of death. As one it surely -he was quite lover -like-' that it amounts to a crime so deep 7 s reaentative rte wham he gave s full eh N' I that God himself can never pardon my 3q hie chair, eo that she recoiled from A. .iii , truth that animals must be warmly enters this booth from the ai'1604 descri tion of the new motor and housed at al ht in order to thrive in P "1 noticed that tte took o great deal wicktx}nase." A stifled sob out short him• whilst Marone made a ady's step It room, one sees nothing but carefully what it was of champagne," she answered with a her words, and then the door was Blow- forward, and stood by her lady's hide. cold wieather. The fact is none the I propanieil should be dons i Ertgbtened look. ly unbarred from within, and a man Look here." ha cried, angrily, 'have 1�, less true of human; beings. Thought- Insulated wiles Paestng through ire with it. tthew Dane sorowlad at her, nod ndmittad them into a amnll atone flag- you done as you Bald, have you been to + that is Intelligent thought -should be walls and direotlY in front of the ^Bristly, the systrm of compressing old Daaol" exercised. door, fastened to the front wall, air," be said, " consists ,n using a pow- setaed bar roughly by the wrist, so that gad aro. "I have seen him, and it le hopeless. No tired rule Lor ventilating nt night she uttered a little oro of terror. "Courage, my beautiful one," mar- I went o ainst my own ud ment, A MASSIVE BRASS SWITCH erful pumping plant to force air Into "Don't let me hear you say that' inured the old servant. "Am [not g j 8 c can be followed on all occasions. Better e ain 1" , he cried an ril ' I know with thee P" in defiance of my strong misgivings, no outside ve¢tilation than eaceasive with an ebony handle. Through a ting strong metal cylinders, so that when 8 8 y' I went, not for your aaks, but for cold where miser attends. Warmth hole in the ri ht side of the booth a valva is o ened, it rushes forth with what you mean. I caw you look at me' A long, low, ehivaring sigh was the , 7 g p with your miserable begging toot st I only ng, lot. And then Madnmo de your father's. But it was unless. No- and fresh air combined is tho end y you aro go- llretour drew herself up, and threw thing that I cu❑ any or do will wipe paeans a wire, on conn end of which great strength, supplying power to al- °upper. Don't ou think - i sought. It pays to atndy !hie problem ing to stand in my light -you poor, back bar' head with a resolute action, out the past, and he holds in his ` when we remember thatfully one-third one in the booth and one in the death l most any degree, and uai the same time unclean creatural What do I ken which told old Martine that the mom- Ganda, ae we know, the proofs of J our lite is spent in the slee an chamber, Is a brans fin er ria At' is y under control. Unfortun- P' your Crime--" a room P g 8 g perfect! t? Mu here for, do you imagine, except entary weakness was subdued. • the time of the execution the myster- ately all attempts to do this fn con - to do as you are told P That's all you The man who admitted them seemed „��we ht would give up to you• �► Aa ora lady says "Sleep ie eo Pouch can do. It pu bad at a son of Y if you were totprrsovere." dee er and more ioue man in the Booth pate one ring rection with car propulsion have been , y g your to expect their visit. He led thie we, v P perfect when therein 1 Never. Yuu do not know him. I 7n 1 on hie Pin er and the clava electriatan', (innncial [ailurte owing to the [net - own, Madam, you might have a right in si once into a small dingy house, p aunty of fresh air in the room at 8 P N to speak -Gut ae it is-buh I" and whose windows were °lonely barrred a have made a suprama effort, and it night." The ololhing worn during Lha standing beside the booth on the out- ficiency of the motors used, whereby then he flung bar hand away with with thick iron bars. A lanatto bad has failed. iJ your death, ho con- RIISSIA'S ATTITUDE JUSTLY EN RAGES UNSELFISH JOHN BULL. 7 y y fbe p aced at night aide° puts the other on his At the 85 per cent. oP the strength was wast- y da ma alwn S l ,t coarse contempt, and strode away out once been confined in thin melancholy siders himself to have been °heated there fresh air will find it, and the signal from the warden the eleotri- ed. The waste in the case of the Moles of her room with a hot rage in his , houso--n raving madman, who had been O( hie Just vengeance. If I pleaded same with that worn at nig�ht. During oian pulls the wire taut. The man in-' motor is but 10 per cent., and that is �: dark face, leaving bar there, cowering kept here for years. There woe a pria- ngaln, bo would suspect the truth; the dale Lreah air will thoPOughly per- aide on feeling the pressure on his why I consider the problem of cheap i' and weeping, huddled up upon her over bore ¢ow, but be woe not mad. and it would bo n positive joy to him meats it, IC the .rule of fresh air for own finger pulls dawn rho lever with comfortable and ralinhle street travel 1,a1' sofa like a beaten doir. The two women were ushered into a to know that you were alive° and to the Clothing as well as for the room is his other hand permits the current ling by motor are is now assured. Aad aha was helpless. Ehe had no small room on the ground floor, where hunt you down--" ( followed, therm will be even greater to pass. When the pressure is releas- ' The omnibus we will have running strength either of mind or oI body to, an elderly woman rove oivlllp nt thalr Thon the wretched moa laid his /� gain in the important matters ofqulet- ed the aurreat is instantly abut ofi, next month will carry twenty six pats resist his will. She would have to I entrance, and act chairs for them by bead on the table, and buret into . er nerves and brighter laces, and this ie rano dot boos a tthe un- outside -twelve inside and fourteen otrey him. Always the eaen0e between ;rho table. 1'hla was Lha wile of the `venni miserable tears. til there ie ao doubt that the elan- outside -and two nttendan[e, just s* them ended alike. He jeered at bar, I man who had admitted them; and the ' Well, better so - better far, than C tricity has done its work. There is all London 'buses do at present. The or swore at nor, as the ansa might be, worn Madame de Brefour'o sprvnnt this life of a dog. I will give myself 1 PNEUMONIA. na doubt that the first shook kills, vehicle is merely an altered 'bus, with , for bar one great ain against him- paid by her twice a year for the work up to justice, and end it—" Pneumonia, or inflammation of the and the subsequent ones are admin- the driver replaced by a motor man, P n that sin which, as long as they both they did for her; paid to look atter 'Not whilst I live to prevent itl" iatered only to remove asp possible whose seat in over rho driving wheels should live, he would never for ive bar the oor she cried, a terror worse than death tonne, ie one of the aeourgea of our question. on a platform level with the 'baa floor. g p gentleman, who was not mad, blanching her face to a livid pallor. climate, a disease fa! more fatal to The death toilet, however, must be A cylinder 7 ft. 6 in. long and 9 in. [orrthe els of being ohlldless. I¢ but who waa weak in mind, who, had time, she too had grown to boli� it d°lunions-to whom absolute seclusion 'What I bout atttfered for all thea° ;� dwollera in the North than yellow deearibad to make clear the action of In diameter• hung under the floor, will a� I long years °hall not be thrown away fever is to the inhabitants of Ric de the electricity. Just before the oxo- complete and full of passengers will to be almost n or[mo that she had so I was neoeasnry. That was how it had r ' bitterly disappointed him, and to feel boon ez lained to them. by an action which would be a fresh cation one of the keepers Shaves on coma well within the Light Loeomo- P Janeiro or $avann. It °!aims Its vio- a ahnmoof herself for having so fatally Every elx months Madame de Bre crime. You sinned, and ib is just that rims at all seasoa0. but the back and top of the prisoner's head. tives Act, which limits the total weight failed. It seemed to her, In her mor- you should softer, but your father's prevails aspect- n spat about two inches m diameter. to two tone, and the speed to sight [our oume to see her brother -that was y spring. Then hie right trouser leg [e ripped miles an hour. bid misery, that she ate his broad, and , what they believed him to be ; and she name shall not be dra ed in the mud; all in winter and . lived under hie roof, and was clothed ! he, at least, shall go down to his grave° BUT HE FPJDtS A WAY TO R.ES TORE THE BALANCE OF POWER. from the knee down. There must be " On arrival at each terminal of a b his mono all under false Qstd rho couple who took cure of him not ha that can never be -but, at There are several forma of tca amma- y, pretences, for her. Paid them for the house- PPY- Hladd,iradatach, BerLi¢. tion of theluage. Ona, palled nntarrhal nothing except the moistened sponges journey the cylinder will be charged Mats she had not done that one thing rent and the taxes, for the coals and least, he shall not die dishonoured. i on the ends of the electrodes to come by the compressing plant Por a seven - for him for which he bad made her hfa have sworn it. It is for that I live- pneumonia, attacks chiefly the very between them and'thb actual flesh° as mile trip. This operation will take one wife. When he ro oaohtd her with the firing, Por Lha food and [or the for that alone I haver striven. Aslnng removed by the simple plan of willing that she is so generally and that she nun and the ve olfl, altbou even the sli htart obstacle might in- minute onl In erformi❑ I( neces- it, she hen a ere re to him. gbh medicines, down to the very clothes your ®zietenoe han no power to subdue her rebels or y 8 r'Y gh B Y P g 6, Y 8 that the had as he live° the secret of to believe that the are non-existent.' le of middle n e are b no means terfere with the , irect and instantan- sat b the addition of further cy- I Y got Por him to wenn, It y resist the armed forces of other pow- peep g y d Y. Y had done nothing for him. Perhaps, was a lou business; for, thou h she see it be leapt, and you shall not, m , Pierre Lero Beaulieu in an article eze t tromit It often ocold in lits sous passage "of to [:arrant into and ily be a fifteen -mile storage can ear 8 8 Y- ars. I consider it Important [or then he was right, and that blind paid liberally, she wont scrupulously selfish as endu e, nrsuc rho old man, q1��pp bou�6e f a eevaro bronchial cold and ie out of the bbdY oi� ire victim. The ily be effected° but for London street obadlenoa was her solo and only me I tato every item, and easmirred ever who liar endured such anguish on in the Revue des I)eua Mendes, Yetis, naval and military oPficere to keep a aim L pan extension of the catarrhal death ahamberl s3Co tfa the chair [t- trntfio thin ie nal like! to be re air- thod of re ration for ell she owed Y our account, and whose sole remain- fears that Chinn is neither able nor vigilant watch ovier the turn of events inflammation from the bronchial tubes salt and a samic,frole oL stools for the ed. The Y pressed air Pa bill. The man went through all the in the far East at all times. Mind you. IItm. to ho a ie that ho inn Darr to his power of the tom P,;,* NPS accounts with her, whilst his wife took g P y y wit , -ku 440pt XVpstern civilization uutsss sufficient re arations are mtide into their terminations within the wltnesaes to abaoluEelq anfurniehed. Ft motor 'baa will be reared beforehand He* lean 's g Brava rho upai,lliatl nao7e whlnb d �- P P substance of the lun e. It is this form is high-ceiled,land except for thegrue- up the steepest incline in the metro- r, „ ;-: y ooh ire edlee are there from Marline's batrkat the daliaaolA- len°e to bar own. Similar opiu-.- to meet the emergency, we will lose ev- g 4_ , _Q o_ _ _ _ which is meant when It ie onto that some object at one end, might op^- -4li l , - not In rho world, hidden away undtr n shay had brought Lor tate reoluso. Tbeay. re held by M. von Staudt German cry opportunity of maintaining the one is "threatened with pneumonia." for n country nahaiolroom. In cru <. Qibro .e r veil of canve'ntlonal Ilte, of seeming peoph had lcokod after the mads,; . prestige of th_ ,r . 7Y.' ►f "". '` t courtesy, of mock kindliness and of- who bad died in a raving fit, in the ao txa ' '' We,- ,.,3"t"t ,..-.n.•.._ -..a'rn7initster. to China, who says in the One Is never threatened with the oP the booth are attached town of sticking, breaking down, or running K , . Leotibn, Do that the $o was noosed b nor enor Mr. Shimoda $aburo, editor of the other form, called crou o awn ,, prying eyes of house. They had been trained to that sort �Y, sad Deutsche Rundsehau, Berlin: I pus paenmonin, ELEOTRTb LEGY3T HIILBS Y• cr L friends and ac Mninichi Shimbun, advocates s alaser :{; quaintances aro not able of thing ; and it was an easy, restful whimpered miserab y behind his hand: " It is often said that the present ' or simply pneumonia - it strikes like used for testi the strep th of the " Further, there is no danger of an kin to dieoern them, but vvhloh, all rho business for them, now that the wire And so you condemn mo to thio union between Englund, the United a hammer, without warning. current, and to�make suregthat dt >e eaplosioa, ao vibration, no emollt no r4 -_�, time, smoulder and burn in the inner growing old, to have this pufel, living death just to gratity an old dynasty is very unpopular. It is worth States and Japan, as the countries It is a common belie( that the ro- smoke, no beat, and no offensive ex- ' p dotard's amply prideP $ow could nay while to point to Governor Chang Chin- most interested in the spread of civil- bust and healthy are ea 'all liable passing without obstrnotioa. From the haunt thrown off. B means of two e, most rivate lives of those who bear hnrmlesa foreign gentleman to look izatitin from s uraly humanitarian p y front of the booth come the insulated y K n, themselves so irreproachably in pub- after; who was only "a bit soft." as prison be worse than this? A nice wife Tung's book, in which he proves clearly P to be •attacked by this form of p¢eu- wires which to the ca which ie broken the motor man has bin 'baa tom- ! ,' ` , lin i Of all Mr. and Mrs. Dane's ao- tht you arel And et ou used to se, pant of view. He anye in the Hnnsaf ( monia, But this in on a P y put it, sad whose worst manta y y Y that nod oast o teased rho eople 17 PParentlY placed over the condemned man's head, PletelY ander central. The brake need V� quaintanees and relatives, not one bad was that he would never go out of you loved me, Rose." Y Y PP P Zanetti, Tokyo: true; pneumonia is one of the very and into the puff which is attached for ordinary occasions will be worked 4 i the remotest idea that they wore not n rho house, even i¢ttl rho little diolan- "1 did love you, Leon," aha answered less or did more for them. His re " In dealing with foreign powerss a few diseases from which one hitherto to his right leg. The interior of these by his foot, and in case of danger or perfectly orderly sad wall -assimilated choly yard, with its fringe of laurel quietly, though a hot blush leapt in a marten about Western nations are not � rely upon the world's consciousnes r in perfect' health can die so quickly, leather Appliances ie also insulated, and emergency the instantaneous com- middle-aged couple, living together [n shrubs, until atter it was dark,, flew° into her face; '•but love can he so flattering ; during the past fifty i humanttY. Self-rasp��gqt invokes the e- and so its attacks are the more notice- the flat ends of- the electrodes come pressed air brake will stop the vehicle reapeotnble karma y -save only Geot- Whon the business uvea over, Mndamo warn sway and destroyed. Love ie no epect of others. Aatua�ed by into prin- able; but the fact Ie, that it is-mueb into immediate contact with the wet within a very few feet." r . trey Dane, who ha seen behind the do Brefour asked a more everlastin than an other hu- gears, ba thinks, their. governments'' clots in all bur doings° aide can count more Bablt to attack those who are _ quoation or two, B Y sponges. The barrent passes in a the soenes, and whose heart ached for the to which the woman replied. p ion, or than any other earthly have done little to deserve credit:' on the help of anotbep taotor which below p y y; p head and but from the aide of Lha leg. man aaa par b sicall and the re - poor weak -natured woman who °lung "How le my brotberl" thing. My love is absolutely dead, ae Western states have become rich and I have thus far left out bf considers- viouslg IIealtIIy man ilea a much bet- What its notion in soienoe Lae not net TO CONSUMPTIVES■ td him, and whose doom had gone forth tion. Thin Is America, which oocuptes tar .Lance of rncove Ps The mdorsf ed h.vin "Much the same, Madam." my esteem, which your sin destroyed. powerful but their Inhabitants are un- r!• discovered, but the auto Les show that she was to deceive and betray "Is h Is a etito ood?" I do not retend either to care for an importnat place in Eastern affair. ` It be fns auddenl with a hard aLill {gyp t boon restored to him. PP g P happy and worth for aunty chuncc to - That she is not a fi hter but,the triend g g that it entirely abangea the oLaracter hoattb bl atmple memo,after R afring for and "Excellent. He has not had a da s you or to respect you. As a husband 8 followed bg favor, rapid breathing, a of all the blood in the system. After oft! cora with a severe Ian¢ atfeotlon. a°d Geoffroy had gone home that night illness etnoe you wart here last, and you were untrue [o me, as a man murder their rulers. Were the West- a( peace and commerce, is admitted on sharp pain in the chest, flashed face, death ensues the taw provides that an that read disease ronaumption, In sultana to with a strange whirl of complex feel- he sleeps perfectly." you have covered me with the shame ern peoplt as kindly treated as the 'all bands ; nevertLeleas ale is not s and the eapoctoration of thick mucus autos must be erformed at once byy make known to hie follow aufforera the means lase in hie mind. The long day upon ^He atilt talros hie little airing In P y Y a. Chinese by the emperor° we would not coward. She makes a firm stand when I usually tinged with blood. In favor- the official hysioiana, and s certili- fully rend thole oh di ltae cit. he will cheer- the summer river the near of your crime. I do not evap it o p py or the pre- proximity the eveningf" I If it ware not for your father I would hear so often of the nssaasinntioa of her Intereata are at stake. If Ballad I „ble cases the fever falls euddeply nate of deatL with iia °none tflad {a Lha icription need. which they will find a euro coin t of a girl who was beautiful and ten- Re not Lava shalt°red ou from uatioe high -placed persona in Europo and Am- upon by a righteous cause, she dons from the third to rho ninth day -by far Conium tion, AAthma, Cntamh, Brnn- I. gulnrly. Generally iu the yard, y j prison records Then, if the relatives �' v der as a poet's dream, rho belief that but oconsionnll he will erica. not shrink from risking bar peaceful crisis," ae it ie called. y enp ��daatyerereaallt trlt�hlxmne [FIs y go alittlawa for till those years. Leon de Brefour, I desire• the boo its delivered to them ho be had but to put forth his hand to y " Now, it is just as well to see our- existence, as is evidenced by her pre- The m tome of na attack o[ y � ;: along the lane, if w t arc both with I a`t'e You neither love not duty, and you aY P paha- for quiet burial under e a Control of wvalaabto. Thee n "doth•n the pray pr ve a take+ Ler for his own -all thio had Lad know it, all that I have done, all (hat I selves na others see inn. Another pos- sent war witL Spain. mo¢ia ora ordinarily so severe that which wit! cost them notntn and ma '"' " !ta toll tetLoct Nina and rho night is dark-" prison officials. IY there are no tela- I e y prove e upon him. Added to "You aro careful, at course, to hum- I am prepared to do, is not because you ! actge to Clang's book desorvoe atten- " England comes to China with I here is no question of self -treatment, tives, or it they have deserted the mur- blessing will please adarem "� which, the fumes of the wine were in our him to Lie etrnn a Pnnoies4' are my husband, for you lave broken I tion. He believes the Chinese are hot friendly feelings; so do America and, but the physician is called in all derer. the boo is directed to be cov- REV, EDWARD A Wn,eorr, his head, that wine with which his "Oh, most careful, Madam. Poor ev,ry link between us, and in the sight I yet ripe for Parliamentansm; were Japan. It is a great mistake, I think, haste. Formerly it was the practice ered with quicklime in a grave in the Brooklyn, N.Y., nnole Lad piled him so pornlotently. gonUeman, it would bq arae! to thwart Of Henvon you are[ nothing to me; but that, to have a legislature, Choy would for Japan to form alliances with other Ito bleed repeatedly and to forbid the I prison cemetery. ,f,' Wae that the reason that ho had baou him, he is so harmless and so uiet." for Your fathnr, who is as my father, use tai to obtain o destruction of the powers aimplq Prom warlike consider -;patient any food. At the present day IMYLACA6LE. r,: R carried away a little beyond his own "That iewoll. Now I wilt ei pod ease g genre I desire to' hated Christian churches, and this ations. Oar ambition is to base our i Ih� treatruent Is just the opposite, but and ,t hose failin '} natural colt f Why be had man him " ,And she rase, w it h ga certain P ghter's love and would load to the conquest of China policy on the principles of justice and I unfortunately it is mot mann more Attorney -You can sue h m for breach rotcot with all adau I I THE GERMAN EMPRESS. �r, murex! a word or two In Angel's ear„ by the poweral" poaco. Uur attitude toward Cliaa,auccasaful. of promise, madam, but it seams to determination, from rho table. n daughter B devotion." ,;9i,� that Lad better, parhapa, Lave been Thnt conquest is ettsadily progrcns-•shall be to !had bar In Lha waY of pro-' Tbis form of pneumonia, like tgp Auguatn Victoria, who to some me preposterous to claim $250,990 dam - loft unsaidf WikpiLo Lad preasod her 'Anyone who knew her tape well "And yet you swore, before the altar' Ing, thougl. not without squabbles nm- grain and eiviliaalion. Any nation• b -,id fever, scarlatina, and the like, is! months older than her imperial bus- ages• • hand at partin w th a fervour that 19Ould not novo tailed to notlee iLo of God—" he began. ( ung the conquerors. England bns se- whether it be England, Russia, or Am• w•htt is called a•self-limited disease;' Fair Client -f went to get so hravy g odd, st rained lines of her mouth, as band was born on'Gct, 22, 1858° at the Lad called up the tell-tale blushes on Shu asked lbasa ungtioue, and thts And then n greet passion broke from cured valuable concessions lu the Yang- hricn, which oomrs to the far Enst with th it is to any, It is a disaass for a judgment ngainst him tha! hr 11 just to Lar Ince and neck 1 Ae Geoftroy r $ lar. Hitherto she had spoken coldlg free vnlloy. F'ranoe Las ascended Ler Ila acme obleet in view, will ba our a"hi¢h most physic(nnn believe [bort is Chalenu of Auguatenburg, ne Ila old- have to marry me, the scoundrel I recalled It, walking home through the dark rings round er apes that told and Rtarnly, in grnvq moaeurtrd= words aettlemont et 6hanghni, much to Ino natural ally.' no specific remedy. Acting on that' cat daughter of the Duke of Schleswig- - cool night air to his rooms, he felt a', Of some inward terror at her soul, , that were cruel only because theywore ( b -•lief. they do not attempt to cure i Holstein-Attguatenburg, a somewhat certain shame at himself that so r I Martine watched her with bated breath. as ice, but now all the pent-up agony — I t he disease, but tr to kee the and bad •reason should Lave led trim The faithful woman'n heart ached for of her•life burst from her in the wild Y P pat- eaoontrin and obstinate Prinats or the Askyotlzgracrrfar I these signs of suppressed agony, of ion TO SEE A CONVICT WIFE. wife. But all be did. was futile. Lent as comfortable na po a;ble and sue - to make love to such a one as Angel h p of indignation and anger. I For two years the motlrer awaited I tnin his strength until the disease has good, old-fashioned kind who, we fon- .pig' u -a, Hallida tvhieh ant knhw aw to read °very i "Ahl do not take God's name upon trial. Than ono da brokem in heal[h,'spent its force. cy, would have been scandalized to bear t I "She L as good as she Is beautiful 1•' w,Ord. But the caretaker and his our lips -you, the vilest of men, unfit Dr. walken0e.1n, of ret. Petor,ibarsic, Gatng y• wife save nothin y Around the Itorld to Do Tbt.. but with pnfad and mas brush still that lis daughter was once to marry he quid t0 Lhi so with Boat nd I,, as g for truth either towards God or maul at;nag and keen, aha teas brought into EFFECTIVE COUGH REbfEDIES. the ruler of that rapacious country thnl �� 4 he Dame to Lie own door, and I, at A Candle was lighted and tbeS Arn such notions as yours, infidelity least, am atter! unwort of her." `wont u the narrow slnirs, There are limes, indeed when stone court. The testimony was produced; P sad theft, not ono. b to annoel tht' A most eacell�nt coo h medicine Is was soon to absorb his little duch a In an upper room, o small, ehsunken g walls do nota risen m ke nor ire¢ her oniy tl.•f" rise was denial, and at the 8 Y t' r •-� And •n he made bis way u his narrow holiest bond t nt the Church ever tied! P made by utti Che ble gir grew ¢p s plain, swea,. fl uref not• crouched u in an arm- and of ea usual ftuoa ale was senteno- P irg a heaping tab! half - FOrTabloandDalr'y,PCrcet'.,.,; st Y e journey acroav tie ail t° danth. fol of flaxseed in a pint and n half a srnsible girl, a model of all the 1'cu ata[roaire, he thought: et, porhape g p In ell tai lit I own to but ono stn- bare n cage. Tho -_ — - Ithe loves mel Perbape this girl, so chair by thn table, !one irreparable shame -the sin of hav-world of Dr. Vladimir Wolkoustein , tonic female virtues, which she has re . good, tso pure. eo perfect, fn destined to He turned his head quickly as the I Ing belonged to you, the shame of hnv- For some reason the authorities of cold wat0r. Heat slowly and boil for mained to the present time. Not the K be my ver,yown, whilet Rose de Ber- door opened. IIng borne your namel To man upon;Vr°vas that, for be is now on his waY ehuiged their droree. the woman fiftorn m[nutea. Strain, add the jufcel least of those vlrtaes Is ler robust �■ N�� f a. four-tba st madness of eat moa- `tndame de Brefour, with a fisrd dearth I maJ still bei yyour wiLas Lut if•to greet, for the firrst time in years, sbouid live and be hold for life in soli of ora Inrg° or two sinal} Inmons a°d health, which Las entbled hair to bring • ■a,■■ r,sphreys bood'a love• --hat drifted away from me [unite ince flat might nava been i [hero be a Higher Tribunal than that rho wife that has long waited and terry confinement nt the. Schluseolburg I seven children into the world and still that of a mar r ltd to the stake. ffo tease. That wits fourteen years swe3tan to taste. A tablespoonful ev- I look fair and fresh at the age, of two- 6pee10o8 act directly upon rho discn9o, for ever, sad, by now, Lae forgotten ty lot man, to that Tribunal I will appeah watohod through rho grates of n Rus - me 1' advanded to the middle of the room. Thhre aro sine which cancel the holiest ' g cry hour or so will soon relieve oven I score. One thing is certain, and that without exciting disorder in other (arta Martine stood h the door, in thalvows-blows whioL lettte eoara that Sian dungeon for the coming of her �yoikenstoin lived on, hoping feeb . a severe cough. If the lungs are sore 1 Be erpeneitl his door, and there, upon Y ly is flat nor popalartty in Prussia and abndpw. The man an his wife with- g husband• Alt hough a re, ro p and the brcathia throughout the w•nore empire Le uni- oP the cystom. Thef Cnro the SICk. the rotted table in the middle of hte d ono never ba Leafed; for thecae thine p cps ua and romtnent g diffiauit it ie well ' room, right under the radiance of the draw. I Leon I will never forgive you -- not I The hand of Romanoff reach" afar. phy,vefan, he could do nothing to help I to apply the following ointment : Into versaL She has kept. ont of all poll- °O• cc.ra, ,.,,,,=t. lamps• lay a [ware paroal, In brown Aft, evil -looking man. A low, flat ' beaanso you have destroyed happi- Wolkcmatein is now in. New York, bat bar. A y,iar ago there was a sudden a tablespoonful of fresh, soft lard work tical questions• and possesses those two 1-Ppver.- Conv-tian., innamm.uon,. t.t bend, with a groat gaeb aorosS tie nese, but beoauSe yon have ruined my ekinring out of the Srbiusa.lburg pri- I a teaspoonful of turpentine. Spread on supremo virtues of a Queen -gracious- J -Worm., Worm Fevor, [corm Cotte.. 23 (o so great his Lear of We sinister inner Eon. 7 he woman woe hurried from tho a cloth, sprinkle it with salt and a 1 a-Toothlna,Cona It cyan • btaentltully bound edition of reLead, from wIIleih thtl r'ougtt, nature, aLttterod tap pallet is good- PPY .ass and tact. Sbe has opinions of her Cryina,W.Cerntnaa. 25 , the works of the poet Congreve• black hair was teased back; narrow none and in puri[ , tarnished evert my forces at St. Petersburg he will not forireeis with her companions and directly to the lungs, covering with on- own, but never puts them forth in a e--Dlsrrhes.ofchndreno.Adulta. 2s ,,' : Bose de Dretour, than, thought of eyes, of a reddish hue, set 01086 to- tattb In a God; thecae are, offences for even -admit the object of his journey. token under strong guard to Odessa, other cloth to protect the clothing. dogmatic way, invariably prefixing the v-Co°ah,•coids,nronreiu. ab `„• htat still 1 gather; a senstwus mouth, with a which there is nol pardon, either i¢ Tho story of this woman is one of I h"r , By a Russian warship, upon This acts as quickly, and is fully as I phrase, " If I may express my opin- B-ieurstats, Toothnrh Face.cea tb ,f N C$A1rtI4�lla: a pendulona raider-itp, to whidh waakneas thio word or In the next " which they were to nail for Srghlien effective ns any nt the high-priced pint- ion°' or, " if you will allow me to sug- 0-(,endsche• aleh unadnrhr veroro sd hit the deepening twilight of a still, and vice were straageV blantlad- a canny Thousands ptrhapa. Against Intend, ofi the Coast of.Japan, At the moats sold in the drag atom for such gest.' The catalo ue of Ler kind sots !0-Dysrep.la•Indiaeeuenw ate,er t tib be Conttaned R tit : gTeyJes+►aninr, [tiro women stood oat- trbrnnkan form, ebnpeless cad detnit7 of tter arn,Sti Lha suspicion that al° plot- pier at,wd ISr. Wu1ke`natefn, lie look- Purposes. and little attentions to pe0plo of all ti-9ar•re,.eaor rntnrnt t o:::•t' 311 t 0 side a high bTlok wall that tenued in KYmmatry, grief. coarse -looking Randa• --- - r+. - ted against the Government. one ad over the canna of the dreary; wan Another gout ointment: Soften a classes• is a very long one. and amply 12-Whltes•'roorr.f.s.Portod, ja • i ,1 a /small, cotttCge-like looking�re idenoe, and a narrow, ►nnurving chest. $pj� )50R HID3. day snventew years ago, the police and wretched creatures led by, and quantity bf fre nth lard and acid an equal explains the universal popularity nl- 13-etoas, Larynalti., ne;.,,,,, r i6 l about tan miles to the north of Lon- Such was the man to whom once could not see his wife. Then a guard amount of spirits of camphor. Stir con- ready referred tto. In one way she is an 14• -Belt Itheam. Eryatpm.A ., „ , �3 j i lou ag a great read- descended swiftly upon the Wolken- ointed her out. The next instant the stantly, coalin the lard uickl so din: g 0. to the eMolute I nornnoe of Mara( whore L•ther tan p t{ q Y ides) consort for the present Emperor. 18-Hhe°[ttau.m. Rhoumatar P.:ry ns 1 There was %to village, no other bougie her early girlhood° Rose had given er. to Edna--Ikfes your father like to steins; the wife was arrested and gray-baired, trembling creature was that as it hardedi; the camphor will No physical effort tN too much for her, 2Y-llataria, Chi,,& Foonr unit A"" Zg ,rt evtsa, within #re* or four milse, sawn, away hat glorious maiden beauty. She read, too► lodged in the Sohlumelburg fortress, hustled aboard the ship, and he naw be thoroughly Incorporated. Keep in She'is ready at any moment, be it early Is-Caterrh,tnenenMCold,nt.)otae, as the mUvfty at•taiop,-s. [[mall and unfm- had b"A loved by himl That ryas the Edna, tono"vitly, I dear he don't "You are a Nihilist," they told her. her no more. a low, opeln-mouthed bottle or. fn atin In the morning, or late at night, to =b-whaeytar-canah erownin . t 1 t . ov.6% from 'which the women g shame and horror of ill He have to. far he myna when he comes Sho protested heir innot•ence. Theehild Today the husband is oh the waayy to lttive'boY.''Whon lneetled for cold i¢ the attend any Lunation, oY to start on of-kidaevlitsea.e. .. 28 ., "r 1 . �wwalked, a nd siren that was over bad loved her, this poor, shrivelled home lata mamma al ays specks vol• at her breast Was taken [tom her, and see bis wife again. From New York head, LoarAcne m, etc•,, rub the temples, one of the inntime'rable, ,tourneys of hell I1K-•�lervoss Desnnv _ . two ftiltfes away►+ down a narrow► wind• wretch -had kissed heir ors the lips-- umea to him+ she joined the hurldrad others waiting he will go to San Francisco; from noatrils, tllroa 1.00 t, }yalPsts et the hancta and energetic husband. In a word, she is l+D-•Urraeev Weaknees. wetnn red. .03 t' Ing,lalne, aloll which they` had not met y�i Ilowed his head upont her bosom- r --a "- for a trial •.that tl�Ysitt t oalj' a rtep to- th,enoo to Japann, soles of thb fent thoroughly, hsatirl� oat only a good wife and mother, but Tf•-dlrta, GAY Fever g * agile 11th Poul *A dray carne. Both drawn her white arms,, In tarl love, Colon! Sao Martin, yf2to sllrronaer• ward Blbsrlhl, alt' .il tdvi. The, husband - +,..-- tt Ill. ' If 11140'ysi►tY. dpplg on & °loth an facel lent helpmate to tHA Empneor be. Ham b .111l of all °t 2e, y' Wills wra ilr Inti oloaka, end about hfa neck That was tha ab ss ed Porto Rico to the Aliaerlaia bas 'watt den" at Rhe shook. After in• ,A tnaa � �+ey° qqpp g 0. pa ( geia the lent vwrd in an to [bion[ ell 1pd3ga 'fhjb ty aapeoially ne tar se, the apeotaoalaz aide of impar Criieis r .nedRre. "e"'eietyoal t wt•itEs lit ! vtlied. Use woman was of disgust and disgrace tato which beefs aalatit al to lispleteriVaaelit for fat effort Le got hfa child from the argument with a woman. but it's be- recommended Lor fnfautA, M It is mild- iallam is concerned, upon which Wil- Yi .Y i is d- co r sent on recti t or oche iiljlk#iht Siad IatotttaY than the Other, tad She had fallout That was why, every litr, polioe. AAA thea sought to save his , cause she gives it to him er tban the first one given. linin II. Las •lwaga laid eo moan atresa, ,w er , �°d Co tor, wuusm � John ttbs„ i 1i ,. , ,. : , n. ,, �.. r. - - A t. �1`'sr �.".Ce t£t�,_ ,..l.J d�lst"'atat;,t•,a'siP�Ey>�',�t.c a ei?y1�k _ f _ _ _ _ _ _ Iiia tyl4,iWY+hit _ „ _,w